The largest ships in the world

The largest ship in the world November 30th, 2016

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As time goes on, technology develops. It so happened that container ships and supertankers gained the reputation of being the largest ships. But much less noticeable ships designed to perform technical and production work have long surpassed them in these parameters. And depending on the goals set, they become larger and larger.

The new record holder Pioneering Spirit, owned by a Swiss company, was launched - a giant construction and installation catamaran that has no analogues in modern shipbuilding.

Let's take a closer look at how and why this master of the waves, whose width exceeds the length of a football field, was built.

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The Pioneer is a vessel of gigantic proportions. Reaching 124 meters in width and 382 in length, its parameters are equal to the famous Empire State Building, and its width exceeds the length of a football field. The carrying capacity is high even for ships of the same type - 48 thousand tons. The cost of the project is also a record high and amounts to almost $3 billion.

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Unlike oil tankers or container ships, crane ships specialize in transporting multi-ton cargo and take part in offshore construction. This vessel will be used to install oil and gas platforms.

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The customer of the world's largest crane vessel is Allseas, which is not going to stop there: the next ship they build will be 160 meters wide and 400 meters long. The new vessel will be put into operation no later than 2020. Construction of the giants is carried out at shipyards in South Korea.

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Built in the docks of South Korea, the Pathfinder was sent to Rotterdam for final development and launching. From the Maasflakte 2 area, where a special dry dock has been built for the new ship, the giant offshore crane will travel to Cape Town and then on its first mission.

The catamaran is maintained by a team of 571 people, including sailors, engineers, specialists in lifting and installing offshore drilling platforms and support staff.

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The world's largest ship cost its owners Allseas Corporation $1.7 billion, and the project was designed by Finnish shipbuilders Deltamarin. The contract for the creation of a giant ship by the Allseas Corporation was signed in June 2010, after which the development of design and technical documentation began and the laying of the huge ship in South Korea at the Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering shipyard began. In 2013, the world's largest ship, the Pieter Schelte, was launched.

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Thanks to the use of a catamaran-type hull, the dimensions of the newest vessel turned out to be impressive: maximum length 382 m, width 117 m. This design made it possible to place its own infrastructure on the deck of the floating city, as well as the ability to transport a small oil platform.

The vessel's power plant includes eight diesel engines with a capacity of 15,640 hp. and thirteen Rolls-Royse diesel generators with a total capacity of 97,000 hp.

It is noteworthy that the ship was originally named after Peter Schelte Heerem, a marine engineer, the father of the founder of Allseas, and, part-time, a Nazi criminal. During World War II, Pieter Schelte served in the Waffen-SS, and after the war ended, a Dutch court sentenced Heerem to three years in prison for war crimes. At the end of last year, the provocative name was changed, and the ship became the Pioneer.

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The largest ship in the world is equipped with three deck cranes with a lifting capacity of 50 tons and one with a lifting capacity of 600 tons. The diameter of the pipes being laid ranges from 2 to 68 inches, and a special cargo compartment can accommodate pipes with a total weight of 27 thousand tons.

The world's largest vessel is equipped with a state-of-the-art dynamic positioning system and is designed for the transport, installation and commissioning of drilling platforms. The maximum carrying capacity of the world's widest vessel is 48 thousand tons. To do this, it was equipped with a unique 65-meter-high keel system, manufactured to special order in Italy.

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The owners have high hopes for the newest vessel, and are confident that it will break all records for depth and speed of pipe laying, for this it has all the necessary equipment. In particular, seven automatic welding stations and six stations for applying a protective layer to pipes will be installed along the entire length of the world's largest ship. It is also already known that Allseas intends to order a second multifunctional vessel, which will be larger than its predecessor. The world's largest ship is scheduled to be put into operation in 2020, and its main purpose will be the installation and dismantling of the largest oil and gas platforms.

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Since ancient times, large water has attracted man, arousing his interest and desire to conquer its vastness. So first the boats appeared, and then the ships. With each century, their size, power and capabilities have only increased and now the vessels are truly impressive with their dimensions. We combined into one top largest ships in the world, so that you can also see them and appreciate the scale from the photo.

10. The list opens with the largest sailing ship in the world and it is “France II”, which, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. Created in 1911, it was 127 meters long and had a steel hull, which did not help it when it crashed. In 1922, France II sank in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

9. Mærsk Mc-Kinney is a creation of Danish craftsmen, which is one of the largest container ships in existence. The length of Mc-Kinney is 400 meters, the width is almost 60. In 2013, it was officially launched, but after a while it returned to its native land for reconstruction. The reason for this was unsuitable port cranes that could not completely unload and load it. The Mc-Kinney is considered the most ill-conceived ship in history, because it hardly pays off.

8. Photo of the largest ship in the world for non-standard cargo Blue Marlin is amazing. Its length is 225 meters, and thanks to its design and carrying capacity, the deck can accommodate about 15 large bulk carriers.

7. The Norwegian docking ship Dockwise Vanguard differs from others in its unusual design and the ability to lower the loading platform below not only the deck itself, but also sea level. The Norwegian giant is capable of transporting over 110 thousand tons of cargo and is used to deliver oil rigs and other vessels.

6. The world's largest bulk carrier Berge Stahl could belong to the Norwegians or another leading world country, but the rights to it belong to the government of the tiny Isle of Man, which is located near Ireland. Its length is 341 meters and its tonnage is 176 thousand tons.

5. CSCL Globe is another container ship with impressive dimensions. Made in Hong Kong, it is 400 meters long but can reach speeds of up to 22 knots. The ship is served by exactly 31 people. The Globe is also known for having one of the most powerful diesel engines on the planet.

4. What is the largest ship in the world? For a long time it was considered an incredible giant created by the Norwegians. It was launched in 1976, and exactly ten years later an Iranian fighter pilot attacked it, causing the ship to become stranded. And when everyone wrote it off, the Norwegians rebuilt it and until 2010, the tanker continued to regularly fulfill all its goals, until it was disposed of in India.

3. The Danish container ship Emma Mærsk impresses with its capabilities. It can accommodate 154 tons of cargo and reach an incredible speed of 33 knots for such a giant. Managed by only 13 people.

2. In second position was the Panamanian giant MSC Oscar, which holds a record in terms of transported cargo - it can take on board almost 200 thousand tons. Due to its size, it can only enter a few ports around the world.

1. Prelude FLNG, which is a floating gas processing plant, is beyond any competition. The dimensions of the largest ship in the world are impressive: length 459 meters, width – 75 meters, height – 105 meters. In order to service such a machine, and in addition to extract gas, there are exactly 240 crew members on board.

Which ship is the largest in the world? The first name that comes to mind is Titanic. Undoubtedly, the Titanic was at one time one of the most famous and largest ships in the world. However, there are many other giant ships that most of us have never even heard of. Below is a list of the ten largest ships in the world, listed based on their overall length, deadweight (gross load capacity) and capacity. It is worth noting that some of them have already been decommissioned and disposed of.

TI-class supertanker

TI-class supertanker is a class of the largest double-hulled oil tankers, including four vessels “TI Africa”, “TI Asia”, “TI Europe” and “TI Oceania”. All four were built by the world's second largest shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering in South Korea in 2002–2003 for the shipping company Hellespont. The length of the tankers is 380 meters, width 68 m, maximum speed 17.5 knots (32 km/h), capacity - 3,166,353 barrels.

Berge Emperor is a supertanker built by Mitsui Group in 1975 in Japan. It was launched on August 30, 1975. The ship belonged to the Norwegian shipping company Bergesen Dy & Co. but in 1985 it was sold to Maastow BV. On March 30, 1986, Berge Emperor was decommissioned and scrapped in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The length of the tanker was 391.83 m, weight - 211.360 tons, total payload - 423,700 DWT, maximum speed - 15.5 knots (28.7 km/h).

Eighth place in the ranking is occupied by the CMA CGM Alexander von Humboldt, a container ship named after the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt. Owned by the French company CMA CGM. It is one of the largest container ships in the world. Its length is 396 m, maximum speed is 25.1 knots (46.5 km/h), and its capacity is 16,020 TEU.

In seventh place is a container ship owned by the Danish company A.P. Moller-Maersk Group - Emma Maersk. It was built in Denmark in 2006 and until November 2012 was the largest and longest container ship in the world. It is 397.71 meters long, 56.55 meters wide, has a maximum speed of 27.5 knots (50.93 km/h), and has a capacity of 14,770+ TEU.

Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller is a Triple-E class container ship owned by A.P. Moller-Maersk. It was built in South Korea and launched in February 2013 at the time the largest and longest container ship in the world. Its length is 399 meters, width 59 m, capacity 18,270 TEU, maximum speed - 23 knots (43 km/h).

Esso Atlantic is a tanker built in Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas in 1977. Owned by Esso International Shipping Co Ltd. The length of the tanker is 406.57 m, total payload capacity is 516.895 DWT, maximum speed is 15.5 knots (28.71 km/h). After 35 years of operation, it was decommissioned and disposed of in 2002 in Pakistan.

Batillus is a supertanker built in 1976 in the French city of Saint-Nazaire for Shell Oil. At the time of construction, it was one of the largest ships in the world, second in size only to the Seawise Giant. Its length is 414.22 m, width 63.01 meters, total payload capacity is 553,662 DWT, maximum speed is 16 knots (30 km/h). On October 17, 1985, company management decided to sell the ship for scrap for less than $8 million. Batillus made its last voyage from the Norwegian port of Vestnes to the Taiwanese port of Kaohsiung, where it was scrapped on November 28, 1985.

Pierre Guillaumat is a supertanker built in 1977 at the Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard in the French city of Saint-Nazaire for the Nationale de Navigation company. Named in honor of the statesman, French Minister of Defense (1959-1960) and founder of the Elf Aquitaine company - Pierre Guillaume. Due to its gigantic size, the use of Pierre Guillaumat was very limited. It could not pass through either the Panama or Suez Canals, could not moor in most ports of the world, and due to unprofitability, the tanker was scrapped in 1983 after 6 years of operation. Its length was 414.23 m, width 63 m, total payload - 555,051 DWT, maximum speed 17 knots (31 km/h).


Mont (formerly Seawise Giant, Knock Nevis) is a supertanker built in Yokosuka by the Japanese Sumitomo Group during 1979–1981. Mont had the largest deadweight and was the longest ship ever built. Its length is 458.45 meters, width - 68.86 m, total payload capacity of 564,763 tons (4.1 million barrels), maximum speed of 16 knots (30 km/h). In the last years of operation it was used as a floating oil storage facility. In January 2010, the tanker was transported to the Indian port of Alang, where it was landed on a shoreline for further disposal.

Prelude FLNG is the largest vessel on Earth, built at the South Korean shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries and developed by Royal Dutch Shell PLC for Shell Oil. The Prelude FLNG is a floating structure for the ocean floor production, liquefaction, storage and processing of natural gas. Its length is 488 meters, width 74 m, displacement - 600,000 tons. More than 260,000 tons of steel will be required to build it. The estimated cost of the vessel for 2013 was $10–12.6 billion.

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Which ship is the largest in the world today? First of all, the name “Titanic” comes to mind. Undoubtedly, the Titanic is one of the most famous ships in the world. And on his first voyage a terrible tragedy befell him. But there are many other giant ships built in the world that most people are unaware of. We have selected for you the 10 largest ships that have ever been built. Some of them have already been decommissioned and dismantled, but others are still in operation. The world's largest ships are listed based on their overall length, their gross tonnage, and their gross tonnage. The list also includes the giants of the present, both specific ships and entire classes of ships, but also the record-breaking ships of the past that were decommissioned.

10. TI Class Super Tanker

Perhaps the most remarkable ship that has ever been created by man for transporting huge volumes of crude oil is the T.I. class tankers. "Oceania". This class of floating giants includes four of the largest double-deck supertankers in the world. In addition, today they are also the most gigantic ships in the world. Of course, the Maersk Triple E container ships are longer than them, but the T.I. class. still the largest in terms of cargo capacity and gross tonnage. Deadweight T.I. Oceania at a speed of about 18 knots is more than 400 thousand tons. T.I. Oceania - excellent high-tech ships that are not afraid of any obstacles that arise during a long voyage. Length T.I. Oceania 380 meters.

9. Berge Emperor

Among the largest oil tankers in the history of shipbuilding was the Berg Emperor, a huge oil tanker built in 1975 by Mitsitu in Japan. It was launched on August 30, 1975. Moreover, the ship weighed 221 thousand tons and was almost 382 meters long. Initially it belonged to Bergeson & Co., but in 1985 it was ceded to B.V. Maastov. and renamed "Emperor". The ship was scrapped on March 30, 1986 in Kaohsiung.

8. CMA CGM Alexander von Humboldt

CMA CGM Alexander von Humboldt is an Explorer class container ship, named after the physicist Alexander Humboldt, it was developed for the CMA CGM company. Before the release of the first Maersk Triple E ships, it was the largest container transport in the world. The length of this large ship is 396 meters. The deadweight of the CMA CGM Alexander von Humboldt is almost 188 thousand tons.

7. Emma Maersk

The second largest ship in the world currently underway is Emma Maersk. It was the first E-class container ship out of 8 similar ones owned by the A.P. Möller-Maersk Group; in 2006, when it set off on its maiden voyage, Emma Maersk was the largest ship built in history. She, along with 7 ships of the same series, were, in 2010, one of the longest container ships ever built. This container ship transports various goods from country to country. The container ship Emma Maersk is capable of carrying up to 14,770 twenty-pound equivalent units (TEU) of goods. The length of this huge ship is more than 397 meters.

6. Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller

The main ship of the Maersk Triple E class should be considered the container ship Maersk McKinney Meller. In 2013, it had the largest twenty-pound equivalent unit (TEU) capacity and length of any cargo carrier built to that date. It was designed by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering for Maersk in Korea and sent into service in July 2013. Along with ships of the same class, Maersk McKinney Meller is the largest and most cost-effective container ship in 2013, with a total length of 399 meters and a gross cargo capacity of 18 thousand twenty-pound equivalents. Its maximum speed is 23 knots.

5. Esso Atlantic

Esso Atlantic is one of the most famous names in the history of large ships in the world. With a length of 406.57 meters, this huge ship had a deadweight of 516.891 tons. For 35 years, Esso Atlantic has served the world well. There is no need to say that it was the best oil tanker of that time. In 2002, Esso Atlantic was dismantled.

4. Batillus

Batillus was a supertanker built in 1976 by Chantiers de l'Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire for the French subsidiary of Shell Oil. It was the first ship of the class of supertankers of the same name. Batillus, along with sister ships Bellamia, Pierre Gillamat and Prairial were the largest ships in the world before the Seawise Giant was built in 1976, although all four Batillus class ships had a large gross tonnage with a deadweight capacity of approximately 554,000 tons. With a speed of up to 17 knots and a length of approximately 414 meters, Batillus was the fourth largest ship created by man. It set off on its last voyage on December 28, 1985.

3. Pierre Guillaumat

It was the third largest ship in history. Named after the politician and oilman Elf of Aquitaine, the supertanker Pierre Gillaumat was built in 1977 by Chantiere de l'Atlantique for the Compagnie National de Gavigation. Due to high losses and declining demand for oil, the service of this vessel lasted only 6 years before dismantling The capabilities of the Pierre Gillaumat were limited due to its enormous size, the ship could not even cross the Panama or Suez canals. Due to its high draft, this ship could only enter a small part of the world's ports, so it had to moor at offshore drilling rigs and offshore ones. terminals, and only after unloading at Europort. Pierre Gillaumat had a gross lifting capacity of 555 thousand tons at a speed of 16 knots. Its length was approximately 414 meters.

2. Seawise Giant

Formerly known as Oppama, Knock Newis, Yare Viking, Happy Giant and Seawise Giant, she was a ULCC supertanker. Mon became the largest and largest ship in terms of deadweight after its expansion. Seawise Giant was sometimes called the queen of rivers and oceans. It was designed in 1979 by Sumimoto Heavy Industries. During the Iran-Iraq war, it was damaged by bombing. Having sunk, it was considered completely lost. However, its wreckage was salvaged and the ship was restored. After repairs, she went to sea again under the name Happy Giant. The vessel was sold to Indian shipbreakers, and renamed Mon for her final route in December 2009 after being moored off Indian shores for dismantling. Along with the title of the largest ship in the world at the time, Mon also holds the honor of being the largest oil tanker in the world ever built.

1. Prelude FLNG

Prelude is the largest ship in the world ever developed to date. With a body longer than the height of the Empire State Building, it was built in South Korea in December 2013. Measuring 490 meters long and 75 meters wide, the ship is Prelude Shell's floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) plant and is the largest watercraft ever created by man. More than 260 thousand tons of steel were used in its construction. During its operation, it will weigh more than 600 thousand tons, which is more than five times heavier than the weight of the largest aircraft carrier.