I’ll buy myself a jacket with a shimmer in Yalta. “I’ll sew a suit with a shimmer - and off to Yalta!” Who will go to Crimea in summer? State mechanisms in Ukraine do not work

"Gentlemen of Fortune"- unique masterpiece Soviet cinema 1971. This film can be classified as a film from the “For the Ages” series. It’s amazing that the film was shot in just 3 months, and literally the next year it was recognized as the most viewed. Success came thanks to the excellent performances of professional actors, a funny and unique script, and of course, quotes from the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune” deserve special attention. Quotes from the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune” immediately became popular and popular, even now it is not uncommon to hear familiar phrases.

Quotes from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune"

- For the Associate Professor!

-Yes! It's not a small thing for you to pick through your pockets.

“I’ll buy a car with a tape recorder, sew a suit with a tint, and off to Yalta!”

“I am an angry and terrible gray wolf, I know a lot about piglets.” Gry-Y-Y-Y

- Oblique, can you swim?
-Where to swim?
- Well, dive!
“It’s about now, isn’t it?” In such cold weather? We had no such agreement!

-All! There will be no kin. The electricity has run out

“Where are you going, deprived man?”

-Which boulevard? What is the name of?
“Well, where do the cars go, well!”

- Listen, shut up, please. They arranged a daisy here: I remember - I don’t remember. Let me sleep.

“But I said it would go empty.”

What good cement. Doesn't wash off at all.

“Why did you run?”
“Everyone ran and I ran.”

“You’re a bad person, oblique, as angry as a dog.”

“Lie down!” Get down, uncle! Vasya! Vasya-Vasya, Vasya-Vasya... Associate Professor, ah, Associate Professor. He doesn't lie down!
“I’ll tear your mouth!”

“Please, take the cosmic spoons in your hands.” Eat thoroughly. The rocket will not return to earth until lunchtime.

-What society are you from, guys?
―"Labor reserves."
-What, Dynamo is running?
-Everyone is running.

- I'm eager to eat!
-Very eager. And in prison it’s dinner now... pasta.

“I am an Associate Professor!”
- Congratulations!

“Why are you holding it?” Let him go. He had a year, three for running away, five for kindergarten. Go, go, Vasya.

―Alexander Sanych! And Gavrila Petrovich is swearing at the hairdryer!
“Stop talking!”

“Ah-ah!” This Vasily Alibabaevich... this... bad man... dropped a battery on my leg, you bastard!

“And so we stick out here in plain sight, like three poplars on Plyushchikha... You’ll still lie here like a dog.”

“Walk your horse, walk your horse, you fool!”
- Leave me alone! Mat!

“Against the razor - jacket and trousers.”
-Only a jacket.

“Shame, shame, comrade!”

“Don’t play, don’t drink, don’t steal... without me.”

-Is sitting?
- Well, this guy is yours!
“He-he-he!” To the village, eh! Wow! Who will jail him? He's a monument!

“Buy a card, bast shoe!”

-What do you have?

“This bad man will betray us at the first danger.”

-Dinner is served! Please sit down and eat.

- Hey, citizen! Don’t go there, just go here, otherwise your head will snow and you’ll be completely dead!

“Granny, don’t go there, come here.” Otherwise it will snow on your head!

“Politeness is the best weapon of a thief... You are third, you are fifth.” Do it.

In this way, a flow of customers can be ensured to places that are experiencing a decline in interest due to the events in Ukraine. At the moment, tourists are not booking trips to Crimea, and summer season its beaches remain under threat. However, the proposals of Crimean hoteliers have already attracted interest from a number of Russian corporations, as well as large tour operators. The issue of cooperation will be finally resolved within the framework of a special tourism forum “Crimea. First Spring”. A correspondent spoke with experts about the fate of Crimean beaches Natalia Antoshkina.

Against the backdrop of political events in Ukraine, sunny Crimean beaches Koktebel, Yalta and Alushta risk being left without tourists next summer. As Russian tour operators previously stated, there is now virtually no demand for trips in this direction. But according to official data, the peninsula was previously visited annually by about 6 million vacationers, of which 2 million were from Russia. Russian state-owned companies, whose social packages include sanatorium and resort treatment for employees, decided to give the peninsula a chance not to remain empty during the summer season. Vice-President of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia Ilya Umansky believes that this will be a real help for Crimea.

“If Russia wants to support Crimea and help the tourism complex, then, of course, sending tourists from state-owned companies will become real support for the local resort sector.”

According to experts, the season in Crimea can also be saved by lower prices for holidays. The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea says that the owners of mini-hotels promise significant discounts - this, in their opinion, will also attract tourists to the peninsula independent tourists. The department itself hopes for the speedy signing of contracts with state-owned companies and tour operators, says the press secretary Galina Amarando.

“Of course, we want real results, the signing of agreements, memorandums that we will work and cooperate in the future. We would like to bring our business together with your customers. In Crimea there are opportunities for recreation of any level, we have a very large private sector, and they have already announced that they will reduce prices by 25%."

Hoteliers and workers of the Crimean resort cluster hope for tourist flows do not lose, and, like every spring, are actively preparing for the arrival of vacationers. Crimeans are busy improving beaches, hotels and cafes, he says Ilya Umansky, which is now located in Alushta.

“I can say that the preparation for the season is no different. They also wash the paths, prepare the pools and change the paving slabs. Preparations for the season are in full swing, they are hoping for the best.”

At the same time, the problem of transport remains unresolved in Crimea. If, as a result of the referendum, the peninsula joins the territory of Russia, then it is likely that the well-trodden path to the beaches through Ukraine will be closed to tourists. In particular, it will become much more difficult to get there by car - for this you will have to board a ferry, explains the press secretary of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Galina Amarando.

"One of the big difficulties is how Russian tourists will end up in Crimea. We have ferry crossing, but the question is by rail remains open. There is also an open question about how the planes will fly. We have international Airport in Simferopol and a military airport in Sevastopol, but now there is talk about making it civilian."

However, tour operators doubt that the problem will be resolved in time. Crimean air harbors are simply unable to accommodate serious flows of tourists, I’m sure Ilya Umansky. On the Russian side, for the convenience of passengers, it is planned to provide charters, he says.

“If there is a transport block from Ukraine, we will try to organize charter transportation following the example of international destinations, for example, Turkey, etc.”

In addition to industrial enterprises, regional authorities may also be interested in mass recreation in Crimea - socially vulnerable Russians can also go to the Black Sea shores of the peninsula this summer on preferential vouchers.


06.03.2020, 10:08

State mechanisms in Ukraine do not work

ROSTISTLAV ISHCHENKO: “The appointment of the next government and the dismissal of the old government - they demonstrate that in Ukraine there is no state as such, because the state is procedures and laws. If there are no procedures, if laws are not respected, then there is no state.”

13.03.2020, 10:08

“Zelensky should be silent and click his heels”

ROSTISLAV ISCHENKO: “Igor Valerievich is Igor Valerievich. And Sivokho is just the Ukrainian government. We need to understand who the Ukrainian authorities really are. Igor Valerievich can also talk about civil war, and about anything, because real power is in his hands. But Zelensky and Sivokho should remain silent and, at best, click their heels.”

05.03.2020, 11:33

“Ukrainian reality is all about KVN”

MIKHEEV: “The entire current Ukrainian reality has the character of an incomprehensible Kaveen swamp, in which, strictly speaking, nothing serious can happen. The fact that Goncharuk finally resigned on the second attempt is also such a rather comical plot.”

Broadcasts on the topic: Ukraine

There is no balance of interests in Ukraine

ROSTISLAV ISHCHENKO: “The classic result of autocratic governance is Ukraine. That’s where... by the way, Zelensky is even more so than Poroshenko. Probably because he understands less about what he is doing, he is trying not only to concentrate all the power in his hands, but to use it.”

The Ukrainian economy is an economy of scarcity

EVGENY KOPATKO: “I have fresh information, I can say one thing: the Poles are closing their production. Ukrainians remain on the street, trying to stay in Poland, look for some other job, but I believe that this is a matter of time, because the crisis will reach Poland, and with all the organization of the state, they will still take care of their citizens first of all "

The market started the week with a decline, but I would not rush to conclusions that this week will be dictated by the “bears”. There are a lot of events... In the United States, the election campaign is reaching the finish line and the number of quarterly reports is increasing. The third (last) presidential debate in the United States will be held on Wednesday, in addition, 84 financial statements of American companies will be published this week. Undoubtedly, these factors have a strong influence on quotes. In addition, this week is very busy with economic news. Important statistics are coming out in China on Wednesday. This week, a number of Fed officials, including Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer, will speak on their view of the market. Meetings of two central banks (ECB and Bank of Canada) will be held.

What to expect from the ECB meeting on Thursday? If the Central Bank suddenly decides to begin a step-by-step reduction in QE volumes long before the previously planned dates, then it will have to introduce alternative programs to stimulate the economy and especially the banking sector. Otherwise, many European banks will go to the bottom. If you look at the graph of changes in the GDP of European countries since 2008, you can see that the economies of countries such as Greece and Italy have not recovered from the last crisis. Among the hot issues is the large volume of bad loans, especially in Italy. Bad loans create a vicious circle: slow economic growth leads to the inability of companies to repay loans, which leads to shortages Money in the banking system and the inability of banks to issue new loans to finance new businesses. This already further slows down economic growth. Getting rid of the problem of bad loans is very difficult. The IMF is calling to solve the current problem - if the problems of European banks are not resolved, there will be no stable economic growth.

Iran plans to increase oil production to 4 million barrels per day this year (currently production is 3.89 million barrels per day), managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company Ali Kardor said on Monday at a conference in Tehran. But oil prices are in no hurry to decline. Record volumes of supply from OPEC since the beginning of the year, a decline in global GDP estimates, and high levels of reserves are “bearish factors.” But there is also a “bullish” factor - Russia has shown interest in participating in an agreement to reduce production volumes, which may be concluded by OPEC countries on November 30.

Nowadays there are few forecasts that oil prices will drop next year to $30 or below (and they were at the beginning of the year). Nowadays, “bullish forecasts” are mostly coming out. For example, Bernstein Energy analysts recently updated their forecast for Brent oil. At the end of 2017, prices will be at $60 per barrel, and at the end of 2018 at $70 per barrel. Bank of America is recounting $70 per barrel as early as 2017. In my opinion, $70 per barrel is good price For Russia. “Let’s sew suits with a shimmer... and off to Yalta!!!”

The Australian dollar is growing today - risk appetite increases as commodity prices rise, so we expect the market to stop declining.

Gentlemen of Fortune


Lay down! Get down, uncle! Vasya! Vasya-Vasya, Vasya-Vasya... Associate Professor, ah, Associate Professor. He doesn't lie down!
- I’ll break your mouth!

Please, take the cosmic spoons in your hands. Eat thoroughly. The rocket will not return to earth until lunchtime.

For the Associate Professor!
- Yes! It's not a small thing for you to pick through your pockets.
- I’ll buy a car with a tape recorder, sew a suit with a tint, and off to Yalta!

Scythe, can you swim?
- Where to swim?
- Well, dive!
- It’s about now, isn’t it? In such cold weather? We had no such agreement!

All! There will be no kin. The electricity has run out.

I am an angry and terrible gray wolf, I know a lot about piglets. G-Y-Y-Y!

Run away?
- To ditch, to break off.
- Right. Tell a lie?
- Pushing bullshit.
- Fine?
- Tiki-tock.
- Beer house?
- Toshnilovka.
- Robbery?
- GOP stop.
- Bad person?
- Radish.
- Good man?
- ... Forgot! Now. Frey-fairy, indeed: frey-fairy.

So this is an Associate Professor! Great! Ha ha! Great! Well, get out of here!

That's right, let's go! And let him get the hell out of here, otherwise I’ll knock off his horns, tear his mouth, gouge out his blinkers!
You will work all your life for medicine, sausage, sausage, radish, Nebuchadnezzar, Hamburg rooster!

Baby, don’t you think your place is near the bucket?
- Who is this?
- Nikola Pitersky.

How many souls have I killed, how many souls have I cut, how many souls have I ruined! G-Y-Y-Y!
- What are you doing, what are you doing?
- I’ll gouge out your blinkers!
- Help! Hooligans take away your sight!

Where are you going, you deprived person?

What boulevard? What is the name of?
- Well, where do the cars go, well!

Listen, shut up, please. They arranged a daisy here: I remember - I don’t remember. Let me sleep.

And he said it would go empty.

I'll tear my mouth apart.

What good cement. Doesn't wash off at all.

Why did you run?
- Everyone ran and I ran.

You are not a good person, sideways, as angry as a dog.

Associate Professor, and Associate Professor, what are we going to do?
- Let's go straight like that.
- So?
- They'll detect it!
- Just like that. Let them think that we are athletes. Behind me!

What society are you guys from?
- "Labor reserves."
- What, Dynamo is running?
- Everyone is running.

I'm eager to eat!
- Very hunting. And now it’s dinner in prison... pasta.

I am an Associate Professor!
- Congratulations!

I am very embarrassed, I ask you, please, lend me 19 rubles 40 kopecks for two days.
-Is there enough for four, comrade?

- Walk the horse, walk the horse, fool!
- Leave me alone! Mat!

Anti-razor jacket and trousers.
- Just a jacket.

Shame, shame, comrade!

Don't gamble, don't drink, don't steal... without me.

This bad man will betray us at the first danger.

Alexander Sanych! And Gavrila Petrovich is swearing at the hairdryer!
- Stop talking!

Ah-ah-ah! This Vasily Alibabaevich... this... bad man... dropped a battery on my leg, you bastard!

And so we stick out here in plain sight, like three poplars on Plyushchikha... You’ll still lie here like a dog.

I'm a lousy jackal - I took money from children, robbed a kindergarten!
- Hehehehe, what a cultured man he was! And when you diluted gasoline with donkey urine at your pump there, weren’t you lousy?
- Either gasoline, or children...

Why are you holding him? Let him go. He had a year, three for running away, five for kindergarten. Go, go, Vasya.

Here? There are trees, there is a boulevard, there is a gray house.
- Well, man! Are you deaf or what? They told you: the tree there is...
- Christmas tree, or what?
- You yourself are a Christmas tree! They tell you: wow!

Is sitting?
- Who?
- Well, this guy is yours!
- He-he-he! To the village, eh! Wow! Who will jail him? He's a monument!

Buy a card, dude!

What do you have?
- Necessary!

Dinner is served! Please sit down and eat.

Hey citizen! Don’t go there, just go here, otherwise it’ll snow on your head and you’ll be completely dead!

Grandma, don’t go there, come here. Otherwise it will snow on your head!

Politeness is a thief's best weapon... You are third, you are fifth. Do it.

I'm a lousy jackal, I steal everything, I steal...
- What are you stealing?
- I’m sitting here on the rack... It’s already been stolen! Well, I'm off.

Girl, girl, what’s your name?
- Tanya.
- And I'm Fedya.
- What a fool.

And you? You're a thief! Good luck gentleman! Steal, drink, go to jail. Steal, drink, go to jail. Romance!

Listen to my command! Don't touch anything with your hands! Don't start a fire! You wash all the laundry, and you... you... here, you English language... Learn from now to now. I'll come and check. If you don’t learn, I’ll gouge out your blinkers, tear your mouths, and bite those noses off like them. Clear?

Why do we need English?
- We will rob the embassy!

Young woman?
- Dude.
- No, in English, okay? Girl!
- Oh, yes, yes, girl!

What are you working on now?
- Yes, so... we are looking.
- God, how interesting this is. To take away long-gone forgotten secrets from the earth!

Well, speak "D".
- Vorkuta.
- Why Vorkuta?
- And I was sitting there.

OK then. And you, then, are at “A”.
- Dzhambul.
- Well, what does Dzhambul have to do with it?
- Because it’s warm there, my home is there, my mother is there.

Why me? Just a little bit - immediately Fedya, Fedya.
- And I’ll tear your jaws, you such a brat!

Mityai, I need to hide.

How much did I have? One year. How much will they give for escaping? Three! How much for kindergarten and apartment? Well, let it be ten! How much will there be?
- Fourteen.
“And I’m going to put up with this viper for some lousy fourteen years?” Which one did the old woman put in the well? Whatever you want, I’m going to the police.

You need to dive.
- Why me? Like something - immediately Oblique, Oblique.

I wish I could sew you on, but there’s no time to bother!

The more we hand over, the better.

And we?
- Let's rent...
- They've already shaved!