Famous surfers are at the peak of life and waves. New world surfing record: longest wave surfed by a human World surfing record

The passion and dedication of surfers and the natural power of the ocean have transformed surfing into an extreme sport capable of testing the extreme limits of human performance.

The Guinness Book of Records contains a huge number of interesting tricks and achievements that will take your breath away. Who has the most professional World Surfing Championship wins? Surely you know the answer to this question. That's right, 11-time champion.

Some entries in the Guinness World Records may seem quite funny. Want to know the maximum number of surfboards you can load on one vehicle? There is such a record in the Guinness Book: a group of surfers from California successfully laid down a total of 282 boards to surf onto the roof of a car that traveled 30.4 m (100 ft) along the beach near Santa Barbara. Unbelievable but true.

What about the most people on one surfboard? Guinness says that 47 surfers rode a surfboard 12 meters at the same time at Snapper Rocks in Queensland on March 5, 2005. As you might guess, this process was not easy, and the giant surfboard with all its passengers had to be rescued ashore with the help of a tow truck.

And from the US, he must still be feeling tired. He surfed every day from September 2, 1975, for 28 years, catching at least three waves a day. He holds the record for the longest surf session. This record will be difficult to break. Although a young surfer from California named Meg Ro has every chance: her record in three years of daily surfing, and the girl does not intend to stop there.

Did you know that Donald Detloff, from the USA, owns 647 different surfboards? He holds the record for the largest surfboard collections. These boards are stored at his property in Maui. The collection is the result of 15 years of collecting. By the way, Detloff used these boards to make a fence. Crazy.

Gary Saavedra, from Panama holds the record for the longest wave on the high seas. The national surfing champion surfed 43.1 miles (66.47 km) in the Panama Canal on March 19, 2011.

Garrett McNamara, a famous big wave surfer, holds the record for the largest wave. The stunt was performed in Praia do Norte, Nazaré, when the Hawaiian surfer rode a wave 30 meters high, breaking his own wave record of 23.7 meters.

The biggest board for surfing was made by Nev Hyman, from Australia, and was 12 meters long, 3 meters wide and 30 cm thick.

Is a happy person. A British surfer managed to enjoy the longest ride on a river tidal wave, riding 12.23 km along the River Severn in Gloucestershire, UK, on ​​March 30, 2006.

Curtis Loftus I must also be tired from my longest surf marathon. He surfboarded for 29 hours and one minute in Jacksonville Beach, Florida on October 26-27, 2011.

Curtis Loftus

And now a little surf quiz. Who was the first surfer to score the maximum 10 points for a run in a pro competition? The correct answer is Kelly Slater during the final of the Billabong Tahiti Pro in 2005 at Teahupoo. The Florida surfer then scored 20 out of a possible 20. Very impressive.

Last question: What is the "Fastest speed of a surfboard towed by a car"? Lane Beachley sailed at 78.26 km/h at the Sydney International Regatta on March 21, 2011.

Surfing is a sport of records and incredible achievements. The zeal and dedication that surfers demonstrate, coupled with the power of ocean waves and the forces of nature, have allowed surfing to acquire the status of an extreme sport that is quite capable of testing a person’s strength. The Guinness Book of Records records a number of interesting stunts and achievements that will take your breath away, and some of them are also funny. Who has achieved the "Most wins in professional surfing world championships"? Here you can probably guess. That's right, this is Kelly Slater.

Who holds the lead in "The largest number of surfboards stacked on the roof of a car"? According to the famous collection of records, one group of surfers managed to stack 282 surfboards on the roof of a car and ride 30.4 meters near the Californian city of Santa Barbara. Incredible, isn't it?

And how about “The most people riding on one board?” According to the Guinness Book, on March 5, 2005, at Snapper Rocks off the coast of the Australian state of Queensland, 47 surfers simultaneously rode on one enlarged board 12 meters long. This was not easy to do, so a giant board with all the surfers was pulled through the water in tow.

But American Dale Webster probably still can’t rest. Starting on September 2, 1975, he surfed every day, taking at least three waves from the line-up to the shore per day, to set a record "Most consecutive days of surfing". It won't be easy to beat him.

Did you know that American Donald Dettloff has 647 different surfboards? So here he is owner of the largest collection of surfboards and the record of the same name. The boards are kept at his estate in Haiku, located on the Hawaiian island of Maui. To assemble this modest collection, he invested money in it for 15 years. Dettloff used his boards to construct a fence. Mad man.

Kurtis Loftus was probably tired too. From October 26 to 27, 2011, off the coast of Jacksonville Beach in Florida, he spent "The longest surf marathon", which lasted 29 hours and 1 minute.

And now a short quick survey. Who was "First surfer to make two perfect 10-point passes" in one try? The correct answer is Kelly Slater, who achieved this in the 2005 Billabong Tahiti Pro final at Teehupoo. The American scored 20 out of 20 possible points. Impressive.

And a final question. What is “The highest speed developed by a surfboard while being towed by a car”? On March 21, 2011, Layne Beachley violated the speed limit at the Sydney International Regatta Center, located in the city of Penrith, New South Wales, Australia, driving a surfboard at a speed of 78.26 km/h.

The world of surfing is so interesting and exciting that many people cannot live without this sport, which forms their whole life. One can safely call such a person Garrett McNamara, who is ready to spend day and night on the crests of his friends - huge waves.

And once again, the Internet world is teeming with news about how this man broke a new surfing record - he easily conquered a 30-meter wave and, most surprisingly, it happened completely by accident.

What exactly helped the guy overcome such a huge water barrier, how it happened and what McNamara is going to do next, experts from the “World News” and “Sports News” sections of the investor magazine “Stock Leader” found out.

Details of McNamara's new record

A Hawaiian professional surfer named Garrett McNamara decided to surprise the world with his skill in “controlling” waves, and huge waves that exceed a 9-story building. His last record was simply indescribable and caused a storm of emotions when watching - the guy “ridden” a 30-meter wave and he did it perfectly.

It has not yet been clarified whether the surfer is going to apply for registration of a record with the Guinness Book of Records, but if this does happen, then McNamara will break his own record, which he set earlier, namely in May 2012 in the same Portuguese village Nazaré, then its height was 24 meters.

A stunning video of the American's accidental record can be seen on YouTube, where you can clearly see how it really happened.

Other surfing records

Surfing can be called a sport in which the number of records is simply colossal. Here is a small list of the best records, according to the Guinness Book of Records:

  • Kelly Slater is the person who has achieved the most records in this sport.
  • The largest number of surfboards laid on the roof of a car was 282 pieces and the guy managed to drive a little more than 30 meters.
  • The largest number of people simultaneously riding on one board - a record was set in 2005, in which 47 surfers rode on one enlarged board of 12 meters.
  • Most Consecutive Days of Surfing - Dale Webster started surfing on September 2, 1975 and may still not have had a rest - he caught at least three waves a day. It happens.
  • The owner of the largest collection of surfboards, Donald Dettloff, has 647 different boards in his arsenal. Impressive.
  • The longest ride on a wave in open water was 66.47 km by Gary Saavedra in 2011.
  • The biggest wave a person has ever ridden was previously Mike Parsons (23.4 meters), but he was overtaken by McNamara in 2012, riding a wave of 24 meters, and now 30.
  • The longest ride on a surfboard on a river wave - Steve King in 2006 slid more than 12 km.
  • The longest surf marathon lasted in 2011 for exactly 29 hours and one minute.
  • The first surfer to make two perfect 10-point passes was Kelly Slater in 2005.
  • The highest speed achieved by a surfboard while being towed by a car - in 2011, Lane Beachley drove a surfboard at a speed of 78.26 km/h.

After reading this, it is impossible to remain indifferent and just turn the page - you involuntarily admire people who are capable of such risky activities for life, but at the same time who give them this real life, full of adventures, emotions, ups and downs.