Where is Apocrypha located in Skyrim? Dragonborn - Walkthrough. Bridges and stairs

On the agenda today is what Apocrypha is and what it is eaten with. This article is for those who have never been there before and are just about to play/are going to install Dragonborn. No secrets, no step-by-step walkthroughs, etc. I warned...

The appearance of Apocrypha is a large library with a burst sewer.

In fact, all the buildings and sites are assembled from a pile of books, and between the books there is a muddy slurry, if you fall into it you can very quickly end up dead. In general, it is advisable not to get close to this “water”, as a tentacle crawls out from there and constantly tries to hit you in the attic. Puddles in the middle of the areas are especially dangerous, since the small ones are inhabited by especially arrogant “tentacles”, and the large ones are inhabited by lurkers. And no one knows which of them is worse...
Instead of levers/handles, the Hermaeus plan uses appendages.

They are the ones who open doors, lower bridges, etc., etc., so if you come across a closed gate somewhere, then look for the appendage (or put another “appendage” on the game). Now for specific questions:
How to get to Apocrypha?
Read the Black Book. Each book will send you with a special plan, unlike the others.

Who is Apocrypha populated by?

The main population of Apocrypha are seekers and lurkers. The seekers are, most likely, the souls of those who did not take back the books taken from the school library..

But seriously, these are the younger Daedra, the servants of Hermaeus. Seekers emit sound waves from a distance, become translucent before attacking, and have a nasty habit of releasing their phantom, behind which they usually hide. That is why try not to lose sight of the “real” seeker. Most likely, you will first encounter them during the quest "The Decisive Descent", where the strengthened form of the seeker - the Supreme Seeker, will help Zakrisos hurt you. Searchers drop books, scrolls and sometimes soul stones (both empty and full), so they are not of particular value.
The lurker is such baaaaaacrap.

Lurkers are the size of a Skyrim giant, they live mainly in Apocrypha (as you go through each Book, you will definitely meet them), but sometimes they are also found on Solstheim. A striking example of this is the Sacred Stones of the island, when cleansed, these vile creatures will crawl out. In addition, I managed to meet one not far from Hoknir’s Lethal Mark Camp, where he jumped out of some puddle...
The Lurker is dangerous in close combat, he delivers rather strong blows (like the giant), so it is advisable to take him down at a distance. True, you will have to dodge his spitting. Loot from the lurker - jewelry (hoops, rings, necklaces), gold (from 100 to 500) and all sorts of small things.

How is Apocrypha useful?

Well, firstly, these are the abilities granted by the Black Books. This is the topic of a separate article, so let’s talk about other finds. In the plan you can find many books, including books of skills, of which there are quite a few. If you rummage well on tables and in cocoons, you can collect heaps of scrolls, spell volumes and black soul stones (and simple stones too). In addition, throughout Apocrypha there are sources that replenish your health, magic and strength. The sources are disposable, so don’t rely too much on them.

Is it possible to return to a certain Apocrypha?

Yes, just read the desired Black Book. Just pay attention to one thing - the Book will only work if you are on Soltsheim.

Where to look for Black Books?

The main plot of the Dragonborn expansion revolves around exploring the events taking place on the island of Solstheim and confronting the first dragonborn, Miraak.


To start this task you just need to walk somewhere and wait for the cultists to approach you.

They approached me immediately upon arrival in Winterhold:

After talking to them, no matter what you answer, they will attack you:

Kill them, and from the body of one of them (to which the marker will point) take and read the note Cultists’ Orders:

After which the quest marker will update and point to the pier near Winterhold, go there:

On the spot we find Gjalund Salt-Sage, and we talk about how we need to get to Solstheim:

He just won’t want to sail there, so he’ll either have to pay (500 gold), or convince or scare him.

In one way or another, we go to the island; upon arrival, the task marker will point us to the next point (at the same time, communicate with everyone who approaches you):

On the spot, Neloth will approach us and start a conversation, after the conversation the quest marker will point to the center of the island, to the Temple of Miraak, we go there:

Upon arrival, the task will end and the next one will begin.

The Temple of Miraak

Now you need to talk to Freya (if she doesn't appear press "E" on the stone in the center):

You need to go down and explore the Temple of Miraak. The entrance is located right there, on the stairs leading down (at first glance the descent may seem invisible). Freya will accompany you.

There are no special mysteries in the dungeon itself. There are a few traps, a few levers to use (but they are all in visible places). Among the opponents you will encounter cultists, draugr and skeletons.

The only moment that caused me difficulties was this door, next to which you learn the new dragon cry:

The key to the door is in the possession of one of the draugr you kill nearby.

We go deeper into the Temple of Miraak Sanctrum until we find a stand with the Black Book:

We read it and are transported to another plane, where we meet the first dragonborn:

We will be completely at his mercy, and we will not even be able to move. If you have already completed the Skyrim main storyline and killed Alduin, then Miraak will appreciate this, and will add that he would do the same if he had such a goal.

Remaining motionless, we see Mirak flying away on a dragon, and we return to the normal plane of reality.

We talk with Frea, the task is completed.

The Fate of the Skaal

This task starts automatically.

We follow Freya, she will lead you out of the dungeon and take you to her father, the shaman Storn Crag-Strider in the Skaal Village.

Talk to him:

He will say that in order to free the creation of people from the influence of Miraak, it is necessary to cleanse the All-Maker Stones, and this can only be done with the help of the dragon cry Bend Will.

We go to the Word of Power and study the new dragon cry there:

If you run out of dragon souls you will have to return to Skyrim, because... Miraak will steal all the souls of slain dragons.

Having studied the word, we go to the Wind Stone marked on the map:

And we use a new cry on the stone:

It will be destroyed, and a Lurker will immediately appear and attack people. Kill him:

After which we go to Skaal Village, find Storn Crag-Strider there and inform him that people are free:

We talk with him until the quest The Fate of the Skaal is completed and two new ones begin: Cleansing the Stones and The Path of Knowledge.

Cleansing the Stones

The task is simple: you need to clear the four All-Maker Stones marked on the map:

Come, use the Bend Will shout on the stone, kill the Lurkers that appear and go to the next one:

Once you clear all 4 stones, the task will complete automatically.

The Path of Knowledge

Go to Tel Mithryn and talk to Neloth there:

After the conversation, alone or together with Neloth, go to the Dwemer ruins of Nchardak:

An important point: only Neloth can open the door, so if you, like me, got to the ruins alone, just scroll for one hour near the entrance and Neloth will appear next to you. He uses the counter next to the entrance and the door will open:

But inside there is a big puzzle waiting for you.

What's the point: at the entrance you will see a stand with a book hidden under the floor. To get it, you need to install 4 Dwemer cubes in the required racks at the lowest levels. And to get to these counters, you will need to sweat a lot:

Follow Neloth to the lever that teleports you to the lower level:

The principle here is the following: place the cube on a stand and the water level drops. Remove the water level rises. But remember that you will need 4 cubes at the very end.

It is impossible to describe every step, because there will be a lot of them. The main thing is to understand the meaning, use your wits and try.

One of the memorable moments: in one of the rooms you lower the water to the very bottom, then at the very bottom, use the rack to raise the ladder, after which you raise the water again and swim:

In another large room it’s more interesting... there are 3 activated racks, and 3 bridges:

To lower all the bridges, you must first activate the first rack, then the third.

When you reach the room with 4 racks, the finish line is close (but you will need to go to another room and then return):

We install Dwemer cubes on all racks and move on. We find the lever that teleports you upstairs and return to the beginning. All that remains is to activate the last stand, and the Black Book will become available:

This completes the task.

The Gardener of Men

This task will have slightly fewer puzzles than the previous one, but the thrill is guaranteed.

Read the Black Book and you will be transported to the Hermaeus Mora plane:

We talk with Hermaeus Mora and begin to solve the local puzzles. The essence of their decision comes down to two principles:

The first Scrye (like flowers) activate some part of the environment, for example a bridge appears, or something similar:

The second is “living corridors” crawling back and forth. Which you can jump into in one place and get off in another (or walk through them):

We read, talk with Hermaeus Mora and he will teach us the second word in the Bend Will dragon cry:

We return, go to Skaal Village and talk with Storn Crag-Strider. After which a short scene awaits us, the essence of which I will not reveal, so as not to spoil your personal impressions, after which the task ends and the last one begins.

At the Summit of Apocrypha

The final quest of the Dragonborn main storyline has begun.

Unlock (using dragon souls) the last two words of the Bend Will shout:

And we read the book Black Book: Waking Dreams, it will take us to the Hermaeus Mora plan:

A little ahead there will be a stand with the book Chapter I read and it will teleport us to a new location:

In general, we explore the location, take the books we find, activate Scrye, teleport to new zones through Chapter, etc.

In general, after completing the two previous tasks, this should not be difficult.

I will describe in detail only one moment (out of many) of how the door opens in the room with Lurker:

There is a Scrye in the corner, we activate it, then a passage opens on the left side, we go into the corridor, there we activate another Scrye, after which the door opens:

It’s almost impossible to figure it out on your own, because... Certain racks require certain books to be placed on them. Each of the racks has a symbol on it, and this is how the books should be arranged:

"Eye" Prying Orbs
"Fangs" Gnashing Blades
"Tentacles" Boneless Limbs
Remaining Stance Delving Pincers

Once all 4 books are correctly positioned, the racks will light up green:

We approach the central one and read:

We are transported to another new location. We learn a new shout, after which a dragon will appear, you don’t need to fight it, but you need to use the Bend Will shout on it. Thus we will force him to obey us:

Press "E" to climb onto it and take flight. During the flight, the dragon will engage in battle with Lurker and Seekers. Since he will be fighting them for a very long time, just press "E" and he will leave them.

And it will take you to Miraak. The final battle is ahead!

In the battle itself, as it turned out, there are no tricks by reducing his health to low values, he will disappear and “emerge” from the black slurry in the center already healthy. You just need to “knock down” his health several times, and at some point Hermaeus Mora will get tired of it, and he will kill him himself:

All you have to do is listen to the final speech of the main villain before his death, collect all his things from the corpse, if desired, and after reading Black Book: Waking Dreams return back to Solstheim:

Important! ability to reset talents

After defeating Miraak, after reading the book for the first time in the center, green ability icons will appear around you using them you can reset the abilities of a particular branch and spend them again. Requires one dragon soul to reset.

When you return, Frea will be nearby. Talk to her and tell her that Miraak is dead. She will thank you.


Finally, a word about complexity. I played as a character with the following characteristics:
Level 75, 1062 health, 628 damage, 1500 armor, 30% spell absorption. On Master difficulty.

Overall it was easy, only some high cultists and Miraak forced us to drink health cans.

But if your characteristics are significantly lower, and you also decide to go through the master difficulty, be prepared for difficult battles.

The plot is played out in the usual form (not a vampire or a werewolf), without companions.


Dragonborn- the first quest in the storyline of this add-on. We will receive this quest after visiting the Greybeards. We leave the temple or teleport to any city. Cultists will approach you and after a conversation they will attack you. Kill them or watch the guards do it, and then loot the bodies. One of them will have a note.

After reading it, go to Windhelm Port and take the boat to Soltsheim. Upon arrival on the island, the dark elf Adrill Arano will approach you and ask about the purpose of your arrival. If you ask him about Miraak, he will complain that he knows this name, but cannot remember where it came from. All residents of the island have this memory problem. However, we will be directed to Neloth, who may know something. We go to him and find out that Miraak has been dead for a thousand years, but there is his temple on the island, to which all sorts of workers flock and are diligently trying to complete the temple. Upon arrival at the temple, you will complete the quest and receive the next one.

Temple of Mirak.

Temple of Mirak– the second quest in the storyline of this add-on. Upon arrival at the temple, you will meet Freya - a female Nord, which is quite logical by name, right? She will tell you that Miraak is to blame for all the imprisonments of her humble clan and that she came to kick ass. We can help her with this. Cultists are waiting for us on the approaches to the temple. We do what we do best. We kill, split, burn, and kill again. This temple is very confusing, but it is still impossible to get lost. After you get there, don’t forget to learn the shout on the word wall, and wait for the collapse. After him, the draugr will crawl out, kill them and take the key to the doors. We open them and find ourselves in the dining room, go to the next one and pull the handle, then go down to the lower level.

At the end of this temple one of the “Black Books” awaits us.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

After reading it, we are transported to Apocrypha - the local realm of Hermaeus Mora, a very slippery type who could be found in Skyrim. Miraak notices the stranger and immediately brings us to our knees and begins to brag about his achievements. After that, he flies away, and his minions, with the help of some waves, send us back to Soltsheim. This ends the quest.

Fate of the Skaal.

Fate of the Skaal– the third quest in the storyline of this add-on. After a walk around the temple, Freya will invite us to tea in her village. Just a joke, but we will still visit the village. There we will meet the local shaman Storn.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

From a conversation with him, it becomes clear that we need to learn a new cry and we have a new mark on the map: “Saering Outpost.” We go there and fight with the dragon and draugr, two trolls might drop by, so good luck. After killing the dragon, Miraak appears and absorbs his soul, and we are left with nothing. We learn the first word of the cry and go to break the first stone. After its destruction, we defeat the Lurker and return to the shaman with good news.

Cleansing the Stones.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Cleansing Stones– the fourth quest in the storyline of this add-on. The shaman will ask us to cleanse the remaining stones, there are four in total: the stone of water, earth, sun and beast. The scheme is simple. We arrive at the place, use the scream, kill the lurker and go to the next stone.

Path of Knowledge.

The Path of Knowledge is the fifth quest in the storyline of this expansion. The shaman will send us to Neloth for advice on the Black Books. We go to Tel Mithrin, it will appear on your map, and ask about the Black Books. Neloth will tell you everything he knows, and will also tell you that there is one book in the Dwemer ruins of Nchardak, and he just has the key to these ruins. You'll have to take it with you.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

There are local robbers near the ruins who won't pose much of a problem. After the fight, we wait until Neloth opens the door and go into the ruins. Inside we will find a short and informative history course about these ruins. Look, yes. In order to get the book, you need to distribute the pressure inside the temple, and for this you need to pull the lever, and for this you need to lower the water, and to lower the water you need to put 4 cubes at once and pull the lever. That's it. You will find cubes after solving simple puzzles. After that, return to the main room, place the cubes and pull the lever. Fight the Dwemer guard and pull the lever. After this, return to the starting location and read the next “Black Book”. After reading, you will complete this quest and begin the next one.

Gardener of the human race.

Gardener of the human race– the sixth quest in the storyline of this add-on. After reading the “Black Book” in the ruins of Nchardak, we move to the Daedric realm - Apocrypha, where one of the Daedric princes, Hermaeus Mora, rules. We make our way throughout Apocrypha through the lurkers and other minions. After this we will go to an “interview” with Hermaeus Mora. He will say that he can help in the fight against Miraak and will teach us the last word, with which we can control dragons, but for this he needs something in return. For example, Skaal lore. We promise that we will talk about this with Skorn. After that, choose one of the three skills in the book. Having chosen, we find ourselves in the ruins of Nchardak, speak with Neloth and go to the Skaal village for a very important conversation. The old man agrees with all our arguments and then Hermaeus Mora appears - he kills the old man, since he cannot stand the transfer of knowledge, or maybe it was intended that way, who knows? And he teaches our Dovahkiin the right word.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

At the top of Apocrypha.

At the top of Apocrypha- the seventh and final quest in the storyline of this add-on. Remember that book we received at the Miraak Temple. We read it and mentally prepare for battle. We kill the lurkers and the rest of the evil spirits in Apocrypha, after which we find ourselves in a room with a puzzle. There are pedestals in it and books need to be placed on them. The easiest riddle. We place the book with tentacles on a pedestal with tentacles and so on. After this, we move on and kill two minions and fight the arriving dragon. When he has little health left, use a scream to tame the dragon. We board it and fly to Mirak. Arriving at Mirak, we start a fight, although I thought there would be a conversation, but apparently, our patient doesn’t really like to talk. The fight with Miraak takes place in three stages. After depleting ¼ of his health bar, he summons a dragon and absorbs its soul. We hit him again, and he again summons the dragon and absorbs his soul. Now the third stage, we remove most of his health and then Hermaeus Mora appears and completes our work. We remove Mirak's armor and excellent sword. Now you can return to your world and accept congratulations from the Skaal, and also rejoice in the fact that you are the only dragonborn in this world, or maybe not.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Now you know everything you need to meet Miraak. Unlock the Bend Will Shout and read the Black Book of Waking Dreams, you will be transported back to Apocrypha. There is another long journey ahead through the chapters of the book. Like last time, activating glowing balls (Scrye) will help you advance, and seekers and lurkers will get in the way.

Walk forward and you'll soon come across Chapter II on a pedestal. Honor her.

Climb the steps and grab the Boneless Limbs book from the pedestal, now you can climb further up the stairs to Chapter III.

The path becomes more and more like a maze, move forward until you reach the book “Delving Pincers”. Return to the place where you started - the gate has now opened there. Continue forward until you see the book Prying Orbs. Another gate has opened and you can proceed to Chapter IV.

Go down the steps and enter the room and then into one of two corridors. A warm meeting with unexpectedly appeared seekers awaits you. When you kill them, you will notice that a new corridor has appeared at the entrance. Follow it into the next room, go up the steps and pick up the book “Gnashing Blades”. A new path will open. Walk along the corridor, then turn left, reach the ball and activate it. Turn back, you will see that the corridor has changed and leads to a room with a pond. A lurker will emerge from there, kill him. Activate another ball, then the second. The gate will open, behind it is Chapter V.

You will find yourself in a huge hall with a column and four pedestals with drawings. Place the collected books on them: “Claws” on the image of the claws, “Spheres” on the image of the eye, “Limbs” on the image of the tentacles, and “Blades” on the image of the open mouth. When the books are arranged correctly, go to the book in the center, read Chapter VI.

The path will take you out into the open, kill a couple of seekers and go to the Word Wall, where you will learn the Scream Word "Dragon Aspect". Once you read it, a dragon named Sahrotaar will appear. Use the Bend Will Shout and the dragon will land and offer to take you to Miraak.

Now you can ride a winged lizard and at the same time learn how to ride dragons. Please note that the lesson is given only once, remember the control keys. Fly up to the platform where several adversaries are running and deal with them with the help of Sarotar. Then the dragon will take you to Mirak, who is waiting for you surrounded by two reptiles obedient to him.

The conversations will be short, the battle will begin. An important feature: every time Miraak seems to be close to death, he becomes invulnerable and restores health by absorbing the soul and sacrificing one of the dragons: Crusikrel, Relonikiw and finally Sarotar. After the third recovery there is no one left to sacrifice, increase the pressure. When the villain's health decreases, Hermaeus Mora will appear on the scene and deal with his former servant himself. The prince will declare that he no longer needs Mirak, he has found another Dragonborn (that is, you!). Dying, Miraak wishes you a repeat of your fate. Everything is over. All that was left of the all-powerful dragon priest who betrayed his masters was a skeleton.

After Miraak's death, you will receive 10 dragon souls plus all those dragon souls that he stole from you. On his remains you will find his mask (leveled), robe, boots, gloves, sword and staff. The best version of the mask, which increases mana by 70, will be available at hero level 60+.

In the center of the platform, on a pedestal, the Black Book “Waking Dreams” now rests. Read it to be able to change perks, the next read will return you to Solstheim.

Upon returning to the Skaal village, Freya will say that the unity of the land has now been restored, and the Tree Stone has also been freed from corruption. You will now be able to enjoy the blessings of all stones.