Kalmar is a city in Sweden. Cheap flights from Kalmar to Sweden (KLR – SE). History of the city of Kalmar in Sweden

It is the capital of Kalmar County. In the Middle Ages, the city was the third largest city in Sweden, and was also a center of trade. Located in southeast Sweden, on the coast Baltic Sea 415 kilometers from . The city was formed around the Kalmar Castle, which is the main attraction of the city.

Kalmar Castle is the most significant work of Northern European fortification art of the Renaissance. The castle is located on a small peninsula, which is separated from the mainland by an artificial canal.

Today no one can say when the first fortification was formed on the tiny peninsula south of the city of Kalmar, but historians are inclined to the end of the 12th century. At this time, the first wooden round tower was erected here, designed to protect against “pagans from the east” who visited the Swedes who had just converted to Christianity. Initially, this building was located on the mainland, but a few years later it was moved to a strategically more advantageous location, next to the city harbor on a small peninsula.

In the 80s of the 13th century, the ruler of Sweden, Magnus Ladulos, ordered to turn the existing tower into a borg with five round towers, and it was this structure that became the basis of the future castle. These round towers turned out to be the first such structures in Scandinavia and for a long time remained a unique architectural phenomenon, as well as a powerful defensive basis for Sweden.

The first repair work of the castle was carried out only in the 18th century; by this time it had survived 22 major battles, but was never taken by storm. As a result, only part of the repairs were carried out; later a distillery and a prison were opened here. Due to poor living conditions for prisoners, a new prison was opened in 1852, and the castle underwent new restorations. Today the castle houses a museum that is open to tourists.

Another attraction of the city of Kalmar is the Öland Bridge. Öland Bridge is considered the longest road bridge in Sweden, with a length of 6072 meters. The bridge connects the city of Kalmar on the mainland and the city of Färjestaden on the island of Öland, east of Kalmar.

In the western part of the bridge there is a characteristic hump, providing a 36-meter span for the passage of ships. The bridge crosses the Kalmarsund Strait, which freezes in winter due to the low current speed. Thanks to this bridge, you can easily get to the island of Öland.

The island of Öland is Sweden's second largest island, after Gotland, and its smallest province. The island of Öland is visited by up to 500 thousand tourists a year. Most often in Sweden you will hear the second name of this island – the land of windmills. Historical finds during excavations indicate that the island was inhabited in 8000 BC.

There is a small hill on the island, 55 meters above sea level and big lake Hornssen. The main attraction of the island, as you might already guess, are the wooden windmills of the 17th century. Borgholm Castle dates back to the 17th century and was built for Queen Gidwig Eleonora. Today, only majestic ruins remain from it. Next to the castle is Zolliden Palace, the summer residence of the royal family.

The limestone plateau of Storo Alvaret is famous for its unique flora and fauna, natural landscape and historical monuments, such as the ancient cemeteries of Göttlinge and Eketorp. Due to its uniqueness, the Storo Alvaret plateau was included in the List World Heritage UNESCO.

Another interesting point when visiting the island of Öland is the annual harvest festival Skerdefest. Farmers from all over the island and Sweden sell their harvests and allow visiting tourists to try working on their farms and experience real farm life. In the center of Borgholm, a symbol of the holiday is installed - a scarecrow with a pumpkin head. During the holiday, many fun performances and various exhibitions are held, including during the Konstnatten art night.

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On the shores of the Baltic Sea is located one of the most ancient cities in the country - Kalmar. It is a kind of gate at the entrance to the longest road overpass in the country - Öland. This town is located on several, which are connected by bridges.

History of the city of Kalmar in Sweden

The city of Kalmar was formed around 1200. During the Middle Ages it was the third largest center of trade. From here they exported iron and crafts goods to Germany. At this place in the 12th century a building was built that helped local residents defend against pirates and Danish invasions. A city of the same name was formed around the fortress. Today Kalmar on the map of Sweden is a thriving commercial center.

Kalmar Climate

The town of Kalmar is located in an area with a temperate continental climate, turning into a maritime one. There are mild winters and cool summers. In winter, frosts can reach -16°C, and in summer the maximum air temperature is +21°C. In the off-season there is often changeable weather with winds and precipitation, which bring air currents from North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea.

Attractions of Kalmar in Sweden

The city of Kalmar, captured in the photo below, is small. Arriving here, you can visit many interesting places:

Hotels and restaurants in Kalmar

There are many places to stay in Kalmar:

Among the most popular restaurants in the city of Kalmar, tourists name the following:

  • Restaurang Athena;
  • Slottsrestaurangen Kalmar;
  • Akademikrogen Linnéuniversitetet;
  • Park Hermina;
  • Restaurang Varvsholmen.

How to get to Kalmar?

Colmar (France) - the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Colmar with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Colmar (France)

Colmar is a charming city in northeastern France in the province of Alsace, department of the Upper Rhine. Known for its ancient half-timbered houses along the canals, wines and as the birthplace of Auguste Bartholdi, creator of the famous Statue of Liberty. Colmar is one of the most picturesque and photogenic cities in Alsace, which has well preserved its cultural and architectural heritage.

All of Colmar's attractions are located in its old town, which has survived surprisingly well despite the world wars. Historical Center The city is quite large, but it is still convenient to explore on foot. A walk through the old streets of Colmar, believe me, will give you real pleasure.

Geography and climate

Colmar is located on a plain on the banks of the Loches River at the foot of the Vosges Mountains, a few tens of kilometers from the Rhine and the border with Germany. In fact, the Alsace plains are separated by the Vosges and the Black Forest. The city is conveniently located between Strasbourg and Basel.

Colmar has a relatively mild temperate continental climate with relatively dry weather, which is very good for the famous wines of Alsace. The average rainfall throughout the year is about 600 mm, the bulk of which occurs between June and September. Temperatures in summer are about 24 degrees, and from December to February only about 5 degrees with frosts most common in January. Snow is also possible at this time.

Best time to visit

Colmar can be visited all year round. But the most magical time is the period before Christmas, when the city acquires a simply magical charm.

Practical information

  1. Population - 70.3 thousand people.
  2. Area - 66.6 square kilometers.
  3. Language - French.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.


Colmar was first mentioned in the 9th century. In the 13th century it received the status of a free city within the Holy Roman Empire. Due to its border location, the city was repeatedly under German rule and experienced strong German influence. In the 14th century, Colmar joins the union of ten cities. Due to its location, it develops rapidly during the period late Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Colmar suffered greatly during the Reformation, the subsequent Peasants' Wars and the Thirty Years' War. According to the Treaty of Nymwegen, the city is part of France. In 1871, Colmar became part of the German Empire. After the First World War the city again became French. During World War II, Colmar was one of the last French cities to be liberated. The city has preserved its rich architectural and cultural heritage, including a former monastery church, several monasteries, a wonderful theater, canals (for which Colmar is called “Little Venice”) and beautiful houses Middle Ages.

How to get there

Colmar is approximately 60 kilometers south of Strasbourg Airport. Basel Airport is also close. With these two cities, as well as Freiburg, Colmar has regular railway connection. Trains run every hour. The city has good road accessibility from both France, Germany and Switzerland.

Shopping and purchases

In the historical center of Colmar you can find a wide variety of shops. It is believed that it is quite profitable to buy clothes and shoes here. Since prices here are lower than in neighboring Germany, Switzerland and even Strasbourg. The typical Alsatian pottery is noteworthy.

Food and drink

Alsace is famous for its pastries and wines. Local dishes worth trying include Kugelhopf (pie), Tarte flambée (Alsatian pizza with sour cream), choucroute (sauerkraut), pretzels and Choucroute aux Poissons (fish dish).

Many people call Colmar the wine capital of Alsace, so the wine here is definitely worth trying or buying as a souvenir. During the Christmas holidays, you can drink orange juice with honey and spices, as well as spicy hot wine (mulled wine).


Old city- the main attraction of Colmar. Wandering through the old streets - The best way explore it. In the historical center you can find many ancient buildings from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Its highlight is its beautiful half-timbered buildings. On the streets of Colmar you can find almost all architectural styles from Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Classicism to Empire, Eclecticism, Art Nouveau. The historical center is an open-air architectural museum.

"Little Venice" is an area of ​​Colmar with picturesque houses near the water. Located just outside Coifhus.

Boat trips around "Little Venice"

The Fish Quarter is a historical area where fishermen and fish merchants lived. The area is located between the center and "Little Venice". In 1706, a strong fire destroyed about 40 houses, which were restored in the 80s of the 20th century.

The Dominican Church is a medieval church of the Dominican Order. Its foundation dates back to the 13th century. Exhibitions and fairs are often held on the square.

Saint Martin

Saint Martin is the main religious building of Colmar, one of the main masterpieces gothic architecture Alsace. The church was built between 1235 and 1365. The latest restoration revealed that Saint-Martin was built on the foundations of an ancient building from the 11th-12th century. The people of Colmar consider the church their Munster, but in this moment Saint-Martin has the status of a monastery church.

Pfister is one of the oldest and most beautiful buildings Colmar with paintings and wooden elements, built in 1537 by a silver merchant. Despite its clearly medieval features, it is the first example of architectural renaissance in Colmar. A wooden gallery, an octagonal tower and wall paintings depicting biblical and secular scenes have turned this house into one of the symbols of the city.

Coifhus or Old Customs House - a 15th century building located at the intersection of the main routes medieval city. Coifhus is the oldest public building in Colmar. It served a dual function: the first floor served as a warehouse and a place for collecting taxes on goods, the second was a meeting place for city authorities.

The House of the Heads (heads) is an interesting building in the German Renaissance style from the early 17th century. The house owes its name to the one hundred and six heads and masks that decorate its façade.

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets from Kalmar to Sweden, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season low prices. For example, in December prices reach an average of 10,685 rubles, and in December the cost of tickets drops to an average of 10,685 rubles. Plan your trip now!

We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine best time to purchase air tickets.

See how the price of air tickets from Kalmar to Sweden has changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the beginning of sales, their value has changed by an average of %. The minimum price for a flight from Kalmar to Sweden is 14 days before departure, approximately 10,685 rubles. The maximum price for a flight from Kalmar to Sweden is 14 days before departure, approximately 10,685 rubles. In most cases early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

Airfare from Kalmar to Sweden does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights from Kalmar to Sweden is on Saturdays, their average cost is 10,685 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Saturdays, their average cost is 10,685 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

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Kalmar Castle is one of the most powerful fortifications in Sweden with a long and eventful history, including the historical union of Denmark and Sweden in the 14th-16th centuries, called the Kalmar Union. Today, many halls with rich interiors and numerous works of art are open to the public.

Kalmar Castle is interesting not only for its formidable appearance, but also for its exceptionally rich interiors and interesting exhibitions.

A little history

The history of Kalmar Castle began at the end of the 12th century, when a defensive tower was built on the island at the entrance to the harbor to protect the city from pirate raids from the Baltic Sea. A century later, the Swedish king Magnus ordered the construction of a full-fledged castle here - this time as an outpost on the border with Denmark. Another hundred years later, the Swedish Queen Margarete united the rulers at Kalmar Castle three countries- Denmark, Norway and Sweden - the so-called Kalmar Union (however, this union did not last long - only two hundred years). In the 16th century, the castle was thoroughly rebuilt taking into account the latest fortification requirements of that time, but the Danish opponents were still able to capture Kalmar. Well, at the end of the 17th century, the borders of Sweden expanded significantly to the south, and the defensive role of the castle came to naught. In subsequent centuries, Kalmar served as a food warehouse, a brewery, and a prison... until at the end of the 19th century it was restored and turned into a castle museum - now practically the best in the country. Today, Kalmar Castle is considered the first example of the northern Renaissance style in terms of its state of preservation.

Kalmar Castle

What to see

Kalmar Castle is interesting not only for its formidable appearance, but also for its exceptionally rich interiors and interesting exhibitions. It’s worth starting to get acquainted with the castle from afar - this is how you can best appreciate its architectural power: an irregular quadrangle in plan, round towers in the corners and squat gate towers above each of the entrances to the castle, themselves representing a castle within a castle where defense could continue against the besiegers, even if the castle itself were taken.

Inside the castle itself, many interesting rooms are open to visit. Among them is the King's Tower with the magnificent chambers of Eric XIV, richly decorated with carved wooden panels on the walls, frescoes with hunting scenes and a carved ceiling. Here it is worth paying attention to the secret door located on the side of the fireplace, behind which a secret passage to the roof begins. The chambers of Johan III boast a remarkable gilded ceiling and rich wood carvings on the walls. One of the brightest and most beautiful rooms of Kalmar Castle is a 16th century chapel with a snow-white vaulted ceiling and benches for the king and queen from the 17th century. In the Gray Room you can see a reconstruction of the possible Easter dinner of King Johan III, and in Agda's boudoir you can get an idea of ​​the life of the royal favorite Agda Persdotter. One of the darkest, but no less realistic rooms of the castle is the Women's Prison, the permanent exhibition of which will tell about the “crime and punishment” applied to the fair sex over five centuries - from the 15th to the 19th.

In the premises of the Kalmar Castle there are interactive screens on which you can read a lot interesting stories and anecdotes related to the history of the building.

Address and opening hours

Opening hours: from May to September - daily, from 10:00 to 16:00, in July and August - until 18:00. During the rest of the year, the castle is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 16:00.

The cost of visiting is 130 SEK in high season and 110 SEK in low season.

Prices on the page are as of November 2018.