How much did it cost to visit Father Frost's yurt in Bashkiria? Five Santa Claus yurts are opening in Bashkiria: what will they be like?

New Year's Park "Vatan" (Photo: press service of the Ufa administration)

The State Committee of the Republic for Entrepreneurship and Tourism announced the start of the project “New Year’s Bashkortostan, amazing 2018”. According to the press service of the department, five guest yurts of Father Frost will be located on the territory of the republic.

RBC-Ufa called all the yurts and found out that some of the yurts this year will be paid. Thus, entrance to the Abzakovo yurt will cost from 100 rubles (for a photo session and tea) to 550 rubles (this price includes a gift). Visitors will enjoy sporting competitions and entertainment. For example, dog riding (for a fee)

In Sterlitamak, the organizers of the New Year's yurt - the entertainment complex "Galaktika" - have not yet decided on the price, but information that they will charge money for entry has been placed on advertising brochures.

At the Kandra-Kul ski center, entry to the yurt will be free; visitors will only need to pay 100 rubles for parking a car.

In Birsk, the film yurt (as stated by the organizers) will be located in the Aurora entertainment complex. Entry will be free; for an additional fee the organizers will offer Additional services- bowling, watching movies, etc.

As project coordinator Vitaly Pilipchuk told RBC-Ufa, there will be two sites in Ufa - at the top and at the bottom of Vatan Park. At the top there will be a Christmas tree, an ice town, an installation and a small fair area. Downstairs, from December 25 to January 8, every day at about five o'clock an animation program with Santa Claus and his assistants is planned. Visiting the park is free, and Santa Claus's yurts are also free, but by appointment on the website. This year visitors will be charged money for completing New Year's quests. It is expected that the cost will be about 500 rudders including the cost of gifts.

The opening ceremony of Father Frost's guest yurts will cost the republican budget 485 thousand rubles. The winner of the competition will have to develop a scenario for the theatrical arrival of Father Frost in Bashkiria and organize his travel to regional venues.

According to the results, about 15 thousand people visited the guest yurts in the Ishimbay, Mishkinsky districts, the cities of Oktyabrsky and Uchaly.

In Ufa and the areas next to the Congress Hall, it will cost the city budget 13.7 million rubles. Among them, the design of Lenin Square costs 6.95 million rubles. In addition to the ice town, the cost of the contract includes the installation of a New Year tree from metal structures “Magnolia” weighing 300 kg and “Zvezda” weighing 200 kg. The design of the site near the Congress Hall will require costs of 6.75 million rubles. Here, in addition to traditional slides, it is planned to install fireworks areas.

Vadim Ivlev June 7, 2019 at 03:25 pm SHAH TAU. BURNED HEART OF BASHKIRIA. The city of Sterlitamak is located practically in the center of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the steppe zone, in the valley of the river. White. The area of ​​the city is more than 100 km2, the population is 280,233 (2018) people. The number of enterprises located within the city is 3068 units. Of the indicated number of enterprises, the main anthropogenic load on the state of the city’s natural environment is exerted by 125 natural resources users. The city is overloaded with Big Chemistry. The most dangerous pollutant is soda production. The soda plant, which was built with the money of the Soviet people, by the hands of Sterlitamak residents, is now the property of foreign citizens. The circumstances of this mysterious “privatization” are still unknown. Moreover, miraculously and mysteriously, foreign soda production became the owner of the Shah Tau Shikhan (King of the Mountain), a world heritage site, a limestone mountain glorified in the legends of the Bashkir people and the poems of the national hero of Bashkiria Salavat Yulaev. Since time immemorial, a very busy trade and migration route from the borders of China and south coast The Caspian Sea to Volga Bulgaria went through the wide valley of the Belaya River (Agidel). Where the road came close to the Agidel tributary, Ashkadar, from its high left bank, an amazing, one of beautiful panoramas planet Earth. At that time, deep and crystal clear, Ashkadar was the border beyond which the free steppe stretched. To the east, parallel to Ashkadar, emphasizing the general plan of the Creator, the mighty white river Agidel. On its right bank, following the general meridian direction, majestic shikhans lined up in a chain - guardians of a fabulously rich region, gray-haired witnesses of Time. Long before the official founding of the city, on the site of modern Sterlitamak there were strong settlements and a developed civilization. For thousands of years, shihans have been the center, the axis of important historical events. It is not at all by chance that, for example, Sterlitamak was chosen as the first capital of Bashkortostan. Shikhans are sung in numerous songs and legends, forever captured in the epic of the Bashkir people. It was on the Shakh-Tau shihan, according to scientists, that a unique artifact was found - the shield of Tamerlane (shield of Strength). All four Sterlitamak shahans are a single whole, four hills on a single foundation, the same in origin, but different in properties and unique features. They must be preserved for humanity and science precisely as a complex, single and indivisible. The geoecological and cultural-historical value of shihans, according to the unanimous opinion of scientists around the world, determines their status as the property of all humanity. It was here that the Bashkir polity was born approximately 600 years ago, and the prototype of the statehood of modern Bashkortostan was formed. STERLITAMAK SHIKHANS ARE THE HEART OF BASHKIRIA, without them it is impossible to imagine Bashkiria and its people. The idea of ​​​​developing the Shah Tau shihan was approved back in the 1930s, based on the recommendations of Moscow geologists. Opinion local residents no one was interested. For many reasons, Bashkiria has always been considered a difficult territory to govern; its people were distinguished by their independence and love of freedom. Therefore, the NKVD, headed by People’s Commissar Yezhov, was appointed “overseeing” the Bashkir construction projects of the early period. The idea of ​​demolishing the shihans was initially received extremely negatively by the indigenous population. To strengthen control over the mining sites, concentration camps were built at the foot of the three nearby shihans: a women’s camp at Tora (Tura) Tau, Kid `s camp at Kush Tau, male - at Shah Tau (later it was used as a prisoner of war camp). The gloomy concrete ruins of the women's camp at Tor (Tura) Tau are well preserved. Slaves were kept in such premises Ancient Rome, however, in their cells, unlike those in Sterlitamak, it was dry and warm. Women were forced to work in the quarries of the shihan Tora (Tura) Tau. The children's forced labor camp at the foot of Kush Tau still functions. In parallel with the preparation of the development of the first shihan of Shah Tau, the NKVD worked out a plan for a radical restructuring of the entire city of Sterlitamak. In particular, with the direct participation of People's Commissar Yezhov, it was planned to flood almost the entire historical part of the city with the device river port on the Belaya River. It is clear that legal arbitrariness reigned in this situation. Local governments were completely ignored. The interests of the local population were not taken into account in any way; the feeding landscapes of the indigenous people were disfigured and destroyed without any approval or compensation. The situation worsened sharply with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Extreme necessity dictated emergency measures. The only criterion for decision-making was the timing of the launch of facilities under construction, in particular the soda plant in Sterlitamak, with minimum costs. So old Sterlitamak, blooming in the past, prosperous market town, the center of a powerful agricultural region, essentially a steppe resort, was laid as the foundation for a huge chemical industry complex. Chemical production could well be located in the village. Krasnousolsky, as originally planned, in this case soda production would be provided with reserves of raw materials for hundreds of years to come and would not conflict with local population . Cheaper construction and lower production costs were the main argument for Moscow planners. Sterlitamak was doomed to accept Great Chemistry as its destiny, and the threat of complete destruction loomed over the heritage of all mankind, the Sterlitamak shihans. Years have passed, Sterlitamak has grown into a large industrial center with real prospects for the future and severe environmental problems. The economic dogma of the plan for the shaft, and then: “Profit comes first, people come last” continues to determine the life of Sterlitamak residents. True, now excess profits from soda production flow not into the Russian budget, but into the pockets of foreign investors. This situation is the main obstacle to the sustainable development of the city in the 21st century. The inertia of ignoring the opinions of residents of the city and surrounding areas, suppressing real local self-government by all means, including blackmail, bribery and intimidation, continues to this day. It is much easier for modern oligarchs to achieve their goals. Present-day Bashkiria is a region with fairly high controllability and low modality. The once largest and closest to the city (today, in fact, it is already located within the city of Sterlitamak) shihan Shah Tau (King Mountain) is now completely destroyed by mining. This event is a clear example of blatant human cruelty and negligence towards unique ecosystems of the natural environment and is well known to scientists around the world. The natural reserves of Shah Tau, which are the main source of raw materials for Sterlitamak OJSC Soda and CJSC Stroitelnye Materialy (German company Heidelberg Cement), have been intensively developed since the 50s of the 20th century. and by now, according to the developers, they are practically depleted (which is not true). An important point that is carefully hushed up: the unique shihan, the heritage of all mankind, is processed not only for the production of soda, but in significant quantities for the production of building materials: crushed stone, lime, cement, slate, etc. Construction materials can be made from limestone from any other deposit (Bashkiria is all built on limestone), but soda producers use the cheapest source and receive excess profits by infringing on the rights of the vast majority of the population of the city and surrounding area. The destruction of Shah Tau had serious negative consequences for the city of Sterlitamak and its surroundings: 1. Historical, cultural and socio-political consequences: The destruction of the Shah Tau shihan lowered the status of the city of Sterlitamak through the impoverishment of its cultural and historical heritage, the aesthetic attractiveness of the surrounding landscapes, cynical and demonstrative trampling very strong traditions of self-government in the past, as well as the ethnic originality of the Bashkir ethnic group, which was deprived of the opportunity to use the unique feeding landscapes in the traditional way. The latter can be qualified as ethnocide, turning into genocide. The population of the city and surrounding area is subjected to massive manipulation through lobbying the interests of soda production, right up to the government and the State Duma of the Russian Federation, through outright manipulation of facts and outright lies (for example, the myth that limestone is a raw material for the production of soda, in fact, soda is made from table salt , and limestone is burned in furnaces to produce carbon dioxide, which is found in excess in the atmosphere; also, the alleged soda production is city-forming, this is also not true). This happens due to the persistent use by soda makers of the antediluvian technology of the century before last. This damages the ecosystem of the entire planet through increased global climate change. THE HEART OF BASHKIRIA, SHIKHAN SHAH TAU, BURNED IN HELL'S FURNACES. The tamed, well-fed media sing the praises of foreign investors, praising the handouts thrown to the city from the master's table of sodas. At the same time, the opinion of scientists and specialists offering alternative technologies and ways to solve the crisis is completely ignored. The transition to new technologies is not even discussed, although these technologies are already widely used in world practice. NOT A SINGLE SODA PRODUCTION IN ANY OTHER COUNTRIES IS SUPPLIED WITH LIMESTONE DEPOSITS. As a result, the city and surrounding settlements are suffering losses due to decreased tourist activity, lower real estate prices, high migration of the most active and highly educated part of the population, growing morbidity rates and too high mortality rates. It is very unfortunate that a significant group of investors interested in the development of modern technologies, recreational and resort businesses have lost interest in the city. By the way, shihans are still popular among filmmakers as a location for shooting historical films. Shah Tau, in particular, was depicted in the film “Salavat Yulaev”. 2. Environmental consequences. 2.1. Stable traditions of legal arbitrariness and suppression of local self-government have led to the fact that the production activities of the soda industry are carried out without proper control. Moreover, there is obvious direct, aggressive disobedience of the soda production management to legal requirements, including the previous government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which long ago proposed scientifically based alternatives to the destruction of the Sterlitamak shihans. Limestone mining in the Shah Tau quarry takes place in an open way, with the barbaric destruction of unique natural landscapes. As a result of mining, a depression was formed on the site of the shihan, and not far from it, sludge reservoirs with solid waste rise, occupying agricultural land (fat chernozems). Liquid chlorine-containing waste is discharged into reservoirs during floods, then goes into the Belaya River, main river Bashkiria, polluting the environment. As a result, more than a million residents of Bashkortostan suffer, receiving drinking water from Belaya, as well as actively using Belaya for recreation, for example, residents of Ufa. In addition to these environmental problems, there is the problem of air pollution during drilling and blasting operations at limestone deposits, as well as contamination of groundwater with brine and non-solvents during the erosion of rock salt deposits. At the same time, there is still no project for the reclamation of the quarry and all disturbed and contaminated lands, the area of ​​which amounts to thousands of hectares, approved in accordance with the procedure established by law and agreed upon with the local population. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that we are talking about Bashkir rich chernozems, which are recognized by Russian soil scientists as the most fertile soils on planet Earth. An economic assessment of the agricultural, water conservation and recreational lands captured by soda production was not carried out, compensation was not paid to owners and users, land reclamation was never carried out, which is a blatant violation of current land and environmental legislation. The loss of agricultural production on these most valuable lands is already in the billions. These losses extend into the foreseeable future; it is impossible to fully compensate for them. There are also no documented guarantees of financing any work to reclaim disturbed and contaminated lands and improve the environmental situation around the quarry, where thousands of people live. 2.2. The destruction of Shah Tau made a huge hole in the initially weak green protective belt of the city of Sterlitamak. The slopes of Shah Tau were once covered with a native forest of valuable broad-leaved species. This forest was barbarously and illegally destroyed without compensation provided by law by new plantings. At the same time, dozens of Red Book species of flora and fauna were destroyed, irreparable losses that cannot be assessed. For the steppe city of Sterlitamak, any forests in its vicinity are vital. Now steppes predominate here, while previously there were many forests. Today, forests occupy only 8% of the total area of ​​the Sterlitamak region and are scattered in separate areas among the lands used for hayfields and pastures. Considering that the sanitary protection zone of Sterlitamak does not meet the standards, and the area of ​​green spaces in the city has been steadily declining since the 2000s, the destruction of the forest on Shah Tau is a real tragedy for the city residents, and the planned continuation of developments on Kush Tau is inevitable ecological catastrophy. The people understand this very well. Already, according to the latest data from Bashkortostanstat, the largest population decline has been recorded in the Chishminsky district of Bashkortostan and in the city of Sterlitamak. The morbidity and mortality rate of the population in Sterlitamak is monstrously high, the average life expectancy for women is 57 years, for men - 53 years. The climate features on the territory of Sterlitamak and the existing production structure of the urban conglomeration Sterlitamak-Salavat-Ishimbay create a very serious situation of air pollution in the city. The number of days with unfavorable meteorological conditions (with weak winds, fogs, temperature inversions) is 220-230 days, the amount of oxygen in the air is reduced. The only source of oxygen in the city is green spaces, mainly trees. Therefore, planting trees in the residential area of ​​the city and in its environs is a necessary condition for the well-being and good health of its residents. The count should not only be by area; each tree is of great value. The demolition of the Kush Tau Shikhan, also covered with forest, will create conditions in the northern part of the city that are unbearable for human habitation. 2.3. The destruction of Shah Tau dealt a crushing blow to the main waterway of Bashkiria - the Belaya River. Mass killings of fish, including valuable species, including sturgeon, sterlet, and beluga, began in the 1960s and were repeated several times due to the fault of soda production. The damage to the fisheries industry is incalculable; the consequences of pollution of the Belaya River can be traced thousands of kilometers from Sterlitamak, right up to the Caspian Sea. Every year, flocks of migratory birds, in particular swans, descend on the “white seas” of soda production settling tanks and die in the poisoned water. No one has yet been brought to justice, and the damage to the state has not been compensated. 2.4. The water intake for soda production on the Belaya River is also the water intake for the city of Sterlitamak. The shortage of drinking water in Sterlitamak is growing. Already, there is a shallowing of the Sterli and Ashkadar rivers, a drop in groundwater levels in watersheds, drying out of wells, and an increase in the processes of degradation of the natural environment along the river banks, including the death of old-growth trees. Shikhan Shah Tau occupied an important place in maintaining the water balance of the city. Disruption of underlying rocks by explosions and drilling of deep wells has increased the risk of hydrological disasters. If vigorous measures for improvement are not taken, the climate in the city may become more arid, returning to the steppe, and the shortage of drinking water will sharply increase. THE CRAZY PROJECT OF CONSISTENT DESTRUCTION OF THE HEART OF BASHKIRIA - THE STERLITAMAK SHIKHANS MUST BE STOPPED.

11.01.2017 15:20:59

Visiting some of Father Frost's guest yurts in Bashkiria turned out to be paid. We were convinced of this when on January 5 we arrived in the Ishimbay district to Mount Toratau, where the southern guest yurt of the Bashkir Father Frost was located. For a meeting with the good wizard they demanded 200 rubles per person from us.

Let us remind you that within the framework of the project “New Year’s Bashkortostan, amazing” in New Year holidays Five guest yurts of Father Frost were opened on the territory of Bashkiria this year. The central one is located in the Vatan ethnopark (in Ufa, behind the Congress Hall), the northern one - in the village of Mishkino, Mishkinsky district, the southern one - at the foot of Mount Toratau in the Ishimbaysky district, the western one - in the territory ski resort“Uyazy-tau” in the city of Oktyabrsky, eastern - on the territory of the Rodeo ski complex in the Uchalinsky district.

We visited the central yurt in Ufa before the New Year. Entrance to it was absolutely free. Santa Claus and his assistants Hare and Wolf greeted us very cordially. We talked to grandpa, took pictures with him and even touched his magic staff to make wishes. The meeting with the wizard left only the most pleasant impressions.

During the New Year holidays, we decided to visit the rest of Father Frost's yurts and compare how guests are greeted in other regions of the republic. True, the incessant heavy snowfalls somewhat changed our plans. It was unsafe to travel outside the city with a child. Therefore, we waited until the snowfalls stopped, and we only risked leaving Ufa on January 5th. We decided to go to south direction, to Mount Toratau. After all, Father Frost’s guest yurt has been operating there for the second year in a row.

Before the trip, we called our friends from Sterlitamak and invited them to meet near the mountain. However, they refused, saying that there was nothing interesting there, and that there was an entrance fee to the yurt. For a family of four, such a trip will not be cheap (800 rubles for entry plus gasoline costs).

It’s strange, do they really take money for a meeting with Santa Claus? After all, when the organizers of the project “New Year’s Bashkortostan, Amazing” - the State Committee for Entrepreneurship and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus and the Urban Projects Development Fund - held a press conference in December, they promised that visiting all five guest yurts this year would be free.

However, upon arriving in the Ishimbay district, we were convinced of the opposite. The entire territory of the ice town was divided into two parts - free and paid. This is even visible on the diagram.

The guest yurt of Father Frost was located right on the paid territory. To get into it, you had to buy a ticket for 200 rubles. Only children under the age of five were allowed in for free. A special kiosk was installed in front of the entrance to the paid area, and a formidable security guard was on duty at the entrance.

But even under such conditions we did not get to see Santa Claus. He was not there. We arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon, while we were drinking tea and warming up in the cafe, Santa Claus had gone somewhere. We were promised that he would return only at six o’clock in the evening. We couldn't wait long, so we went home upset.

Naturally, there was no more talk about trips to the remaining three guest yurts. Although it’s not a fact that they would also demand money from us there for a meeting with Santa Claus...

Returning to Ufa, I called the hotline of the project “New Year’s Bashkortostan, Amazing” - the phone number was listed on the official website of the project. They answered me that visiting Father Frost’s guest yurts should be free not only for children, but also for adults, and they promised to look into the situation.

The administration of the Ishimbay district, which we contacted through the State Committee for Entrepreneurship and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus, reported that entrance to the territory of the “Guest Yurt of Father Frost” complex near Mount Toratau during the New Year holidays was free for everyone.

“On the territory there is a Christmas tree, three different slides for skiing, a yurt of craftsmen (demonstration and sale of folk art products), themed ice sculptures and panels, toilets, a parking lot, security, a police station and a first-aid post, festive lighting and music,” they answered. administration. “There were also catering yurts, tubing rentals, snowmobiling and horse riding.”

The administration added that for a fee of 200 rubles one could watch a theatrical performance and receive a gift from Santa Claus at a separate site “Fairytale Glade” (the diagram shows that this site is fenced and there is another Christmas tree, a stage, a trailer for artists and the guest yurt of Father Frost). The performance was held three times a day: at 12.00, 15.00 and 18.00 by the city palace of culture (which has permission to provide paid services). Allegedly, during free time from performances, everyone could enter the “Fairytale Glade” site, and accordingly, visiting the guest yurt of Father Frost was free.

Unfortunately, this is only in words. In reality it was different. We tried to enter Santa Claus's yurt at about four o'clock in the afternoon. However, the gate was closed, and the security guard simply did not let us into the fenced area...

Maybe during the New Year holidays you also visited the guest yurts of Father Frost? Did you have to pay to enter? What are your impressions?

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