An asteroid flying towards the earth today 10/12/2017. “Second Chelyabinsk”: an asteroid the size of a house will fly past the Earth

Another asteroid is flying towards Earth, this time twice the size of its famous “Chelyabinsk” predecessor. The celestial body, called TC4, will fly approximately 44.88 thousand kilometers from Earth. According to scientists, this is a very short distance, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Although both meteorites originate at the same point of disintegration, due to the body's slightly inclined trajectory through the atmosphere and significantly different weights, their impact positions were 8.3 km apart. This is exactly what we assume - and, among other things, the impact area is up to 30 km.

To test the classification of the second meteorite, we used a new non-destructive method using X-ray computed tomography. The density of the meteorite was also measured, and high porosity of at least 15% and a large number of cracks were confirmed, which means the material has low cohesiveness; further analyzes of meteorite samples are carried out in the laboratories of the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology in Zurich. Shortly after the discovery of the second meteorite, snow covered the autumn zone, and with the onset of spring another search was possible.

“The asteroid will fly past our planet on October 12. According to our calculations, at 7:42 Ural time (5:42 Moscow time),” said the Department of Astronomy, Geodesy and Environmental Monitoring of the Ural Federal University.

Astronomers reported that it is about 40 meters in diameter and its speed reaches 27.5 kilometers per second.

The vegetative calm did not last long, but despite considerable efforts, no other Heat meteorite was discovered. It is currently the meteorite with the pedigree in the world, and it is the fourth in the Czech Republic. In addition, our team has once again demonstrated a significant position in the field of meteorite and meteorite research, because it was primarily involved in the analysis of more than half of these scientifically significant cases. The main purpose of this award is to modernize equipment and expand our network of fire brigades.

Probably, the expected asteroid is really not an ordinary phenomenon, since scientists in Europe have also become interested. The fact that on October 12 a large one will fly past the Earth heavenly body, experts from the European Space Agency previously reported. According to agency director Rolf Densing, it will fly to Earth - only 44 thousand kilometers.

Thanks to the efforts of a small but highly productive team, he was able to design, manufacture and deploy new digital automatic fire suppression cameras for all existing stations within a short time, thus completing the first phase of the network upgrade a year before we planned. Cameras, by the way, are the best tools of their kind in the world and turned out to be extremely important for achieving the result. The nature of their activity, i.e. acquiring one full-frame shot at night can only work in sufficient darkness, and they may only begin to reveal themselves once it becomes clear.

Interest in astronomical phenomena is regularly fueled by reports of the appearance of another celestial body near the Earth. For example, on the night of September 12 this year, a fireball flew over St. Petersburg and exploded. Scientists at the Pulkovo Observatory said that the phenomenon raised a lot of questions for them.

According to observatory representative Sergei Smirnov, the scientific community learned about the appearance of a celestial body only from social networks. Astronomers could not observe the flight themselves, and the video recordings do not match the time the event was recorded. So, it is difficult to determine whether it burned up in the atmosphere or managed to reach the Earth. This is where the main difficulty lies. However, Smirnov noted that such phenomena are not uncommon. The latest incident caused a stir only because it flew over a populated area and many residents.

In contrast, digital cameras work even during twilight and behind cloudy skies. Rice. 7 - An electron microscope image of the first meteorite structure documents the porosity of the material. On the left is an enlarged view of the spherical chondrule to the right of the meteorite shown in the right picture.

It was thanks to the people who worked with such effort as if they knew that they could not lose a day. Clearly, we could not have wished for a better time for this phenomenon. Not only did we wait almost 24 years for him on our property, but I was also allowed to see him in the clouds when he returned from installing his last camera. The famous proverb confirmed that happiness is ready. Although this event was actually part of a coincidence, the result is no longer a coincidence. This is the result of a long-term approach where registering blogs in every situation is our top priority.

Three days earlier, residents observed a similar phenomenon Krasnodar region, where an unknown fireball fell. Witnesses to the incident described how a bright “fireball” flew quickly from south side sky to the north. Then the celestial body split into several parts, less bright than the core, and.

“Now I’m next to the “Bridge of Kisses” in Krasnodar, a huge fireball flew towards the Turgenevsky Bridge. The ball fell slowly and then disappeared,” one of the eyewitnesses said then.

We know that each fireball is unique in its own way and does not need to be associated with a meteorite impact, so it goes without saying that we will do our best to capture it with our tools. We understand that these brief and still unpredictable events cannot be repeated, and short-term unpreparedness can mean irreparable data loss. This makes this unusual case a well-deserved reward for us, and not a nightmare. Prague - A very bright meteorite shone through the night sky over Austria, Bavaria and southwestern Bohemia on a Sunday in March. The 600-pound fireball, about 70 cm in diameter, was originally a small part of an asteroid.

In July, scientists reported that a giant comet had appeared in the Milky Way, approaching Earth at tremendous speed. At the same time, astronomers noticed that the celestial body was flying towards the Earth. The critically short distance may be reached in 2022.

Scientists approached the study of the new astronomical favorite on a grand scale and gave the comet the name “mother Tunguska meteorite" In addition, astronomers intend to form an international expert commission. Together, scientists are going to protect earthlings from a possible catastrophe.

Thanks to the calculations of Czech astronomers, he was able to accurately determine its path; the first fragments were found in Germany. Although the Bolide flew out of our territory and our cameras were relatively far from it, we were able to determine all the parameters of its flight through the atmosphere with very high accuracy from our recordings, including an accurate photometric curve from the photometers that are also part of our cameras. said the head of the interplanetary matter department of the Astronomical Institute Pavel Surny.

Detailed photographs were taken at the station in Kunzak. The 72-kilometer optical fiber passes through in 5.5 seconds. Due to the low entry speed, steep track, large initial mass and material consistency, the fireball stopped glowing until 17.6 kilometers above the ground. Such deep penetration is very rare in bolides, as illustrated by the fact that in our several decades of systematic observation, we have observed such a low final height exclusively, Spurni said, meaning that a large number of debris weigh between grams and kilograms.

Another case was recorded in March, when at a distance of 17 thousand kilometers. By the way, it was ten meters larger in diameter than the “Chelyabinsk meteorite,” reported NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Meteorite measuring 18-20 meters above Chelyabinsk region February 15, 2013. Many residents witnessed with their own eyes how it exploded at an altitude of 23 kilometers above the city, and a shock wave passed along the ground. There was no time for jokes then: destruction was recorded in dozens settlements areas.

There is still no exact data on how many people were injured then. We are talking about 1–1.2 thousand people. Mainly from broken glass fragments.

Instead of being affected by the meteorite, it is located primarily in Germany, north of Inn, and is roughly surrounded by Stubenberg to the west and Ering to the east. The largest meteorites should be located in the forest located east of Stubenberg. Stubenberg is also an unofficial meteorite.

The car, with its lights and sounds, attracted the attention of a large number of Bavarians, where at that time it was clear. Another observation of the complex cloud cover that covered most Central Europe. Despite this, there were places in Bohemia where this was at least partially clear.

Then, on the same day, an earthquake of magnitude 4 occurred a few kilometers from the center of Chelyabinsk. Locals, according to them, as if they felt a nearby explosion. The shock wave spread 130 kilometers in length and 50 in width. The phenomenon aroused keen interest not only among network users who watched the video of the fall dozens of times, but also among respected scientists. It is currently known that the meteorite once broke off from an even larger asteroid.

Czech astronomers, the day after crossing the fireball, announced to their German colleagues the location of the fall of the region and immediately began the first attempts to find the meteorite. On Saturday, March, the first fragments with a total mass of 45 grams were discovered. According to laboratory data, it was a so-called breccia, which means a meteorite consisting of several types of material.

Now about 25 meteorites with a pedigree are known, meteorites whose tracks were determined by instruments. Of these, in 15 cases Czech astronomers participated in the calculations. According to their calculations, the first Pribram meteorite was discovered in April. Recently, for example, the Zzhar meteorites above Sazavou were found in December.

The Chelyabinsk meteorite was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous. The authorities estimated the damage from his invasion at approximately one billion rubles.

After this, in the Russian scientific world, experts started talking about creating a program to counter space threats. In the year of the meteorite fall, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Roscosmos even gathered to create and develop technologies that would repel meteorite attacks. However, scientists note that over the past four years it has not been possible to achieve noticeable success in this direction.

Meteorite Stubenberg filmed cameras at the stations Churava, Kocelovice, Kunzak, Ondřechov, Ruzew and Svratusz. The stations are part of the European Bolide Network, which covers the territory of Central Europe and is the center of the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences Czech Republic in Ondřechov.

An asteroid the size of a house will approach Earth today. It is estimated to be between 15 and 30 meters in length, which is relatively small. But space rocks of this size are dangerous if they enter the Earth's atmosphere and crash into the surface of our planet. When a 20-meter asteroid exploded over Chelyabinsk in central Russia It entered the Earth's atmosphere with an estimated energy equivalent to a 500,000 tsunami, causing a shock that damaged buildings and injured more than a thousand people. This will help them improve their observation of asteroids and provide an opportunity to test international communications systems.

For a long time there have been frightening rumors about the approaching end of the world. It should come as a result of the Earth colliding with a certain invisible planet Nibiru, which wanders around solar system.

Some scientists claim that mysterious planet was mentioned in ancient Sumerian manuscripts. Its symbol is a winged disk, which can be found in the myths of the Ancient Eastern peoples.

At first, the main priority was the discovery of large meteorites. A Florida woman who was terrified of lizards had her phobia confronted when she looked in the toilet and saw spiky-tailed iguanas. Images captured with film material can improve our gloomy mood from last fall.

The mushrooms with the amazing name "Devil's Fingers" have long been known to experts, but many people on social networking sites claimed that it was not a real painting, and some even suggested that it was a simple photo montage. Others joked that the photo showed real eggs with "alien" spores.

The latest news about the approaching end of the world came from the famous numerologist David Mead. According to him, the appearance of Nibiru was expected back in September. But this never happened. Experts are also confident that the end of the world will still happen, but it will happen after one and a half million years.

At first, Mead said that flying Nibiru would become noticeable during solar eclipse, August 21, 2017. But there is no information from astronomers that anyone has seen something similar.

For the first time, scientists have suggested that animals that live in climate zones far from the Earth's poles, as well as from the tropics, have gained more than they have lost from climate change. Acclimatization means the ability of plants and animals to adapt their physiological processes to certain unfavorable environmental conditions. Mysterious, rumbling sounds are haunting people all over the world. Frightening sounds have been recorded this year in many countries - from the Middle East to Australia to the United States.

Most have heard this on east coast America. Paola Moffa-Sanchez and Ian-Hall of Cardiff University studied fossils discovered on the floor of the Labrador Sea in North Atlantic. Amazing footage shows millions of snails completely covering a popular St. Petersburg, Florida beach. The wide beach appears to be covered with what appear to be black rocks, but are actually snails. I grew up in Florida and spent most of my life on the water.

The next statement from David Mead stated that Nibiru should be expected from September 20 to 23. At this time, the prophecy of Isaiah described in the Bible should come true: “Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, fierce, with wrath and burning fury, to make the earth desolate and to destroy its sinners from it. The heavenly stars and luminaries do not give light from themselves; the sun darkens when it rises, and the moon does not shine with its light.”

None of the numerologist’s prophecies have yet come true, but Mead continues to confidently insist that Nibiru will arrive.

Serious scientists also believe that the biblical prophecy can come true and “the Earth will move from its place.” But this will not happen as soon as Mead believes.

A star from the constellation Serpens, called Gliese 710, can really cause great harm to the Earth. It is approaching the Solar system at a speed of several tens of kilometers per second. Russian scientist Vadim Bobylev warned about its possible arrival.

The distance between Earth and Gliese 710 is currently 63 light years, but it is getting smaller every day. It is unlikely that it will collide with the Sun or another planet. Another danger is more real. If the star gets close enough, its gravitational field can cause cometary bombardment. The force of impact of even the largest of the comets on Earth will lead to an inevitable apocalypse.

The first information about Nibiru was received from Zecharia Sitchin, an American writer, supporter and popularizer of the theory of paleocontacts and the alien origin of man. Sitchin dedicated his book “The 12th Planet” to Nibiru, the content of which was based on ancient legends. He claimed to be the only person who had succeeded in deciphering Sumerian writings on clay tablets.

In The 12th Planet, Sitchin wrote an entertaining story, including fiction, distorted quotes and incorrect translations. He considered himself an interpreter of the Bible and an expert in ancient languages. However, his only skill was to combine his translation of the Bible with his own explanation of the Sumerian texts.

The opinions of modern scientists about the real existence of Nibiru differ.