Gorgippia base. The ancient Greek city of Gorgippia is modern Anapa. Ancient city of Gorgippia

At the end of the 6th century BC, the ancient Greek city of Sind (Sindic) was founded on the Black Sea coast of modern Russia. It was located on the territory of modern Anapa, and was built on the ruins ancient city Sindhi tribe. At the end of the 5th century BC, the polis even minted its own silver coins, which depicted a horse’s head and the inscription “ΣΙΝΔΟΝ”.

We must distinguish between the “great” and “lesser” apostles

It is likely that Peter was influential in Antioch, Andrew in Parthia and Achaia, John in Asia Minor, Philip in Phrygia, Bartholomew and Thomas in India, and Matthew in Syria. As for James Boltz, he appears to have remained in Jerusalem. On the other hand, nothing can be proven regarding Jacques d'Affay, Judas-Tadde, Simon and Matthias.

The historicity of these traditions is reinforced by the existence of Jewish communities and trade routes

When one observes the fields of apostolic tradition, one notices that they most often use commercial means where Diaspora Jewish communities settled.

Ancient Greek city of Gorgippia, excavations

In the 4th century BC. e. Sindh falls under the beginning during this period greek city policies united and created, which they ruled. In the 430s BC. The ruling dynasty in the Bosporus changed, Gorgippus ascended the throne, and Gorgippus was appointed to rule Sindom. Gorgippus was the son of the king's brother. The new ruler had a beneficial effect on the polis, he took care of a new layout for the growing city, helped trade flourish, and under Gorgippus, tiles with the round stamp “ΓΟΡΓΙΠΠΟΥ” began to be produced. As a result, the policy receives a new name, in honor of the ruler - Gorgippia.

This is evident from the apostles of the West and Asia Minor, but also from the eastern apostles, since the communities of Syria are well documented and the existence of communities on the route to India, described by the Periplus Sea of ​​Eritrea, is also proven. The Hebrew inscriptions of Panticapaeum, Phanagoria and Gorgippia do not make the apostolic recollections of the Black Sea completely absurd.

The historicity of these traditions is reinforced by the lack of reflection on symbolic geography

If they had been invented from scratch, there is no doubt that the places attributed to the apostles would have been symbolic. However, it can be seen that some places of very high importance are missing from the first places, for example places that are well known for very active Jewish communities. There are some connections with Edessa, but we don't go any further until the fifth century and the apostleship of Simon and Judas. The extraordinary vitality of the Jewish community in Alexandria is known, and the city is known to have become a leading intellectual center of Christianity in the third century.

Polis trades with Heraclea, Sinope, Chios, Lesbos, and many other Greek provinces. The colonists began to master the production of wine, which was also exported to different countries. In Gorgippia, archaeologists discovered the remains of religious buildings in honor of the Greek gods, especially revered local residents Artemis, Hermes.

In the middle of the 3rd century BC. e. A major disaster occurred in Gorgippia - a fire, in the heat of which all the houses were destroyed. In the second half, problems again arise in the rebuilt policy, this time in the field of trade. Mediterranean markets no longer need Bosporan bread, as they receive it from Egypt. At the end of the 2nd century BC, Gorgippia began minting its drachma from silver. In the first century, the city was part of the rulers.

Apostolic lists preserve geographical memory

But there is no true memory of his evangelization. The only truly famous bishop is Demetrios, and the founding tradition of Mark the Evangelist really only dates back to the third century. He doesn't say too much about it, except that this disciple of Peter settled in Alexandria. Until now we have not said a word about the decisive question of the order of the apostolic lists presented in the Gospels. The lists were known to "rank" students in order of importance. But we see that for the rest of the students it is a geographical classification, which seems to explain the order of the names.

What followed was a time of troubles, when Gorgippia was shaken by reconstructions and fires; only at the beginning of the 1st century AD a king from the new Savromatian dynasty ascended to the throne of Gorgippia. This dynasty was friendly to the Romans, so life in the policies became peaceful for some time. King Savromat restored the destroyed fortress walls of Gorgippia and developed trade with the Roman provinces. The heyday of the polis has arrived, religious buildings are being built, trade is brisk, statues are being installed.

First came the apostles of the West, then James, who died in Jerusalem, and then the apostles of Asia Minor. Finally, the “little apostles” come, with James Althea always at their head. These roles vary depending on the era. The first function that the apostles occupied was to act as representatives of the readers as well as the communities. As the descriptive analysis showed, personas often act as relays for the issues or views of the recipients of the work, returning to them an idealized view of their community.

This is especially true of Pierre, who is often the representative as well as the "emotional bearer" of the people before Jesus. We could also argue that this also applies to Judas, whose betrayal is one possible solution to the question raised by Jesus' message to humanity.

At the beginning of the third century AD, hostile barbarian tribes appeared on the territory of the Bosporan kingdom (). Gorgippia fell under one of the raids, the city burned down in another major fire. After this, the policy was no longer rebuilt.

The Acts of the Apostles already builds the apostles as the relay of a community that begins its process of heroism: Peter and John, which we have studied, but especially Paul and Barnabas, who are worth studying in their own right. The next two centuries marked a golden age of appropriation of the apostles by communities. Considering that the prism of "orthodoxy" and "heterodoxy" was once thought through, and that the movement was described as a raid on unorthodox apostles, it is now necessary to see that all communities are operating in the same movement: to make the apostles their representatives.

Today, while relaxing in the sanatoriums and boarding houses of Anapa, you can walk to the city center, where a museum has been created under open air. There you can see the remains of ancient dwellings, the foundations of houses, the remains of walls, paved streets, the ruins of wineries and workshops. Ancient sarcophagi from crypts and marble slabs with inscriptions are also kept here.

Works of art are everything that is the result of human labor activity. Material sources, unlike written ones, do not contain a direct account of historical events, and historical conclusions based on them are the result of scientific reconstruction.

It is not always a question of power, although the question of power is not completely excluded. The use of apostles is rather to embody theology. To be effective, theoretical reflection must be communicated. And which The best way to achieve this than to use a person who practices with virtues that someone wants to promote, and to whom are the speeches he gives? Thus, the Antiochian communities captured Peter as a visionary, preaching a balanced practice of the Law. André becomes the hero of highly Hellenized and cultural communities, which make him a preacher of a syncretic message.

The significant originality of material sources has necessitated their study by archaeological specialists who excavate archaeological sites, examine and publish findings and results of excavations, and use these data to reconstruct the historical past of mankind. Archeology is of particular importance for the study of eras when there was no written language at all, or the history of those peoples who did not have writing even in later historical times.

In contrast, the Syrians accept Thomas and insist on his duality, which they see as a model of mystical access to God. The Egyptians rather favor John, whom they regard as a model of virginity, renunciation of the world, and union with God. Philip is well suited to the ecstatics of Phrygia, who undoubtedly collect many exogenous traditions: he is a promising apostle who preaches spiritual masculinity and the reconciliation of what has been divided by sin. Bartholomew, clearly more mysterious, seemed to fascinate communities wanting to know a person's fate after death.

Archeology has unusually expanded the spatial and temporal horizon of history. Writing has existed for about 5,000 years, and the entire previous period of human history (equal, according to the latest data, almost 2 million years) became known only thanks to the development of archeology. And written sources for the first 2 thousand years of their existence (Egyptian hieroglyphs, linear Greek writing, Babylonian cuneiform) were opened to science by archaeologists. Archeology is also important for the eras when writing existed, for the study of ancient and medieval history, since information gleaned from the study of material sources significantly complements the data from written sources.

The asceticism they all seem to share in reality plays a different function in these diverse communities. For Thomas it is a sign of renunciation of the world to look to Jesus in the Imitation Christi, and for Philip it resembles the hope of returning to the Adamic state. In Andre he resumed bringing the world to the Greek sages, while for Peter he has a more messianic function. A special case must be made here in some parts of Asiatic Christianity, which included in their ranks Ignatius of Antioch or Irenaeus of Lyons.

All historical and cultural monuments known in Russia and in the world have

Great value (primarily for the residents of the region themselves). A special place among them is occupied by archaeological monuments, which include the remains of ancient settlements (fortifications, settlements, fortifications), ancient burial mounds, remains of industries, ancient roads, canals, ancient burial places, individual sections of the historical, cultural layer of settlements.

These communities appear to constitute embryos" Great Church", which will become official. Without being able to know exactly what they represent or what their motives are, they are animated by concerns about legitimacy. Ignatius of Antioch is a good representative of the will to establish what is sometimes called a "monarchical episcopate." He is also one of the first to make the witnesses of Peter and Paul with an authorized word. In the same way we see that Irenaeus of Lyons, but also Papias of Hierapolis, sought to have recourse to the apostles as authorities.

One of the archaeological sites discussed in this work is the city of Gorgippia.

Gorgippia (Greek Γοργιππία) is an ancient city; today Gorgippia is located on the territory of modern Anapa.

The ancient settlement is located in the center modern city Anapa. City blocks and rich burials have been partially excavated.

A museum-reserve has been created in Anapa

They expressed a desire to get closer to the “memory” of the apostles and to cover the texts used with their prestige. In addition to Paul, three apostles are invited home: Peter, with the help of Mark, Matthew and John the Disciple. Faced with these claims, and again without being able to know exactly in what period or under what specific conditions all this took place, we find that the communities that previously took possession of the apostles used them as a figure of authority.

They often referred to Peter and praised other figures such as Thomas, Philip and Mary Magdalene. This process of using the apostles no longer as relays, but as figures of authority, spreads over the next three centuries; these are the ones where orthodoxy and orthofraction were invented. From now on, the apostles are the new heroes of official Christianity, who seek to reduce diversity among the disciples of Jesus. They are an integral part of the ordering process. There are two collections that were written during this period: one under the name Pseudo-Abdias, and the one usually called "The Battle of the Apostles."

Nick "Gorgippia" in the open air, where stone-paved streets, foundations and walls of dwellings, remains of workshops, wineries, fish farms are presented

Salt baths, marble slabs with inscriptions, sarcophagi of local nobility recovered from the necropolis, etc.

  1. ^

  2. History of the ancient city of Gorgippia

The German philosopher Hegel called Greek antiquity “a quickly flying rose.” One of the outlying petals of this amazing flower was a Greek colony founded on the shores of Anapa Bay in the second half of the 6th century BC on the land of local Sind tribes. City but

An exhaustive study of these two collections for oneself remains to be done in order to renew the work of Lipsius and the work of Elizabeth. There is evidence that they came from different backgrounds and communities, and that they were compiled and possibly deleted at a later date. We also know the works of Jerome de Stridon and Gregoire de Tours. The purpose of these collections is twofold. On the one hand, they intended to inculcate the adventures of the great apostles into orthodoxy. For some, such as Pierre, Thomas, Jean or André, the stories were simply rewritten with narrative frames.

Strength name Syndic.

Later, Greeks appeared in Sindik - immigrants from Asia Minor. They lived peacefully with the Sindhi, they were united by joint trade, crafts, and the need to defend themselves from enemy attacks. This forced the Greek colonies neighboring Sindica, Fanogoria, Kepa, Patus and other policies located on both sides Kerch Strait(Cimmerian Bosporus) to unite into one state - the Bosporus Kingdom.

On the other hand, it was necessary to give the apostles a universal calling. Therefore, they were forced to hire "small" apostles to "cover" the areas left empty. Jude went south of the Mediterranean basin, and his companion Simon went east to evangelize Iberia, Egypt, Mauretania; Both of them ended their careers in Persia, since Babylonia should not remain in trouble. Thus the “missionary land” of the “great” apostles was “enlarged.” Barthelemy received polysemic Ethiopia, which allowed two birds to be killed with one stone, and Thomas found Parthia in the company of Matthew.

The city of Gorgippia arose no later than the beginning of the 5th century. BC. and was built as a result of the following events.

King Leukon (390-348 BC) sent his brother Gorgippus to Sindica as a governor, who stopped the internecine wars and subjugated the Sindian tribes to the Bosporus. Under Tsar Gorgippa, the planning of residential areas was carried out, active construction began, and crafts developed. At the suggestion of the orator Demosthenes in Athens, a statue of Gorgippus was erected on the agora for special services to the metropolis. In his honor the city was named Gorgippia.

For good measure, Anthropophagi provides missions in which it is inappropriate to see simple whimsical localizations: this mission expresses the hope of Christianizing what the world considers more alien, domesticating the most wild. These expansions did not take place without some hesitation, and we saw that more than one apostle attacked the territory of others besides Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Matthias. The same claim to completeness is read in the liturgical texts, which tried, as far as possible, to make an acceptable synthesis in the poppy of localizations and narratives.

The economic basis for the development of the city and the well-being of its citizens was Agriculture. In the vicinity of Gorgippia, wheat, barley, millet, lentils, legumes, grapes were grown, sheep were raised,

Goats, cattle, horses, pigs, poultry. It happened once

Vito winemaking and fish-salting production.

The last two centuries to introduce significant changes in the figure of the apostles were the eighth and eighth centuries. With the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the rise of the Roman Patriarchate, the terrain of legitimacy changed. It is no longer a matter of knowing the true "orthodoxy", it is a matter of establishing the political legitimacy of the territory in order to resist Rome and its two "super-apostles", Peter and Paul. He invented it by resurrecting the figure of James Boltz, which no one dared use because he had bad taste, to die prematurely as a martyr.

Various crafts were developed in the city: stone-masonry, ceramics, woodworking, iron-making, bronze-casting, jewelry, bone-cutting, leather-working, spinning and weaving. Trade played an important role in the economy of the city of Gorgippia.

Gorgippia was ruled by the governor of the Bosporus

Tsar through the system of city magistrates. An important role in the life of the city of Gorgippia was played by the Council and the People, various unions and associations. In honor of the famous

This "good operation", which was primarily the work of the Spanish Church, attempting to counter both the Muslim cause and the Priskil schism, was quickly strengthened by the Kingdom of France and some German territories thanks to support from Cluny.

From now on, the western part of Europe also had its own patron, whose devotion was expressed by pilgrimage. To counter the omnipotence of Peter's figure, Byzantium opposed its brother, Andrew. As can be seen, his apostolic travels were somewhat extended to the north in order to make him visit Byzantium and make him the founder of the Eastern Patriarchate.

Changeable events on central square mouth

Marble slabs with inscriptions were poured in.

Residents of the city worshiped Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, Apollo, Ge

Raklu, many other gods of the Greek pantheon, in whose honor majestic temples and sanctuaries were built, statues were erected, and festivals were held

Nicks and sports.

Under Tsar Savromat I at the turn of the 1st-2nd centuries. the city began to recover

Ski fortifications, the city experienced a new construction boom.

The houses of the townspeople, built on stone foundations, had 1-2 floors, with basements and sometimes with courtyards. The houses had 2-4 adjacent

New rooms of different sizes. The smallest one was usually the last one and was used for household needs. The depth of the basements reached 1.5 meters. Some of them were residential. Part of the basements

They cut into rocky ground, the walls were made of poorly processed stones in clay mortar. The floors were adobe. Irregularities of the bolt

They fell with construction waste, filled with fragments of household items. In one of the houses, a section of the floor has been preserved, laid out with pebbles on limestone.

Forge solution. The walls of the houses were built from stone or adobe blocks - bricks, 45-50 cm in size. Wooden rafters were fastened in special grooves. The houses were covered with clay tiles from local outcasts

Burning (on some during excavations the marks “Horus” and “royal” were discovered).

On the first floors, most likely, there were trading shops,

New windows already existed, they were rare here, more often the windows were covered with bullish bubbles. No shards of flat window glass were found.

In 110, the governor of Gorgippia built a temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite Navarhide. Monuments to the Bosporan kings and their governors are being built in the city. During the construction of a hotel in Anapa, they found

Breaking of two large marble statues and an entire statue of the governor Neocles.

In the second half of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd centuries. in Gorgippia, new monumental buildings began to be erected in the city center, a number of cross streets were re-paved, the main highway was lined with stone slabs up to a meter in length

Noah. A system of drains and catchment wells was created.

At this time, the city's shipowners' union erected a statue and restored the temple to the god Poseidon. Flat hos were used for construction

Well fired bricks. One of the semi-basements of this building

Rioda, apparently for residential purposes, had stone, plastered clay

Noah and plastered walls painted with colored stripes on a white background with imitation of variegated marble. Opened basements for household purposes with grain pits, pithos and amphorae - up to 15-20 in one room

Judging by the scope of construction work and area, Gorgippia was second in size

Rome after Phanagoria is a city of Asian cha

Sti of the Bosporan Kingdom. Its cultural flourishing is evidenced by the discovery of a marble stele mentioning 226 people, having won

Shih of victory in sports competitions at festivals in honor of the god Hermes.

At the beginning of the 3rd century, Gorgippia began its own glass production. Continued

Active maritime trade began to develop with all the cities of the Bosporan kingdom. Gore's trading partners

Hippias were Athens and other cities of mainland Greece, prices

Three Mediterranean basins in Chios, Thasos, Rhodes, Lesbos, Knidos, etc.

Nomorskie prices

Three Sinopes, Heraclea, Chersonesos, etc., the cities of Bosporus, the barbarian world. Bread and other agricultural products were exported through the harbor of Gorgippia.

Natural products, wine and olives were brought

Howl oil in amphorae, painted black

Nolakova ke

Frame dishes and products made of bronze, marble, glass, precious metals and stones, aromatic

Czech oils.

But during the city’s greatest prosperity, the situation on the borders of the Bosporan kingdom began to change. To the North

The Black Sea region was invaded by hordes of Goths. Gorgippia was one of the first to take the blows of the barbarians

Men. The city was destroyed in a strong fire soon after

After 238 - layers of this time

They represent conflagrations. Many buildings were destroyed.

A century later, the Huns came to the Bosporus. They completed the destruction

Nie of the once flourishing cities of the Bosporan kingdom. The date of the final destruction of the city of Gorgippia is considered to be approximately 240 AD.

In the middle of the 4th century, life in the city resumed, but to a much lesser extent.

Shay Square. Most of buildings remained in ruins. In the Middle Ages and in Turkish times, many ancient buildings were destroyed

Branes for building material

Systematic excavations of Gorgippia are carried out by Insti expeditions

Tuta Archeology Academy of Sciences.

Today, the museum of excavations of the ancient city in Anapa, which is described in the second paragraph of the work, reminds us of Gorgippia.

  1. ^

  2. Gorgippia Museum in Anapa

Excavations of Gorgippia began in the middle of the 19th century, with the works of V.G. Tizenhausen, N.I. Veselovsky and others.

In 1949, the expedition of V.D. Blavadsky determined the boundaries of the ancient city.

A systematic study of the city began in 1960 by I.T. Circle

Likova, and since 1973 it was continued by E.M. Alekseeva.

To date, expeditions from the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences have explored significant areas of the city and its burial grounds. Anapa

The Gorgippia Sky Museum and Archaeological Site is the only open-air excavation museum in Russia. Here you can see

How many quarters of Gorgypia from the 2nd - early 3rd centuries AD have been discovered by excavations? and the main street. Its roadway is paved with slabs, and sidewalks line the sides of the houses. The pavement was made at a time when the only means of transport were chariots and oxcarts. Od

However, it turned out to be so strong that even now dump trucks with earth could drive over it.

The street approached the main city gates. Beyond

Lami of the city, it turned into a road connecting it with the trade road

Goy from Crimea to the Caucasian passes.
^ Rice. 8. Remains of ancient streets of the ancient city of Gorgippia

As already mentioned, in the 1st-2nd centuries AD. Gorgippia turned into one of the richest Bosporan cities. The houses of the nobility were located in common

the central city center – the agora. Agora is located in the area of ​​the modern Anapa Hotel. During excavations there were found the remains of buildings

for civil purposes (column drums, fragments of sculptures, dory blocks

chesky order, Sima in the form of a lion's head), tombstones. By accompanying archeo

According to the logical material, the complex dates back to the 4th-3rd centuries. BC.

Remains of the main street were found in a general east-west direction (along the sea) from the eastern gate of the city to its center. Its width reached 8 meters, the surface was covered with small stones, fragments of slabs, large amphora shards - on a cushion of yellow clay on top rock. Found coins of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC. help set the time builder

the quality and functioning of this highway. Parallel to it along the sea ran another street 4-4.5 meters wide, built later. Both of these streets were intersected at right angles by transverse streets running from the sea up to 5 meters wide, which can be seen in the archaeological site - the museum.

Near the former main street of Gorgippia you can see one of the

drainage and water supply systems: the main street laid along the river

artisan quarter, intersects with another, running from north to south. A drainage channel was laid along it under the slabs. He approached a settling well, at the bottom of which garbage remained, and water flowed out from the other side and was discharged into the sea.

You can also see that all the houses occupy significant areas and have large and deep basements. The above-ground parts of the houses have not been preserved.

At its peak, the area of ​​the city occupied approximately 35-38 hectares. Part of the “new city” absorbed the early burial grounds (5th century BC) and covered them. In the 4th century. BC. the city's layout is being formed. Vozve

During this period, the stone buildings were rebuilt many times, with the secondary use of building materials (stones, blocks, slabs). On the first floors of the houses, most likely, there were trading shops,

Crafts workshops. Although in the ancient cities of the Mediterranean there was glass

New windows already existed, but in Gorgippia they were rare; more often the windows were covered with bull bubbles. And no shards of flat window glass were found.

The economic structure of Gorgippia remained constant: the city

Bread, dried and salted fish must be exported, and winemaking becomes a commercial industry. There was a pottery workshop in the eastern part of the city. Wine presses and wineries are located nearby. In the left corner of the excavations, three tanks of a large winery were found,

They could hold up to 6 tons of grape must. The settled juice

They were poured into pithos for fermentation. The finished wine was stored in amphorae. To you

Forakhs also stored grain and oil. In the basement of the house, on the right side

They found 26 amphorae with grain and coins scattered on the floor. Perhaps it was a merchant's shop. Among the found objects there are many ceramics

Liy, clay lamps, household utensils and terracotta figurines, from which we can conclude that coraplasty was developed in Gorgippia - art

The art of making terracotta figurines.

Exhibits found on the territory of Gorgippia can be seen in

The museum's betting halls located in indoors that you can visit.

It is also necessary to mention the sensational discovery. In 1975, in the center of Anapa, while digging a foundation pit for the construction of a 12-story building, a unique monument of ancient culture was discovered - a painted Greek crypt

Sky nobility. The crypt dates back to the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd century and is called Archaeolo

Gami “Crypt of Hercules”, because the twelve labors of Hercules are depicted on the walls and ceiling using fresco technique.

Another crypt with two sarcophagi was discovered nearby. It turned out to be unplundered. One sarcophagus contained the remains of a noble Gorgippian with rich decorations.

Yami. In another sarcophagus, two girls were buried - and also with rich decorations. The finds formed the basis of the “Golden Pantry” Krasnodar

Regional Museum-Reserve.

In 1977, the Gorgippia Museum received archaeological status due to the unique ancient monument of Gorgippia (VI century BC - III century AD). The museum is located in the center of the resort town of Anapa, which allows for extensive cultural and educational work. Since 1960 on the Gorgip research

Piya is working on a stationary expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The crypts of the 3rd century explored by an expedition in 1975. AD marked

UNESCO among the ten outstanding discoveries of the year. The frescoes of the Anapa crypt are the only monument to ancient life in our country.

The museum houses several unique collections from Gorgippia, listed below.

^ Epigraphic monuments .

Tombstone of a Peloponnesian late 6th - early 5th century BC, proxenia - a document granting privileges to a foreign merchant, Bosporus rescripts

King Aspurgus about the reduction of duties on the sale of wheat and millet, an inscription about the construction of walls around Gorgippia to replace those demolished, the time of Sauromatus II, lists of names of Thyasites, monuments of tomb sculpture with inscriptions.

^ Architectural details.

Architrave and frieze of the Dorian order in one stone, the base of the column is from a temple of the 1st century BC; marble blocks of a religious building in honor of the patron god of viticulture and winemaking, Dionysus, with images of the Gorgon Medusa, Pan and Satyr; marble details of the temple of the Corinthian order: ka

Piles, architrave, base.

^ Collection of terracotta figurines.

Includes over 200 images of the Greek gods: Demeter, Kore, Dionysus, Cybele, Aphrodite, Hercules, Hermes, Eros and Psyche. Uni

The stucco terracottas are traditional: a seated priest, a standing warrior.

^ Frescoes of the crypt of "Hercules" 1975.

8 square meters have been restored and are on display. m. frescoes: part of a group portrait of the side wall - boy and man, 4 labors of Hercules: escape

Gives the hydra, fights the Amazon, cleanses the Augean stables, defeats the Stymphalian birds; fragments of paintings on the side walls with ornaments.

^ Collection of amphorae.

Amphoras from different ancient centers: Chios, Lesbos, Corinth, Menda, Rho

Dos, Sinope, Heraclea, Thasos, etc.; collection of amphora stamps - over 1000

^ Beads collection.

Beads, pendants, piercings, amulets made of natural stones and art

Natural materials: rock crystal, carnelian, agate, chalcedony, amber - over 1000 units.

^ Collection of tomb sculptures and sarcophagi.

Tombstones of different types: statues - half-figures, anthropomorphic, re

Reliefs made of marble and limestone - over 200 units in total.

^ Collection of glass vessels.

Bottles, glasses, vials, balsamaria, jugs of transparent and color

No glass from ancient times - about 60 copies.

^ Collection of black-glazed vessels.

Black-figure Clazomenian amphora, canfares, kylixes, skyphos, oh

Nochoi, lekythos, fish dishes, salt shakers - about 70 units in total. whole forms.

^ Collection of antique numismatics.

There are over 7 thousand units, in treasures - 5234 units.

Archaeological finds from the Middle Ages and Turkish times, household items of the inhabitants of the fortress, samples of weapons from different eras, rare photographs

Photographs and unique documents will introduce you to the past of Anapa.



So, Gorgippia is currently a museum and archaeological site.

The archaeological museum "Gorgippia" is located in Anapa near central beach, is an ancient city, located on the site of modern Anapa.

From 1973 to the present, excavations have been carried out by an expedition from the Institute of Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A large number of epigraphic monuments, coins, works of ancient art, etc. come from the city’s territory.

The museum includes excavations of the ancient city: cobbled streets, basements and foundations of residential buildings, pits, wells, a winery, remains defensive structures. The museum displays finds from the excavations: bronze sculpture, terracotta figurines, painted black-glazed and red-glazed dishes, marble sculpture, glass vessels and jewelry.


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  2. Baklykov L.I. History of the Anapa resort. - Krasnodar: Soviet Kuban, 2002.

  3. Konstantinov V.A. Anapa: a journey into the past. - Anapa: 2009. - 140 p.

  4. Kruglikova I.T. Sindh harbor. Gorgippia. Anapa. - M.: Nauka, 1977. - 88 p. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland).

  5. Yanishoglo F.E. Anapa from a military fortress to a Russian resort. - Anapa: 2003.

  6. Website "Archeology.ru". Access mode: http://www.archaeology.ru.

  7. Website "Archaeological Museum "Gorgippia". Access mode: http://www.museum.ru.

  8. Supotnitsky M.V. Gorgippia as Pausanias could see her. Description of Hellas. Book XI Gorgippia. Article. Access mode: http://www.supotnitskiy.ru.