Which tents are considered the best? My tents. Requirements for tourist tents

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My material will be useful to those who are puzzled by choosing a tent for the first time and who want to approach this process more consciously. Here we discuss how to choose a tourist tent designed for outings in nature, for fishing, hiking and traveling from several days to longer ones. I do not consider tents for specific and extreme conditions: I have no such experience.

About the appointment

We will analyze here only the choice of a tourist (trekking) tent. These are tents used by travelers, tourists, cyclists, hikers, fishermen, hunters and other mobile people. Such tents can be carried around with you for many days, they can be quickly set up, and quickly dismantled. In fact, the entire article “How to choose a tourist tent” is dedicated to them.

Main characteristics

To choose the right camping tent, you will have to understand its characteristics. It's not difficult at all and even interesting. By correctly choosing these characteristics “for yourself,” you, firstly, will remain healthy, and secondly, you will spend your money wisely.

Number of seats

Classic 2-person camping tent. A single-seater can already be perceived as extreme, and a 3-seater as a camping one. But this is, of course, a rough judgment, it all depends on the situation. You will have to decide for yourself how many places to choose a tent based on your needs. For example, I have two types of tents in terms of capacity for different situations, but the two-person tent is the main one and the most popular.

The approximate dimensions of various sleeping places for comfort are shown in my drawing below.

Some thoughts and observations from experience

  • A two-person tent is the most versatile option. When you decide to choose a backpacking tent, remember that a double tent can be used for solo travel, or for traveling with two people, or even with three people. If desired, it can accommodate more people. A living example is our overnight stay, when four adults of average build spent the night in a cheap two-person Chinese tent. Uncomfortable, but warm.
  • It's good when you're independent when traveling. Even if my travel companion takes a two-person tent, I will also tend to take my own tent so that I can be completely independent.
  • A single tent will always find a place to install it: a 1x2 m site is easier to find than a 2x2 m site.
  • The number of seats in a tent is assigned based on the comfort of living in it, but in reality three people can sleep in a 2-person tent, and four people can sleep in a 3-person tent. In principle, it is possible to spend the night with more people, but this is based on the principle “just to have a break somehow.”


When you think about how to choose a camping tent, be sure to pay attention to its weight. This is a very important characteristic for those who will carry their things themselves and at the same time walk far and long, less critical for cyclists and motorists. The less weight, with the same other characteristics, the more expensive the tent. So motorists are very lucky in this regard: they can save money reasonably. In general, if the weight of a tent is more than 3 kg, its place is in the trunk of a car, and not in the backpack of a traveler, who is best looking for something closer to 2 kg. But for two or three, the tent’s weight of 3-5 kg ​​seems to be scattered among everyone.

Although situations may be different. For example, I have to carry a three-person tent weighing 3.2 kg, because there is no budget lighter alternative, and a two-person tent for a family of four (2 adults + 2 children) is too small.

The optimal weights of budget and high-quality tents are approximately distributed as follows:

It is unlikely that you will find a budget lighter option without sacrificing quality. But motorists, as I said, are lucky: their weight is not critical, which expands their options. They can choose a camping tent that is heavier, but with decent performance, made from heavy, cheap but reliable materials.

Number of layers of a camping tent

Single layer tent– a tent with one layer of material, which is an awning. Ventilation occurs through a small window at the top of the tent, covered with a cape.

  • Pros: cost, weight, the tent is quickly set up and removed.
  • Minuses: more condensation accumulates; among representatives of such tents there is a lot of low-quality Chinese consumer goods.

There are times when choosing such a tent is justified.

Double layer tent consists of an inner tent (first layer) and an awning (second layer). When installing the tent, a gap is formed between these two layers, which ensures ventilation and condensation flows away from the living area. The inner tent allows air to pass through (ventilated), and the awning protects residents from rain and wind.

The inner tent can be installed separately (without an awning). We sometimes do this when it’s hot during the day so that the tent can be ventilated, and we spend the night without an awning when it’s stuffy.

  • Pros: less condensation.
  • Minuses: more expensive, heavier, the tent takes a little longer to set up and remove.

As you understand, all these problems with two layers are mostly due to condensation. When the tent is not ventilated enough, drops of water accumulate on the walls. If there are a lot of them, then it is very uncomfortable - damp. And in winter, frost forms in the tent. If you choose a camping tent with two layers, this will minimize such undesirable phenomena.

Awning (second layer of the tent)

I recommend that you take the water resistance of the awning seriously. Actually, this is its main purpose. Simply put: one awning will allow water to pass through during a rainstorm, while the other will not get wet. Numerically, this is expressed in the maximum height of the water column (mm w.c.) that the awning material can withstand.

If they now ask me how to choose a tourist tent and correctly take into account the numerical value of the water resistance of the awning, then I generally recommend choosing tents with an indicator of at least 3000 mm H.S. My personal tent with these characteristics survived a gusty wind and a half-hour downpour; the rest of the rain was normal, and it coped with them too. No complaints yet.

Start from this value - 3000 mm H.S. For myself, I decided this: if the tent needs to be used in places where rain is rare, then you can underestimate the indicator, and if there is a likelihood of serious rain with strong winds, then it’s not a sin to play it safe and put at least 5000 mm in the tent in the awning.

Among materials for awnings, polyester is the leader, surpassing nylon in its characteristics. There is a suspicious attitude towards awnings made of membrane fabric. This fabric is two in one: it “breathes” and at the same time has water-repellent properties. Many people believe that over time the fabric becomes dirty and loses these advantages.

The awning fabric can be impregnated with polyurethane (in simple terms, rubber). Fabric with such impregnation is labeled as PU.


Here again, it is important to pay attention to water resistance. The characteristic is the same - in millimeters of water column. Decent water resistance of the bottom starts from 3000 mm w.st. Now I have tents with an indicator of 5000 mm H.S. – I seem to have re-mortgaged. I didn’t try to place them specifically in a puddle (although I can check in the future), but they were placed on wet soil after rain. Everything is dry.

The strength of the material is another important thing to pay attention to. The load on the floor is always high. Firstly, we walk on the floor ourselves, and secondly, it is not always possible to prepare a site for a tent: remove branches, cones, sharp stones that can pierce the bottom.

How to choose a camping tent based on the bottom material? Budget tents use reinforced polyethylene, which increases their weight; more expensive and lighter tents use nylon and polyester.

I currently have tents with polyester bottoms. Visually, the bottom is very thin, and it seems that if you come across some strong twig, it is about to pierce the bottom. But so far there have been no punctures, maybe because I always try to prepare the site for the tent as carefully as possible, or maybe because the material is sufficiently strong.

There used to be a cheap Chinese tent with a bottom made of reinforced polyethylene. Really strong material, but loses a lot in weight.

Tent shape

How to choose a camping tent based on its shape? Which is better? The question is philosophical, and it all depends on where and how it will be used. However, the pulusphere is the most common and popular form of tent, which has proven itself worthy. The design and shape of this tent is very convenient and has good properties: it can be quickly set up and taken down, and has good wind resistance. But the most important thing is that it can be placed on any surface: sand, stones.

For a trip to the Middle East, I was looking for a tent of this design: it does not need to be stretched by driving pegs into the ground.

I won’t talk about other forms of tents here. But if you have a desire, you can get acquainted with them on a separate page. I discussed this issue in detail

Tent arcs

How to choose a tourist tent, taking into account the material of the poles? The frame of the tent is assembled from the arcs. Necessary properties: lightness and strength, and in winter they should not become brittle in the cold.

  • Arcs from aluminum alloys lead in popularity. I present the alloys for poles according to the increasing price-quality characteristic: the cheapest and least quality alloy is D16T, alloy V95 is slightly better, then there are alloys with the addition of zinc (marked 7xxx) or magnesium (marked 6xxx), and the last word in tent construction belongs to the alloy with the addition of scandium (marking Sc). If the arcs are anodic coated, then T6 is added to the marking.
  • Arcs from carbon fiber(carbon) light and durable.
  • Arcs from fiberglass light, durable, cheap, but fragile in the cold.

additional characteristics

Storm guy lines

In calm weather I don’t have to use them - I just throw the flysheet on the tent and that’s it. But when there is wind, and especially strong wind, and even with rain, then it is simply necessary to stretch and secure the tent, otherwise it may be blown away by the wind. It is good to do this even in calm weather, because the unstretched awning touches the inner tent, and this reduces the ventilation properties and condensate removal.

Mosquito net

No comments. Until bloodsuckers are included in the Red Book, it is better for the tent to have a fine mosquito net.

Hanging shelves and internal pockets

A very useful little thing. I put my glasses on a hanging shelf at night so they don’t get crushed while I sleep, or I attach a flashlight for illumination. Internal pockets are a great help in dealing with the chaos of small items. When I first thought about how to choose a camping tent, I simply didn’t pay attention to the presence or absence of these devices - I was lucky, they were there. Many manufacturers supplement their models with them by default, but it wouldn’t hurt to check.

Presence of a vestibule

A vestibule is something like a non-residential separate compartment in a tent. It may be very large, may be slightly marked, or may be completely absent. Depending on the size of the vestibule, it can be used for various purposes: you can store equipment in it, leave shoes, dishes, hide a bicycle there, or prepare food.

Since I watch the weight of my backpack, in my tents the vestibule is either completely absent or tiny. By the way, I try not to leave things in it at night, otherwise you might wake up without your equipment. One morning in Turkey I couldn’t find my shoes: the dogs had stolen them.

Sealing seams

To prevent water from getting into the tent along the seams, in high-quality tents they are glued or boiled. Welded seams are more reliable than taped seams. You can choose a camping tent without sealing the seams: you can glue the seams yourself with a special tape. In general, of course, this requires skill, but if you want to bother with this, you can find the tape in tourist stores.


I hope I was able to clarify the question “How to choose a camping tent” for you. You may have noticed that the explanations for the choice were mostly centered around the hemisphere tent. This does not mean that other forms do not have the right to exist. The simple fact is that the hemisphere is the most in demand and popular (in second place is the half-barrel), and the described characteristics apply to all forms without exception. Well, it’s the same as the “engine size” characteristic; it is important for all cars, regardless of their brand.

Traveling is becoming more and more popular every year - we strive to explore the world around us, we become more open to new impressions and distant countries. More and more tourists are no longer satisfied only with the cultural values ​​of unfamiliar countries - they want to dive deeper into the natural world, and try to get as far as possible from boring civilization during their vacation.

What to do if during your trip there is no hotel or even the simplest hut nearby? The tourist's most trusted and desired friend - a tent - will come to the rescue. A properly selected tent will serve you not just as shelter from bad weather, but as a real miniature home for the entire duration of your voluntary hermitage. It will protect you from wind, rain, cold, and will give you the opportunity to have a good rest even in very difficult weather conditions. Tents provide shelter to tourists all over the world - from deserts and jungles, to taiga, snows of the North and sky-high peaks.

Let's agree right away - the information in this article is intended, first of all, for novice hikers who want to delve deeper into the topic and not buy just anything, relying on the integrity of the consultant from the store, who in any case will offer options based on what is available assortment available. Fans of camping, downshifting, ice fishing and other non-hiking hobbies will need to look elsewhere for information. However, be patient - there is a lot to cover in this topic.


The most common and universal option. This is what most tourists around the world choose, as a more or less successful compromise between the weight of the tent, its reliability, ease of living and use and, of course, cost. As a rule, such tents have self-supporting structure- most are made according to the scheme “ hemisphere"with certain differences, they have one or two entrances, one or two vestibules for things, a simple installation scheme. Such tents, as a rule, have a developed ventilation system, mosquito nets, and storm guy ropes. Designed for reliable use in summer, spring and autumn, and limited use in winter, as well as in stormy weather.


Practically, these are the same tents as those described above, but without their all-encompassing versatility. They are designed for use in summer, warm spring and autumn, i.e., they are 2-3 seasonal. As a rule, the inner tent consists of a large amount of mesh, which is not possible to close. These tents are well ventilated, there is always a lot of fresh air, sometimes even too much... and on a cold night you can feel it yourself. Such products are very popular among those tourists who do not travel in cold times and in cold countries and love relaxing by the water. As a rule, these tents are lighter than their more “closed” counterparts.


Assault tents, or tents for mountaineering and extreme tourism. These are the most durable specimens of the tent tribe - due to their design and the materials used, they have increased wind resistance, reliability, and often have a rather ingenious scheme for installing numerous arcs, which should be dealt with in advance. As a rule, such tents are designed mainly for use in cold weather; active ventilation capabilities are often sacrificed for the “thermos-like” design, which can significantly reduce heat loss in a closed tent. Not the best option for hot summer or warm spring/autumn. They are difficult to replace during winter hikes, extreme trekking in areas with strong winds, and mountaineering in high mountains.


Fast&light- a very popular trend lately. Entire groups appear light vehicles", fighting for every gram of weight won on equipment. A lightweight backpack allows you to avoid the need for porters on treks in Nepal or Africa, significantly increases your speed of movement and simply helps you calmly enjoy the scenery without putting extra weight on your back, shoulders and knees. Especially for such lightweight backpack enthusiasts, most manufacturers produce ultra-light tents. Modern materials, a reduction in the physical size of the tent, some compromises in the design (for example, the absence of a closing mesh in the inner tent, a “partial” frame, i.e., the tent becomes not free-standing), as well as a decrease in the density of fabrics and the diameter of the frame tubes help reduce weight. Choosing an ultra-light tent for serious travel is a rather difficult and responsible task. Such tents are leaders in innovation, but not all of them have already stood the test of time (hence innovation), so you may be an unwitting tester. Sometimes a manufacturer is so obsessed with the idea of ​​reducing weight that it puts on the market models that can only perform their functions normally in “pavilion” conditions. Also, be prepared to pay a considerable amount of money to get a product created “at the forefront of modern technical thought.”

The main types of modern tent designs

Double layer tents

Most modern (young) tourists do not even suspect that there are any others. Several decades ago, the optimal design for a tent was established, and it has not changed yet. The basis of the concept - a good tent should be two-layer! Why? First of all, this solves the problem of condensation. Most people know that moisture in the air can (and does) condense as moisture on cold surfaces, such as the inside of a tent awning. If there is no inner tent, then all this moisture will successfully flow into the sleeping bags and drip onto your head. The solution is simple - the tent now has a liner with a waterproof bottom - the so-called “ inner tent" It is made of breathable materials, capable of transmitting moist air, which means that condensation almost does not form on it. In addition, it is warmer in such a tent - a “thermos effect” is created. In hot weather it is also more comfortable, for the same reason.

For better ventilation, part of the inner tent is made of mesh; sometimes it is possible to close this mesh with material using a zipper. It is often possible to install an inner tent without pulling up the awning; in dry, warm weather this is enough to protect yourself from wet ground, insects, and prying eyes. Other tents, on the contrary, may provide the opportunity to install an outer tent separately without an inner one. Sometimes this option is used to save weight on a hike. Some manufacturers allow you to do both options with a tent, the latter using a special bottom, which must be purchased separately.

Whatever you say, the two-layer concept, for all its advantages, also has disadvantages:

  • weight gain
  • The tent takes up more space when folded
  • The time it takes to set up the tent and the simplicity of the installation process suffer, which can be important in extreme conditions.

Therefore, in limited cases, single-layer tents are successfully used. Their designers have to solve the main disadvantage of such a scheme - to deal with condensation. As a rule, single-layer tents are used in extreme mountaineering, which means in prevailing cold conditions. Here the condensation is not so significant and, moreover, occurs mainly in the form of frost. The main method of combating condensation in single-layer tents is the use of membrane materials.

Thanks to the selective operation of the membrane, it allows the tent to " breathe” while remaining waterproof on the outside. Unfortunately, membrane technology works well with clothing, but in the case of tents it often fails, since the membrane does not directly adhere to the warm human body, the temperature and other conditions of its operation are somewhat different. Different manufacturers solve this problem in different ways. For example, the famous American company Black Diamond uses fabric “ with fleece» inside, which retains moisture and frost well. Such high-tech solutions almost nullify one of the main advantages of a single-layer circuit - low weight. But ease of installation, large internal volume with minimal external dimensions still make such tents popular “in a narrow circle.” For classic trekking and hiking, such products are not the best choice.

In other cases, single-layer tents are made for reasons of cheapness. Such structures are frequent guests in construction supermarkets and large stores. They are unreliable, made from cheap materials, but are quite light and extremely cheap. An excellent option for buying “on the spot”, in some distant country, where the prospect of a pleasant, uncomplicated hike suddenly appeared. After its completion, such a tent can simply be donated, sold, or left in a suitable place.

Another option for single-layer tents is frameless minimalist ultralight tents . As a rule, trekking poles or nearby trees are used for installation. Despite their compactness and light weight, such designs have not gained much popularity due to problems with condensation and habitability. These tents, in design and appearance, are already very close to bivouac bags - a kind of minimalist quintessence of a frameless tent.

- usually it is a cocoon with a side entrance with a zipper, slightly larger in size than a sleeping bag (or several bags if it is multi-person). Sometimes some kind of structure is provided to hold the fabric above the face. Also, a mosquito net can be provided in the face area. Otherwise, the frame is not used in bivouac bags. It can be used both in the tent itself (to protect the sleeping bag from condensation and cold), and in combination with an awning, or without them, independently (by minimalist travelers). As a rule, it is made from breathable, waterproof fabric.

Main types of tent frames

The most common tent design today is freestanding spherical tent. That is, such a tent in calm weather does not need any additional supports or guylines, maintaining its shape on its own. The frame of such a tent consists of two, less often three, arcs intersecting in the middle (occasionally you come across structures intersecting in two places - this is a more wind-resistant, but also more complex and heavy design). Often, a separate arch is used for a large vestibule. Also, in the transverse plane of the tent, an additional strut is used that does not reach the ground, the main function of which is to support the volumetric shape above the vestibules on the sides of the tent. Free-standing tents are equipped with one or another number of storm guy ropes, which make it possible to strengthen the structure to withstand strong winds.

Tents characteristic " barrel-shaped» forms. The name conveys the form very accurately. Recently they have become exotic among the “spherical mainstream”. Until recently, almost every tent manufacturer had similar models in its line. Now there are fewer and fewer manufacturers of this type of mobile housing due to decreasing demand. The main disadvantage of this type is the complexity of installation and the need for guy wires, without which the “half-barrel” will not be able to stand. The advantages of this design:

  • good wind resistance,
  • light weight,
  • simplicity of the frame,
  • large internal volume,
  • the ability to create a low-cost design with high performance.

However, such tents have recently left the budget segment and are very expensive exotics for those who do not like “like everyone else” or clearly understand and use the advantages of the design. As a rule, these are experienced users, experienced tourists.

The described scheme received a “second wind” in the segment of ultra-light tents. After all, using certain tricks, it became possible to create a tent with only one (central) arc, or with two different sized arcs, then the tent has a height sufficient for sitting only “in the heads.”

Some ultralight tents are essentially shelters for one or two people, with no seating available.

Mixed frame type

A number of free-standing tents have a large vestibule, which stretches on a separate arc, that is, the “half-barrel” principle is used. Thus, a large or even very large vestibule may appear in the tent, well suited for placing bulky items, a camp kitchen or even bicycles.

I already mentioned them a little above, in single-layer tents. Quite rare designs with a limited range of users. As a rule, these are ultra-light tents that are stretched on trekking poles. Sometimes it is difficult to draw the line between such tents and awnings. As a rule, a tent is considered to be a structure with a bottom, while an awning is considered to be one without a bottom. Also, sometimes, tents without a special frame are used in winter ski trips and are stretched on skis and ski poles. Thus, the name “frameless tents” is often very arbitrary.

Innovative designs. Hubs

Modern engineering technologies also leave their mark on the construction of tent frames. Engineers are constantly trying to develop an idea self-folding tents - they really exist and are available on the market, but for a number of reasons they have not become widespread, especially among tourists. Overseas, tent designs in the style of “igloos” - national Eskimo dwellings or “teepees” - Indians are also popular. They are unpopular with us.

The main innovation of recent years has been the emergence of so-called hub frames . In this design, the entire frame of the tent can consist of one structure - everything is combined into a single “skeleton” using hubs- connecting sections for tubes. The result can be a rather complex, openwork design. The main advantages of the hub design:

  • reduced weight,
  • large internal volume,
  • many also like modern, futuristic designs.

The main disadvantage is that, as a rule, such a design is still inferior in wind resistance to the classics and is very expensive.

There are several main types. The most common of them is fastening the tent with clip hooks. This type of fastening is characterized by quick installation, simplicity, and the ability to easily use hub connections. A relative disadvantage is slightly lower wind resistance compared to armored pockets. Also, if it breaks, the arc, as a rule, cuts through the awning of the tent (if the frame is located between the layers).

Lat pockets - these are actually tunnels for the frame tubes into which it is pushed. This scheme is characterized by increased stability, wind resistance, and reliability (in the event of a breakdown, the arc, as a rule, does not damage the awning). But assembling and disassembling such a tent is more difficult. Especially in designs with double crossing of frame tubes. Basically, designs with armor pockets are used in tents designed for difficult weather conditions. Also, sometimes there are mixed options for attaching the frame.

Another fundamental point regarding the tent frame is the place where it is located. The most common scheme is that the inner tent is suspended from the frame with clips (or using lat pockets), an awning is put on top of it and secured around the perimeter (and, if necessary, with Velcro along the frame elements). This tent is easy to set up without an awning; the awning can easily be removed in the morning to dry. The downside is that when installing/removing such a tent during rain, you will inevitably get the inner tent wet.

An alternative scheme is to attach the outer tent to the frame with clips or with the help of armored pockets, and then hang the inner tent with a bottom from it using latches. This option is ideal for setting up/folding in the rain, and it also allows you to install an awning without an inner tent. If the frame breaks, it is easier to repair; the awning does not suffer in this case. Disadvantages - you will not be able to remove the awning and dry it, you will not be able to put up a tent without an awning somewhere on a warm beach and live in it, the design itself is a little more cumbersome, complex and heavy. It is more suitable for use in extreme conditions.

Requirements for tourist tents

Let's now figure out what qualities a modern hiking tent should have.

1) Humane weight and dimensions parameters

Technology does not stand still, and the tents with which they began to go camping twenty years ago cannot be imagined in a nightmare by young tourists. New materials, new design concepts have made tents of the new century comfortable, lightweight, and reliable. But, unfortunately, this does not apply to all models. When choosing a tent, pay attention to its weight, of course, taking into account its purpose and design. Thus, the heaviest models will be those that are specially designed for extreme operating conditions - due to more durable materials and a developed frame. The weight indicators of such tents will fluctuate within 1.5 kg per sleeping place, i.e., a 3-person tent can weigh 4-4.5 kg or even more. Ordinary tourist tents designed for moderate weather disasters are usually lighter - 1-1.3 kg per bed. A two- or three-person tent weighs about 3 kilograms on average. It is clear that the more seats there are in the tent, the lighter the “separate” place in it. But a large tent still often brings trouble - finding a place for it can be difficult, if a group splits up or some of the participants leave the race, the weight of the tent per participant increases. If weight is of primary importance to you, take a closer look at the recently popular ultra-light tents - today there are incredibly light options; if you really want, you can find a conditionally two-seater model weighing less than a kilogram. As you understand, the lighter the weight, the more expensive the materials used and the product itself. From a certain limit, it becomes impossible to reduce weight only through expensive innovations and the density (thickness) of the material of the tent and its frame is sacrificed; sometimes the tent is made frameless; trekking poles or something else with a separate weight will be needed to install it. Therefore, the choice of ultra-light tents must be approached very carefully.

In general, the lighter the tent, the better, but saving in weight should not significantly affect the wind resistance and reliability of the tent.

2) Wind resistance and strength

The ability of a tent to withstand strong winds is very important, especially in places with prevailing strong winds, for example, Patagonia, Norway, Iceland. But even in our Carpathians, the wind force can be equal to the Norwegian one, so if you are going on a hike in the mountains, this characteristic will be very important. The wind resistance of a tent will be primarily influenced by factors such as:

  • height of the tent (the lower the better, but still, you should sit freely in the tent);
  • aerodynamic shape (the tent should, if possible, have a streamlined silhouette and not have vertical walls);
  • the number and thickness of the frame arcs, its shape (the more arcs in the frame, the better the wind resistance usually is; the thicker the arcs, the stronger they are, although the material of the arcs is also of great importance);
  • arch material (it is best to have a light aluminum alloy frame made by a well-known manufacturer, for example, the legendary DAC). A frame made of the most budgetary, black plastic, which is a homogeneous, rather fragile material, is the least reliable; fiberglass is also undesirable, especially in cold weather - it requires especially careful handling and is less durable and heavier.

Also very important choose the right place to set up your tent. Often, this is more important than the design of the tent itself. It should be as level as possible, without sharp solid particles in the floor area and protected from the wind. To protect from the wind, you can build a wall of stones or snow. If you have to urgently put up a tent on a surface with sharp edges, lay rugs under the tent.

When purchasing, choose a tent made from wicker material. Rip Stop for the outer and inner layers, as more durable and reliable. In the event of a puncture/rupture of the tissue, the damage site will not “spread” further. Places of all stretch marks must have reinforced seams: all places bearing the main loads must have reinforcements. The service life of the tent and its strength directly depend on the thoughtfulness of the design.

3) Waterproof

Fortunately, the days of leaky tents are almost a thing of the past. Most modern designs, even very budget ones, as a rule, do not leak at all under normal conditions. This is achieved with the help of modern materials - more often it is polyamide, awning treatment (ideally with silicone), gluing seams. It's been a long time since I've heard horror stories about leaking tents. In the past, for years I used budget models (for example, from loop) with a polyethylene bottom and a 3000mm awning, lived in them in heavy rains and remained dry. If you want to tinker with the waterproof characteristics, pay attention first of all to the bottom. It should be “bathtub-shaped” and, if possible, have water resistance characteristics of 8000 - 10,000 mm water column. This ensures that when you press down on the bottom with your elbow, it won't get wet there. You need to protect the awning and the bottom of the tent from punctures, but if they appear, do not delay repairs; as a last resort, seal the hole (if it is small) with an adhesive plaster or mounting tape. Most tents come with a repair kit containing pieces of fabric and glue.

Keep in mind! At first glance, American tents in the accompanying descriptions have extremely low waterproof ratings. You don't have to worry about this! Their standards differ from European ones, and the tents are in no way inferior in terms of workmanship and materials used.

4) Seasonality

Choose your tent wisely - if you don’t go hiking in winter or in the highlands, you don’t need an extreme mountaineering tent. The most versatile option is a regular tourist tent to suit your taste, needs and budget. If you only use the tent in warm weather, choose a model that has a mesh interior.

Remember that the seasonality recommended on the site is not a sentence, it is a conditional indicator. A lot depends on your equipment, especially your sleeping bag. There is successful experience of using tents “out of season”. You just need to think through such things well and imagine what you are signing up for when going to the winter Montenegrin ridge with an inner mesh tent. Much more important are the characteristics of resistance to wind and moisture.

5) Thoughtful design. Ease of installation and folding

The tent should not only be reliable, but also comfortable to live in. Especially if you plan to live in it often. First, choose a tent with adequate capacity. It is hardly worth taking it with a reserve in the number of sleeping places. The most popular among tourists are 2-4 person tents. Keep in mind that most 2-person tents sleep three “regular” sized people, while 3-person tents sleep four. To avoid resting your head and legs against the walls of the tent, take it based on its length - your height is + 10-15cm. For most people of average build, 60cm is sufficient for placement - the width of most rugs. The height in the middle of the tent should allow you to sit freely without much support from the ceiling. The design of the tent must provide ventilation adequate to the conditions of use that you intend for it.

If the tents are for two or more people, then two entrances are more convenient than one. Most users agree that side entries are preferable to end entries. It seems to me that if there is only one entrance/exit, it is more convenient when it is at the end. If you have two inputs/outputs, it is better if they are placed on the sides. An exception may be climbing models with their specific placement in the mountains, in cramped conditions of small areas.

Tambour in a tent. The larger it is, the better, almost no one argues with this. The main thing is a compromise in the fight against low weight. For mountains, this is the space occupied by the tent. However, it's nice to have a vestibule that can accommodate your backpacks and shoes, and ideally it should give you the ability to cook in bad weather conditions. It’s even better if there are two vestibules. It's really convenient. The design of the tent is also convenient, allowing you to open the entrance/exit in the rain so that water does not get inside the tent itself. The design of the vestibule should allow you to conveniently open and close the vestibule zippers and ventilation holes. In some tents, they are not easy to reach even for those with long limbs.

The more different pockets and shelves there are in a tent, the more convenient it is.

Tent awning should descend as low as possible to the ground, ideally almost reaching it. Whatever the sellers tell you about the need for ventilation, remember - if there is a chance of getting into heavy rain, drops of water will bounce off the ground and ricochet towards you inside if your awning ends high from the ground. There is an opinion that “extreme” tents require a snow skirt - an additional strip of fabric around the perimeter of the bottom of the tent, which can be covered with snow and covered with stones. Sometimes, this is a really necessary thing that makes life easier in difficult conditions. But such a skirt makes the tent heavier and worsens the already not exemplary breathability of such tents. So in most cases, I would not consider this constructive point to be fundamentally important. Confirming that I’m not the only one who thinks so is the fact that most world-famous mountain tent manufacturers do not supply them snow skirts .

If you frequently travel in stormy conditions, pay attention to " burdocks» ventilation holes. In most tents, they are closed with an insignificant Velcro in the center - a strong wind will open such an unreliable lock, and the rain that has begun will fly into the middle in stormy weather. You may want to choose a tent with external ventilation leading into the vestibule.

Tent color. Should the tent be visible? In most cases, the answer is a resounding “yes.” More likely even YES. A bright tent, equipped with the maximum number of reflectors, will help you out more than once, acting as a guide. When you look down from the top of a mountain and see your bright, small house about a kilometer below you, one more warm feeling is born in your soul.

On the other hand, it is often necessary to leave a tent with things for the whole day, or even more than one, in places where you would not really like it to be seen. The less forest rangers, local residents and citizens simply passing through on business in some unsightly places see your tent, the calmer your walk will be. I would say this - a bright tent, a choice for civilized places where civilized people live and walk, even if these are some wild mountains. Civilization in this case is by no means synonymous with technical progress... the rest is up to you to decide.

Simply put, this is the second bottom, a bedding that follows the shape of the bottom of the tent; often the footprint can be fixed to the arches, thus making it possible to put up a tent “without insides.” The main function of the footprint:

  • bottom protection,
  • extension of service life,
  • protection from dirt.

Cons: extra weight and space in the backpack. In addition, it does not save you from really sharp stones, branches, glass fragments, wire, or nails. Sometimes it is needed, more often it is not.

Buying a tent in a store

Prepare for your visit to the store - it will be more useful for you if, in a conversation with a consultant, you already have basic knowledge about the item you are purchasing; the seller’s attitude towards you will also be different. Try to clearly state your wishes; even at home, you can formulate your basic requirements and write them down in a notebook.

If you have already come to the store with the goal of purchasing a tent, having decided on your desires, try to ask the seller to take it out of the cover and lay it out right on the spot. No matter how easy this operation is for a stranger on a YouTube channel, it may be useful for you to try to do it yourself before purchasing. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises, especially if you have not chosen the most classic tent.

If the weight of a tent is an important characteristic for you, weigh your future companion right in the store on electronic scales (most equipment centers have them, or you can take them with you - this will instill horror and respect in the stony hearts of sellers). The fact is that The declared weight of the tent may differ significantly from the actual one and, as a rule, not the best for the buyer side. Also, be careful when reading the tent's weight information. In the interests of marketing, the minimum weight is usually written in large numbers - without pegs, stretch marks, packaging and repair kit - how many people need this number?

Make sure that you fill out a warranty card and check with the seller separately about the warranty for the arches. Some manufacturers give a lifetime warranty on the aluminum alloy frame, which is very nice.


As you have already seen, there is quite a large amount of information regarding tents. However, a tent, being one of the most important elements of camping equipment, deserves you to become familiar with these basics. Now you can more consciously approach the choice and purchase of your faithful hiking friend. I wish you pleasant and exciting travels!

Canadian Camper IMLALA 2 is the most secure tent in the inexpensive category, due to this it claims the highest places in the ranking of the best. Accommodates no more than 2 people, giving them an internal space measuring 210x115x110 cm. Made from dense nylon (awning) and polyester (bottom) fabrics, the water resistance of which is 4000 and 6000 mm water. Art. respectively. The frame is standard fiberglass, moderately durable even for heavy winds.

As mentioned above, the main feature of the Canadian Camper IMPALA 2 lies entirely in the accompanying protection measures. The standard mosquito net is complemented by a single-layer fire-resistant impregnation, as well as protection from ultraviolet radiation. All these “tricks”, coupled with the materials used, give a serious increase to the total weight of the product, but in general they do not really “raise” the value to the ceiling - only 3.7 kg. Letting go of unimportant details, let's say: this tent deserves to be purchased more than others.


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • the presence of fire-resistant impregnation;
  • reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • fairly comfortable weight to carry (3.7 kg);
  • high frame stability.


  • not detected.

A two-person tent for hiking, the main feature of which is balance in all key operational parameters. Structurally, it consists of two awnings (external: 220 × 250 × 107 cm; internal: 210 × 110 × 102 cm), and the internal one significantly limits the available space in width (hiding a good 140 cm). Why this was done is not entirely clear, but otherwise there are no controversial points.

The frame of the Talberg Explorer 2 is assembled from fiberglass arches with a diameter of 8.5 mm, which can withstand loads (mainly wind) and have sufficient operational strength. The awning and bottom are made of polyester fabrics of two varieties, the water resistance of which is 5000 and 7000 mm water. Art. respectively. The design includes two vestibules and a windproof canopy. According to numerous consumers, this model is the most acceptable option for a tent in the mid-price segment, available on the large market of our country.


  • acceptable price;
  • reliable protection from moisture, both on the walls and on the bottom;
  • the presence of two vestibules and a visor.


  • limited internal space due to the narrow inner tent.

An extremely cheap three-person tent from the TREK PLANET company, created in the exact image and likeness of standard models in this segment. It is distinguished by its lightweight design (2.2 kg), thanks to which it can be easily transported on foot. The LITE DOME 4 awning is made from standard polyester for this case, which has an extremely low (relative to competitors) resistance to getting wet - 1000 mm of water. Art. The bottom of the tent is lined with dense polyethylene, which represents the main stronghold of its water resistance: here the indicator lies in the range from 6000 to 8000 mm of water. Art.

As consumers note, the main problem of LITE DOME 4 is the unsoldered seams, which are the weakest point of the already not very top-end design. In this regard, it is advisable to use a tent only on warm summer days, without any protection during heavy rainfalls and stormy winds.


  • lowest price in the segment;
  • light weight (only 2.2 kg);
  • high-quality bottom with a significant margin of strength and resistance to moisture.


  • no soldering (or gluing) of seams;
  • low coefficient of water resistance of the awning.

Kingcamp Family 2+1 is an example of tent production for family holidays, providing all the subtleties of delicate protection from environmental factors. With dimensions of 205x180x120 cm, it is designed to accommodate two adults and one child, and, it is worth noting, it is significantly successful in this field.

For reasons of rationality, that the family will not go outdoors on cloudy days, manufacturers used materials with low water resistance in the production. If in competitive tents at least the bottom was significantly waterproof, here there are no such elements at all (the polyester walls and bottom have a water resistance of 1000 and 2000 mm of water column, respectively). But there is a mosquito net and an internal dome made of breathable polyester, which does an excellent job of regulating the microclimate. Among the disadvantages of the Kingcamp Family 2+1 is its large weight, equal to 4.2 kg. But let's be honest: the tent is only rarely transported by a person, most often it is delivered to the site in a car. In general, it is not a standard, but it is the best choice for a comfortable family vacation.


  • good microclimate regulation inside the tent;
  • provided reserve space for placing a child;
  • fast and hassle-free installation.


  • very low moisture resistance of all structural elements.

Norfin Ruffle 2 is a very durable trekking tent model, which is used mainly in summer camping conditions and short hikes. The manufacturer has not released anything new regarding the materials used: the load-bearing base of the model is made of fiberglass arches, the awning is made of polyester (with a water resistance of 2000 mm water column), and the bottom is made of reinforced polyethylene (with a water resistance rating of 8000 mm water column). An important factor in the quality of a tent is the presence of welded, rather than glued, seams, as well as a common-sense anti-storm guy.

The internal dimensions of Norfin Ruffle 2 are designed for two people and are 200x120x100 cm. In reality, this is not enough, and only one user can fit comfortably there. But there are no complaints at all about the transport component of the model: it folds up to dimensions of 50x12 cm, and it doesn’t weigh that much - only 1.8 kg. Together with the cost, the indicated operational features are enough to become one of the best tents in its segment.


  • high-quality sealing of seams using soldering;
  • good parameters for protecting the bottom material;
  • convenient transport dimensions;
  • low weight and easy to install.


  • low water resistance of the awning;
  • There is a small error in the calculation of space for two people.

Entry-level single-layer trekking tent, designed for use during the warm period of the tourist season. It has dimensions of 210x150x12 cm and a weight of 1.8 kg, and allows you to comfortably accommodate two people inside. The production materials used here were quite inexpensive 75D 190T PU polyester, reinforced polyethylene, as well as 8 mm fiberglass racks for assembling the frame.

An unexpected advantage of Totem Summer was that the reinforced bottom turned out to be very waterproof, capable of withstanding up to 10,000 mm of water. Art. Thus, consumers do not have to worry about water leaking under the place where the tent is installed, but heavy slanting rains will still cause minor inconvenience (the water resistance of the tent is limited to 1500 mm of water column). A pleasant addition to the kit is a very high-quality repair kit, as almost all users of this model say. A worthy candidate for inclusion in the ranking of the best.


  • low weight of the structure (only 1.8 kg);
  • the water resistance of the polyethylene bottom is very good;
  • real repair kit included.


  • low level of water resistance of polyester awning.

The best tourist (trekking) tents

The results of the segment are summed up by the Alexika Rondo 4 Plus tent, which guarantees a comfortable time for users on a tourist outing. This model is made from two types of polyester with water resistance ratings of 4000 (awning) and 6000 (bottom) mm of water. Art. respectively. The standard selection of materials for cladding is “diluted” by the use of aluminum arches that make up the frame. Paired with an anti-storm guy, it ensures a stable position of the tent at the installation site, minimizing the risk of injury to tourists from heavy winds.

A definite positive aspect of the Alexika Rondo 4 Plus design is the presence of a whole range of protective measures: against wind and snow, the penetration of mosquitoes, ultraviolet radiation and accidental fire. There are pockets inside the tent, as well as one shelf. When packaged, the dimensions of the model are 52x20 cm and the weight is 5.1 kg. Its transportation can be easily handled while hiking. And when delivered by car, any local difficulties will disappear altogether.


  • allows four users to comfortably fit inside;
  • a large number of protective properties;
  • strong aluminum frame combined with anti-storm guy;
  • optimal combination of price and quality.


  • not detected.

Not very noticeable, but a cool camping tent from Maverick, the overall quality of which leaves 90% of its competitors in the dust. This may seem strange, but eliminating the common “weaknesses” of the product allowed the company to successfully enter the domestic market. We are talking about sealing seams, which, in this case, were subjected to welding, and not regular sizing. The external fiberglass frame of the Maverick COMFORT also looks decent: the arches perfectly hold the polyester awning, giving it a strict hemispherical shape.

In case of a significant increase in wind, the tent is equipped with one anti-storm guy. This demolition prevention measure is enough to keep it in place. At the “front” entrance there are small ears necessary for stretching the front side of the awning. They form a small pocket that well protects users from wind and slanting rain. Even without additions to the design, Maverick COMFORT manages to give consumers a little more than what the manufacturers prescribe. Quality worthy of a high rank among the best.


  • acceptable price;
  • more expensive operation for welding joints;
  • external frame and strong fiberglass arches;
  • very good shape;
  • high degree of comfort and workmanship.


  • not detected.

A tent of an original shape, commonly known as “half-barrel”. Its popularity is determined precisely by the fact of its unusual appearance, mainly due to the successful geometry of the vestibule. The hemispherical “nook” is a preamble to the main interior decoration, the dimensions of which are 210x200x130 cm. As many as 3 people can fit in such a room, for whom, in fact, RINO is designed.

The main advantage of this tent: a high degree of protection for the entire tourist season, right up to winter. This includes a mosquito net at the entrances, ultraviolet light catchers, and a snowproof (also windproof) skirt. At the same time, it cannot be said that Canadian Camper RINO 3 shows something outstanding in terms of water resistance: the polyester used in this case has indicators of 4000 and 6000 mm of water. Art. (walls and floor). The frame is fiberglass, but moderately stable in case of heavy winds and heavy rainfall. The main advantage of the model is hidden in the cost parameter: in general, a tent of this configuration should cost much more.


  • original form, based on a small cut-off of the vestibule from the living room;
  • very low price;
  • high quality tent manufacturing;
  • presence of wind and snow protection, mesh, UV ray catcher.


  • not found.

The bright “spot” of the rating in the form of Husky Bright 4 has become a stronghold of strength and quality of work of Czech craftsmen. The finished tent has an attractive appearance, suitable for camping in the summer and (even more so) winter seasons. In general, the lining of the model is made of polyester, which is moderately water-resistant, especially along the bottom. This coefficient is 5000 and 8000 mm water. Art. for the awning and bottom, respectively. The inner tent is made of nylon, which conducts air flow well in both directions and ensures proper thermoregulation.

The basis of the Husky Bright 4's strength is the aluminum frame located under the tent fabric. There is a mosquito net that duplicates the two entrances, ultraviolet protection and ventilation windows necessary in this case. The seams are taped, and of better quality than those of the vast majority of competing companies. Other advantages include low total weight (4 kg), as well as low cost, which has attracted a large influx of domestic consumers to the product.


  • a bright and catchy tent made in red colors;
  • light weight (only 4 kg);
  • attractive price combined with nominally high quality;
  • optimal thermoregulatory parameters;
  • high level of comfort.


  • not found.

The product developed by the domestic company NOVA TOUR turned out to be extremely simple, but in relation to the price it significantly outperformed most foreign competitors. Although not very water resistant, the polyester “Pamir” showed off its high structural strength in unstable weather conditions: the aluminum frame passed the test of heavy winds with a bang. From the point of view of organizing the interior decoration, everything looks rather ascetic: the model does not have any shelves, windows or other small amenities.

However, the internal scarcity is compensated by external additions. A large number of anti-storm guy ropes clearly demonstrate the true purpose of NOVA TOUR “Pamir”. It is light (weight is 3.7 kg), stable and comfortably accommodates 3 people. Everything you need for a good hike.


  • the presence of several anti-storm guy lines;
  • very low price;
  • a reliable frame that ensures a high degree of stability of the tent at the installation site;
  • lightness (3.7 kg);
  • very noticeable during the winter period.


  • asceticism in terms of equipment.

Tramp LAIR 4 FG is another example of a four-person tent, but with a better selection of price and performance parameters. Its cost fully justifies the nominal characteristics that were included during the design and development. Both the bottom and the awning of the model are made of polyester with a not very outstanding water resistance value: 4000 and 3000 mm water. Art. respectively. During heavy downpours (which are not uncommon in tourist everyday life), small smudges and traces of wetness of the fabric may be observed inside. But, in general, the measure of protection from the rainy season is justified. There is also passive protection in case of abnormally hot days: it is provided by an ultraviolet trap. For other cases (except winter), a mosquito net is provided, duplicating the entrance doors on both sides of the tent.

It’s strange, but when selecting material that was virtually identical to its competitors, Tramp LAIR 4 FG turned out to be 0.5-0.7 kg heavier. This is not critical, but within the framework of the rating, compared to other models, it looks like a drawback. Otherwise, there are no complaints about the design and quality - the tent is definitely worthy of purchase.


  • low cost;
  • combination of protective equipment (mosquito net + UV ray catcher);
  • unrestricted movement around the tent (2 exits available).


  • heavy compared to typical competitors (5.2 kg of weight);
  • mediocre combination of water resistance values.

A very important feature of this tent is the external arrangement of the frame arches, which, on the one hand, visually increases the internal volume of the room, and on the other, has a positive effect on the strength of the installation. The latter, by the way, is most relevant: Talberg Bonzer 4 is intended for use in places with strong wind currents and other weather phenomena. For additional fixation in place, it is equipped with a storm guy, necessary in the above situations.

In general, the tent can accommodate 4 people without being limited in space thanks to two doors. The interior layout of the Talberg Bonzer 4 provided for the presence of one shelf, which is a real art to fit into such a limited space. Among the measures of protection against environmental factors, there is only an anti-mosquito net - the awning model does not have any fire-fighting impregnations or ultraviolet catchers. In this regard, the cost of the model seems a little overpriced, which may be a factor in the lack of a large influx of buyers.


  • high-quality outer frame, designed for stability during adverse weather conditions;
  • presence of anti-storm guy;
  • comfortable amount of interior space;
  • the presence of shelves and pockets in the tent.


  • overpriced;
  • lack of passive protection measures from environmental factors.

The real contender for inclusion in the rating is not very popular among domestic lovers of long hikes, but it does its job very well. RedFox Fox Challenger 4 Plus accommodates 4 people, leaving the necessary operational space for greater interior comfort. Provides reliable protection from getting wet in the event of heavy rain, since both the awning and the bottom have high water resistance (7000 and 9000 mm water column). There is no snow skirt, which hints at the established seasonality, but there is an anti-storm guy and a mosquito net, relevant in all weather conditions (the latter - except for winter).

A very right step on the part of the manufacturers was to equip the RedFox Fox Challenger 4 Plus with aluminum alloy arches - otherwise the provided guy would have been nothing more than a wasteful transfer of internal resources. This approach to execution determined the high strength indicators of the installed tent, and also significantly increased the level of user safety.


  • good water resistance of the awning and bottom;
  • large dimensions of the interior room;
  • anti-storm guy in the tent equipment;
  • high-quality frame that can withstand significant loads.


  • high price.

Best Camping Tents

Alexika Victoria 10 – a different level of comfort when going on a group hike. This colossal (in every sense) tent resembles a field barracks set up during some large-scale local action. Not the best comparison, but it fully describes the dimensions of the model, which can accommodate up to 10 people.

The main difference between such large tents and, say, double tents is the need to provide a greater degree of “freedom” - if you want, the same notorious comfort. In this regard, a polyester awning (water resistant to 4000 mm water column) was equipped with two windows, a central canopy and wide side entrances, so as not to restrict people in space. As protective measures, a mosquito net, single-layer fire-resistant impregnation and an ultraviolet trap are required. The total weight of this design reaches 24 kg, and therefore the question of the method of transportation over long distances does not even arise.


  • huge tent capacity (up to 10 people);
  • reserve space for a comfortable stay inside the tent;
  • visual expansion of space due to side doors;
  • large canopy over the central entrance;
  • taking all possible protection measures: fire-resistant impregnation, mosquito net, protection from UV rays.


  • not detected.

The eight-person camping scarf in the shape of a half-barrel is a very strange model, the dimensions of which are in no way compatible with the overall weight. An alternative to all previous products with parameters of 750x260x185 cm has a mass of 12.5 kg, which leads to the initial thought about the mediocrity of the facing materials. Oddly enough, the theory is fundamentally at odds with reality: the combination of nylon and polyester turns out to be quite durable, although it cannot please us with its high resistance to water (3000 and 5000 mm of water column on the walls and bottom, respectively). However, in this case this is not the most important thing.

The main parameter of the Husky Boston 8 is comfort, which is in abundance here. The fact is that the inner section is divided into two equal rooms, each of which ideally fits four people. Coupled with four exits, which are duplicated with mosquito nets, this configuration does not limit the movement of people in any way.


  • very light model;
  • rational division of the total area into two separate rooms;
  • excellent thermoregulation, creating comfortable conditions for staying inside the tent;
  • doors on all sides of the tent.


  • high price that does not fully correspond to the content.

By the will of user preferences, the next line in the rating goes to the Canadian Camper GRAND CANYON 4 tent. Designed for four people, it has a very massive appearance, fully confirming this with its impressive weight: as much as 11.2 kg. Polyester with water resistance ratings of 4000 and 6000 mm water was used as an awning and bottom. Art. respectively. The frame, according to the standard, is made of fiberglass, strong enough to support the large mass of the walls.

Among the pleasant little things of the Canadian Camper GRAND CANYON 4, it is worth noting the presence of fire-resistant impregnation, a mosquito net and ultraviolet protection. There is no snow skirt, but this is more likely a flaw of strict seasonality than a constructive minus. A slightly strange decision on the part of the manufacturers was to produce three doors at once, especially given the presence of one single room inside. However, this nuance does not in any way interfere with the life of tourists - a comfortable time in nature with GRAND CANYON 4 is guaranteed.


  • strong fiberglass frame;
  • visual expansion of the internal space using a three-door design;
  • high degree of comfort;
  • an abundance of protective equipment (from fire, ultraviolet radiation, mosquitoes and other insects);
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.


  • a lot of weight for a four-person tent.

Tramp BREST 9 is a non-standard tent with a high degree of protection, which became its “calling card” when entering the rating. Despite decent, but generally very average water resistance indicators (4000 and 8000 mm of water column on the awning and bottom, respectively), it provides reliable protection from fire (thanks to fire-resistant impregnation) and ultraviolet radiation. The model also includes a snow skirt and a mosquito net, which indicates that it is intended for use throughout the year.

As for the interior decoration of Tramp BREST 9, it is worth noting the presence of a shelf and internal pockets, as well as the division of a large area (580x400x200 cm) into three separate rooms. A canopy located above the only exit also looks very appropriate here. The total weight of this design is 14.4 kg, which is mere trifles for a nine-person tent.


  • focus on protective properties (fireproof impregnation, protection from ultraviolet rays, snow and windproof skirt, mosquito net);
  • presence of pockets and shelves inside the tent;
  • canopy over the central entrance;
  • optimal weight of the structure;
  • the ability to move comfortably around the internal area.


  • not detected.

A very strong representative of the camping tent segment, which took a place in the rating due to its very high reliability indicators. It has a series of targeted design improvements, the main one of which is the combined use of dissimilar materials as a frame. The base is a combination of fiberglass arches (12.7 mm in diameter) and aluminum profiles with a cross-section of 19 mm. The visor stands, in turn, are made of 19 mm steel, and the sleeping compartment extension bars are made of 11 mm fiberglass rod.

An important factor in the reliability of the Maverick Tourer 400 is the method of sealing the seams. In this case we are talking about welding - many competitors try not to spend money on such an operation. Each wall of the tent is made of polyester of varying degrees of density and is duplicated (in the places of structural holes) with a mosquito net. To protect from snow and wind, it has a special 20-centimeter skirt. Ultimately, all this splendor has only one significant drawback, apart from the high nominal cost: 20 kg of weight is too much for hiking.


  • combination of materials for constructing a tent frame (fiberglass + aluminum poles);
  • metal stands for a canopy (aka canopy) above the central entrance;
  • processing of seams by welding;
  • the presence of a wide wind- and snow-protective skirt.


  • heavy weight of the tent (20 kg).

The Talberg four-person camping tent is an example of the balance of technical characteristics laid down at the very early stages of design and development. Despite the rather mediocre water resistance indicators (the polyester wall and polyethylene floor have indicators of 4000 and 5000 mm of water column, respectively), the tent benefits from additional equipment components. Understanding the changing nature of weather conditions, as well as the scope of the geography of sales, the manufacturers equipped the model with an anti-storm guy in case of increased winds, as well as a snow skirt.

In their reviews, users often note the original barrel-shaped shape of the Talberg Base 4. Its internal area is partitioned with a dense membrane, dividing the tent exactly in half. There are two exits provided for greater ease of movement. Overall, it makes a very good impression, complemented by a very reasonable price.


  • acceptable price;
  • the presence of storm guy ropes, a snow skirt and a mosquito net;
  • high quality seam processing;
  • a canopy over the entrance, protecting from precipitation and direct sunlight;
  • original barrel shape.


  • average water resistance values.

The Sierra 6 six-seater camping blanket from Indiana is a constant participant in the best ratings, characterized by ergonomics and tailored for comfort. The awning, made of polyester, has a water resistance of 3000 mm water. Art., providing, albeit not the most intense, but satisfactory protection from moisture. The bottom of the tent, made of reinforced polyethylene, has much greater water resistance (10,000 mm water column).

Structurally, the internal volume of Indiana Serra 6 is divided into two sections, each of which has its own door. There is no mosquito net, but there is a windproof skirt and a pocket that forms a kind of vestibule. The nominal weight of the structure is 11.3 kg, necessitating transportation by car. In terms of cost, this model is very loyal to consumers, even despite some rise in price over the past few years.


  • low cost;
  • optimal indicators of reliability and durability;
  • the highest water resistance of polyethylene flooring (10,000 mm water column);
  • rational division of the common internal space into two sections with a private door to the outside;
  • availability of additional means of protection from wind and snow.


  • mediocre water resistance of the walls (3000 mm water column).

The list of the best continues with the strong six-person tent Ruswell 6 from Btrace, the main design feature of which is the use of Durapol duralumin tubes with a cross-section of 9.5/11 mm as frame elements. Thanks to such a targeted, but certainly important change, the model has significantly gained in rigidity and strength, causing the absence of anti-storm guys. The two-layer awning with dimensions 585x220x200 is made of 75D/190T Dry Tech PU polyester, the water resistance of which looks quite decent compared to most competitors (5000 mm water column). The floor, without any claims to innovation, is covered with standard terpauling with a water resistance value of 10,000 mm water. Art.

As significant advantages of the Btrace Ruswell 6, consumers highlight the presence of ultraviolet protection, as well as a wide windproof vestibule measuring 215 cm. The total weight of the tent is not one of the advantages, but it is not considered a disadvantage either: 14 kg for such a model looks more than normal. In general, there are no weaknesses here at all: perhaps the price could be slightly lower than the current one.


  • excellent water resistance of reinforced polyethylene floors (10,000 mm water column);
  • high-quality duralumin frame Durapol with high resistance to dynamic loads;
  • thoughtful design, including a vestibule measuring 215 cm.


  • slightly overpriced.

A non-standard camping tent for six people, with an external fiberglass frame and three separate rooms. Its design is tailored to provide maximum protection in bad weather, which is expressed in the presence of a canopy, a storm guy and the external location of the frame arches. Polyester with a water resistance rating of 3000 mm water was used to cover the awning. Art. The floor, as in many other tents, is lined with reinforced polyethylene, which does not allow moisture to penetrate in principle (water resistance is 10,000 mm water column).

Let's be honest: the ergonomics of the TREK PLANET Florida Tripl 6 leave much to be desired, both during transportation and during installation. The fact is that the weight of the tent is 18 kilograms, and taking it for hiking would, to put it mildly, be impractical. In this case, the folded dimensions in length and width are 70 and 28 cm, respectively. This model is quite expensive, but guarantees a long service life and a comfortable stay for users in nature.


  • a large number of protective elements;
  • very good indicator of bottom water resistance (10,000 mm water column);
  • high quality workmanship;
  • long service life of the tent with proper care and use.


  • Not the best overall dimensions for carrying and setting up a tent on site.

The best extreme tents

The main candidate for the leading position in the rating became a real bestseller in America, after which it did not fail to “look” into the domestic market. Alexika Matrix 3 differs from the tents presented in the category by only one, but very important condition: both the awning and the polyester bottom are treated with a fire-resistant compound. However, for this, manufacturers had to pay in terms of water resistance: while the bottom can withstand up to 6000 mm of water. Art., hemispherical walls are limited to a very modest figure of 3000 mm of water. Art. Ultimately, in a serious downpour, the tent may simply begin to leak moisture inside.

With dimensions of 210×160×105 cm, Alexika Matrix 3 can comfortably accommodate up to three people and ensure their comfortable stay inside. This effect was achieved by moving the aluminum frame outside the internal area, thereby (albeit slightly) expanding it. From the point of view of ease of transportation, this model is the “golden mean”. Its total weight is 3.8 kg, but for extreme hiking, and even more so for camping, this is a completely adequate result.


  • high popularity abroad;
  • treatment with a refractory compound;
  • comfortable model for seating three people;
  • thoughtful configuration of the frame, placed outside the inside of the tent.


  • mediocre water resistance.

The non-standard extreme tent Husky Flame 2, designed to comfortably accommodate two people inside, was also included in the rating. The production materials used were aluminum (for the frame), nylon (for the awning) and polyester (for the bottom). Despite such an extensive selection, the overall performance of the tent turned out to be lower than that of its competitor, Tramp MOUNTAIN 4 Alu. Thus, the water resistance of a nylon awning was limited to 6000 mm of water. Art., and the equipment was missing a mosquito net. But an inner tent has appeared, which compensates for almost all the shortcomings of the kit (performing regulatory and protective functions).

As for the ergonomic parameters during transportation, consumers had the fewest complaints about this component. When packed, the dimensions of Husky Flame 2 are only 45x15 cm, and the weight does not exceed 2.8 kg. In general, this model is considered one of the exemplary extreme tents available for purchase on the Russian market.


  • thoughtful transportation dimensions, low weight;
  • use of aluminum as a frame;
  • high degree of comfort inside;
  • optimal price.


  • low water resistance of the awning compared to its main competitor.

Advanced hemispherical polyester tent designed to accommodate four people. It is distinguished by its large dimensions (the outer dome measures 390×250×180 cm), and, in accordance with this, quite heavy weight (4.9 kg). The arch material used here is aluminum, which can withstand high stress loads. Trump MOUNTAIN 4 Alu makes up for its mediocre transport ergonomics with good performance. In particular, users note the high degree of water resistance of the awning and bottom (8000 and 10000 mm of water column, respectively), the presence of a mosquito net, as well as a wind and snow pocket. There was also an anti-storm guy here: one, but this was enough to securely fix the tent. Domestic tourists liked this model, even despite the slight increase in price.


  • high water resistance of all structural elements;
  • strong aluminum as frame arches;
  • the presence of a windproof pocket and a snowproof skirt;
  • The design is supplemented with an anti-storm guy.


  • poor transport performance.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

and are ready to go get your first equipment.

If you are planning to get involved in overnight trips into nature, you will inevitably have to acquire a camping tent. If it is not yet clear whether this is your type of recreation or not, I do not recommend spending money on expensive equipment; it is better to “shoot” with friends or rent. If you firmly understand that you cannot live without forays into nature, but have no experience, this article is for you.

Let me make a reservation right away that there is no talk here about a cheap Auchan camping tent for gentle “tourists” who grab the cheapest equipment on sale and go camping only in sunny, windless weather. We will look at sensible equipment for an average budget and long-term use.

  • For starters, forget about quick-assemble tents that fold into a round cover - they are unstable nonsense.
  • Don't look at a huge tent with several rooms and a horde of friends. Firstly, you will avoid “sharing” and collective responsibility for the safety of the tent. Secondly, large tents require a wide, flat clearing, and such luxury is not always available. Thirdly, experienced tourists will never buy an overly large tent; such tents are created for inexperienced buyers, and are always of very dubious quality. In ideal landscape and weather conditions, such a tent will stand, but it may no longer withstand moderate winds.
  • Decide how many people will live in the tent. You should not take a tent “to grow into,” since the smaller the internal volume of the tent, the warmer it will be to sleep in it. That is, if there are two of you, take a 2-person tent.
  • Pay attention to the water resistance of the material, it is better that it is at least 4000 mm. water column at the tent and at least 6000 at the bottom. This is guaranteed to protect you and your belongings from prolonged and intense rainfall.
  • Avoid non-standard designs. The simpler the frame, the more reliable and quick to assemble the tent. The ideal is two cross arches; if there is a vestibule with a canopy, a third arch.
  • Choose a two-layer tent so that condensation from the inside of the tent does not penetrate into the living tent and wet you and your belongings.
  • When choosing the number of vestibules, entrances, pockets and other “pampering”, be guided by the most likely method of movement. If you are by car, then the weight and volume of the tent are not critical for you, but if you drag it on yourself, then the weight and volume will play a decisive role for you. Every extra vestibule, zipper, mesh, pocket, ventilation window and the like is an increase in weight and dimensions. However, the vestibule is convenient for storing backpacks, groceries and shoes; Pockets are convenient for storing phones and flashlights; and ventilation windows help cope with heat and condensation. Ideally, find the best option between compactness and comfort, taking into account the most likely operating conditions in your particular case.
  • A windproof skirt is necessary in cold, windy seasons or in snow. For summer hikes its presence is not necessary. On hot days it’s not even advisable, because the skirt prevents the tent from blowing along the bottom. But on a cold night and in windy weather, the skirt will help retain heat inside the tent with virtually no loss.
  • Pay attention to reinforced corners and taped or welded seams. The unreliability of these elements in the design is fraught with rupture of the fabric, and hence the failure of the tent.
  • The presence of storm lines is critical only in strong gusty winds. In normal weather they hang around idle.
  • Whether you need fireproof impregnation depends only on whether you are making pioneer fires and whether you are placing the tent close to an open fire)))
  • The weight of the tent and its dimensions are important only when hiking, however, if a lot of things are usually crammed into the car, then perhaps it’s still worth paying attention to the dimensions when folded.
  • To reduce the weight of the tent, choose a design with aluminum poles (they are lighter than fiberglass), a minimum number of poles in the structure, with one entrance and a minimum of pockets and windows.
  • Don’t be afraid to buy used tents that are 2-3 years old. If the tent is of high quality and without damage, it will serve you for at least another 3 years faithfully. The main thing is to check the integrity of the package and the absence of mechanical damage when purchasing.
  • The most important thing is to choose a tent specifically for your needs and according to your parameters. A universal tent is a utopia)

I chose two tents for myself:

1) Canadian Camper CYCLONE 2 AL for traveling by car or if I take my dog ​​with me. This is a fairly spacious and comfortable two-room apartment with a spacious vestibule for storing things, while being very reliable and easy to install, with reinforced corners and fire-resistant impregnation. She weighs about 3.2 kg. It costs around 11,000 rubles. Over 5 years of use, absolutely nothing has been worn out or damaged.

2) Splav Jaguar 2 v. 2 for wearing on yourself. It is light, comfortable, ventilates well in the heat, fits on a small piece of land, and is easy to install. Only small people, or a person and a dog, will be comfortable in it. And it’s very comfortable for one person in such a tent and you can put a backpack inside. Weighs approximately 2.1 kg. Costs 8500 rubles. Over the 2 years of use, it hasn’t leaked anywhere either.

A mandatory attribute of any hike or just outdoor recreation is a tent. The question of choosing a tent is quite complex and is determined by many different factors. Buying a tent will not be difficult, since today there are a huge number of options on the market - tourist, expedition, camping and others. Each tent has certain parameters and features: size, weight, number of seats, entrances and vestibules, quality of fittings and seams, water resistance, quality of impregnation, and others. All this matters and affects the cost.

First you need to decide: for what purpose do you need a tent? The answer options can be reduced to three main ones:

- Amateur tourism. You are planning trekking in the mountains for your own pleasure, without conquering difficult peaks. This also includes, with minor reservations, cycling and kayaking.

- Professional tourism. These are active travels, sometimes “on the edge of possibilities”, ascents above 3000 meters, mountaineering and records. Such trips require the most careful preparation; any mistake in choosing equipment can stand in the way of the ascent or even lead to serious consequences.

- Camping or road trip. You are not going to move from place to place; the tent is set up permanently, say, for a week. Or you are a car traveler and will periodically remove the tent from the trunk of the car.

If you have clearly formulated the purpose of your travels, determining the basic requirements for a tent will not be difficult.

Types of tourist tents:

It's no secret that tents are made for many purposes. In this article we will look at the types of tourist tents. But tourists are also different. There are many different classifications of tents. Let's look at the most common of them, which is used by many manufacturers. Which tent is best for you depends on what type of recreation you prefer.

By purpose tourist tents are distinguished:

for highlands;

for mid-mountain areas;

for the plain.

In each of the three above categories there is a conditional division into “upper”, “medium” and “low” tents. This gradation depends on the materials used for the arches and awnings, technologies, impregnations and design.

Alpine tents are divided into expeditionary and assault. Tents for high altitudes are designed specifically for extreme conditions: strong storm winds, high altitudes above sea level, frost, etc.

Expedition tents are tents for the so-called “Himalayan” style of climbing, when several base camps are created during the ascent. An expedition tent is designed to stand in one place for a long time, so it must be wind and moisture resistant, and its structure must be rigid enough to withstand the pressure of wind and snow.

Assault - tents for the “alpine” style, when base camps are not set up, but the tent is carried with you throughout the entire ascent (which is why it should also be as light as possible). A good storm tent will withstand any weather conditions. Assault tents are light, moderately roomy, and quickly assembled.

Tents for mid-mountain mountains combine the qualities of expeditionary and assault tents: they are more comfortable, therefore, heavier than assault tents, although lighter than expeditionary ones.

Plains are simple small tents for light hikes and overnight stays along hiking trails, in the forest and on the plains. Not very resistant to heavy rain and wind. Most often, company catalogs indicate the recommended purpose of the tent (for example, for mountain tourism, mountaineering, auto tourism).

Tents for mid-mountain and lowland areas are divided into:

Camping tents

If you like equipped campsites or you go out into nature by car for quite a long time (or at least don’t plan to move from place to place often), then you can safely buy a large camping tent.

Camping- these are large, spacious, high tents (often equipped with vestibules and windows) for permanent installation. The main advantages are comfort (in such tents you can stand at full height) and spaciousness. Disadvantages include heavy weight and poor heating properties. Camping means that the tent will not need to be carried, assembled and disassembled every day. Often, like other equipment, it can be transported to a vacation spot by car, therefore, the weight of the tent (more than 7 kg) is not of fundamental importance. Also, a large vestibule plays an important role in the camping, allowing, for example, on a rainy day to cook food in it on a gas burner and not get wet in the rain.

Universal tents

Such tents are characterized by fairly high comfort; they are not subject to very stringent requirements for wind resistance, however, other qualities common to all types (waterproofness, the use of “breathable” fabrics, etc.) must be at the proper level.

Tents for hiking and mountain trekking

The specificity of these hikes is that you only have what you carry on your shoulders. This is not easy, so neither the tent nor you need extra pounds. In addition, the hike may be accompanied by wind, rain or snow, therefore, the requirements for tents are quite strict: the weight per person should not exceed 1.2-1.3 kg for a 3-person tent and 1-1.1 kg for a 4-person tent. At the same time, the structure must be rigid enough to withstand bad weather. It’s good if the tent has a “skirt” to protect it from snow.

Tents for water trips

It is unlikely that anyone will go on such a hike in winter, which means that protection from snow in this case will most likely not be useful. The weight of the tent will also not play a significant role, which means it can be chosen more conveniently. Wind resistance will also not be a critical parameter, therefore, of the two classic shapes - “hemisphere” and “half-barrel” - you can choose the latter due to its large useful volume and better habitability.

Special tents

This type of tent includes specialized tents with non-standard requirements for conditions or design: fishing and military tents, tents for winter hiking, for children and others.

When choosing a tent, it is advisable to study this qualification. So, most of the tents from the “tourist” category are suitable for simple hikes and overnight fishing trips. In this case, you can pay reasonable money. However, it is important to remember that a good tent cannot be cheap (due to the use of high-quality materials), but it is also not worth overpaying (unless you intend to use its capabilities to the maximum).

Based on their design features, tents can be divided into two main groups:

Single layer

Double layer

Single layer tents They are made mainly from waterproof synthetic materials. Their main advantages are lightness and compactness, and the main problem is condensation accumulating on the walls of the tent. There is a question of ventilation, since it is quite difficult to ensure that a single layer is both waterproof and breathable. Therefore, when choosing a single-layer tent, you should be guided, first of all, by the type and quality of the fabric (cheap single-layer tents usually have poor ventilation; you can easily wake up in a damp sleeping bag the next morning). If the material is waterproof but not breathable, then a well-thought-out ventilation system is needed: mesh holes on all sides of the tent. Currently, numerous types of two-layer tents are most widespread, as they are the most functional.

Double layer tent, in fact, consists of two tents: an outer one (an awning, which must be durable and waterproof, since it is a protective shell covering the inside) and an inner one, which is made of lightweight, breathable material. The inner layer is necessary so that condensation does not accumulate in the tent and there is something to breathe. The porous fabric removes air and moisture, which settles on the tent and flows down, bypassing the inner tent. Often, the awning also has ventilation windows.

Another advantage of two-layer tents is the presence of a vestibule.

Tambour - additional space under the outer awning of the tent. Used to store things, dishes and dirty shoes.

Differences in tents by season of use

Summer tents. Used in summer in good climatic conditions. The design of a tent for summer use is very simple and does not provide for its use in stormy winds and thunderstorms. The main advantage is good ventilation, compactness, low weight and low price.

Three-season tents. Provide reliable protection even in rain and cold. Designed for spring, summer and autumn. The price is significantly more expensive than summer ones.

All-season tents. Designed for any weather, including cold, storm, rain and heat. Can be used all year round. Main advantages: high water resistance, wind resistance, and the presence of a snow skirt. The price of such tents is correspondingly high.

Types of tents by shape

In general terms, the design of a tent is a frame with an awning stretched over it. But there are important nuances, for example, the shape of the tent. The shape is important not only from a decorative, but also from a purely practical side. There are these types of tourist tents according to their shape:


This is the most popular and common form of tent due to its versatility. Hemispherical tents are well suited for both simple camping trips and challenging hikes because they are easy to set up and stable. The basis of the frame is usually two intersecting arcs. This is a fairly wind-resistant, equally strong structure. Plus it looks great.

Half barrel

The half-barrel has an elongated shape in the form of half of a cylinder cut along the length. This type of tent belongs to the category of frame products, but the arcs in it are installed parallel to the width of the tent and in the direction of the wind. Tents in the shape of a half-barrel are considered one of the most comfortable; you can comfortably equip sleeping places in them and place the necessary things. If you install such a tent correctly, it can become not only a place to sleep for one night, but a whole house for quite a long period of time. The downside of the tent is its reduced stability. It is better to install such a tent together, as it is quite difficult to do it alone.


A favorite form for solo tourists. It has good stability, is compact and lightweight. It has good stability, is light and compact. This is a pretty successful and cozy type of tent. There is a noticeable difference in the location of the arcs: two of them are placed parallel to each other, then crossed at two points and secured. The result is an elongated tent, quite tall and attractive.


The tent is the favorite form of expeditionists. This type of tent has been known since ancient times. Their big advantage is the absence of a frame and large capacity. The supporting element is a single central post, from which the awning descends to the ground.

Gable tent ("house")

These days, this type of tent is popular among forest hikers and water hikers. This is the classic style of Soviet tents. Main advantages: compactness, light weight and low cost. But there are also tangible disadvantages: high requirements for the installation site, low wind resistance, and complexity of installation.


The most common forms are described above, but there are others. Non-standard designs are most often in demand in extreme conditions, where special requirements for wind resistance, landscape compatibility, etc. are required.

It is also important to choose the right sleeping bag - a necessary attribute for any trip.

How to decide on the size of the tent?

Many people have probably heard: single tent, double, triple, and so on. In the first case, this means that the tent can comfortably accommodate (with things) one person (usually an adult man); in the second - two; in the third - three and so on. But for a clearer understanding of the dimensions of the tent, before purchasing, you should study its length and width on the Internet. Then you can “recreate” these dimensions on your floor, take a sleeping bag and try to fit into the resulting square.

Tent capacity

When choosing a tent, one of the decisive factors is its capacity. As mentioned earlier, there are one-, two-, three- and four-person tents. There are also twelve-seaters, but they are intended for special expeditions. It is worth emphasizing that the weight of a tent is directly proportional to its capacity. That is, a four-person tent will be heavier than a two-person tent made of the same material. Therefore, when choosing a tent for a camping trip, calculate the number of seats in strict accordance with the number of people. There is no need to take a four-person tent for two, since every extra kilogram of equipment will be felt by your body.

! The number of seats in a tent is calculated based on the width of the camp mats (tourist rugs). A 60-centimeter karemat is considered standard. But there are smaller 50-centimeter versions. If a tent can accommodate two standard mattresses, then it is considered a double tent. If three reduced ones fit, then it will be marked as 2+1.

For light hikes, it is better to choose tents marked +1. The rest of the space can comfortably fit a backpack on a rainy night, and in good weather you won’t have to be cramped, but will have a little more free space.

Do you need windows in a tent?

In general, we can safely say no. As a rule, you only sleep in a tent at night, so there is no need to look out of the windows. If we consider the window as an additional ventilation hole, then with two-layer structures there is no need for this, but in single-layer ones, the slightly open zipper at the entrance does an excellent job of supplying fresh air.

The exception is camping tents. In this case, a tent with windows looks like a house and creates more comfort.

Materials. Tent awnings

When choosing a tent, you will come across many different types of fabrics - nylon, nylon, polyester, lavsan and others. Initially, it may seem that it is difficult to understand all this, but in reality it is not so.

For the manufacture of awning materials, fabrics based on polyamide or polyester fibers, sometimes mixtures such as cotton + polyamide, are used.

Polyamide fabrics(nylon, nylon).

pros: lightness, high strength, low hygroscopicity, abrasion resistance and low price.

Minuses: noticeable stretching when wet, low resistance to ultraviolet radiation (under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they lose up to 40% of strength per year).

Polyester fabrics(polyester, lavsan).

pros: practically do not stretch when wet, are characterized by increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation, as well as higher strength than polyamide fibers.

Minuses: high price.

In the description of the tent you may see an incomprehensible set of symbols, for example, Poly Taffeta 210T 3000 PU. How do you understand what this means?

Word ( Poly) means it is made of polyester material.

Taffeta- This is the most common method of weaving thread. This is a uniform, tightly woven fabric. It is characterized by increased water resistance. Is there some more Oxford- a type of weaving with several threads. (increases the strength of the fabric with a slight decrease in water resistance and is often used for the bottom of the tent) and Rip Stop– a thicker and stronger thread is woven into the fabric at certain intervals. (increases strength due to the reinforced thread, without adding weight; makes the fabric more resistant to tearing, but the reduced density of the fabric near thick threads can lead to leakage).

Next comes 210T- this is the density of weaving. It is measured in tex and affects the strength of the material. The more T, the denser, stronger and heavier the fabric. In addition, tent markings may contain numbers and letter D. This indicates the thickness of the threads from which the material is actually made. This indicator also affects the strength and weight of the tent.

And finally P.U. means that the fabric is impregnated with polyurethane and is therefore water resistant. There is also silicone impregnation ( S.I.), it is of higher quality and more durable, but also costs more.

The materials are coated with polyurethane on the inside. At the same time, two layers of PU impregnation provide water resistance of 3,000 mm water column; three layers - 5,000 mm. Silicone coating is applied externally. The acceptable level of water resistance here is 2,000 mm.

Summarize. If you go out into nature infrequently and at the same time stick to the well-trodden tourist paths, then a tent made of nylon with Taffeta or Rip Stop weaving and a density from 190T to 210T is quite suitable for you. A worthwhile addition to this would be silicone water-repellent impregnation.

Water resistance

When buying a tent, be sure to pay attention to its water resistance. It should be different for different conditions. The higher the water resistance, the stronger and, as a result, heavier the material and the tent itself.

In the characteristics of the tent you will see an indicator of the maximum height of the water column (600-10000 mm), in other words - water resistance. It is usually indicated immediately after the name of the tent fabric. According to standard DIN, fabrics with a water resistance of more than 2000 mm are considered waterproof. If the water resistance is more than 1000 mm, then the fabric has water-repellent properties. The optimal water resistance of awning fabric is 2000-4000 mm. If it is less, there is a chance that the fabric will get wet in heavy rain, and if it is more, the tent will be too heavy. The bottom of the tent is usually characterized by a higher water resistance rating - at least 4000 mm.

Also, pay attention to the quality of the seams. They must be made with lavsan or nylon threads and must be glued or double.

What should the bottom of the tent be like?

The bottom of the tent, mainly, must be strong, since it is the bottom of the tent that bears the heaviest burden: you place it on sharp stones, on snow, on sand.

As a rule, the bottom is made of the same material as the outer awning. Suitable for this purpose are nylon fabrics with Oxford weave, with a weave density of at least 210T and a thread thickness of at least 210D. But the main indicator is water resistance. It is desirable that the bottom material can withstand at least 5,000 mm of water column.

Sometimes the bottom is also made of reinforced polyethylene (it is designated P.E., tarpauling). This material practically does not get wet, is quite affordable in cost, but is much heavier than polyester and nylon.

In addition, many tents have a so-called skirt, which prevents wind from blowing and precipitation from getting between the inner and outer awning.

Skirt - This is an additional strip of fabric around the perimeter of the tent. It can be sewn or removable.

It makes sense to buy a tent with a skirt if you are going on a winter hike: it will provide additional warmth. For trekking summer tents, a skirt is an unnecessary burden. This will only cause condensation to accumulate.

What is the difference between expensive tents and cheap ones?

Expensive tents are made from lightweight, durable materials. They are usually lightweight and provide better protection from moisture.

Of course, you can buy a tent in a hypermarket without bothering, but here it is important to understand that the low price of the product is important for the market. And such tents are, accordingly, less practical, durable and comfortable than those from reputable manufacturers. Thus, tents from trusted companies will be equipped with reliable fittings, many pockets, and a convenient design of ventilation holes and zippers.

There are a few tricks that can help you save money when buying a tent.

Don’t be afraid to buy tents from little-known companies, as long as the specifications match reality.

Old models from well-known brands are no worse than their new models, but their cost is significantly lower.

Before buying a tent, study user reviews about the chosen model, consult with friends, and, if possible, test this or that tent in action before purchasing (for example, borrow from a friend).

After purchasing a tent, do not rush to go camping right away. To begin with, assemble it at home to understand how it works so that you can assemble and disassemble it quickly and easily on a hike. After this, treat the seams with a water-repellent spray to ensure protection from moisture. And in order for the tent to serve you for a long time, upon returning from a hike, do not forget to dry it thoroughly.

How to properly care for your tent

to extend its service life

The tent is not very demanding to use. However, there are some simple rules for caring for it:

1. To make the tent last longer, it is advisable to treat it with impregnating substances at least once a year.

2. If the floor of the tent is made of polyethylene, try to place it a little differently each time, avoiding rubbing along the fold lines.

3. After you bring your tent back from a trip, be sure to dry it thoroughly, even if it has not been installed.
4. It is not recommended to leave fiberglass or plastic poles in direct sunlight.

5. Do not store the tent in a compression bag or in open sunlight. The compression bag is intended for ease of transport only.
6. When choosing a tent, pay attention not only to its cost. Not only the amount of money spent, but your health and even your life may depend on this choice.

7. Fire safety rules cannot be ignored (this applies to fires and cigarettes). The tent burns down in 3-4 seconds, leaving behind only the poles and the floor.

Necessary little things

Stretch marks . Almost any tent has guy ropes, when installed, the awning stretches well and does not come into contact with the inside of the tent. This protects against condensation, and in windy weather it further strengthens the tent structure. As a rule, guy wires are installed using pegs, but if there is not enough space, the guy wire can be secured to a tree or bush. The standard number of guy lines is 4-6, but in tents for serious climbing it can reach 20.

Coating. An additional benefit is the fabric's water-repellent coating (designated WR). It should be said that the coating can be purchased separately and you can treat the tent yourself.

Impregnation . Made from polyurethane (PU) or silicone (SI) and increases the water resistance of the fabric. For those who like to play it safe, some brands also offer fire-resistant impregnation, which prevents the tent from catching fire, although it does not protect against the appearance of small burns in places where there is direct exposure to fire.

Ventilation . Paying close attention to protection from rain, do not forget that the inside of the tent should “breathe” and the windows should open for ventilation. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting wet from condensation. Ventilation windows or flaps should be comfortable and easy to open and close without interfering with the compact packaging of the tent.

Now there's just a little bit left to do: decide on the purpose of the trip, set a financial limit and choose a tent that will be comfortable and cozy!