Location of seats on a Boeing 757 200 aircraft. How to choose and book comfortable seats on Azur air aircraft. Features of accommodation for different categories of passengers

The Boeing company is one of the most famous aircraft manufacturers. At the end of the seventies of the twentieth century, it produced the Boeing 757-200 passenger aircraft, which can be called its most successful and profitable project.

This aircraft is used by a huge number of airlines around the world.

History of the Boeing 757-200 aircraft

Such a machine made its first flight back in 1982, and at the end of that year it received certification in America, then in England, after which mass production of these aircraft began.

It must be said that this aircraft did not immediately gain popularity, perhaps due to the small number of passengers in those years or due to the greater prevalence of competitive aircraft. The Boeing 757-200 was produced until 2004, and then was replaced by the latest modifications.

By the way, it is worth noting the fact that the use of this aircraft by the American high command speaks in favor of this aircraft. The authorities of Saudi Arabia and Mexico also use it for similar purposes, and the former, for example, are extremely demanding and suspicious in everything related to security.

Airplane cabin

The Boeing 757-200, whose cabin is so spacious that it can accommodate 200 people on board simultaneously, not counting, of course, the captain and crew, can be met at any airport in the world. These are fairly common flying machines. According to the universal scheme, the aircraft cabin is divided into three parts: economic, business and first. According to the creators' plans, it is also possible to operate the device using only two classes: economy and business. But due to this, the Boeing 757-200 can only accommodate 180 people.

Interior layout

In each row of the cabin there are six seats, which are arranged in threes, to the left and right of the central aisle. It is worth noting that this is very convenient for passengers. The cabin is wide enough to allow passengers to sit incredibly comfortably in their seats, and it is divided into 40 rows.

In front of the first of them there are toilets, so these places can hardly be called comfortable, but their advantage is the ability to comfortably position your legs. The second row is also hampered by the sanitary room, since its wall is almost adjacent to it. For those who have back problems, you should not buy tickets for seats in the 10th row, since the backrests there do not recline due to the fact that there is an emergency exit behind them. The 11th row has a huge advantage: it is possible to straighten your legs, but such seats will not accommodate passengers with children or disabled people. In addition, the aisle must be free of hand luggage. The most comfortable, according to reviews from knowledgeable people, is row No. 32, since the seats recline there, you can comfortably place your legs, there are no toilets nearby, in general, these are really the most pleasant and best seats in the entire cabin.

Among the uncomfortable places, the following rows can be noted:

  • No. 12 - according to some passengers, it is always very cold there;
  • No. 15 - usually there is no window next to these places, but you really want to look at the clouds and the ground during the flight;
  • No. 30 and No. 40 - the seats in this row do not recline back, in addition, there is a toilet behind it (behind row No. 40 there is a technical room), which definitely creates various inconveniences.

Best places

It is difficult to determine exactly which seats on the plane can be called the best. Some believe that this is determined by safety or proximity to an emergency exit (although this is unlikely to save in the event of an accident). Others argue that the main thing is comfortable and convenient seats, so that you can, for example, stretch your legs, tilt the backrest, without disturbing your neighbors behind. For others, it is important to have sanitary facilities nearby, while for others, unpleasant odors bother them.

If we talk about safety, here the points of view of experts coincide: you need to sit closer to the tail section. Of course, all the arguments that, sitting in one place or another, a person has a greater chance of surviving in the event of any problems, are unlikely to have any basis. But the Russian proverb comes into play: “God protects those who are careful.”

In addition, there are special resources where you can see which seats on a particular plane are the best and most comfortable, and sometimes it is possible to compare two aircraft with each other. But as mentioned above, according to passenger surveys, the best seats on the Boeing 757-200 are in row No. 32.

Boeing 757-200 accidents

No vehicle is insured against accidents and malfunctions. The Boeing 757-200 crashed only 8 times, which, compared to other aircraft, is negligible. In addition, it is worth noting that some accidents did not occur through the fault of the crew or due to technical breakdowns.

For example, the infamous terrorist attack in the United States that destroyed the Twin Towers occurred on board a Boeing 757-200.

In any case, this is a truly worthy aircraft: strong and reliable. It is equipped with the latest support systems, has an incredibly low noise level and offers passengers increased comfort. There is no doubt that it complies with all necessary and legal safety standards.

A fairly young company, Abakan-Avia, began its existence in 1993 and by 2003 it had taken one of the leading positions among Russian cargo carriers from China. Since 2014, it was renamed Royal Flight and began passenger air transportation, first on domestic and then international routes. Today it is based in Moscow Sheremetyevo and operates charter flights to Greece, Hurghada, Barcelona, ​​Egypt and other resort islands.

Today the air carrier has 8 aircraft at its disposal. Of these:

  • Boeing 737-800 – 1 unit;
  • Boeing 767-300 – 2 units;
  • Boeing 757-200 – 5 units.

The average age of aircraft is about 16 years. As can be seen from the list, it is the 200 models that most often carry tourists on charter flights, and many travelers are often concerned about the question of choosing a seat. Therefore, in order to make the right choice, it is necessary to consider all seating options.

Five Boeing 757-200 Royal Flight airlines

The aircraft are all leased and have been used by various European airlines:

  • Tail number VQ-BTR first flew in the spring of 1998 and served flights on three British airlines;
  • No. VP-BOO first flew in the winter of 1999 and was also used on UK airlines;
  • The airliner with tail number VQ-BTB was operated by airlines in the UK and Canada, and made its first flight in the spring of 1999;
  • In the fall of 1999, the first flights of aircraft under the numbers VQ-BTN and VQ-BTM were made, and these airliners served routes of Spanish, English and Latvian air carriers.

Basic arrangement of seats inside the cabin

Although all aircraft belong to a 1-class layout, the cabin layout of the Boeing 757-200 Royal Flight contains 3 different types of equipment.

Thus, BTR and BTB are capable of seating 235 people in 40 seating rows. Airliners numbered BTN and BTM can accommodate slightly less - only 224 passengers, but the aircraft numbered BOO has 235 seats and an additional row numbered 41.

The best seats on board the Boeing 757-200

Let's look at where the best seats are on the Boeing 757-200 (cabin layout). Royal Flight has developed this model with a capacity for 235 people for flights, and we'll focus on certain rows that are worth attention.

The first row is considered one of the most convenient for physical comfort, because the partition in front creates additional space for free stretching of the legs. Although it is precisely this that can become a source of additional irritation for the eyes, and by the end of the flight you may simply get tired of such a “landscape”. Also, proximity to the toilet stall will not bring any additional pleasure.

The next 8 rows are considered standard. In principle, they do not have any distinctive features that deserve separate consideration.

When choosing a seat in the 10th row, you should additionally check with the airline manager about reclining seat backs. It is behind this that an additional exit is provided, and for safety reasons, the backrests in front of it are specially blocked to leave free access.

Without a doubt, the 11th row would be a good choice of seat. A nearby emergency exit provides additional legroom, as well as the absence of outer seats and backrests for the neighbors in front. The biggest disadvantage here will be the difficulty of booking - they are bought out first, and the airline may charge an additional fee when booking in advance.

Another convenient option would be to choose a ticket in row 12 in seats A or F. The positive bonuses of the previous row can only be overshadowed by the absence of one armrest due to the proximity of the emergency exit.

Rows 13 to 28 have standard characteristics. They do not stand out with practically any features.

The worst seats on board a Boeing 757-200

What seats should not initially be considered on this plane, if there is a choice? There aren't many recommendations here.

In the 29th row, the seats are not initially designated as not comfortable, but you should still refrain from choosing rooms C and D. The whole catch lies in the proximity of the toilet stalls, and almost 100 passengers from the 11th to your row will walk past during the entire flight, which is unlikely to be enjoyable.

The seats in row 30 are considered the noisiest and most restless in the entire cabin. To all the disadvantages of the 29th row are added restrictions on reclining the backs due to the close partition, as well as the constant crowding of people.

If you choose a ticket in row 31, your legs can handle the flight just fine, because there is simply no front row. But the proximity of the toilet, and therefore additional queues, noise and smells, can ruin all the benefits of the free space in front.

I would also like to note in this category row No. 40. The partition located behind the seats limits the amplitude of reclining the backrests. Another disadvantage may be the poor operation of the air purification system, and during the flight it is often either cold or, on the contrary, hot and stuffy.

Boeing 757

The purpose of creating the Boeing 757, initiated by Eastern Airlines and British Airlines, was to replace the then obsolete Boeing 727 aircraft. Thanks to the order of these carriers in early 1978, Boeing announced its intention to develop a new family of airliners using the most advanced technologies. The prototypes of these winged aircraft were designated Model 757, 767 and 777. The first of the three new aircraft differed from the others in that its design retained exactly the same fuselage cross-section as the Model 727, while the 767 and 777 variants had a cross-section a cross section that is a cross between the Boeing 727 and Boeing 747 airliners.

The narrow-body short- and medium-range passenger airliner Boeing 757 accommodates 178 tourists in a mixed class cabin, or 196 tourists in a tourist class cabin, or 224 tourists at maximum density. The airliner is one of the most fuel-efficient passenger aircraft in its class with turbofan engines. The first orders for the Boeing 757, designated Model 757-200, arrived on August 31, 1978. 19 aircraft were ordered by British Airways and 21 aircraft by Eastern Air Lines.

The aircraft's power plant consists of 2 Rolls-Royce RB211-535C or Pratt & Whitney PW2037 turbofan engines. The aircraft's landing gear is three-legged, with each leg having a 4-wheeled bogie on the nose strut; the wheels of the aircraft are paired. The aircraft's crew consists of 2-3 people, who have at their disposal the most modern electronic equipment, including an inertial reference system with laser gyroscopes, as well as a computer flight control system with a digital flight data computer.

The Boeing 757 first flew in February 1982, and by the end of March 1990, orders and options for 632 aircraft had been received. Production of the Boeing 757 ended in 2004 after 1,050 units were produced.

Basic aircraft performance characteristics Boeing 757:

  • Aircraft modification: Boeing 757
  • Wing span of the airliner, m: 37.95
  • Liner length, m: 47.32
  • Aircraft height, m: 13.56
  • Aircraft wing area, m2: 181.25
  • Weight, kg - empty, loaded liner: 59430
  • Aircraft weight, kg - maximum take-off: 104326
  • Aircraft engine type: 2 Rolls-Royce RB211-535C turbofan engines
  • Liner thrust, kgf: 2 x 16964
  • Maximum speed of the liner, km/h: 920
  • Cruise speed of the liner, km/h: 872
  • Practical range of the aircraft, km: 3985
  • Practical ceiling of the liner, m 10"500
  • Aircraft crew, people: 2
  • Payload of the liner: 178 tourists in a mixed class cabin or 196 tourists in a tourist class cabin, or 224 tourists at maximum density.

MODIFICATIONS OF THE BOEING 757 ====================================

The medium-haul narrow-body airliner Boeing 757-200 (Boeing-757-200) was developed by the American large aircraft manufacturer Boeing as an adequate replacement for the Boeing 727-100 model, which turned out to be not at all popular, and not a single airliner of which was produced. During development, the design of the Boeing 757-200 aircraft included the following parameters: greater unification of components and assemblies with the wide-body long-haul Boeing 767 aircraft.

Boeing 757-200 airliners began to enter service in 1983, they continue to be used by many airlines around the world on lightly loaded routes, the length of which ranges from 3,000-7,000 km. During production, a total of 915 Boeing 757-200 passenger aircraft were produced, as well as another 80 757-200PF cargo aircraft. Let us clarify that several dozen Boeing 757-200 passenger airliners have been converted into the 757-200SF cargo version in recent years.

The continuation of the 757-200 model was the Boeing 757-300 airliner.

Flight Performance Boeing 757-200 :

  • Aircraft modification: Boeing 757-200
  • Wing span of the airliner, m: 185.2
  • Liner length, m: 47.32
  • Aircraft height, m: 13.6
  • Aircraft wing area, m2: 185.2
  • Weight, kg - empty, loaded liner: 58’390
  • Aircraft weight, kg - maximum take-off: 115’900
  • Aircraft engine type: P&W PW2040, 2 x 18200 kgf R-R RB211-535E4B, 2 x 19500 kgf
  • Liner thrust, kgf: 2 x 16964 (18930)
  • Cruise speed of the liner, km/h: 850
  • Practical range of the aircraft, km: 7"275
  • Practical ceiling of the liner, m 12’800
  • Aircraft crew, people: 2


The Boeing 757-300 is a medium-haul passenger airliner developed by the American company Boeing. The aircraft is a modern modification of the Boeing 757-200. In September 1996, at the Farnborough International Aerospace Exhibition in the UK, Boeing announced the start of development of the 757-300 airliner. The aircraft will differ from the original model by a fuselage lengthened by 7.1 meters (as a result of which the maximum number of passenger seats will increase to 289), an increased take-off weight of 123 tons, and a flight range of 6,500 km.

Deliveries of the new 757-300 aircraft began in March 1999. The first customer of the airliner was the German company Condor, which purchased 24 aircraft. Moreover, the aircraft were ordered by Arkia Israeli Airlines (deliveries of the first 2 aircraft began in early 2000) and Icelandair (deliveries of 2 aircraft were planned for 2001).

The airliner uses the EFIS digital avionics system, manufactured by the American company Rockwell-Collins, which has 6 color multifunction displays. The passenger cabin is more comfortable, similar to the cabin of Next-Generation 737 series airliners. A similar complex is used on Boeing 767 aircraft. The aircraft has been in serial production since 1997.

Flight performance Boeing 757-300 :

  • Aircraft modification: Boeing 757-300
  • Wing span of the airliner, m: 38.05
  • Liner length, m: 54.50
  • Aircraft height, m: 13.60
  • Aircraft wing area, m2: 185.20
  • Weight, kg - empty, loaded airliner: 63400
  • Aircraft weight, kg - maximum take-off: 123600
  • Aircraft engine type: 2 Rolls-Royce RB211-535E4B turbofan engines (Pratt Whitney PW2043)
  • Liner thrust, kgf: 2 x 19731 (19323)
  • Maximum speed of the liner, km/h: 935
  • Cruise speed of the liner, km/h: 876
  • Practical range of the aircraft, km: 6426
  • Practical ceiling of the liner, m: 12800
  • Aircraft crew, people: 2
  • Payload of the liner: 239 tourists in a mixed class cabin or 289 tourists at maximum density.


American Boeing aircraft can be seen at airports around the world. The most common of them is the 737, the most recognizable is the huge four-engine Jumbo Jet, but the Boeing 757 has not received such fame. True, one day he did come to the attention of journalists. This happened on September 11, 2001, when two such airliners were captured by terrorists, but such “advertising” could hardly benefit anyone. Meanwhile, the Boeing 757 is a very successful aircraft that has been “reproduced” into more than a thousand copies, many of which are still in operation. One of these Boeings belongs to the current US President, Donald Trump.

History of the development of the Boeing 757 passenger aircraft

In the mid-70s of the last century, the Boeing aircraft manufacturing corporation produced two types of narrow-body medium-haul airliners. These were Boeing 727 and 737 models. Both aircraft were not flawless, and customers had mixed feelings about them.

It should be borne in mind that the first generation of “737” was quite noisy and “voracious,” which was perceived extremely negatively against the backdrop of the consequences of the “oil crisis” of those years. The Boeing 727 was completely outdated: its design looked archaic.

Taking all this into account, the corporation's management decided to develop several new aircraft, tentatively designated Model 757, 767 and 777. An official announcement about this was published in early 1978. A few months later, in August, the concern received its first two orders from Eastern AirLines and British Airways, who wished to purchase a total of forty Boeing 757 units.

On February 19, 1982, the new airliner took off for the first time. The test program was successfully completed in December of the same year. The aircraft was certified first in the USA, and a month later - in England. During the same period of time, deliveries of the machine to customers began.

In 1984, the Boeing 757 with Pratt & Witney PW2037 engines was successfully certified. The first buyer of this modification was Delta Air Lines. Subsequently, Boeing 757-200 airliners received more powerful engines - PW2040.

Construction of the aircraft continued until 2004, with the last few years producing a modification with an extended fuselage and increased cabin capacity. In total, 1050 cars were produced. From a commercial point of view, the aircraft has fully justified itself; it is still in use today.

Description and technical characteristics

In its appearance, the Boeing 757 differs little from many other passenger airliners, standing out only for its size, primarily its length.

The aerodynamic design chosen for the Boeing 757 200 has now become traditional, however, in the 70s it was quite unusual. This is an aircraft with a single fin, low swept wing and stabilizers. The power plant includes two turbofan engines. They are located under the wings. The cross-section of the fuselage is the same as on the Boeing 727, but the length is 5.97 meters longer than that of the old airliner.

The widespread use of electronic equipment, which includes two on-board computers and an improved inertial reference system, has significantly simplified aircraft control and reduced fuel consumption. Compared to the early "seven hundred and thirty-seven", the savings amounted to 45%. The flight engineer was excluded from the crew, the cabin was made double, with the exception of a few special modifications.

Flight characteristics of the Boeing 757

The airliner was produced in three main modifications. Their operational and flight parameters are somewhat different:

Boeing 757-200 Boeing 757-200F Boeing 757-300
Takeoff weight (maximum) 115.9 tons 115.9 tons 123.6 tons
Empty weight 58.44 tons 52.43 tons 64.34 tons
Width (fuselage cross section) 3.7 m 3.7 m 3.7 m
Wingspan 38.05 m 38.05 m 38.05 m
Aircraft length 47.32 m 47.32 m 54.47 m
Ceiling (service) 42,000 feet (i.e. 12,800 m) 42,000 feet 42,000 feet
Cruising speed 850 km/h 850 km/h 850 km/h
Maximum range 7,275 km 5,834 km 6,421 km
Fuel tank capacity 43,490 liters 42,680 liters 43,400 liters
Number of passengers From 200 to 239 From 200 to 239 From 243 to 295

The initial take-off weight of the Boeing 757-200 aircraft was 99.8 tons, and subsequently this characteristic gradually increased, which is apparently explained by the initial underestimation of the potential carrying capacity of the machine, as well as an increase in engine power.

Interior layout and seating arrangement

The internal layout of the Boeing 757 was carried out in accordance with the wishes of customers. Because of this, on two outwardly identical 757 200 airliners, the cabin layout can be completely different.

The original design featured a business class seated at the front of the aircraft with twenty-two seats. The seats were installed in a 2x2 pattern, in six rows on the left side of the aircraft and five on the right.

There are two toilets located directly behind the business class section (on either side of the central aisle). In the middle part of the liner there are 17 rows of seats, according to a 3x3 layout. Two additional seats, located on the starboard side, are placed slightly forward in relation to the others. Directly behind this section are two more toilets.

At the rear of the plane there are 9 more rows of economy class seats, and behind them is the galley. It is also worth mentioning the fifth toilet - it is located directly behind the cockpit, on the left side of the aircraft.

In addition, there are several options for the layout of the cabin, which consists entirely of economy class seats:

  1. VQ-BOO. The number of toilets has been reduced to four: one near the cockpit and three between the central and aft compartments. The seats are installed in 41 rows, capacity - 235 people;
  2. VQ-BLM. There are also 4 toilets, but they are located differently - one on the left side between the bow and central compartments, one near the cockpit and two in front of the tail compartment. The seats are installed in 40 rows, capacity – 238 people;
  3. VQ-BTM (and also VQ-BTN). The number of toilets is 4. Two of them are located in the bow of the plane (one after the other on the left side), two more are in the very tail, on both sides of the aisle. 39 rows of seats can accommodate 230 passengers;
  4. VQ-BTR and VQ-BTB. Toilets are located between the central and tail sections, as well as in the bow of the aircraft, there are 4 of them in total. The seats are installed in 40 rows, the capacity is 235 people;
  5. VQ-BRL. There are only three toilets: two between the central and tail compartments, one near the pilot’s cabin. There are 40 rows of seats, the number of passengers is up to 238.

The Boeing 757-300 had the greatest capacity. Relatively few such aircraft were produced.

Best places

With the exception of business class, the most comfortable seats in all layout options are those located in the front row of each compartment. This is where there is the most free space. It should be borne in mind that on the 1st and 11th rows in the VQ-BTB and VQ-BTR layout there are no windows, which not everyone likes. The 9th row in the VQ-BTN and VQ-BTM salons has the same feature - it is also front in its section (central), but it does not have “windows”.

Good places

The main part of the seats in all variants of the Boeing 757 200er cabin layout provides approximately the same level of comfort. There is not as much space as in the front rows, but it is enough for a good rest during the flight.

Bad places

The seats located in the back rows of each section are considered inconvenient. Passengers sitting there cannot fully recline the seat back. In addition, such places are adjacent to the toilet, which creates additional noise and bustle. To find out in advance whether the proposed row is the last in the section, it is useful to take another look at the cabin layout immediately before purchasing a ticket.

Flight safety

Over all the years of operation, 10 Boeing-757 aircraft crashed as a result of various disasters. In six cases this resulted in significant loss of life. The most famous events were September 11, 2001, when terrorists hijacked two Boeing 757s operating on domestic American airlines. One of them crashed into the Pentagon building, and the second crashed to the ground in Pennsylvania. In this case, 233 people died, of which 108 were on board the airliners.

Another high-profile disaster was a collision over Lake Constance, when a Boeing 757 transport crashed into a Russian Tu-154 carrying 69 people, mostly children. The cause of this terrible disaster was a gross error by the dispatcher.

At the same time, the most “alarming” incidents involving the same aircraft are mentioned less frequently. Both of them occurred in 1996: on February 6, a Boeing 757 crashed into the waters of the Atlantic, killing all passengers and crew members (189 people in total), and on October 2, a similar aircraft crashed into the Pacific Ocean. All 70 people on board were killed.

The cause of both accidents was a malfunction of the aircraft commander's speed meter. The readings from this instrument did not match those displayed on the co-pilot's panel. As a result, the on-board electronics became confused, and the crews were unable to understand the situation. Both planes went into a tailspin and crashed. Later, those who serviced the planes on the ground were found guilty, but these cases showed that on-board equipment is too sensitive to external influences.

Pros and cons of the Boeing 757

For its time, the Boeing 757 was a very advanced aircraft. In particular, it has the following advantages:

  1. Low fuel consumption. This advantage was most noticeable when compared with earlier models, but subsequently the Boeing 757 retained its reputation as an economical aircraft;
  2. High level of flight safety. Despite several accidents, in general the aircraft proved to be very reliable. The accident rate has decreased by almost ten times compared to the Boeing 727;
  3. Large interior capacity.

Among the shortcomings of the aircraft, one can note a somewhat strange approach to the internal layout. The interior layout of the Boeing 757 200 is unreasonably diverse. It is often asymmetrical, which creates unnecessary confusion when purchasing tickets. Places without portholes also raise questions, especially considering their generally advantageous location.

Another disadvantage, but from the point of view of airlines, is the uncertainty of the “niche” of this airliner. It, especially in the 757-300 version, is somewhat large for a medium-range aircraft. This is where occupancy problems arise. Perhaps it was for this reason that some carriers preferred to buy narrow-body Airbuses.

Main Boeing 757 models

There are four main modifications of the Boeing 757 airliner, of which only three were mass-produced.

Boeing 757-100

The initial design of the aircraft, which received an index of 100, was supposed to have a maximum capacity of 160 passengers. This plan was not realized most likely due to direct overlap with the Boeing 737. It would be wrong to build two aircraft at once for the same purpose and with the same characteristics.

Boeing 757-200

The main version of the airliner was designated by the index 200. Its maximum capacity was increased to 240 people. Built with several types of engines: RB211-535, PW2037, PW2040. In total, at least 868 of these aircraft were produced.

Boeing 757-200F

This modification is a transport aircraft. In place of the passenger compartment there is a cargo compartment 33.27 meters long and 3.53 meters wide. The aircraft's payload reaches 36 tons. To accommodate cargo, both the main and two additional compartments are used, the dimensions of which are 13.09 by 1.38 meters. The maximum flight range is reduced compared to the passenger version.

Boeing 757-300

The latest modification of the aircraft is a passenger airliner capable of carrying up to 289 passengers. To achieve this, the length of the fuselage had to be increased to a record value for civil aviation - 54.47 meters. The interior of the aircraft has been significantly redesigned, which is modeled after the newer Boeing 777.

Despite the fact that all the transformations were carried out in strict accordance with the wishes of the airlines, significant demand for this modification never arose.

As a result, it became the last for the Boeing 757 - the construction of aircraft of this model was completely stopped in 2004.

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Royal Flight is a new Russian airline, formed from the former Abakan-Avia company, which previously specialized in air cargo transportation. Today, Royal Flight operates charter flights on behalf of the tour operator Coral Travel.

The company's aircraft fleet includes five Boeing 757-200. These are the tail numbers: VQ-BTR, VP-BOO, VQ-BTB, VQ-BTN and VQ-BTM. The airliners are old (average age 16 years) and were purchased at different times from different airlines:

  • VQ-BTR made its first flight in May 1998 and has been operated by Flying Colors Airlines, JMC Airlines and Thomas Cook Airlines.
  • VP-BOO made its first flight in February 1999 and has been operated by Britannia Airways, Thomsonfly and Thomson Airways.
  • VQ-BTB made its first flight in March 1999 and has been operated by Flying Colors Airlines, JMC Airlines, Thomas Cook Airlines, Jazz Air and Thomas Cook Airlines.
  • The VQ-BTN aircraft made its first flight in October 1999 and was operated by such airlines as: Iberia, Air Baltic, TonleSap Airlines, Palau Airways, BB Airways.
  • The VQ-BTM aircraft made its first flight in November 1999 and was operated by such airlines as: Iberia, Air Baltic, TonleSap Airlines.

All aircraft are in a single-class configuration. There are three different interior configuration options. The VQ-BTR and VQ-BTB boards have 40 rows and carry 235 passengers:

The VQ-BTN and VQ-BTM boards accommodate 224 passengers:

The VP-BOO board can accommodate 235 passengers and has an additional 41 rows:

As can be seen in the Boeing 757-200 cabin diagrams, the company noted good comfortable seats and seats with restrictions on reclining. In our opinion, this is a very superficial characteristic of the quality of seats. We offer our own, more extensive review of the best and worst places. Let's take a closer look at the cabin layout for 235 seats (VQ-BTR and VQ-BTB boards).

Location of the best seats on the Boeing 757-200

Row 1. The first row is marked as comfortable. Indeed, there is enough legroom in front, but the partition in front of the eyes and the close location to the toilet can spoil the entire impression of the flight.

Row 10. Although the cabin diagram does not indicate that the seat backs are limited in reclining, this point should be further clarified with airline representatives. The fact is that the emergency exit begins behind the row - it is for this reason that the backs of the seats are often blocked so as not to block the exit (for safety reasons).

Row 11. Definitely a good place to fly. Thanks to the emergency exit, there is a lot of legroom. The backrest of the neighbor in front also wouldn't hurt. These are very good seats for flying as a couple, as there are no outer seats in the rows. A minor disadvantage of this row is that seats are quickly snapped up, and don’t be surprised if they ask for an additional amount for early booking.

Row 12, seats A and F. Also very good seats for flying. They have the advantages of the 11th row. However, there is one caveat - due to the emergency exit door, the chair may be missing one armrest.

Row 29, seats C and D. . Not the best seats to fly on this plane. Although they are not designated by the company as not comfortable. The fact is that the toilets are very close, and all passengers from rows 11 to 28 (about 100 people), due to their “need,” will walk right past your seat. And if the toilets are occupied, then there will be a line right up to your place. Do you like this arrangement?

Row 30. Has all the disadvantages of row 29. But these places are even worse. Due to the partition from the toilet, the seat backs are limited in reclining. These are the noisiest places in the cabin. There are always people bustling around here and queues form.

Row 31. Quite contradictory places. On the one hand, there is no front row of seats, so there is a lot of legroom (even a lot). However, there are toilets nearby, which means only one thing - movement, noise and smells. Be that as it may, the company designates these places as comfortable.

Row 40. Not very good places to fly. The seatbacks are limited in reclining due to the partition behind the row. This is also the last row in the cabin, and, as you know, the tail of the plane can be cold or stuffy (if the air conditioning system is not working well).