Did a meteorite pass by the earth on 12.10. The asteroid flew past, but very close

A specialist from the United States of America, Judith Rees, reported 40 meters, which with some probability could crash into the Earth on October 12.

Information recently appeared in the media about the coming “end of the world” on October 12, 2017 has been worrying Internet users for several days now. According to a number of scientists, asteroid 2012 TC4 will approach Earth at a record close distance.

Many conspiracy theorists immediately sounded the alarm, declaring a fatal scenario that would certainly unfold in bodies on Earth, but NASA astronomers were quick to declare that the TC 4 asteroid is not considered a potentially dangerous object.

The celestial body will approach our planet at a distance eight times less than the location of the Moon from the Earth. And yet, having approached the Earth, the asteroid will continue to move in its own orbit, which does not intersect with the Earth’s in any way.

Russian scientists also emphasize that the asteroid will fly past our planet on October 12, 2017.

“The asteroid, about 40 meters in diameter, will fly past the Earth on October 12 at 7:42 Ural time. Compared to other TS4, it is very small, but it is the only one that will fly so close to the Earth,” the department of astronomy, geodesy and environmental monitoring of the Ural Federal University emphasizes in a statement.

According to scientists, there is so far no reason to fear the end of the world in the coming years due to the collision of an asteroid or meteorite with the Earth. They note that most often such “predictions” are made by dubious persons in order to gain popularity.

The asteroid, which will fly past the Earth on October 12, does not currently threaten our planet. The diameter of this cosmic body actually reaches 40 meters, which is twice as large as the diameter Chelyabinsk meteorite. Let us recall that on February 15, 2013, a meteorite fell in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk.

Its diameter reached 15-20 meters, scientists believe. The damage from falling fragments of this meteorite reached 1 billion rubles. It should be noted that this heavenly body was not detected before it entered the atmosphere.

After which experts from different parts of the world started talking about the need to create a reliable system for tracking space objects approaching the Earth.

Asteroid October 12, 2017, news: our planet has never known collisions with an asteroid before

TC4 had already flown close to our planet, then the distance was ninety-four thousand eight hundred kilometers. The event took place in 2012, which is when it was opened. The dimensions of the asteroid are not clearly defined. According to various sources, they range from twelve to forty meters.

TC4, of course, is not the first cosmic body to fly near the Earth. Most often these are meteorites. They are the ones who periodically collide with our planet.

The consequences of such collisions do not bring anything good to the Earth, although only one of the global catastrophes is attributed to them - the one that occurred millions of years ago and led to the Ice Age. As for modern times, the disasters brought by the Tunguska and Chelyabensk meteorites were of a local nature.

There are no known cases of asteroid collisions with the Earth. In this case, scientists also do not observe a 100% threat. The concern is caused by two factors: the proximity of its trajectory and our planet, and also the fact that the asteroid has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore it is not possible to clearly predict its behavior.

The only indisputable fact is that even just flying past, cosmic body may have a negative impact on the Earth. It can provoke earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters. If it falls, global catastrophes will definitely await our Earth. And the place where he falls will be decisive whether he can survive at all.

Nothing can be said with certainty about the possibility of its fall. Astronomers do not make any predictions, since they do not know whether it will fall at all, and if it falls, where.

First of all, this happens because the totality of the data they have suggests that a collision will not occur. An asteroid flying past can be seen through a telescope.

So far, NASA has been able to detect 93% large asteroids- over 1 km in diameter, potentially posing a threat to our planet.

Orbits approximately 195 million km from the Sun. Scientists were also able to clarify the number of medium-sized asteroids (from 100 meters to 1 km) that are in orbit near the Earth: there were 19.5 thousand of them.


On October 12, 2017, Thursday, a huge asteroid will approach the Earth. Previously it was assumed that it would collide with our planet, but now scientists are confident that it will crash into the Moon.

A number of tabloids previously wrote that October 12 is the end of the world, citing information from scientists. Today, asteroid 2012 TC4 will approach the Earth at cosmic speed, and it was previously assumed that it would not be able to miss the planet and would crash into the Earth.

According to the latest data, VistaNews writes, the meteorite will crash not into the Earth, but into the Moon, which will become a kind of shield. Therefore, on October 12, the end of the world, apparently, will not come.

However, there are those who believe that on October 12, 2017, the asteroid may not crash into the Moon if its trajectory goes sharply upward, and the Earth’s satellite, at the same time, makes a “maneuver” downward. In this case, our satellite and the meteorite on October 12, 2017 will be able to separate.

It should be clarified that just now the Earth has entered the asteroid belt. An encounter with one of the asteroids is extremely dangerous. By the way, this already happened in 2012, when a similar celestial body passed very close to the Earth at a distance of 94 thousand km. TC4 has an extended orbit and has previously passed close to Earth. Currently, scientists are trying to determine the possibility of an asteroid fall and calculate its orbit.

Let us note that so far experts cannot accurately determine whether the meteorite will fall or not, since it is still at a very great distance. However, experts on near-Earth space objects reported that the chance of a collision was "one in a million."

By the way, astronomers are also confident that the asteroid will not fall to Earth, but they still consider it necessary to calculate all possible options.

So, according to them, if a collision does occur, the planet will be overtaken by the most terrible catastrophe in recent centuries. October 12, 2017 is called the date of the end of the world.

NASA researchers are confident that the celestial body will pass by the Earth, reports the Mirror. Moreover, experts consider the approach of planet Earth and the asteroid as a chance to study the celestial body.

The minimum distance between Earth and the meteorite will enable scientists to test a global network for detecting and tracking space objects near Earth.

“Now the 15-meter asteroid 2012 TC4 has already flown up to Earth at a distance of almost 2 million kilometers,” the researchers say. – By Thursday it will approach at its minimum distance.

Japanese astronomers managed to videotape the flyby of asteroid 2012 TC4 by Earth shortly before its closest approach to our planet. The asteroid safely passed the point of its orbit closest to Earth today at approximately 6.42 Moscow time.

Yesterday, on the eve of the closest approach, the team of the Japanese Kiso telescope located in Nagano managed to photograph the asteroid within 7 seconds. The video shows that the asteroid changes its brightness very often - this indicates that the irregularly shaped space rock is rotating at high speed.

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