Bari city on the map of Italy. The city of Bari on the map of Italy Where is Bari in Italy on the map

The history of the ancient city of Italy, Bari, begins with the small fishing harbor of Barium in 181 BC. e. Now it is an important economic center of Southern Italy (second in importance after Naples), preserving the architectural heritage of bygone centuries. Among the many attractions of Bari, the following places are popular among tourists.

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A massive, slightly gloomy structure that evokes images of the cruel Middle Ages. It seems that the wars just recently ended near the powerful sloping walls, mysterious rectangular towers, and prisoners of the 19th century languish in the dungeons, when the Bari (Swabian) castle was used as a prison. Barracks. The architectural structure erected (at the behest of the King of Sicily in 1131) was changed and completed with a fortress wall, bastions, and a protective moat.

Together with graceful elements of the Renaissance style, the architecture of the castle has always confirmed its military power. The entrance to the castle is on the south side. Walking across the massive bridge, you can explore the courtyard, bastion, and main tower of the castle. Now it houses a historical museum and often hosts exhibitions and excursions. Walking along the city embankment, you can see the castle’s extraordinary illumination at night. It seems that medieval events are taking place in the illuminated halls.

Castle address: Piazza Federico II di Svevia. Open from 8.30 am to 19.30 pm.

Basilica of St. Nicholas

In the building, built in honor of the city's patron saint, St. Nicholas, services and Catholic church events are held, just like many centuries ago. The relics of the revered saint are kept in the Basilica, a priceless gift brought from Turkish Myra. The basilica was erected between 1087 and 1197. Initially, the church served as a court chapel and had the status of a palace temple. It has many frescoes, arches, columns, rich, ceremonial decorations. Many decorative elements are borrowed from ancient Byzantine buildings.

In the center of the church there is a sculpture of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, made of pure silver. The bishop's throne is made of a single piece of marble, and the entrance to the basilica is guarded by two hornless bulls, which indicated (as follows from an interesting legend) the place where the famous basilica was built. The church is of great importance for the Christian world, being a place of pilgrimage to the myrrh-streaming, miracle-working relics. Every year, on the day of the appearance of the relics, a holiday is held on May 9 (22). The basilica is located at: Largo Abate Elia, 13.

Cathedral of Saint Sabinus

The church is the second largest in the city after the Basilica of St. Nicholas. Otherwise it is called Duomo (Cathedral). The cathedral was built in the 13th century on the site of a destroyed Byzantine temple and dedicated to Bishop Sabina of Canosa. His holy relics are kept. Here is also the ancient icon “Hodegetria”, created by the Evangelist Luke in the 8th century. Numerous ancient frescoes, arches, columns create a beautiful, majestic view of the ancient Cathedral of St. Sabinus.

The façade of the building is decorated with an extraordinary window in the shape of a rose, with figures of fantastic animals. You can see it from anywhere in the Old Town. Services, liturgies, and masses (even for children) are regularly held in the Cathedral. Together with them you can get acquainted with the interior of the church. See ancient wall graffiti depicting crosses that the crusaders left before their campaigns.

Address of the architectural landmark: Piazza dell’Odegitria, 1.

Bari Vecchia

The old town consists of cramped streets leading to the port and harbour. You should definitely take a walk along them to feel the atmosphere of the city, to see the real life of the population of Bari (as it was in the Middle Ages). Hanging laundry, craft shops, ancient fountains, water pumps. Among the architectural puzzle of narrow labyrinths, 40 churches and over 120 sanctuaries were miraculously built.

Walking along the narrow cape near the port, you can see many attractions, but most of them are closed to the public. Near the very shore rises the fortress of St. Anthony, an old fort (there is a gallery in it), and the ancient monastery of St. Scholastica. It is now a university building. It is best to organize rest and lunch in a small cafe in the Old Town and try fish dishes delivered from the nearby port.

Forest Mercadante Cassano

You can get acquainted with the outskirts of the city and the natural attractions of Italy not only on the unique coasts, but also, for example, in the Alta Murgia National Park. Most of the park is occupied by the famous Forest of Mercadante Cassano. This is a successful combination of natural landscape with man-made human activity. Among the tropical vegetation, beautiful karst ravines, rocks, caves created by nature over many millennia, there are areas for safe walks and recreation.

Even majestic dinosaurs once reigned in the Altamura Valley, located near the forest. There are many tourist villages and places to stay near the forest. Convenient places for picnics and recreation have been created on its territory. The forest is located in Cassano delle Murge. You can visit it along with a tour, or get there yourself in a rented car or taxi.

Bari embankment

An evening walk along the Adriatic coast is impossible without the city’s beautiful embankment. It is impossible not to notice, not to visit this place. The embankment is located in the New part of the city. It was built in the 19th-20th centuries outside the ancient center of Bari and is considered the longest embankment in Europe (30 km).

The embankment begins at the Paleze area and continues to the fishermen's village of Torre A Mare. At the beginning of the embankment there is paid parking for cars. The view of beautiful medieval buildings, palaces, amazing plants, rich sea air, comfortable benches, original lanterns make the walk pleasant at any time of the day.

Bari Murattiana

The new city of Bari is located in the eastern part of the settlement. A new part appeared as an expansion of space for the construction of modern buildings after the demolition of the fortress wall in 1813. The name appeared in honor of the King of Naples, Gioachino Murat. Unlike the labyrinthine streets of the old part of the city, the project of European standards of the early 19th century was implemented here. Straight streets, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II Avenue, large squares with fountains, surrounded by majestic architectural masterpieces.

The new city is filled with the sounds of nightclubs, restaurants, and cafes. These are monuments, theaters, museums, art galleries, parks. The main pedestrian street (Via Sparano, about 1 km long) is full of boutiques and shops for every taste. Here you can always feel the vibrant life of modern Italy. In the new Bari there is a train station where guests of the city come.

Petruzzelli Theater

The re-opening of Italy's fourth largest theater took place in 2009 (after a devastating fire in 1991). The theater was built at the end of the 19th century with funding from the Petruzzelli family. The place where folk festivities most often took place was chosen in the square near the sea. During the opening, Meyerbeer's opera Les Huguenots was performed in 1903.

City residents have always dreamed of having their own cultural center. Therefore, the decision to restore the building was made by the townspeople with approval and great financial support. The first performance was “Princess Turandot” by Pucinni in 2008. The voices of many famous masters sounded from the theater stage. Including Luciano Pavarotti, born in Bari. The theater seats 1,490 spectators to enjoy modern and classical music.

Theater address: Via Salvatore Cognetti 8.

Grotte di Castellana

The first successful exploration of an underground cave system created by the natural force of an underground river occurred in 1938 by the famous speleologist Anelli. His bust is installed at the entrance to the first cave. Over millions of years, huge halls and bizarre corridors decorated with crystalline formations of stalactites and stalagmites were formed. The most beautiful cave in the complex is the White Cave. The natural white color of the walls is enhanced by special lighting, making it the home of fairy-tale gnomes.

You can get to the cave along the Desert Corridor (in the form of a narrow gorge) with a wall height of 450 m. Individual cave halls have been cleaned and landscaped. There are hiking trails leading to a depth of 72 m. The short route lasts about 1 km and lasts 1 hour. The cost of the excursion is 12 €. The long route (3 km, duration 2 hours) costs 16 €. There are benefits for pensioners, schoolchildren, and students.

Address: Apulia, Castellana Grotte. You can get there by commuter train Sud-Est.

Museum of Art of Province of Bari

The Pinacoteca Provinciale is a rich art gallery of works by masters of southern Italy who lived at different times. The country's Museum of Fine Arts began its activities in 1928. Initially, the collections were housed in the Government Palace. Then the museum moved to the luxurious building Palazzo della Provincia. It adorns the famous embankment of the city. A separate hall of the gallery houses works by the famous Italian artist Corrado Giaquinto, after whom the Pinakothek is named.

In the gallery's exhibitions you can see masterpieces of the Venetian school of painting of the 15th and 16th centuries, Neapolitan iconography, painting, sculpture, and modern works. Apulian majolica, ancient nativity scenes (paintings depicting the Nativity of Christ), works by Tuscan artists "Macchiaioli". The rich heritage of the Pinakothek is considered to be a wooden figure of Christ dating back to the 12th century. The gallery is open from 9am to 7pm from Tuesday to Saturday. The entrance ticket costs 2.5 €.

Church of San Marco dei Veneziani

The ancient church of Bari is often called Byzantine. This is due to the ancient structure of the Byzantines, located in this place until the 13-15 centuries. Construction of the new temple began after the liberation of the city from Saratia. The Romanesque style of the facade is distinguished by a rose window, an arched portal with rich stucco, and the famous winged lion (symbol of Venice and the Church of St. Mark).

Inside the church there are carved Renaissance style altars, a sacristy, stained glass windows, paintings, statues, and antique furniture. The entrance to the sacristy is decorated with polychrome tiles with images of the Madonna del Pozzo, Saints Mark, and Antonio. The church is located on the main square of the city between the Basilica of St. Nicholas and the Cathedral. Entrance to the church is allowed without payment. Photo and video shooting is prohibited.

Archaeological Museum

The history of the development of the Provincial Museum, founded in 1875, reflects the development of civilization in the Apullia region from ancient times to the present. New artifacts from archaeological excavations are constantly added to the museum’s collections. Among them are household items made from bronze ceramics by craftsmen of the Daunian, Messapian, and Peuchecia nationalities. The museum is the owner of the most complete database of artifacts of the ancient civilization created by these peoples before the advent of Apulia. Of interest is the collection of terracotta figurines made by residents of ancient cities.

The figurines, called tanagers, depict more natural poses of men and women. In the long corridors there are many ancient vases, statues of gods and heroes. The museum is located on the territory of the New Town at Piazza Umberto I in one of the university buildings. Excursions are available by prior arrangement. Ticket price 5 €. The museum is temporarily closed to the public. Open from Tuesday to Saturday. Starts at 8.30, ends at 18.30.

Aldo Moro Square

On the square there is a railway station (built in 1864), bus stations for intercity and city bus routes, forming the central transport hub of Bari. There is an exit to the metro on the square. The square is named after the victim of the terror of the Red Brigades, Aldo Mora, chairman of the Italian Council of Ministries. His important political career began during the period of power of Benito Musolini.

Moro's main goal was to expand the democratic foundations in the country and create a new democratic system. It took 4 years to investigate the crimes of the Red Brigade, but the masterminds of the high-profile terrorist crime of the century were not found. In the park near the square, his bust is installed not far from the fountain built in honor of the Apulian Aqueduct. The main building of the university, located at Piazza Umberto, 1, is named after Aldo Moro.

Palace of the Aqueduct

The Apulian Aqueduct is the largest version of an ancient aqueduct in Europe. The palace was built under the direction of Duilio Cambelotti in 1932 in honor of the unsurpassed wealth of the earth and water. This is reflected in the design of the majestic facade of the palace. The availability of drinking water in this part of Italy was a big problem. The population used rain reserves, which presented great health problems in the form of frequent poisonings and epidemics.

The idea of ​​bringing water to Apulia from other places through the Apennine tunnel was realized in a bold aqueduct project. The first streams of pure water entered the region in 1915, giving life to more than 400 settlements in the region. Now in the museum, located in the palace, there are walls, floors, and ceilings. The windows contain decorations related to water. Entrance to the palace is free of charge. There are interesting tours of the palace.

Piazza Ferrarese

On the south side of Bari's historic center, facing the city's beautiful promenade, is a square named after the birthplace of the Ferrer merchants. In the 16th century, the main trade road passed here. A fragment of an ancient road discovered by archaeologists is one of the unusual places in the square. On the left are the arches of the Murat Hall, where exhibitions of works by contemporary artists are held. On the right side there is an old fish market, as well as a food market with a large selection of fruits and vegetables.

The square ends opposite the old harbor. The place is beautifully decorated and is an elegant entrance to the Old Town. From the square you can clearly see the old port and the coast. In the evening, young people, lovers for romantic meetings, and strolling tourists become the owners of the square. There are many cozy cafes and bars on the square. In the northern part the square connects with Piazza Mercantile.

Piazza Mercantile

In ancient times this place of the city was considered the heart of trade. It houses the Customs and Administrative palaces. The Column of Justice, or pillory, stands as an ever-living monument to Italy's historical past. In ancient times, people were tied to it for shameful punishment of people who failed to repay their debts on time. The column is guarded by a stone lion sitting on top with the inscription "Guardian of Justice" on its chest.

There is an opinion that the pillory was built in the 16th century. The severity of the punishment was reduced at the request of Pietro di Toledo. The square connects New Bari with Old, representing the elegant history of Bari, the city's social drawing room. There are comfortable tables right on it, where you can always relax and taste delicious coffee.

Theater Margherita

The rectangular Art Nouveau building, decorated with towers and an openwork arch, was erected in 1914. These architectural elements are located on the facade of the building. A unique feature of the building is the foundation of the building in the form of piles installed on the seabed. This helped to circumvent the ban on the construction of theaters within the city, which was in force under an agreement between Petruzzelli and the city administration. The building, made in pastel shades, has an original asymmetrical design.

There are many rectangular windows of different sizes along the perimeter of the building. The building's cornice, supported by massive columns, is decorated with bas-reliefs and stucco elements. A wide dome rises above the pediment. Restoration work is currently underway with the aim of organizing a museum of modern art in the theater building. At the same time, the facade will retain its original appearance, overlooking the city embankment. Tourists have the opportunity to admire the building and listen to the guide for detailed information about its history.

Theater address: Piazza IV Novembre, Bari.

Port of Bari

A significant city site has always played a special role in the southeastern part of Italy as a major transport center. Trade with the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and the Middle East was important for the development of the country's economy. This determined the creation of a convenient infrastructure for a multifunctional port. The docks are well equipped and there is excellent communication between all types of maritime transport. There are even two separate docks intended for fishing boats.

From the embankment you can see snow-white cruise ships, huge ships designed for different purposes. Every year, about 150 ships, over 2 million people (including 400,000 cruise ship passengers) arrive here. At the port you can book a cruise along the expanses of the Adriatic Sea, washing the coast. The cruise terminal is located in the center of Bari, which is very convenient for vacationers.


A trip around the outskirts of Bari can become an acquaintance with a real fairy tale. The town of Alberobello, listed as a UNESCO heritage site, will amaze any traveler with its trulli (traditional houses made using dry masonry). They resemble the dwellings of gnomes from children's fairy tales. Amazing houses with a conical roof (trulli means dome) are characterized by the ability to quickly collapse if the locking stone is removed from their walls. There are no such buildings anywhere else in the world. At the same time, the walls of the building are thick, providing the necessary coolness in the heat.

The name of the place translated from Latin means “tree” and “war”. Reliable military mechanisms were made from the mighty oak trees that had long grown in this territory. The easiest way is to visit the place with a tour, listen to the legends, and learn the historical facts of the unique surroundings of Bari. You can rent a car and drive about 55 km along the SS100 highway, turning onto the SS172 road at Casamassima. During the busy holiday season, it may be difficult to find parking. Another way to travel is to use the train (ticket price is about 5 €) or the services of the Ferrovie del Sud Est (FSE) carrier companies.

Sassi di Matera

Multi-tiered cave dwellings were built in the Sassi (meaning stones) quarters for many centuries, starting from the Neolithic era. Grotto houses were carved into the thickness of inaccessible rocks, providing safe living for the ancient inhabitants of the area. Streets were formed from them, and public services, restaurants, cafes, and hotels were set up in separate rock caves. Some of them are functioning now. In the thickness of the tuff above the deep valley, dwellings were created, in which the roofs of some became the floor of the next houses, etc.

A park of cave churches (about 150 units), rock houses have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1993. They are considered an exceptional example of careful use of natural resources. Now the general unsanitary condition of the cave town does not allow living here permanently. In the 50s, the inhabitants of the cave city were moved to modern Sassi houses, the rock city was restored to its original beauty, preserving the natural fortress in an important area of ​​​​the Civita quarter.

Here is a detailed map of Bari with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

What country is the city of Bari in?

Bari is located in Italy. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Bari coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

An interactive map of Bari with attractions and other tourist sites is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Bari. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

Here is a map of Bari with streets → region Apulia, Italy. We study a detailed map of Bari with houses and streets. Real-time search, coordinates

More details about the streets of Bari on the map

A detailed map of the city of Bari with street names will be able to show all the routes and roads of the Apulia region, where the street is located. Via Nizza. Located near.

To view the territory of the entire region in detail, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. The page contains an interactive map of the city of Bari (Italy) with addresses and routes of the neighborhood. Move its center to find Via Tanzi now.

The ability to plot a route across the country and calculate the distance using the “Ruler” tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (the “Hybrid” scheme type), see train stations and the borders of the Apulia region.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city's infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

An accurate satellite map of Bari in Russian with Google search is in its own section, panoramas as well. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on a city map in Italy/the world, in real time. . St. Via Cardassi will help you find your way around.

Coordinates - 41.1256,16.8675

Bari (Italy) - everything about the city, the main attractions of Bari with photos and descriptions, the most interesting tourist routes on the map.

City of Bari (Italy)

Bari is a seaside city in Southern Italy, the center of the province of the same name. This is one of the most significant cities in the region along with Naples, a major tourist and economic center, and a seaport. Bari, like many Italian cities, has a rich, long history, so there are many ancient attractions and architectural monuments. The city's port is the largest passenger port on the Adriatic Sea.

The city of Bari is located on the Adriatic coast between the cities of Giovinazzo in the north and Mola di Bari in the south in the center of a large plain. Although some slopes reach 131 meters above sea level.

Bari from a bird's eye view

The climate is Mediterranean, with mild winters and hot, dry summers.

Bari is very famous in the religious community - the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker rest here, which made it one of the centers of the Orthodox Church in Europe.


The history of the city begins more than two thousand years ago, when the Romans founded a fishing settlement here. Although these places were inhabited much earlier during the times of Ancient Greece. Already at that time, Trajan's road was laid here, which served as an impetus for the growth and development of the city. In the 9th century, Bari briefly fell under the rule of the Saracens, who founded the Bari Emirate here and founded a fortress here. Later the city belonged to the Byzantine Empire and the Normans.

In the 12th century, Bari was part of the Holy Roman Empire, and in the 14th and 15th centuries the city was ruled by a ducal dynasty. At this time, the city fell into decay and lost its former significance. The duchy returned first to the Kingdom of Naples, then to Italy during its unification.

Kitchen and food

Bari's cuisine is extremely diverse: pizza, seafood, cheeses, meats and much more. There will be no problems with food here. The city has a huge number of restaurants, trattorias, pizzerias, and fast food outlets.

Regional dishes:

  • Patate riso e cozze - rice, potatoes with seafood
  • Fave e cicorie - beans with chicory
  • Brasciole (o braciole) – meatloaf made from horse or beef
  • Cozze ripiene - stuffed mussels
  • Pasta e cavoli - pasta with vegetables
  • Agnello con piselli - lamb with peas or beans

Sights of Bari

(Cattedrale di San Sabino) is a cathedral built between the 12th and 13th centuries in the Romanesque style.

Norman-Swabian fortress in Bari, built in the first half of the 12th century. The mighty and majestic castle consists of two separate parts: the first is of Byzantine-Norman origin in the form of a trapezoid with two towers; the second - uniting all the bastions. The castle can be accessed from the south via a bridge over the moat. In the western part of the castle there is a carved Gothic portal. In the northern part of the castle there is an art gallery.

(Basilica di San Nicola) is a Catholic basilica built at the beginning of the 12th century to store the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, one of the most revered Orthodox saints. The basilica is decorated with sculptural decoration, some of which (reliefs, capitals, cornices) were borrowed from more ancient Byzantine buildings. Around 1130, a throne and a ciborium (decorated with capitals and angels) were created; in the middle of the 12th century, an episcopal throne appeared, carved from a single piece of marble.

Italy is a country with a huge number of very interesting cities, rich in attractions. Some of them have access to one of the five seas that surround the country, while others have useful thermal springs or ski resorts. One of the most interesting and attractive cities in the country is ancient Bari. The world-famous resort offers a beach holiday in Europe, as it is located on the Adriatic coast.

Famous sights of the city

Bari is one of the oldest and most popular tourist cities in the country, offering travelers a relaxing beach holiday, many monuments of beautiful ancient architecture and a large number of places for recreation and entertainment.

The main attraction of the city is the Basilica of St. Nicholas - the most popular and visited site not only in the city, but also on the list throughout the country. You can also highlight the old port and the promenade of Bari, which are some of the best places for walking.

Sights of Bari, Italy on the map

Construction of the Basilica of St. Nicholas took several years from 1087 to 1105. The basilica, built in Romanesque style, is very popular among tourists. A huge number of pilgrims from all over the world flock to this religious building, which is iconic throughout the country.

The relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the patron saint of Bari, are kept here. They were taken secretly from Lycia in 1087. Immediately after construction, very important historical events took place here, including the sermon of the First Crusade delivered by Peter of Amiens and the church council held by Pope Urban II on the issue of uniting the western and eastern churches of the country. The basilica is also known for the fact that in 1799 it was completely plundered by French troops. It was reconstructed from 1928 to 1956. In 1951, during work, a sarcophagus with the relics of St. Nicholas and a large number of important relics was found here. Since then, the place has been transformed and has become a cult spot for many pilgrims.

Location of Bari, Italy on Italy map

The pediment of the building is decorated with a sphinx, and the entrance portal of the basilica is beautifully carved. The entrance portal is supported by columns that stand on bull statues. The temple has a rectangular shape and the facade is divided into three parts. The basilica is made in white, thanks to several reconstructions it looks very neat and well-groomed.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Among the attractions of Bari it should also be noted:

  • Museum of Archeology. It was opened in 1875. It houses artifacts that were found as a result of excavations throughout the region. The museum's exposition is replenished with valuable relics to this day. The main valuables are household items made of bronze and ceramics, which were made by representatives of the Apulian civilization - the people who lived in this territory since the 8th century BC. It is located on the territory of the city university;
  • An art gallery, called Pinacoteca in Italian. The gallery houses a huge collection of artistic works, the creation of which dates back to the 11th century. It is also a venue for interesting events dedicated to painting. The gallery is located on the territory of the city Palace and has its name in dedication to the great artist Corrado Giaquinto;
  • city ​​university. The Aldo Moro University of Bari was founded in 1925. It is a state university and offers education in 12 faculties. Each faculty has its own group of departments, which focus on the arts, mathematics, social sciences, literature, medicine, law and education. The university has repeatedly taken first place in the ranking of higher educational institutions in the world;

Aldo Moro University of Bari

  • The castle is a fortification from the Middle Ages, which was built by the king of Sicily of those times named Roger II. The construction dates back to 1131;
  • Old port in the city. It is one of the largest ports in the country, receiving and dispatching cargo flights, as well as transporting tourists and travelers using cruise ships. Ferries depart from here to Sicily, neighboring Croatia, Montenegro and Albania;
  • City embankment. This is an ideal place for walking and exploring the ancient architecture of the city. Many call it the most beautiful in the country. It was recently reconstructed and remarkable cafes, restaurants, bars and shops were formed on the site of the old port buildings and structures.

Note! The Museum of Archeology in 2018 is temporarily unavailable for regular visits due to the transfer of the exhibition to another location. Visits are allowed only in groups by appointment.

Public transport in the city

Public transport in the Italian city of Bari is plentiful. The metro runs here and has six lines. This is the most convenient and recommended form of transport in the city. The route is designed in such a way that you can get around the main attractions without any problems. The metro is clean and well maintained, the stations are relatively nice.

Such types of transport as bus, taxi, railway transport within the country and province, and international airport are also widespread.

Metro map of the city

Beaches and entertainment

The city of Bari itself can boast of only one beach on the territory of the settlement, the name of which often amuses tourists, since it is called “Bread and Tomato”. Located in the city center, it is state-owned, but it is equipped with all the necessary equipment for a comfortable stay. There are sports grounds for various sports and, most importantly, clean, white sand and clear water, which are ideal for swimming.

It is recommended to visit the surrounding villages of the city and their beaches. We can highlight places such as Monopoli, Barlette, Polignano a Mare, which can provide tourists with an excellent beach holiday and many hotels, ranging from luxurious and expensive to cheap hostels and guesthouses. Usually the beaches are equipped with everything you need, but you will have to pay to rent swimming equipment such as umbrellas and sun loungers.

Bari is a very remarkable city on the Adriatic coast of Italy. Thanks to its ancient architecture and many historical monuments and attractions, it is very popular among tourists.