The images are the sights of different cities. Great Wall of China, China. Sagrada Familia. Barcelona. Spain.

Pyramids at Giza are the oldest and largest pyramids in the world, but most importantly, the Pyramid of Cheops, the only one of the Seven Wonders ancient world which has survived to this day. And without a doubt, the pyramids in Giza deservedly take first place in the Top 10 attractions of the world.

These pyramids were built inas tombs for ancient Egyptian kings, uhThese royal tombs reflect power and wealth ancient civilization Egypt.

The Hagia Sophia Basilica is a majestic architectural landmark in the center of Istanbul, with its four minarets resembling rockets ready to blast off to the moon. Its enormous structure was built in just five years, and its musky walls are covered by an impressive dome, 31 meters wide and 56 meters high. The base of the dome is surrounded by windows, so that from within the structure the dome appears to almost float above the building.

Architects in ancient Egypt were people who had great dreams of pharaohs. They had many workers around them, such as scribes and people who measured sites. Any type of construction involved a lot of logistics and planning, which until now have been approached by major Egyptologists.

The Great Pyramids of Giza are more popular than any other attractions in the world, they are located in the western part of the Nile, next to the capital of Egypt, Cairo. INThe Great Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and largest, it was built as a tomb for the ancient Egyptian king Khufu (Cheops).It has a height of 137 meters, which means that the Cheops pyramid was the tallest structure on Earth for several millennia, until the towers of Cologne Cathedral were completed in 1880, and consists of2,300,000 blocks, some weighing up to 200 tons.

The most common architecture in ancient Egypt were temples. They had decorations inspired by the Egyptian landscape. The entrance to temples was usually made along paths that contained sphinxes on both sides. Temples were huge and usually supported by columns. But without a doubt, the most beautiful and impressive architectural works of the pharaonic period were the pyramids. The sixth pyramid was a masterpiece designed by ancient Egypt's most famous architect; Imhotep to Pharaoh Djoser in the Third Dynasty.

Before Imhotep, the resting place of the pharaohs was mastabas. Pyramid of Jozer at Saqqara. The pyramid that Imhotep set foot in Saqqara - Personal collection. Pyramids of the Giza complex - Personal collection. Great Pyramid- Personal collection. Pyramid of Khefre - Personal collection. Egyptian sphinxes were also a beautiful architectural form. Typically, there were several sphinxes on both sides of the road, which gave access to the temples. The most common sphinxes were statues with a lion's body and a human head.

The second pyramid at Giza was built for Khafre, the son of King Khufu.It was erected in 2592 BC, tThe third pyramid at Giza was built for Menkaure, the son of King Khafre.

2. Great Wall of China, China

The most popular attraction in China, one of the seven wonders of the world of our time.It is the longest human-built structure in the world, stretching for as much as 6,300 kilometers.Construction of the first part Great Wall began under Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the 7th century, other parts of the wall were added by subsequent emperors of China at a later time.

Find out more about sphinxes. The Great Sphinx in the Giza complex - Personal collection. The Great Sphinx of the Giza complex. Obelisks were other forms of Egyptian architecture. They were shaped like columns with smooth sides, and at the tip its shape was triangular. Its main function was religious in nature and served the Egyptians in honor of the gods.

Obelisk in the Temple of Luxor - Personal collection. Obelisk in the Temple of Karnak - Personal collection. Unfinished obelisk in Aswan - Personal collection. Ancient Egypt preserved other architectural forms such as temple entrances, which were true works of art or rooms supported by several columns, commonly known as hypostyle, which were part of temple complexes.

Stones, bricks, compacted earth and wood were used to build the Great Wall.More than 1 million people lost their lives during its construction and it became the longest cemetery in the world. More than 8 million people visit it every year.

3. Statue of Liberty, New York, USA

The Statue of Liberty is recognized as the main attraction of the United States, it is a symbol of Freedom, so why did millions of migrants from Europe strive for a country of great opportunities. The colossal sculpture is located 3 kilometers from Manhattan in New York.The statue actually represents the Roman Goddess of Liberty and is a gift from the people of France to the United States.

A superb discovery at the Temple of Medina Habu - Personal Collection. Want more books on this topic? Articles, theses and articles about ancient Egypt? London: Andromeda Oxford Limited. Oxford: Oxford University Press. They say that Brasilia is the only city where it is not a sin to take a bus devoid of reading material. The "city without corners" houses monuments with features beyond imagination, but most of population is limited by the beauty and grandeur of modern delusions. Few see the meanings they carry.

Fifty-five years ago, work began on an ambitious project: to once again translate the Brazilian capital. After two coastal cities, it was intended to internalize the country, but this time it moved to a city that did not yet exist. The promise of creating a metropolis in the desert region gained the authority of then-President Juscelino Kubitschek.

It was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and was a gift from the United States for the World's Fair on October 28, 1876. ABOUTAbout 4 million tourists visit the Statue of Liberty every year. The height of this amazing sculpture is 93 meters, from the ground to the tips of the torch.

Contrary to the expectations of the most skeptical, five years later Brasilia was discovered by the “crazy”. Based on the Cartesian plan, where all the city's addresses are developed according to their mathematical logic, the so-called "pilot plan" contains streets, avenues, parks, commercial sectors and superquadras, which in turn will contain or buildings. No corners and organization by numbers. may seem complicated at first glance, but it already seems familiar to all residents.

Free spans and the insertion of huge green areas between buildings use the "park city" concept. The youngest city to become a cultural heritage of humanity is the result of great courage, perseverance and manpower. Comments on this article are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not represent the views of the author of the article on this issue.

4. Taj Mahal, India

The most popular historical monument India, located in the city of Agra.It was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. The architecture of the building shows the features of stylesMughal, Islamic, Persian, Ottoman and Indian.It took 17 years to build the Taj Mahal, and the first stone was laid in 1632. It is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and millions of tourists visit it every year.

How different styles and designs of urbanism built the visual image of the city we know today. “Nothing more than fences and thatched houses.” The capital of Brazil for almost two centuries, Rio will become a repository of examples of architecture from several periods.

There are a series of works in Rio that marked the history of architecture. For example, no historical region concentrated colonial architecture. But there are several different moments in the story, which is rare in other cities. Collection so rich cultural heritage turned out to be a serious problem for the history of Rio. During different periods of the city's urbanization, real estate speculation and economic interests interfered with the balance between the preservation of architectural monuments and the growth of construction projects.

5. Eiffel Tower, Paris

This is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world, located in the capital of France, Paris. It was named after Gustave Eiffel, the engineer responsible for its design and construction. The tower is over 300 meters high and weighs over 10,000 tons; construction was completed in 1889. for him; s construction. The 324 meter tower weighs 10,100 tons and was opened in 1889. For the next 41 years it remained the most tall building in the world.

The overthrow of Morro makes Castelo controversial. Buildings that existed in Rio's original constitution were destroyed. They were fundamental elements to understand the history of the city. Then Governor General Mem de Sa, transferred the occupation to his nephew Esquio, killed in battle, strategically safer, higher and further. On the hill, the buildings followed the tradition of medieval Portuguese cities.

It connected the hills where there were Jesuit buildings in the castle, and the Benedictines in Saint Bento, which still exist today. The facades, simple, contrast with the rich baroque interiors with details in gilded carvings. This place would have been a good part of the city's history at that time. The important port will be saved as dock access. But then Largo do Paço will also receive the final engineering works of the Viceroy of Dom Luis de Vasconça y Sousa, inspired by Rossio's Lisbon.

6. Colosseum, Rome

This is the largest amphitheater in the world during the Roman Empire.It is also the most popular tourist and iconic symbol of Rome. Coliseumwas built in 70 AD. Emperor Vespasian.It was used for gladiator fights and public events.Gladiator fights took place in the Colosseum until 435 AD.It can accommodate up to 50,000 spectators and has 80 entrances.

Water was as important as trains and trams in the development of the city. Without water, everyone became tense. They are 18 meters high and 270 meters long. To the north were the hills of São Bento and Conceição, and to the south were the hills of Castelo and Santo Antonio. The limitation was also architectural: in the houses, the abode of Portuguese women of the time could be seen through the mulyarabi lattice, which allowed the ladies, locked inside, to observe the street and at the same time be cooled by the wind outside.

But all this would change with the coming of the Kingdom. When the Portuguese came they were surprised, thinking it was "Moorish". All these people, homeless, needed housing. This is where the role of the Real Pensioner comes in, who designates the residences that the Brazilians must vacate to make way for the Portuguese arrivals. The Regency Prince himself had no home to call it.

7. Big Ben, England

The vast majority of tourists clearly associate Big Ben with England and is rightfully considered the main tourist attraction of the country. Few people know that in fact Big Ben is not a separate attraction, but a part Palace of Westminster in London. Big Ben contains the world's largest chimes and is the third tallest clock tower in the world. It is named after Benjamin Hall, one of the architects of this clock tower, which was built between 1848 and 1853.

Ilia soon stepped forward to deliver the place to the House of Joao and thus gain the favor of the Portuguese ruler. The house will be renovated by English architect John Johnston and will take on a neoclassical style based on the unfinished work of Paso d'Ajuda in Lisbon.

In addition to the important structures erected by the Royal Family, the most significant contribution that the court made to the architecture of the era was the establishment of a formal style. Neoclassical architecture will gain greater strength in Brazil, coming from Europe. Gradually, neoclassical architecture will change the face of the city. It is not spontaneous, like colonial, which is almost artisanal. The Imperial Academy of Fine Arts would be the first school of architecture in Brazil and would operate in a building designed by Grandein de Montigny.

8. Stonehenge, England

One of the most popular places in the world, located in Salisbury England.This prehistoric site consists of standing stones and a large number of mounds.Archaeologists estimate that Stonehenge was built between 3000 and 2000 BC.

The neoclassical portal of the Priora survives at the end of the imperial palm grove Botanical Garden. The city plan will also change radically. Carlota Joaquina. Professor Kamita explains that the growth of the city's occupation can be read according to the architectural moment of each premier. Occupation is a kind of map that you can read in the city while crossing the surrounding area to understand different times. But the elite did not want to go there, they went to the other side, where they chose Carlota Joaquin, which was a seaside resort, the beaches of the South.

It was Imperial and was soon abandoned and became an industrial area. The term eclectic, as its name suggests, refers to the free selection of architectural elements from different origins and periods of the past, which together give rise to a new style. Renaissance abbey, Gothic warhead, Roman columns combine to create an effect of grandeur and opulence.

9. Golden Gate, USA

The most recognizable landmark in California, the Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge that connects San Francisco to the rest of Northern California. Its length is almost 3 kilometers, and the height of the supports is 227 meters, itwas opened in 1937 and for the next 27 years remained the longest suspension bridge in the world. It is considered one of the most photographed landmarks in the United States.

Engineer for training, the mayor combined the reform of the city center and the sanitary reform led by Osvaldo Cruz. The Museum of Modern Art is one of the most famous works of the architect Affonso Eduardo Reidi. The architectural style of the era itself would also follow the trend of transformation, with the advent of modernism, a movement that would strongly combat eclecticism.

Here in Rio there are works of exemplary modern architecture. The Brazilians were advised by the French-Swiss Le Corbusier, who left traces of his “Five Points for New Architecture” in construction: a building on pilotism, a garden terrace, a factory and a facade without structures and windows on a tape, Covering the entire facade.

10. Sydney Opera House, Australia

Sydney Opera theatre is the most recognizable landmark and symbol of Australia, located on the shores of Sydney Harbour. This theater hosts more than 1,500 productions every year and is consideredone of the most vibrant art centers in the world. Calculated that over 7 million people visit this amazing Sydney tourist attraction.

These elements sought to build relationships between gardens, architecture and the surrounding landscape. The project was part of a series of urban transformations led by Carlos Lacerda, Britto said. In the Lacerda government, he does a lot of work on the water supply of the Guangdu system. And above all, he created Flamengo Aterro, which is one of the most extraordinary works of a city park and seaside.

A rare case in the world, of a grandiose degree. Lota Macedo Soares, a self-taught architect and landscape designer, created a multidisciplinary team, consisting of names such as Reidy and Burle Marx, to create a park that would combine the landscapes of Rio with the best recreational conditions for residents.

In this regard, naive questions often arise from the category “Which country is better?”, “Which country has the most attractions.” Naturally, no one will give a clear answer to this question, because everything is relative. Attractions are not only exclusively touristic, but also famous only local residents, in love with their city and seeing it from a special angle.

Accounting for important cultural, historical and natural heritage led by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). By making a list World Heritage UNESCO tries to promote and guarantee the preservation of natural, cultural or mixed sites. The highest concentration of attractions due to their close proximity in Europe. Most of these interesting places concentrated in the cradle of Western civilization - in. There are many World Heritage Sites and, not surprisingly, over the centuries these two cultures have mixed and influenced each other, and the significance of each of them is undeniable. Not all attractions are included in the list; many will still be included, and many will never be included in it, which will make them less valuable. Italy is immediately followed by , and . So if your mind craves cultural food, these countries are a must see for you.

On the other hand, statistics show that it is not the UN that determines the best of the best. Considered the #1 country to visit by most travelers around the world France. France is the undisputed leader in world tourism, although trips there, as a rule, do not exceed several days in duration. Either the magnificent historical past with expansion and colonization, or the years of prosperity of the monarchs, but something definitely played a decisive role in turning this country into a tourist “mecca”.

The next place in terms of attendance after the tiny charm of France is occupied by France, which, due to its multinationality and many states, has concentrated a great many natural and man-made masterpieces on its vast territory. Following the United States in this ranking is China, which is understandable. The ancient eastern culture of the most populous country on the planet is famous throughout the world.

Although if we continue the chain of the “best-of-the-best” category outside of this rating, it is also worth mentioning, which is so diverse that even in a hundred trips you may not get to know it, tourism in which sometimes borders on madness - or major cities, or hermit, among wild and stunning nature. You will also be provided with super-saturated leisure time during your vacation in Spain, famous for its festivities. Folk games and customs there are like national flash mobs - wild, special and exciting.

Travel Company Group Travel I sincerely wish you success in choosing a country for your holiday. Even with any recommendations, this choice will not be easy. And whatever your decision, we have a thousand and one ways to satisfy it.