Where is the city of Jalalabad? Panorama of Jalal-Abad. Virtual tour of Jalal-Abad. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Banks and microcredit unions

Jalal-Abad (Kyrgyzstan: Jalal-Abad) is a city in Kyrgyzstan, the administrative center of the Jalal-Abad region. Located in the Fergana Valley, near the Bishkek - Osh highway. The Kugart River, a right tributary of the Kara-Darya River, flows through the city.


According to the 2009 census of Kyrgyzstan, the population of the city was 89,004 people (with subordinate rural settlements - 97,172 people). Kyrgyz make up 48,655 people (54.7%), Uzbeks - 33,847 people (38.0%), Russians - 2,993 people (3.4%), Tatars - 1,033 people (1.2%), Uyghurs - 556 people (0.6%), Turks - 471 people (0.5%)..


The city is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan range at the foot of the small Ayub-Too mountains at an altitude of 763 m above sea level in the Kogart Valley. The distance to the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, is ~ 255 km. The city of Osh is located 55 km southwest. The climate is subtropical, dry, with hot (absolute maximum +43˚С) summers, sunny autumns with rare rain showers and mild winters with high humidity and an average temperature of about 0˚С. Relative humidity from June to October is low - 30%, and even lower in the hot summer months. Precipitation per year is about 460 mm. The remoteness from significant water areas determines the continental and arid climate. The average annual temperature is +13°С, in July +25 +30°С, in January −3 −5°С.


The earliest known name of the city is Jalalabad. From 1870 to 1917 - Jalal-Abad. From 1917 to 2002 - Jalal-Abad. Since 2002, it has been renamed Jalalabat in accordance with the “New edition of the spelling of the Kyrgyz language” adopted by the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan on June 28, 2002, No. 830-11. Since June 2008, it has been renamed Jalal-Abad in accordance with the resolution of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan on the restoration of the spelling of the country's settlements with a hyphen. Since ancient times, one of the routes of the Silk Road passed along Ayub-Too. Thanks to this, the inhabitants of the Fergana Valley, like the Kokand khans who ruled these lands during the creation of Jalal-Abad, were very actively in contact with Afghanistan. Perhaps this is why the name of the city is similar to the name of the Afghan Jalalabad - despite the fact that Jalalabad was also called Jalalabad until 1917. Calling different settlements by the same name is a common practice in Central Asia and the Middle East. There are more than 30 villages called Jalalabad. In turn, Afghan Jalalabad received its name in honor of Jalal Ad-din Muhammad Akbar (1542-1605), who founded the city in the late 60s of the 16th century. “Abad” is translated from Persian as “place”, “place where people live”. In addition, “jalal” is translated from Urdu, Persian and Arabic as “glory, shrine, greatness.” That is, the name of the city can mean either “place of glory”, or “holy place”, or “place named after Jalal”.

The city is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan range, at the foot of the small Ayip-Too mountains at an altitude of 763 m above sea level in the Kogart Valley. The valley is located in the subtropical zone. Thus, the remoteness from significant water areas determines the continental and arid climate. The average annual air temperature in the region is +13°C, in July +25...+27°C, in January –5...–3°C.


At the very beginning, a settlement appeared on the site of the modern city of Jalal-Abad near the healing springs. With the growth of the population, artisans appeared here: potters, artisans, handicraft workshops developed, which later gave rise to small processing enterprises.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a Kokand fortress was built on the site of the village.

In 1876, the fortress became part of the Russian Empire, which in 1877 acquired the status of a city. The first mention of the settlement of Jalal-Abad in official historical documents dates back to this time. At that time, the settlement was a caravanserai for passing merchants, located on one of the roads of the Great Silk Road. Here roads crossed for cattle drives, and steppe trade was conducted.


For tourists, Jalal-Abad is a place where there are an abundance of various mineral springs and healing mud. According to legend, here was the source of Chashma-Ayub (“the source of Job”), which was visited by the prophet Ayub (biblical Job). Many of the sources have been known since the 2nd century BC. and are considered sacred.

The Jalal-Abad resort complex is located at a distance of 5 km from the city. It is located at an altitude of 971 m above sea level, on the western slope of the Ayub-Tau hill, on one of the ledges of the Kugart River - the right tributary of the Kara Darya. The climate here is mountain-steppe. The average annual temperature is +10? C. Summer is hot, the temperature sometimes rises to +43? C. Winter is relatively warm, with an average temperature of about 0? C. Relative humidity from June to October is low - about 30%, and even lower in the hot summer months. Precipitation per year is about 460 mm. The main therapeutic agents are thermal weakly and highly mineralized sulfate-bicarbonate sodium-calcium waters used for baths and drinking treatments. The resort also uses peat and silt mud for medicinal purposes. Along with mud balneotherapy, electrophototherapy, physical therapy, massage, climatic therapy, therapeutic swimming pool, therapeutic nutrition, herbal bar, and acupuncture are used. There is also a sanatorium with 450 beds in summer and 150 beds in winter. Accommodation is provided in three buildings and four small houses for 2-4 places. Mostly, the vacationers of this sanatorium are people with diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, gynecological, urological, and skin diseases.

The most famous recreation area of ​​Jalal-Abad is called “Arstanbap (Arstlanbob)” and it is located 70 km from the city at the foot of Weber Peak in the Babash-Ata ridge. Here, vacationers have the opportunity to see the small and large waterfalls, the height of which is 35 and 80 meters, respectively. And on the opposite side of the Babash-Ata massif, in the valley of the Chon-Kerei River, framed by a juniper forest, there is a small but very picturesque lake Kutman-Kol. Another lake, Kara-Suu, is located at an altitude of 1900 meters on the north-eastern side of the Isfandzhailyau ridge, it is located next to the Babash-Ata ridge. Fishing is very popular on the lake.

The Jalal-Abad region is famous for the Sary-Chelek biosphere reserve, located in the spurs of the Chatkal ridge of the Tien Shan. It was organized in 1959 with the aim of protecting walnut and fruit forests. The lower border of the reserve passes at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, the highest point is 4247 m (Mount Mustor). The most famous and largest lake here is Sary-Chelek (507 hectares). Some areas of the walnut-fruit forests of the reserve are a kind of geobotanical museums; they combine tree species typical of Siberia and various places in the Tien Shan. There are many waterfowl on the local lakes in spring and autumn.

You can also find a historical monument of antiquity in the Jalal-Abad region - the Shah-Fazil mausoleum. It is located near the village of Safid-Bulend. This mausoleum has no analogues in the architecture of the Karakhanid period among the monuments of the 11th century, of which not many have survived.

Mount Archa-Mazar, rising nearby, is a Muslim shrine for the entire Fergana Valley and the spiritual value of the people.

There is also a regional library in Jalal-Abad, the collection of which amounts to 126 thousand copies; and the city museum. The museum was founded in 1972. Its area is 199 sq.m. and it consists of 9 halls. Being one of the oldest in the region, the city museum makes a great contribution to the dissemination of historical knowledge and patriotic education of the younger generation. The museum is visited on excursions by high school students, university students, city guests and citizens. Up to 10,000 people visit the museum annually.

In addition, there are 3 cultural and recreation parks in Jalal-Abad, including parks named after. Toktogul with an area of ​​7.5 hectares, Navoi Park with an area of ​​14.5 hectares, and Nooruz Park with an area of ​​10 hectares.

The city is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan range at the foot of the small Ayub-Tau mountains at an altitude of 763 m above sea level in the Kogart Valley. Distance to the capital of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek ~605 km. The city of Osh is located 105 km southwest. The climate is subtropical, dry, with hot summers up to +43˚С, sunny autumn with rare rain showers and warm winters with high humidity and an average temperature of about 0˚С. Relative humidity from June to October is low - 30%, and even lower in the hot summer months. Precipitation per year is about 460 mm. The remoteness from significant water areas determines the continental and arid climate. The average annual temperature is +13°С, in July +25 +30°С, in January −3 −5°С.
The area in which the city is located is widely known for its mineral springs and healing mud.
It arose as a village near healing springs located on Mount Ayub-tau above the Kugart Valley, which were visited by patients from all over the Fergana Valley. At the beginning of the 19th century, a fortress of the Kokand Khanate was built here. Local residents served pilgrims to mineral springs and were engaged in agriculture. With the growth of the population of the village, artisans appeared in it: potters, artisans, handicraft workshops developed, which later gave rise to small processing enterprises.
In 1870, Russian settlers appeared in the city, coming along with the Russian garrison. A military hospital was built. Since 1876, Jalal-Abad has been part of the Kokand district of the Fergana region of the Russian Empire, and in 1877 it received the status of a city. The first mention of a settlement with the name Jalalabad in official historical documents dates back to this time.

In 1915, a section of the Andijan-Karasu-Jalal-Abad railway was opened. The line was private and was built by the Fergana Railway Society. After the 1917 revolution, the railway line was nationalized.
In mid-1918, Madamin-bek's Basmachi, together with the remnants of the White Army, captured Osh and Jalal-Abad. In response to this, troops under the command of Mikhail Frunze went to the south of Kyrgyzstan and by the end of 1919 pushed the Basmachi detachments into the mountains. On May 27, 1920, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze spoke at the railway station in front of railway workers and sent telegram No. 00031 to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin about the situation in Turkestan, as described by the memorial plaque on the railway station building.
In 1928, a section of the Jalal-Abad - Bagish railway was put into operation (length 14 kilometers), in 1932 the railway line was extended to Kok-Yangak (length 15 kilometers), to supply Jalal-Abad and Uzbekistan with coal.
The Pedagogical College has been operating since 1935.
For a long time, the Jalal-Abad station was the final destination of long-distance passenger train routes in the Fergana Valley. Only commuter trains ran to the Kok-Yangak station, only commuter trains also ran on the Karasu-Osh section, and since 1978 the service stopped (despite the fact that the city of Jalal-Abad at that time was one of the regional centers of the Osh region, and The population of Jalal-Abad was several times less than the population of Osh). Among the reasons are the presence in Jalal-Abad of a locomotive maintenance point and workshops for equipping cars, which has never existed in Osh, the light profile of the track on the Karasu-Jalal-Abad section, and also, probably, a tribute to tradition - the Jalal-Abad station appeared earlier than Osh station. The city of Jalal-Abad is historically the main “railway gate” of the region.

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Jalal-Abad is located on the territory and is the administrative center of the region of the same name. The city lies at the foothills of the Tien Shan range, in the Kogart Valley, at a distance of 750 km from. It is located at an altitude of over 700 meters above sea level, in an arid zone, at a great distance from water spaces. This area is well known on the country's tourist map, largely thanks to the local mineral springs and healing mud, as well as its long history and craftsmanship.


The main industry areas in Jalal-Abad are oil, light and food industries. In addition, branches of many large banks and financial companies are located here. Most tourists come here on their way to the Jalal-Abad resort complex, located 5 km from the city limits. It has excellent conditions for relaxation and treatment and today it is very popular. According to legend, not far from it is the sacred spring Chashma-Ayub, which was visited by the prophet Ayub many years ago. You can get to the resort from the city by bus or on foot, while admiring the fabulous natural landscapes of the region. This area is generally saturated with all sorts of interesting places and historical monuments, so lovers of excursions will never get bored here. There are few attractions in the city itself and you can get around it entirely in 1 day. As for the national composition, it is represented mainly by Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Russians, Tatars and Uighurs, as well as other nationalities.

general information

The territory of Jalal-Abad occupies a small area, just over 24 square meters. km, with a population of about 90 thousand people. Local time is 3 hours ahead of Moscow. Time zone UTC+6. Kyrgyzstan does not switch to summer time. Telephone code (+996) 3722. Official website. www.jalal-abad.kg.

A brief excursion into history

The first settlements in these places appeared many centuries ago, and the current city grew out of a small village formed in the area of ​​​​holy springs at the beginning of the 19th century around the Kokand fortress. Over time, potters and artisans began to settle here, handicraft workshops began to emerge, and then they were replaced by small processing enterprises. Local residents were engaged in serving the pilgrims who came here and conducting agriculture. Jalal-Abad received city status in 1877, already being part of the Russian Empire. Over the years, the city slowly developed, and the local springs became increasingly famous. In the last century, a sanatorium area appeared near the city, where excellent conditions were created for balneo-mud treatment and relaxation. Since then, the regional capital, which received this status after the collapse of the USSR, has invariably attracted the attention of guests coming to the resort.


The region is dominated by a pronounced mountain-steppe climate. In the winter months, the average air temperature here is about -3 degrees, and in the summer the thermometer rises to +26 - +30 and above. There is little precipitation, and the most optimal time of year for a trip to Jalal-Abad is considered to be the period from April to October.

How to get there

The nearest international airport is 90 km from the regional capital, in the city. It receives flights from other regions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as from the rest of the post-Soviet space. The place can be reached by train or by local bus.


Within the city limits, taxis, minibuses and the same buses are used. Due to the fact that the city's area is small, many distances can be easily covered on foot.

Attractions and entertainment

The main attraction for most people visiting Jalal-Abad is the resort complex of the same name, located at an altitude of more than 970 meters above sea level, at a slight distance from the city. It is located on the western slope of the Ayub-Tau hill, along the banks of the Kugart River. Weakly and highly mineralized, sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium spring waters are actively used in the form of thermal baths and drinking treatments, having a beneficial effect on many body functions. Also, peat-silt mud is used here. A visit to the resort is especially recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal and nervous systems, gynecological, urological and skin diseases.

About 70 km from the city, at the foot of Weber Peak, lies the Arstanbal recreation area, and not far from it there are such natural attractions of the region as Lake Kara-Suu on the northeastern side of the Isfandzhailau ridge, the valley of the Chon-Kerei River and Lake Kutman-Kol . The pride of the Jalal-Abad region is the Syry-Chelek Biosphere Reserve, with its walnut and fruit forests. Near the village of Safid-Bulend there is the Shah-Fazil mausoleum, which is a unique example of the architecture of the Karakhanid period, and in its immediate vicinity rises the majestic Mount Archa-Mazar, considered the main Muslim shrine of the entire Fergana Valley. In Jalal-Abad itself it is worth visiting the city Historical Museum and local recreation parks.


In the restaurants of the regional capital, guests can try kebabs, pilaf, manti, noodles with meat sauce, horse meat sausage, jellied meat and other dishes, as well as taste delicious wines and get to know the taste of local pastries.


In the local shops and stalls, shopping lovers have the opportunity to acquire inexpensive clothes, purchase handicrafts or buy excellent Kyrgyz carpets.

Jalal-Abad is primarily attractive for its natural resources, which characterize the appearance of this region. In addition, staying in the city is an excellent opportunity to get to know the culture and traditions better, as well as appreciate the good nature and rare hospitality of its residents towards guests.

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City with
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Sunni Muslims, Orthodox Christians

Names of residents

Jalalabad residents

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Expression error: unexpected statement< K: Settlements founded in 1870



The city is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan range at the foot of the small Ayub-Too mountains at an altitude of 763 m above sea level in the Kogart Valley. The distance to the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, is ~ 255 km. The city of Osh is located 55 km southwest. The climate is subtropical, dry, with hot (absolute maximum +43˚С) summers, sunny autumns with rare rain showers and mild winters with high humidity and an average temperature of about 0˚С. Relative humidity from June to October is low - 30%, and even lower in the hot summer months. Precipitation per year is about 460 mm. The remoteness from significant water areas determines the continental and arid climate. The average annual temperature is +13°С, in July +25 +30°С, in January −3 −5°С.


Since ancient times, one of the routes of the Silk Road passed along Ayub-Too. Thanks to this, the inhabitants of the Fergana Valley, like the Kokand khans who ruled these lands during the creation of Jalal-Abad, were very actively in contact with Afghanistan. Perhaps this is why the name of the city is similar to the name of the Afghan Jalalabad - despite the fact that Jalal-Abad was also called Jalalabad until 1917. Calling different settlements by the same name is a common practice in Central Asia and the Middle East. There are more than 30 villages with the name Jalalabad. In turn, Afghan Jalalabad received its name in honor of Jalal Ad-din Muhammad Akbar (1542-1605), who founded the city in the late 60s of the 16th century. “Abad” is translated from Persian as “place”, “place where people live”. In addition, “jalal” is translated from Urdu, Persian and Arabic as “glory, shrine, greatness.” That is, the name of the city can mean either “place of glory”, or “holy place”, or “place named after Jalal”.


As part of the Kokand Khanate and the Russian Empire

(Khazret-Ayub) - are very famous in Fergana and in the surrounding countries; are located in the Andijan district of the Fergana region, on Ayub-tau (companion of the prophet S.A.V.), at an altitude of 3850 ft. above sea level. The appearance of these very ancient springs is associated with a local legend about the healing of long-suffering Job with their water. Russian D. sources have become known since 1877. There are several sources; of these, only one is considered sacred by the natives; This key gives 8640 buckets per day, temp. 38-39°C; hydrogen sulfide in 1000 parts of water - 0.0033461. 10,000 hours of water contains lime bicarbonate - 2.846, sodium bicarbonate - 0.832, magnesia bicarbonate - 0.975, sodium chloride - 1.955, sodium sulfate - 2.451, magnesium sulfate - 0.903, lime sulfate - 0.935, - 0.124, silica - 0.248. Since 1884, chronically ill lower ranks have been sent to D. water; Since 1885, a sanitary station has been established, and during the season, an infirmary for 25 people is opened. Three springs have baths for bathers. From the description of the composition of the Jalalabad-Ayub waters.
The People's Volunteer Ivan Yuvachev, during his Central Asian expedition in 1907, wrote about the Jalal-Abad sources:
On Mount Ayub-tau, where a sanitary station is now located, thanks to the healing mineral springs, the long-suffering Job lived. Local legend says that when Job’s time of testing had passed, the Lord ordered him to strike a stone with his right foot, and filled the spring with hot water. Then he kicked with his left foot and cold water came out. Job bathed in the hot water, drank cold and completely recovered from his terrible leprosy.

Another traveler, geographer Vladimir Platonovich Voshchinin wrote about the sources in 1914:

Namely, near Jalalabad itself there rises a small mountain - about 4,000 feet above sea level - which must be climbed, since on the top of this mountain there are warm and cold sulfur and iron springs known in the region, which attract many natives to enjoy bathing and worship the tomb of the native Prophet Job (Hazret-Ayub). According to legend, this prophet was healed of leprosy by the local waters, and then died here.

The air and nature at the top of the mountain are delightful, and from the cliff at the top, near which Ayub’s grave is located, a marvelous view of the valley opens up - all golden-green, with countless groups of pyramidal poplars, with a silver ribbon in the middle - Kugart - and the distant Aryslanbob Mountains . Even for this alone it was worth coming up here, but there are also other interesting things here, as it turns out. For example, a sacred stone for women who for some reason do not have children. This stone stands edge-on, oblong and flat, on a special large pedestal, surrounded by walls, like the tomb of a prophet; every sick person is allowed, for a certain bribe to the local mullahs, to sit astride it and pray... A mass of pilgrims flock to this stone, and they say it helps...

A military hospital has been set up near the healing springs, and in general, in addition to the natives, there are quite a few Russian patients here, and therefore the use of bathing is provided with some amenities, although far from sufficient. In any case, there is a bathroom, and it is kept quite clean. They say that very soon a railway will be connected to Jalalabad. Then, one must think, due attention will be paid to this native resort, and, perhaps, it will flourish and become famous.

The fight against the Basmachi In July 1918, gangs of Basmachi attempted to capture the capital of the district, the city of Osh. However, 70 volunteers of the 1st Fergana Regiment guarding the city, with the support of the population, managed to hold out until the military unit arrived from Andijan and defend the city. Of particular danger was the combination of the Basmachi gangs of Kurbashi Madaminbek and the leader of the kulak-peasant army K. I. Monstrov, who sought to overthrow Soviet power in the Fergana region. On September 8, 1919, after one and a half days of fighting, the bands of Madaminbek and K.I. Monstrov, significantly superior in numbers to the Red Army units, managed to capture the city of Osh and Jalal-Abad and launch an attack on Andijan, where the headquarters of the troops of the Osh-Andijan sector was located. On September 26, 1919, the Red Army under the command of Mikhail Frunze liberated the city of Osh, and on September 30 - Jalal-Abad. On May 27, 1920, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze spoke at the railway station in front of railway workers and sent telegram No. 00031 to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin about the situation in Turkestan, as described by the memorial plaque on the railway station building.

Transport development

In 1928, a section of the Jalal-Abad - Bagish railway was put into operation (length 14 kilometers), in 1932 the railway line was extended to Kok-Yangak (length 15 kilometers), to provide Jalal-Abad and Uzbekistan with coal.

For a long time, the Jalal-Abad station was the final destination of long-distance passenger train routes in the Fergana Valley. Only commuter trains ran to the Kok-Yangak station; on the Karasu-Osh section, only commuter trains also ran, and since 1978, traffic stopped completely (despite the fact that the city of Jalal-Abad at that time was one of the regional centers of the Osh region, and the population of the city is several times less than the population of Osh). Among the reasons are the presence in Jalal-Abad of a locomotive maintenance point and workshops for equipping cars, which has never existed in Osh, the light profile of the track on the Karasu-Jalal-Abad section, and also, probably, a tribute to tradition - the Jalal-Abad station appeared earlier than Osh station. The city of Jalal-Abad is historically the main "railway gate" of the region.

At various times, direct trains (or trailer cars) departed from Jalal-Abad to Moscow, Kuibyshev and other cities of the USSR. There was a constant flight from Jalal-Abad to Frunze, going through Tashkent.


The Pedagogical College has been operating since 1935. Later, a cooperative technical school of the Kyrgyzpotrebsouz and a medical school were created.

10 secondary schools and one vocational school were created and operated in the city.

As part of independent Kyrgyzstan

In 2000, commuter trains resumed service on the Jalal-Abad - Kara-Suu - Osh route. Unfortunately, the revival of passenger traffic was short-lived. As of August 2008, the railway line operates only on the Jalal-Abad - Kara-Suu section. Trains traveling to Jalal-Abad and all diesel locomotives registered at the Jalal-Abad depot pass through the territory of Uzbekistan without stopping. At the Jalal-Abad station there is a locomotive depot - PM-2 of the Kyrgyz Railway (previously - PTOL PM-4 Andijan of the Central Asian Railway). Among the available rolling stock are diesel locomotives 2TE10M-0581 (two sections), 2TE10V-4195 (at least 1 section), ChMEZ-6644. In total there were about 5 ChMEZ and 6 sections of 2TE10. No new locomotives were delivered to Jalal-Abad after 1991.

The Jalal-Abad - Kok-Yangak section, through which coal was once mainly exported, is now mothballed. The management of the Kyrgyz Railway does not give permission to dismantle the track, so the rails are there, but the track is overgrown with trees in places and is unsuitable for travel.

In the fall of 2007, the city celebrated its 130th anniversary. The main celebrations with the participation of the country's leadership took place at the Teltoru hippodrome. The city was awarded the Order of Danaker.

On June 13-16, 2010, mass riots on interethnic grounds occurred in the city and surrounding villages, simultaneously with the Osh riots of 2010.

Local government

Mayors of the city

The city mayor is elected by a session of the city kenesh. Kasym Madaminovich Ismanov was elected the first mayor of Jalal-Abad in 1991 as part of independent Kyrgyzstan. As of May 2014, the mayor of the city was Salaidin Avazov.



The main type of local transport is automobile. There is also a train station and an airport.


The largest industrial enterprises are the Kyrgyz-Canadian oil refining enterprise Kyrgyz Petroleum Company; enterprise for the extraction of travertine, limestone and shell rock; brick factory CJSC "Stone Processing Plant in Central Asia"; JSC "Kelechek"; JSC "Nur"; JSC "Nasos"; Factory of trade and technological equipment and OP 36/10. The enterprises AOZT "Kyrgyzkhlopok" and JV "Ak-Altyn" produce cotton fiber, and tobacco-fermentation enterprises LLC "Tura-Ai" and LLC "Aziz-Tabak" operate.

Enterprises of the city's flour-grinding industry: Azrat Ayib JSC, PTK Intershak JSC, Mariam and Co LLC. JSC Jalal-Abad Arak Plant operates for the production of alcoholic beverages.

Among light industry enterprises, the leading one is JSC Mata, an enterprise with a production capacity for the production of nonwoven materials of 7 million square meters. m. In the city there are enterprises engaged in wood processing and furniture manufacturing - these are Emerek JSC and Kok-Art JSC.

Banks and microcredit unions

OJSC Commercial Bank "Kyrgyzstan", JSCB "Dos-Credobank", OJSC "Bakai Bank", "Kazkomerts-Kyrgyzstan" bank, Kyrgyz-Russian "Amanbank", "Kyrgyzprombank" JSCB, JSCB "Ysyk-Kol investment bank", JSCB "Ecobank" ", JSC "Energobank", Kyrgyz Agricultural Financial Corporation; microcredit organizations: financial fund “Bai-Tushum”, “Finka-Kyrgyzstan”, LLC “MOL-BULAK FINANCE”, interregional center for microcredit for the unemployed. There are also about 50 pawn shops.


In the city of Jalal-Abad, retail trade is carried out in 10 stationary markets and 9 privately owned mini markets, as well as in 120 stores.


There are 22 secondary schools and several universities in the city: Jalal-Abad State University, University of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Academy of Law and Business. There are men's and women's Turkish colleges and a medical school.


During the Soviet period, the Jalal-Abad resort was considered an all-Union health resort and thousands of tourists from all over the USSR came here every year with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and gynecological diseases. Tourists are still attracted today by the resort's mineral springs and healing mud. From the city the resort can be reached by bus from the city center. The main therapeutic agents are thermal weakly and highly mineralized sulfate-bicarbonate sodium-calcium waters used for baths and drinking treatments. The resort also uses peat and silt mud for medicinal purposes. Along with mud balneotherapy, electrophototherapy, physical therapy, massage, climatic therapy, therapeutic swimming pool, therapeutic nutrition, herbal bar, and acupuncture are used. The resort has a sanatorium with 450 beds in summer and 150 beds in winter. Accommodation is provided in three buildings and four small houses for 2-4 places. Indications for treatment: diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, gynecological, urological, skin diseases.

57 km from the city in the tract of the Kara-Alma mountain range there is a children's health camp “Altyn Balalyk”, which was built in 1972.

Also in the city there are:

  • Regional library with 6 branches in the city and a fund of 126,000 books and magazines.
  • Children's library at the House of Creativity, fund - 25,000 books and magazines.
  • City Historical Museum at the foot of Ayub-Tau, on the road to the resort. It was organized in 1972 by Vasily Filippovich Trunov, later an honorary citizen of Jalal-Abad. The area of ​​the museum is 199 sq.m. and consists of 9 halls. The museum is one of the oldest in the region. Up to 10,000 people visit the museum annually.
  • Parks. There are 3 cultural and recreation parks, including parks named after. Toktogul with an area of ​​7.5 hectares, Zhenish Park (former Komsomol) with an area of ​​14.5 hectares.

Famous people of Jalal-Abad

  • Rafikov, Mars Zakirovich - Soviet military pilot, member of the first cosmonaut corps of the USSR, awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of the USSR.
  • Trunov, Vasily Filippovich - historian, honored teacher of the Kirghiz SSR, creator of the local history museum, honorary citizen of the city.
  • Tursunbai uulu Bakhtiyar - human rights activist, lawyer, teacher, leader of the Debate Program.
  • Shapovalov, Igor Alekseevich - ballet dancer, choreographer, People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Helpman, Elhanan - Israeli economist, professor at Tel Aviv University.

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Excerpt characterizing Jalal-Abad

I nodded:
- And you too.
– Please forgive me, Isolde, but why is your world so bright? – Stella couldn’t contain her curiosity.
– Oh, it’s just that where I lived it was almost always cold and foggy... And where I was born the sun always shone, there was a smell of flowers, and only in winter there was snow. But even then it was sunny... I missed my country so much that even now I can’t enjoy it to my heart’s content... True, my name is cold, but that’s because I got lost when I was little, and they found me on the ice. So they called Isolde...
“Oh, it’s true – it’s made of ice!.. I would never have thought of it!..” I stared at her, dumbfounded.
“What’s that!.. But Tristan didn’t have a name at all... He lived his whole life anonymously,” Isolde smiled.
– What about “Tristan”?
“Well, what are you talking about, dear, it’s just “possessing three camps,” Isolde laughed. “His whole family died when he was still very small, so they didn’t give him a name, when the time came - there was no one.
– Why do you explain all this as if in my language? It's in Russian!
“And we are Russians, or rather, we were then...” the girl corrected herself. – But now, who knows who we’ll be...
– How – Russians?.. – I was confused.
– Well, maybe not exactly... But in your mind, they are Russians. It’s just that there were more of us then and everything was more diverse - our land, our language, our life... That was a long time ago...
- But how does the book say that you were Irish and Scots?!.. Or is this all not true again?
- Well, why isn’t it true? This is the same thing, it’s just that my father came from “warm” Rus' to become the ruler of that “island” camp, because the wars there never ended, and he was an excellent warrior, so they asked him. But I always longed for “my” Rus'... I always felt cold on those islands...
– Can I ask you how you really died? If it doesn't hurt you, of course. All the books write differently about this, but I would really like to know how it really happened...
“I gave his body to the sea, that was their custom... And I went home myself... But I never got there... I didn’t have enough strength.” I really wanted to see our sun, but I couldn’t... Or maybe Tristan “didn’t let go”...
- But how do they say in the books that you died together, or that you killed yourself?
– I don’t know, Svetlaya, I didn’t write these books... But people always loved to tell each other stories, especially beautiful ones. So they embellished it to stir my soul more... And I myself died many years later, without interrupting my life. It was forbidden.
– You must have been very sad to be so far from home?
– Yes, how can I tell you... At first, it was even interesting while my mother was alive. And when she died, the whole world darkened for me... I was too young then. But she never loved her father. He only lived by war, even I had only value for him that he could exchange me for marriage... He was a warrior to the core. And he died like that. But I always dreamed of returning home. I even saw dreams... But it didn’t work out.
– Do you want us to take you to Tristan? First we’ll show you how, and then you’ll walk on your own. It’s just...” I suggested, hoping in my heart that she would agree.
I really wanted to see this whole legend “in full”, since such an opportunity arose, and although I was a little ashamed, I decided this time not to listen to my very indignant “inner voice”, but to try to somehow convince Isolde to “take a walk” on the lower “floor” and find her Tristan there for her.
I really really loved this “cold” northern legend. She won my heart from the very minute she fell into my hands. The happiness in her was so fleeting, and there was so much sadness!.. Actually, as Isolde said, they apparently added a lot to it, because it really touched the soul very strongly. Or maybe that’s how it was?.. Who could really know this?.. After all, those who saw all this had not lived for a long time. That’s why I so strongly wanted to take advantage of this, probably the only opportunity, and find out how everything really was...
Isolde sat quietly, thinking about something, as if not daring to take advantage of this unique opportunity that had so unexpectedly presented itself to her, and to see the one whom fate had separated from her for so long...
– I don’t know... Is all this necessary now... Maybe we should just leave it like that? – Isolde whispered in confusion. – This hurts greatly... I shouldn’t be mistaken...
I was incredibly surprised by her fear! This was the first time since the day I first spoke to the dead that someone refused to talk or see someone they once loved so deeply and tragically...
- Please, let's go! I know you will regret it later! We'll just show you how to do it, and if you don't want to, you won't go there anymore. But you must still have a choice. A person should have the right to choose for himself, right?
Finally she nodded:
- Well, let's go, Svetlaya. You're right, I shouldn't hide behind the "back of the impossible", this is cowardice. But we never liked cowards. And I was never one of them...
I showed her my defense and, to my greatest surprise, she did it very easily, without even thinking. I was very happy, as this made our “hike” much easier.
“Well, are you ready?” Stella smiled cheerfully, apparently to cheer her up.
We plunged into the sparkling darkness and, after a few short seconds, we were already “floating” along the silvery path of the Astral level...
“It’s very beautiful here...” Isolde whispered, “but I saw it in another, not so bright place...”
“It’s here too... Just a little lower,” I reassured her. - You'll see, now we'll find him.
We “slipped” a little deeper, and I was ready to see the usual “terribly oppressive” lower astral reality, but, to my surprise, nothing like that happened... We found ourselves in a rather pleasant, but, indeed, very gloomy and what It's a sad landscape. Heavy, muddy waves splashed on the rocky shore of the dark blue sea... Lazyly “chasing” one after another, they “knocked” on the shore and reluctantly, slowly, returned back, dragging behind them gray sand and small, black, shiny pebbles. Farther away could be seen a majestic, huge, dark green mountain, the top of which was shyly hidden behind gray, swollen clouds. The sky was heavy, but not frightening, completely covered with gray clouds. Along the shore, in places, scant dwarf bushes of some unfamiliar plants grew. Again, the landscape was gloomy, but quite “normal”, in any case, it resembled one of those that could be seen on the ground on a rainy, very cloudy day... And that “screaming horror”, like the others we saw on on this “floor” of the place, he did not inspire us...
On the shore of this “heavy” dark sea, deep in thought, sat a lonely man. He seemed quite young and quite handsome, but he was very sad, and did not pay any attention to us as we approached.
“My clear falcon... Tristanushka...” Isolde whispered in an intermittent voice.
She was pale and frozen, like death... Stella, frightened, touched her hand, but the girl did not see or hear anything around, but just looked without stopping at her beloved Tristan... It seemed that she wanted to absorb every his line... every hair... the familiar curve of his lips... the warmth of his brown eyes... to keep it in your suffering heart forever, and perhaps even carry it into your next “earthly” life...
“My little piece of ice... My sun... Go away, don’t torment me...” Tristan looked at her in fear, not wanting to believe that this was reality, and covering himself from the painful “vision” with his hands, he repeated: “Go away, joy.” my... Go away now...
Unable to watch this heartbreaking scene any longer, Stella and I decided to intervene...
– Please forgive us, Tristan, but this is not a vision, this is your Isolde! Moreover, the real one...” Stella said affectionately. - So it’s better to accept her, don’t hurt her anymore...
“Ice, is that you?.. How many times have I seen you like this, and how much have I lost!... You always disappeared as soon as I tried to talk to you,” he carefully extended his hands to her, as if afraid to frighten her away, and she , having forgotten everything in the world, threw herself on his neck and froze, as if she wanted to stay that way, merging with him into one, now never parting forever...
I watched this meeting with growing concern, and thought how it would be possible to help these two suffering, and now such infinitely happy people, so that at least this life remaining here (until their next incarnation) they could stay together...
– Oh, don’t think about it now! They just met!.. – Stella read my thoughts. - And then we will definitely come up with something...
They stood huddled close to each other, as if afraid to be separated... Afraid that this wonderful vision would suddenly disappear and everything would become the same again...
- How empty I am without you, my Ice!.. How dark it is without you...
And only then did I notice that Isolde looked different!.. Apparently, that bright “sunny” dress was intended only for her, just like the field strewn with flowers... And now she was meeting her Tristan... And I must say, in her white dress embroidered with a red pattern, she looked amazing!.. And she looked like a young bride...
“They didn’t give us round dances, my falcon, they didn’t say health resorts... They gave me to a stranger, they married me over the water... But I have always been your wife.” I was always betrothed... Even when I lost you. Now we will always be together, my joy, now we will never part... - Isolde whispered tenderly.
My eyes stung treacherously and, in order not to show that I was crying, I began to collect some pebbles on the shore. But Stella was not so easy to deceive, and her eyes were also “wet” now...
– How sad, isn’t it? She doesn’t live here... Doesn’t she understand?.. Or do you think she’ll stay with him?.. – the little girl was fidgeting in place, so badly she wanted to know “everything” right away.
Dozens of questions swarmed in my head for these two, insanely happy people who did not see anything around them. But I knew for sure that I wouldn’t be able to ask anything, and I wouldn’t be able to disturb their unexpected and so fragile happiness...
- What are we going to do? – Stella asked concerned. – Shall we leave her here?
“It’s not for us to decide, I think... This is her decision and her life,” and, already turning to Isolde, she said. - Forgive me, Isolde, but we would like to go already. Is there any other way we can help you?
“Oh, my dear girls, I forgot!.. Forgive me!” the bashfully blushing girl clapped her hands. - Tristanushka, it’s them who need to be thanked!.. It was they who brought me to you. I came before as soon as I found you, but you couldn’t hear me... And it was hard. And with them so much happiness came!
Tristan suddenly bowed low and low:
- Thank you, glory girls... for the fact that my happiness, my Ice floe was returned to me. Joy and goodness to you, heavenly ones... I am your debtor forever and ever... Just tell me.
His eyes shone suspiciously, and I realized that a little more and he would cry. Therefore, in order not to drop his (and once so badly beaten!) male pride, I turned to Isolde and said as kindly as possible:
- I take it you want to stay?
She nodded sadly.
– Then, look carefully at this... It will help you stay here. And I hope it will make it easier... - I showed her my “special” green protection, hoping that with it they would be more or less safe here. – And one more thing... You probably realized that here you can create your own “sunny world”? I think he (I pointed to Tristan) will really like this...
Isolde clearly didn’t even think about it, and now she simply beamed with real happiness, apparently anticipating a “killer” surprise...
Everything around them sparkled with cheerful colors, the sea sparkled with rainbows, and we, realizing that everything would definitely be fine with them, “glided” back to our favorite Mental Floor to discuss our possible future travels...

Like everything else “interesting,” my amazing walks to different levels of the Earth gradually became almost constant, and relatively quickly ended up on my “archive” shelf of “ordinary phenomena.” Sometimes I went there alone, upsetting my little friend. But Stella, even if she was a little upset, never showed anything and, if she felt that I preferred to be left alone, she never imposed her presence. This, of course, made me even more guilty towards her, and after my little “personal” adventures I stayed to walk with her, which, by the same token, already doubled the load on my physical body, which was not yet quite accustomed to this, and I returned home exhausted, like a ripe lemon squeezed to the last drop... But gradually, as our “walks” became longer, my “tortured” physical body gradually got used to it, the fatigue became less and less, and the time required to restore my physical strength became much shorter. These amazing walks very quickly overshadowed everything else, and my daily life now seemed surprisingly dull and completely uninteresting...
Of course, all this time I lived my normal life as a normal child: as usual - I went to school, participated in all the events organized there, went to the movies with the guys, in general - I tried to look as normal as possible in order to attract my “unusual” » abilities with as little unnecessary attention as possible.
Some classes at school I really liked, some not so much, but so far all the subjects were still quite easy for me and did not require much effort for homework.
I also really loved astronomy... which, unfortunately, was not taught here yet. At home we had all kinds of amazingly illustrated books on astronomy, which my dad also adored, and I could spend hours reading about distant stars, mysterious nebulae, unfamiliar planets... Dreaming of someday, at least for one short moment, seeing all these amazing miracles, as they say, live... Probably, I already felt in my gut that this world was much closer to me than any, even the most beautiful, country on our Earth... But all my “star” adventures then were still very distant (I hadn’t even imagined them yet!) and therefore, at this stage, I was completely satisfied with “walking” on different “floors” of our home planet, with my friend Stella or alone.
My grandmother, to my great satisfaction, fully supported me in this, thus, when I went “for a walk,” I did not need to hide, which made my travels even more enjoyable. The fact is that, in order to “walk” along the same “floors,” my essence had to leave my body, and if someone entered the room at that moment, they would find the most amusing picture there... I she sat with her eyes open, seemingly in a completely normal state, but did not react to any address to me, did not answer questions and looked completely and completely “frozen”. Therefore, grandmother’s help at such moments was simply irreplaceable. I remember one day, in my “walking” state, my then friend, neighbor Romas found me... When I woke up, I saw in front of me a face completely stunned with fear and round eyes, like two huge blue plates... Romas violently shook me by the shoulders and called by name until I opened my eyes...
– Are you dead or something?!.. Or is this again some kind of new “experiment” of yours? – my friend hissed quietly, almost chattering his teeth in fright.
Although, over all these years of our communication, it was certainly difficult to surprise him with anything, but, apparently, the picture that opened to him at that moment “outdid” my most impressive early “experiments”... It was Romas who told me after how frightening my “presence” looked from the outside...
I tried as best I could to calm him down and somehow explain what such a “terrible” thing was happening to me here. But no matter how much I calmed him down, I was almost one hundred percent sure that the impression of what he saw would remain in his brain for a very, very long time...
Therefore, after this funny (for me) “incident”, I always tried so that, if possible, no one would take me by surprise, and no one would have to be so shamelessly dumbfounded or frightened... That’s why my grandmother’s help was so strong I needed it. She always knew when I was going for a walk again and made sure that no one disturbed me at that time, if possible. There was another reason why I didn’t really like it when I was forcibly “pulled out” from my “trips” back - in my entire physical body at the moment of such a “quick return” there was a feeling of a very strong internal blow and this was perceived very, very painful. Therefore, such a sharp return of the essence back to the physical body was very unpleasant for me and completely undesirable.
So, once again walking with Stella along the “floors”, and not finding anything to do, “without exposing ourselves to great danger,” we finally decided to “deeper” and “more seriously” explore, which had already become almost like family for her. , Mental "floor"...
Her own colorful world once again disappeared, and we seemed to “hang” in the sparkling air, dusted with starry reflections, which, unlike the usual “earthly” one, was here richly “dense” and constantly changing, as if it were filled with millions tiny snowflakes that sparkled and sparkled on a frosty sunny day on Earth... We stepped together into this silver-blue shimmering “emptiness”, and immediately a “path” appeared under our feet as usual... Or rather, not just a path, and a very bright and cheerful, ever-changing path, which was created from shimmering fluffy silver “clouds”... It appeared and disappeared by itself, as if in a friendly manner inviting you to walk along it. I stepped onto the sparkling “cloud” and took several careful steps... I didn’t feel any movement, not the slightest effort for it, just a feeling of very light gliding in some calm, enveloping, shining silver emptiness... The traces immediately melted away , scattering with thousands of multi-colored sparkling specks of dust... and new ones appeared as I walked across this amazing “local land” that completely enchanted me....
Suddenly, in all this deep silence shimmering with silver sparks, a strange transparent boat appeared, and in it stood a very beautiful young woman. Her long golden hair fluttered softly, as if touched by a breeze, then froze again, mysteriously sparkling with heavy golden highlights. The woman was clearly heading straight towards us, still easily gliding in her fairy-tale boat along some “waves” invisible to us, leaving behind her long, fluttering tails flashing with silver sparks... Her white light dress, similar to a shimmering tunic, also - it fluttered, then smoothly fell, falling down in soft folds, and making the stranger look like a wondrous Greek goddess.
“She swims here all the time, looking for someone,” Stella whispered.
- Do you know her? Who is she looking for? - I did not understand.
– I don’t know, but I’ve seen her many times.
- Well, let's ask? “Having already gotten comfortable on the “floors,” I bravely suggested.
The woman “swimmed” closer; she emanated sadness, grandeur and warmth.
“I am Athenais,” she said very softly in her mind. -Who are you, wonderful creatures?
“Wonderful creatures” were a little confused, not knowing exactly how to respond to such a greeting...
“We’re just walking,” Stella said smiling. - We won't bother you.
-Who are you looking for? – asked Athenais.
“Nobody,” the little girl was surprised. – Why do you think that we should look for someone?
- How else? You are now where everyone is looking for themselves. I was also looking... - she smiled sadly. - But that was so long ago!..
- How long ago? – I couldn’t stand it.
- Oh, a very long time ago!... There is no time here, how can I know? All I remember is that it was a long time ago.
Athenais was very beautiful and somehow unusually sad... She was somewhat reminiscent of a proud white swan, when he, falling from a height, giving up his soul, sang his last song - she was just as majestic and tragic...