New Athos attractions and entertainment. New Athos: what to see and where to go - attractions. Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

New Athos is a resort town in the Gudauta region of Abkhazia. Despite its modest size, this place is one of the most famous and visited by tourists. Pilgrims from different countries of the world come here to touch the holy lands, where one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, Simon the Canaanite, preached and died a martyr’s death.


The first mention of the settlement of Anakopia on the site of present-day New Athos dates back to the 3rd century. They are connected with the developed trading activities of the city, which at that time was one of the main trading ports on the Black Sea coast. During the excavations, much evidence was found that the culture of the local residents was well developed.

In the 5th century, the Abkhazians built the Iverskaya fortress on the slope of the mountain. Two centuries later, a wall was erected to protect the fortress from the attacks of conquerors. By the end of the 8th century (during the period of troubles in Byzantium), Leon II arbitrarily declared himself king of Abkhazia. It is worth giving him his due; for these lands and the people of Abkhazia, he did everything in his power. Under his leadership, Anacopia was declared the capital of the country and flourished.

Later, the city was owned by the Byzantines, Genoese, and Turks. All of them, except the Turks, left their mark on this land in the form of architectural structures of that time. Then the Russians came, thanks to them, today we can admire the majestic monastery and the unique man-made gardens (with a system of artificial ponds) adjacent to it. All structures were erected by Russian monks who arrived on these shores from Greece.

Entertainment in New Athos

New Athos offers tourists little in terms of entertainment. This place is, first of all, the center of spiritual life. There are no nightclubs and restaurants, noisy discos, or drunken cheerful groups on the streets. People come here for a peaceful and measured holiday, which heals the soul from city stress and helps restore the nervous system.

Swimming in the clear sea, sunbathing and educational excursions - these are the entertainments New Athos offers its guests. The local cuisine will also not leave vacationers indifferent. Hospitable local residents sell aromatic delicacies of their own production, restaurants and cafes invite you to taste amazingly tasty Caucasian dishes.

New Athos is rich not only in amazing man-made attractions, but also in many unique natural places. Among the must-see attractions when you come on vacation:

  • New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery;
  • New Athos Cave;
  • grotto of Simon the Canaanite;
  • Novoafonskaya embankment.

At the end of the 19th century, Russian monks settled in the Psyrtskhi valley, having moved from the opposite shores of the Black Sea. In 1875, they began the construction of a monastery at the foot of the mountain, which is to this day the main attraction and pride of Abkhazia. The war with the Turks played a fatal role in its construction. The partially constructed buildings were destroyed by the Turks, and only a year after the end of the conflict the construction of the monastery was resumed.

In addition to the buildings of the monastery itself, the monks built a narrow-gauge railway here, which facilitated the construction process, cable cars to Mount Iveron and Mount Athos, and a dam with a hydroelectric power station on the river. The surrounding area was cleared and landscaped, a beautiful park with artificial ponds and canals was laid out. The monks bred carp and mullet in them. The mountain slopes were planted with fruit trees, regularly producing juicy apples, olives, and tangerines.

The monastery buildings were erected for about 20 years; Emperor Alexander III took an indirect part in this. Upon completion of construction, the monastery was presented with chimes placed on the highest tower of the bell tower. In 1888, a chapel was built and an alley called Tsarskaya was laid out.

The Soviet period became critical for the monastery; its activities were suspended for anti-Soviet agitation. For almost 70 years, the monastery buildings were used by the Land of Soviets as a boarding house. Five years before the beginning of the new century, the Russian Orthodox Church carried out restoration work and restored the activities of the monastery. Today New Athos is the largest religious center on the Caucasian Black Sea coast.

In the Primorsky Park, in addition to the abundance of subtropical vegetation, there is a system of ponds. Previously, monks bred mullet, carp and crucian carp here; today their main inhabitants are beautiful swans. Sculptures symbolizing Soviet times remain from the times of the Union. This mixture of styles and times reflects the history of the park. You can admire the picturesque landscapes by sitting on benches located throughout the park for the convenience of tourists. Here you can take a photo, capturing this amazing romantic atmosphere as a memory.

Cave in New Athos

The New Athos cave is located in Iveron Mountain, the entrance is located near the monastery. It was opened in 1975 and immediately became a place visited by tourists. The cave stretches almost 2 km deep into the mountain; for ease of movement, there is a railway that can take tourists to the halls located 1.3 km from the entrance. There are 11 halls in total with many grottoes and galleries, there are even underground lakes. Electric lighting was installed in the halls, and all conditions were created for the convenience of 2 thousand tourists who visit this amazing attraction in one day.

Grotto of Simon the Canaanite

Simon the Canaanite is an apostle at whose wedding Christ turned water into wine. The shock from the influence of the personality of the God-man was so strong that Simon became one of the twelve followers of Christ and followed him, leaving his family. In the middle of the first century AD, he and Andrew the First-Called came to these places and preached the Word of God. Then Andrei followed further and reached the island of Valaam, and Simon remained in Anakopia, settled in a grotto and lived in it until the embittered Roman legionnaires killed him. A stone cross was erected at the site of the martyrdom of the apostle. The Grotto of Simon the Canaanite has been preserved almost in its original form; the passage to it was modified by the monks for ease of visiting. They installed a staircase and laid out mosaics depicting Jesus, the Mother of God and the Apostle Simon.

The embankment is especially beautiful in August, when pomegranates, acacias and magnolias bloom. It stretches for 6 km in length and its width is 35 meters. Tall broad-leaved palm trees are planted along the entire embankment, creating life-saving shade in the heat. It is always lively and noisy here, in the evening the lights turn on, the embankment acquires a special charm and mystery.

In addition to the attractions described, there are many more interesting places in the city and its surroundings for the inquisitive tourist. Among them are the Inexhaustible Well, Iverskaya Mountain, the Rock Garden, Stalin's dacha and about 30 more architectural and natural monuments.

By visiting the main spiritual shrine of Abkhazia, you will not only get an incredible healing effect and many vivid impressions from your vacation, but also put your thoughts and feelings in order.

The main architect and founder of the monastery is Saint John of Iveron. He built the holy monastery in 980, having previously renounced the position of royal adviser and became a monk. At first, the monastery was considered Georgian, as it appeared under the Georgian king David. A little later, at the beginning of the 14th century, by decree of the Patriarch, it was included in a number of Greek monasteries. But the name remained the same, Georgian, which arose in honor of the state of Iberia.

Before the beginning of the 20th century, the monastery burned down several times. Unreasonable fires completely destroyed the building. And each time Iveron was restored. Several countries helped financially with this. Including Russia and Georgia. The monastery is priceless because it houses a huge number of relics of saints. The monastery has more than 15 chapels, where over 150 miraculous icons are collected. This is not the case in any other temple in the world. Therefore, this wealth is protected like the apple of an eye.

Byzantine tower

The Byzantine tower is the main attraction of the hospitable village of Ouranoupolis, generously blessed by nature. In addition to the fact that the village is known for its famous resident - the philosopher Aristotle, Athos deserves special attention - a unique large monastic state that appeared in Ouranoupolis in the 11th century. The Vatopedi monastery, as part of Athos, built a Byzantine tower in the 14th century in order to protect its courtyard and property.

The Byzantine tower is located in the southwest of the village. In the 19th century, the last floor of the fortress was destroyed as a result of an earthquake, but the tower was rebuilt and restored, and it has survived to this day in its restored original appearance. Today, in one wing of the fortress there is an exhibition of icons and Byzantine antiquities.

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Dohiar Monastery

Dochiar is a Greek Orthodox monastery for men located in Greece on Mount Athos. Dokhiar is tenth on the list of Athonite monasteries. In 1990, 32 monks lived on its territory.

The main temple in Dohiara was founded under Emperor Nikephoros Phocas. Euthymius, the founder of the monastery, first built a church, and then on the site of Dochiar he created the temple of St. Nicholas. Funds for the construction of an Orthodox monastery were given by Patrick Nicholas, who was subsequently tonsured in Dochiara and became hegumen after Euthymius.

In the 14th century, Dochiar was supported by Emperor John Palaiologos and King Stefan Dusan of Serbia. Two centuries later, the Orthodox monastery was revived, since after the pogrom by the Wallachian sovereign it needed restoration. Now tourists can observe the beauty of the monastery, into which a lot of effort was invested by its founder Euthymius and his followers.

One of the oldest monasteries of Athos, founded in the 10th century, mentioned in manuscripts of the 11th century.

Located on the northeastern coast of the peninsula, between the monasteries of Iveron and Caracal. The cathedral church of Philotheus was built in 1746, painted in the 2nd half of the 18th century. Dedicated to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In addition to the Cathedral Church, the monastery has 7 churches and chapels:

1) St. John Chrysostom

2) St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

3) Three Saints

4) John the Baptist

5) Holy Archangels

6) Martyrs Marina

7) All Saints.

Outside the monastery there are 17 churches.

One of the most comfortable and well-kept monasteries on the Holy Mountain.

Franks Castle

The only one of the Athonite monasteries accessible to females is the Zigu monastery or, as it is often called, the castle of the Franks.

Strictly speaking, it is located outside the official border of Athos, but only 40 meters from it. The Byzantine monastery of Zigu, one of the oldest on Mount Athos, was first mentioned in the chronicles of 942 AD. The monastery was dedicated to the Prophet Elijah and was one of the most significant monastic monasteries that existed at that time.

The monastery continued its existence until the end of the 12th century. However, around 1206, a Frankish knight and his army settled there. From here they raided the Holy Land of Athos until they were expelled through the intervention of the Pope.

The fortress walls of the monastery with eleven towers, as well as the ruins of the cathedral, built at the beginning of the 11th century, have survived to this day. The most famous monk of the Zigu monastery in history was the Monk Athanasius Athonit, who in the middle of the 10th century founded the most famous monastery of Athos - the Great Lavra. Currently, archaeological excavations are constantly being carried out in the monastery.

Monastery of Xiropotamus

One of the oldest Orthodox monasteries, Xiropotamos, is located on Mount Athos. The monastery is dedicated to the forty Sebastian martyrs. The order for its construction was given by Princess Pulcheria in the fifth century.

Since ancient times, Xiropotamus has been one of the richest and most prosperous monasteries on the Holy Mountain. Around the sixteenth century, the monastery suffered a misfortune - it was severely damaged during a powerful earthquake. Subsequently, Andronikos Palaiologos was involved in its restoration.

Today 60 inhabitants live in the monastery. The main relic of the monastery is a cross from the Life-Giving Tree - the same one on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Gregoriate Monastery

The monastery of Grigoriat is located on the southwestern side of the Holy Mountain, next to the monasteries of Dionysiat and Simonopetra. In the hierarchy of Athos monasteries it is in 17th place.

The monastery was founded in the 14th century by a hermit monk named Gregory and his students. Unfortunately, little information has survived about the monastery, since its archives were completely destroyed by fires in 1500 and 1762. Grigoriat was also attacked many times by pirates. In subsequent years, the monastery was periodically restored with donations from Orthodox sovereigns of those times.

Currently, Grigoriat is an active monastery; about 70 monks live in it, who themselves take care of food and everyday needs. The monastery houses 279 manuscripts, about 6,000 printed books, various sacred utensils and vestments.

The pier of the Zograf monastery - Zografskaya Arsana

Zografskaya Arsana is located approximately 4 kilometers from the monastery itself, on the southwestern coast of the island, between the piers of other monasteries - Kostamonita and Hilandara.

The monastery's pier is located among huge rocks that seem to hang over the sea. These rocks point almost vertically upward, and at an altitude of about 300 meters their continuation is the Zograf monastery itself. All this together is a very beautiful sight, and from below the monastery seems like an impregnable fortress that is impossible to reach.

The monastery pier serves as a port warehouse on the pier for unloading and storing various products delivered by ship to the monastery. Vessels loaded with various cargoes from the island (timber, firewood, nuts, olives, etc.) also sail from here.

Ancient resort city of Ouranoupolis

Ouranoupolis is a small ancient resort town located near the sacred Mount Athos, the spiritual center of Orthodoxy, and 132 kilometers from Thessaloniki.

The city has its own port, where pilgrims going to the mountain arrive, and many hotels of different levels.

In Ouranoupolis, on the beaches there are a large number of various restaurants, cafes, bars and taverns, offering, in addition to delicious Greek cuisine, also places under beach umbrellas. There is little entertainment here, but the very atmosphere of the city is imbued with the solemn spirit of holy places and is conducive to peace and spiritual harmony.

Daphne's Pier

The pier is located in the western part of the peninsula and serves as the official port where pilgrims arrive and from where they leave the Holy Mountain. Therefore, there is a police station, customs, coast guard, post office, cafe, shipping service, several shops, a hotel, etc. here. - one might say, this is the main tourist transport hub of Athos.

The nearest monastery is Xiropotamus, 2.5 km away.

Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on Athos

Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mount Athos is also known as Rossikon or New Russik. This is an architectural monument and at the same time one of the 20 operating monasteries in Greece on Mount Athos. In the 19th century, the monastery bells were the largest in Greece.

This monastery, like all other Athonite monasteries, is a patriarchal stauropegy and is subject to the canonical jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. In our time, the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon is in 19th place in the hierarchy of Svyatogorsk monasteries.

The library, which was badly damaged in a fire in 1959, is considered a real treasure of the monastery. Despite great losses, the monastery library has more than 20,000 valuable books and manuscripts.

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26.7k (67 per week)

New Athos is a famous resort town in Abkhazia, which has been in high demand among tourists for 6 months, especially among residents of Russia, because it is located not far from the Russian border - 80 kilometers.

New Athos: history of the city

The centuries-old history of New Athos goes back to the distant past - to the 3rd century AD. In this century there was the first mention of the city - a large trading point called Anakopia or Trachea. Thanks to developed trade, the level of culture and financial status of city residents was high.

Throughout its existence, significant buildings and structures appeared and then disappeared in New Athos, the memory of which is preserved to this day.

Due to constant raids and wars, at the end of the 6th century, the foundation of the fortress and its outer line was laid. The Byzantine unrest at the end of the 7th century led to Leon III, the Abkhaz ruler, transferring Anakopia to the status of the capital of the Abkhaz state.

The struggle for the territory of Abkhazia, which lasted several centuries, determined a new wave of buildings in the 13th-16th centuries. One of them is the Genoese Tower - part of the coastal fortification. It has survived to this day.

The next significant fact in the history of the city is the garrison of tours in Anakopia. Despite the long period of presence on the territory (17-18 centuries), no new buildings were built.

The New Athos Monastery, which is significant to this day, was founded in 1875. The Russian monks chose the foot of Mount Athos as the site for the construction. The long construction was associated with the course of the Russian-Turkish war. Only 4 years after its founding, construction was resumed and completed in 1896.

The construction of a winery dates back to 1880; monks were involved in the construction work. They also built railways, cable cars, and dams near Mount Athos.

The 90s of the 19th century characterize New Athos as the religious center of the Black Sea coast.
The territory of New Athos is also interesting because the State Dacha was built in the city - a resting place for famous political leaders from the times of the USSR, for example, Stalin.

Among the latest historical events of the resort town (2008) is the restoration of the tower of the Anakopia fortress, previously used for patrol.

New Athos: population

At the end of the 80s of the 20th century, the population of the city was represented by Russians, Abkhazians, and Georgians. The majority (44%) were Russian residents. In total, just over 3,200 people lived in the city. The 2003 census data recorded just over 1,300 inhabitants, 2011 - more than 1,500 inhabitants (the majority (about 60%) of Abkhazians, then Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians, Greeks, Georgians and others).

Sights of New Athos

New Athos Abkhazia attractions are what is interesting to tourists and vacationers who arrive at the resort. Mysterious places telling about historical events taking place in the city, centuries-old buildings and fortresses, cultural and architectural objects - there is something to see in New Athos.

A city like New Athos does not skimp on attractions - there are many of them:

  • Genoese Tower - built during the occupation of the city by the Genoese colony;
  • New Athos Monastery - its construction took more than 20 years;
  • Temple and grotto of Simon the Canaanite;
  • The remains of the Anakopia fortress and temple, located on the Iveron mountain peak;
  • Karst caves, incl. Novoafonskaya;
  • Museum of Military Glory - associated with the historical events of 1992-1993;
  • Museum of the Abkhazian Kingdom - takes visitors to the origins of the city;
  • Museum of Ethnography - tells about the life and cultural characteristics of the Abkhaz people;
  • Seaside Park - the main feature is a system of ponds;
  • Church of the Intercession;
  • Power plant - year of foundation - 1902;
  • An ancient steam locomotive - located near New Athos (5 km), in the 19th century the monks used it as a means of transporting timber.

Photos of the sights of New Athos convey the atmosphere and uniqueness of these places, but visiting them in person means touching a piece of the history of this resort town.

Weather New Athos Abkhazia

Tourists go to New Athos both for the sights and for relaxation on the sea coast. From May to September is the best time to visit local beaches and swim in the Black Sea. The climate of the city is similar to the Russian Black Sea resorts, but there is one peculiarity - mild winters. The weather of New Athos, water and sun - everything here contributes to the longest possible vacation.

Each of the seasons in New Athos proceeds in its own way:

  • Winter. Warm, there is practically no snow as independent precipitation, it falls with rain. Thanks to the temperature that does not fall below 0 degrees, it melts quickly. On average, winter temperatures are +5 degrees;
  • Spring. Warm weather comes to the resort in February-March. In spring it often rains and there are storms at sea, especially in the first months. The water warms up to +20, and the average spring temperature is +19 degrees;
  • Summer. Heat and high humidity are well tolerated thanks to sea breezes. Rain in summer is a rare occurrence. But if they rain, it rains heavily, most often at the beginning of summer. Mostly dry weather. The water temperature, on average, reaches +22 degrees, and the air temperature - +25;
  • Autumn. Minimum precipitation, warm and sunny. The swimming season lasts until the end of October - beginning of November. Average temperatures this season are as follows: air temperature - +19, sea temperature in New Athos - +20.

New Athos: temples

At the beginning of the 20th century, New Athos was considered a religious center on the sea coast of the Caucasus. Religious monuments have still been preserved; today they are favorite places for tourists to visit. Among them:

  • Dranda Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God. Located in the village of Dranda. The structure fascinates with its architecture: cross-domed churches, pentagonal projections of the apse, a deacon, an altar, a dome with a 16-sided drum base, fresco paintings, plaster finishing, red brick;
  • Temple of Simon the Canaanite. It is a famous landmark of New Athos. White cut stone was used for its construction. The composition of the temple is strict: a high raised dome as the main element, pillars forming an arched space, the top of the temple in the form of a dome on a drum base, vaulted passages in the form of a cross.

How to get to the New Athos Monastery?

A popular cultural and historical monument is the New Athos Monastery. The route to get there is not difficult:

  • Departure point - Adler;
  • Border crossing;
  • Bus ride (3 hours on the way) to the resort town.

The New Athos Monastery is an attraction for tourists to visit as part of most excursion tours organized from Abkhazia, from Sochi.

New Athos: how to get there

There are several ways to get to the famous resort town of Abkhazia:

  • By car;
  • By bus (minibus);
  • By train (train);
  • By taxi.

Traveling by car to New Athos is a path from the border to the city, passing along the sea.

Buses and minibuses run from Abkhazia to New Athos. They travel from popular Abkhaz cities: Sukhumi, Pitsunda, Gagra, etc. The bus departure frequency is half an hour. The journey by minibus is faster than by bus. In the first case, the journey will take from 1.5 to 2 hours, in the second - 3 hours. The bus to Abkhazia runs from both Sochi airport and Adler railway station.

There is another way to get to New Athos from Adler - by train. She goes daily. The road takes a little over 5 hours. The train travels slower, but you can also buy a ticket for it.

A private taxi will quickly and comfortably take you to your destination. There are a lot of taxi drivers right after crossing the Russian border. The journey will take 2 hours.

New Athos airport

You can also get to New Athos by plane. However, the city does not have its own airport. There is an airport in Sukhumi 25 km from the resort. The journey from the departure point to the destination will take half an hour.

New Athos Tours

A large number of excursion tours are organized from New Athos. With their help you can see not only one city, but also enjoy the landscapes of all of Abkhazia.

Most popular excursions:

  • New Athos and Gagra. Type of excursion - historical and natural history. Duration - 10 hours. Method of transportation: car, on foot. The length of the route is 240 km. New Athos Cave, “Male Tears” waterfall, New Athos Monastery, beach holiday in Gagra;
  • New Athos and Ritsa. Bzyb River, Blue Lake, waterfalls, Lake Ritsa, New Athos Monastery, New Athos Cave.

New Athos: what to see on your own

Sights of New Athos, other useful establishments (catering, entertainment, beaches, ATMs, etc.) can be found on the map of attractions of the popular resort. Ratings of establishments, their opening hours, and other useful information - all this is on our website. You can travel around Abkhazia on your own if you are savvy in the history of this country and the city of New Athos in particular.


This time we will study New Athos (Abkhazia). The sights of this city will surprise even the most seasoned tourists who have seen a lot. Don't believe me? Read it.

Inexhaustible Well

In the Abkhazian city of New Athos there is the Anakopia fortress, inside of which there is an Inexhaustible Well. This ancient structure, about 4 m deep, never runs out of water, was erected by local builders. The well was based on the principle of communicating vessels.

There was another version of the appearance of this amazing attraction. Allegedly, the well was a funnel made of strong material dug under ancient buildings on Iverskaya Mountain, in which rainwater accumulated. However, scientists recognized this version as erroneous.

Church of the Reverend Fathers of Athos

In 1874, the monks of Greek Athos received as a gift from the Russian Tsar a vast plot of land on the Black Sea coast and a large sum of money for the construction of the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky monastery.

The monastery complex includes a bell tower, a refectory and six churches, one of which is the Church of the Reverend Fathers of Athos. The building was erected in the southwestern part of the monastery at the end of the 19th century. This amazing historical and architectural monument, built in the neo-Byzantine style, amazes tourists with its sublime, spiritual beauty.

Sculpture “Eagle Tormenting a Snake”

Tourists who come on excursions to the Abkhaz town of New Athos love to take pictures in front of this famous sculpture. Currently, a stone statue in the form of a formidable eagle seizing its prey is located in the Primorsky Park.

The angry bird, greedily clutching the snake with its sharp claws, is an impressive sight. The powerful open wings of the eagle reach a span of 1.5 m. The sculpture is installed on a high pedestal of a bizarre shape. Not far from the local landmark there is a small pond in which black swans proudly swim.

Stalin's dacha in New Athos

In 1947, on the site where the abbot’s small house had previously been located, a dacha was built for Joseph Stalin. The building, where the leader of the Soviet state sometimes came to rest, is surrounded by a huge, magnificent park. Tourists walking through the garden admire with delight the evergreen eucalyptus trees, olive trees and wildly blooming rose bushes. The rooms in the house are decorated with valuable types of wood (more than 30 types), crystal glass is inserted into the windows, which never heats up. Today, the former dacha of the leader houses not only the local historical museum, but also the residence of the President of the Republic of Abkhazia.

Grotto of Simon the Canaanite

The most famous historical and religious landmark of New Athos. The monument, preserved in its original form, attracts pilgrims from all over Russia. In this grotto, the great apostle preached the renunciation of all material goods for the glory of the Lord. You can get to this holy place through the picturesque gorge of the local river Psyrtskha.

After the death of the apostle, the closest disciple of Christ the Savior, the monks modified his cell, adding a high stone staircase to it and cutting a new entrance. The walls of the cave are now decorated with mosaic faces of saints. The grotto is located near a beautiful lake and an artificial waterfall about 9 meters high.

Path of Sinners

At the foot of Mount Athos there is the Simon-Kananitsky monastery. A winding, multi-tiered road lined with stones, called the Path of Sinners, leads to the architectural complex.

According to local legend, a person who manages to walk this long path on his knees will receive remission of all sins. Pilgrims from all over Russia come here in the hope of cleansing their souls of filth by crossing the famous trail. Getting to the monastery, tourists will be able to admire the slender cypress trees growing along the road, listen to street musicians and buy homemade Abkhaz wines from the locals.

Seaside Park of New Athos

In 1910, in the center of New Athos, in honor of the arrival of the royal family, the Primorsky Park was opened. Today it is the most popular holiday destination for citizens and tourists. The main decoration of the park are 7 ponds dug by monks at the end of the 19th century.

The bottom of the reservoirs, about 2 m deep, was lined with stone tiles. Artificial lakes have long become a habitat for numerous families of snow-white swans. The park is home to palm trees and weeping willows, and there are flower beds everywhere. Vacationers come here with pleasure to admire the proud birds and take pictures with the whole family against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes.

New Athos waterfall

In 1903, the New Athos monks completed the construction of the hydraulic complex. To protect the monastery from floods during high water, they erected an arched slab - the so-called New Athos Waterfall. This 8.6 m high structure is equipped with sluices for watering gardens and 2 special holes for water to pass through.

Under the waterfall, premises were built for storing food and used as refrigeration chambers. Even three serious earthquakes could not destroy the strong dam. A high stone staircase descends from the waterfall to the small picturesque lake Psyrtskha.

It was New Athos (Abkhazia). The sights of the beautiful city always welcome guests. If you have already been here, then write which of the local beauties you liked best.

New Athos is rich not only in natural beauties. This Abkhazian city has an ancient history, leaving behind many interesting sights.

From time immemorial, different peoples have lived on this beautiful piece of land. Greek monks built their monasteries here, important political activities and representatives of the royal family, many famous writers and poets rested here.

Defensive structures were built here with the help of the Byzantines already in the 7th century AD, but traces of ancient fortresses have been perfectly preserved to this day.

Rock paintings and traces of ancient sites were discovered in grottoes near the foothill villages of New Athos, which scientists attribute to the Paleolithic era, as well as inscriptions made in the Middle Ages. Guests really have something to see in New Athos.

What to see

One of the main attractions of New Athos is, of course, one of the largest and most interesting caves in the world, New Athos Cave (all details).

Tours take place here all year round, on a specially equipped underground train, which takes tourists through the underground halls.

The depth of the cave in some places reaches 180 meters.

Stalagmites and stalactites merge here into bizarre stalagmata.

Underground lakes, various mineral formations of the cave, skillful lighting in the background of music, and after the excursion leave a stunning impression for a long time.

This excursion is worth it 500 rubles, plus 50 rubles for permission to take photographs in the cave.

The road to the cave goes from the main square of the historical center of the city, the second road from the same square will lead you to another attraction - the New Athos Monastery.

Simono-Canonite Monastery

The monastery was built at an altitude of 75 meters above the sea, near Mount Athos.
The monks of Old Athos began to build it with subsidies from the royal family in 1875, into which a lot of effort and labor was invested.

The monastery had to be restored after it was plundered by the Turkish conquerors, but from 1880 it began to be actively completed and gradually became a major religious center on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, until the revolution of 1917.

On the territory of the monastery complex there are 6 temples, each of which is an example of church architecture and is a separate attraction.

The holy monastery rises majestically above the city and is visible from almost everywhere.

Path of Sinners

The road leading to the monastery is called the “path of sinners”.

It starts from the Church of the Intercession near the Primorsky Park. They say that If you go all this way on your knees, you can receive absolution.

But not everyone can decide to do this : The path is quite long, made of stones and leads up to the monastery, running along cypress trees.

Behind them lie well-tended citrus and olive orchards, which were planted here by the monks of the monastery and then spread along the entire coast.

New Athos waterfall

Hearing the phrase “New Athos waterfall”, unknowing people imagine first of all a natural attraction, but in reality it is an artificial structure.

In 1903, the monks of the New Athos Monastery built a hydroelectric power station on its territory, on the picturesque Psyrtskha River, providing the monastery with electricity.

The erected dam formed an arched slab more than 20 meters long, from which it falls from a height of 8.6 meters

Several outlets extend from it, intended for watering nearby gardens and operating the mill. The rooms located in the wall under the waterfall are used by the monks as refrigeration chambers.

Seaside Park

The seaside park of New Athos is located in the very center of the city. It was once built here by the monks of the New Athos monastery, back in the late 19th century. They dug 7 ponds up to 2 meters deep here, and the bottom of each of them was lined with stone tiles.

They were used for the fishing needs of the monks; they raised fish in them. And it was officially declared a Primorsky Park in 1910, when the royal family arrived in New Athos.

Now the main attraction of the park is black and white swans living in ponds.

The park is decorated with well-groomed flower beds and palm trees. It’s very nice to relax here in the summer, on cozy benches in the shade of weeping willows.

The famous sculpture “Eagle Tormenting a Snake” is located on the territory. You can find her near three large plane trees, near a pond with black swans.

The eagle's wingspan reaches 1.5 meters; vacationers love to take pictures near it.

Anakopia fortress

The Anakopia fortress is located on Iverskaya Mountain, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

In ancient times, Anakopia was the capital of the Abkhazian kingdom. Significant trade routes passed here, which made the city the subject of intersection of interests of the Romans, Byzantines and Turks who ruled in the 8th-9th centuries.

Residents of the city were forced to strengthen their defenses, for which the Anakopia fortress was built. Loopholes ran along the entire defensive perimeter of the fortress, helping to fire back from the enemy in all directions.

The Byzantines began to build the main line of walls in the 7th century, concerned about the increasing frequency of Arab raids.

The fortress adequately defended the townspeople from the army of the Arab commander Suleiman ibn Isam, but the siege of the fortress by Murwan ibn Mohammed in 736 was able to break its defenses and the residents suffered enormous damage from this invasion.

You can climb Iverskaya Mountain on foot, but it will be much more interesting to take a horse ride to the fortress. Even people who are not experienced in horse riding can handle the climb.

Chapel of Our Lady of Iveron

On the top of Mount Iveron, the New Athos monks built a chapel, which today houses An ancient copy of the miraculous icon of the Iveron Mother of God.

It was believed that the Iveron Mother of God protected the fortress and the mountain, because for so many centuries no one was able to finally conquer this fortification.

Among the Arabs who besieged the fortress at the end of the 6th century, an epidemic of gastric disease suddenly broke out, killing 35 thousand conquerors in a few days.

In front of the icon in the chapel, a lamp is burning all the time, people bring their gifts, and the clergy conduct singing and services.

Next to the chapel there is an ancient spring where you can get water, which is considered healing.

Agtsa Grotto

Agtsa Grotto is a unique ancient monument and is located behind Iveron Mountain, near the northern side of the ancient village of Anukhva. The entrance to the grotto is located at an altitude of 30 meters, in a rock made of red limestone.

This is a seven-meter corridor with many rock paintings and inscriptions. It is noticeable that the walls of the grotto were leveled by hand, and the grotto itself served as a place for some kind of religious rituals.

It was discovered in 1940 by archaeologist L. Solovyov, who also found a nearby site of ancient inhabitants of the Paleolithic era.

Excavations were carried out that prove that the “Sanctuary of Fire” was once located on the territory of this village, and the ancient inhabitants already in those days revered the cult of the cave, characteristic of the population of mountainous regions.


One of the most beautiful places in New Athos - this is his embankment, which looks more like a garden than a regular seaside boulevard. It is especially beautiful in August, when pomegranates bloom and the aroma of blooming magnolias fills the air.

The length of the embankment is about 6 km, width is 35 m. . Palm trees are planted closer to the shore; on the other side, the boulevard is decorated with well-groomed flower beds and beautiful shrubs. Exotic plants are found everywhere here. The embankment is thoroughly cleaned every morning.

All the main infrastructure is located behind a small decorative fence, and the embankment itself is intended more for walks among picturesque nature near the seashore, musicians play on benches, and couples in love relax.

In the evening, decorative lighting is turned on here, creating a romantic atmosphere of relaxation by the coast.