On October 12, which asteroid is flying towards the earth. Comet ISON is more dangerous than they say and the United States knows it. Meteorite fragments will be drawn in a lottery in Chelyabinsk

Let us remind you that the Chelyabinsk meteorite fell to the earth’s surface on February 15, 2013. Of course, they will also be able to walk around the museum, listen to a guide who will talk about the fall of the meteorite, its nature and origin. All participants will receive a handout that will teach...

SUSU opens an exhibition on the anniversary of the Chelyabinsk meteorite fall

A photo exhibition dedicated to the fourth anniversary of the fall of the meteorite that exploded over the regional center on February 15, 2013 opens at South Ural State University today, reports the correspondent of the Access News Agency, citing the university’s press service.

A house-sized asteroid passes close to Earth. NASA scientists say there is no risk of impact, but the flyby gives them a chance to test their asteroid warning systems. A global network of telescopes will closely monitor the object.

It is estimated to be between 15 and 30 m, which is relatively small. However, even space rocks on this scale are dangerous if they strike. NASA scientists who have spent the last two months tracking this new rocky visitor say their calculations show it will clean up Earth safely and pose no threat.

Stardust: Chelyabinsk meteorite four years later

Four years ago, thousands of Russians watched a unique a natural phenomenon: a large asteroid entered the dense layers of the earth’s atmosphere above the Urals. The celestial body exploded in the air. Most of its debris collapsed on the territory Chelyabinsk region, some fell...

Instead, they will use this close approach to referee future potential strikes. This will help them clarify how asteroids are tracked and enable them to test international communications systems. Dr Chodas said that although the risk of being hit by an asteroid was small, it would be wise to plan ahead.

Where did the Chelyabinsk meteorite come from and why it was impossible to detect it

"NASA's search programs are getting better and better at finding asteroids," he explained. The first priority was to find large asteroids. So far, NASA research has found that 95% of asteroids are one kilometer or larger - those that could cause a global catastrophe.

Where did the Chelyabinsk meteorite come from and why it was impossible to detect it

When residents of the Chelyabinsk region saw a flash in the sky, many thought that it was a rocket flying by. And scientist Sergei Zamozdra immediately realized that it was a meteorite. - February 15, 2013. I'm standing by the window. The feeling from the flash is as if the car blinked its high beams.

Now we are working our way to smaller ones - 130 m in size and larger ones - and by about 30%. This one is small - we're not trying to find all of these sizes. It's just a convenient asteroid for us to practice our tracking techniques on. He added that if an asteroid was discovered heading for Earth, scientists would consider different methods to prevent disaster.

If we had enough warning time - five or ten years - then we could do something about it, especially if it was on the small side. “We could go up and move it, change the speed of our years forward, and that would be enough to move it off the collision course.”

Citizens of Chebarkul can touch the meteorite on the eve of the 4th anniversary of the fall of the fireball

On February 15, the day when a meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk three years ago, 5 fragments will be drawn celestial body. At the Historical Museum of the Southern Urals, guests will be able to touch a large fragment of a celestial body, and also take part in the “Get a Meteorite!” lottery. From 13 to 17 February...

However, as it begins to approach us this summer, large telescopes will be used to reconstruct its exact trajectory and narrow down the uncertainty. Best image: The green line indicates the apparent motion of the object relative to the Earth, and the bright green marks are the location of the object at approximately one-hour intervals. The blue arrow indicates the direction of the Earth's motion, and the yellow arrow points to the Sun.

High volcanic gas emission and temperature of Crater Lake on Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand

Two bright fireballs have been seen across the night sky over southern England, United Kingdom over the past 24 hours. The Volcano Alert Level remains at Level 1 and the aviation color code at Green.

Violent phreatic eruption at Mount Agung, Bali, Indonesia

A wonderful flash of pink light over Norway. Over the past couple of winters, large displays of pink and white auroras have coincided with flawless suns.

Meteorite fragments will be drawn in a lottery in Chelyabinsk

Lottery “Get a meteorite!” organized the Historical Museum of the Southern Urals, which houses a huge fragment weighing 500 kilograms. February 15 State historical Museum Chelyabinsk will hold a holiday - “Meteor Day” - in honor of the fourth anniversary of its...

A rapist who abused a fellow traveler was detained in the Chelyabinsk region

The man offered to give a ride to a girl who was walking along a country road. But having driven onto a deserted section of the road, the South Ural resident, threatening to kill her, raped her in his car, and then dropped her off and drove away. “New Day – Chelyabinsk” in contact, Odnoklassniki and Facebook.

New strong explosions in Popocatepetl, ash up to 5 km a.s.

A late spring cold grip has ripped through western and central Victoria this month, causing significant agricultural damage. For the first time, a scientific experiment has measured the Earth's ability to absorb neutrinos - particles smaller than atoms that scale throughout space and through us by the trillions every second at nearly the speed of light.

Credit: European Space Agency. The asteroid has an orbital period of 67 years and is rated -66 on the Palermo scale, with a 1 in 630 chance of an Earth impact within the next hundred years. The main difference is that we know that this asteroid is happening in contrast to the event that unfolded in Chelyabinsk.

From space to the museum: four years ago a meteorite fell on Chelyabinsk

Chelyabinsk, February 15, 2017, 11:08 - REGNUM On the morning of February 15, 2013, in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk, a meteorite exploded while passing through the earth's atmosphere. Numerous eyewitnesses observed a bright flash in the sky, and a few seconds later they felt a series of explosions...

Chelyabinsk has become a platform for the implementation of one of the most high-profile projects recent years. We are talking about creating a system for protecting the Earth from space danger on the basis of South Ural State University. © Egor Shishkin/SUSU. Many people remember Chelyabinsk...

Watch a live feed of the asteroid passing through Earth via the Sloo Observatory's broadcast stream. It is outside the orbit of geostationary satellites. Fortunately, astronomers are confident that the asteroid is harmless will pass the Earth and there will be no reason for alarm. Similarly, Makoto Yoshikawa of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said: The distance is very short. But this distance does not mean a collision.

Gyorgy-Rice of the University of Texas says. Although it has a large uncertainty in orbit, it is much smaller than the radial uncertainty, so it simply changes the time of the closest passage. Although Earth's safety is sufficiently certain for this passage, Earth's gravity will significantly alter the asteroid's trajectory before exiting the Earth-Moon system.

The car that glorified the Southern Urals is four years old

As scientists explain, the meteorite fall that occurred on February 15, 2013 was nothing more than a “collision with earth's surface fragments of a small asteroid that collapsed as a result of braking in the Earth’s atmosphere.” The explosion of the celestial body occurred at 9.20...

Ants crawled out of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. How the car was used in the movies

In the four years since the fall Chelyabinsk meteorite, our car managed to get into not only news reports, but also films - documentaries and feature films. And usually these are foreign films. Frame youtube.com. So on the anniversary of the meteorite falling on the canal...

This "asteroid flyby," or close approximation to a better phrase, will provide an opportunity for professional astronomers to test their detection and tracking abilities near Earth objects. The object's brightness is expected to peak at level 9 at its closest approach, so it will also be visible to amateur astronomers.

Potentially hazardous asteroids

Potentially hazardous asteroids are identified based on parameters that measure the asteroid's potential to threaten close approaches to Earth. An asteroid four times the size football field, will fly past Earth on Halloween night. This event shows how important it is to look for rocks in space.

Many famous astronomers have noticed a large asteroid that is moving towards the Earth. The cosmic body is several times larger than the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Previously, the meteorite will be at a dangerous distance in October 2017. This meteorite, when colliding with the Earth, will cause the inevitable death of all living things. For the first time in the last four hundred years, it will be possible to observe a celestial object without leaving home, using conventional telescopes.

For some people, Halloween is the perfect scary time. This nice 400 meter feature will be included. Experts can say almost nothing about the physical properties of the asteroid and can only deduce basic data from previous observations. A diameter of more than 400 meters is a rough estimate, as is the case for any object for which we do not have any details, for example.

Once an object is detected by radar, we can gather more accurate information about its size. A significant portion of these objects have not yet been discovered. This program is based on new automated telescope technology in Europe. Objects of this size are often detected in automated observations, says Koszny. However, due to their enormous size, they are usually visible when they are still quite far away, at distances of up to 2.5 times the distance between the sun and the earth. This asteroid is an exception because it was discovered shortly before its approach to Earth.

The fact of the approach of a huge asteroid, which is considered quite dangerous, was reported by the national space agency of the United States of America.

A dangerous asteroid flies towards the earth, collision October 12, 2017: Interesting facts about asteroids

In general terms, an asteroid is a large collection of rocks that orbits the Sun, but is not large enough to be considered a planet. The largest cluster is located in the asteroid belt, or rather in the ring that lies between two orbits: Mars and Jupiter.

This distance is eight times less than the distance between the Earth and the Moon, Russian astronomers warn. Asteroid rates -3.66 on the scale of Palermo, with a probability of 1 in 630 impacts over the next hundred years. Would you like to talk about this for a moment? This will give them deep insight and spiritual understanding. Become a friend of the Sky of the Month and Astrologer Apprentice: look at the sky and share this exciting experience with others!

From space to the museum: four years ago a meteorite fell on Chelyabinsk

Take a look at the current weather Military service of the Air Force. A More Targeted Forecast for Skywatchers: Meteoblue Vision Predictions. Day 31 travels from the constellation of Our Lady to the Cathedral of Libra. Over the course of a month, days shorten by approximately 1 hour and 22 minutes for a mid-latitude location in Italy.

It is known that asteroids consist of debris that appeared as a result of the emergence of the universe five billion years ago. The size of asteroids is very diverse. Some can be huge, others very small. Since there is no gravitational attraction in space, they cannot gather into a ball, so they usually have a sharp shape and sometimes a completely shapeless appearance. Once an asteroid hits the Earth's surface and crashes into it, it becomes a meteorite that can cause irreparable damage to all of humanity. The damage caused by meteorites directly depends on the size and mass they have.

On the night from 24 to 25 solar time comes into effect. Sunspot situation in the visible area of ​​the Soho Solar Observatory. Section by Paolo Morini and Alfonso Zaccaria. Contributions by Paolo Morini, Giovanna Ranotto, Alfonso Zaccaria. The combined gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on bodies of water found on our planet generates a wave, the propagation of which, observed from locations on the shores, leads to the cyclical rise and fall of sea level. Anciently it was considered a kind of "breath of the sea", as if water was periodically swallowed displaced by large underwater cavities, this level variation can be calculated using celestial mechanics methods, but contributions such as those related to winds and meteorological conditions are not easily predictable.

A dangerous asteroid is flying towards the earth, a collision October 12, 2017: An asteroid flying towards the Earth scares people with the possible end of the world

Many scientists have begun to talk about the apocalypse again, which, according to their information, will already be on October 12, 2017. From the information provided by scientists, it became known that asteroid TC4, which was discovered back in 2012, will cause possible death.

Visibility maps were provided by their author, Dr. H. van Gent from the Institute of Mathematics at Utrecht University, whom we thank for his cooperation. Van Gent maintains a website about improving the lunar visibility forecast. Moon - Christmas: Before dawn on October 7, a waning crescent moon appears at the crossroads of the Constellation Cancer, not far from the Nativity chair.

Moon - Venus: begins a long series of interesting morning alliances with the protagonists of three planets visible before sunrise. In the early hours of October 8, the swinging crescent of the Hawk, entering the constellation Leo, approaches Venus and the star Regulus. Moon - Venus - Mars - Jupiter: The next day - October 9 - The Moon, now reduced to a thin spit, continues its journey into the constellation Leo, where it "surpassed" Venus, approaching Mars and Jupiter.

Flying dimensions cosmic body really impressive. The diameter is estimated to be up to forty meters. According to all studies and calculations, it will be in October that it will fly past the Earth at a critical distance. The distance between our planet and the asteroid will be less than the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Experts say that if an asteroid does fall to Earth, the end of the world will not be avoided.

Moon - Mercury: October 11 The Moon, an increasingly thin sliver near the Moon phase, completing its crossing of the Constellation Leo, overtaking Venus, Mars and Jupiter, approaches Mercury. Moon - Saturn: October 16, the crescent moon, now waxing, is visible in the evening shortly after sunset in the constellation Scorpio along with Saturn.

The car that glorified the Southern Urals is four years old

Mars - Jupiter. A very close conjunction between the planets Mars and Jupiter occurs on October 17th. We can observe this before sunrise in the constellation Leo. A slightly higher Venus is shining. Venus - Jupiter: A series of conjunctions in the morning sky continues. October 26 - turn of a close encounter between the two brightest planets: Venus and Jupiter meet in the constellation Leo; just below Mars.

It is known that this asteroid already flew past us back in 2012, when it was actually first discovered. Official science proves the opposite, that TC4 does not pose any danger to our lives at all. But at the same time, they agree with the fact that upon impact with the ground, death will be instantaneous.

A dangerous asteroid flies towards the earth, collision October 12, 2017: NASA prescribes ways to solve the problem with the asteroid

The US National Space Agency is considering all possible solutions to the future threat. If the threat does arise, then NASA will launch a spaceship straight to the asteroid, thereby destroying it and saving the whole world. NASA also stated that it is all a matter of time and whether such actions will be taken at all. If danger does arise, then maximum safety measures will be applied to preserve life on our planet. The famous physicist Martin Rees said that the governments of all countries of the world should invest a lot of money in the security of the Earth from possible cosmic threats.

SUSU opens an exhibition on the anniversary of the Chelyabinsk meteorite fall

Venus - Mars - Jupiter: Before dawn on October 28, three planets appear on the eastern horizon, still in the constellation Leo, in this order: from top to bottom, Jupiter, Venus and Mars. Moon - Pleiades: On October 29, the lunar disk is in the constellation Taurus: in this case, the Moon is not very close to the Pleiades. The most important development is the occultism of Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation of the Bull, described in the next paragraph.

Thursday, October 29, late at night, we will be able to observe an important astronomical event that once again amazes us and leaves us fascinated. The Moon's altitude will vary between the beginning and end of 38° and 50°, so it will be very high and visible in the night sky. The event will be visible from all over Italy, just look south to appreciate it.

No one can predict for sure whether there will be a danger at all and whether we will be able to solve it in a short period of time. The asteroid itself was named TC4 fifteen years ago. He flew twice as close as we can now observe the Moon in the sky in our homes. TC4 consists of an unusual rock that is enormous in size and flies at a speed of fifteen kilometers per second. Scientists suspected that it would fly past our planet again, but did not calculate that it would happen so quickly and that already in 2017 we would be able to see it again.