What do corpses look like after a plane crash? The bodies of those killed in Sochi were badly broken, as if there were no bones at all. And what can you find

No. 10. A300 crash over Persian Gulf- 290 dead

The A300 crash over the Persian Gulf occurred on July 3, 1988. The Iran Air Airbus A300B2-203 was flying commercial passenger flight IR655 on the route Tehran-Bandar Abbas-Dubai, but a few minutes after taking off from Bandar Abbas, flying over the Persian Gulf, it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile fired from US Navy guided missile cruiser Vincennes. All 290 people on board the plane were killed: 16 crew members and 274 passengers, including 65 children. At the time of the missile launch, the cruiser Vincennes was in Iranian territorial waters.

The US government said the Iranian airliner was mistakenly identified as an Iranian Air Force F-14. The Iranian government, however, maintains that the Vincennes deliberately attacked a civilian aircraft.

No. 9. Boeing 777 crash in the Donetsk region - 298 dead

The crash occurred on July 17, 2014 in the eastern Donetsk region of Ukraine, when a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was performing a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

There were 283 passengers and 15 crew members on board the plane, all of them died.

No. 8. L-1011 crash in Riyadh - 301 dead

The Riyadh L-1011 crash occurred on Tuesday, August 19, 1980, at Riyadh Airport.
A few minutes after taking off from Karachi, a fire started on board the Lockheed L-1011-385-1-15 TriStar 200 of Saudi Arabian Airlines, operating passenger flight SVA163 on the route Karachi - Riyadh - Jeddah. The crew managed to make an emergency landing in Riyadh, but airport emergency services opened the door to the passenger cabin only 23 minutes after the plane landed. As a result of the delayed evacuation, the liner burned out completely, killing all 287 passengers and 14 crew members on board (301 people in total).
Lockheed L-1011-385-1-15 TriStar 200 of Saudi Arabian Airlines, identical to the one that burned:

No. 7. Boeing 747 crash near Cork - 329 dead

The Boeing 747 crash near Cork occurred on Sunday 23 June 1985 as a result of a terrorist attack. Airliner Boeing 747-237B airlines Air India was flying flight AI182 on the Montreal-London-Delhi-Bombay route, but when approaching London, an explosion occurred on board, destroying the plane. All 329 people on board were killed - 307 passengers and 22 crew members.

When the explosion occurred, the tail of the plane was torn off, the crew of the ship did not even have time to transmit a distress signal, hundreds of passengers were “scattered” in the sky over the Atlantic, then within a few days 131 bodies and the wreckage of the plane were lifted from the water.

No. 6. DC-10 crash near Paris - 346 dead

The Paris DC-10 crash, also known as the Ermenonville crash, occurred on Sunday, March 3, 1974, near Paris.

McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 airliner Turkish Airlines operated passenger flight TK 981 on the Istanbul-Paris-London route. 6 minutes after takeoff from Paris, at an altitude of 3,500 meters, one of the cargo bay doors suddenly opened, creating an explosive decompression that destroyed the control systems. The airliner went into a dive and after 1.5 minutes high speed crashed into the Ermenonville forest northeast of Paris.

All 346 people were killed, including 12 crew members and 334 passengers. The DC-10 crash near Paris remains the largest aircraft disaster in which there were no survivors.

No. 5. Collision over Charkhi Dadri - 349 dead

On November 12, 1996, 5 kilometers from the Indian city of Charkhi Dadri, at an altitude of 4109 meters, the Boeing 747-168B airliners of Saudi Arabian Airlines (flight SVA763 Delhi-Jeddah) and Il-76TD of Kazakhstan Airlines (flight KZA1907 Shymkent-Delhi) collided. All 349 people on both planes were killed: 312 people on flight 763 and 37 people on flight 1907.

This plane crash is the largest in terms of the number of casualties in mid-air aircraft collisions.

No. 4. Boeing 747 crash near Tokyo - 520 dead

The Boeing 747 crash near Tokyo occurred on August 12, 1985. The Boeing 747SR-46 airliner of Japan Airlines was flying JAL 123 on the Tokyo-Osaka route, but 12 minutes after takeoff it lost its vertical tail stabilizer.

Computer reconstruction of the disaster:

The crew kept the uncontrollable airliner in the air for 32 minutes, but the plane lost control and crashed into Mount Otsutaka, 112 kilometers from Tokyo. 520 people died, of which 15 crew members and 505 passengers, 4 people survived.

This is the largest single plane crash.

No. 3. Collision at Los Rodeos Airport - 583 dead

The Los Rodeos airport collision (also known as the Tenerife collision) occurred on March 27, 1977 on the island of Tenerife ( Canary Islands). A Boeing 747-206B of KLM Airlines (flight KL4805 Amsterdam-Las Palmas) and a Boeing 747-121 of Pan American Airlines (flight PA1736 Los Angeles-New York-Las Palmas) collided on the runway.

583 people died: 248 people on board the KLM Boeing, of which 234 were passengers and 14 crew members, and 335 people on board the Pan American Boeing, of which 326 were passengers and 9 crew members. 61 people on the Pan American Boeing survived the disaster: 54 passengers and 7 crew members.

#2 United Airlines Flight 175 - 65 people on board and 900+ dead in and around the building

United Airlines Flight 175 was hijacked during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It became the second plane involved in the terrorist attack.

A Boeing 767-222 airliner attacked the south tower of the World shopping center in NYC. The ramming of the South Tower by Flight 175 was the only aircraft accident seen in live Worldwide. The impact and subsequent fire that engulfed the South Tower led to the collapse of the skyscraper 56 minutes after the accident.

There were 65 people on board the plane: 51 passengers, 5 terrorists and 9 crew members, all died. The total death toll is more than 900 people who were in and near the tower, and the rescuers who participated in the evacuation.

No. 1. 11 American Airlines Flight - 92 people on board and 1600+ dead in and around the building

On September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767-223ER, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York after being hijacked by terrorists. It became the first aircraft involved in the terrorist attack.

The disaster was witnessed by thousands of people who were at that moment on the streets near the World Trade Center. Several video cameras recorded the Boeing's hit. After being rammed by an airplane, the tower caught fire and 102 minutes later it fell on neighboring areas.

There were 92 people on board the plane: 76 passengers, 5 terrorists and 11 crew members, all killed. The total death toll is more than 1,600 people who were in and near the tower, and the rescuers who participated in the evacuation.

There were 160 passengers on board the liner, 45 of them were minor children - all of them were returning home after a holiday at sea. However, due to a crew error and bad weather, control of the plane was lost - as a result, it crashed to the ground and caught fire. No one managed to survive.

13 years ago, on the morning of August 22, 2006, the crew of a Tu-154 aircraft was preparing to fly regular flight from Vityazevo airport in Anapa to St. Petersburg Pulkovo. 160 passengers boarded the liner: 115 adults and 45 children, six of whom were infants, and the rest were barely 12 years old.

August was very hot, but a few days before the flight departed, cold air arrived to the south, which provoked severe thunderstorms with downpours. According to the forecast, two centers of thunderstorms awaited the plane along its route, in which heavy downpours and even hail were observed. However, the commander of the aircraft, 49-year-old Ivan Korogodin, did not attach much importance to the weather forecasters’ warnings and decided to fly.

At 11:04, the plane took off from Vityazevo and took its assigned flight level of 5.7 thousand meters. Eight minutes after the start of the flight, the control controller from Rostov-on-Don contacted the flight and warned of powerful thunderstorms with heavy hail. At the same time, he forgot to indicate the height of the thunderstorm front, which reached unusually high values ​​- 12-13 km.

At that time, the crew themselves already saw the impending threat, as became clear from the recording of the conversation in the cockpit between the navigator and the commander. The words of the PIC can be heard on it: “Oh, we’re going straight into a cloud. How ugly."

Nevertheless, the plane managed to safely bypass the frightening cloud - the crew calmly exhaled, not suspecting that the worst awaited them ahead.

The second thunderstorm was lying in wait for the plane in the sky over the Donetsk region. At this time, the plane had already been handed over to the dispatchers of the Kharkov regional center, who did not convey information about the disaster to the flight. As a result, the St. Petersburg crew headed straight towards the thunderstorm, without having any information about its size.

At 15:30 the Tu-154 entered a zone of clouds through which hail was breaking through. In order to bypass the dangerous terrain, the commander of flight 612, Korogodin, decided to raise the airliner higher: in literally 5-6 seconds, the 85-ton machine flew up almost 400 meters. Continuing to climb at a vertical speed of approximately 68.6 m/s, the aircraft raised its nose to an angle of climb of 45.7°, after which it fell to the right and began to enter a flat spin. The crew lost control of the plane, which went into an uncontrolled fall.

For some time, the commander was still trying to stabilize the rapidly falling vehicle, deflecting the steering wheel either “toward” or “away from himself,” thereby raising and lowering the nose.

The SOS distress signal was sent at the direction of Korogodin at an altitude of 7.2 thousand meters. About two and a half minutes later, the plane collided with the ground 35 km from Donetsk.

The first blow hit the right wing and right engine of the plane, then a split second later the left wing also entered the ground, and the tail came off. Upon impact, the plane's fuel tanks exploded, after which the fuselage was torn into pieces.

One of the witnesses to the fall of the Tu-154 was Gennady Urasov - at the time of the tragedy he was in his apiary near the village of Sukhaya Balka. The airliner crashed just 300 meters from her.

“Suddenly I heard a terrible roar. I raised my head and was stunned: a plane was falling on me. It was spinning in the air like the millstones of a mill, but I did not see it burning. Then I heard a pop and hit the ground. I'm already deaf. Our people, who saw the plane fall, ran to the scene of the tragedy to try to save someone. But you couldn’t even get close to it, it was burning so hot,” the man told the KP newspaper.

According to eyewitnesses, a Donetsk airport specialist arrived at the crash site within 20 minutes and immediately informed rescuers of the exact coordinates of the Tu-154 crash. However, the firefighters who arrived could not even get close to the plane, as heavy rain began. Streams of water washed away the hillside, so the fire had to be extinguished through a hose that stretched from a nearby lake. 10 fire engines were used for this purpose.

By the evening of the next day, fragments of the bodies of 150 victims were recovered from the rubble, which were delivered to Donetsk in black plastic bags.

“I’ve been working for the Ministry of Emergency Situations for eight years, but I’ve never seen anything like this,” recalled one of the rescuers in a conversation with KP. - Children and their mothers are literally intertwined into one whole. The bodies were terribly burned. There is horror on their faces."

Among the passengers of the crashed liner that day was Andrei Frolov. Initially, the man was not supposed to fly on this plane - he even purchased a train ticket. However, on the last day, he decided to stay in Anapa for another day and planned a flight on flight 612. His mother and her grandson left by train, not suspecting that a few days later they would have to go to the identification procedure.

The tragedy near Donetsk was one of the three largest plane crashes involving the Tu-154. The final results of the investigation into the disaster were published on February 17, 2007. They were presented by a government commission chaired by the head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin.

“The cause of the crash of the Pulkovo Airlines Tu-154M RA-85185 aircraft was the aircraft’s withdrawal, when flying in control mode, to supercritical angles of attack and stall mode, followed by a transition into a flat spin and a collision with the ground at a high vertical speed,” the document reported.

After the plane crash near Donetsk, Levitin also promised that the Tu-154 and Tu-134 would be replaced by other ships within 5 years. Relatives of those killed in the plane crash and aviation experts then spoke out in favor of banning flights on these planes.

“In our case, the investigation found the commander guilty. They referred to the inadequacy of his actions, pulled the steering wheel to the side, and this led to the stalling of the plane, in simple terms. Plus the bad ones weather. But all these are consequences, not causes of the disaster,” Vitaly Yusko, co-founder of the public regional organization for helping victims of plane crashes “Interrupted Flight,” told reporters.

A year after the tragedy, a monument to the victims was erected at the site of the fall of the fuselage, one and a half kilometers from the village of Sukhaya Balka. It is made of white concrete and represents part of an airplane wing. Around it there are marble slabs on which are engraved views of St. Petersburg and the names of passengers on flight PLK-612.

Initially, the composition of the monument was also supposed to include the engine of the crashed plane. For this purpose, the investigative commission even gave permission to use a fragment of the Tu-154. However, later the authors of the monument abandoned this idea, since the unguarded monument could be attacked by hunters for non-ferrous metals.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that search teams and investigators worked all night from February 11 to 12 at the crash site of the An-148 plane in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. As a result of the search operation, more than 400 body fragments were discovered.


It is obvious that biomaterials will have to be taken from the relatives of the deceased passengers to identify the remains of the victims of the tragedy by DNA. This standard procedure is always carried out after similar disasters. There were 65 passengers and six crew members on board.

A sufficient group of forces and assets has been formed in the crash area. 900 people and more than 100 pieces of equipment are working at the disaster site in 24-hour shifts.

Meanwhile, more and more experts are inclined to believe that the plane fell apart in the air. The cause could be an explosion on board, metal fatigue, the destruction of one of the engines and its parts falling into the fuselage, a collision with a bird, or an instantaneous depressurization of the aircraft.

Experts rule out the factor of bad weather by 99% - aircraft of this type can fly in more difficult conditions. The day before, it was snowing heavily in the Moscow region and the wind was blowing at a speed of 12-15 meters per second. According to TASS, the Investigative Committee stated that there was no destruction on board the An-148 in the air, the explosion occurred when the airliner hit the ground.

Let us recall that the passenger An-148, en route from Moscow to Orsk, crashed immediately after takeoff from the capital’s Domodedovo airport. The reasons for the incident are not yet known.

It was said in the news that after the plane crash, the relatives of the victims will have a very difficult procedure for identifying the bodies today. We thought so too in 2006.
Doctors and psychologists prepared to greet people with horror. There were ambulances. We all thought that we would have to rescue, pump out, there would be screams, tears, and so on. But it turned out that everything was completely wrong.
I'll tell you how it was...
carried out in two ways: live and on the computer. First come, first served basis. I took part in computer identification.
Even before the first person was invited, we were shown pictures. It's horrible. Fragments of burnt bodies. Children's hands, feet. The remaining intact pieces of colored clothing peek out. I still remember a piece of the child’s blue panties. It is unknown whether it is a boy or a girl. Nothing was clear about these parts at all.

In the morning people began to approach the offices. Computer installation and other preparations were underway...
People were very nervous. There was one question: "When and let's hurry up..."
And so they started to launch. There were five computers. That's why they launched five teams of relatives.
The doctors and I waited in horror for fainting. But there is none of that here. No tears, no screams. Nothing. Monotonous work and only: “Stop, return the previous picture. Here’s something similar. No, not that. Next”
Many were found using jewelry, chains, and earrings. Adults by tattoos, who had them. In general, it was a very long procedure, it lasted all day. Some did not find theirs and then went for a second identification...

And now about identification by bodies. It took place in the morgue of Donetsk. All the bodies and fragments were laid out on the street and people, too, were launched in batches, walked by and looked for something similar to theirs. And there were no hysterics or tears either.
Then I saw with my own eyes that serious employment removes emotions, and therefore suffering. Although this, of course, is for a while...

The worst thing is when the body is not found. Then it turns out that it burned down and there is nothing to bury.

There was one funny thing. Maybe I’m wasting my time writing about this. But it’s probably better to know about such stories than not to know. It's very sad though.
One little boy was identified by two families. They began to quarrel and each tried to prove that he was his.
In general, everyone wanted to take the remains so that they would have something to bury. This was a very important question.
And so they look for signs and they find both. And on the first day of arrival, all relatives were tested for DNA. But the result will not come soon.
In general, the doctor saw that this boy was circumcised. And so the truth was established...
And the services of doctors and psychologists on the day of identification - it’s good that they were never needed.

PS. For those who haven’t read, I wrote about my participation in such an event

The Boeing flight recorders of the Ukrainian international airline will be decrypted in Iran - Tehran categorically refused to provide the black box data to both representatives of the American aircraft manufacturer and the Kyiv prosecutor's office. Nevertheless, at these minutes, a flight from Boryspil airport to Tehran with a search and rescue group and forensic experts on board, President Vladimir Zelensky announced. He was one of the first to express condolences to his Ukrainian and Iranian colleagues.

The search operation at the crash site of the Ukrainian Boeing will continue at night. All emergency services of the Islamic Republic and representatives of the Red Crescent are involved. On the ground there is a pile of twisted metal, engines, casing, personal belongings of passengers, logbooks. The Iranian side stated that the identification procedure would be difficult. Fragments of bodies are located on an area of ​​about two hectares.

"The only thing the pilots managed to do was direct the plane to football field not far from here, and not to the residential area behind,” said eyewitness Aref Gerewand.

The Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737 took off for Kyiv from Imam Khomeini Airport at 6:12. Two minutes after lifting off from the runway (during which time the plane gained an altitude of 2400 meters), contact with it was lost. The airliner crashed near the city of Parand.

After the crash, a message appeared on the Boryspil board about the cancellation of the flight from Tehran. Relatives of those on board began to arrive at the airport. They are provided with psychological assistance.

The plane was flown by a Ukrainian crew, including experienced commander Vladimir Gaponenko. He has almost twelve thousand hours of flight time under his belt. The second pilot is Sergei Khamenko. Instructor Alexey Naumkin helped them.

Boeing crash - worst plane crash in the history of modern Ukraine. The carrier's management today, January 8, held a briefing at Boryspil airport.

“According to preliminary information, there were 167 passengers and 9 crew members on board. Of the 167 passengers, two were citizens of Ukraine. The rest were citizens of Canada, Iran, Germany, Sweden and Afghanistan,” said Vladimir, vice-president of Ukraine International Airlines for ground handling Semenchenko.

For various reasons we did not board this flight. One of them, political scientist and lawyer Andrei Buzarov, was in Tehran at an international conference and was supposed to fly to Kyiv today, but at the last moment changed his ticket to January 9. Now you will have to get home through third countries - the airline has temporarily canceled flights to the Islamic Republic. As Andrey Buzarov said, Ukraine International Airlines planes flew to Tehran six times a week. This is a very popular route for Iranians as many of them study in Ukraine. Some Iranians were flying in transit.

Many passengers were flying to Kyiv for connecting flights. Ukrainian airline tickets. Most of those on board were students returning to Canada after the holidays. Among the wreckage of the plane, rescuers found a note in which one of the students asks God for help in an exam.

Nevertheless, the Iranian special services categorically stated that the cause of the plane crash was precisely a technical malfunction of the Boeing - the plane allegedly caught fire. The aircraft engine manufacturer, however, asked not to speculate on this version until the investigation is completed. The plane's black boxes were discovered, but the Iranian side reported the recorders to Boeing and Ukrainian airline specialists. In Tehran they are afraid of fraud and provocations.

Condolences to the families and friends of the victims on your page in social network expressed the President of Ukraine. Vladimir Zelensky interrupted his vacation in Oman and returned to Kyiv.