Airbus A319 aircraft: numbering of seats in the cabin, seating layout, best seats. Airbus A319. Interior layout and best seats Airbus 319 interior layout best seats

The Airbus A319 is the most common aircraft today. This Airbus model is used by many airlines to transport passengers around the world. How to choose the best seats for a comfortable flight?

Basic information

The aircraft was developed by Airbus Industry. The prototype for the development of the A319 was the model of the Airbus A320. The new model is shortened, it has only 120 seats for passengers. During development, the aircraft received the designation A320M-7. This was later assigned to A319.

The first tests of the aircraft dated back to 1990, but official development began in 1992. The first copy of the A319 was built in 1995, and in the same year it took off for the first time. In 1996, the aircraft received the appropriate flight certificate. The first Airbus model A319 was purchased by the Swiss company SwissAir.

Only 2,000 aircraft of this type were produced. The cost of one copy is 86 million dollars.

Now the aircraft is operated by most of the world's leading air carriers. Airbuses became part of Aeroflot in 2003. That same year, Airbus signed an agreement that the production of some elements of the A319 would be carried out in Russia (Irkutsk and Nizhny Novgorod).

Video of Airbus A319 takeoff:

Differences from A320

As mentioned above, the A319 is a modified version of the A320. The differences between them are as follows:

  1. Shortened fuselage;
  2. Reducing the number of seats.

The concern also released two modifications of the A319:

  • A319ACJ- a business aircraft capable of carrying 39 passengers in VIP conditions at a range of up to 12,000 km.
  • A319LR- modification with an increased flight range of up to 8300 km due to the installation of additional fuel tanks.

Interior layout

There are several types of interior design. The aircraft cabin carries a different number of passengers - up to 156 people. Almost all airlines are developing their own scheme. First, let's look at the general layout.

The Airbus A319 has only one class of service in its standard cabin design. In this version, the seats located in front and near the emergency exit are the most comfortable places. However, most airlines choose a business class layout.

The backs of the seats in the first row and those near the emergency exit cannot recline!

Built-in pillows create additional comfort in the cabin seats. The backrests are height adjustable. The plane has a low noise level compared to other airliners.

Seats from the first to the 5th row belong to business class. The space between the seats is wider than in economy. If you choose a place that will have the largest legroom, definitely choose the 1st row.

If we talk about economy class, comfortable seats can be called rows 6 to 8 inclusive. The partition in the 6th will, of course, prevent you from stretching your legs, but no one in front will recline the chair. There are attachments for transporting baby carriers. Another advantage is that starting with it, they serve food in the salon.

Row 7 is located near the emergency exit. The seats do not recline, but in the event of an emergency, passengers are among the first to leave the plane.

In row 8, seats marked A and F are located next to the escape hatch. The chairs are uncomfortable and tilted, but there is a lot of legroom.

Marking locationsB,C,D and E are the best in economy class. Passengers transporting animals and passengers with children will definitely not be seated here.

These seats do not sell tickets to people aged or with disabilities.

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The airline has two designs for the A319 cabin. In the first version, the layout looks like this.

  1. The first 2 rows are usually occupied by business class. All seats are appropriately comfortable.
  2. Economy class starts from row 3. There is supposed to be a large gap in front for the legs to the partition.
  3. 8 row. The backrests do not recline, but are located next to the emergency exit.
  4. The 9th row is a place of increased comfort. Located near the emergency hatch.

This can be clearly seen in the following diagram:

In the second version, a two-class interior was obtained by converting it from a one-class one. The first three rows are occupied by business class. Accordingly, in the economy, emergency exits are located between the 9th and 10th rows. The tenth row has the best seats in this arrangement.

The most uncomfortable places are at the rear of the cabin, next to the toilets.

From the 1st to the 4th row inclusive there is a business class with an increased distance in order to stretch your legs. Economy class starts from the 5th row. There are both pros and cons here, as with all the first rows of economy. There is more than enough space in the front, but the tables are built into the armrests.

The 9th and 10th rows are located next to the emergency hatches. The tenth is considered the best in the economy class of Czech Airlines.

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The best among the two rows of business class is the second. There's more legroom here.

In economy class, row 3 is the first. Here in front there is a curtain separating the two classes. The passenger can easily stretch his legs forward. Another advantage is that no one will recline the chair in front. The distribution of food and drinks begins from this row.

In the 8th row, the seats are fixed and do not recline, this causes inconvenience, but is close to the emergency exit.

The best seats are in row 9. There's plenty of legroom and an emergency exit nearby.

Diagram of A319 from the side. numbers:

Diagram of A319 from the side. numbers:

The A319 is a very popular aircraft belonging to the family of narrow-body medium-haul aircraft. The aircraft is considered one of the safest of all time. That is why it is very popular for flying. Choosing the best places for air travel is one of the most important points. The entire mood during the rest period often depends on the level of comfort during the flight. You can’t even say that the A319 is not a base model, but a modification of the A320, it is so perfect and looks like an “independent” copy of the family.

For familiarization and visual selection of the best seat on the plane, the Aerobus A319 Aeroflot diagram will be presented later in our article, but first, a few words about the airliner itself.

Currently, there is no information on this aircraft model on the official Aeroflot website. Aeroflot probably no longer uses this type of airliner on its routes. Previously, Aeroflot Airlines had seven (7) Airbus A319-100 aircraft in its fleet. This airliner model is operated by the company on medium-haul and short-haul flights. In the model range of the aircraft manufacturer Airbus, the A319 model occupies a place along with the A320 model and is only slightly inferior in size to the older model. The cabin of the Aeroflot Airbus A319 is designed for 116 seats and is divided into two classes of service: “economy” - 96 seats and “Business” - 20 seats, respectively.

Scheme of Airbus A319 Aeroflot

Airbus A319 Aeroflot best seats

It's time to move on to the most interesting part - to a review of the best seats in the cabin of the Aeroflot Airbus A319-100 aircraft.

As mentioned above, the Aeroflot Airbus A319 cabin is divided into two classes of service. In the front part of the cabin, directly behind the cockpit and crew area, there is a business class cabin - rows one to five, only 20 seats. The business class cabin in the Airbus A319 is not distinguished by royal luxury. You will not find here individual multimedia monitors on the backs of the seats in front, and the seats themselves do not recline into a reclining position. Yes, the backrests of the seats have tilt adjustment, and the distance between the rows is increased compared to the economy class (approximately 100 centimeters), but these are all conveniences.

Also, during the flight, business class passengers have access to an entertainment system with seven dozen films and the opportunity to use a separate toilet. The best seats in business class can be considered the seats row 1.

Airbus A319 Aeroflot best seats in economy class

Row 6– the first row of the economy class cabin deserves the closest attention. On the one hand, these are the most comfortable seats for a flight - you will not be annoyed by the reclined back of the passenger in front, and the distance for placing your legs is slightly greater due to the lack of a row of seats in front of you. On the other hand, according to the rules of almost all airlines, the first rows are most often given to passengers traveling with small children. Therefore, even if you have checked in for a flight and booked seats in the first row in advance, there is absolutely no guarantee that when you board, an airline representative will not approach you and ask you to change seats.

Row 7 can be considered one of the most unsuccessful. The thing is that the cabin of the Airbus A319 Aeroflot, like all Airbus aircraft, has emergency exits. In the A319 model they are located directly behind the 7th row of seats. According to flight safety requirements, the backs of the rows behind which emergency exits are located do not have the ability to recline. Passengers sitting in front of you can aggravate the discomfort by simply reclining their back as far as possible.

Row 8- the exact opposite of the previous row. Due to the location of the emergency exits, there is not just a lot of legroom, but a lot. Strictly speaking, there is enough space in front of you to accommodate a whole row of seats. Sitting in the seats located in front of the emergency exits is a blessing for any passenger, but there are some nuances. According to the same notorious safety rules, passengers with children, elderly people and people with disabilities are not seated in these seats.

Airbus A319 Aeroflot best seats in the back

We move on to the rear section of the Aeroflot Airbus A329 cabin. Actually, all the seats here are approximately the same in terms of comfort, they are equally good and it is impossible to single out any individual rows. But it’s worth dwelling in detail on the worst places.

Row 20 would not be the best choice due to its proximity to the toilets located at the rear of the Airbus A319. Anyone who has flown knows that queues of particularly impatient passengers often form at toilet locations. In addition, there is a tradition among some Russian tourists on flights to warmer regions. Before boarding, run to the toilet and change into shorts and T-shirts, which also creates queues near the yards closest to the toilets.

And finally, the worst choice of seats for a flight in the cabin of an Aerobus A319 aircraft from Aeroflot - row 21. The toilets are located directly behind this row of seats, which means that in addition to all the troubles associated with being seated in the previous row, there is also the inability to recline the seat.

Fly in comfort, and to do this, choose your seats carefully!

The fleet of S7 Airlines, one of the ten most reliable air carriers in Russia, includes 58 aircraft, 20 of which are Airbus A319. The vehicle has a short and narrow fuselage and can accommodate up to 144 people at a time. The vessel is used on both domestic and international flights. It is better to familiarize yourself with the seat map of the Airbus 319 S7 in advance, before purchasing a ticket, in order to get only positive emotions from the flight.

Passenger compartment configuration

The A319 airliner may initially have different configurations. Currently, most s7 Airbuses have a cabin with two levels of service for the convenience of customers, but the Airbus A319 has only an economy cabin.

Business class

In April 2016, S7 airlines abandoned business class on Airbus A319 aircraft, explaining that business class was not in demand on short distances. Now, instead of two wardrobes and two rows of business class, Airbus A319s in the full-economy configuration can accommodate additional economy seats, for a total of 144 seats in the cabin. At the same time, in the first row there are Extra Space seats with an increased distance between the seats. The airline operates single-class aircraft on short flights lasting up to 2.5 hours.

Economy class

The seating arrangement on the Airbus 319 S7 aircraft follows a 3×3 format. The standard distance between the rows is 75 cm, which indicates a high level of comfort for economy passengers. But the flight conditions can be further improved: thanks to the Extra Space service, any passenger can book extra-comfort seats (the first row of economy class and the seats in front of the emergency hatches). The cost of the service is 1000 rubles. Economy class passengers can also use the special meal service and order in advance infant, child, Muslim, etc. The general economy class menu is standard: soft drinks, a snack and a dish of your choice.

Passengers are entitled to free baggage allowance weighing up to 23 kg and hand luggage up to 10 kg.

Choosing the best seat on the Airbus 319 S7

In business class, the best seats are considered to be window seats. They allow you to observe as closely as possible an unforgettable spectacle: the takeoff and landing of an aircraft, as well as take interesting photos during the flight itself.

Scheme of Airbus A319 of S7 Airlines. To view the image in high quality, click on the diagram.

In the economy cabin of the Airbus A319 S7, the 3rd row is undoubtedly the best. There is plenty of legroom because there are no seats in front. Here you can comfortably place your hand luggage or sit with your child. Here you can calmly put your baby in front of you and play with him.

The seats located in the 10th row also have increased comfort due to the additional legroom that was created thanks to the emergency hatches located in front. However, for safety reasons, they are prohibited for accommodating children, pregnant women, the elderly and the disabled.

Bad places: how not to make a mistake

On the interior diagram of the airbus A319 S7 airlines, it is indicated: the backs of the 9th row seats can recline at a limited angle, since there are emergency exits at the rear.

The 23rd row is the least popular: behind it there is a toilet. Extraneous sounds from the toilet room and restrictions on reclining the backrest are unlikely to make the trip pleasant. And getting food when the choice is extremely limited can completely ruin your mood.

To choose a comfortable seat for a flight on an Airbus 319 S7, you must:

  1. Carefully study the interior plan of the aircraft.
  2. Designate priority seats with extra legroom.
  3. It is better not to occupy places near technical rooms: lack of rest is guaranteed.
  4. You should avoid places that have restrictions on reclining the backrest.

If you follow these simple rules when booking seats on an airplane, then traveling on board the S7 company will become a pleasant and unforgettable event in your life.

Watch a video about the Airbus A319 aircraft of S7 airlines

Airbus A319 is used by Rossiya Airlines in a two-class configuration - business + economy class. Depending on the tail number of the A319, the layout of the seats in the cabin differs.

General information

To choose the best seats for you on an airplane, find out its tail number (if possible). If the tail number is unknown, there is no need to worry; the layout of the aircraft in the Rossiya Airlines fleet differs only in details.

Layout of the A319 cabin with tail numbers:

Layout of the A319 cabin with tail numbers:

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Business class

The first layout of the A319 has 8 seats in a 2 x 2 layout.
The second layout has 12 seats in a 2 x 2 layout (formerly 3 x 3).
In the first option, we have a full-fledged business class with wide seats and a large distance between them.
In another case, we have business class converted from economy.
Nowadays in airlines this is called “Eurobusiness”.

Roughly speaking, the distance between the rows was increased and the middle seat was removed. But the dimensions of the seats themselves remained the same as in an economy class cabin.

Economy class

Consider the layout shown in the first figure. In my opinion, it is more convenient for passengers.
The economy class cabin starts from row 3 and ends at row 22.

Row 3
Without exaggeration, the best row in the cabin. Seats with increased legroom. You can admire the landscapes during the flight from two windows.
The business class cabin is separated from you by a partition. No one reclines their chairs or interferes with personal space.

Food distribution will begin from the 3rd row. A full range of food and drinks is available to you.
Carry-on luggage can be stored in the shelves above the seats.

Rows 4-6
The general advantage of the front rows in the A319 cabin is the absence of passengers walking or waiting in line for the toilet, leaning on the backs of seats near the aisle.

The seat pitch is standard. The only negative is the seats in the 6th row, partially obscured by the leading edge of the wing of the visa from the porthole. There may also be additional noise from the engine.

Rows 7-8
The advantages of rows above the wing are silence (Noise from the engines is muffled by the plane of the wing). The downside is the lack of views from the windows.

Row 9
Seats near emergency exits. Unlike the A319 of some airlines, not all seats in this row have increased legroom.
In this case, you will have to choose - either admire the clouds outside the window, but sit in a chair with a standard step, or get more comfort for your legs, but sit in the middle or near the aisle.
Extra Space seats: 9B, 9C, 9D, 9E.

The photo shows the seat pitch in the economy class cabin:

Rows 10-12
Same as 7-8 rows.

Row 13
If you are not superstitious and don’t mind the noise from the engine on the wing and the partially obscured view from the window, feel free to book your seats in this row.

Rows 14-21
The distance between the seats is standard. The downside I would say is that these rows are located in the rear of the A319 cabin. It is in this part that the toilet rooms and the largest number of passengers on the plane are located.

If the seats in the bow and center sections are already occupied, try to take seats no further than rows 17-18. Please note that toilets are located only at the back of the plane (business class toilets do not count). Your comfort and space will be compromised by other passengers throughout the flight, especially if you are sitting in an aisle seat.

Row 22
I recommend this series only for long-haul flights. Because Most passengers try to check in away from the last rows; when the plane is not fully loaded, these seats remain empty. By removing the armrests, you can turn the row into something like a bed.

Otherwise, the last row on any plane is the worst seat. Behind you will be toilet rooms and a kitchen. People queuing to go to the toilet, slamming doors, noise from the kitchen - all this can create discomfort during the flight.

Now let's talk about the A319 interior diagram shown in the second picture.
The economy class cabin is located from rows 4 to 23.
Because These planes used to be in full ecomony configuration; there will be no increased legroom in the first row of economy class. Those. The 4th row is no different from, for example, the 6th row.

Extra space seats are located on row 10. Similar to the previous scheme, only 10B, 10C, 10D, 10E have increased space.
You have already realized that the second interior layout differs from the first in that the rows are shifted by 1.

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Airbus is a popular brand of aircraft of local Russian airlines. Let's look at the airline's Airbus A319 cabin layout. The Sibir air carrier operates 18 vessels of this type.

The cabin layout is designed for one economy class (144 seats).

Places in 1st row have both positive and negative aspects. The advantage is that no one will lean back on you. The only minor drawback of the chairs is the fixed armrests, which contain folding tables.

10 row Due to the nearby emergency hatches (exits to the wing), the backs of the seats are fixed or reclined at a slight angle.

Meals on an airplane are served from the front of the cabin (row 1), so the last rows often do not have a choice of several dishes and drinks.

Places in 11th row are considered more convenient compared to other economy class seats since the distance between them is slightly greater. Since it is adjacent to emergency hatches, holders of seats in this row can easily get up without disturbing their neighbors. In addition, they can easily stretch their legs without disturbing the passengers in the next row. Nice places!

However, due to emergency exits, row 11 is inaccessible to passengers with children and animals, as well as to elderly people and people with disabilities. In addition, hand luggage is not allowed to be placed at the feet or under the seats in front.

23 row, especially the seats near aisles C and D, suffer from proximity to toilets and constant crowding. It is the passengers of these seats that everyone will pass by when going to the airplane restroom.

The bad seats on an airplane are the seats. 24 rows, the latest in cabin configuration. Due to the small distance to the wall, the backs of the chairs do not have the ability to recline. In addition, constant queues for toilets and people passing back and forth will become companions for passengers in the back rows. And the sound of rushing water and slamming doors is unlikely to bring pleasure and contribute to a good rest during the flight. Such places should be booked only as a last resort.

If you want to find the best seats on the Airbus A319 and S7, a few tips will help you with this. Of course, the cabin configuration of each aircraft is unique, but nevertheless, there are several standard rules when choosing a seat:

  • Find and review in advance the diagram of the aircraft on which you plan to fly. Such schemes are always available on the websites of major air carriers;
  • Ask an airline representative for advice;
  • The best seats are those with extra legroom. It will make the flight comfortable, especially on long flights;
  • The worst seats on almost all planes are the last seats - next to the toilets, kitchen and other technical areas. If possible, book a seat in a different row;
  • Try to organize your own convenience - do not purchase seats with restrictions on reclining seat backs.

We wish you a pleasant flight!