Actions of the driver when delivering the train to the station after a break. Actions of train crew workers in the event of a malfunction of the car's automatic coupling equipment Procedure for detecting a malfunction of the superstructure of the track

In the event that there is another freight train on the stretch behind the train, in the carriage of which the automatic coupling devices have been broken, it can be used to remove the tail section of the train from the stretch, provided that, as a rule, it does not exceed ten cars. To do this, in agreement with the DNC and the driver of the first train, the second train is combined with a group of cars that remained on the stretch after the automatic coupler was broken. Before connecting to these cars, you must ensure that they are secured and will not move forward when connecting. After coupling with a group of cars, it is necessary to connect the brake line hoses, charge the brakes of the group of cars, test their action by actuating and releasing the brakes of the first and second cars in the direction of travel and after receiving an order from the DNC (which makes sure that the head of the train has already arrived at the station ) follow to the first station at a speed of 5-10 km/h To give manual signals or provide information to the driver using a portable radio station (mobile phone), there must be an assistant driver or another road worker on the first car in the direction of travel of the train, who fulfills the driver’s requirements. If the number of cars that need to be removed from the stage exceeds 10 or there is a passenger (motor unit) train following these cars, then the stage is freed from trains sent after the train in which the automatic coupling devices have broken and the removal of the remaining part of the train on the stage is carried out by an auxiliary locomotive

1.3 Withdrawal order trains from the stage

at violation integrity of the train brake line

or brake malfunctions in the last two carriages

In the event of a rupture or malfunction of the train's brake line, the absence of compressed air in the TM of the last cars and the impossibility of restoring its integrity by the forces of the locomotive crew, or a malfunction of the brakes in one or 2 of the last cars, the train is removed from the stretch only by an auxiliary locomotive, which stands at the rear of the train, with speed limit for freight trains is no more than 25 km/h, for passengers no more than 15 km/h

When requesting an auxiliary locomotive, the train driver who stopped on the stretch is obliged to report to the DNC of the section in person, or

through the chipboard of the nearest stations, about the number of cars in the tail part of the train located after the car with the damaged TM. If 30 or more cars with faulty automatic brakes remain at the rear of the train, only a two-section freight locomotive should be issued to assist the train. If there are up to 30 cars with working brakes in the tail section of the train, assistance can be provided, in addition to the above locomotives, by a diesel locomotive of the ChME-3 series (taking into account the weight of the train that stopped on the stretch, the profile of the track and the stopping place with the condition of picking up the train from its place).

Assistance to a passenger train or electric train can be provided by a locomotive of any series.

If another train is on the section from the station from which assistance will be provided from the tail of the stopped train, the following procedure for clearing the section is established:

■ If there is a passenger locomotive following you on the stretch, assistance is provided only to the passenger or commuter train.

■ If there is a freight train following on the stretch, the locomotive crew secures the freight train, the locomotive, by order of the DNC, is uncoupled from the train, and assistance to the freight or passenger train is provided by this locomotive. It is strictly forbidden to uncouple the locomotive from a human train or a train that contains cars with dangerous goods.

■ If on the stretch, following a stopped freight train, there is a passenger train with locomotive traction, then it is removed from the stretch by a separate locomotive to the station from which assistance will be provided to the freight train stopped due to a faulty brakes.

■ If there is an electric train on the stretch, then at the command of the DNC of the section, the locomotive crew changes the control cabin and without stopping returns to the station, from which assistance will be provided to the freight train stopped due to a faulty automatic brakes.

■ If during a stretch it is necessary to provide assistance to a passenger train that has stopped due to a brake malfunction and there is also a passenger train behind it, then by order of the DNC such trains can connect at a speed of no more than 15 km/h leave the stretch to the first station where the train's TM is being repaired.

After the auxiliary locomotive is coupled to the tail of the train, the locomotive crew of the lead locomotive closes the end valves of the TM of the car (group of cars) in which the integrity of the brake line on both sides is broken, the locomotive crew of the auxiliary

body of the locomotive turns on the brakes of the tail section of the train into the brake line of the locomotive (train) and takes control of the tail section of the train. Both locomotive crews check the operation of the brakes in two cars before (after) the faulty car (group of cars) of their group for braking and release; The driver of the lead locomotive recalculates the actual brake pressure on the train, taking into account the part of the brakes that is turned off, and follows at a limited speed to the first station at which the faulty brake line must be repaired or the faulty car must be uncoupled from the train.

While driving the train along the stretch, the driver of the auxiliary locomotive follows all the instructions of the driver of the lead locomotive. When braking or reducing speed to stop, the driver of the lead locomotive is the first to perform the braking stage, after which he gives the driver of the auxiliary locomotive an indication of the amount of discharge of the TM (taking into account the length of each part of the train, the presence of empty and loaded cars, etc.). If it is necessary to release the brakes while the train is moving or before setting it in motion after stopping, the driver of the auxiliary locomotive is the first to release the brakes, and after completing the release of the brakes and transferring RCM No. 394 (395) to the second position, he notifies the driver of the lead locomotive. It is allowed to release the brakes at the head no earlier than 10 With. after the start of the brake release at the rear of the train. The brakes of a double passenger train are controlled simultaneously by the command of the driver of the front locomotive.

While traveling along a stretch with such a train, the radio receivers on both locomotives must be removed from the control panel.

In cases that threaten traffic safety (rolling stock derailment, fire in a train or locomotive, contact wire breakage, preventing a collision with people or vehicles, etc.), the drivers of both locomotives are allowed to apply emergency braking and transmit information about this to the driver of the lead (auxiliary) locomotive immediately after braking.


2. Procedure for identifying a train disconnection (break). If during inspection of the train a self-release or broken automatic couplers are detected, the assistant driver is obliged to:
- take measures to secure the uncoupled part of the train by laying brake shoes on the side of the slope and activating the existing hand brakes of freight cars, in accordance with the securing standards;
- in a passenger train, through the car conductors, activate the hand brakes of each car of the uncoupled part;
- make sure that the number of the last car of the uncoupled group corresponds to the number indicated in the certificate of form VU-45;
- report to the driver about the securing of uncoupled cars, the distance between them, the condition of their automatic couplers and brake hoses.
After receiving information from the assistant driver, the driver coordinates further actions with the DNC.
In the passenger train, report the self-release to the train manager. Together with him and the train electrician, after disconnecting the high-voltage heating cable of the train, inspect the automatic coupling devices. If the locks of both automatic couplers remain mobile and there are no visible faults in them, the assistant driver, in the presence of the train manager, must couple the cars with a settling speed of the head of the train of no more than 3 km/h. During the connection, the train manager is in the vestibule of the car at a working stop valve, monitoring the access and coupling of parts of the train.
In the event of a malfunction of the mechanism of one of the automatic couplers of disconnected cars, after connecting the train, replace the internal automatic coupler mechanism removed from the automatic coupler of the last car or locomotive.
If it is impossible to replace the mechanism or the automatic coupler is faulty, request an auxiliary locomotive.
- on a freight train, check the serviceability of the automatic coupler mechanism and connecting hoses of disconnected cars. After receiving information from the assistant driver about exiting the inter-car space, connect the train, while settling the head of the train should be done with extreme caution so that when coupling cars the speed does not exceed 3 km/h
- replace damaged brake hoses with spare ones, and if they are missing, remove them from the tail car or front beam of the locomotive;
After connecting the parts of the train during the stretch, charge the brakes, briefly test the brakes on the two tail cars, remove the brake shoes from under the cars, release the hand brakes and remove the rest of the train from the stage.
It is prohibited to connect parts of a train during a stretch:
a) during fog, snowstorm and other unfavorable conditions, when signals are difficult to distinguish;

Ticket 16

1. In what cases is a shortened brake test performed? What do they check?

A shortened brake test is carried out:

After the train locomotive is coupled to the train.

After any disconnection of the brake line.

After a freight train has stopped for more than 30 minutes.

After changing locomotive crews without uncoupling the locomotive from the train.

After a passenger train has stopped at the station for more than 20 minutes.

What are they checking? When placing the CM in one of the brake positions, check the rod exit to the TC and the fit of the block to the gearbox, and when releasing, check the rotation.

2. The procedure for providing assistance to a train stopped on a section by a single locomotive with AB and PAB (from the head of the train)

On the wrong path (AB and PAB) - follow at a speed of no more than 60 km/h, and after stopping at least 2 km to the place indicated in the DU-64 permit, at a speed of no more than 20 km/h. We pick up an assistant and follow no more than 10 km/h, stop after 10-15 meters. trailer speed is no more than 3 km/h.

3. While moving along the stretch, the train approaches a traffic light with a prohibitory indication. What are the regulations for actions and negotiations in this production situation?

· Attention!!! red ahead

· over 400-500m speed no more than 20

· for 100-150m speed no more than 3

After the RB is triggered, report the position of the driver’s controller and the position of the KM handle

· 50m stop

1.Types of separate items. Station boundary.

Separate points are railway stations, sidings, overtaking points and waypoints, automatic blocking traffic lights, as well as the boundaries of block sections with ALSN, used as an independent means of signaling and communication.

The boundaries of the railway station are:

· on single-track sections - entrance traffic lights;

· on double-track sections - along each individual main track, on one side there is an entrance traffic light, and on the other - a signal sign “Station Boundary”, installed at a distance of at least 50 m behind the last exit switch.

2. Regulations for negotiations during a forced stop of a train on a stretch.

1. Stop the train on a favorable track profile unless an emergency stop is required.

2. After the stop, report to oncoming and oncoming trains, DSP, DNC: “Attention everyone! I am the driver of train No., full name, stopped at ___ kilometer, ___ picket, stage __, stop time __, even (odd) route, due to _____, I have/don’t have information about the presence of a gauge. Be carefull!"

3. Repeat the message several times until confirmation is received from the drivers of oncoming and following trains; if there is no answer, we inform the DSP, DNC about this. Turn on the red buffer lights.

3. When moving along the section, a violation of the smooth running of the train was detected. What is the procedure for lok. brig. in this situation?

1. In what cases is a full brake test performed? What are they checking?

A full brake test is carried out in the following cases:

At the formation station before departure;

After changing the locomotive;

At stations separating adjacent guaranteed sections of freight trains, without changing the locomotive;

At stations where parking is provided, with steep, protracted descents of 0.0018 or steeper.

Check: Current output from the TC and adherence of the brake pads to the gearbox. And on vacation it’s the other way around.

2. Responsibilities of the TCMP in case of a forced stop of the train during the stretch.

Before leaving to inspect the train, the assistant driver must:

Write out the number of the tail car from the brake certificate, form VU-45;

Take with you signaling accessories and a flashlight at night;

When stopping a freight train on an unfavorable profile, take a brake shoe to secure the cars;

Having reached the last car, check it with the number indicated in the certificate form VU-45, make sure that there are tail signals on the car, and also that the end valve is in the closed position and the brake line hose is suspended.

3. When the train moved along the stretch, the driver lost the ability to control the train. What is the procedure for TCMP in this situation?

The assistant driver is obliged to:

Stop the train with emergency braking, move the KM handle to position VI or the handle of the combination valve to the extreme right position;

After stopping the train, move the handle of the auxiliary brake valve to the extreme braking position and secure it with a lock;

Report the incident via radio communication to the DNC, the DSPs limiting the stretch, and the drivers of oncoming and passing trains on the stretch, in the passenger train to the head of the train, in the MVPS to make an announcement on the warning installation about calling medical workers from among the passengers to provide assistance;

Provide first medical care driver;

Agree with the DNC on the procedure for further actions;

If it is impossible to proceed further, in agreement with the DSC, secure the train with all available means of the locomotive (locomotive hand brakes, brake shoes).

Ticket 19

1. Malfunctions of the gearbox, in which their operation is not allowed?

Crack in the tire, wheel center, axle, gear;

Cracks on the rolling surface of the bandage with a length of more than 10 mm and a depth of more than 3 mm;

Gouges or dents at the top of the ridge more than 4 mm long;

Local widening of the bandage is more than 6 mm;

Loosening of the bandage, wheel center, gear;

The slider (pothole) on the rolling surface of the bandage is more than 1 mm;

Vertical undercut of the ridge of more than 18 mm, measured with a special template;

The thickness of the tires is less than 36 mm (for freight diesel locomotives), and less than 45 mm (for passenger locomotives);

Loosening of the bandage ring - in total over a length of more than 30% in no more than three places and 100 mm from the lock;

Pointed ridge knurl 2mm;

Rolling on a skating circle of more than 7 mm;

The ridge thickness is more than 33 mm or less than 25 mm, measured at a distance of 20 mm from the top of the ridge;

In the absence of a template, the depth of the slide along the route can be determined by its length.

2. The order of departure of trains at group traffic lights.

Based on the permissive indication of the traffic light and the route sign with a green number, the number of the track from which the train is allowed to depart is determined. According to the indication of a repeating traffic light and by radio communication, a registered order, also by permission on a green form with the completion of paragraph II (form DU-54).

3. While the train was moving along the stretch, the driver received information from the driver of the train in front of a jolt along the way. What is the procedure for the locomotive crew in this situation?

Drivers following oncoming trains, having received information about the “push”
are obliged:
- stop the train near the indicated location of the obstacle, make sure that further travel is possible, and proceed to this location with the entire train at a speed that ensures the safety of train movement, but not more than 20 km/h.
- report any malfunctions identified at the site of the obstacle via radio communication to the drivers behind the moving trains and the chipboard, and if a malfunction is detected that threatens traffic safety, stop the train and resume movement only after this malfunction is eliminated by the track workers.

1. Malfunctions in which the operation of locos is not allowed?

malfunction of the device for giving a sound signal;

malfunction of pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, electric, hand brakes

malfunction or disconnection of at least one electric motor

malfunction of automatic locomotive signaling or safety devices;

malfunction of the speed meter and recording devices

malfunction of the spotlight, buffer lamp, lighting, control or measuring device;

crack in the clamp, spring suspension or main leaf of the spring, fracture of the spring leaf;

crack in the axle housing

crack or fracture of at least one tooth of the traction gear;

faulty gear housing causing lubricant leakage;

malfunction of the high-voltage chamber safety lock

pantograph malfunction

malfunction of fire extinguishing equipment or automatic fire alarm;

malfunction of locking devices or control of closing entrance doors

2. Departure of a train when the output traffic light is prohibited at AB and PAB

A train is sent to a single-track section or along the wrong track of a double-track section with two-way automatic blocking when the exit traffic light is prohibited:

1) according to a registered order of the station duty officer, transmitted to the train driver via radio communication

2) with permission on a green form with filling out paragraph 1 of the form DU-54.

The departure of a train onto a single-track section and along the wrong track of a double-track section at an invitation signal is prohibited.

3. When the train approached the railway crossing, the locomotive traffic light reading changed from “yellow-red” to “red”. What is the operating procedure of the loco/brigade?

the assistant should be standing next to the driver.

P: Attention!!! red ahead

P: for 400-500m speed no more than 20

P: for 100-150m speed no more than 3

After this, how the RB will operate, report on the position of the driver’s controller and the position of the KM handle

TCMP: stop after 50m

TBI: clear for 50 stop

after stopping, three short beeps (three short - STOP)

We report to the chipboard.

1. PTE requirements for braking equipment.

Railway rolling stock must be equipped with automatic brakes, and passenger cars and locomotives, motor cars of railway rolling stock, in addition, are equipped with electro-pneumatic brakes. Automatic and electro-pneumatic brakes of railway rolling stock and special rolling stock must be maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations and have controllability and reliability in various operating conditions, ensure smooth braking, and automatic brakes also stop the train when the brake line is disconnected or broken and when the stops are opened -crane (emergency braking valve).

Automatic and electro-pneumatic brakes of railway rolling stock must provide braking pressure that guarantees stopping the train during emergency braking at a distance of no more than braking distance, determined according to calculated data approved by norms and rules.

Automatic brakes must provide the ability to use different braking modes depending on the loading of cars, the length of the train and the profile of the railway track.

2. Alarms and special signs.

Alarm signals are given by horns, whistles of locomotives (multi-unit trains) and special self-propelled rolling stock, sirens, horns, military signal pipes, and blows to suspended metal objects.

The sounds indicated in the sound signal diagram, if given by blows, are reproduced :

long - often with blows following one after another;

short - with rare strikes according to the number of short sounds required.

The “General alarm” signal is given in groups of one long and three short sounds

in the following cases:

If a fault is detected along the route that threatens traffic safety;

When a train stops in a snow drift, a train wreck and in other cases when assistance is required.

The “Fire alarm” signal is given in groups of one long and two short sounds

The “Air Raid” signal is given by a prolonged sound of sirens, as well as a series of short sounds “continuously for 2-3 minutes.

The signal “Radiation danger” or “Chemical alarm” is given for 2-3 minutes: on hauls - by locomotive whistles; at stations - frequent blows to suspended metal objects.

3. While the train was moving along the stretch, a voice informant message “Alarm - 2” was received. What is the procedure for a person to act in this situation?

Take measures to stop the train on the stretch using service braking, following the tail part of the floor control devices;

Inform train drivers on the stretch about this;

Inspect the train
If obvious external signs of destruction of the axle box unit are detected, the driver must report this to the DSP (DNC), who calls a carriage worker to the train to determine the possibility of further movement of the car.
If, as a result of an inspection of the train during the stretch, it is established that the condition of the axle box unit allows it to proceed to the nearest station or a malfunction is not identified, the locomotive crew can continue moving to the station at a speed of no more than 20 km/h, which is reported to the nearest station DSP and called workers to this station
carriage facilities for inspection and giving an opinion on the possibility of further movement of the train. When moving, the locomotive crew is obliged to monitor the condition of the train in curved sections of the track from the locomotive cabin.
Inspection of the train at the station and making a decision on further travel is carried out by the carriage worker, and in his absence - by the train driver.
In the case where the train was stopped with information about dragging, and the driver did not identify the reason when inspecting the registered carriage, he is obliged to inspect the condition of the entire train from both sides. If there is no fault, the train moves at a speed of 40 km/h to the station entrance traffic light, and at a speed of 20 km/h from the entrance traffic light to the stop at
ways of reception. The inspection of the train is carried out by an employee of the carriage facility, and in his absence - by the train driver with a report from DSP, DSC on the results of the inspection and the possibility of further travel.

1. PTE requirements for an automatic coupler.

The height of the automatic coupling axis above the level of the top of the rail heads should be:

– no more than 1080 mm (for a locomotive, passenger and freight empty cars);

– not less than 980 mm (for a locomotive and a carriage with passengers).

– not less than 950mm (for a loaded freight car)

2. The difference in height between the longitudinal axes of coupled automatic couplers must be:

In a freight train – no more than 100mm;

Between the locomotive and the 1st car of a freight train - no more than 110 mm;

Between the locomotive and the 1st carriage of a passenger train - no more than 100 mm;

Between passenger train cars at speeds up to 120 km/h - no more than 70 mm;

Between passenger train cars at speeds over 120 km/h – no more than 50 mm

Actions of the locomotive crew when a train is disconnected or broken on a stretch.

14.1. When disconnecting (self-disengaging) a train during a stretch, the driver is obliged to:

Immediately report the incident via radio to the drivers of trains traveling along the stretch and the DSP stations limiting the stretch;

Through the assistant driver or personally, check the condition of the coupling devices of the disconnected cars and, if they are in good condition, couple the train;

Perform a short brake test;

Before resuming movement, check the number of the tail car and the presence of a tail signal on it using the full-scale sheet.

a) during fog, snowstorm and other unfavorable conditions, when signals are difficult to distinguish;

b) if the detached part is on a slope steeper than 0.0025 and can move to the side when pushed, opposite direction movements;

If the train contains cars with discharge loads.

14.3. In these cases, to connect the separated parts, assistance can be provided by a following single locomotive or freight train, with or without uncoupling the locomotive from the train, according to a recorded order from the train dispatcher, transmitted to the drivers of both trains via radio communication.

In this case, the connection of the disengaged train is carried out in the following order:

The driver of the second locomotive, having received the dispatcher's order, couples with the tail section of the first train;

Coupling is carried out either by settling the head part, or by pushing the tail part by a locomotive or a following train.

14.4. When a train uncouples due to a malfunction of the automatic coupler mechanism, you must proceed as follows:

a) if the lock spontaneously sinks into the automatic coupler body, it is necessary to bring it into a coupled state and drive a wooden wedge between the signal arm and the automatic coupler body from the side of the small tooth;

b) if the lock is stuck in the recessed state, also recess the lock of the second automatic coupler and insert the brake shoe into the free space.

Check the reliability of the clutch by tensioning the train.

14.5. Traveling with a jammed automatic coupler is permitted only to the first station, where it must be repaired or the car must be uncoupled.

14.6. If it is impossible to connect the train, the driver must inform the dispatcher about this.

In this case, the train can be withdrawn:

With the help of an auxiliary locomotive sent from the station;

With the help of a following single locomotive;

With the help of a following train without uncoupling or with uncoupling of the locomotive;

In parts.

14.7. In any case, if the rear section of the train is pulled forward by cars, the brake line of the pushing locomotive must be connected to the brake line of the uncoupled section and a reduced brake test must be performed on that group of cars.

The following speed in this case should not exceed 5 km/h.

In this case, in front of the vehicle in the direction of travel, there must be an assistant driver on the brake platform or a special step.

14.8. If necessary, withdrawing part of a train from a section with non-braked tail cars is possible only if the train is located on a platform or on a slope towards the station in front. Otherwise, an auxiliary locomotive must be called.

Investigation of faulty traffic lights.

15.1. If a train has stopped at a traffic light with a red light, as well as an incomprehensible indication, and the driver does not know that he is in the block section of the train ahead, he must release the brakes after stopping and, if during this time the indication has not switched to permissive, drive the train with at a speed of no more than 20 km/h until the next traffic light, with special vigilance and readiness to stop if an obstacle arises.

Periodically, when following the entire block area, give alert signals (- --).

If, after passing a traffic light with a red light or an incomprehensible indication, a permissive indication appears on the locomotive traffic light, the driver is allowed to increase the speed to the next traffic light up to 40 km/h, but at the same time, if a push is felt, do not increase the speed, and if necessary, stop to find out the reason.

15.2. If the indications of the floor and locomotive traffic lights do not coincide, then be guided by the indications of the floor traffic light.

15.3. If there is no light on at the passing traffic light, but a white one at the locomotive traffic light, it is followed in the order specified in clause 15.1.

15.4. Unlit traffic lights, regardless of their number, if the locomotive traffic light has a permissive indication, you are allowed to proceed non-stop, guided by the indication of the locomotive traffic light. Follow with increased vigilance and periodically give alert signals throughout the entire block area. (- ---).

15.5. Report the faults listed in clauses 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 to the DSP.

Before handing over the speed tape, make an appropriate entry on the back side of it and the name of the chipboard to whom the message was sent.

In such cases, the tape must be handed over along with the route to the duty officer of the main depot immediately after the trip.

1. Procedure in case of signs of violation of the integrity of the train brake line

1.1. The main reasons for the drop in pressure in the brake line of a train are:
- separation of brake hoses or other violation of the integrity of the brake line in the train;
- breakage (self-release) of the automatic coupler in the train;
- derailment of rolling stock with violation of the integrity of the brake line;
- breakdown of the stop valve on a passenger train.
1.2. Signs of a possible train brake line rupture include:
- reduction in speed that does not correspond to the track profile;
- frequent switching on of compressors;
- rapid decrease in pressure in the main reservoirs after turning off the compressors when sandboxes and typhons are not working;
- activation of the brake line rupture alarm with sensor N 418;
- longitudinal-dynamic reactions in the composition, unusual for a given track profile.
The integrity of the train's brake line is monitored by the driver using measuring and signaling devices located in the control cabin.
1.3. If the pressure in the brake line of a passenger (mail and luggage, freight and passenger) train drops, the driver must apply emergency braking by setting the handle of the driver's crane to the emergency braking position, turning on the sand supply and setting the auxiliary brake handle to the extreme braking position until a complete stop.
1.4. When a freight train is moving, if its speed does not decrease without activating the brakes, but there are signs of a possible rupture of the brake line, the driver must turn off the traction, move the handle of the driver's crane to position III for 5-7 seconds (overlap without power) and observe the pressure in the brake line, while:
- if there is a rapid and continuous drop in pressure in the brake line or a sharp slowdown in the movement of the train that does not correspond to the track profile, perform service braking, then move the driver’s valve handle to position III and stop the train without using the locomotive’s auxiliary brake;
- if there is no rapid and continuous decrease in pressure in the brake line and a sharp deceleration of the train, perform service braking by the amount of the first stage, then release the brakes in the prescribed manner;
- in the event of repeated braking of the train due to spontaneous activation of the automatic brakes in the train, in the absence of a continuous drop in pressure in the brake line when the driver's crane handle is set to position III - brake and release the automatic brakes in the established manner, informing the DNC or DSP about this and submitting a control check auto brakes, having agreed with the DNC station for its implementation.
1.5. When a train is forced to stop due to a drop in pressure in the brake line, the driver (driver's assistant) is obliged to announce in the established manner by radio the place and reason for stopping the train, indicating the lack of information about the presence of the rolling stock gauge.
1.6. When the train stops due to a drop in pressure in the brake line, the driver must send an assistant driver to inspect the train, having previously instructed him on the procedure.
Before leaving to inspect the train, the assistant driver must:
- write out the number of the tail car from the brake certificate, form VU-45;
- take signaling accessories with you, a flashlight at night;
- when stopping a freight train on an unfavorable profile, take a brake shoe to secure the cars;
- adjustable wrench;
- portable radio station;
- technical first aid kit.
To determine the cause of the pressure drop in the brake line, the assistant driver inspects the entire train. Having reached the last car, he checks it with the number indicated in the certificate form VU-45, makes sure that there are tail signals on the car, and also that the end valve is in the closed position, and the brake line hose is suspended on a bracket (in a passenger train additionally check with the conductor of the tail car).
Inspection of a passenger train is carried out jointly with the train manager or train electrician.
1.7. When disconnecting the brake hoses, check for signs of self-release on the train:
- traces of damage on the front stop of the impact sockets, the throat of the automatic coupler head;
- inspect the external condition of the brake hoses, traces of interaction with foreign parts of the track on the heads and rubber tubes of the hoses;
- write off the numbers of the cars between which a disconnection of the hoses was detected, upon arrival at the locomotive, make a reconciliation against the full-scale sheet
- near standing carriages. If the numbers do not correspond to the full-scale sheet, inform the dispatcher and agree on further actions.
If the brake hose is damaged, replace it with a spare one from the first aid kit or removed from the locomotive or tail car.
- make sure that the number of the tail car corresponds to the number specified in the certificate of form VU-45, check the air permeability of the brake line by opening the valve of the tail car and briefly test the brakes.
If a violation of the integrity of the train brake line is detected due to a malfunction of the brake equipment of the cars and the impossibility of eliminating it, the locomotive crew is obliged to:
- in agreement with the DSC, order an auxiliary locomotive from the tail of the train to remove the tail section from the stage, or request carriage workers to eliminate the malfunction;
- if the end valve to the faulty car is closed, secure the tail part of the train from the faulty car, in accordance with the fastening standard in accordance with Appendix 1.
1.8. Procedure for detecting a train disconnection (break).
If during inspection of the train a self-release or broken automatic couplers are detected, the assistant driver is obliged to:
- take measures to secure the uncoupled part of the train by laying brake shoes on the side of the slope and activating the existing hand brakes of freight cars, in accordance with the securing standards;
- in a passenger train, through the car conductors, activate the hand brakes of each car of the uncoupled part;
- make sure that the number of the last car of the uncoupled group corresponds to the number indicated in the certificate of form VU-45;
- report to the driver about the securing of uncoupled cars, the distance between them, the condition of their automatic couplers and brake hoses.
After receiving information from the assistant driver, the driver coordinates further actions with the DNC.
In the passenger train, report the self-release to the train manager. Together with him and the train electrician, after disconnecting the high-voltage heating cable of the train, inspect the automatic coupling devices. If the locks of both automatic couplers remain mobile and there are no visible faults in them, the assistant driver, in the presence of the train manager, must couple the cars with a settling speed of the head of the train of no more than 3 km/h. During the connection, the train manager is in the vestibule of the car at a working stop valve, monitoring the access and coupling of parts of the train.
In the event of a malfunction of the mechanism of one of the automatic couplers of disconnected cars, after connecting the train, replace the internal automatic coupler mechanism removed from the automatic coupler of the last car or locomotive. If it is impossible to replace the mechanism or the automatic coupler is faulty, request an auxiliary locomotive.
- on a freight train, check the serviceability of the automatic coupler mechanism and connecting hoses of disconnected cars. After receiving information from the assistant driver about exiting the inter-car space, connect the train, while settling the head of the train should be done with extreme caution so that when coupling cars the speed does not exceed 3 km/h
- replace damaged brake hoses with spare ones, and if they are missing, remove them from the tail car or front beam of the locomotive;
After connecting the parts of the train on the stretch, charge the brakes, briefly test the brakes on the two tail cars, remove the brake shoes from under the cars, release the hand brakes and remove the rest of the train from the stage.
It is prohibited to connect parts of a train during a stretch:
a) during fog, snowstorm and other unfavorable conditions, when signals are difficult to distinguish;
b) if the uncoupled part is on a slope steeper than 2.5 o/oo and can move away from the push when connected in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the train.
If it is impossible to connect the train, the driver must request an auxiliary locomotive at the rear of the train, additionally indicating in the application the exact distance between the separated parts of the train.
When withdrawing part of a train from a section, it is necessary to protect the tail car of the withdrawn part of the train with an unfurled yellow flag at the buffer beam on the right side, and at night with a yellow lamp light and write down the numbers of the tail cars of the remaining part of the train and the withdrawn part.
It is prohibited to leave trains containing cars with people and dangerous goods of class 1 (explosive materials) on the stretch without security.
In the event of a break in the automatic coupling devices of the cars, the driver is obliged to order a control check of the brakes.
1.9. Procedure for detecting rolling stock derailment.
If a rolling stock derailment is detected, the assistant driver is obliged to immediately secure the tail section of the train in accordance with the securing standards.
The train driver, having received information about the rolling stock derailment, is obliged to:
- turn on the red lights of the buffer lamps;
- provide train fencing in accordance with the established procedure;
- report to the DNC (chipboards limiting the stretch);
- after a personal inspection of the gathering place, transfer the following information to the DNC (chipboards limiting the route):
whether there are human casualties;
presence of clearance on the adjacent track;
indicate exactly at which kilometer and picket the derailment occurred, the nature of the terrain, whether there are any approaches to the railway track;
how many units of rolling stock derailed and characteristics of the cargo;
is there a derailment of the locomotive;
status data contact network and contact network supports;
In the future, follow the instructions of the DNC.
In case of a stop of a passenger train, fencing is carried out from the head side by the driver's assistant, and from the tail - by the latter's conductor passenger carriage laying firecrackers at a distance of 1000 m from the head and tail of the train.
When stopping other trains, fencing is carried out by the driver's assistant by placing firecrackers on the adjacent track from the side of the train expected along this track at a distance of 1000 m from the obstacle. If the head of the train is located more than 1000 m from the obstacle, firecrackers on the adjacent track are placed opposite the locomotive. If the train driver receives a message that a train has been sent along an adjacent track in the wrong direction, he must radio the assistant driver to lay firecrackers at the same distance from the obstacle on the opposite side.
In areas where passenger trains operate at speeds over 120 km/h, the distances at which firecrackers must be placed are set by the owner of the infrastructure.
After laying the firecrackers, the driver's assistant and the carriage conductor must move 20 m away from the place where the firecrackers were laid back to the train and show a red signal in the direction of a possible approaching train.
When servicing locomotives of passenger trains by one driver, fencing of the train during a forced stop on a stretch is carried out by the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train and the carriage conductors at the driver’s direction, transmitted via radio communication.
1.10. Procedure for detecting a failure of the stop valve on a passenger train.
If, during an inspection of a passenger train, it turns out that the pressure drop in the brake line was due to the failure of the stop valve, then no further inspection is carried out. The locomotive driver acts on the basis of the decision on further travel made by the train manager. The locomotive driver must receive a report in the established form, which is drawn up by the head of the train on the fact and reasons for the failure of the stop valve.