Why do hot air balloons fly? How to fill balloons How to fill a balloon

What do you associate the holiday with? Fun, delicious food, and, of course, balloons! It seems that picking up the balls is quite simple, but this is not so. In this article you will find some tips that will help you make balloons one of the main “highlights” of the upcoming celebration.

If you want to surprise the hero of the occasion with an unusual bouquet and you think that fresh flowers are too banal, order a bouquet made from balloons. Such a bouquet will not wither for a very long time and, of course, will certainly please the person for whom it is intended!

Balloons can be a wonderful wedding decoration. They will look great not only in the form of arches or wall compositions: you can make the balls one of the main “characters” of the holiday. For example, a helium balloon with confetti that will burst at the right moment, for example, during the first dance, will be very impressive.

Balloons filled with helium will help you very effectively present any small and fairly light gift. For example, if you put them in a huge box tied with a bow, then as soon as the ribbon is untied, the balls will slowly pull the gift out of the box. Remember: the lifting force of one ball is approximately 1.5 grams! If the thing you want to give weighs too much, there is no need to tie it up - such a gift will be remembered for a long time by all participants of the holiday!

If the celebration will be celebrated in the summer season, It is worth remembering that the balls should be chosen in light colors. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on latex, which means that the surface of the balls must reflect light.

To ensure that the balls retain their shape in bright sunlight for as long as possible, you can inflate one balloon inside the second: the inner one will maintain the desired shape, and the outer one will take on the destructive effects of light rays.

Don't buy balloons in advance: latex deteriorates quite quickly when overheated or hypothermic, and maintaining optimal temperature regime It’s not always possible.

It is not recommended to use balls in rooms where temperature changes occur frequently. This is due to the fact that the air or helium with which the balloons are filled quickly loses its original volume when the temperature changes. The balloons will begin to deflate, and their appearance, instead of delighting the guests, will evoke a slight melancholy.

If you need the balloon composition to retain its original appearance As long as possible, use the balloon foiling service. Of course, foil balloons are more expensive than regular ones, but they do not deflate or deform for 10-14 days. These balloons are perfect for children's parties: kids will be able to take the balloons home and use them as toys for a long time! You can also order balloons treated with a special polymer composition that “seals” the pores in the latex, thereby extending the flight period. Treated balls will delight you up to two to three times longer than regular ones.

Balls can become a replacement for flying lanterns, which are far from safe and can cause fires. You can order special glowing balls: if you release them into the sky at the moment of the culmination of the holiday, the spectacle will be quite spectacular.

If you plan to decorate the room with helium balloons, choose latex or foil balloons. Moreover, if the balls will float under the ceiling, it is better to choose round balls without patterns, which no one will see anyway.

If you want your holiday to be decorated with the brightest balloons, opt for latex ones.

Do you want to decorate the hood of your wedding car with balloons? It’s better to give up this idea: such a “composition” will last no more than one hour’s drive, and if the car accelerates to 50 kilometers per hour, the balls will immediately burst.

If you're planning to add some extra flair to your holiday, then you can use helium balloons for other purposes. Helium, when inhaled, changes a person's voice quite funny, while it is completely harmless to health. Do you want your wedding video to be truly original? Let the guests say their congratulations after inhaling helium into their lungs!

If you decided that balloons would be the best decoration for the upcoming celebration, then you were not mistaken! Bright and light balls will float above the guests like butterflies, creating a wonderful festive mood. Use the tips and ideas above - and the balloons will delight you even longer and make the holiday more memorable and original!

Balloons rise upward because the gas they fill is lighter than the surrounding air. Many gases, particularly hydrogen and helium, have lower densities than air. This means that at a given temperature they have less mass per unit volume than air.

When such light gases are pumped into a balloon, it will rise until the total weight of the gas shell, basket, weight and cables is less than the weight of the air displaced by the balloon. (Since air is considered in physics as a liquid medium, the same law applies here as for bodies immersed in a liquid.) Hot air, which has a lower density compared to cold air, also rises. Although hot air is not as light as some gases, it is safer and easily produced by propane torches mounted under the neck of the balloon shell, which is usually made of lightweight fabric such as reinforced nylon. Balloons filled with hot air usually remain in flight for several hours, but without additional heating of the air inside the shell they will gradually lose altitude.

Molecules at different temperatures

  • When the air is cold, the molecules move slowly and are close together.
  • When the air heats up, it canThe molecules begin to move faster and diverge to the sides, filling a larger volume.
  • Since the heated aircontinues to expand, it becomes less dense.
  • When cooling the air itmolecules lose their speed, volume decreases, and density increases.

  1. The balloon lies on its side. Propane torches heat the air inside the shell, which causes it to swell and rise.
  2. Hot, light air (picture below the text) rises up inside the shell and then flows down along its walls. Cold air is squeezed out through the neck, the weight of the shell with air decreases and the balloon rises.
  3. Pilots maintain or increase their altitude by periodically turning on the burners. As long as the air inside the shell is hotter than the outside air, the lift force overcomes the force of gravity.
  4. The balloon descends as the air filling it cools and contracts. Pilots can speed up their descent by releasing hot air through a hole at the top of the balloon.

Interaction of pressure, volume and temperature

Interdependence of three parameters. The pressure, volume and temperature of a gas are interrelated. At room temperature (near right), the movement of gas molecules inside the vessel creates a certain pressure. If the volume is > half as large (middle picture on the right), the internal pressure doubles. When air heats up (far right), its pressure increases and its volume increases in proportion to the temperature.

Now I am planning to promote a page on the topic of balloons to the TOP.

I decided to educate the public a little and talk about balloons facts that may seem interesting. Let's start with them, so!

Popular balloon shapes

Probably, there is no need to talk for a long time about the shape of balloons, everyone knows them. The most popular form is the ellipsoid of revolution - a figure that appears when the ellipse rotates along one of its axes. The classic ball shape is also popular.

Heart-shaped balloons are extremely popular on Valentine's Day.

Another popular shape of balloons is the so-called “sausage” - a long ellipsoid. This long ellipsoid can be given any shape by bending the ball into in the right places. This is how the shapes of rings, knots, and animals are obtained. A great opportunity to show your imagination!

And, of course, there are a huge number of balloons in the shape of various animals and flowers.

Types of balloons

There are different types of balloons, among which the following should be noted:

  • Standard balloons made of latex.
  • Modeling balloons- those same “sausages” that can be given any shape.
  • Packaging balloons used as storage for things. They have a wide neck and are usually transparent or translucent.
  • Balls with double tails used to create complex spatial structures.
  • Balloons can inflate on their own due to a chemical reaction.
  • . They are usually filled with helium, and inside them there is a weight that is needed to prevent the figure from flying away. As a result, such a figure sways in any breeze.
  • Mylar (foil) balloons.

Filling balloons

Balloons can be filled with either gas or water. Filling with water is used for various hooliganism: for example, you can throw such a ball in front of a passerby from the balcony, which brings a lot of laughter and positive emotions (usually the passerby himself does not find it funny, although rare individuals come across). This type of ball was even called a “water bomb”.

The most popular gases are helium, hydrogen, methane, neon and nitrogen. These gases are lighter than oxygen, which allows balloons filled with them to float upward. The most popular is helium or a helium-air mixture, as this gas is safe and also non-toxic.