Main types and prospects for the development of recreation and tourism in Buryatia. Sports recreation and tourism in Buryatia Tourism in Buryatia

Tourist infrastructure is a set of enterprises, institutions and establishments whose activities are aimed at meeting the needs of people involved in health or recreation, as well as communications and transport and tourist accommodation facilities that provide conditions for stable functioning. We consider it as an integral system, consisting of two subsystems: social and production, which are interconnected and interdependent with respect to the serving entity. In turn, infrastructure to a certain extent shapes tourist regions, contributes to tourism specialization and business profile, because thanks to the presence of infrastructural connections between individual objects, they determine the quality of service in a particular territory.

One of the main prerequisites for the development of various types of tourism in the Republic of Belarus is the presence of Lake Baikal - a unique phenomenon on the planet, which about 80% of respondents consider the main interest in the Republic of Buryatia.

Lake Baikal, which is of global value in terms of tourism development, is a prerequisite for organizing educational water tours. However, the specifics of wind, ice and wave regimes create certain restrictions in the recreational development of the lake. The lake is cleared of ice late - the southern part at the end of May, the northern part in the first half of June. In terms of storminess, Baikal ranks first in the world among lakes; the stormiest and most dangerous period in terms of waves is October-December (maximum wave height 4-5 m). Navigation conditions are complicated by dense, persistent fogs, the maximum frequency of which occurs in July.

Lake Baikal currently stands out among other lakes in the world for its low recreational development of the coast and in this regard has great recreational value for the category of tourists interested in underdeveloped territories.

The territory of the Republic of Buryatia has certain natural prerequisites for organizing various types of mass recreation. The development of mass recreation and tourism is facilitated by the picturesque landscapes of the republic’s territory. The most picturesque landscapes prevail in the administrative regions adjacent to Lake Baikal - Severobaikalsky, Barguzinsky, Pribaikalsky, Kabansky, as well as Zakamensky, Kurumkansky, Muysky, Okinsky, Tunkinsky and Khorinsky.

An important component of the tourism infrastructure is transport, convenient for transporting any categories of tourists, from single tourists to specially organized tourist and excursion trains for local and long-distance communications. Bus transportation is involved in the development of tourism and the formation of tourist passenger flows.

Bus transportation is carried out on the own buses of travel companies, as well as on rented buses from independent transport companies.

The Republic of Buryatia has modern means of transport and communications. The republic's transport complex includes 6,904 km of bus routes, 1,374 km of railways, 18 airports and 13,920 km of local air lines, 56.6 km of tram lines; over 100 thousand passengers are transported through these communications every day.

The republic's highway network is 14,097 km, including 6,297 km of public roads.

The population, organizations and enterprises of Buryatia have the opportunity to receive almost the entire range of modern telecommunications services from digital high-quality telephones to teleconferences. New types of communication are being developed and introduced - cellular radiotelephone and paging. There are six television channels operating in the republic. The Internet has developed.

In the Republic of Buryatia, 106 organizations are registered that provide tourist services, as well as the sale of air and railway tickets, of which only 11 provide tours and recreation on Lake Baikal, such as: LLC "WELL", LLC "Daki-Tour", LLC "Baikalkurort", LLC "Siberian Cedar", LLC "The Whole World", LLC "Absolut Tour", LLC "Eastern Siberia", LLC "Belig-Ya", LLC "Akbes Tour", LLC "Zhasso-Tour", LLC "Sputnik - Buryatia" .

In recent years, the private sector has been actively involved in welcoming tourists. Private guest houses are located mainly along the coast of the lake. Baikal, in the Barguzinsky, Pribaikalsky, Kabansky, Tunkinsky districts. In order to provide methodological assistance and create conditions for the development of rural tourism, Methodological recommendations on guest houses for local governments, individuals and legal entities providing temporary accommodation and accommodation services for tourists have been developed and approved.

The largest provider of sanatorium and health services is the sanatorium and resort institution of trade unions "Baikalkurort", which manages the sanatorium "Goryachinsk", the children's sanatorium and health camp "Baikalsky Bor", and the association of sanatoriums "Arshan".

There are many restaurants serving national Buryat cuisine on the territory of the Republic. In recent years, restaurants and cafeterias in large shopping centers have been developing especially rapidly. These catering establishments work with a permanent contingent located in tourist hotels, boarding houses, sanatoriums, and with a variable contingent (city restaurants, cafeterias, etc.).

Tourist accommodation facilities occupy an important place in the provision of services. The main such establishments include hotels and similar establishments, commercial and social accommodation establishments and specialized accommodation establishments. In Ulan-Ude alone there are 144 hotels and similar establishments. Also on the territory of the republic, such resorts as “Arshan”, “Resort Goryachinsk”, Chivyrkuisky Bay, “Tour Base Kulkison” and others provide their services.

Various cruise tours have been organized on Lake Baikal for a long time:

on kayaks, kayaks along the Chivyrkuisky Bay with relaxation on the shore;

on boats of the "Yaroslavets" type: along central Baikal, along the islands of Baikal, along northern Baikal.

A themed cruise tour “National Parks and Nature Reserves of Baikal” can be organized around Lake Baikal.

The duration of cruise tours offered by the Baikal Ecotour company is 10 days/9 nights. Form of participation: group - 8 people. Cruise tours start from the coast of Chivyrkuisky Bay, from Monakhovo.

Cruise tour of central Baikal. (June - September) Tour duration 10 days / 9 nights. Ulan-Ude, Maksimikha, cruise boat tour in the central part of Lake Baikal with stops, rest and overnight stays on the shore.

Cruise tour on kayaks and canoes along the Chivyrkuisky Bay of Lake Baikal (June - September). Duration of the tour is 10 days / 9 nights. Ulan-Ude, Maksimikha, water (cruise) tour along the Chivyrkuisky Bay on kayaks, kayaks

In Ulan-Ude, souvenir production has recently become widespread, based on the creation and popularization of artistic samples with a Buryat flavor.

Thus, we can conclude that infrastructure has developed widely in the region in recent years. The Republic of Buryatia is trying to keep up with the times and adequately respond to the global demand for the development of tourism infrastructure, as evidenced by the opening of new hotels, restaurants and the construction of new tourist routes.

Buryatia, due to its geographical location, rich history and unique natural resources, is ideal for tourism. Buryatia has everything for the development of tourism: impressive natural sites, rich cultural heritage, interesting national and environmental traditions and a variety of tourist routes - horseback riding, hiking, water, mountain. Everyone notes the exceptional originality of the main natural object of the region - Baikal. The climate on Lake Baikal is special; its main feature is the huge mass of clean water. On Baikal, summers are not very hot, and winters are milder than in the continental part. The number of days a year in the Baikal region exceeds even the resorts of the South of Russia.

The Republic of Buryatia has a recreational potential, the full use of which can largely satisfy the need for sanatorium treatment, tourism and recreation of the population both in the republic itself and in other regions of Russia, the CIS, as well as foreign tourists from Asia, Europe, and America. This is a sufficient prerequisite for the creation of a highly profitable tourist and recreational complex in Buryatia as one of the promising sectors for the development of the republic’s economy. The uniqueness of the ecosystem of Lake Baikal and the natural and cultural landscapes of its basin, which meet all the characteristics of a World Heritage Site, creates broad prospects for the development of the recreational sector of the economy.

There are 3 nature reserves in Buryatia: Barguzinsky, Baikalsky, Dzherginsky and two national parks - Zabaikalsky and Tunkinsky. The main tourist attractions of the republic are concentrated in three geographical regions: Northern Baikal, Podlemorye and Tunka. The most promising areas for tourism development are the Pribaikalsky, Barguzinsky, Kurumkansky, Kabansky, Kyakhtinsky, Tunkinsky and Okinsky districts.

The Republic of Buryatia has unique opportunities for developing a network of holiday homes and sanatoriums. This is facilitated by the rich nature of Lake Baikal and the presence of multiple natural healing springs that contribute to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.

On the territory of the Republic of Buryatia there are 35 tourism enterprises with a license to conduct international tourism activities (12 of them received licenses in 2001), 5 sanatorium and resort institutions, 270 tourist accommodation facilities providing various services, incl. hotels, camp sites, recreation centers, boarding houses, sanatoriums, fisherman's and hunter's houses, etc.

The nature of the republic has given people over three hundred healing springs, which are called arshans, which means “healing water”, “drink of the gods”. Carbon dioxide, thermal and cold waters are developed in the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Within the Baikal rift, nitrogen-silicon thermal waters containing radon and hydrogen sulfide are common; in addition, there are cold sulfide and ferruginous waters in the region. Accommodation conditions at the resorts are very different: separate cottages, hotel-type dormitories, separate summer houses, tent camps. The most famous health resorts in Buryatia are the sanatoriums “Arshan”, “Sayany”, “Goryachinsk”, “Baikalsky Bor”.

State nature reserves are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the conservation and restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance.

As of January 1, 2002, in the Republic of Buryatia there are 3 state natural reserves of federal significance - Altacheysky, Kabansky, Frolikhinsky (with a total area of ​​181.3 thousand hectares; the Kabansky state natural reserve is a structural subdivision of the Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve), 17 regional nature reserves values ​​(total area 884.8 thousand hectares).

The reserves of Buryatia do not have a zoning regime, with the exception of the Pribaikalsky reserve, in which zoning of the territory was carried out in accordance with the TACIS program “Management of Natural Resources in the Lake Baikal Region” in 1999.

Natural monuments are unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin.

In the Republic of Buryatia, 266 natural monuments have been identified (93 of them have decrees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus): 19 landscape, 82 geological, 111 aquatic, 25 botanical, 9 zoological, 20 natural-historical.

The Main Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia for the Republic of Buryatia is reviewing documents on the organization of two botanical monuments of regional significance “Relict Grove of Japanese Elm” in the Baikal region (Tataurovo village, Mostovka village).

In the structure of tourist flow, domestic tourism accounts for more than 80%, inbound tourism 13%, outbound tourism 7%. The ratio of types of tourism indicates the predominant development of domestic tourism, which is a positive factor, amounted to 186,729 people, including domestic tourism - 165,404, inbound - 21,296 people, tourist and sanatorium-resort resources of the republic, issues of creating information (visiting) are being worked out. centers in the regions of Buryatia.

Promoting the tourism product of Buryatia in professional tourism markets contributes to the development of international relations, attracting investment resources not only in the tourism sector, but also in other promising sectors of the economy, the development of promising enterprises and projects, which ultimately leads to an increase in tourist flow to the republic.

Positive changes are taking place in the field of tourism development planning and organization at the local level, which is a factor that increases the manageability of the industry and reduces the negative economic, environmental and socio-cultural results of uncontrolled tourism development. Development programs and plans have been prepared and are being prepared in the Kabansky, Barguzinsky, Tunkinsky, Okinsky, Pribaikalsky, Muisky districts, municipal tourism enterprises and sanatorium-resort associations have been organized in the Tunkinsky, Kurumkansky, Severobaikalsky districts.

Work has begun to create a mechanism for managing and protecting the resources of territories actively used for tourism, recreation and treatment. The concept of tourism development in the Republic of Buryatia for the period until 2010 was approved. The materials necessary to give the status of specially protected natural areas of local importance to areas that have valuable health-improving and recreational resources suitable for organizing tourism and recreation are currently being prepared.

The revival of domestic tourism is also evidenced by the fact that since the beginning of 1999, the railway has served, according to republican departments, about 200 thousand people who went on vacation through Buryatia.

The Republic of Buryatia has a rich historical and cultural heritage. The republic is home to peoples with different historical backgrounds and cultural traditions. The combination of at least two types of cultural mutual influences (Mongol-Buryat and Slavic-Russian), as well as two religions (Buddhism and Christianity) determines the uniqueness of these places, the originality of the culture, as well as cultural and historical values.

Monuments of outstanding significance or especially characteristic of the architecture of the region, of interest for cultural and educational use (museums, exhibitions, excursion displays), datsans, churches, temple complexes, monasteries, buildings associated with memorable historical events and persons, etc. , are in extremely unsatisfactory or emergency condition. For this group of monuments, there are practically no other opportunities to attract significant one-time investments for conservation and restoration, except for state and local budget support with the participation of communities of believers, as well as individual users for a number of objects.

Buildings intended for commercial purposes (hotels, shopping arcades, shops) and buildings whose purpose does not conflict with commercial tourist use (residential buildings, estate complexes, outbuildings) require reconstruction. For this group of monuments, along with budget support, the organization of private investment financing is necessary.

It is required to carry out research ahead of archaeological work on historical and cultural monuments that are subject to restoration in areas of reconstruction and new construction in the historical zones of cities, rural settlements, and along the routes of historical roads.

The urgent issue is the development of a network of craft houses, art schools, and workshops; wider involvement in training of teenagers, pensioners, migrants, and demobilized military personnel; participation in teaching by craftsmen who master production techniques characteristic of a given territory. It is necessary to expand and develop home-based work and to assist craftsmen in providing materials and equipment.

The need to overcome the economic crisis by implementing specific tourism development programs for each region is associated with the characteristics of the current period of market formation in the country, and in particular, with the possibilities of managing and financing program activities and the subsequent distribution of tourism revenues to solve pressing problems of the region’s population and further development.

Currently, the republican tourism management bodies should be tasked with the following tasks:

  • · development and adoption of a tourism development program that does not contradict the Federal program;
  • · development and adoption of a new law on tourism in the Republic of Belarus;
  • · propaganda of the image of the republic;
  • · development of a system of regional and local programs for tourism projects, highlighting priority types of promising tourism activities for each area;
  • · streamlining property relations in the tourism sector, taking into account the characteristics of tourism activities;
  • · integration of the region into the system of the Russian and world tourism market and participation in international cooperation in tourism;
  • · creation of a modern differentiated tourism market based on the development of competition, specialization and cooperation in the work of tourism organizations of all forms of ownership;
  • · stimulating the development of tourism infrastructure by attracting extra-budgetary sources (including foreign investments);
  • · implementation in the republic of the concept of sustainable development in tourism as an economically safe form of using natural and cultural resources;
  • · creation of a republican system of training, retraining and advanced training of tourism personnel that meets modern conditions;
  • · development of regulations on the coordination center for personnel training, information and statistical support, marketing and sociological research; regulations on advertising for travel agencies; regulations on tour guides and guide-translators;
  • · assistance in the development and implementation of progressive technologies for tourism services in the republican market;
  • · formation of a system of advertising and information support for the tourism industry of the republic;
  • · support for social and especially children's tourism;
  • · targeted use of funds received by the budget from enterprises in the tourism and excursion industry;
  • · development of a system of statistical reporting on types of tourism activities and related sectors of the republic’s economy;
  • · effective use, maintenance and restoration of the republic's recreational resources (introduction of additional fees and payments for the use of recreational resources);
  • · ensuring sufficient attractiveness of the tourist complex and the tourism potential of the region as an area of ​​active international entrepreneurship and business cooperation;
  • · providing favorable conditions for small businesses that can develop without attracting government funds;
  • · expansion of a network of hotels of different categories (with parks, beaches, etc.), including a network of small hotels;
  • · expansion of hunting and fishing grounds (with the possibility of renting equipment, etc.);
  • · organization of recreation centers, youth centers, campsites, tourist centers.

Based on the analysis, it should be noted that the potential of the analyzed territories makes it possible to develop the necessary systems of cultural, trade, food, production and sale of folk crafts and tourist accommodation facilities in historical centers and other actively visited areas of historical cities and villages, but this requires reconstruction , modernization and restructuring of the existing tourism infrastructure, administrative, cultural and business facilities, housing and related social facilities, economic and industrial facilities.

To expand the geography of tourist trips, it is necessary to develop routes (tours) based on a more complete use of the outstanding historical, cultural and natural potential of the region, which will be able to satisfy the needs of domestic and foreign citizens with different income levels and spiritual needs (cognitive, business, religious, scientific and educational, environmental, sports and recreational, equestrian, specialized in interests).

According to world experience, a catalyst for the development of tourism in similar territories can be the organization of cultural projects, festivals, holidays, congresses, exhibitions, and competitions.

The task of preserving and consolidating, stabilizing the tourism sector involves reaching the previously existing flow parameters (1991), but at a qualitatively new level; creating conditions for the further development of tourism mainly by improving the reconstruction and functional restructuring of the existing base simultaneously with changing its structure, including through the new construction of hotels, tourist villages, club hotels, motels and campsites on the main routes.

  • Sagaalgan: national holiday, New Year's Eve. The date is “floating”, calculated according to the lunar calendar.
  • IX ice fishing tournament “Baikal Fishing-2013”. Barguzinsky district, Kholodyanka area. April 5 - 6, 2013
  • Instrumental Music Festival - April 24-27, 2013
  • Mountain festival “Munku-Sardyk”: annually in the last days of April at the foot of the Munku-Sardyk mountain peak, in the gorge of the Irkut River, gathers mountain tourism lovers from all over the world. Okinsky district.
  • Night at the Museum - May 18, 2013
  • Musical summer: every Saturday on the propylaea of ​​the Opera House, spectators can enjoy an open-air concert with the participation of the best folklore groups of the republic, as well as opera and pop artists
  • Interregional festival of original song and poetry “Songs of Bulat on Baikal”: a music and poetry festival on the shores of Lake Baikal, where bards from all over Russia gather and organize soulful concerts of original songs with a guitar. June 20-23, 2013
  • Festival of Cossack culture - takes place annually in July in different regions of Buryatia. In the summer of 2013 it will take place in the Barguzinsky district
  • Surkharban (Naadan): Buryat cultural and sports festival - national wrestling, horse racing, Buryat archery, games, performances of folklore groups, treats with Buryat cuisine. Ulan-Ude. July 7, 2013
  • V International Music Festival “Voice of Nomads. Baikal/Buryatia": world music festival. In 2013, teams from France, China, Bulgaria, Portugal, Finland and other countries are expected to participate. The star of the festival will be the Ukrainian group “Daha Brakha” and Port Mone. Ulan-Ude, Lake Baikal. July 9-13, 2013
  • Baikal Information Forum: representatives of the media, libraries, museums, providers and telecom operators from all over Russia, Mongolia and China will discuss current problems of the information society. Special participation of library directors of the Siberian Federal District is planned. Ulan-Ude, Lake Baikal. July 9-13, 2013
  • Festival “Night of Yokhora”: the Buryat national song and dance theater “Baikal” annually organizes a festival of Buryat folk circular dance, uniting all participants and spectators with the energy of youth, the ancient pagan spirit of worship of the solar deity. Ulan-Ude. July 13, 14, 2013
  • International festival-competition of folklore of Old Believers artistic groups “Give up, korogod!”: presentation of folklore in an authentic folk manner, preserving the singing school of the Old Believers. Old Believer groups from regions of Russia and abroad will take part in the festival. Tarbagatai district. July 7-19, 2013
  • Baikal Day is celebrated in early September in Ulan-Ude.
  • Festival of Hunnic culture - takes place in early September on the banks of the Selenga, near the Ivolginsky settlement
  • Ancient City Day - takes place on the day of the city of Ulan-Ude at the Ivolginsky settlement, at other sites
  • Book Salon 2013: book exhibition-fair. Ulan-Ude. September 26-28, 2013
  • International throat singing competition “Breath of the Earth”: masters of throat singing from Mongolia, China and Russian regions - Tyva, Gorny Altai and Khakassia will come to Buryatia. Ulan-Ude. November 14, 2013
  • International Ballet Festival named after Larisa Sakhyanova: soloists from Ulan-Ude, Moscow and St. Petersburg will perform on the stage of the Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater. Ulan-Ude. November 19-25, 2013
  • V Baikal Christmas Festival: festival of popular classical musical art. Ulan-Ude, Severobaykalsk. Opens December 25, 2013

Tourism- a priority sector of the economy of Buryatia. Tourism assets allow the republic to be one of the most competitive regions of Russia. According to the Expert RA agency, Buryatia’s tourism potential in the investment ranking of Russian regions rose from 45th place in 2006 to 14th place in 2010.

Buryatia attracts tourists from all over the world with Lake Baikal and other unique natural, historical and cultural attractions.


In 2011, Buryatia received 586.5 thousand tourists from more than 60 countries and regions of Russia. The volume of paid services amounted to 114.2 million rubles. The number of employees in the tourism industry of Buryatia is 4.8 thousand people.

Over the nine months of 2013, the influx of tourists in Buryatia increased by 7.5% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 617 thousand people, of which 53.9% were in the Tunkinsky district.

The flow of tourists to Buryatia increases annually by an average of 10-20%. According to the forecasts of the government of Buryatia, in the coming years the republic will receive up to 1 million people per year.

The main countries from which tourists come to Buryatia

Priority types of tourism in Buryatia

  • Ski
  • Adventure
  • Religious

Regions of Buryatia

Municipal district of Buryatia Administrative center
1 Barguzinsky district Barguzin village
2 Bauntovsky district Bagdarin village
3 Bichursky district Bichura village
4 Dzhidinsky district Petropavlovka village
5 Eravninsky district Sosnovo-Ozerskoe village
6 Zaigraevsky district Zaigraevo village
7 Zakamensky district Zakamensk city
8 Ivolginsky district village of Ivolginsk
9 Kabansky district village of Kabansk
10 Kizhinginsky district Kizhinga village
11 Kurumkansky district Kurumkan village
12 Kyakhtinsky district Kyakhta city
13 Muisky district Taksimo village
14 Mukhorshibirsky district village of Mukhorshibir
15 Okinsky district Orlik village
16 Pribaikalsky district village Turuntaevo
17 Severo-Baikalsky district Nizhneangarsk village
18 Selenginsky district Gusinoozersk city
19 Tarbagatai district Tarbagatai village
20 Tunkinsky district village of Kyren
21 Khorinsky district village of Khorinsk

Popular places

  1. Arshan- balneological resort at the foot of the Eastern Sayans
  2. Baikal- the oldest, deepest and cleanest lake on Earth, a shrine for the peoples living on its shores, a place of extraordinary beauty and powerful energy, an attractive tourist brand of Russia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  3. Goddess Yanzhima- patroness of fertility, bestows vitality on women
  4. Burin Khan- sacred mountain, one of the most revered Buddhist shrines in Central Asia
  5. Valley of Volcanoes in Gornaya Oka
  6. Ivolginsky datsan- official center of Russian Buddhism
  7. Ivolginskoe settlement- northern outpost of the Xiongnu Empire, the largest archaeological site in Transbaikalia
  8. Kyakhta- an ancient merchant settlement, a city of millionaires, the tea capital of Russia, sandy Venice
  9. Kyakhtinsky Museum of Local Lore- one of the oldest museums in Transbaikalia, a unique Xiongnu collection
  10. Mamai is a cult place for winter extreme sports lovers
  11. Sartul-Gegetui datsan- a beautiful Buddhist temple in the south of Buryatia
  12. Svetlaya Polyana- an ecological and ethnographic park in Maksimikha, built in the form of a Cossack fort from the 17th century.
  13. Transbaikal Old Believers(semeyskie) - original Old Russian culture, a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity (UNESCO)
  14. Tagley- a mysterious lake in the inaccessible mountain taiga, which has healing properties
  15. Ulan-Ude- the heart of Russian Asia, the cultural center of Transbaikalia
  16. Ushkany Islands- rookeries of the Baikal seal (nerpa)
  17. Chivyrkuisky Bay- one of the most picturesque places on Lake Baikal
  18. Egituisky datsan- one of the most visited datsans in Buryatia

Protected areas


  • Kuchiger
  • Umhei

Mineral springs

  • Agsurga
  • Akshanga
  • Bezymyansky
  • Goudzhekit (Sunny)
  • Gegetui
  • Dzelinda
  • Engorboy
  • Zhebkhekhensky Arshan
  • Zhoigan
  • Golden Key
  • Inzagatuy
  • Kotelnikovsky
  • Kotokelsky
  • Old keys
  • Halyuta
  • Khoito-Gol (Okinsky)

Monuments of culture and history

  • Baga-Zarya - the largest painting (petroglyphs) in Transbaikalia
  • Bayan-Under - Xiongnu fortress in the south of Buryatia
  • Dyrestuisky Kultuk - Xiongnu burial grounds in the south of Buryatia
  • Ivolginskoe settlement - the northern outpost of the Xiongnu Empire
  • Elm Pad - burial grounds of the Xiongnu nobility
  • Orgoyton - Xiongnu princely burial ground in the south of Buryatia
  • Varvarina Gora - Paleolithic site in the vicinity of Novaya Bryansk


  • Sagaalgan: a national holiday, celebrating the New Year - the Year of the Snake according to the lunar calendar. The date is “floating”, calculated according to the lunar calendar, in 2013 it is celebrated on February 11 (a day off in the republic)
  • IX ice fishing tournament “Baikal Fishing-2013”. Barguzinsky district, Kholodyanka area. April 5 - 6, 2013
  • Instrumental Music Festival - April 24-27, 2013
  • Mountain festival “Munku-Sardyk”: annually in the last days of April at the foot of the Munku-Sardyk mountain peak, in the gorge of the Irkut River, gathers mountain tourism lovers from all over the world. Okinsky district.
  • Night at the Museum - May 18, 2013
  • Musical summer: every Saturday on the propylaea of ​​the Opera House, spectators can enjoy an open-air concert with the participation of the best folklore groups of the republic, as well as opera and pop artists
  • Interregional festival of original song and poetry “Songs of Bulat on Baikal”: a music and poetry festival on the shores of Lake Baikal, where bards from all over Russia gather and organize soulful concerts of original songs with a guitar. June 20-23, 2013
  • Festival of Cossack culture - takes place annually in July in different regions of Buryatia. In the summer of 2013 it will take place in the Barguzinsky district
  • Surkharban (Naadan): Buryat cultural and sports festival - national wrestling, horse racing, Buryat archery, games, performances of folklore groups, treats with Buryat cuisine. Ulan-Ude. July 7, 2013
  • V International Music Festival “Voice of Nomads. Baikal/Buryatia": world music festival. In 2013, teams from France, China, Bulgaria, Portugal, Finland and other countries are expected to participate. The star of the festival will be the Ukrainian group “Daha Brakha” and Port Mone. Ulan-Ude, Lake Baikal. July 9-13, 2013
  • Baikal Information Forum: representatives of the media, libraries, museums, providers and telecom operators from all over Russia, Mongolia and China will discuss current problems of the information society. Special participation of library directors of the Siberian Federal District is planned. Ulan-Ude, Lake Baikal. July 9-13, 2013
  • Festival “Night of Yokhora”: the Buryat national song and dance theater “Baikal” annually organizes a festival of Buryat folk circular dance, uniting all participants and spectators with the energy of youth, the ancient pagan spirit of worship of the solar deity. Ulan-Ude. July 13, 14, 2013
  • International festival-competition of folklore of Old Believers artistic groups “Give up, korogod!”: presentation of folklore in an authentic folk manner, preserving the singing school of the Old Believers. Old Believer groups from regions of Russia and abroad will take part in the festival. Tarbagatai district. July 7-19, 2013
  • Baikal Day is celebrated in early September in Ulan-Ude.
  • Festival of Hunnic culture - takes place in early September on the banks of the Selenga, near the Ivolginsky settlement
  • Ancient City Day - takes place on the day of the city of Ulan-Ude at the Ivolginsky settlement, at other sites
  • Book Salon 2013: book exhibition-fair. Ulan-Ude. September 26-28, 2013
  • International throat singing competition “Breath of the Earth”: masters of throat singing from Mongolia, China and Russian regions - Tyva, Gorny Altai and Khakassia will come to Buryatia. Ulan-Ude. November 14, 2013
  • International Ballet Festival named after Larisa Sakhyanova: soloists from Ulan-Ude, Moscow and St. Petersburg will perform on the stage of the Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater. Ulan-Ude. November 19-25, 2013
  • V Baikal Christmas Festival: festival of popular classical musical art. Ulan-Ude, Severobaykalsk. Opens December 25, 2013

Travel media

Tourist guides to Buryatia

  • Baikal: Buryatia, Irkutsk region. - France: Le Petit Fute, 1998
  • Khamaganova D. M. Baikal. - M.: Around the World, 2007
  • Khamaganova D. M. Baikal. All Buryatia. - M.: VIZA, 2009
  • Khamaganova D. M. Baikal: Buryatia, Irkutsk region. - M.: VIZA, 2010
  • Kochergin I. Baikal. - M.: Ajax-Press, 2010
  • Eroshenko L. Tourism and recreation in Buryatia. - Irkutsk: Time of Wandering, 2011
  • Baikal. Traveling around the Baikal region. - Irkutsk: Garant, 2012

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Types of Buryatia

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    Cranes in the Dzhida Valley

    In the Valley of Volcanoes.jpg

    In the valley of volcanoes in the Okinsky region

    Ulan-Ude Center.JPG

    Center of Ulan-Ude

    Opera and Ballet Theater in Ulan-Ude.jpg

    Opera and Ballet Theater in Ulan-Ude

    Fountain on Theater Square Ulan-Ude.JPG

    Light and music fountain in Ulan-Ude

    Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyakhta.JPG

    Church of the Resurrection in Kyakhta


    Stone fortress Khoroi-Shuluun in the Marakta Valley

    In the valley of volcanoes, mountain lake.jpg

    Mountain Oka

    Horse ride.jpg

    Horseback riding in the Khoito-Gola mountains

    Eagle dance

    Tree near Bolshaya Eravna.jpg

    On the shore of Bolshaya Eravna

    Semeyskiy House in Novaya Bryanya.jpg

    Semey family house in Novaya Bryansk

An excerpt characterizing Tourism in Buryatia

The countess, with a coldness that her son had never seen, answered him that he was of age, that Prince Andrei was marrying without his father’s consent, and that he could do the same, but that she would never recognize this intriguer as her daughter.
Exploded by the word intriguer, Nikolai, raising his voice, told his mother that he never thought that she would force him to sell his feelings, and that if this was so, then this would be the last time he spoke... But he did not have time to say that decisive word, which, judging by the expression on his face, his mother was waiting with horror and which, perhaps, would forever remain a cruel memory between them. He did not have time to finish, because Natasha, with a pale and serious face, entered the room from the door where she had been eavesdropping.
- Nikolinka, you are talking nonsense, shut up, shut up! I’m telling you, shut up!.. – she almost shouted to drown out his voice.
“Mom, my dear, this is not at all because... my poor darling,” she turned to the mother, who, feeling on the verge of breaking, looked at her son with horror, but, due to stubbornness and enthusiasm for the struggle, did not want and could not give up.
“Nikolinka, I’ll explain it to you, you go away - listen, mother dear,” she said to her mother.
Her words were meaningless; but they achieved the result she was striving for.
The countess, sobbing heavily, hid her face in her daughter's chest, and Nikolai stood up, grabbed his head and left the room.
Natasha took up the matter of reconciliation and brought it to the point that Nikolai received a promise from his mother that Sonya would not be oppressed, and he himself made a promise that he would not do anything secretly from his parents.
With the firm intention, having settled his affairs in the regiment, to resign, come and marry Sonya, Nikolai, sad and serious, at odds with his family, but, as it seemed to him, passionately in love, left for the regiment in early January.
After Nikolai's departure, the Rostovs' house became sadder than ever. The Countess became ill from mental disorder.
Sonya was sad both from the separation from Nikolai and even more from the hostile tone with which the countess could not help but treat her. The Count was more than ever concerned about the bad state of affairs, which required some drastic measures. It was necessary to sell a Moscow house and a house near Moscow, and to sell the house it was necessary to go to Moscow. But the countess’s health forced her to postpone her departure from day to day.
Natasha, who had easily and even cheerfully endured the first time of separation from her fiancé, now became more excited and impatient every day. The thought that her best time, which she would have spent loving him, was being wasted in such a way, for nothing, for no one, persistently tormented her. Most of his letters angered her. It was insulting to her to think that while she lived only in the thought of him, he lived a real life, saw new places, new people that were interesting to him. The more entertaining his letters were, the more annoying she was. Her letters to him not only did not bring her any comfort, but seemed like a boring and false duty. She did not know how to write because she could not comprehend the possibility of truthfully expressing in writing even one thousandth part of what she was accustomed to express with her voice, smile and gaze. She wrote him classically monotonous, dry letters, to which she herself did not attribute any meaning and in which, according to Brouillons, the countess corrected her spelling errors.
The Countess's health was not improving; but it was no longer possible to postpone the trip to Moscow. It was necessary to make a dowry, it was necessary to sell the house, and, moreover, Prince Andrei was first expected in Moscow, where Prince Nikolai Andreich lived that winter, and Natasha was sure that he had already arrived.
The Countess remained in the village, and the Count, taking Sonya and Natasha with him, went to Moscow at the end of January.

Pierre, after the matchmaking of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his previous life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths revealed to him by his benefactor, no matter how joyful he was during that first period of fascination with the internal work of self-improvement, which he devoted himself to with such fervor, after the engagement of Prince Andrei to Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, about which he received news almost at the same time - all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. Only one skeleton of life remained: his home with his brilliant wife, who now enjoyed the favors of one important person, acquaintance with all of St. Petersburg and service with boring formalities. And this former life suddenly presented itself to Pierre with unexpected abomination. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the company of his brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again became close to single companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilievna considered it necessary to give him a stern reprimand. Pierre, feeling that she was right, and in order not to compromise his wife, left for Moscow.
In Moscow, as soon as he entered his huge house with withered and withering princesses, with huge courtyards, as soon as he saw - driving through the city - this Iverskaya Chapel with countless candle lights in front of golden vestments, this Kremlin Square with untrodden snow, these cab drivers and the shacks of Sivtsev Vrazhka, saw old Moscow people who wanted nothing and were slowly living out their lives, saw old women, Moscow ladies, Moscow balls and the Moscow English Club - he felt at home, in a quiet refuge. In Moscow he felt calm, warm, familiar and dirty, like wearing an old robe.
Moscow society, everyone, from old women to children, accepted Pierre as their long-awaited guest, whose place was always ready and not occupied. For Moscow society, Pierre was the sweetest, kindest, smartest, cheerful, generous eccentric, absent-minded and sincere, Russian, old-fashioned gentleman. His wallet was always empty, because it was open to everyone.
Benefit performances, bad paintings, statues, charitable societies, gypsies, schools, subscription dinners, revelries, Freemasons, churches, books - no one and nothing was refused, and if not for his two friends, who borrowed a lot of money from him and took him under their custody, he would give everything away. There was no lunch or evening at the club without him. As soon as he slumped back in his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margot, people surrounded him and conversations, arguments, and jokes ensued. Where they quarreled, he made peace with one of his kind smiles and, by the way, a joke. Masonic lodges were boring and lethargic without him.
When, after a single dinner, he, with a kind and sweet smile, surrendering to the requests of the cheerful company, got up to go with them, joyful, solemn cries were heard among the youth. At balls he danced if there was no gentleman available. Young ladies and young ladies loved him because, without courting anyone, he was equally kind to everyone, especially after dinner. “Il est charmant, il n"a pas de sehe,” [He is very cute, but has no gender], they said about him.
Pierre was that retired good-natured chamberlain living out his days in Moscow, of which there were hundreds.
How horrified he would have been if seven years ago, when he had just arrived from abroad, someone had told him that he didn’t need to look for anything or invent anything, that his path had been broken long ago, determined from eternity, and that, no matter how he turn around, he will be what everyone else in his position was. He couldn't believe it! Didn’t he want with all his soul to establish a republic in Russia, to be Napoleon himself, to be a philosopher, to be a tactician, to defeat Napoleon? Didn’t he see the opportunity and passionately desire to regenerate the vicious human race and bring himself to the highest degree of perfection? Didn't he establish schools and hospitals and set his peasants free?
And instead of all this, here he is, the rich husband of an unfaithful wife, a retired chamberlain who loves to eat, drink and easily scold the government when unbuttoned, a member of the Moscow English Club and everyone’s favorite member of Moscow society. For a long time he could not come to terms with the idea that he was the same retired Moscow chamberlain whose type he so deeply despised seven years ago.
Sometimes he consoled himself with thoughts that this was the only way he was leading this life; but then he was horrified by another thought, that so far, how many people had already entered, like him, with all their teeth and hair, into this life and into this club, and left without one tooth and hair.
In moments of pride, when he thought about his position, it seemed to him that he was completely different, special from those retired chamberlains whom he had despised before, that they were vulgar and stupid, happy and reassured by their position, “and even now I am still dissatisfied “I still want to do something for humanity,” he said to himself in moments of pride. “Or maybe all those comrades of mine, just like me, struggled, were looking for some new, their own path in life, and just like me, by the force of the situation, society, breed, that elemental force against which there is no a powerful man, they were brought to the same place as I,” he said to himself in moments of modesty, and after living in Moscow for some time, he no longer despised, but began to love, respect and pity, as well as himself, his comrades by fate .
Pierre was not, as before, in moments of despair, melancholy and disgust for life; but the same illness, which had previously expressed itself in sharp attacks, was driven inside and did not leave him for a moment. "For what? For what? What is going on in the world?” he asked himself in bewilderment several times a day, involuntarily beginning to ponder the meaning of the phenomena of life; but knowing from experience that there were no answers to these questions, he hastily tried to turn away from them, took up a book, or hurried to the club, or to Apollo Nikolaevich to chat about city gossip.
“Elena Vasilievna, who has never loved anything except her body and is one of the stupidest women in the world,” thought Pierre, “seems to people to be the height of intelligence and sophistication, and they bow before her. Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone as long as he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian, Emperor Franz has been trying to offer him his daughter as an illegitimate wife. The Spaniards send up prayers to God through the Catholic clergy in gratitude for the fact that they defeated the French on June 14th, and the French send up prayers through the same Catholic clergy that they defeated the Spaniards on June 14th. My brother Masons swear on blood that they are ready to sacrifice everything for their neighbor, and do not pay one ruble each for the collection of the poor and intrigue Astraeus against the Seekers of Manna, and are busy about the real Scottish carpet and about an act, the meaning of which is not known even to those who wrote it, and which no one needs. We all profess the Christian law of forgiveness of insults and love for one’s neighbor - the law, as a result of which we erected forty forty churches in Moscow, and yesterday we whipped a fleeing man, and the servant of the same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, allowed the cross to be kissed by a soldier before execution.” . So thought Pierre, and this whole, common, universally recognized lie, no matter how accustomed he was to it, as if it were something new, amazed him every time. “I understand these lies and confusion,” he thought, “but how can I tell them everything that I understand? I tried and always found that deep down in their souls they understand the same thing as me, but they just try not to see it. So it must be so! But for me, where should I go?” thought Pierre. He experienced the unfortunate ability of many, especially Russian people - the ability to see and believe in the possibility of good and truth, and to see too clearly the evil and lies of life in order to be able to take a serious part in it. Every area of ​​labor in his eyes was associated with evil and deception. Whatever he tried to be, whatever he undertook, evil and lies repulsed him and blocked all paths of activity for him. Meanwhile, I had to live, I had to be busy. It was too scary to be under the yoke of these insoluble questions of life, and he gave himself up to his first hobbies just to forget them. He traveled to all sorts of societies, drank a lot, bought paintings and built, and most importantly read.
He read and read everything that came to hand, and read so that, having arrived home, when the footmen were still undressing him, he, having already taken a book, read - and from reading he passed on to sleep, and from sleep to chatting in the drawing rooms and club, from chatter to revelry and women, from revelry back to chatter, reading and wine. Drinking wine became more and more a physical and at the same time a moral need for him. Despite the fact that the doctors told him that, given his corruption, wine was dangerous for him, he drank a lot. He felt quite good only when, without noticing how, having poured several glasses of wine into his large mouth, he experienced a pleasant warmth in his body, tenderness for all his neighbors and the readiness of his mind to respond superficially to every thought, without delving into its essence. Only after drinking a bottle and two wines did he vaguely realize that the tangled, terrible knot of life that had terrified him before was not as terrible as he thought. With a noise in his head, chatting, listening to conversations or reading after lunch and dinner, he constantly saw this knot, from some side of it. But only under the influence of wine did he say to himself: “It’s nothing. I will unravel this - so I have an explanation ready. But now there’s no time—I’ll think about all this later!” But this never came afterwards.
On an empty stomach, in the morning, all the previous questions seemed just as insoluble and terrible, and Pierre hastily grabbed the book and rejoiced when someone came to him.
Sometimes Pierre recalled a story he had heard about how in war soldiers, being under cover fire and having nothing to do, diligently find something to do in order to make it easier to endure danger. And to Pierre all people seemed to be such soldiers fleeing from life: some by ambition, some by cards, some by writing laws, some by women, some by toys, some by horses, some by politics, some by hunting, some by wine, some by state affairs. “Nothing is insignificant or important, it’s all the same: just to escape from it as best I can!” thought Pierre. - “Just don’t see her, this terrible one.”

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