How the blue whale appeared. The great blue whale is the giant of planet Earth. Description and photo of a blue whale. Detention of Philip Lys

Dear parents, how long have you been interested in what your growing children are breathing?

What interests them, worries them, worries them?

How often do you have heart-to-heart conversations with them?

And if you do this extremely rarely, don’t be surprised if one day your child calmly steps in front of a train at someone’s direction.

This is exactly what 16-year-old student Rina Palenkova from Ussuriysk did. Taking a selfie with an approaching train in the background and leaving the infamous Nya post. bye,” she lay down on the railroad tracks. And within a month she became a hero. Her photos went viral on social media. networks at lightning speed, and 150 of the same teenagers came to her funeral. This number says a lot!

And the girl was simply a participant in the game on her VKontakte page.

“Blue Whale”, “Wake me up at 4.20”, “f50” - all these are the names of the so-called death groups that offer a teenager confused in his problems to play a quest for 50 days. And if you pass the tests, your reward will be deliverance from all the hardships of life - death.

How do the moderators of these groups catch their victims, and why do they have such power over teenagers?

It's no secret that at 13-16 years old the world seems completely different than at 30 or 40 years old. Any difficulty, misunderstanding seems insoluble, the first unrequited love is the only one, a quarrel with parents is a global conflict of “fathers and children.”

At the same time, the life of a modern teenager is surprisingly monotonous and boring. Home, school, lessons, visiting grandma for the weekend, short walks outside with friends who also don’t know what to do... Sometimes that’s all we can offer children. Parents are at work all the time: they have no time. And the soul thirsts for adrenaline, exploits, Shakespearean love! Only in modern world there is no place for all this.

This is where the “death groups” come into force, which have now appeared on Instagram. Do you have a lot of unresolved problems? It doesn’t matter, death will solve everything at once.

Do you want adrenaline? Take a knife and carve the shape of a whale on your hand. Do you want to take revenge for your violated love? Can you imagine how upset he will be if you fall from a high-rise building?

Reality and dreams are mixed beyond recognition in this game. Here's what one of the former members of such a group said:

Moderators contact you on VKontakte or Instagram and ask what your problem is. And if you were careless to put the hashtags “blue whale”, “I’m in the game”, “wake me up at 4.20”, they will definitely find you and offer to play the game for 50 days, after which you will have to commit suicide. If you are firm in your decision and agree, you are required to provide your personal data and address.

Then the moderators give deadly tasks every day, for example, making cuts on the arm, taking a photo with a razor. A photo report on social media is required for each task. networks. One of the hardest tasks is not to sleep during these 50 days. As a result, dream and reality get mixed up, you don’t understand what you’re doing. To put moral pressure on you, they send terrible videos and photos, encrypted messages with inflammatory inscriptions. As a result, you no longer understand what you are doing. Only on the night before suicide they let you sleep and demand that you wake up at 4 o’clock and turn on Skype. Here you receive the last requirement - to commit suicide.

Not all teenagers go all the way. But there are those who decided to die, and there are already many of them. Why can't you just close the page and not get in touch? This time, everything is decided by fear for loved ones: if a child avoids completing tasks, they begin to threaten him.

The most powerful argument is “I will kill your parents!” Alas, children do not always dare to tell their parents about threats, and some do not even need them. Amazing composure in the face of death does not need incitement.

Dear parents, please note that behind this moral pressure there is a well-thought-out and professionally prepared program for the psychological treatment of adolescents.

Why is this being done?

It is no longer a secret that after the death of a child, all the horrifying photos and videos he took, including pictures of suicide, are sold for huge sums of money to closed websites.

Of course, some group leaders have already been caught, but in 2016 the trend found a new birth on the margins of Instagram.

And who knows what this threatens?

What can we counter?

Home comfort, love and understanding, joint hobbies and problem solving, lack of fear of parents. If a child does not trust you, if his life is aimless, one day you may find him on his social media page. networks deadly hashtags. It's good if it's not too late.

The meaninglessness of existence, statements like “nobody understands me,” which we can often hear from the younger generation, sometimes hide behind them banal things - the absence of a clearly formed goal or a useful hobby that would absorb free time and would form a favorable social circle.

So, instead of sitting in front of the TV on the weekend, go hiking with your child? Or go horseback riding or mountaineering? Instead of taking horrific selfies, take up artistic photography, capturing the most beautiful moments of this world?

Dear parents, the initiative for all good endeavors must come from you, and this must be done sincerely. Children don't like falsehood. It is necessary to formulate goals and instill real truths from childhood, growing in the family, like a delicate flower, mutual respect and a sense of security. This is the only way we can protect our children from the deadly “paws of whales.”

In the age of technology, it has become very difficult to protect your child from various types of inadequate information. All these things a la “parental control” and methods of blocking sites stopped working over time. If a child learned about something bad, it was not necessarily from the Internet. It is quite possible that a child will receive unnecessary information from those around him, be it classmates or friends who do not have any “parental control”.

Unfortunately, over time, teenagers have become more prone to depression during adolescence. Basically, the reason for this is needs that are beyond the parents’ ability, for example, the same purchase of a brand new iPhone. Because of the “poverty”, teenagers over time began to understand that they were “not like everyone else,” and then ridicule from others was not far away. And then isolation, lack of self-confidence, bad mood and with all that entails - the swirling of bad thoughts in the head.

I don’t know about you, but I noticed that children are more likely to jump out of windows, get hit by trains, hang themselves at home... Unfortunately, this trend is only growing. Strange public pages began to be created on the Internet that deliberately persuaded a teenager to commit suicide. I didn’t go into details, but, as a rule, in such groups the child signed a “verdict” for himself, otherwise he entered into the game.

What it consists of: a teenager writes to a group. He is gradually given tasks that he must complete in live. After completing them, he was assigned a curator who talked about further actions, namely staging a suicide: cutting his veins, hanging himself, drinking a bunch of pills, etc., etc. Next, the teenager performs this theatrical act on camera, and then goes offline for a while, supposedly considered dead.

However, some children began to take such games seriously. In fact, the scale of the disaster is frightening: the children do not even realize what they are doing. It's a game for them!!!

So, dear parents! Talk to your children, keep track of what public pages they are in and what they mention on their Instagram!!! This is really serious...

And more information that is now actively disseminated on the Internet:

IN social network On VKontakte, literally in a week a game called “4:20” or “Blue Whale” has spread, a game with a fatal outcome, users are waiting for various tasks that will test their nerves, the end of the game, suicide (death).

I’ll tell you a little about the rules, you add a post to your wall with the hashtags that are listed below, the administrator of this conference writes to you and asks “What is the reason for suicide?”, “Are you sure of your decision?”, each participant in the game is provided with their own personal curator, the curator dictates his own rules of the game, according to the plot of the game, all users must be in the conference at 4:20 and listen to various sounds, after which the curators distribute tasks, the first task for everyone is “Write “Blue Whale” on your hand” (Accordingly blade), information is collected from each participant, and if the participant does not complete the task, the game administrator promises to find them and help them go to another world, although they will not go there alone (with their parents).

Users aged 15-17 play this game.

I found a warning post in one group.

The following text is copied from the community*


Children "buy" their death! Those who have purchased the application are assigned a person who monitors the completion of tasks. The last stage of the game is suicide.


1. A teenager does not get enough sleep, even if he goes to bed early. Monitor whether your child sleeps in the early morning hours.

2. Draws whales, butterflies, unicorns.

3. Consists of groups containing the following in the name: “Whales are swimming up”, “Wake me up at 4.20”, f57, f58, “Tikhiidom”, “Rina”, “Nyapoka”, “Sea of ​​Whale”, “50 days before my ..." hashtags: whale house, milky way, 150 stars, ff33, d28, I want a game.

4. Closed VKontakte access to detailed information. In correspondence with friends (on my personal wall) there are phrases “wake me up at 4.20”, “I’m in the game”. It is dangerous if numbers appear on the wall, starting from 50 and less.

5. Corresponds on Viber (and other instant messengers) with strangers who give strange orders.

But no matter how cloying and kitschy this film is, it can be said to be based on real events. Such games really exist, and they, however, can lead to irreversible consequences - yes, to death. Actually, the so-called “Blue Whale” is one of them. And, unlike the screen NERVE, there is nothing funny about it. Teenagers do not play for money, and the outcome of the game is to commit suicide.

Where did it all start?

The first reports of such games appeared in 2015. It all started with suicidal public pages on VKontakte. These were open groups, and anyone could join them - any teenager who was disappointed in life and secretly dreamed of dying. Of course, the VKontakte administration took all measures to block dangerous groups and public pages, as well as hashtags, but the game has not gone away - network users began to accompany their posts on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtags #quiethome #wake me up in 420 #f57 #f58.


  • The whale became the symbol because this mammal often washes up on land.
  • 4:20 is the time at which, according to statistics, people most often commit suicide.
  • According to the latest data, many real cases of teenage suicides that occurred during the Blue Whale game have been recorded in Russia.

While law enforcement agencies “catch” the creators of the game and put them in prison, teenagers still continue to play “Blue Whale”...

What is the essence of the game "Blue Whale"?

To get into the game you need to make sure that the “instructor” or “administrator” finds you. To do this, game participants must post a certain set of hashtags and wait for instructions. The first task is to draw a whale on your own hand; some particularly desperate teenagers cut it out with a blade. Next, the “administration” sends various offline tasks to search for certain notes or objects in the city. The final stage of the game is the suicide of the participant.

It seems that the game "Blue Whale" was credited with some magical properties. They say that all you have to do is write mysterious words, and that’s it – the end of the young and blooming Tumara. I decided to test for myself whether it is really so difficult to resist this “infection”.

It was not difficult to register a profile of a teenage girl on Instagram: a couple of naive posts, depressing photos and, of course, the tags #morekits, #quiethome, #wakemeat420, #yagotova, #giveinstructions.

A day later they knocked on my private message.

- Are you in Game?
- Yes.

- Have you really decided?
- Yes. AND?

— Take a photo with a whale on your arm.
- And who are you?

— Keith.

I strained all my artistic skills and still depicted a whale on my hand. Having received the photo, the stranger ordered to wait until 7.20. In the morning at exactly this time, he wrote: “And here is your first task! You want to understand who we are, what we are and why we are doing all this? You have a unique chance to solve the riddles... On the bridge, which is located at the intersection of Akhunbaev and Maldybaev streets , we hid a hint for you on one of the locks. Good luck!"

To be honest, it was scary waiting for something (or someone) on the bridge. There were a lot of people around, and it seemed to me that one of them was about to stab me with a knife. Or maybe it will throw me completely into the dark water... Fortunately, my colleagues were watching me, ready to help at any moment. (Small spoiler: I later found out that strangers were also looking for clues.)

However, absolutely nothing happened. Keith was silent, but messages from complete strangers popped up on his phone. "Girl, what are you doing? You have your whole life ahead of you!" - some guy wrote. "Stop! My daughter is your age. You shouldn't hurt yourself. I'm a psychologist, I can help you!" - assured the unknown woman. There was even one clairvoyant who offered help and strictly forbade me to “mess around with it.”

I almost shed a tear... Dear friends, if you suddenly feel very, very bad and want to do something bad to yourself, just tell your loved ones about it! Believe me, if so many strangers were not indifferent to the troubles of a “depressed high school student,” then your family and friends will definitely help you.

© Sputnik / Tabyldy Kadyrbekov

Columnist Tumara Turatbekova writes "Kitu"

While reading the messages, I kept glancing at the locks. I swear, I turned away only for a minute when a piece of paper attached with tape appeared on one of them - a piece of a checkered notebook. On one side of the sheet was the number #521896 and the question “Are you in the game? Monument. Second monument to the border guard. We are waiting.”

1 / 2

© Sputnik / Tabyldy Kadyrbekov

Then I wrote to Keith:

- Got a task. What kind of monument? The paper is very tattered, you can’t make it out!
- You are alone?

- Yes. My friend couldn't come, she's sick.
— Unravel the meaning of the clue and find out where to go.

- "South Gate", right? Which monument? With a dog?
- Discuss and decide.

- With whom?
- With those who also perform tasks.

- Fine. Will the game end today? Mom is looking for me.
- Today is the first stage.

- Fine. I'm going to the South Gate.

© Sputnik / Tabyldy Kadyrbekov

To be honest, I was even scared here. It turns out that someone is actually willing to spend time handing out these stupid tasks, constantly answering messages and maintaining an intriguing atmosphere.

We arrived at Victory Park, and I headed to the monuments. I began circling around the monuments in search of clues and at some point I realized that the fear had evaporated - excitement appeared!

Many years ago I played like this at home New Year, when the parents decided to hide a gift in the oven and scattered clues throughout the house. But then the book “The Little Prince” and a mountain of sweets were waiting for me, but now what will be the prize?

I shivered and started texting with Keith again. We agreed that my friend would join the game. Meanwhile, some people were bustling around near the second monument to the border guard.

- There are a lot of people here. What to do?
- Go to them. They are already at the statue. You are alone?
- One. But I approached the guys, now with them.

There were five guys. Three of them - schoolchildren about 16 years old and a third-year girl - were “in the game.” I started asking how they decided to play and why. The answers shocked me: they were simply wondering if this game really exists, who is playing it and how it can be stopped. Then I asked if they had found anything. One of the students handed me a piece of paper and said that this was the second clue. There, as the first time, a number was indicated, but it was different - #964817, and was listed new question: "Do you still want to play? Monument, old airport. Look for it. Keith is with you."

© Sputnik / Tabyldy Kadyrbekov

Notes left by "Keith" and new tasks

Spend another day of your life on this?! Well, I do not! I said, “That's it, guys, get out of the game. This is really stupid: you spent half a day on some nonsense so that someone could have fun watching you drive around the city looking for notebook papers. What nonsense! We all have a real life, let's get on with it. And just in case, delete your accounts - you never know what kind of fools are sitting there."

The strategy of the game “Blue Whale” (“sea of ​​whales”, “quiet house”) is special for each participant, but all tasks are similar in their severity. From the very beginning of the game, teenagers are asked to make a cut on their hand with a blade, cut out a thematic inscription (for example, “sea of ​​whales”, F57, F58) or draw a whale.
The rest of the quests are not original: you need to cut yourself more or inflict any other violence (bruises, abrasions), draw and write whatever you ask, watch videos about suicide, and so on. There are a total of 50 tasks in the Blue Whale game. The last thing is the same for everyone - to commit suicide.

Curators change throughout the game. Some are blocked, but they return under different names. If a social network temporarily blocks the page of the “whale” himself, who has decided to die, then after the account is restored, the curators still find him and continue to send quest tasks.
It is possible to leave the game, but it is difficult. If a player changes his mind about playing, then they begin to put pressure on him. Most often they are afraid that they will “come for their loved ones.” However, fortunately, the threats are not carried out.

Let us add that in 6 months in Russia, 130 children who were in “death groups” committed suicide. Over time, the number of suicides continues to grow, and communities about “whales” are thriving, although not on VKontakte, but on Instagram.

Scary game "blue whale" leads to the death of children

Figures about deaths due to the game are supposedly pulled out of thin air. This game was initially mentioned back in May 2016. Then Novaya Gazeta published an article “Death Groups”. Journalists came up with the idea that there were about 130 victims, but they could not prove the facts of suicide, that is, the numbers are just out of thin air and it is not clear why there are 130 victims?

First, let's tell you a little about the game "blue whale". The first tags appeared back in 2015. #bluekit, #F57, or #quiethouse are the call signs. VKontakte users wrote a post and waited for a message from representatives of a certain “sect” who were supposed to tell how and where the victims should kill themselves.
On the VK network there is a group F57 of the game “blue whale”, which has existed for a long time, and they published very popular shock content from VK, such as creepy stories, stories about suicide, pictures about suicide, and in general these abnormal people promoted Satanism.
Remember the story of Rina Polinkova. She wrote “nya, bye” and went under the train (although there is still a lot of incomprehensible in this story). So, the F57 group decided to promote themselves using Rina’s story, and they came up with their own legend. They wrote that Rina learned the essence through suicide, and F57 helped them in this, although this is far from the case. Below is the band's logo, in " Novaya Gazeta“They also wrote about the logo, but this logo does not mean anything, and the participants themselves came up with it. Subsequently, the original page was banned, but it managed to spawn a bunch of other pages - where the admins were already other people who were simply promoting themselves at the expense of this story.

Blue whale and suicide group on social networks

Death groups on social networks have existed for a long time. This “youth” movement has been going on for years, and the number of children killed has exceeded hundreds. Why do groups on social networks drive children to suicide?
Whales are one of the few mammals that commit suicide because of the environment, throwing themselves onto rocks or onto land. Maybe that's why this giant became the symbol of the group of death.

Suicidal group “blue whale”, “Sea of ​​Whale”, “f57”, “Silent House”, “Wake me up at 4.20” - all these names are death groups that are currently relevant among teenagers. Why are they relevant?

Because this is a game, and it is addictive with its unpredictability in reality. Only in it, instead of a prize, there is death, and the rules of the game are dictated by people who benefit from this. In fact, everything is far from educational games - children are simply intimidated and blackmailed.

It's very easy to get into the game. Before it became popular in the media, children were recruited into different groups social network "VKontakte". They simply started a correspondence with the children, convinced them of their own uniqueness and loneliness, then offered to play a game.

After the death groups gained popularity, the child himself could “summon” the curators of the suicide group “blue whale” by writing a message in the feed with a certain hashtag (label): #bluewhale #yazhduinstruktsii #quiethome and other variations.

After the curator appeared, the child was assigned a number and began to be given tasks. One of the tasks was to upload your geolocation. Then followed the instructions, from which it was required to follow the link from the curator. As soon as the child landed on the page, a timer started there.

What kind of game is the blue whale?

Nowadays, the ARG (alternate reality game) genre is very popular among young people, and you won’t believe it, but the organizers did not talk about their intention to kill everyone or kill anyone at all. They started the game with the words “you only have 6 days...”, at the end they wrote that in 6 days everything will end for you, but they did not mean death, but that rebirth would come. We created a conference and wrote tasks, like decipher this code, give an answer to this problem, what kind of game is this, a blue whale, and so on. Doctors tried to save the boy, but a few hours later his heart stopped. Social networks reported that the child’s death was a result of suicide. The boy was allegedly addicted to the game “Blue Whale.”

However, there is no official confirmation of this version yet. On the contrary, the Blue Whale game, the police urged not to disseminate unconfirmed information.
At exactly 4:20, the teenager should be ready to complete new tasks. First harmless, then dangerous. Run in front of a car, climb onto the roof, cut your hands or kill yourself. At this stage, it is almost impossible to leave the game. The child is threatened with reprisals against his family.
However, this incident caused a wave of concern in society. The exact diagnosis and exact causes of the boy’s death have not been reported. Apparently, he actually committed suicide, but whether this death was related to the “death groups” is still unknown. What kind of game is "blue whale" really?

In Kharkov on Monday, March 6, at about four in the morning, police noticed a lonely 13-year-old girl on the street with cuts on her hands, who was a member of the Blue Whale group.

Blue whale how to play the game

Further tasks captivated me with their interest: draw a whale or a butterfly on my hand, wake up at 4.20, climb to the roof. The teenager was also given special music, which he had to listen to constantly. Mostly it was minor electronic music, where low frequencies mixed with the sounds of the sea and whales, inducing a feeling of peace.

How to play "blue whale"? After easy tasks and communication with the curator, the quest gradually became more difficult. For example, you had to make cuts on your hand, kill an animal, stand on the edge of a roof or bridge. It was forbidden to communicate with loved ones who did not play this deadly game. Of course, in order to play the “blue whale”, everything had to be filmed or broadcast online.

What is a blue whale

16-year-old Anna was raised in a complete family with her younger brother; she was not registered with the preventive system. This year the girl was supposed to finish 9th grade in Karsunskaya high school. From the information of the correspondent, from his own sources, the family of the deceased girl is quite wealthy. But what is a blue whale? Here is the answer: “Blue Whale” is a social game that originates from social networks, in which there are many teenagers with a vulnerable psyche. To take part in the so-called game, teenagers write a specific appeal on their social media pages using hashtags. Using these hashtags, the game organizers contact the “victim” and begin communication through personal correspondence. Criminals correspond only with teenagers with a vulnerable psyche. Gradually, the player is asked to complete tasks one after another against the clock. The first of them, as you already know, is to draw an image of a whale on your hand with a blue pen. What is a blue whale? In total, according to media reports, there are about 50 tasks in the game, through which the organizer manages to convince the teenager and instill the idea of ​​the need to commit suicide.

Blue Whale - list of tasks from 1 to 50

From sources it became known that 232 thousand different users wrote a suicidal hashtag at least once; 179 thousand children used two or more tags. 7,479 teenagers used the hashtag ten or more times. There is also a “record for the diversity of suicide hashtags.” It was recorded in one teenager - 36. It is known that the list of tasks in the “blue whale” is on the network from 1 to 50.

Information that children commit suicide after becoming members of the Blue Whale group comes from various parts of the country. So, February 17 at North Ossetia Four coordinators of the “death groups” were detained. You probably already understand what a blue whale is. On February 14, a criminal case was opened in the Moscow region under the article “Incitement to suicide” in connection with the attempted suicide of two teenage girls. According to the investigation, “unidentified persons, through accounts on social networks, exerted psychological pressure on the girls and gave them tasks that were dangerous to their health.” Let us remind you that the blue whale includes a list of tasks from 1 to 50.

Complete list of tasks for the blue whale (all tasks from 1 to 50)

Use a blade to cut f57 on your hand.
Wake up at 4.20 and watch scary videos.
Cut along the veins of the arm (not deep). Only three cuts.
Draw a whale on a piece of paper.
If you are ready to become a whale, write “yes” on your leg with a blade. If not, then you do whatever you want with your hand (lots of cuts, etc.).
A task with a code, like a quest.
Scratch f40.
Write in the status #I'm a whale.
I must overcome my fear.
Get up at 4.20 and go to the roof.
You need to scratch or draw a whale on your hand.
Watch scary videos all day.
Listen to the music they send you.
Cut your lip.
Poking your hand with a needle.
Hurt yourself.
Go to the largest roof and stand on the edge.
Climb onto the bridge.
Climb onto the crane.
Trust check.
I need to talk to the whale on Skype.
Sit upside down on the edge of the roof.
Again tasks with a code.
Secret mission.
Meet a whale.
They tell you the date of death, and you have to accept it.
At 4.20 go to the rails.
Don't communicate with anyone.
Swear that you are a whale
From the 30th to the 49th day of the game, every day you wake up, watch a video, listen to music, and every day you make a new cut on your hand and talk to the whale.

On the 50th day, an order is received to commit suicide.

Game blue whale, what is this phenomenon

Heated and loud debates about the safety of children on the Internet once again flared up after an article in Novaya Gazeta about “death groups.” Discussions about the blue whale game and what it is have subsided after the blocking of many communities that incite teenagers to commit suicide, and the arrest of the administrator of one of them, Philip Lis. On this moment Teens once again search for information about the mysterious Blue Whale game, and families send warnings to each other that the ending of the game is suicide.

What does this game represent, the “blue whale”? On February 5, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, a 13-year-old schoolgirl attempted to commit suicide. investigative committee opened a criminal case for incitement to suicide, considering that the reason for such an act was “correspondence provoking suicidal behavior.” “Recently, teenagers are increasingly becoming victims of so-called “death groups” that force them to commit suicide,” says the Investigative Committee’s website.

Blue whale group on social networks

Since the beginning of 2017, “blue whale death groups” on social networks have again begun to multiply and increase their popularity. ROCIT (Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies) has noticed an increase in the use of characteristic hashtags: #bluewhale #f57 #d28 #quiet home #looking for a curator #whales are swimming up.” At the request of the organization, on February 6, the VKontakte administration blocked and deleted the previous hashtags of suicidal groups, and the activity moved to Instagram. According to ROCIT, since the beginning of February, about 45 thousand posts in groups about the blue whale have appeared on Instagram with new, similar hashtags: #whale, #quiet, #blue, #blue_whale, #saveme, #I_am_in_the game, #milky_way_far, #curatorwrite, #I'm in the game. The majority of entries are published by residents of the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg from eight in the evening to midnight.

Blue whale and VK thematic group

In recent months in Ukraine, the number of search queries on the topic of “suicide games”, the ending of which is suicide, has sharply increased. Ukrainian cyber police warn that such networks are run by qualified military psychologists, who incline children to suicide. The organizers of “death groups” often find teenagers themselves who are already suffering from a lack of psychological help and do not hide their suicidal feelings on the VKontakte page, and then begin to exert pressure and manipulative psychological influence on teenagers.
In addition, “blue whale VK death groups” from the VKontakte social network are gradually infecting other social networks, including Instagram. The final task in such “games” is to commit suicide and capture the moment on camera online. The videos are then sold on the Internet or on the Darknet. The police even published a list of names of alleged “death groups” from social networks: “Whales are swimming up”, “Wake me up at 4.20”, f57, f58, “Tikhiidom”, “Rina”, “Nyapoka”, “Sea of ​​Whale”, “50 days before my..."

It is also worth paying attention to the use of the phrases “wake me up at 4.20” and “I’m in the game” when communicating with friends; they indicate membership in the “blue whale” VK groups.

Blue Whale - a terrible group of death

As evidence, the child had to constantly make a photo report of completed tasks and send them online. Thus, already impressionable teenagers were led to suicidal actions, immersed in a trance and surrounded by a gloomy environment, isolating them from loved ones.

If a player of the “blue whale” death group refused to complete any of the tasks and jumped off the hook, the curator began to threaten the teenager with personal reprisal against him, or to harm his family - since the child dropped his location in advance, the organizers knew where his house is located.
The last task was to kill myself. The curator of the “blue whale” death group discussed in advance with the victim the environment for suicide: from background music to a method of causing quick death.

According to data provided by the cyber police, there are from 13 to 50 such tasks. Also, the cyber police believe that these videos were created with the subsequent purpose of selling them on the deepnet for people buying such videos.

Of course, you can buy almost everything on the deepnet, but the cost of such videos is not that high, and is in demand among a very narrow circle of people. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally that the purpose of these groups was to resell the video.

Blue whale and tasks for children

The rules of the “Blue Whale” game are simple: just join the maximum number of social network groups with the themes “sea of ​​whales”, “quiet home” and write on your page about your readiness to become a “whale”. Those seeking profit will find you and give you tasks for the “blue sieve”.

The media correspondent tried this scary quest on herself and found out how to start the Blue Whale game. After registering in death groups, she immediately received eight letters from other users and administrators. The curators of the “whales” did not engage in intimate conversations, but immediately got down to business.

It's interesting that for everyone characters The list of tasks in the Blue Whale game is unique, but they are all similar in their cruelty. From the very beginning, children are asked to cut their hand with a knife, cut out a thematic inscription (usually “sea of ​​whales”, F57, F58) or depict a whale.

The rest of the tasks are not original: you need to cut yourself more or cause some other pain (bruises, abrasions), draw and write whatever you ask, watch a video about suicide, and so on. There are a total of 50 tasks in the game. The fiftieth is the same for everyone - to commit suicide.

Blue Whale and Teen Group

From November 2015 to April 2016, 130 teenagers died in Russia under various circumstances. The bulk of them were in online “death groups.” It has been noticed that after each death of a teenager, a large number of aggressive and cruel comments appear on his page on social networks. 90 percent of them are published by robots. This is done so that the topic is constantly in the information space. Experts say that the increase in teenage mortality is part of a large hybrid war against our country. And the State Duma is preparing a bill that will combat “blue whale death groups.”

One of the latest tragedies involving teenagers occurred on the evening of February 26 in the city of Ust-Ilimsk Irkutsk region. Two 16-year-old schoolgirls jumped from the 12th floor of a residential building. The girls were members of the Blue Whale group on the VKontakte social network. Soon after the incident, many angry comments appeared on the page of one of the victims. It turned out that most of these are left behind by “trolls” hired for money, who earn approximately 30 thousand rubles a month.

Eyewitnesses to the death of Ust-Ilimsk schoolgirls say that the incident was filmed on video by two people. Such videos are filmed for other children who are “in the game.” Residents of Ust-Ilimsk say that people have already fallen from the roof of this house. Curators who lead teenagers to death cultivate such places, and on the walls of the entrances of these houses you can find code words for the participants in the “game.”