What is the essence of the game sea of ​​whales. All information about the deadly game "sea of ​​whales"


Recently, more and more reports of adolescent suicide can be seen. In Ulyanovsk alone, over the past six months, one can recall several cases: this is a UVAUGA student who threw himself under a train, and a 16-year-old teenager who jumped out of the window at the Creators under the influence of spice, and a young student jumped out of a dormitory window in December last year. Recently, Novaya Gazeta published a large investigation material in which it exposed groups that allegedly push children to commit suicide in social network"In contact with". Indeed, if you search by hashtags # f57 # f58 #quiethouse or #morekitov, then you can find a large number of photos and videos where young schoolgirls, having smeared ketchup on their hands, suffer from unhappy love at the age of 13. So what's really going on? Is Russia really gripped by an epidemic of teenage suicides, and are social media groups to blame for this? Nya. Until last December 12-year-old Elina, who lived in one of the cities central Russia, unexpectedly committed suicide. Early in the morning, on the way to school, the girl climbed to the top floor of a high-rise building and jumped down. Eli's mother, Irina, has been struggling for several months and is trying to find those responsible for her daughter's death. Irina shared with “ Novaya Gazeta»The results of her own investigation, which she conducted using a fake social media account. Mom thinks that someone helped to commit suicide of her daughter. Moreover, according to Irina, social network users took part in this. Allegedly, there is even a certain secret organization operating on Vkontakte, helping to "powder the brains" of minors. The whole country in November 2015 was shocked by a shocking incident - when a 16-year-old student from Ussuriysk named Rina threw herself under a train because of unhappy love. Her last suicide message was a photograph of her, wrapped in a scarf, showing her middle finger in the background. railroad with the signature "Nya.Poka". By the way, surprisingly, her death echoes the above-mentioned suicide of a cadet-pilot, which happened in Ulyanovsk - only 2 weeks later. Rina's suicide shook the Internet, sites immediately began to appear where everyone could express their attitude to the suicide, and assumptions about the reasons for the suicide. Why this particular death caused such a strong resonance is not entirely clear. But quickly there were those who wanted to speculate on the death of the girl.

An exception was the teaching of new adherents of this profession of the hunter. The others seemed to be a little afraid of them because they had many secret practices. They were armed with a harpoon, which by itself could not damage the whale. But its tip was impregnated with a strong plant toxin, after which the whale was paralyzed.

This was enough for the hunter to hit the whale's fin or for the poisoned tip to crack open the skin and fat underneath. After a lucky blow, the whale shaman landed on the shore. For three days he fasted and performed rituals. They were intended to keep the whale from dying from bay to high seas to death. Three days later, the gases collected in the intestines of the whale carp were brought to the surface, and the waves pushed it ashore.

# F57 Less than two weeks after the death of the girl, ominous posts began to appear on social networks on behalf of Rina with a tag # F57, which listed randomly taken Vkontakte users with the postscript "you are next." Later in the group, also called "F57", a certain riddle appeared, having guessed which it was possible to go to the site, enter the answer there and get a new one. The group itself was filled with depressing pictures and quotes, in order to catch up with an atmosphere of mysticism and despair. It was not possible to find out what the one who guessed all the riddles to the end received. But, apparently, nothing terrible and dangerous happened. But already on the 15th of December, the administration of the group published a message stating that everything that was happening was just a game, the so-called ARG. This is a game in an alternative reality, when, through publications in social networks, all participants get a feeling of mystical events taking place around them. In the game, any passer-by can turn out to be an enemy agent, and behind the doors marked "For staff only" all sorts of important secrets are sure to hide, and in no case mops and brooms. The ultimate goal of the mysterious game was to achieve the so-called "Quiet House" - a place where sleep, reality and the Internet merge into a single whole, and from which you can allegedly rule the world. The authors took the concept of a "quiet house" in online folklore, created the scary pictures themselves, and their only mistake was to use the girl's real death as a starting point. "Quiet House" In the network culture of the so-called "netstalkers" this is the name of the very latest level of the hidden Internet, where sleep, reality and the network are mixed, and with which you can control the entire Internet. In general, netstalkers are engaged in the study of the hidden, deep Internet, in which you can find something that is not on the regular Internet. TOR, I2P and other dark web tools are also part of the deep web. In fact, "Quiet House" is just a philosophical concept of a bunch of network stalkers, which attracts children with its mystery and the ability to find it without leaving their room. A kind of way to become Indiana Jones and touch the great without getting out of your pajamas and with a cup of cocoa in your hands.

What kind of person is fed up, he has to fix it. Next year, the Czech Republic will also decide on the fate of the whales. Since Moby Dick and the one-eyed Captain Ahab from The White Whale, the whale craft has changed beyond recognition. The duel is equal to that in which whales and people are life in the past. Against modern hunters armed with sonar and harpoon arrows, the planet's greatest mammals have no chance.

It occurred to them that if they continued their uncontrolled hunt, they would not be able to catch up soon. Three years later, the Convention was first convened by the International Whaling Commission, which was tasked with establishing clear rules: what species can be hunted, where, when, in what quantity and technique.

The Players As players, the game's creators planned to involve teenagers in adolescence. Remember yourself when you were teenagers, did you really not want to become involved in any secret? So that there are enemies and mysticism all around, and you, solving riddles, would confidently go to the goal. This is exactly what the creators of the game played on. As their main target, they chose one of the largest communities for teenagers who feel "out of place" - "Sea of ​​Whales". “Whales” The community of “whales” is an ordinary “VKontakte” public for children with psychological problems, where they themselves help each other. The public administrator, referring to the audience, uses the word "whales", and they call him "Sea". In his addresses, he does not call anyone to commit suicide, but rather convinces readers that suicide is not an option, and problems must be overcome. The high popularity of the public can be explained by the fact that recently parents are practically not interested in the problems of adolescents, and "Sea of ​​Whales" is trying to provide children with at least some psychological support.

For active participation in the protection of whales, only the President's signature is missing. Why is a country that has neither a sea nor a whaling fleet not involved in solving problems that could be stolen from it? We cannot protect us from whales because we cannot find them in the Elbe or Lake Macha. Nature does not recognize the state border, and it must have the dimension of the entire planet. Moreover, the voice Czech Republic will be more important than ever.

This is what Japan is trying to do. This is a trenching war, and neither side can ensure that most of the three-quarters need fundamental decisions. Japan, however, is doing everything it can to turn the tide in its favor.

Who is to blame It turns out that Irina, the mother of the deceased Eli, found traces of a complex psychological game carried out on the social network, carried out with an incomprehensible purpose by unknown organizers. Yes, from the outside she really looked creepy and mysterious, yes, her daughter was in the groups in which the game was played, but only did this game become the cause of death? Mom said that her daughter did not sleep at 4 in the morning, but sat at the computer, and in the morning, of course, she still could not wake up to school. Moreover, a 12-year-old girl calmly visited Vkontakte publics with far from childish content. Where was the parent herself looking at this time? The girl was not far from her mother, or on the street, where “evil gurus” would teach her to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and cut her veins properly. She was at home, a stone's throw from her parents. If maniacs pestered her on the Internet, would the Internet also be to blame? There is a lack of at least some minimal interest in the life of the child. If he was, then one would notice that something is wrong with the child. But it's always easier to blame the internet and the computer for all the troubles. The desire of parents to find the culprit in the death of their only child is, of course, understandable. Only now the parents themselves must look after the children, only they are responsible for what he reads, with whom he communicates, sleeps and how much he sits at the computer, goes to school or does not go. And the burden of responsibility for not keeping track of and saving a small life lies only with them. David Burliuk

In other words, members of the International Whaling Commission said they would not vaccinate a single whale in order to sell its meat, fat or bones. This should give the whales enough peace to rebuild their destroyed populations. But the hunt continues, despite the moratorium. Norway does not recognize that the moratorium and whales also hunt for meat. And some whaling countries.

Some conservationists are pushing for a complete ban on whaling that will be applied once and for all, without exception. They also reject hunting because it is too cruel for whales. But it's not easy to shout about the cruelty of the whalers when stopping with beech cattle.

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

The game blue whale takes the lives of hundreds of social media users. Alternative names - sea whale game, quiet house. We have all the latest news, facts and fresh investigations about the game and VK death groups

Alternative names - sea whale game, quiet house. Anyone can join the group, even an adult, even a child. After you agree to participate in the blue whale game, the "tests" begin. The so-called instructors (or administrators) of death groups direct assignments from the blue whale community. They need to be done offline, in real life. The first task is to draw on the hand of a whale, the symbol of the game, a blue whale. Many adolescents who participate in death groups cut the whale with a blade. The second stage is a quest, a search for various messages from the blue whale community. The third and final stage is suicide, the logical ending of the game in groups of death. The game blue whale (alternative names sea of ​​whales, quiet house) is banned by Roskomnadzor as promoting suicide. On VKontakte, communities are widespread that are engaged in identifying administrators and instructors of death groups for a blue whale, sea of ​​whales, a quiet house. After the campaign began, so-called death groups began to spread on Instagram.

European cow will experience deeper life than whaling in Pacific... Zoologists, however, agree that it would be premature to consider rehunting. Some species are threatened with extinction, while others are recovering, but current populations are still dangerously small in a number of whales that sweep the world's oceans before industrial hunting begins. They fear that once they open the doors for the whalers, it will be hard for them to clap again.

He hunts three types of whales and whales - officially for scientific research, which are not subject to the hunting ban. Opponents argue that science is just a transparent excuse for whale meat, considered a delicacy in Japan. In Iceland, many whale tourists observed, after the resumption of the hunt, they abandoned their interest in the tenth. Under domestic and international pressure, the government backs off from its original plans.

The game Sea of ​​Whales is one of the alternative names for the game Blue whale... Comes from the nickname of one of the members and administrators of the death groups in VKontakte Sea of ​​Whales. The real name of the Sea of ​​Whales user is Philip Chelovek, a resident of Krasnodar born in 1996. He himself claims that he did not provoke teenagers to play the Blue Whale game and did not persuade them to commit suicide, but on the contrary tried to dissuade them from a desperate step. The Sea of ​​Whales community on VKontakte was blocked at the request of Roskomnadzor. Currently, there are dozens of communities on VKontakte with the name Sea of ​​Whales, but they have nothing to do with death groups. On VKontakte, there are also groups in the names of which the words “whales”, “sea”, “blue” in different variations are combined with the words “against” and “anti,” - communities unite activists opposing death groups on VKontakte Blue Whales, Sea whales, as well as the Quiet House.

From time to time, whales dangerously approach the coast and get stuck in the shallows. There are a number of theories to explain this phenomenon. Changes in airflow can, for example, trap cold, food-rich water closer to the shore than usual, and so the whales will be thrown into places that are not safe for them. Certain traps are likely human-related - shipping and sonar noise can cause panic in whales and disorientation with tragic consequences.

Internal bleeding in the ears and brain; decompression sickness - nitrogen bubbles released into the blood; hearing damage. Low-frequency sonars, which are used by soldiers to search for enemy submarines, have a range of several hundred kilometers. They emit sound waves that travel through the water and reflect objects below the sea surface. They make a lot of noise - the sonar sound is up to 215 decibels, and 160 miles from the boat reaches 160 dB. Submerged noise is also provided by boat engines and probes that probe the oil reserves on the seabed. - Sonar broadcasts sound waves - echo capture detector detected, submarine detected. - Sonar searches for submarines - and kills whales. - The sound is reflected from the enemy submarine.

Silent House (as a variant of the Silent House game) is another of the names of death groups on VKontakte, which has become widespread along with the names of the death groups Blue Whale and Sea of ​​Whales. The name of the group of death Silent House comes from the myth about the existence of a certain “Internet of the mind” that “lives” in a hidden part of the Internet, inaccessible to most users. Initially, the Quiet House had nothing to do with the propaganda of suicide among adolescents. Death Groups have borrowed a cryptic name for suicidal play. Communities promoting suicide are blocked by the VKontakte administration at the request of Roskomnadzor.

In addition to hunting and sonar, whales are also at risk of collisions with ocean ships, small species sometimes caught in fishing nets, and plastic bags in their stomachs, which are especially full of coastal waters. Separate chapters are toxic chemicals that whales eat with their food. Observations appear, for example, in breast milk and endanger the health of young people. Whales pay for their position at the end of the food chain and the huge amount of food they consume.

They get into the sea, they accumulate in crustaceans and fish - and the whales consume them in beautifully concentrated. - Tons of food and water enter the mouth. - Water is filtered through bones, where food gets into - the bodies of crustaceans and fish contain pesticides, heavy metals, PCBs and other "goodies" - tongue - upper jaw - lower jaws - bones.