Open left menu bagan. Bagan - Ancient Splendor, Myanmar Flights to Bagan

The city of Bagan does not exist as such. Bagan District includes several small villages, an airport and a huge archaeological area with numerous Buddhist pagodas and stupas. Their number in this area exceeds 5,000.

Bagan, or, as this area is more often called here, Pagan, was founded back in the 9th century AD in the very center of ancient Burma. In 1287, the city was destroyed by the Mongols.

The archaeological zone of Bagan has preserved unique exhibits of the history of Buddhism.


Myanmar's famous Bagan district is located in the tropical subequatorial climate zone. The most favorable time to visit this city is from January to May. It is at this time that the dry season lasts in Myanmar. Air humidity in the region is minimal, and there is practically no precipitation. The air temperature sometimes reaches +40 °С during the day and almost +27 °С at night.

From the very first days of June, the rainy season comes to Bagan. The “cold” season lasts here from October to the last days of December. At this time, precipitation stops, and the average daily air temperature rarely exceeds +27 °С.


Bagan is located in the incredibly beautiful valley of Myanmar's largest river, the Ayeyarwady, which played a huge role in the history of the ancient settlement. The nature of the city is quite sparse; most often the local landscape consists of scorched deserts and lonely palm trees. There is not much greenery here.


The territory of Bagan district is rich in attractions. Thanks to its numerous Buddhist relics, this city has become one of the pilgrimage sites of Southeast Asia.

Bagan's most famous building is Shwezigon Pagoda, which hides a copy of the sacred tooth of Buddha. The location for storing this relic was chosen in a rather interesting way. King Pagana Anuratha placed a copy of the sacred tooth of Buddha on the back of a white elephant and said that this shrine will be kept in the place where this elephant kneels. The construction work of the Shwezigon Pagoda lasted 7 months and 7 days.

In Myanmar, it is generally accepted that every true Burmese must visit Ananda temple. Its walls are covered with biographies of Buddha. Inside the temple there are four statues of him, each 9.5 meters long. The room also houses statues of the founder of this structure, Anand. In the western portal of the temple, the footprints of Buddha are visible on the pedestal.

There are many pagodas in Bagan, but very few monasteries have survived here. Such buildings were built mainly from wood, which made them completely short-lived. Visitors are allowed entry into only one well-preserved monastery - Fell.

In addition to numerous religious buildings in Bagan, there is a unique Archaeological Museum, which contains a huge collection of artifacts dating back to the Middle Ages.


Bagan restaurants, which are located in the new and old parts of the city, offer their customers a wide variety of dishes from local and other Asian cuisines.

Known for his unique puppet shows restaurantNanda prepares various national delicacies, for example letok son, hin, wek-tha etc. Indian cuisine can be appreciated in Aroma Indian. Fans of traditional Western cuisine can dine at Eden BBB or Pwint Mar Lar.

The Burmese say that rice is the master and his servants are the people. In this country, rice is used in almost all dishes, even desserts.

The most popular drinks in this area are black and green tea, to which milk and hot spices are always added. Some people prefer to drink tea with the addition of condensed milk. Coffee in Bagan is not at all popular, and its quality here leaves much to be desired.


Bagan has several five-star and simpler hotels, as well as many inexpensive guesthouses. Most of them are located in New Bagan. The average price for a decent room in a good hotel will be around $40.

Compared to guesthouses in the rest of Myanmar, local hotels in this category are much more comfortable and cleaner. The cost of such rooms is the same throughout the country and ranges from $10 to $15.

Many tourists visiting Bagan choose hotels to stay Bagan Thiripyitsaya Sakura Hotel And The Hotel At Tharabar Gate Bagan.

Entertainment and relaxation

Most tourists, when in Bagan, limit themselves only to visiting famous Buddhist shrines. However, it is definitely worth a visit Museum of Archeology, and also climb the mystical Mount Popu, which the locals treat so reverently.

For lovers of active recreation, Bagan offers the services of its beautiful golf clubNyaung Oo, which is located next to the airport. Its magnificent 18-hole course will be highly appreciated by fans of this sport.

It is worth noting that in Bagan you can purchase a single ticket, which allows entry to all temples throughout the day (Local pagodas and monasteries close to the public at approximately 20:00). The cost of such an entrance ticket is $10.


You can make purchases in Bagan near almost every temple, as well as at the local bazaar. A large number of shops and stalls will offer you a wide range of souvenirs.

Lacquer products, which are made in numerous workshops in Bagan, are in great demand in this city. When visiting one of them, you can watch the fascinating process of creating another masterpiece of lacquerware.


The villages that make up Bagan district are separated by just a few kilometers. Therefore, you can travel such short distances by bicycle, which is offered by hotels and even restaurants. The cost of such a rental will cost 1,500 kyat, which is approximately $2. The roads in this area are mostly paved, but there are also dirt paths.

Local residents prefer to travel by carts drawn by horses or oxen.

A taxi in Bagan costs $4. It is best to use this mode of transport if you have planned your visit to Bagan for just one day.

This city is connected to other cities by river and air services.


Communications in Bagan, as in other cities of Myanmar, are completely undeveloped. Fortunately, major hotels are willing to provide you with a phone line for making international calls. But in such establishments the cost of these services is very high - about $3. Only a few hotels have Internet, and the connection speed is very low.

Of the local villages, only New Bagan is equipped with long-distance telephone communication; the rest of the villages are deprived of such charms of civilization.


There is no threat to the safety of tourists in Bagan. The military dictatorship that has ruled the state for more than 20 years has ensured low crime rates both in this city and throughout Myanmar.

You should be extremely careful when you are in places with large crowds of people, sometimes pickpockets can work here.

You should also be more careful when choosing food and drinking water from local sources.

When visiting Bagan, you must show special respect to the locals. There are a large number of Buddhist temples and monasteries in the city; they must strictly adhere to the accepted rules of behavior. So, you can’t talk loudly, laugh, or take photos or videos here. It is worth noting that women are not allowed to enter some buildings. Your guide should definitely warn you about this.

When planning to fly to amazing Bagan, you should definitely get all the necessary vaccinations.

In ancient times, the kingdom of Pagan was located on the territory of modern Myanmar. The capital also bore the same name. The location is a dry plateau on the western bank, which stretches along the coastline of the Irwady River. The plateau is easy to find on the map - it is near the city of Chauk (Maguey District), southwest of Mandalay (145 kilometers from it). In 2019, the entire complex was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Today, the city of Bagan is a vibrant landmark and still-developed archaeological area that includes thousands of temples, monasteries, pagodas, and stupas.

By the way, the city of Bagan does not officially exist. There are only a handful of villages - Old Bagan, Myankaba, We-chi In and Nyaung. Planes land at Bagan Local Airport. There are thousands of pagodas and stupas of varying sizes scattered around the area. Not only foreign tourists come here, but also a lot of Buddhist pilgrims from all eastern countries.

Of these, the most significant are those that contain a unique relic known as the “golden teeth of Buddha” - we are talking about the Lokananda Chaun and Shwezigon stupas (not to be confused with the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon). For the convenience of tourists, numerous pavilions have been built and asphalt paths have been laid. As for the vegetation between the temples, in some places it is green thickets, in others there are lonely palm trees, in others it is a scorched desert.

Most pagodas are built with white stone or red brick, and there is no gold plating. Today, some pagodas are undergoing restoration work, and some are heavily visited by tourists. At the entrances, merchants offer various souvenirs, nosy local children illuminate the corridors for tourists with flashlights, and help tourists get to the upper tiers along ancient stairs (of course, not for free).

There was such a case: in one of the pagodas, an attempt by a certain professor from Germany to steal frescoes from the wall was stopped. Vigilant police arrested the perpetrator, and now a plaque with relevant information hangs at the site of the failed robbery, recalling the incident.

One of the varieties of local temples is a symmetrical structure. There are 4 altars in the temples in the direction of all parts of the world. Buddha statues are a must. Another variety is called "gubyauzhi" - temples full of intricate corridors and labyrinths. There are many frescoes on the walls everywhere. The older ones are made in two colors, the earlier ones delight the eye with multicolors.

It is easy for tourists to get confused among the temples without the help of a competent guide. Among the temples is one where high-ranking army officials once prayed for the fulfillment of their wishes. Another temple is no less remarkable - it was built by Manukh, the king of the Mons, who was captured. During his captivity, the outstanding leader left behind many Buddha statues, which were compressed and crushed on all sides. In this way, Manukh conveyed to his descendants his feelings about captivity.

Of note is That Binh Yu, which offers beautiful views of other temples. The idea of ​​construction belongs to the third king of Pagan, whose name is Alaunsithu. In one of the many niches he designed, the king was killed by his own son while meditating. So the heir took the throne from his father.

The ruins of Pagan stretch over approximately 40 square kilometers. Archaeologists were able to find out that the lion's share of the structure was built during the period when Pagan was the capital of a kingdom ruled by a dynasty (from the 11th to the 13th centuries). In general, Burmese history has repeatedly shown the world the facts of the transfer of the capital from one city to another. It is believed that Bagan became a cultural center as a result of the actions of King Anorath (around 1057).

On his initiative, the best artisans and artists, as well as many Buddhist monks, were concentrated in Pagan. With the help of confessors invited from Sri Lanka, the king converted the entire population of the country to Theravada Buddhism, making this teaching the state religion.

At the end of the 13th century (1287), Pagan was captured by the Mongols, who refused to pay tribute to the king. The city was plundered, an innumerable number of religious shrines were stolen, gold and other valuables were stolen from the temples.

Bagan, Bagan, Kingdom of Pagan- the largest concentration of temples (not only Buddhist) in the world. Bagan -the ancient capital of the kingdom of the same name on the territory of modern Myanmar. The city is located on a dry plateau along the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River, 145 km southwest of Mandalay.

Currently, on the site of the ancient city there is an archaeological zone with thousands of pagodas, temples, stupas, and monasteries. Bagan is still not a World Heritage Site due to political reasons.Most of the temples, pagodas and stupas were built during the heyday of the Pagan kingdom in the 11th-13th centuries. Bagan became the capital for the first time at the end of the 9th century under the kingPyinbya, and flourished during the re-transfer of the capital in the 11th century. under the great king Anoratha. It was under him that most of the temples were built.

The most significant stupas - Shwezigon and Lokananda Chaun - store the teeth of Buddha and are covered with gold, asphalt leads to them from the main road, and there are many shopping pavilions around.

But the rest of the red brick and white stone pagodas are not covered with gold, some require restoration.

Bagan is on a very dry plateau and is very hot during the day in May. Bagan is a large protected area with many temples, scattered among small settlements. Many temples are located in the scorched desert between sparse trees. During the “wet” rainy season, everything is covered with lush vegetation and it seems that the temples are buried in the jungle, it is very beautiful, so if you have a choice, go here when there is still a lot of greenery.

During the dry, hot period, many temples are restored and overgrown with forests. At the same time, the high season in Bagan is considered to be the peripheral months at the end of the wet season, when there is not much rain, but it is not yet so hot.

How to get there

There is an airport in Nyang U, the main city of Bagan, which can be reached by plane.

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However, most tourists come to Bagan by bus from Yangon. This is the main way to get to the temples. At the entrance along the main highway, as well as at the airport, vigilant employees of the historical complex will charge you a fee of $25. You can avoid this by arriving on a secondary route (for example, from Mandalay) by bus or by hitchhiking in the evening. This car checkpoint is not so strict, although buses can selectively check and also charge tourists a fee for visiting the complex. So hitchhiking is the only calm way to avoid fees.

Urban transport. How to get around the city and suburbs

The network of small towns, including Nyaung-U, does not provide any urban public transport. The most common transport in Bagan is an electric moped or a bicycle - there are rental networks everywhere, prices are approximately the same everywhere. They don’t offer regular moped rental for tourists in Bagan - firstly, so that you don’t go anywhere on it, and secondly, they care about the ecology of the area. It is not uncommon for tourists to use taxis or taxi sharing to get around the area.

I rented an electric moped, the battery of which lasts for almost a whole day of active riding. Bicycles in many hotels and some hostels are free for guests.

Housing. Hotels and hostels

There are many hotels and hostels open around Bagan - the area lives on tourists and there will be no problems with housing.

luxury hotel in Bagan Myanmar

Keep in mind that hotels registered with your booking will most likely check your ticket, and if you don’t have one, they will strongly ask you to buy it. I chose a hotel between Nyang U and the main territory of Bagan (about 2-2.5 km from both places), which was recommended to me by other travelers from Spain who had been here before, it is in the popular map application, Although there is a sign in it warning that every foreigner must have a ticket, they do not actually check it. So the general rule is that if the hotel is not listed on the booking page, you will not be asked for a ticket and will not be forced to buy it. A hotel room starts from $10 even out of season. It is possible to pitch a tent in this arid area, although due to the location the risk of encountering a scorpion or scolopendra is slightly increased, especially during their particularly active mating season (they become more poisonous and aggressive, as nature ordered).


In Bagan, the typical food for the Burmese is rice with different types of curry, there are noodles and soups. There are no large supermarkets even in Nyaung-U, but there are small shops, such as a supermarket.

food in Bagan

Sights of Bagan

Sunsets in Bagan. Main, sunset pagoda- temple (pagoda) Shwezigon. This is the only pagoda where your ticket will be checked upon entry, and if you do not have it, you will be asked to purchase it ($25). So if you are not a wealthy person, it is better to avoid this pagoda.

You can also watch sunsets in Bagan from other pagodas, there are several of them:

Htilominlo Temple

Pyathada Pagoda

sunset from Pyathada Pagoda

visitors in Bagan came to watch the sunset

Sunrises in Bagan. The best impression of Bagan can be had at sunrise from a hot air balloon during the rainy season or towards the end of it.

Cost - from $120 for a 40-minute flight. I was there during the dry season; in the mornings there is a slight haze over Bagan, which blurs the picture a little. Moreover, during the dry season, the temples of the Pagan kingdom are not as impressive as when they rise above the tops of green trees. Most sunrise pagodas are also sunset pagodas. The map above shows all the good pagodas and places where you can go up and enjoy the sunset or sunrise.

Features of Bagan

It gets dark very quickly in Southeast Asia. One evening, at dusk, on an electric moped, I decided to take a shortcut along the secondary path indicated on the maps me map, but then suddenly the road ended, the low-power moped got stuck in the sand, it got dark and I had to drag the moped on myself. I got out onto a more or less tolerable road in deep darkness. So take a flashlight with you and try to drive on main roads after dark to avoid getting lost.

Unusual temples of Bagan

All temples except Shwezigon are free, no one asks for tickets.

Abandoned city of Bagan translated as “pagan”, this is an extraordinary set of ancient Buddhist sanctuaries, which were built mainly from the 10th century to the 12th century in the territory of Myanmar (Burma). These Bagan temples are located on the eastern bank of the Ayerwady River, which is located 145 kilometers from the Mandalay district.

This is the impressive, ancient religious center of Bagan, which consists of 2,200 temples and pagodas and covers an area of ​​16 square kilometers. The temples of Bagan are a collection of various architectural styles that developed in this region during that historical period. They were built in the style of “relic stupa in the form of a dome”, “stupa with a tomb in the form of a dome”, “Sinhala style in the form of a stupa”, “North Indian model”, “Central Indian model”, “South Indian model” and “Mon is a model.” However, most of the buildings in the complex were built in the form of pagodas and temples.

Both types of structures have their own separate purposes. The pagoda was built as a symbol of worship, and the temple serves for meditation and worship. To build such structures, builders used primarily brick, sandstone, and large timber. Other materials, such as some metals such as bronze and iron, were also used, but not very widely. The pagoda is made of bricks, connected by sandstone and earth.

Some of the most beautiful and important temples that continue to stand in Bagan let us list a few of them:

- Dhammayangyi, it was designed and built by the famous King Narathu from 1167 to 1170 and it is the largest temple complex.

— Shwesandaw, this is one of the very first temples built in Bagan. It was built by Anawahta where there are Buddha stupas. This temple was also known as Ganesha because there is an image of the Hindu God in the corners of the terrace.

— Mahabodi is the most exact copy, but in smaller sizes, of the famous Bodhi Temple, which is located in India. Mahabodhi was built by King Nataungmya, which has images of Budha.

— Amnada is one of the most beautiful temples, and in 1990 it received a “gold gilding” in honor of its 900th anniversary of construction. There are large four golden Buddha statues on the Temple.

— Zi Khon, this is one of the important and impressively beautiful temples in Bagan. There are several bones and hairs of the Buddha himself. The construction was started by King Anawrata and completed by his successor King Kyanzittha. This temple hosts an annual religious festival and remains the most important pilgrimage site for believers to this day.

— Thatbynnyu is the tallest building in Bagan, its height is 61 meters.

History of the Abandoned City of Bagan

Most of the buildings in the Bagan archaeological and religious complex were built between 1000 and 1200 AD. During this time, Bagan was for the second time the capital of the Burmese Empire. The Golden Age of Bagan began in 1057 when King Anoeta conquered Thaton. Anoeta was a Buddhist, so he brought back the Scriptures of Theravada Buddhism to Bagan.

Anawrata at one time initiated the massive construction of various temples and other religious buildings in Bagan, which we can see and admire today. And his successors continued this tradition laid down by them. Over the course of 290 years, they built more than 10,000 temples and pagodas in Bagan.

During its most apogee, Bagan was one of the most important religious and cultural centers of Asia, the population reached up to 300,000 people, and there were about 10,00 temples and pagodas that existed in Bagan. Unfortunately, several earthquakes and enemy attacks occurred, which destroyed most of the buildings of the most ancient capital of Burma.

And the golden age of the abandoned city of Bagan ended in 1287, when the area was captured by the Mongols, who plundered everything. But, nevertheless, it was still the most important center of Buddhism, but its political significance had already been lost forever. The city gradually fell into disrepair and only in modern times, the temples and some archaeological remains that survived began to be restored.

  • Location: near the town of Chauk in Magway County
  • Status: archaeological site, excavations are underway
  • Square: 104 km²
  • Date of foundation: mid-late 9th century

Southeast Asia holds many mysteries and beauties. A holiday destination that is not popular among tourists, however, is extremely famous among archaeologists, historians and cultural experts. For many years now, painstaking work has been underway to study and restore the city of Bagan in the state better known as Burma. This is what our article will be about.

Bagan city in Myanmar

The city of Bagan (aka Bagan) as such does not exist these days. This is the ancient capital of the kingdom of the same name, located within the borders of the modern state of the Republic of Myanmar near Bagan Airport. Geographically, Bagan is located on a dry plateau along the western bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River. Geographically, it is 145 km southwest of the city near the town of Chauk, Magway County. The city was once a great center of science, culture and religion, but the Mongol invasion changed its course of development, and the city gradually became deserted. And the 1975 earthquake added to the destruction.

Nowadays, the entire territory of the ancient city of Bagan, which is about 40 square meters. km., is the most important archaeological zone of the region, here more than two thousand ancient pagodas, stupas, temples and monasteries are brought to the surface and restored, most of which were built in the 11th-12th centuries. Bagan was not included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites for political reasons. Despite this, Bagan is perhaps the main center of pilgrims in the entire Southeast region.

What is interesting about Pagan?

Let's start with the fact that the entire excavation zone is a specially protected area, around which there are several villages: We-chi In, Nyaung U, Myinkaba, Old Bagan. Scattered within the perimeter are thousands of pagodas and stupas of varying sizes, which is why the city of Bagan is often called the city of temples and chambers.

The most popular and special stupas are the Shwezigon and Lokananda Chaun stupas, they contain Buddha's teeth, the stupas themselves are gilded, there are good asphalt paths leading to them, and there are many different shopping pavilions around. Not all pagodas made of yellow or red brick are gilded, but this, as a rule, does not affect attendance. Residents of nearby villages flock to the visiting tourists as guides, helping them climb the stairs and walk along the corridors.

It must be said that every object in the archaeological zone is under protection, even very ruined stupas and pagodas. Vandals are handed over to the local police without regret; alas, there are many who want to break off a piece of antiquity as a souvenir. It is worth highlighting the local temples; they are easy to recognize by their symmetrical shape, each of them has exactly four altars and Buddha statues, holy relics and, let’s say, caves - labyrinths of corridors decorated with frescoes. Note that the oldest frescoes show only two colors, while the later ones are colorful and multicolored. By the way, in all of Pagan there are about 4 million Buddha images alone!

How to get to Bagan city?

Of course, the easiest way to get to Bagan is by rented car or taxi using the coordinates. Moreover, it is more competent to hire a guide or guide in the city of Mandalay, which is closest to Bagan. Residents of neighboring villages do not always speak English well and are more likely to be guides than guides.

There are several flights from Bagan every day; the flight takes 1 hour and 10 minutes. If you have time, take the tourist boat from Mandalay. Travel time will fly by, but the schedule must be checked at the pier, because... flights do not operate every day. There are also buses from the cities of Mandalay or from to the city of Bagan; their routes change periodically, so you will have to check the schedule yourself at the city bus station.

Places like Pagan often change our views on eternity and the meaning of life, on the depth of our experiences and momentary troubles. If you find yourself in , don't save time, visit the ancient city of Bagan.