How to rent out an apartment correctly: basic rules. What kind of housing to buy for renting How profitable is it to rent a 2-room apartment

At first glance, renting out property may seem like a bargain. The cost of apartments in megalopolises is so large, and the rent itself is so small that the invested funds are justified only after decades.

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This time will be enough only if the owner manages to find good clients and avoid risks.


The presence of real estate in the property acts as a guarantee of the safety of investments. It will not be affected by inflation, for the reason that the price of property rises in proportion to its growth.

Many owners decide to sell their property. However, the issue of the sale and preservation of the money received from the sale is first touched upon.

Of course, if there are no other goals in forming a business or buying another expensive apartment, then the sale can only result in damage, which can be expressed in the following:

  • in inflation format;
  • if the owner invested in the bank, then he will receive an insignificant interest;
  • purchase of housing, which is difficult to do without;
  • risks associated with the safety of finances.

Keeping a dwelling empty is also not profitable, since its owner will still have to pay for utilities, property maintenance and other maintenance costs. Such nuances encourage the majority of owners of empty apartments to transfer it to rent.

Here, the owners have a lot of positive sides:

  • the apartment is always under the supervision of the tenants;
  • the proceeds from the transaction allow you to pay the costs of maintaining the property and receive additional income;
  • in the event of emergencies, tenants will take the first measures to eliminate them;
  • the property in which the employers will be will be spared from the encroachment of friends and relatives.

To rent an apartment legally, there is no need to register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur.

The tax will be calculated based on the amount of the rent, which is indicated in the agreement. In this case, the interest rate rises no more than 13% of the actual amount of income.

Rarely, this amount can increase to 17 percent, but the increase applies only to those whose rental income has been increased to ten minimum wages.

Is it worth taking

A great advantage in renting an apartment is given to those who inherited it. Once the agreement is signed, it can no longer be corrected.

The main thing is that the following points are present in the contract:

  • the amount and time of transfer of the rental payment;
  • percentage of the permitted use of the rented apartment;
  • questions regarding the payment of utility bills;
  • the procedure for analyzing the condition of the property by the owner;
  • the process of compensation for damage delivered to the owner.

It is good if, before concluding an agreement, the parties to the agreement can conduct a preliminary conversation with a professional lawyer.

It should be noted here that if the tenant decides to carry out repair work in the apartment, the final result will still belong to the owner. All construction activities are allowed to be carried out exclusively with the consent of the owner.

It is good if it is drawn up in writing in order to avoid possible misunderstandings in the future. If the landlord responds with a firm refusal, the tenant will have to come to terms with his decision.

How to rent profitably

Benefits can be achieved only with the right approach to business, while the profit itself can increase to the maximum amount. The result largely depends on a written agreement, which should describe all the conditions and rules for the operation of the property territory.

If we talk about moving in and out of the property, then these measures are carried out by drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of an apartment.

It focuses on the following data:

  • housing indicators;
  • its cosmetic and technical content;
  • condition of plumbing components;
  • arrangement of furniture and its condition.

All the data that may seem useful to the landlord if they help him regulate relations with tenants can fit in the text part of the document.

This list may include a ban on registration, sublease, and other actions that are unacceptable in the opinion of the owner. Under such conditions, an agreement will be maintained between the participants, and the owner himself regulates the contractual relationship in his opinion.

Is it profitable to take a mortgage and rent out an apartment

Perfectly, even if a person buys a home under a mortgage program, and continues to rent it, he will be able to earn big money on rent. He can give the received proceeds to the creditor as repayment of financial obligations to the bank.

He will be able to fully pay off the mortgage in about 10-20 years. As a result, he will have an apartment practically for nothing. However, this idea seems tempting only in theory.

Russian law does not prohibit citizens from performing such actions, but here it is important to carefully study the agreement with the bank. There should be no prohibitions on renting to other persons in it.

However, even the most loyal conditions of the bank will not be able to bring any profit. This is if you do not yet pay attention to all sorts of difficulties with the search for tenants, his careless handling of other people's things in the apartment, the cost of additional repair work, and so on.

Consequently, taking an apartment on a mortgage so that after renting it out is not considered a profitable event.

Business profitability in this case averages 4-7% per annum. Calculations show that it is much more profitable to buy two inexpensive one- or two-room apartments in well-known urban areas for rent, or where there is a lack of supply.

The investment of such a plan will pay off much faster, in comparison with the purchase of one, but expensive apartment.

It is advisable to immediately decide on who exactly the apartment will be rented to. So, if we talk about immigrants, students and shift workers, then for them the size and quality of housing rarely come to the fore.

When it is planned to give housing for the use of families with children, then completely different laws apply here.

In the latter case, the apartment cannot have only one room. It must be equipped with a washing machine and other household appliances. It will be good if kindergartens and schools are located nearby.

Potential risks

As for the sharp corners, which are rather a disadvantage in solving this issue, there are several nuances here:

  • the owner of the apartment may face unscrupulous tenants or citizens with fraudulent tendencies;
  • tenants may require mandatory registration at their place of residence;
  • if at the time of living in a rented apartment the tenants have a child, then the owner may have huge problems with their discharge;
  • new tenants can illegally re-rent the apartment to other people, and receive their income for the transaction;
  • if people use the rented property inaccurately, the owner may suffer significant losses;
  • illegal actions by tenants can lead to unpleasant incidents between the landlord and the judiciary.

This list is far from complete, since the owner may have a lot of other troubles. For example, if new tenants arrange a flood in the apartment, due to which the neighboring property will suffer tangible losses.

It is good if the transaction is completed correctly, since he will be able to recover the required amount from the culprit in full.

If the landlord does not have a contract, most likely the owner will have to restore the property of the neighbors at the expense of his personal budget.

Similar problems can appear as a result of malfunctioning plumbing fixtures. Then it will be difficult for the owner to prove anything, so he will have to invest his own money in the repair.

It will be possible to avoid this only if the fault of the ZhEK serving the building, the specialists who installed the pipes, etc. is not proven. Here the owner can secure himself in advance if he insures civil liability. This procedure also requires additional cash investments.

Renting out residential real estate is one of the most common (along with bank deposits) ways to generate passive income for Russian citizens. Someone rents out housing, which he inherited, and someone - purposefully buys apartments for this.

In both cases, such business activities has a lot of nuances. If you know them, you can get a stable and high passive income with a minimum investment of time. And vice versa - not knowing the intricacies of the rental business, you may not receive income, and spend a lot of money, going into the red. IQReview collected a whole instruction for those who are attracted by this way of earning. We will consider only long-term rentals - from a month or longer.

How much money can the renting of an apartment bring: brief statistics on the cities of the Russian Federation

To estimate the possible income, you need to have an idea of ​​rental prices in different cities of the Russian Federation.

The numbers are something like this:

    Moscow - from 30 thousand a month for a "odnushka" in a normal state (clean, but simple, without modern furniture, with a set of basic equipment) in a residential area or for a "grandmother's" option, but with a convenient location. In the near Moscow region, prices will be slightly lower - about 25 thousand.

    St. Petersburg - approximately 20 thousand for the same conditions.

    Cities with a population of over one million and around a million - about 10-12 thousand for a "odnushka" in a normal state far from the center, and about 15 thousand for an apartment in a more convenient location.

    Regional centers with a population of about half a million - about 8 thousand for a "odnushka" in good condition.

Please note that the funds received will need to be invested in support and development business... At least once every 5-7 years, it is advisable to make cosmetic repairs in the apartment. If you order it from a team of specialists, the approximate price of finishing for 1 "square" will be about 2-3 thousand rubles. That is, for one-room housing with an area of ​​40 square meters, you will have to pay about 80-120 thousand.

How many apartments do you need to support yourself?

It is quite possible to live only on the money that comes from renting out apartments. And really, not only for those who inherited them. With the proper management of their finances, the average citizen may well come to such a goal. It will take, however, not one or two years.

Imagine that for a person to live, it is enough to have about 15 thousand rubles a month. If you have your own home, then it is quite realistic to buy food and pay utility bills for this amount. Of course, such funds will no longer be enough for clothing, entertainment, medicine, the purchase of household appliances, recreation, repairs and other items of expenditure.

It turns out that 1 apartment in Moscow, St. Petersburg or in a million-plus apartment can already cover the expenses of 1 person for the most basic needs. If we take into account a smaller city, then you need to have already 2 apartments.

For a more comfortable life, the average citizen (provided that he has his own housing) is enough to receive 25-30 thousand rubles a month. This is already enough not only for food, but also for other expenses (of course, without much luxury).

That is, in order to cover the basic costs for 1 person, you must:

    rent out 1 apartment in Moscow;

    rent out 2 apartments in St. Petersburg;

    rent out 2-3 apartments in million-plus cities;

    rent 3-4 apartments in regional centers with a population of about half a million.

This is in the best case scenario, if you do not have long downtime, and if the tenants come across decent ones.

Price category

Conventionally, housing can be divided into several price segments. Depending on this, the approximate target audience of your renters will be determined.

The options can be as follows:

  1. Should I pay taxes, and if so, how?

    According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, tax must be paid from the rented space. At the same time, it does not matter for how long the housing is rented - for a day or for 2 years - you still need to pay.

    This can be documented in two ways:

      Register an individual entrepreneur and pay a single tax under a simplified system. In this case, the tax will be 6% of the funds received. In this case, the declaration to the tax office is submitted annually by April 30, and the tax is paid quarterly.

      Obtain a patent for the rental of real estate. In this case, an individual entrepreneur is also registered, and the tax amount is also 6%. The patent is bought for a calendar year. Its cost is calculated individually, and depends on the area of ​​housing and the locality (for example, in 2016 for an apartment within the Moscow Ring Road with an area of ​​up to 50 "squares" the patent cost 12,600 rubles).

      Conclude a contract as an individual. The tax in this case will be 13%.

    The absence of a lease agreement is regarded as deliberate tax evasion. In this case, you will have to pay both the tax itself and, as a fine, add another 40% of the amount of non-payment. For failure to submit a tax return - another 5 to 30% for each month of delay.

    In fact, housing is officially rented mainly only in Moscow, and mainly only by those who have several apartments. Moreover, both owners and tenants are interested in hiding the fact of rent: after all, if an additional tax is to be paid from the apartment, the homeowners will raise the rent by this amount.

    Residents have been found, moved into the apartment: what's next?

    After you have given the keys to your tenants, you can breathe easy. Now your task is only to receive money and periodic control. In the first few months, it is recommended that you collect the money yourself when you arrive at the apartment. So you can assess her condition.

    If the tenants are clean, calm and tidy, then personal trips can be done less often (for example, once every 2 months), and the payment can be received on the card.

    It is imperative to check the payment of utilities. The most convenient way is to register on the website of public services, and arrange with the tenants to send photos of the checks.

    Tips for everyone who rents or is going to rent out housing (video)

Have you thought about real estate investments but don't have too much money? Or do you want the most bang for your buck? Or are you new to this business and want to start small? In any of these cases, it is worth considering investing by buying a room for rent... In this article, we will consider all the pros and cons of investing in rooms, warn about the difficulties that you may encounter, and also compare this type of investment with a bank deposit.

Where to begin?

The first thing to start with, if you have a desire to become an investor in real estate, is to assess the size of the required investments and the funds available at the moment. The cost of rooms in St. Petersburg now starts from 800 thousand rubles and has no cost limit (no one can limit the desires of some sellers). There is a clear pattern: the lower the cost of the room, the more trouble it will be with the purchase and possible further sale; at the same time, the cheaper the room, the higher the rental income percentage will be.

It is possible, even if you have only a fraction of the money - you can get a mortgage or a consumer loan. A regular loan is good when you need a small amount for a short period and you do not want unnecessary worries about obtaining a mortgage, difficulties in buying a room and the further withdrawal of the room from the security of the bank. But interest on consumer loans is about 1.5 times higher than on mortgages. If the required amount is significant, or you plan to pay off the debt for a long time, it is worth taking out a mortgage. At the moment, mortgages for rooms are given by Sberbank and DeltaCredit, their conditions are approximately the same, and the interest rate is 13-14% per annum. Buying a room through a mortgage imposes some restrictions on the choice of rooms, since the bank will not accept every room as a pledge.

Buying a cheap room for rent in a multi-room apartment

For an amount of 800 thousand rubles or more you can buy a room for rent small footage (about 10 m2) in multi-room apartments, as well as rooms in apartments of former hostels. Most often, according to the documents, a room is a certain amount of shares from an apartment, and in order to sell such a room, the seller will need to get a waiver of the preemptive right of purchase from the neighbors. When there are many such neighbors and they do not live in the apartment, it becomes troublesome and costly. If it is not possible to receive refusals, it remains possible to disguise the sale as a gift agreement. For the seller, this is the easiest, but then the buyer will have to pay a tax of 13% of the cadastral value of these shares (room). If the buyer has a mortgage, then such a transaction becomes impossible.

The income from renting such a room at the moment is about 8 thousand rubles. That is, your monthly income will be 12% per annum. Utility bills in this and the following examples are paid by the tenants themselves. The rise in the cost of the room itself is proportional to the change in prices for all secondary real estate and depends on economic factors. In the long term, the growth in property prices is comparable to the size of real inflation. From point of view real estate investment, this is the most profitable option, but also the most troublesome. Here you still need to understand who your future tenants will be, because you have to contact them every month and interact on emerging issues. The cheapest rooms are often rented by visitors from neighboring countries or people with very little income and possible personal difficulties. You must understand that such communication will have its own specifics.

Buying a room for rent at an average cost in a 2-4 room apartment

By the average cost, we mean rooms in the price range of 1200-1700 thousand rubles. As a rule, these are rooms that are quite suitable for living, without any obvious shortcomings and problems. The cost of renting such rooms is 10-13 thousand rubles per month and depends on its location. A room in the center can be rented for a couple of thousand rubles more than a room of the same price category, but located in a residential area. As a rule, such rooms are rented by quite decent people (sometimes of creative professions) with small incomes, as well as students and young girls. The rental income of such rooms will be 9-10% per annum.

Buying an expensive room for rent

Buying an expensive rental room - very bad real estate investment... It will be extremely difficult to sell such a room in the future, since there is no demand for such a property. It is also very difficult to rent it out at a rate close to the cost of renting a one-room apartment, so the real rental income will be at the level of the rate for a good average room. The only possible justification for such a purchase is its prospect in terms of resettlement and sale of the entire apartment, but there are practically no such options left, since all worthy apartments have long been settled.

Investment in the purchase of a room or bank deposit

For comparison, let's take a situation where you have an amount of 1.3 million, and the investment period is 2 years. In the first case, you put money into an account with Alfa-Bank with monthly interest payments at 9.2% per annum (we will not consider Sberbank due to excessively low rates), and in the second case, you spend this money on buying a room for rent average quality.

Deposit. You put your money in your pocket and first of all went to the nearest Sberbank office. There you were told that by opening a deposit for 1.3 million rubles, you will receive 5.97% per annum. For comparison, you decided to go to the neighboring Alfa-Bank, and there you were offered an interest rate of 9.2% per annum. Since you are already tired of walking, and the bank is also well-known, you left the money with them. Two years later, you still have the same 1.3 million in your account, and you received 239 thousand rubles in interest. Total your capital = 1,539,000 rubles. It is worth noting here that in case of early termination of the deposit, you will receive 0.005% per annum. That is 65 rubles.

You decided to buy a room and were brought in as an assistant. Together with the realtor, you began to choose rooms at a price of about 1.3 million, and when you found a suitable option, your real estate agent managed to bring down the price to 1.2 million rubles. At the same time, the expenses for the realtor amounted to 60 thousand rubles, and the accompanying expenses for the purchase of another 15 thousand rubles. The remaining 25 tr. you put it off for a rainy day. A month after you got busy buying a room for rent, you received the keys from her, and the very next day your real estate specialist found you a tenant. At the end of the two-year period, the room brought in an income of 10 thousand rubles. within 23 months, which amounted to 230 thousand rubles. Inflation during this period was 7% and real estate prices were growing at the same rate, so the cost of the room turned out to be 1.3 million + 7% + 7% = 1,488,000 rubles. The black day for which you saved 25 tr. did not come, so the size of your assets in the end amounted to 1,743,000 rubles. As in the case of a deposit, there is a drawback here - it will not be possible to quickly convert a room into money, since the sale usually takes about 1-2 months.


Using our example, which is as close as possible to real conditions, we have shown that investing in buying a room for rent much more profitable than the same reliable instrument as a deposit. As a result of the purchase of a room, in two years our capital increased by 34%, while the income from the deposit was 18.4%. At the same time, you should understand that buying a room requires a little more worries than opening a deposit in a bank. If you are ready for new opportunities thanks to investing in real estate, we wish you success in this interesting business!

Do not buy an apartment for yourself, better rent it! This is the advice of the best real estate investment experts, from Yale University professor and Nobel laureate Robert Schiller to analysts from real estate and development companies in different countries, noting an unprecedented rise in real estate prices and declining profitability. What should a Russian investor do?

Investment attractiveness of apartments here abroad

The best and easiest way to determine if real estate prices are overpriced is to calculate the ratio of the apartment's price to its annual rent, excluding expenses, known in the world as the price-to-rent ratio (P / R ratio), or the gross rent ratio (Gross Rent Multiplier). For example, an apartment costs 5 million rubles, you can rent it for 25 thousand rubles a month, i.e. per year 300 thousand rubles. P / R = 5,000,000 / 300,000 = 16.67. Roughly speaking, it will take 16.5 years to return the cost of an apartment, excluding losses on expenses.

This index shows not only the investment attractiveness of residential real estate, but in general the advisability of buying it. In the world, many experts advise against investing even in your own home if it is sold at an excessively high price.

In the United States in the 70s, 80s and 90s, the P / R fluctuated between 10 and 14. In recent years, it has a national average of 20, in Washington DC - more than 20, in Boston, New York, Los -Angeles - more than 25, in California - more than 35. At the same time, real estate specialists in the United States believe that if the P / R is more than 20, then the expenses of the property owner will be higher than the expenses of the tenant, that is, it is more profitable to rent a house than to buy. The calculation of the P / R ratio for all the States showed that in 40 out of 50 large cities today it is more profitable to rent real estate, and it is categorically not necessary to invest in it.

If the P / R is between 1 and 15, real estate prices are attractive and it is much better to buy than rent; if from 16 to 20 - as a rule, it is better to buy, if more than 21 - real estate prices are too high and it is much better to rent than to buy.

Some analysts believe that if the P / R is more than 25, then the market is significantly overheated and forms a "soap bubble".

In Europe, P / R varies significantly from country to country, according to Globalpropertyguide. Moldova = 10, Ukraine = 11, Montenegro = 13, Romania = 16, Hungary = 17, Croatia = 17, Latvia = 18, Bulgaria = 21, Germany = 23, Italy = 26, Russia = 26, France = 28, Finland = 28, Austria = 28, Malta = 31, Switzerland = 32, Greece = 35, UK = 48, Andorra = 49, Monaco = 53!

The lowest rate in Europe is in the poorest or developing countries. The record holder is Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro and Romania have good indicators. In these countries, it is better to buy real estate than to rent, but the demand is limited and the risks are quite high. Nobody is in a hurry to massively invest in apartments in Moldova or Ukraine, for example. The attractive P / R ratio is driven by low home purchase prices and relatively high rental prices.

At the same time, in the most developed and prosperous countries of Europe, real estate prices are inflated, and in some - prohibitive. Russia also falls into this category, but, unfortunately, not for outstanding economic indicators, but because of the long-term growth in oil prices, followed by the stock market and real estate.

The rise in house prices in Russia is not unique. In the 2000s, real estate bubbles covered many countries in the world - the USA, England, Australia, New Zealand, France, Israel, Greece, Bulgaria, Norway, South Korea, and China.

The Economist wrote: "Worldwide, the rise in house prices is the largest bubble in history."

P / R also clearly demonstrates the investment attractiveness of real estate, i.e. whether it is worth buying it to rent it out. However, the result will more accurately show the ratio, taking into account the cost of maintaining the apartment (property taxes and personal income tax, utility bills, necessary repairs), called the House P / E ratio and equal to the value of the property (numerator), divided by annual rent minus annual expenses (denominator ). For example, an apartment costs 5 million rubles. Annual rent - 300 thousand rubles, annual expenses 100 thousand rubles, P / E = 5,000,000 / (300,000 - 100,000) = 5,000,000 / 200,000 = 25. In other words, the investment in the apartment will fully pay off in 25 years. The annual net profitability of the apartment will be equal to 200,000 / 5,000,000, multiplied by 100%, that is, 0.04 * 100% = 4%.

However, more often they use the Gross Rental Yield, that is, excluding expenses. It is equal to the annual rent divided by the property value and multiplied by 100%.

Russia has an average return on residential real estate of 3.8% and a very low investment attractiveness. For comparison: Germany - 4.42%, France (Paris) - 3.63%, Monaco - 1.9%, Spain - 3.92%, England (London) - 2.09%, Bulgaria - 4.66% , USA - 4.29%. The highest rates of return were in Moldova, Egypt, Jamaica, Ukraine and Panama (9-10%), but only in Panama the conditions for investment were considered excellent.

Indeed, Panama is actively developing, thousands of foreign specialists are working on the project to expand the canal, who rent housing. The country is safe, the economy is booming, investments are actively attracted to the banking and construction business. In the city of Panama, you can buy an apartment for $ 180,000 (in the center or on the prestigious coast), which will be rented out for $ 1,500 per month and bring a gross profitability of 10% per annum or a net profitability (including expenses) of 7-8%.

What the experts will say

Cursory calculations showed that in Russia, in particular in Moscow, real estate prices are greatly inflated and the investment attractiveness of apartments is low. But a superficial calculation cannot take into account all factors and paint a detailed picture. In an effort to understand the situation, we turned to the most experienced of our experts with questions: is it profitable today to buy an apartment in Moscow for subsequent lease, what kind of profitability can we talk about and which segment is the most attractive?

Vadim Lyaschenko, Head of the Academy of Sciences "RBNO"
: “No, not profitable in comparison with other simple investments - for example, bank deposits. The profitability of ruble investments in real estate in Moscow when renting it out is well known - it is on average 4-6% per annum in rubles. At the same time, fairly reliable and stable banks give about 6 to 8.5% per annum on ruble deposits with “capitalization” (monthly addition of interest to the amount of the deposit) or from 7 to 10% per annum without “capitalization”. The annual increase in the ruble price of an apartment purchased in the secondary market is most likely not worth taking into account, since it is negligible (1-2% per annum, at best) and is completely exhausted by the owner's expenses for current repairs and maintenance of the apartment in good condition. condition ".

Economists explain that it makes sense to invest money in facilities with minimal risks, that is, not subject to sharp price fluctuations, offering a small but fixed income, and liquid, that is, those that can be quickly sold if the need arises. Today, as Vadim Lyashchenko noted, bank deposits have the lowest risks. There is only one problem - mistrust of Russian banks. Remembering the defaults, the zeroing of deposits in recent Russian history, the current ruin, the middle class man is subconsciously afraid to put a large sum for him in a bank account.

Vladimir Yakovlev, General Director of the "Diamant" Real Estate Agency
, also expresses a negative assessment: “No, there are many better ways to invest money. The most profitable is the economy segment. There, the yield reaches 7% per annum. In other segments, the profitability is even lower - 3-5% per annum ”.

In our calculations, we cited data for other countries, where the picture is often no more rosy than in Russia. Maybe it still makes sense to pay attention to European real estate and look for an interesting option there? To buy something and rent it out - and the capital remains reliable, and the income goes.

Vadim Lyaschenko: “Investing in European real estate involves investing not in rubles, but in euros. Here the picture is different - the profitability of the rental business in Europe is the same 4-6% per annum, but already in euros, which is significantly higher than the yield of 2% on a bank deposit (in euros, in the Russian Federation). In addition, in a number of countries, mortgages are available to Russians at a rate of 4-5% per annum. But the minimum recommended investment amount is higher than in Moscow, and starts not from 100-150, but from 300 thousand euros. "

Vladimir Yakovlev agrees with the general level of European profitability, but adheres to a more cautious view: “If we talk about European real estate, there is an average profitability of 3-5% depending on the country, and there are more subtleties, there are fewer operational control opportunities ... Many Russians have already bought into foreign the bait - now they are trying to throw off foreign assets at a loss ... ".

Significant factor notes Elena Kondrasheva, leading expert of the Miel company, Na Tretyakovskaya office: “Investments in overseas real estate 2-3 years ago were successfully gaining momentum, there was a great growing interest in this type of real estate. However, today, taking into account the situation in Ukraine and the European course of imposing sanctions and their toughening, interest in foreign real estate has sharply declined. "

Are we going our own way?

For a Russian person, conservative and sedentary by nature, real estate ownership is not just a choice of the optimal investment, but a cherished dream and an indicator of success. If he manages to earn more money, then he thinks about a second real estate, traditionally considering, for example, an apartment in Moscow a much smarter investment than opening a bank account, fearing that the bank may burst, the ruble may collapse, and the apartment is always "in price ". The economists' arguments about the real estate market “overheating”, “soap bubbles”, low profitability cannot shake his faith in an apartment as the most reliable and profitable capital.

As noted Elena Kondrasheva, “... real estate investment has always been one of the ways to save and increase money. "Rent - feeds", i.e. this money goes to monthly consumption; make it possible to increase the comfort of life, raise a person's self-esteem, and improve the moral climate. Renting out economy and business class housing gives an average of 6-7% per annum; premium class - 5-6% ".

Anatoly Yuryevich Pysin, General Director of the Central Department of Real Estate Agency
analyzes the situation taking into account the psychology of a Russian person: “Profit from renting out housing has always remained one of the most stable sources of family financial well-being. The issue of buying an "additional" apartment today has acquired a special urgency, which has not had in the entire history of the modern real estate market in Russia. However, given the current financial situation of the able-bodied population, another question is no less relevant - is it profitable to buy such housing on credit? Since the benefits of acquiring an apartment for renting “for their own money” are indisputable and do not require an assessment of all the pros and cons, I consider it appropriate to consider options for acquiring an apartment for rent using the attracted resources. ”

Anatoly Yurievich assesses well the prospects of leasing, especially “for those who have been renting an apartment for a long time and are faced with the choice of a form of acquiring their own first home”, installments and mortgages in terms of buying an apartment as an investment. “At first it may seem that interest payments on a mortgage will sharply reduce the potential income of an investor, but taking into account such phenomena as inflationary processes, dynamics of exchange rates, stability of the real estate market, etc., buying an apartment for rent using a mortgage loan is not so absurd. In my opinion, a mortgage with subsequent lease will be beneficial only if it becomes an event in the next 15-20 years. In 20 years, the mortgage loan will be repaid, and the investor will receive a "clean", fully paid apartment. " However, as Anatoly Yuryevich emphasizes, “it is important to assess the prospects. Of course, a mortgage, like any other loan, must work efficiently. The main tool for optimizing credit liabilities is the amount of the down payment ”. In general, "the higher the down payment, the more profitable it is to rent out a mortgage apartment."

I trust you with my apartment

In many countries, a person who has bought a property to rent it out is offered a "trust management" service. Having concluded an agreement, the owner of the apartment gives the real estate agency the keys and all the authority to negotiate with the tenant, collect fees, minor repairs in the apartment, etc. All the landlord will have to deal with is receiving rent payments into his bank account (minus expenses and company fees). We turned to our experts with the following questions: “Is the“ real estate management ”service from the Real Estate Agency promising? To what extent is it in demand on the Russian market? "

Vadim Lyaschenko: “The service of trust management of residential real estate for individuals has existed on the Moscow market for a long time, but according to my observations, it is not in great demand. Most landlords prefer to enter into relations with employers on their own, and far from always agree to completely non-cash payments.

In addition, there are certain difficulties in the provision of such a service and the agencies - depending on the taxation system they have chosen, the tax base may be not only the agency fee (ranging from 10% of the rent and above), but also all the amounts of payments that go through the agency. ... There are other nuances of accounting and tax accounting of these operations that make them quite laborious for the Academy of Sciences. In my opinion, to a much greater extent, the trust management service is in demand by Russians buying overseas property. "

Vladimir Yakovlev:“Although the management service is presented on our market, it is not developed ... The minimum remuneration is 10% of incoming payments. It is used mainly by clients who live abroad. "

Anatoly Pysin: “The service of" real estate management "in the economy segment, as it is developed abroad, has not taken root in our country. This is due to the mentality of Russians, it is easier for them to ask their neighbors, friends who live nearby to look after an apartment, than to pay a commission to real estate agencies. In my practice, this service is used only by those clients who do not have people who can be asked to "look after" the apartment. Or else, as an option: a homeowner rents an apartment by acquaintance just below the market value, the main factor in choosing a tenant is mutual sympathy and trust. "

On the question of trust. As Elena Kondrasheva accurately noted, referring to the fact that in the Russian market the service of "real estate management" is not yet in demand or is in little demand: "People should trust agencies, and this is the next step in the development of the real estate business." I would like to hope that development will go in this direction.

Complete nonsense regarding the Russian market !!! And what about capitalization? Inflation?

If you subtract% of inflation from bank deposits, then there will not be much earnings, and if you also take a real increase in prices, then you can still find yourself in the red, besides this, do not forget about growing taxes. Here we are talking, rather, about how not to screw up what you have, but you cannot call it earnings ...

I agree with you! Earnings for renting apartments are dubious, because tenants are mostly pigs and will kill any apartment in the trash, they will have to do cosmetic repairs every 2-3 years, but in our country you will protect money from inflation and some kind of permanent income.

The euro and the dollar also have inflation, but also mortgages up to 4%. Then it makes sense to send a loan from there to here. True, rental prices have dropped dramatically lately. Finding clients is practically very difficult. The coefficient is not 25, but rather close to 35. If we consider all expenses in full.
What is the gross error here?

I will tell you my successful investment experience. In western Germany, in the suburbs of Dusseldorf with a radius of up to 45 km, there are apartments that bring 7-8% of annual income in euros, this after all utility bills and expenses have been paid. Basically, these are apartments from under banks, of course. And profitable houses from 7% to 11% per annum in euros sometimes bring, but if you take a loan at a rate of 2.5% per annum for 10 years at 40% of the price, then this will further increase the income on investment, since bank money costs 2.5%, and the house generates even 8% -9%. Houses can be found at a cost - from 150,000 euros, that is, you need your own capital, for example, about 90,000 euros. Anyone interested in writing will share my experience.

Sergey, it’s very interesting, can I write to you by mail or skype?

Sergey, how can I write to you by email?

Eduard, you can contact us - we are a German real estate agency, we have an office in Moscow, we can advise you on all issues. You can even look at two examples of our objects here: - more expensive
and cheaper /> The yield is about 8% just in euros!

Sergey, would you please write about your German experience to me too [email protected] Sincerely...

data for Russia are greatly underestimated. Profitability of real objects -1kV for 4mln 6.6%, taking into account the costs of corporate governance or 7.5% without corporate governance. and rooms 13.6% or 14.5% without KU

in which region is such an attractive profitability ??

Yes, yes Alice .. from now on in more detail ..)) where is this street and where is this house .. I'll run to buy and rent)
Or is it in wonderland, Alice?

We take a studio apartment of 25 sq.m. in a new building with a fine finish, not in Moscow, for example Izhevsk, it is 1250 tr. We rent on a long-term basis 10 tr / month + communal apartment 120,000/1 250,000 x 100 = 9.6% with expenses - 8%. If you rent 20t.r./month. 240,000 / 1 250,000 x 100 = 19%

the theorist is once seen. when renting by the day, you will be busy every day, and you will have to clean up for the tenants. daily washing and linen change. wash toilet-bath. scrub the gas stove, wash the refrigerator daily. Will you be yourself? And there will be a shortage of every little thing, linen. How will you collect? even in hotels this issue has not been resolved. Yes, you still need a vacation and a weekend, and you can get sick. and taxes will have to be paid. And there is no guarantee against downtime in the absence of customers.

Perhaps renting is the most profitable, but today the rights of tenants are not protected in any way. The owner can terminate the lease at any time without giving a reason, the court will be on the owner's side. Residential lease agreements are usually short-term, so our Russian tenant wanders from corner to corner. There is no way to equip housing to your liking, to make the desired repairs, etc.

The landlord's rights are also not protected in any way. These would-be tenants move out, having warned the owners 2-3 days in advance. You don't have time to find new ones, that's how we live! Already 3 times this has happened to me. A wild country, no culture of human communication. How can a normal person live in this filth?

I agree. They just threw the keys under the rug and said that they had moved out for a week already. And they left a complete shit in the apartment.

Do it easier - renting is really not profitable - it's easier to buy once a year and pay 13% tax to sell

Once every 3 years ... otherwise 30%

"The rights of the landlord are also not protected in any way. These would-be tenants move out, warning the owners 2-3 days in advance. You don't have time to find new ones, that's how we live!"
Yes, nothing interferes, and the insurance deposit is taken and the contract is normal ... only everything will pour out into the courts for several months, and this is another song. It is necessary to better select a tenant.

Tatyana, where did you get the tax figure of 30% and the period of 3 years? Sell ​​at least five apartments every year, tax rate 13%.

Many citizens do not pay 13% of the tax, lowering the cost of an apartment when selling.

They forgot to discuss one more point here: renting an apartment for young people is one question. But what will people do in old age, when paying $ 1000 for a rented apartment is beyond their power! of course, everyone wants to have their own home, because if you are out of work, you will not find yourself on the street. And the conditions in rented apartments in Russia are ugly! In Europe or America, it is a completely different matter. You rent a house with good furniture and you feel not a rogue, but a normal person

))) Well, give it .. Beggars in old age will perhaps those who can buy an apartment now? And hundreds of thousands of down payment and monthly payments - is it a savings? Kv are becoming more expensive, but, as they wrote here, by 1% per year, that is, it will cost ~ 6-7 million. And the poor little one will give 5-10 milion to the banks.
"you don't feel like a rogue, but a normal person" - just the opposite. Rogue is a show-off. And there is no need to write about normality. But what to do - there is an answer, and there are many options. But the topic is different.

Alla is a dreamer, I live in London, it will be worse than in Ryazan, why don’t you write about this, and the government answers everyone that this is an individual country and everyone should not live well in it, it’s only in Russia that you stand on ceremony like that and here you shit, but in London for 2 to 3 boxes for living you need to plow the weekend too,

not a thousand but 500

Talking about real estate in Russia in general is pointless. An apartment in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other large cities will be a good investment for another 150 years. There is no place to build in Moscow. And Moscow will be limited to the Moscow Ring Road. Everything else is not Moscow. The question of comparing an investment in an apartment with deposits in a bank is for the illiterate (I can comment on it separately). Moreover, it is problematic, and clearly not profitable, to safely place the amount of money intended for an apartment in a Russian bank. The question of the profitability of renting an apartment before buying is also for those uninitiated in this matter. Renting an apartment in Moscow always carries high risks for tenants (price increases after a short period of time, low responsibility of the landlord, lack of a legislative framework for renting an apartment and complete insecurity of the tenant, low level of rental specialists, and much more). Conclusion - buying an apartment in a large city in Russia, and especially in Moscow, is a good and worthy investment.

Eugene, I wanted to call the deposits primitive, but put it more restrained, calling it "simple" investments - so as not to offend those whom you call illiterate. Unfortunately, we have the majority of such (financially illiterate) people. Which is confirmed by some comments. Especially those who are ready to buy financing for an asset for 13% per annum, bringing it from 0 to 5% per annum (this is about a mortgage in rubles for the secondary housing).
As for the safety of deposits, this year he himself calmly received, 3 weeks after the revocation of the license of one of the banks, his deposit with interest (at a rate of 9% with a monthly connection, in a total amount of up to RUB 700). It is not so difficult and not so dangerous to place 600-650 tr per year. in 10-15-20 banks (if you are alone and save up for an apartment). There is such a "strategy" and there are such buyers.

Now it's no more than 3 ..

Golden words, Vadim. I agree with everything. And as one of the options for preserving and multiplying it will do.

illiterate matching %% money is not kept in banks, but in OFZ, and the profitability is higher and the reliability is steeper than that of Sberbank. And you continue to store in Tatfondbanks.

Well, of course, everyone feels like a specialist, but in reality there is not a single reasonable and well-grounded answer. So you work just to get a commission, and what will happen afterwards does not bother anyone.

In our country, you need to buy housing, even on credit, rather than rent an apartment.

And in 10-20 years, when buying ~ 5 million square meters, 11-17 million will be paid. That. "smart mortgage" "got rich" by 12 million in minus. But with a hut.

Do you take into account the premium segment of Moscow, where the average yield today is 3-4%, as well as the fact that Globalproperty included other Russian regions in its calculations?

I completely agree with you, Elena.

I can also say not about the Premium segment: I sold my apartment for 11,200,000, they rent it out for 38,000, total payback in 26 years, which, according to this version, is not income. And this is in Moscow.
And here is another example: I bought other real estate at the construction stage, in Moscow, and its return on investment is 12%. So here you need to calculate a specific option, no need to argue, just take into account all the nuances and choose a developer carefully. But that it is still better to invest in real estate and not in banks - I agree. It is better to earn 5% a year than to waste a few million due to the next collapse. There are no more reliable investments in our country yet.

You have to invest in yourself. And to open the store if the money started up. Because the profitability of even a fool will be exactly above 10-20% per year. This is called the turnover of the goods. And if God did not reward with ingenuity, then you can hire a specialist to manage and steer. And all the same, the income cannot be compared with the "cemented" funds. Money should be circulating, not lying. Download smart books and read at your leisure, those who dream of real estate.

well, they made fun!
author, are you in the subject at all? it seems that it is not at all.
renting an apartment is NOT profitable !!! You give yours and forever, irrevocably !!!
I bought an apartment on a mortgage, I don't like the place - I rented out the apartment and rent wherever I like.
did not feel like it at all? I sold the apartment, returned the loan to the bank, and the rest for myself.
our property value is growing.

Of course, no one advises a Russian person to rent for life instead of taking and buying an apartment for himself! The point is that in the world, in many countries, real estate prices are so high that it is unreasonable to buy it with a well-developed rental market and a good level of people's incomes. Just wait for a better moment. But with us it is different. It is better for yourself to buy for many reasons, but for investments the situation has become worse - profitability is falling, costs are growing. But everyone makes a conclusion for himself - what is better for him.

Vladimir - generally considered the total amount of overpayment on the mortgage .. What does it mean to rent is not profitable ???? All over the world people rent .. and enjoy life .... You are NOT in the subject dear ...

Andrey, did you calculate the inflation rate for 10 years, for example? What is 10,000 rubles 10 years ago and now? And the payment figure is not indexed, after 10 years you will simply take your wallet out of your pocket and repay the loan in two passes .. Let's talk soberly about the overpayment. If you have NO money and you are not foreseen, you take money from the bank and of course you have to pay for it, be glad that you can take a mortgage with us at least at 12% (on average), in Belarus they give it for 49-69 years. You can not take a mortgage and give it to a stranger by renting an apartment. And drink the rest, for example. Then the bank will not get the wickedness, but you will not get it either - when a little money appears in your pocket, very quickly there are places where you can attach them. But don't save. And where to save it again? In the bank? God forbid me, last year showed.

add to the comment. The second question is about old people - you, too, will someday become a pensioner and the state will provide you with a decent old age for 6,000 rubles a month. For any, additional income is needed, if you buy it (an apartment), for example, to your parents, count how many problems will close at once, the apartment is left for you once, for the elderly, an increase in pension is two, and most importantly, they are busy with business. And the most important thing is not even this, they will be proud of you !!! They are good fellows at least they learned not to trust banks - well, how much can you mock people - 700,000 rubles are insured in banks, and the rest? Who again got this money, and people save it, add it up. it generally looks like cops in an ambush. It's better not to mess with banks. And where can an ordinary person invest if, for example, he has fallen into an inheritance of three million? And housing - it was, is, and will be the only reliable and stable condition for saving money. Life crushed - you can always sell, and so calmly rent it out - even if not millions, but there will be enough for life. I'm talking about the majority. Yes, banks get profit - have you ever lent for 20 years? You live here and do not know what will knock outside the window tomorrow.

And in 10-20 years, when buying ~ 5 million square meters, 11-17 million will be paid. That. "smart mortgage" "got rich" by 12 million in minus. But with a hut.
Natalia, stop powdering people's brains. The circus is gone.

who writes nonsense is not clear
bought a house, it is. and rented housing for 30 years, gave a lot of money and you have nothing.
not to mention the cost if you buy a foundation pit. bought 3 lemons, built, became 4

now there are no such gains, a maximum of 30% (I'm talking about new buildings)

Nothing wrong. You just need to choose a developer so as not to burn out and everything is OK.

Well, 30% of 3x is somewhere 4 and it turns out ...

And who offers to rent housing for 30 years? This is what we are talking about - in Russia, many consider it wiser to buy for themselves, but for renting it is a big question.
But how do you like this somersault: in 1996, one person bought a good two-room apartment in Moscow for $ 70,000, while the other was in no hurry, saved up money, rented and in the summer of 1998 bought two such apartments for $ 70,000 :)

But how do you like this somersault: in 1996, one person bought a good two-room apartment in Moscow for $ 70,000, while the other was in no hurry, saved up money, rented and in the summer of 1998 bought himself 2 such apartments for $ 70,000 :) ------
No way. In the conditions of your problem, there is no data on the ability of the persons involved in economic forecasting :)

And then he has to work very well and save - he also rented (threw away) an apartment ... Then the box itself is very little, it is still necessary to invest almost the same 70,000 in it so that there is a habitable house ...

"Nothing. In terms of your problem, there is no data on the ability of the persons involved in economic forecasting :)"
Absolutely right! There is no data on their abilities, but there is data on the ability of the economy to turn to a person in different directions and suddenly (or slowly) change real estate prices

"And then he has to work very well and save - he also rented (threw away) an apartment ... Then the box itself is very little, it is still necessary to invest almost the same 70,000 in it so that there is a habitable house .."
He earned money quickly and playfully, like many in those years. I didn’t shake with money, but I was confidently a plus. At the right time, he was in hard currency and he was lucky)) I rented a good apartment for only $ 300 (at that time it was normal) right in front of my office. And he bought 2 apartments on the secondary market, not a box. In general, I taxied well :)

In the 90s it was not like that))) but to each his own.
I would say that investments should be diversified. Otherwise, God forbid, everything will start again as in the 90s!

Elena, pulling up analytics to the factor of luck is a thankless task, no one denies the fact that the cream is skimmed by people who are in the right place at the right time. Why they ended up there is a separate question. In this case, I am not quite satisfied with the somewhat directive nature of the article. Calculate invest. attractiveness in this topic is not a binomial
Newton, but the question of how to preserve the only, relatively small savings for a common man in the street remained behind the scenes. Perhaps this is a topic for the next article. I would read)

User957801, it is hardly possible to remain directive when our experts, whose comments are given in the article, hold opposite points of view. But thanks anyway, I'll take it into account. The task was modest - if foreign analysts say “no, it’s not profitable,” then what are we? and what do our experts think? To try to give an answer, how can you still preserve (and increase?) What you have acquired by overwork, then you need to dig for a long time, thoroughly and seriously. I'll have to try if you don't mind reading :)

Thank you, Elena! Seriousness and thoroughness are always valuable!
Probably, it is impossible to cover absolutely all the factors, but, as grit, not a single mathematician ... We will wait for new interesting materials. Good luck!

so 30% you will just overpay for three years while the house is being built, and that is if it is built on time. you can get the same 30% over these three years in OFZs and buy on the secondary market without risking anything, and if you are going to take out a mortgage, then you will save even more at the expense of interest.

If realistically, it is more profitable to buy a kopeck piece in Moscow and rent a room - to live on your own and acc. all-inclusive costs and a tenant before our eyes, but it is necessary for an adequate "getting along" tenant. and this is a rarity ..

And why did Moldova become an investment attractive for tenants, who is there in line to rent housing?

We are talking about a P / R ratio favorable for buying real estate - that is, it is relatively cheap there, has prospects for growth and payback when renting out (despite the fact that there are no queues of tenants there))

Yes, it feels like the article is customized! Someone needed that now hard-earned money in banks were carried)))) But in any case there is salt in it! The P / R ratio is approximately the same as they describe (I can say about St. Petersburg), we simply do not correctly calculate the payback period, these figures are kind of ideal for us. And if taxes are added to the apartment expenses (which, by the way, from 2015 will increase on additional real estate), "depreciation costs" or apartment renovation (tenants who want to keep the rented property in good condition do not always come across), etc., about the growth of tariffs for services for the operation of residential buildings by condominium associations, I'm not talking at all! It really turns out to be "egg broth". Itself in my profession faced with something: a client buying a 1-room apartment on a mortgage in a residential area of ​​the city, is forced to pay monthly mortgage payments much higher than the cost of a monthly rent of an apartment, the difference reaches 30-50% !!! This is a robbery !!! Therefore, I still think that for investment it is better to invest in commercial real estate.

Of course you're right! But liquid commercial real estate is much more expensive than a 1-2 room apartment. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is liquid, i.e. always find a new tenant quickly and sell quickly if needed. We have a liquid little comm in Rostov-on-Don. real estate is in great shortage.

And than the agents annoy you, I will quickly rent a higher housing, and you will also receive a bonus from me of 10% of the commission.

In cooperation with a competent agent, downtime will not be guaranteed, a deposit in the amount of a monthly fee is also taken, if the tenants did not warn them to move out, the deposit is not refundable for a month. If the property is damaged, it is deducted from the pledge. With a competent agent, everything is profitable. 89522030919

Poor fellows, when calculating annual revenue, take into account downtime (when there is no tenant and when during repairs).
Also take into account the personal time spent on finding residents, gimmicks with them, on monitoring and monthly receiving money from them and paying for communal services, as well as the loss and time spent on the operation and maintenance of the facility:
- Personal income tax 13%
- current repairs and overhaul repairs, incl. replacement and repair of furniture and household appliances
- housing and communal services
- the cost of evicting negligent tenants
- real estate tax (which will increase DIFFERENTLY from the next or from 2016)
- possible losses from flooding of neighbors living below
- possible losses due to the sudden departure of tenants who were late in payment and delayed with payment without paying for water and electricity

In the past 3 years, rental prices have not increased due to the mass leaving of tenants for mortgages, it is more and more difficult to find normal tenants and it takes longer to search, and the listed expenses for the maintenance of real estate are increasing annually.
If you dig around, you can also cite explicit and implicit costs.
And as an investment project, the purchase of an apartment for renting a one-room apartment, for example, in Krasnoyarsk, will become an unattractive investment with an internal rate of return IRR = from 3 to 4% per annum and a simple payback period of about 30 years, and there is no discounted payback period - it is absent!
Conclusion: the cost of real estate is overpriced, it is economically more expedient to live in a lease!
Buying on a mortgage and renting out is the utter utter stupidity of the Russian people!

Upper Middle will not go into a mortgage to rent out later. These guys do an excellent job with the calculations and without experts, who are used to operating with the "average temperature in the hospital." The question is different: how, if not to increase, then at least to keep the savings equivalent to a 1-2-room economy apartment. An attempt to reorient the population of a country where housing is still a supervalue to trust banks is no less utter stupidity than buying a mortgage for rent.
Yes, and about the "mass leaving of tenants in the mortgage" the statement is dubious. The motivation for hiring is variable, and this very "mass" of employers is too heterogeneous to make such generalizations.

"Buying on a mortgage and renting out is the utter utter stupidity of the Russian people."
I see that the "great economists" do not peck money. For example, in order to buy a three-room apartment, I first had to buy a "dormitory" on a mortgage, rent it out, after 4 years take a small loan for "urgent needs" to pay off the mortgage, sell the "dormitory", repay the loan, take out a mortgage again, already for 3 -room (immediately the income was not enough for payments). After renovation and relocation, he sold his 2-room apartment and partially paid off his mortgage. He finally paid off the mortgage only a year later. Without all these gestures, I would not have saved up for an additional payment from 2 to 3 rooms.

It's time to break stereotypes. For example, that real estate is the best investment. Reliable yes (unlikely to drop much). But not always so profitable.

An example from personal experience. Six months ago we sold a three-ruble note in Moscow. So far, money has been mostly spread over bank deposits. They themselves rented a new and more spacious three-ruble note (the annual rental cost is 4.7% of its market value). Deposits, on which the money is spread, bring at least 13-14% (taking into account the monthly capitalization). And some "creative" variants of the "Tinkov" type of "ladders" - and at all 16.5-18% per annum. The slight increase in property values ​​does not offset this yield. And, of course, deposits - they imply much greater mobility. I need money, an interesting investment option appeared - I went and took it off. And yes, we already had several meetings with the DIA this year, for all bankrupt banks we were paid everything within two weeks from the moment the license was revoked.

So it's time to stop thinking in stereotypes.

It's time to break stereotypes. For example, that real estate is the best investment. Reliable yes (unlikely to drop much). But not always so profitable. -----

Why not take into account the fact that for someone the "best" is precisely in long-term reliability, and not in immediate benefit? :) About stereotypes sounds great, but the topic is much more specific)))

"An example from personal experience. Six months ago they sold a three-ruble note in Moscow. So far, the money has been mostly spread over bank deposits."
Well, have they recaptured the grandmother? I suspect not, and I’m unlikely to be able to.

it would be better to buy bucks, 100% per year. Well, okay, it's better in rubles than in squares

Here we are with a friend thought and came to the following ...
1. Real estate is the only store of value. The people no longer believe in anything and consider it the best investment. or rather the only one.
2. Due to the excessive centralization of power, "the desire of the tsar, the capital" - in the MCK there is a sharp concentration of all the country's resources. And see item 1
3. Private (!) Real estate is one of the only (if not the only) way to inherit something to children with some kind of guarantee that they will not be taken away. Neither a share in the business, nor any funds guarantee dispossession.
If we are talking about the West, then there are a lot of opportunities to spend your life and money. therefore they do not idealize real estate investments.

You are completely correct!

Crazy, they have never been to the west, but they know how good it is there, ... in the west to survive to work 12 hours a day and weekends too, welcome

We will have such real estate tax soldered soon that the owners of several properties will be giving away a few monthly salaries to pay the annual tax!

There is nothing particularly scary in the plans if you are talking about residential real estate. With the commercial sector, yes, there will be serious problems with taxes.

I’m here, you know, looking for real estate to buy on credit and rent. And then a letter comes to the mail with the heading "Do not buy real estate to rent it". Not, well, okay, right? And how do you order this to be regarded now?

I was more interested in commercial real estate, running as a ready-made rental business - so that the net profit after all expenses and taxes would cover the mortgage payment "with a margin". It is not easy to find such options.

And now it became interesting: is there a possibility (maybe through some kind of scheme, for example, to lay down the first installment in the price, or what else) to take on credit for physical. person real estate worth 10 - 600 million rubles. under the security of payments with income from its lease, showing the bank the seller's income (and not his own), without guarantors, other collateral and the first installment?

No, dear! I myself want it, but the bank will not give a big loan without a good down payment, and then there are options for income (official-white) from rent. Not that much. You must have a close relative in the bank's management)))

And buying a mortgage is worth it! Just count the economy.

Nonsense, of course. Naturally, housing can be taken away from a person. But it is still easier to protect him from this than to protect himself from all the vicissitudes of perestroika. revolutions, course changes. disintegrations of the native country and other cataclysms. I remember the times well. when Gorbachev came to power. Then the whistle with inflation began, the prices just went crazy. In some industries and in some industries they did not pay at all, then they gave out arrears for salary, when this money was already worth nothing. And only those who were smart enough to buy at least a house in the village, in the regional center, can somehow save their money, savings in spite of the Pavlovian reform. Let not immediately, but after a few years, but this property could still be sold at a normal adequate value. And who kept the money in the bank, remember what happened to them? so this article or provocation. or it was written by a completely incompetent person.

Exactly, PROVOCATION !!! -))

I have been renting apartments in the Moscow and Tambov regions for more than 10 years and I see no reason to invest money other than buying an apartment because there is no more reliable investment in our country. Banks are bursting, and the huts have stood and will continue to stand, all the more so in terms of rent, they are in great demand. The negative point is that ANY apartment will be dirtied. It does not depend on whether it is an economy apartment or an elite apartment !!! Someone will not pay extra and will leave, taking a TV set. Someone will feed breakfast on payment, without paying for 3 months will simply disappear. Someone pays for 2 months in advance can fight with a neighbor, break the toilet and shit in the closet and dissolve in the same way. If you rent an elite apartment, then you will not be allowed into the apartment more than once a month.
My advice is to rent an economy apartment with old furniture (bed, TV, refrigerator, bathroom and stove are required), it’s easier to rent them, and if, for example, a child cracks the wallpaper, then it’s not a pity. And do not try to hand over to your good acquaintances - then you will not expel them, and they will pay little. Settle one Tajik-a whole village will live! They pay regularly, but problems with neighbors and visits from the district police officer are definitely guaranteed. Good luck.

We bought a house for permanent residence in 98. For 14t.r.Repair so, in the meantime, renting a house, you still need to do repairs, clean up the dirt, we cannot afford to rent with European-quality repairs. In 2003, circumstances changed, we had to sell this house for 30,000 rubles. my husband moved to another region (I lived in Moscow, in the apartment of my parents) and bought a house in the village in 2007 for 25t. R. Sturdy but neglected, market price. I came for the summer. They did not make any special financial and labor investments. We lived on a penny, then I worked as a cleaner, my husband received a symbolic salary in the village. Small sums made livable. Circumstances have changed again. This house was sold in 2014 for 210,000 rubles. And in which bank would we keep this money and its purchasing power? And in the suburbs in our village such apartments as ours at 99 could still be bought for 10,000 &. In 2009, the Academy of Sciences appraised our apartment for 2,000,000 rubles. And in 2013 we sold it for 3,000,000 rubles. Two offices of independent Academy of Sciences evaluated it. And I invested 100,000 rubles in the renovation of this apartment in small portions. And which bank would provide such conditions? ... Now we have bought for 1,000,000 rubles. house 3 rooms with all amenities, with a plot, with a large area, warm, solved some financial family problems, thanks to free money. And the village in the Moscow region in terms of living conditions and infrastructure is inferior to the village where we live now. Even in terms of jobs, it's better. That is, we have improved our living conditions. Would it be better if I gave it to the bank and rented a house?

Everything worked out correctly and intelligently for you. Over the past 16 years, apartments and houses have been growing in value and those who invested money there have won. Those who bought housing for themselves or their children and grandchildren also won. But today we are at a different point. Housing prices are very high, the resource for growth has been exhausted (if we take into account the state of the economy). If someone nevertheless wants to get into debt and buy real estate now, so that there is "it" and so that the children remain, etc., then, first of all, he will not be able to derive a good income from it if he leases and secondly, he risks in 5-7 years to witness how the same apartments around them will cost 70-100% cheaper. But not more expensive, I'm sure! If a person wants to be calm that he will not lose all his money and will stay with real estate for many years, great, but if he wants to make money, then today this is far from the best investment.

In our country, real estate has always been overpriced, except for the remote outback. I only agree with you that there are more and more new buildings and that the market is already close to saturation. But the demand for housing has formed in the Russian Federation, because The USSR did not provide all citizens with decent housing. They did not even have time to resettle all those in need from communal apartments and barracks. In large cities, demand for housing will continue. I also need to add about population growth and young families with 2-3 children, who also need to improve their lives. conditions.

I’m here, you know, looking for real estate to buy on credit and lend it out --- "" "Denis, you are very smart, of course. But believe me - everything is covered there. I have friends who also thought of this option. , rare lucky ones managed to get out at zero, the rest with a minus. The device has a thousand ways to honestly take money from the population. Experience shows that without a hairy paw nothing comes of such an undertaking. Maybe you will succeed. I wish you good luck. Well, on just in case: Have you tried to work? Some people make money in this way.

Elena, thanks for the compliment. You tell amazing things, it even became interesting. For example, - where "there" is captured, and what is "everything"? On what conditions was the property purchased, what were the disadvantages? What kind of "apparatus" is there that prevents honest people from regularly paying taxes and payments for the bank from the profit from the lease of premises (pledged by the bank), the stewards of which they have kindly agreed to become?

About luck. I consider this acceptable: "Let this book of the law not depart from your lips; but study in it day and night, in order to exactly fulfill everything that is written in it: then you will be successful in your ways and you will act prudently." (Bible, Joshua 1: 8). And "luck" is something ghostly, incomprehensible. I did the job right - I got the result. And from "luck" - no use (checked).

It's better not to ask me about work - otherwise I'll write a poem for you here. In a nutshell - the wrong scale (the required amounts just "work" - you need 100 years without spending on food, but your own business is another matter, and (for some reason) more interesting). There is no getting away from work anyway (yes, it is also present in the rental business) - this is a must.

The real situation in Voronezh:

on the secondary housing 1k apartment (38 m) "stalinka" without an elevator, with a simple but fresh renovation, in an area close to the center costs 2.2-2.4 million rubles. You can rent such an apartment for about 12 tr + a communal apartment. The maximum possible income per year from renting out will be 144 thousand rubles. And a deposit in a bank at a rate of 10% per annum from 2.2 million rubles. we get a guaranteed income of 220 thousand rubles. The last 4 years, the "secondary housing" has an increase in value of 3-6% per year. So renting for a long time is not profitable and not profitable, except for daily rent, but this is already a business !!

Those who are afraid of the disqualification of banks can scatter 2.2 million rubles. 3-4 banks (no more than 630 thousand rubles in one bank). For those who are waiting for an economic catastrophe, which is likely with a drop in oil prices or a war, then under such conditions, real estate will also depreciate, so in this case, it is better to maximally borrow a mortgage for a long time, however, most of the population is already in loans !! !

The situation in the Voronezh region:
For the third year now I have been selling a modest but good house of 100 sq. with a plot of 10 s and amenities, in the regional center for 2.5 million rubles, it makes no sense to sell it cheaper. If you are not a builder, it is more expensive to build yourself. Another option, a 1-room apartment (32 sq. M.) Costs up to 0.8-1 million rubles, and renting it 3.5 thousand rubles + a communal apartment, so it is definitely not profitable to rent it in the provinces, but it is very profitable shoot at such a price !!!

I know very well what it means to "sell" or "buy" "pretty houses". One particular house is not an indicator. People pay for the place, for the neighbors. Itself, in search of housing, reviewed dozens of houses. It may be worth the money, but you are looking for a convenient, convenient place. It happens that an expensive house has not been sold for years at half the price, but a simpler and cheaper house for its real cost goes into the air, even without advertisements, just the locals take it, and only because it is located two hundred meters further, but on a hill, more in a shady place, on a cleaner and quieter street. And renting an apartment in a regional center is a problem, there are few offers and a small choice. And then there are no apartments for rent at all. Yes, and lease temporarily, at any time they will ask to move out. And repairs, as a rule, still have to be done by the tenant.

The written terms of bank deposits are very tempting. But if so. My father had money for two kopeck pieces in the suburbs. But I kept it in the bank. Default, everything was gone, then he started working two jobs, saved up again - again a default, the ruble collapsed. Again zeros. Then he begged my brother for money and kept it in the most reliable bank at decent interest rates. For four years everything was fine, then the bank went bankrupt. Somehow I got my own, but without the promised interest. That is, the profit is zero. now he is saving up again, for old age, deducting a penny from his pension to the bank. I ask. why doesn't he keep it at home? the answer is: "but not to be stolen." Well I do not know. However, I am not a supporter of stepping on the same rake a hundred times. Everyone knows how to speak and promise. But where are the guarantees? Father now has all hope for us, since we still invested in real estate, even though we have some housing. And if he even invested in the improvement of our housing, then it would be more convenient for him to live with us at his senior age. Well, at least the attic would be equipped. And the market price of the house would still be higher. And so the money is simply not known to whom he gave. Well, take them to the banks. They probably need money more. than you and your children.

Maybe the title of the article is incorrect? ... Such an ardent discussion.
After all, the calculation is simple: I take on a loan for 60 months a room for 1500 tr., Rent it for 10 tr., To pay off the loan every month I pay 15 tr. Total after 5 years: costs 200 thousand rubles. (initial payment) +900 tr. (payments from own funds). The room is mine after 5 years, I sell it, for example, at the same price of 1,500 thousand rubles. The profit is 400 thousand rubles. Adding the capital accumulated over 5 years to the profit, it becomes possible to buy an apartment on a mortgage.
What is the gross error here?
How is it possible, without knowing the financial ABCs, to invest 200 thousand rubles in a different way, then investing then monthly at 15 thousand rubles. (and not a one-time payment of 900 thousand rubles) to receive 1500 thousand rubles in 5 years.

Let's take a look at what Robert Kiyosaki, a well-known investor and entrepreneur, writes about this.

Golden Rule:

Monthly payments on a loan for the purchase of real estate for renting must not exceed the amount of the monthly payment for its rent!

Robert Kiyosaki states that as long as this rule is followed, your return on investment in rental properties is infinite. You take a mortgage, buy an apartment, rent it out and use the rent to pay off the loan, and take the difference for yourself.

Is it really incomprehensible that there is a concept of "payback period" and after the landlords pay the expenses, the profitability increases every year precisely in a geomeric progression.

Oleg, in my opinion, there is a mistake in your calculations. If you use a mortgage calculator and put there: the cost of the room is 1.5 million rubles, the first installment is 200 thousand, 12.5% ​​(standard version), it turns out that the overpayment to the bank for the entire period will be 454 839 rubles. (that is, in 5 years you will pay 200 thousand first installment + 1.3 million the rest of the cost of the room + 454 839 rubles to the bank = 1 954 839). These are your expenses (we will not add here the costs of buying a room that fall on the buyer, property tax, household expenses for the room (repairs, buying furniture for rent), as well as utility bills that you, for example, will hang on the tenant ). Now your income: 10 thousand per month. rent - for 5 years 600 thousand. Subtract from the total expenses 1 954 839 income 600 000 = 1 354 839 rubles. That is, the amount for which, in the bottom line, you get a room in 5 years. If, according to your calculations, you sell it again for 1,500,000 rubles, you will receive a winnings (income) of 1,500,000 minus 1,354,839 (for which the room cost in 5 years) = 145,161 rubles

Now let's take a Sberbank calculator and find out that if we put 200,000 rubles. for 5 years (3 years, then another 2) with interest capitalization and monthly replenishment of 15,000 rubles, then you would receive an income of 255,200 rubles, that is, approximately 110,000 rubles. more than a grand operation with a room. And it's not a fact that your tenant will live in the room for all 5 years and pay regularly, and that he will not lead the room to such a state that he will have to start a small repair before selling))

And by the way, Robert Kiyosaki said well! Try to give an example of an apartment for which mortgage payments would be lower than rental rates.

"So it is definitely not profitable to rent in the provinces, but it is very profitable to rent at such a price !!!" - well, who needs it? nobody needs it.

And who knew in August, when this discussion began, what would happen to the ruble exchange rate now? And who knew and who knows what will happen next? Those who managed to buy real estate before are now feeling calmer. The property has stood as it stands. And with the courses, the situation is generally unpredictable. Mortgages are now being drawn up in rubles. There will be inflation, prices will rise, salaries will rise, as has already been done many times. The real price of the apartment will certainly go down. For those who made it. So what was the point of the article? in order to dissuade buyers from the opportunity to have time to purchase housing for rubles before their rate has fallen so sharply? Also me, specialist analysts. Just a finger to the sky. They say correctly: listen to the advice of the financier and do the opposite - you will not go wrong.

The person was left with housing, that is, with a real product, and not with a virtual electronic account that may or may not be issued. Today they give out. Till. we remember how suddenly all these savings were zeroed, and the housing did not go anywhere. the point is that in hindsight, everyone is strong. But will you give a guarantee that something like Pavlov's reform will not be repeated in the next 10 years? Who in Ukraine expected this inflation? And how many arrested accounts held abroad? In the currency exactly. Yes, they do whatever they want with these accounts. yes, they simply remove from the card, then it is not always possible to restore it even by court. Housing is more difficult to select. It will pay off, it will not pay off, but IT IS. And at least some kind of constant income will give.

Why in the red? Buying an apartment in August 2014 and renting it out is just a plus!

who knew, he bought bucks, and felt much better than those who got mortgages at 15%. For instead of a one-room apartment, I could buy a three-ruble note, and inflation did not affect real estate prices at all

what will happen to the money this fall, at the beginning of 2016, by the end of 2016? The forecasts are contradictory. Interest on deposits does not cover inflation. There is complete obscurity in politics. Nobody can say what will happen to the oil price. The dollar will depreciate, it's a matter of time. Yes, in general (God forbid) the third world. the dollar is said that before it collapses, according to the logic of the stock exchange, at first they should very well raise, and then immediately drop sharply. To successfully invest in currency, securities, you need to closely monitor all processes in politics and economics. understand well. for this you need to do it professionally, work in this area. Are there such? Only then does it make sense to manipulate currency, deposits, interest. professional dealers and live precisely at the expense of such. as we are less versed in these things. At the expense of our contributions, outperforming us. The forces are not equal anyway. So money is not a commodity. This is a virtual symbol, which in itself has no value, except for pasting the walls, and even then it no longer has. And real estate is a real commodity that a person needs. With the disappearance of money, there remains a natural exchange of goods. With the disappearance of goods, money will lose its meaning. , as happens during cataclysms, wars, any upheavals. We have already witnessed this.

Oleg Maisky, 02 December 2014, 22:28

Allow me a short question about this article about the fact that it is unprofitable to buy real estate in order to rent it out. After all, the calculation is simple: I take on a loan for 60 months for a room for 1500 tr., Rent it for 10 tr., To pay off the loan every month I pay 15 tr. Total after 5 years: costs 200 thousand rubles. (initial payment) +900 tr. (payments from own funds). The room is mine after 5 years, I sell it, for example, at the same price of 1,500 thousand rubles. The profit is 400 thousand rubles. Adding the capital accumulated over 5 years to the profit, it becomes possible to buy an apartment on a mortgage.
What is the gross error here?
How is it possible, without knowing the financial ABCs, to invest 200 thousand rubles in a different way, then investing then monthly at 15 thousand rubles. (and not a one-time payment of 900 thousand rubles) to receive 1500 thousand rubles in 5 years.
This is where, in what city can you rent a room for 10000r ?? Is that in Moscow? But there are NO rooms for 900,000 rubles, I'm sure. It is possible to buy a room for 900,000 rubles in Cheboksary, but you will also rent it out for 5-6 thousand rubles.

An interesting discussion. A bank deposit is really more profitable if you count on a calculator. But if you live on interest, and do not touch the body of the deposit, then inflation with a 100% guarantee will destroy the entire deposit. Real estate is in any case an asset that will never depreciate, can will fall in price, may rise in price, but will never turn into zilch. There will be inflation, the apartment will rise in price, strongly, weakly, but it will rise in price.

To rise in price? So why even the capital's real estate in the current crisis has fallen in price almost twice (if in dollars)? And the secondary housing in cities with a population of millions and with a large discount is not for sale in any way ... And if the money is urgently needed, the apartment will have to be sold at half price, which means that this is also zilch ((And not all apartments are liquid and rise in price, but in this crisis in general a dollar turned out to be a better investment than square meters, which are unlikely to return their value ... Renting is also a difficult way to generate income. And it is not always possible to rent it profitably: downtime is possible, tenants may not pay. fires and other expenses, do not they make an apartment cheaper?

Anton Sveshnikov

The question is what is more profitable buy a room in a communal apartment in Moscow or a studio apartment in the Moscow region, investors decide based on a variety of life circumstances. As a rule, the set of alternatives looks like this:

With or without neighbors?

People buy a room in a communal apartment if there is no possibility or, more often, a desire to take out a mortgage loan; if housing (any) is needed here and now, and in the shortest possible time. Under these conditions, the potential investor there is not enough time lag to invest money in housing under construction; one more argument - I don't want to pay two prices - for renting an apartment and for a mortgage.

New buildings have a lot of advantages over the secondary market, their main disadvantage is the high price

“They are buying a room in the hope of buying other rooms in the apartment later. Due to Moscow registration and the ability to use Moscow benefits. However, those who wish To buy an apartment in the region, instead of a room in Moscow, it is becoming more and more. According to our estimates, today the volume of supply of rooms in Moscow is about 5% of the total market volume, and the demand is even less - only 3%. The reasons for this are quite understandable - having in the budget an amount equal to the cost of a room in Moscow (which is 2.5-4.6 million rubles), you can buy a separate apartment in a new, modern house with an improved layout in the near Moscow region or on the territory of New Moscow ", - argues Irina Dobrokhotova, chairman of the board of directors of the company "Best-Novostroy".

They choose a studio as an alternative to a room in a communal apartment if life in “their own meters” is more important than conversations with neighbors in a shared kitchen (you must admit, this even sounds archaic) and there is money that will be spent on renting housing, waiting for the completion House. Another common option is that the family already has housing, and the studio is bought by elderly parents or a child, a student, or for subsequent rent.

Where are the risks higher?

“If we are talking about investment, then the main risks of buying a studio in a new building are the standard risks of shared construction: unfinished construction, delay in the delivery of the object, "notes Pavel Lutsenko, general director of the federal portal "World of apartments".

According to Alexey Shlenov, executive director "MIEL-Network of Real Estate Offices", if the purchase is made for investment purposes, then a room in a communal apartment in Moscow will be preferable to a studio under construction in the Moscow region. Ready-made apartments and rooms within the Moscow Ring Road are in steady demand and are more in demand than modern facilities outside the capital.

According to the expert, after the completion of the construction and registration of the studio in ownership, its price will undoubtedly increase, but the exposure period will be higher than that of a room not far from the center. Of course, this type of apartment has its own buyer. Since such options are most often found in residential complexes of increased comfort, they are equipped, inter alia, as guest apartments. In addition, according to Shlenov, studios are widespread in the rental market, they are preferred by foreign citizens for whom this format is more familiar. Such apartments are purchased by wealthy young people, not burdened with families, as the first high-status housing. But the MIEL representative does not note an active interest in the studios.

“Rooms in communal apartments have always been in demand. This is a good option for those who would like to live in Moscow, and not in the Moscow region, but have a limited budget. The demand for rooms in communal apartments is higher in the Central Administrative District and in the prestigious districts of some other districts, for example, in the Western District, ”says Aleksey Shlenov. As you move away from the center, the demand for rooms falls if the price-performance approach does not come into play. All rooms in Moscow are in demand on the housing market, but the further from the center, the cheaper it is.

Where is the income higher?

An alternative investment also has its adherents - buying a studio in the Moscow region. "In many projects for comparable money in Moscow you will not buy a decent room, but in the Moscow region you will get a small studio apartment in a microdistrict with convenient transport links, infrastructural facilities and a landscaped area," enters into a dialogue Grigory Altukhov, Commercial Director FGC "Leader"... Moreover, in his opinion, today the near Moscow region is confidently competing with the capital. Sometimes it is possible to get to some areas of the region faster than to many sleeping areas of Moscow. But an apartment bought in the near Moscow region is more advantageous not only for this reason.

A room in Moscow is secondary housing, the investment attractiveness of secondary housing is unpredictable and highly dependent on the market situation. According to Dobrokhotova, "secondary housing" may even become cheaper if, for example, a large shopping center suddenly "grew" in front of the house, respectively, there are traffic jams and problems with parking, as a result, secondary housing loses a number of its former advantages and becomes cheaper. Meanwhile, the attractiveness of a new building is only growing - there has not yet been a case for a new building to fall in price relative to the starting price. “So, if we proceed from investment goals, then a separate housing in a new house in the near Moscow region is still more preferable,” advises Irina Dobrokhotova. Since with almost the same level of liquidity, the sale of a room in the future can be fraught with considerable problems and hassle.

“An apartment near the Moscow Ring Road in the eastern direction can be bought at the construction stage for 3.5 million rubles. For the same money, you can buy a room, for example, in a communal apartment in an old house, both in the central part of Moscow, and in a new house, but on the outskirts of the capital. However, if after 1 year by the end of construction and the time of receipt of the keys, an apartment on the primary market may already cost 4.5 million rubles, then if a room will rise in price during the same time, then by a maximum of 1-2%, but in the case of the sale of the room bargaining can shift the final price of the transaction to the previous level (the same money for which you bought the room), ”says Altukhov.

However, Elena Valeeva is sure that both options can be considered for investment purposes. On the one hand, the purchase of a studio at the initial stage will allow you to earn up to 50% on the construction of the facility itself. On the other hand, by purchasing a room, its owner gets the opportunity to immediately rent out the living space and receive dividends. But the price of the object itself will not give a significant profit.

According to her, if the buyer has a place to live, then it is more profitable to buy a studio and wait for the completion of its construction. If a person has nowhere to live, and there is no money to rent housing, then it is definitely easier to buy a room.

Room or studio? Pros and cons

Secondary market

New buildings

Room in the apartment
in Moscow*

In Moscow*

In Moscow*

In outskirts of Moscow


Low price

Good layout

Lack of legal entities restrictions on subsequent renting

Good transport accessibility **

The price is lower than in Moscow

No risks of unfinished construction

The price of the object will rise

Lack of neighbors


Legal restrictions when renting out

Not the best layout

Standard risks: unfinished construction, delays in the delivery of the object

The price of the object, if it grows, then slowly

Poor transport accessibility **

A shopping center can be built nearby and the object will become cheaper

Presence of neighbors

* This refers to the territory of "old Moscow".

** In some cases, transport accessibility in the cities of the Moscow region is better than in the districts of Moscow