How are numbers assigned to public transport routes? Closed minibus routes

Wondering how to get to Peshkom in Moscow, Russia? Moovit helps you find The best way get there on foot from the nearest public transport stop using step-by-step instructions.

Moovit offers free maps and real-time navigation to help you find your way around the city. View schedules, routes, opening hours, and find out how long it takes to get to Walking in Real Time.

You can get to Peshkom by bus, metro, train or minibus. These lines and routes have stops nearby: (Bus) Bus - 275, Bus - 298, Bus - 299, Bus - 704, Bus - 704K, Bus - T67 (Metro) Metro - 10, Metro - 2

Want to see if there is another route that will help you get there faster? Moovit helps you find alternative routes and times. Get directions from and directions to Walking easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make getting to Walking easier than ever, which is why over 720 million users trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. Including residents of Moscow! No need to download a separate bus app or subway app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best deals. updated schedules buses and metro.

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“The city is beautiful, but expensive,” visitors to Moscow often complain. But only real Muscovites know that you can see all the sights for mere pennies. You just need to know some public transport routes. Very often he goes to the same places as tourist red double-deckers - the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the White House, Poklonnaya Gora, Crimean Bridge. A ticket for overland travel costs 14 - 29 rubles (depending on the tariff, it is generally free for beneficiaries!). A trip on a tourist bus along almost the same route will cost 300-600 rubles.

We have collected the most interesting routes public transport.


Trolleybus No. 2.

Route “Stalin’s Moscow” (Metro “Kitay-Gorod” - Fili).

Travel time is about 50 minutes (13 km). Flights from 5.30 to 23.45 every day.

Larisa Dolina sang about him in a song called “Trolleybus No. 2”: “Where trolleybus number two went from me to you. You can barely hear the rustling sound of the tires in which my soul was traveling to you.” The famous “two” seems to have been specially invented for tourists. The route passes through Stalin's places. You can start either from the initial stop “Kitai-Gorod” or from the final stop “Fili” on Barclay Street or from the “Park Pobedy” metro station.

What we will see: the Kremlin and Zaryadye with the construction site of the future miracle park, the Bolshoi Theater and theatre square, Lubyanka, Kitay-Gorod, Arbat Gate Square, New Arbat, high-rise hotel "Ukraine", White House, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, "Battle of Borodino" panorama.

Trolleybus No. 15.

Route “Old Center” (Luzhnetsky proezd - VDNH - south)

Travel time is approximately 45 minutes (9 km). Around the clock, every 30 minutes.

Perhaps on weekdays this is one of the “traffic jam” flights, since you will have to go through the city center. For example, on the Boulevard Ring it is easy to get stuck on the section from Strastnoy to Nikitsky boulevards. Therefore, it is better to go on weekends. Having reached VDNKh, it’s worth warming up by walking along the exhibition alleys or Botanical Garden. On the same route you can admire Moscow at night.

What we will see: Khamovniki, Devichego Pole Square, Academy of Arts on Prechistenka, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Hermitage Garden, Boulevard Ring, Maryina Grove, Soviet Army Theater, area of ​​the former Bozhedomka and Bozhedomsky Vozdvizhensky destroyed in the 30s monastery, Catherine Park, Ostankino TV tower, VDNKh.

Trolleybus "B".

Route "Garden Ring".

Travel time is about 1 hour 05 minutes (15.7 km). Around the clock.

“Bukashka” is a legendary and beloved Moscow trolleybus. It can be called one of the oldest public transport routes. At first it was a horse-drawn tram in 1912. Then, in 1937, the rails were taken away from “Bukashka” and they were given “horns.” Instead of a tram line, a trolleybus line appeared. Now you can ride in a circle on two routes “B” - along the inner (red number, fewer stops) and outer (black number) ring.

What we will see: Kursky and Paveletsky railway stations, the Crimean Bridge and the monument to Peter the Great, one of the first stations of the Moscow metro “Red Gate”, Triumphal Square and the monument to Mayakovsky, the Obraztsov Puppet Theater with a musical clock, Stalinist high-rise buildings on Barrikadnaya and Smolenskaya Square, house Shalyapin, Gorky Park, Crimean, Pushkinskaya, Ozerkovskaya, Sadovnicheskaya embankments, House of Music, Vodootvodny Canal, Taganka.

Bus number 6.

Route “Revolution and Putsch” (Paveletsky Station - Silicate Plant).

Travel time is approximately 1 hour (16.7 km). Flights from 5.30 to 23.45 every day.

It is more convenient to start the walk from Paveletsky station. The route through the city center goes to Khoroshevo-Mnevniki and ends near the Silicate Plant.

What we will see: House of Music, hotel "Balchug", cinema "Udarnik", Nikitsky Gate Square with the TASS building, "book" houses on Novy Arbat with media facades, White House with a monument to Stolypin, high-rise hotel "Ukraine", revolutionary places - Krasnaya Presnya with paving stones and a monument to the fighters of the December armed uprising of 1905.


Route “Capital from the Air” (Metro station “Timiryazevskaya” - Sergei Eisenstein Street).

Travel time is about 20 minutes (4.7 km).

For unusual excursion I couldn't think of anything better. The Moscow monorail is the only one in our country. Therefore, the road on supports at a height of 4 - 6 meters is already an attraction in itself.

The stations are open for passengers to enter and exit from 7.00 to 23.00 daily. The interval between trains is approximately 6 minutes. Metro passes are valid on the monorail.

What we will see: the Main and Northern entrances to VDNKh, the Worker and Collective Farm Woman monument, the Space Conquerors monument, the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, the Ostankino TV tower and television center, the Sheremetyev estate.


What else to ride

On trolleybus number 70.

It passes by ancient Moscow estates. Start - from the Belorussky railway station, further along Leningradsky Prospekt, past the Travel Palace of Peter I, the closed Frunze airfield with the first Moscow airport. Then - the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo estate, river canals, the Khimki reservoir, the Stroganov estate.

By tram number 39.

Along the way you can admire Chistye Prudy, Boulevard Ring, St. Danilov and Donskoy monasteries, Stalinist buildings on Leninsky Prospekt, the main building of Moscow State University. By the way, Irina Bogushevskaya sang about this route in the song “The Thirty-Ninth Tram.”

By night bus No. H1.

Every night from 1.00 to 7.15 on the Moscow route in the light of stars and lanterns. You can take the bus in the center - on Mokhovaya or Tverskaya Street. Along the way, admire the Kremlin and embankments, the Moscow River with pleasure boats, the Lubyanka, the Bolshoi Theater, Tverskaya with monuments to Pushkin and Yuri Dolgoruky. The bus runs every 30 minutes.

You can also plot the route manually, armed with a map, pencil and ruler. But if you find yourself on the route planner page, then another, often more convenient option is possible - planning a route online, one of which is offered to you on our site.

There are two types of route planning: manual and automatic.

  • When laying manually, you put a number of points on the map that form an arbitrary route.
  • With automatic compilation, you need to specify the starting and ending points, and our service itself will plot the optimal route, calculating the shortest path taking into account the rules traffic and the current traffic situation.

On the compiled route you will see everything car roads and nearby intersections, which will be very useful for motorists and travelers. A map with a route in the city of Moscow will allow you to plan your route and prevent you from getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

To create a route on a map of the city of Moscow, enter the starting point in the first field of the form presented below and the ending point in the third field. Then indicate how you will travel to your final destination by clicking on the appropriate button - “Car”, “On Foot” or Public Transport.” After that, click on the “Show route” button.

Search and create public transport routes that are optimal for you FROM your location to the desired street or house, as well as car, bicycle and walking routes for walks.

Choose transport:

Public transport By car Bicycle On foot

Show route on map

Route on the city map.

Are you asking where you can get or how to get to a certain street or house in Moscow? The answer is very simple, find your optimal route around the city using the trip planner on our website. Our service will find for you up to 3 options for travel around the city of Moscow FROM your address to your destination. On the route diagram, click the more details button (the start icon) and go to detailed description travel options. For all routes, travel time will be shown taking into account traffic jams, numbers of buses, minibuses and other public transport.

Popular routes:

  • FROM: Moscow, Okskaya street, 1k1 - TO: Moscow, Kotelniki metro station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Tulskaya metro station - TO: Moscow, Marxistskaya metro station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Tulskaya metro station - TO: Moscow, Otradnoe metro station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line, Vladykino metro station - TO: Moscow, Prazhskaya metro station;
  • FROM: Moscow, 800 years of Moscow - TO: Moscow, Tulskaya metro station;

Users of our site often ask, for example: “How to get from the bus station to the hospital?” and so on. We decided to make it easier for everyone to find the optimal route.

Driving along a pre-designed route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for directions on the road and turns.

Using the trip planning service, you just need to enter the beginning and end of the route, then click the “Show route on the map” button and you will receive several route options. Choose the most suitable one and start moving. Four route planning modes are possible - urban public transport(including minibuses), by car, by bicycle or on foot.