How to fold a round tent. How to assemble a figure eight tent easily and quickly. Types of Chinese tents

Camping tents can be classified in different ways. But when choosing a tent, you should pay attention to its shape - stability, comfort and spaciousness directly depend on this.

Types of tents

The shapes of tents for tourists are:

- Dome(hemisphere) - they are popular among hunters and tourists. Tents of this type are stable, they protect from bad weather and strong winds. Dome tents are quick and easy to fold and unfold. But they have a significant drawback - quite a significant weight (4-6 kg) due to frame arches;

- Tunnel(half-barrel) or hangar tents are shaped like half a cylinder. Such temporary housing is more spacious than dome tents. True, tunnel tents are less stable;

- Tent- This is the oldest type of tent. The tent is easy to install, it weighs little (about 3-4 kg), but is inferior to dome and tunnel tents in many respects. A tent tent can have a spatial frame, be placed on a central stake, stretched with guys, or hung from trees.

Tourist(trekking) tents must be made of high-quality and durable fabric with moisture-repellent impregnation, their weight (for convenience) should not exceed 2.8 kg.

Storm(extreme) tents are designed for serious hikes; they have a more stable design and are able to protect tourists from wind and rain.

Ultralight Tents (light) are perfect for camping in the summer. Each person will have 600-800 grams of weight. Everything in tents is minimized; they are a hammock with an awning or made of single-layer material.

How to assemble a tent / How to fold a tent

Since gable-type tents (house) are outdated and most often many people take a frame tent with them on a hike, let’s look at the principle of its assembly. A hemispherical tent can be assembled even by yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Choose a suitable place - flat, without hillocks, away from anthills, water and fire.
  2. We spread the inside of the tent (with a black bottom and mesh) on the ground.
  3. We collect the arcs, insert them one into the other, and place them crosswise.
  4. Depending on the type of tent:
  • we insert the arcs into the holes located in the corners of the inner tent, then attach them to the tent using hooks;
  • we thread the arcs through the fabric grooves, then attach them to the bottom of the tent.
  1. This way you will be able to set up a white inner tent. Now you need to secure the arcs on top of it with ropes (for structural rigidity).
  2. We put an awning on the tent, comparing the exits.
  3. We fasten the awning to the arches and begin to secure it to the ground with pegs.
  4. We stretch the vestibule and awning using pegs.
  5. If the tent is in an open area, you can stretch out storm flyers (bright ribbons along the edges). They are not needed in the forest.

When the rest is over, you need to dismantle the tent as follows:

Untie the awning;

Check the shelves and pockets in the tent;

Remove the poles from the tent and fold them;

Fold the awning or tent exactly at the seams;

Roll it into a tight tube.

Have you bought a tent, installed it safely and now don’t know how to fold it? Sooner or later this question arises. Do not rush to get upset - this is a completely solvable problem. In this article we will tell you in detail how to assemble a tent into a round cover in different ways, not only for adults, but also for the little ones. You are ready? We begin!

How to fold a Chinese tent into a ring?

Chinese tents are very popular among tourists. They are loved because of their compactness, because every item for active rest Outdoors. The tent is no exception. The Chinese tent is also called “figure eight” or “arc-shaped” - whichever you prefer.

Yes, undoubtedly, such a tent is good and has a number of advantages, but the seemingly simple design is fraught with a little secret: it is not so easy to fold for a person without some experience. Below we will introduce you to one of the methods that will make the tent convenient for both storage and transportation.

Let's start assembling the Chinese tent:

  1. First of all, we take the tent into our hands correctly - the result of all the work done depends on this. To do this, pick up the side edge of the tent with a wire frame. We fold it in such a way that the two side edges are pressed tightly against each other, that is, they are together.
  2. At the next step, we fold the side edge of the structure into a figure eight so that the shape changes - the large oval should turn into a small circle, which should fit into the tent cover.

That's all the Chinese awning is assembled, and there's even room left for other necessary things!

Important! The most time-consuming and requiring special attention moment is changing the oval shape into a circle by twisting. If you cannot fold the sides in the right direction on your own, then ask your friends or strangers for help. Or you can hold the slipping side with your foot, twisting the other side in parallel.

How to assemble an automatic tent?

An automatic tent, or as some call it an “automatic tent,” consists of fairly bendable springy steel, which is covered with synthetic fabric - polyester. These types of tents have a huge advantage - they are installed in a matter of minutes. But there are some problems with assembly, although putting the automatic structure together is not that difficult. To do this, you just need to know how to do it correctly, which we will tell you.

Important! This type of tent needs to be folded once, unlike the Chinese tent design, which is folded in two passes.

The algorithm for assembling an automatic tent consists of the following main stages:

  1. First of all, we fold all sides of the awning into one so that it becomes perfectly flat. The result should be a flat triangle, a square, that is, the shape of one side part.
  2. At the next stage, we place the tent on the floor or ground, at the same time pulling one side towards us, pressing it to one side edge of the plane.
  3. When the steel arcs of the automatic metal structure begin to fold into a figure eight, we twist it, turning the oval into a circle.

Important! Practice assembling your tent at home several times so that you don’t have to tinker with it outdoors for a long time.

How to fold a travel tent?

Everyone loves hiking trips, overnight stays on the shore of the reservoir. But, unfortunately, the weekend ends quickly and you need to pack up the tent before your next vacation. This question sometimes arises, but still, many people do not know how to properly fold a camping tent into a ring.

This is an ordinary two-layer awning with a frame made of durable fiberglass, with spacers for pegs. We were able to assemble it, but sometimes it’s simply not possible to disassemble it so that the entire structure fits into the case. Tents with internal and external frames are folded according to the same principle.

Standard diagram for assembling a tourist tent:

  • First of all, we go around the building in a circle and remove all the pegs.

Important! Remove the pegs by hand rather than pulling on the spacers.

  • After this, we remove the awning, that is, the outer layer.
  • We check the inside of the tent to make sure nothing is left. We take out the frame arches, disassemble them on the ground and put them in a special case (if it was included).
  • We place the inside of the tent on the awning and roll it up into a tube.

Important! There is another assembly option: at the very beginning, put the inner layer on the outer one and twist them together.

  • First, put the rolled up tent in the cover, and then the arcs and pegs.
  • Tighten the cover with a cord.

Important! If the folded tent does not fit into the cover, it is not folded correctly.

How to fold a children's tent into a ring?

A children's tent is very similar to a tourist tent, only smaller and simplified. Accordingly, it is assembled in a similar way, but there are some differences. Assembly directly depends on the shape of the children's tent, which can be hybrid or highly modified. We will look at how to assemble all types of children's tents a little below.

Children's tent “house”:

  • The first thing you need to do is stand facing any wall of the house and grab the ribs of both sides with your hands.
  • Push the edge that you hold in your right hand forward - to the opposite corner of the tent.

Important! The house should look like a book that needs to be folded, closing the pages.

  • We hold the folded tent by the side ribs with the floor towards us and the roof away from us. We move our hands towards each other so that the wire ribs form a figure of eight when you connect both hands.
  • We place the upper and lower circles on top of each other to form a tent ring.

The process is completed, the tent can be postponed until the next games!

If suddenly the figure eight does not work out or the structure of the house does not want to fold, then there is another option:

  • Place the book-shaped house on a flat surface.
  • Move the lower part of the metal structure upward, towards the ceiling. With your right hand, hold the lower part of the house, and with your left hand, hold the side of the wire arch in the middle.
  • Gently press the side piece against the top area so that it extends towards the top of the house.

Important! Since the tent has rigid arches, when folded the house has rounded sides. Rotate the structure around its axis when folding the side part.

  • In the next step, we press the tent with our right hand and roll it into a ring so that the second half is above the first.
  • Now we have in our hands a compact circle that can be put in a case.

Children's triangle tent

So, let's start putting together a children's pyramid tent:

  • First, we stand facing one side of the structure. We insert one edge inward and push it towards the opposite one.
  • Afterwards, we tuck all parts of the canvas inward towards the central part, obtaining a flat triangle.

Important! Make sure that the elastic band, which is located on the bottom of the structure, remains outside.

  • We take the middle part of the base by the top of the triangle and rotate our hands so that we get a figure eight and our hands are connected.
  • Secure the resulting tent with an elastic band.
  • Place the tent in a special cover.

Children's tent “Princess Castle”

Do you think that it is impossible to assemble such a large and luxurious lock into a small round case? You are wrong to think so. It is quite possible!

Let's look at this issue step by step:

  1. We vertically remove all the standing sticks from the frame, since they form the cylinder of the tower in a vertical position, and then we put them side by side.
  2. In the same way, we remove the sticks from the top of the castle - the roof.
  3. When we have a round base and a round roof of the tower, we connect them to each other, and tuck the cylinder panel inside.
  4. We take both sides of the circle with our hands, using up and down movements we get the figure eight we need.
  5. We connect two circles of the eight together.
  6. Securing the already folded tent with an elastic band.

Now the lock can be stored in a round case!

Someone loves rest with style, in hotel rooms with polite waiters and a 24-hour bar, some prefer to rent a house by the sea or an apartment in a town with friends or a loved one, while others love complete unity with nature and food cooked over a fire. The site will tell you about the latter, or rather give you practical advice to those who have fallen in love with cozy tent with all the attendant pros and cons.

Selecting a location:

  • best for tents choose places at the edge of the forest. There are fewer mosquitoes there, it’s cooler in the morning, and at night, after running through the bushes, you don’t have to wander long and hard between three pines;
  • the surface of the earth should be flat, without hills and thickets. In addition, it is also very uncomfortable to sleep on the roots. Also, to avoid flooding, you can dig the tent a little (make ditches);
  • when choosing a place, try avoid ant trails, otherwise in the morning you will find hundreds of unexpected"guests";
  • bonfire must be planted at some distance from tents in order to avoid the possibility of being left without an overnight stay;
  • the pegs must be driven three-quarters in, tie the knots tightly, but do not overdo it.

Well, we’ve found a place, cleared the clearing of old pine cones and twigs, and now it’s time for important point: installation itself tents. Tents there are two types: frame-arc And gable. WITH frame-arc simpler, however gable tents are more reliable.

Installation of a frame-arc tent:

  • first you need to spread the inner tent;
  • assemble the frame by inserting the tubes of one arc into another;
  • or insert the arcs into the slings and fasten the inner tent, or insert arcs into fabric gutters, securing their ends in corner slings, which will turn shapeless material into full-fledged tent;
  • secure the awning by fastening it to the corners tents.

Installation of a gable tent:

  • unfold and secure carefully bottom of the tent;
  • install the racks vertically in special recesses in the ceiling, the roof of the temporary shelter should not wrinkle, the walls should not sag, and the floor should be raised;
  • when securing the roof, be carefulreally watch out for stretch marks- they must be on the same line. The tent pegs are located at a distance of about 2 meters;
  • before you start strengthening the side stretches, it is advisable to fasten the entrance- this will help avoid bevels;
  • if you suddenly forgot a couple of pegs at home, it’s okay, you can take a few strong sticks right from under your feet, having previously sharpened them before use;
  • awning it is necessary to stretch it well and position it so that it does not touch the walls of the tent, although this does not always work out in practice.

Taking advantage of these tips for setting up a tent, you can now safely pack your backpacks and go savage on vacation, or just for a couple of days out of town, and the site

    Lay out the tent on the ground so that all 4 corners are visible. Then you apply parallel corners, folding the tent in half. Then you do the same thing, only with other angles. And so on until the tent is folded into a figure of eight.

    Here is a visual diagram:

    Folding the tent in a figure eight is very convenient and actually not that difficult

    In order to fold a tent in this way, you need to step by step, first fold the tent as shown in the diagram, and then twist it and fold it again.

    And here is another diagram for a better understanding:

    When we bought a tent for our daughter, the saleswoman in the store showed us how to assemble it in a figure eight. At first glance, everything was clear to us, but when we encountered this problem at home, we realized that not everything was as simple as it seemed to us at first glance. This video helped us a lot.

    Folding a tent in a figure eight is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Here are several options for pictures - diagrams that will help you understand this simple matter. There is an option for a triangular and square tent. The folding principle is the same in terms of twisting.

    It's actually very simple. I'll try to explain in words. Previously, in childhood, we had hats whose brims were folded into a figure eight and the hat was put away in a small handbag. It turns out that the same folding principle applies to children's play tents, of which there are now a great many.

    The tent must first be folded into a rectangle. To do this, we connect the diagonal corners together, as if nesting into each other, and then we fold the resulting triangle in half, we get a flat rectangle (or square). Now we take this rectangle by its diagonally opposite ends - by the upper left corner with the left hand, by the lower right corner with the right hand. And now we simultaneously turn our hands in different directions, left away from ourselves, right towards ourselves. The tent will curl into a circle of its original size and fit into the cover. Perhaps a somewhat long description, but in fact everything is very simple.

    Even one person can handle laying out the tent; you just need to assemble and disassemble it yourself a few times in order to remember the technique and in the future independently lay out the tent in a figure eight. Even in harsh times winter weather can be done easily. The scheme is simple (especially when it comes to semi-automatic tents):

    Here it’s straight up military)))

    It folds two tents (summer and winter version), everything is clear, but the twisting is actually so tricky, but at the same time simple that it’s not easy to figure out on your own.

    I will show you several diagrams for folding a tent in a figure eight pattern. But the most important thing is that before you do this, you need to lay out the tent evenly on the ground so that all the corners can be seen, and then you will see the subsequent actions on the diagrams. Here are examples of how to fold a tent.

Confusion often arises, especially among inexperienced travelers, when assembling and folding a tent. It is important to disassemble it correctly so that the structure is compact, does not take up much space and fits into the case. The figure-eight folding principle is very helpful for compact storage and easy carrying. A video and a detailed diagram will clearly show you how to assemble a tent in a figure eight pattern.

How to assemble a figure eight tent - Diagram

Winter tent

Winter tourist tents They come with external and internal frames, as well as with locks and Velcro. Velcro designs are slightly different from regular ones. To fold this type, you need to close all the locks and Velcro, and then press one of the corners inward to make a kind of book. Then it needs to be positioned so that one of the corners is turned towards itself. The lower ribs should be pressed to the floor, and the upper ones should be tilted forward and down, and then packed in a case.

A tent with an internal frame, i.e. with arches hidden under the awning, you need to disassemble as follows:

  1. Remove all pegs around the perimeter of the structure.
  2. Remove the awning and dry it well, take out the arcs and fold them separately.
  3. On the ground, fold both layers together, seam to seam, roll into a tube. You can put the inner layer on top of the lower one and twist it. If the folded tent does not fit into the cover, it means it was not assembled correctly.

The structure with an external frame (the arcs are located on top of the awning) is assembled in a similar way: all the pegs are removed, the awning is removed, the arcs are pulled out, and the structure is rolled up.

How to assemble a fishing tent with a figure eight

Before assembling the fishing tent, you need to remove all things from it, then fold it flat. Having stepped on one of the sides, you should give it a vertical position. Then you need to grab its top and start twisting it 180 degrees. In the process of twisting, you will get a ring that needs to be bent down to the floor. At the same time, a ring is also formed on top, which should then be folded with the bottom one. After this, the tent easily fits inside the cover.

How to assemble a children's figure eight tent

Children's play frame tents can be assembled in literally a minute, but folding them is sometimes not so easy to fit into a cover and free up space in the room. The correct assembly is as follows:

  • You need to stand opposite one of the walls of the toy house, holding two opposite ribs with your hands.
  • Then you need to connect the edge, which is held with your right hand to the opposite edge.
  • The resulting plane must be grasped with your hands in its lower third so that the roof of the house is “away from you.” Now you need to put one hand behind the other so that the ribs of the tent form a figure eight.
  • The circles of the resulting figure eight need to be placed on top of each other, so they form a ring that can easily fit into the factory case.

The triangle house is folded as follows: holding one of the sides facing you, you need to insert one of the ribs inward, pushing it towards the opposite one. Then the entire panel needs to be pushed inside, achieving a flat shape. At the same time, the elastic band at the bottom should remain outside. Then, twisting the top and middle of the house, you need to make a figure eight. Once you have a circle, secure it with an elastic band and put it in a case.

How to assemble a Chinese figure eight tent

Chinese tent

Chinese tents are very popular among tourists due to their ease of assembly and ease of use. But sometimes the information on how to assemble a Chinese tent provided by the manufacturer is not clear to everyone. Often the difficulties lie in the fact that many do not know how to start folding. To do this, you need to fold the two side edges together. It’s easier to assemble with two people, but if no one is around, you can hold the second side with your foot. The final step in assembly is to twist the oval into a compact circle.

How to assemble a tent

An automatic tent has an advantage over a conventional one: the structure is made of a springy steel base, covered with polyester, and is very easy and quick to assemble.

To assemble the automatic tent, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Fold it so that it takes a flat shape. To do this, you need to fold all sides into one.
  2. Place the tent on the floor, then pull one of its ends towards you to press it to the opposite edge of the plane.
  3. Its arcs will take the shape of a figure eight, which must be twisted so as to form a circle.

In order for everything to work out properly in nature, you need to try several times to assemble and disassemble the automatic structure of the house.