Who works at the airport? Heavenly jobs: aviation and airport work What jobs are there at the airport

An employee of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport anonymously spoke about drug trafficking, terrorists and other things that happen at airports every year.

About who works at the airport

There are different specialists working at the airport: those who check you in for your flight, drivers, loaders, special controls who inspect you, customs officers who control border crossings, FSB agents who prevent terrorist attacks and catch illegal migrants trying to fly from Russia to European countries. There are, for example, visa specialists. You can ask them any question: “I need to go to Papua New Guinea, what visa can I go there with?” - and they will answer.

By the way, everyone thinks that visas are checked at passport control. Actually this is not true. This is the responsibility of the girl who checks you in for the flight. And visas can be tricky, a visa can be valid for six months and multiple entries, but a person can spend, for example, four days in the country. And if a person is not allowed into the country because of a visa, he will be deported at the expense of the airline, and the costs will be charged to the girl at check-in.

For example, we have a first-aid post. But it is located in the common area. And if someone feels bad in duty free, then the doctor cannot just come to the control and say: “Guys, someone feels bad there, can we go through?” They, along with everyone else, are checked very carefully, and they also have bottle jars with them, which are more difficult to check. This may take an hour and a half to two hours. Flight safety comes first. This is Sheremetyev's jamb. There should be a first aid station in every terminal, but they skimp on everything, so many terminals have a door with a first aid station sign, but no one sits there.

About the main employees

We have a service that serves VIP clients. If you are a VIP client, this means that you will have a separate waiting room, you will be escorted onto the plane even before boarding opens, and you will not need to stand in lines at passport control either. In general, anyone can order this if they want to make a splash. Football teams and some pop stars like Galkin, Pugacheva, Kirkorov are usually interested in this, but black star Timati does not pay for any special service, he stands in line with everyone else. Deputies and diplomats have their own separate center, the “Hall of Officials and Delegations,” and they are served only there.

Customs officers consider themselves the most important employees of the airport. It happens that a young guy comes to work there, and look, a year later he’s already driving a Lexus. But the really important ones, of course, are the FSB officers. The guys are, in general, good. Only very serious ones. They have huge discounts in duty free, on New Year's Eve the store is simply cleaned out, all thieves are purchased in full. But we must give them credit: if you ask them for a discount card, they will give it to you too. Although you are a humble worker who checks in flights.

We serve not only major airlines. Private jets can also stop at us. It happens that the plane was flying and flying, something happened, some problems arose on board - it requests landing. Once an unidentified object flew to us from somewhere in Central Asia, I had to go with the FSB to the plane to check what they were carrying. The FSB officers joked: “Imagine, now the door opens, and there are terrorists.” It was night, scary. We opened the doors, and there seemed to be a luggage compartment, a lot of cargo and people somehow accommodated, wrapped in blankets so as not to freeze. They practically didn’t speak Russian; the plane was flying from somewhere in Central Asia. In general, I still don’t know what kind of people they were and what happened to their plane. But, apparently, not terrorists.

About jokes

We usually don't joke about terrorists. Especially after the explosion in Domodedovo. We were very scared then, everyone thought that there would be a whole series of terrorist attacks. After that, control at the airport was really strengthened. Previously, everyone was freely allowed into the common area, the security guys simply asked: “What do you have? Large suitcase? Okay, come on in, there’s nothing prohibited there?”

There is no need to joke about “I planted a bomb there” or “I will blow you all up.” Any employee has the right and even the obligation to call the police in this case, and they will thoroughly search you. And the inspection can take a long time - there is a risk of missing the plane. There were precedents.

About drug trafficking

Of course, we don’t know how the FSB fights terrorists: we can’t tell them about it. But it happened that you came to work, and you had such a small piece of paper lying under the registration desk - your first and last name was written there, “supposedly will fly in from Egypt” in some of these numbers. And you understand what this means. You remember this name, which consists of six words, right away. This means that if this person arrives from Egypt on such and such dates, then you need to be especially careful when checking passports and immediately inform where you should go.

But I have never encountered such a person actually arriving. I can’t even imagine what I would do: you open your passport and there it is! And you think: will he blow something up now or later?

We only encounter drug dealers and illegal migrants. Once I was sitting in the transit zone, it is in the duty free zone, that is, the person has already gone through all the pre-flight inspection, now, sit down and fly away. An uncle ran up to the window, clutching his stomach, and said: “Guys, I have heroin in my stomach, the bag has torn, I’m going to die. Please call someone."

About illegal migrants

Illegal migrants often try to fly away from Moscow somewhere and are caught by the FSB. One day, an employee calls me over to translate the words of a black passenger. The employee shows me the photo in the foreigner’s passport and asks: “Do you look like that?” At first it seems like he looks like him, then I start looking closer and it doesn’t seem like him. In the photo the ears are much smaller than in life. He began to become indignant: “I don’t know anything, I’m a citizen of the Netherlands! I flew to see my friends, let me go to Amsterdam!” Then he went on the offensive: “We, blacks, have ears that grow throughout our lives, why are you picking on me? Is it because I'm black? I will sue you!” But maybe in America someone would be frightened by the accusation of racism, but not in Russia.

Later, when he realized that he had been caught, he admitted that he was from Kenya, worked as a stripper in Russia and dreamed of flying to the Netherlands in search of a better life. The FSB leads them from the very arrival area, they notice who is behaving somehow unnaturally, they follow him and after he has passed passport control, that is, crossed the border and there is a fact of breaking the law, they catch the criminal. That guy really asked not to send him back to Kenya because it was bad there. But he will be sent.

At one time people lived in Sheremetyevo. Nobody knows how they got there, they were there long before I came to work: a black family and an Indian. They slept on cardboards and washed in toilets. I don’t know what really happened to them, but according to legend, they ate their passports so as not to fly to their home. That is, it was not clear what country they were citizens of, where to deport them and what to do with them. But then they disappeared from the airport.

Although sometimes problems with a passport occur by accident. I will never forget how English fans came to us for the Chelsea - Manchester United match. I felt very sorry for the uncle who arrived with the child, and at passport control the child takes the passport and tears it in two. Dad and son stayed with us in the transit office to watch football on TV. When Chelsea lost, he was completely upset.


Before contacting airport HR staff, check the job vacancies list, which can usually be found on the notice board in the HR reception area. Take the form from the HR employee and fill out the form. In the form please indicate:
- name of the vacancy;
- experience in a similar or related position;
- level of language and PC proficiency;
- passport data;
- information about parents.
If you have an average or high level of language proficiency, then you may be asked to fill out a second questionnaire, compiled in the language you speak.

Take your completed application and contact the Human Resources Officer with a request to review it. Typically, applicant applications for a position at the airport are reviewed immediately, in the presence of the candidate. If you have indicated that you have a good level of proficiency in a foreign language, the initial interview may take place in that language.

If an employee of the HR department is interested in you as a potential employee, he will send you for an interview with the head of the department where you plan to get a job. work(for example, to the dispatch service, security service, etc.).

Before going to the second round of interviews, read the rules, conditions and specifics of working at this airport. To do this, talk privately with employees of the department where you are going to work. Assess all the pros and cons of the position you are applying for.

Be prepared for your future boss to ask you questions that are not related to your personal data. Be especially prepared to answer questions regarding previous jobs and reasons for leaving.

If the manager liked your answers and agrees to hire you, undergo a medical examination at the airport medical service and take a foreign language test (if necessary). If the results of the examination and language test are positive, then go to the airport human resources department, where you present a questionnaire signed by the boss, a health certificate and an attestation sheet. A member of the HR department will immediately place you on staff.

You can find vacancies at Domodedovo Airport using online employment portals, newspapers and magazines, as well as through your own initiative. Below are just a few ways through which you can get a coveted position at Domodedovo Airport.


Internet. On such portals as rabota.ru, superjob.ru, headhunter.ru there is a special section for vacancies in the transport industry for job seekers. Here you can select “air transport” and see what offers are available at Domodedovo. Most often, engineers, technical specialists, etc. are required. Think about what vacancy you would like to fill - maybe a salesperson or a dispatcher? In this case, you should enter the desired position in the search bar for vacancies, for example, duty free sales assistant. Then make a selection, designating “Domodedovo”, and several or one position will open for you. Also go to the official website of Domodedovo Airport. In the “vacancies” section you can find something suitable for yourself.

Print mass-media. If you are offered the Work & Study newspaper on the street, you should study it carefully, since this employment newspaper, distributed free of charge, contains vacancies at airports. These vacancies may not be allocated in a separate section, so it is better to search by position. For example, if you want to work as a driver on the airfield, then you need to open the “logistics, transportation, transport” section. The kiosks sell quite a lot of various printed publications on employment, so the seller himself will offer you the most relevant newspapers.

Airports are surrounded by an aura of romance. Travel, change, adventure - these words are invariably associated with air travel. The potential danger of professions related to the operation and maintenance of aircraft does not deter those who want to become part of the dream they have known since childhood. Civil aviation is replete with vacancies for every taste, so if you are ready to take your place in the palace of the heavenly flotilla, all you have to do is choose.

Professions “In the Sky”


The defining and most “heroic” profession in the industry. Flying aircraft falls into the “technical operation” category, and the pilot only needs specialized secondary education, which is obtained at flight schools or private pilot schools.

Required conditions:

  1. Confirmation of secondary specialized or higher education;
  2. Passed the medical flight expert commission (VLEK);
  3. Knowledge of English.

The amount of remuneration for pilot services on recruiting sites is often indicated as “negotiable”. Amount varies from 60,000 to 400,000 rubles per month.

The salary depends on the direction in which, on what aircraft the flight is made and for which company the pilot works. Both public and private airlines have their own system of employee remuneration tariffs, including bonuses, benefits, food in the workplace and housing.

Newcomers to civil aviation, lacking sufficient experience, fly small passenger and cargo aircraft within the Russian Federation. With the accumulation of experience, the pilot gradually masters new types of equipment, long-distance flights and international flights. In this case, the amount of remuneration increases three to five times.

Flight attendant

A good half of the girls in our country dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. No wonder, since recruitment for the on-board service sector is more like casting for a fashion show. In addition to a pleasant appearance, candidates for this vacancy need good health (pass the VLEK), nerves of steel, knowledge of English and a document of training.

Flight attendants are required to provide the employer with a certificate, which can be obtained after studying at a college (school, university), or during training when applying for a job at an airline. State-owned airlines operate training centers that quickly teach future flight attendants all the necessary skills: service, medical care, safety precautions, and actions in emergency situations.

A flight attendant's salary, like a pilot's, increases with the employee's experience and skills. Factors that determine the amount of remuneration: size of the airline, level of foreign language proficiency, flight routes, work experience. At the beginning of their career, 3rd class flight attendants (lowest level) can expect a salary of from 40,000 rubles per month. Senior flight attendants on international flights at major airlines earn three to five times more ( up to 200,000 rubles).

Benefits and privileges

The above professions are entitled to special extended social benefits. plastic bag. It is determined by legislation on the one hand, and the policy of the employing airline, on the other.

  • Special Health Program;
  • retirement age for women – 45 years, for men – 55 years;
  • 36 additional days of paid leave;
  • assistance or full compensation when renting housing near the place of work;
  • food in the workplace;
  • regular training at the expense of the company;
  • preferential lending programs in banks;
  • providing places in kindergartens and summer camps for employees’ children.

Professions “On the ground”

Air traffic controller

It is the responsibility of air traffic controllers to constantly be in touch with the crew and be responsible for the order of movement of aircraft and helicopters. This is one of the most dangerous professions, as it is directly related to the responsibility for the lives of passengers and crew on board.

There is a functional classification of this category of workers, among which are dispatchers of traffic control, taxiing, launch and landing, circle, approach, and regional center. Each of them has his own area of ​​responsibility, but is obliged to work with the team of his airport, as well as to be in touch with airports in other cities and countries.

Stress resistance and attentiveness for an air traffic controller are prerequisites, and not “filler words” for a resume. In addition to these defining qualities, it is necessary to have a specialized secondary or higher education in the field of air traffic control, as well as to pass the VLEK.

The average salary of air traffic controllers in Russia is from 90,000 to 300,000 rubles per month. They, like pilots, can retire earlier (women at 45, men at 55) and qualify for special conditions of medical care and social guarantees.

Security Officer

The first airport employees that travelers meet on their way are baggage and passenger inspection staff, as well as passport control. Specialist training lasts 3 months, as a rule, it goes in parallel with work and is paid.

Security screening workers receive from 25,000 to 40,000, passport control workers - from 40,000 per month. With the expansion of powers and an increase in the level of responsibility, for example, with growth to a customs control officer, the salary will already be more than 40,000 rubles.

The requirements for employees of these departments remain resistance to stress and attentiveness, knowledge of airport rules and basic legislation.

Service staff

An airport is a complex organism that requires all types of services for normal operation. It is enough to be physically healthy and have a secondary education to fill the vacancy:

  • loader, from 25,000 rubles;
  • cleaner for aircraft maintenance, from 35,000 rubles;
  • cleaner, from 20,000 rubles;
  • Refueler, from RUR 25,000;
  • luggage packer, from RUR 20,000;
  • janitor in the storage room, from 20,000 rub.

It is mandatory to have a first-aid post and an ambulance team on duty at the airport terminal, so people with a medical education and professional experience can apply for the vacancies of a general practitioner, narcologist, emergency doctor (up to 40,000 rubles) or a nurse (up to 25,000 rubles).

The airport building has its own kitchen, where hot and cold meals are prepared and stocked for passenger flights. Here, cooks, confectioners (salary on average 35,000 rubles), packagers of set meals (up to 30,000 rubles) will find use for their abilities.

Where to look for work?

Job vacancies for service-related occupations are posted on the official websites of airports. “Flight” vacancies are tied to carrier companies. The choice of airline determines the salary of specialists, so it is worth paying close attention to industry leaders: Aeroflot, its subsidiary Russia, S7, UTair.

Each of the airports in Moscow is a promising and actively developing infrastructure. In addition to the fact that any train station or airport is the center of departure and arrival of transport, the loading and unloading business is also developing here. At any airport, the human factor plays a huge role, on which the operation of equipment and passenger service depend. Management is careful in selecting the personnel who will serve customers on board the aircraft and on the ground. All employees undergo a series of difficult tests and are checked for professional suitability, because working at the airport is not only profitable, but very interesting and prestigious.

What can any of the transportation and transportation centers provide to the applicant? Firstly, there are regular frequent bonuses and sick leave. Secondly, this is an additional important point in the resume. Working at an airport is prestigious, and if you leave this job, other employers, seeing your track record, will not be able to refuse you the position. Working at an airport gives you a chance not only to establish yourself as a good specialist in a particular field, but also to meet interesting people and establish business or personal relationships.

Work at Vnukovo airport

Vnukovo is one of the oldest airports in the capital. It accepts both cargo and passenger flights. It has a developed network of routes and routes, serving both regular flights and special ones (flights of members of the Government of the Russian Federation and the President). On average, the airport serves 7.5 million people per year. Every year, about a hundred thousand flights take off and land to all points. As for vacancies, at the moment such a developed infrastructure needs both ordinary employees who do not have professional qualifications (cashiers, security guards, waiters, salespeople, loaders, dishwashers, etc.), and high-class specialists (accountant, lawyer, administrator, etc.). On average, salaries at airports are slightly higher than those paid in small companies. All this happens due to government support and large trade turnover. By getting a job here, for example, as a sales consultant, you can earn five times more than an office worker in the Moscow region.

Job. Domodedovo airport

Domodedovo has its own thanks to which all sectors involved in the operation of the airport are interconnected and do not interfere with each other. There are about 13 thousand employees here who monitor the process of transportation, cargo safety and passenger service (from janitors to directors of various directions). Almost all airport employees have higher education, which guarantees specialized service. Training of future employees is also carried out here. For example, stewards are trained here, who within a few months become real professionals and can fly on international flights. There is also a personnel reserve (in case of staff increase). If you'd like to join their friendly team, it's worth submitting your resume. And wait for an answer. Working at the airport is a great chance to express yourself! Go for it!

Almost everyone associates airplanes and airports with romance and interesting travel. Of course, many people dream of finding a job at an airport, because this is an opportunity to build a good career for themselves. Let's find out how to start working in the air harbor, as well as the job options that open up for young professionals.

Security officers

Before you apply, you need to decide on the vacancy. Some require a college degree, while others do not. In addition to education, work experience and additional knowledge will not hurt for a serious position. For example, knowledge of English at least at a conversational level is necessary for those who register passengers, as well as for currency office employees and restaurant staff. Knowledge of other languages, especially Asian, will be an additional advantage.

Before joining the staff, you need to undergo special training or courses. Next, candidates are subject to a probationary period, which is often at least one month. If a young employee shows his best side, he is hired. You need to understand that working at an airport is not only interesting, but also very responsible.

You need to not only come to work on time and perform your immediate duties, but sometimes also work beyond the norm, without additional compensation. You also need to be prepared for night shifts, complex schedules, conflicts that often arise at the airport, etc. Often the airport is located far from the city, so you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to get to work. Not all air hubs have transport that transports staff home.

You can find a suitable vacancy on the official website of an airport. As a rule, HR managers publish hot vacancies on their website. The requirements for everyone are clearly outlined, so you will immediately understand whether the offer is suitable for you. After this, you need to contact the manager or send your resume by email. If you interest a company representative, he will schedule an interview for you. During an interview, the following questions are often asked about:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • skills and abilities for a specific position;
  • general questions to understand whether you understand the field in which you plan to work.
  • It is also possible that they will ask: what attracts you to work at the airport?

Next you have They may ask for a printed version of your resume.. If everything is in order, you will be offered to take preparatory courses and a probationary period. If you successfully complete it, you will become an airport employee.

Young people learn the profession of runway workers

Who works at the airport: professions

Those who want to work at air gates often wonder: who can work at the airport? As we said, everything depends on education. Alas, without a higher education you will not be hired for a prestigious position. For those who do not have a higher education, only the following vacancies are open:

  • Loaders. They are unloading luggage. In order to apply for this job, you need to be young, strong and preferably athletic. Only men are hired for this position.
  • Cleaners. Typically, this work is chosen by women, and not at all young. Their responsibilities include cleaning the entire complex.
  • Washers. They, unlike cleaners, only wash aircraft interiors and their exterior. Cleaning the floor is not their responsibility.
  • Refuelers. This is also an option for men. Tankers directly fill aircraft with fuel. I must say that this is quite a responsible job, so no one is hired for it.

If we talk about what a girl can do at the airport, even without education, then this is, of course, working as a salesperson. There are often a huge number of shops at airports that require responsible workers. It is enough to have a complete secondary education and take courses to obtain this position.. However, they will not hire you as a pharmacy salesperson without the appropriate education. Only people who have graduated from medical school are hired for such work.

If you have a higher medical education, you can also apply for the position of a physician in the sanitary department of the airport. Those who have a secondary medical education are allowed to wash the floors in the medical unit, prepare solutions and instruments for doctors.

More information about vacancies

We have not considered the entire list of professions at the airport. Everyone knows that there are cafes and restaurants at airports. That is why these establishments always require decent employees. A whole list of vacancies opens up for employees:

  • cook;
  • confectioner;
  • dishwasher;
  • waiter;
  • bartender;
  • baker.

The chef in a restaurant usually does not do the baking, so there are separate employees for this. Cooks prepare hot dishes, salads, desserts, etc. Almost all of these jobs require secondary specialized education. You can only become a waiter, bartender and washer after graduating from school. Military related jobs have a prime location at the airport. We are talking about the following professions:

  • security guard;
  • controller;
  • document verification worker;
  • an employee who inspects luggage, etc.

Also, the airport is always looking for managers, cashiers, foremen, visualizers, planners, cable solders, gas and smoke protection specialists, etc.

Pros and cons of working at an airport

Of course, working in an air harbor has many advantages. However, it all depends on the specific position. Of course, few people want to work as a cleaner, but the salary of such a worker at the airport is slightly higher than in any other establishment. On average, cleaners there earn 13-15 thousand rubles. This option is suitable for women who have been retired for a long time. In general, the advantages of employment at the airport are:

  • paid sick leave and vacation pay;
  • stable work;
  • competitive salary;
  • friendly and large team;
  • the opportunity to find good friends and a life partner;
  • preferential loan programs;
  • career growth;
  • frequent bonuses.

The disadvantages are:

  • long working hours;
  • night shifts;
  • possible conflict situations;
  • huge responsibility (especially for those who check luggage and check in passengers);
  • remoteness from home, since airports are often located far from the city center;
  • a threat to life, since there may be terrorist attacks at airports.

In order to become an air hub employee, you need not only to have the appropriate knowledge, desire and diploma, but also to possess such qualities as goodwill, stress resistance, sociability, restraint and responsibility. Only the employee who meets all these parameters can achieve high results and receive high wages.

If you are confident in your abilities, you always have the opportunity to apply for a particular vacancy and wait for the decision of the HR employee. Don't worry if you weren't hired for the position you wanted. Try to at least find a job at the airport, and also perform your duties conscientiously. Then it is quite possible that you will be noticed and invited to the desired post.

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