Mount Mont Blanc: where it is located, description, interesting facts. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren II (municipal) stage What is the air temperature on Mont Blanc

Verification criteria

Iround (test)

1.1. What will be the scale of the site plan if the line on the ground has a length of 2500 m, and on the plan it is 10 cm?

1) 1: 100 000; 2) 1: 25 000; 3) 1: 50 000; 4) 1: 5000.

1.2. Which of the proposed points on the earth's surface is closest to the center of the Earth?

1) the coast of the Baltic Sea; 2) Mariana Trench (11022 m);

3) Vinson Massif, Antarctica (5140 m); 4) Dead Sea level (-395 m).

1.3. Indicate the answer where the air temperature amplitude value will be minimal:

1) –16ºС and +16ºС; 2) +3ºС and +33ºС; 3) –4ºС and +17ºС; 4) –24ºС and –48ºС.

1.4. What will the air temperature be on Mount Mont Blanc (4800 m), if at its foot the air temperature was + 20ºС:

1) +48.8ºС; 2) –48.8ºС; 3) +24.8ºС; 4) –8.8ºС?

1.5. Determine the approximate height of the mountain if it is known that at its foot the air temperature was +20ºС, and at its top –10ºС:

1) 1.2 km; 2) 5 km; 3) 15 km; 4) 500 m.

1.6. What will approximately be the value of atmospheric pressure on the highest peak of Russia (Mount Elbrus, 5642 m), if at its foot the atmospheric pressure is 737 mm Hg? Art.:

1) 199.7 mm Hg. Art.; 2) 1274 mm Hg. Art.; 3) 725 mm Hg. Art.; 4) 797 mm Hg. Art?

1.7. Who was the first to mathematically substantiate the spherical shape of the Earth:

1) I. Newton; 2) M. Beheim; 3) Eratosthenes; 4) Aristotle.

1.8. Which island is crossed by the equator?

1) Madagascar; 2) Cuba; 3) Sumatra; 4) Sri Lanka.

1.9. What continent are we talking about: geographers compare its outline with a bunch of grapes hanging on the stem of the Isthmus of Panama?

1) Africa; 2) North America; 3) South America; 4) Australia.

1.10. Which scientist is considered the “father” of the theory of global plate tectonics?

1) Newton; 2) Wegener; 3) Einstein; 4) Dokuchaev.

1.11. Organic sedimentary rocks include

1) marble; 2) hard coal; 3) granite; 4) pumice.

1.12. Which statement about the atmosphere is true?

1) the ozone shield protects the Earth from ultraviolet radiation;

2) high in the mountains the atmospheric pressure is higher than on the plains;

3) atmospheric water vapor is concentrated in the stratosphere;

4) the air temperature in the troposphere increases with height.

1.13. What climate is formed in the subtropical zone on the eastern coast of Eurasia?

1) Mediterranean; 2) continental; 3) monsoon; 4) with uniform moisture.

1.14. In what type of climate will the average annual precipitation be the highest?

1) equatorial; 2) subtropical Mediterranean; 3) moderate monsoon; 4) temperate marine.

1.15. Choose the correct statement about the circulation of air masses by season in the subequatorial climate zone:

1) equatorial air masses dominate in winter and summer;

2) in winter – equatorial air masses, in summer – tropical;

3) in winter – tropical air masses, in summer – moderate;

4) in winter – tropical air masses, in summer – equatorial.

1.16. Which of the following types of clouds belongs to the highest “top layer”, with a height of more than 6000 meters?

1) cumulus; 2) layered; 3 ) feathery; 4) altocumulus.

1.17. The value of normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be:

1) 740mm Hg. Art.; 2) 750 mm Hg. Art.; 3) 760 mm Hg. Art.; 4) 765 mm Hg. Art.

1.18. The lowest air temperature recorded on the globe is –89.2ºС. Select a place where this could be:

1) Oymyakon (Russia); 2) North Pole; 3) Antarctica (Vostok station);

4) o. Greenland.

1.19. The angle of inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane is equal to:

1) 23.5o; 2) 45 o; 3) 66.5 o; 4) 90 o.

1.20. A line on a climate map connecting points with the same amount of precipitation is called:

1) isohyet; 2) isotherm; 3) isobar; 4) isobath.

1.21. Which statement about the World Ocean is true?

1) surface waters of tropical latitudes have the highest salinity;

2) the most powerful current in the World Ocean - the Gulf Stream;

3) the average salinity of the surface waters of the World Ocean is 48‰;

4) the temperature of the waters of the World Ocean increases with depth.

1.22. Which sea has the highest average salinity of surface waters?

1) Red; 2) Barents; 3) Arabian; 4) Weddell.

1.23. What kind of ocean are we talking about: the most ancient, with warm surface waters, with many volcanoes at the bottom.

1) Atlantic; 2) Indian; 3) Arctic; 4) Quiet.

1.24. How do you say “an unusually large wave in the bay” in Japanese?

1) Hokkaido; 2) Shikoku; 3) Tsunami; 4) Oyashio.

1.25. Sea without shores:

1) Caribbean; 2) Sargasso; 3) Kara; 4) Fiji.

1.26. What instrument is used on modern ships to measure the depth of the sea?

1) seismograph; 2) echo sounder; 3) lot; 4) rope with a load.

1.27. What parts of the hydrosphere cannot be seen on a physical map?

1) glaciers; 2) The World Ocean; 3) rivers and lakes; 4) groundwater.

1.28. Select the part of the hydrosphere that takes the longest time to completely change water:

1) rivers; 2) lakes; 3) swamps; 4) glaciers.

1.29. A short-term rise in the water level in a river, often triggered by heavy rains, is called:

1) flood; 2) flood; 3) low water; 4) floodplain.

1.30. Which natural zone is characterized by climatic indicators: average July temperature +5...100C, long cold winter, precipitation 200–300 mm per year, excessive moisture?

1) tundra; 2) taiga; 3) mixed forests; 4) broad-leaved forests.

Number of points - 36.




All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

II(municipal) stage


7th grade

Verification criteria

IIround (analytical)

Oil in the Kaliningrad region is quite “light” and clean;

There is production on the shelf of the Baltic Sea (Kravtsovskoye field)

Agriculture, chemical industry, fuel

Available for export.

The deposits are located in the Polessky, Nesterovsky, and Slavsky districts of the region.

Fires occur in areas where they occur in dry weather.

Huge reserves.

Clays (construction clays)

There were many brick factories during the time of East Prussia.

A new plant was opened in Krasnoznamensk.

Very high quality brick.

Sand and gravel mixtures

Construction, production of sand-lime bricks

Due to the glacial geological history of the territory, there are a sufficient number of deposits.

Formation of quarries at mining sites.

Food, chemical industry. It is possible to construct gas storage facilities in salt mines.

There is no development of deposits.

High reserve valuation.

Mineral water

Food industry, medicinal purposes.

A wide variety of waters and their deposits (Svetlogorsk, Zelenogradsk, Sovetsk, Gusev, Slavsk)

Healing mud

Medicinal (balneological purposes)

Mined in the Svetlogorsk-Otradny area



Chemical raw materials

Lignites (so-called brown coal)

Chemical and pharmacological raw materials

Village area Grachevka.

The fact that it is not brown coal, but lignites.

Note: it is also acceptable to indicate other minerals that are actually widespread in the region.

Task 2.

The plane took off from St. Petersburg (60° latitude 30° east) and flew directly south, then it turned east and, turning again, it flew another 1110 km to the north.

Indicate the approximate geographic coordinates of the point where the plane ended up. What continent and specific geographical feature did it find itself over?

To simplify this task, draw up a rough flight diagram, indicate the geographic coordinates of the flight’s starting point, the aircraft’s turning points and the end point.

Number of points - 10.

Answer: To solve this problem, it should be remembered that each degree of any meridian corresponds to 111 km of distance, therefore, at the first stage (St. Petersburg - 6660 km to the south) the plane flew 6660 km: 111 km = 60o, i.e. it turned out to be at a point with coordinates 0° latitude 30° east. etc., i.e. at the equator. Then he flew to the east, i.e. he flew along the equator, where each degree also corresponds to 111 km, i.e. prolekm: 111 km = 10°, i.e. he ended up at a point with coordinates 0° latitude 40° east. etc. Then he flew another 1110 km (or 10°) to the north, i.e. along the meridian, specifically 40° in. d., therefore, he ended up at a point with coordinates 10o N. w. 40o in. d.

This point is located in Africa, above the Ethiopian Highlands.

Task 3.

This is the smallest sea in terms of water area on our planet. Its name is consonant with the name of a metamorphic rock that was found on one of the islands located in this sea. What is the name of this sea? Indicate the name of the rock and the island where it is mined.

Number of points - 10.

Sea of ​​Marmara; white marble; mined on the island of Marmara.

Task 4.

Imagine that you are a researcher at a meteorological station and are engaged in weather observations. Meteorologist friends from another planet came to visit you, where the atmosphere also turned out to be similar in properties to that of Earth. Tell us about weather parameters, meteorological instruments that record them, as well as their units of measurement.

Record the results of your story in the table provided.

table 2

Number of points - 10.

Note: given that in most programs only three instruments are studied in detail (thermometer, barometer, weather vane), the indication of other instruments is assessed with a higher score (see table of criteria).

Task 5.

Match the name of a geographical object, a geographical phenomenon (process) or the name of a scientist.

Answer options for comparison: Andes, archipelago, Beheim M., reservoir, geyser, Himalayas, Greenland, Drake, Magellan F., soil.

Write your answer in the column as follows:

1. the name from the list that you have chosen;

2. name from the list that you selected;

10. name from the list that you have chosen;

Number of points - 10.

Made the first trip around the world

Magellan F.

The largest island on Earth


The highest mountains on land

Artificial lake


The place where hot water heated by magma comes to the surface

Created the first globe

Beheim M.

The widest strait on Earth

A group of islands lying close to each other


The longest mountains on Earth

The upper layer of the earth's crust, covered with vegetation and possessing fertility


Mountain peaks beckon with their inaccessibility. Each climber has his own goal. Thousands of tourists dream of conquering the French Alps. They are attracted by the snow-capped peak of Mont Blanc. Where is the mountain? In this article we will answer the most pressing questions asked by novice travelers. We will give recommendations on how to plan a route and where you can spend the night. Let's explain what a shelter is. We will describe the most difficult areas to climb. We'll tell you how to set up tents on Mont Blanc and where the office of the mountain gendarmerie is located.

Geographical location

Mont Blanc is the most famous peak of the Alpine ridge. It is located in its western part, near the state border of Italy and France. The identity of the mountain has not yet been established. For centuries, the Italians have been arguing with the French over ownership of this peak. At the foot of the place where Mont Blanc is located, an underground tunnel begins that connects both countries. Its length exceeds eleven kilometers.

The height of the peak is 4810 meters above sea level. Attempts to conquer the mountain today are made not only by experienced climbers, but also by beginners. People go to the top from the villages of Courmayeres and Chamonix, which are located at the foot of the ridge. The Alpine ridge begins on the French coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in the area of ​​the resort of Nice. It passes through Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. It ends on the Danube Plain.


Where Mont Blanc is located, the area of ​​glaciers is about 200 km². Their length exceeds fifty kilometers. The first documented attempts to conquer the peak were in 1786. The authors of the notes were Jacques Balmat and Michel Paccard. Twenty years later, a woman followed their example. Maria Paradis climbed the peak in 1808. One of the American presidents also visited these parts. Theodore Roosevelt took part in the expedition in 1886.

Experienced tourists conquer Mont Blanc (France, Italy) on their own; beginners turn to instructors for help. The ascent takes no more than a week. The snow-covered slopes of the massif are an amazingly beautiful sight. They are cut by glaciers sparkling in the sun's rays. The total number of peaks is 10. Their surroundings are the center of alpine skiing in Europe. The most popular peaks for skiing include Brévent, followed by Les Houches, Grand Monts and Flègeres.

The description of Mont Blanc says that the White Valley complex consists of free ski slopes, the longest of which is 22 km long. The most difficult and dangerous routes are those in Vallorcine and in the Le Tour region.

The peak that has gained worldwide popularity is not the only one that attracts climbers. Next to it rises the peak of Grande Jorasses, which literally hangs over the valley. It is so steep that climbing it is considered very difficult and only possible for selected climbers.

The peak is admired not only by skiers and adherents of sports tourism, but also by scientists. Archaeologists conduct their research on its slopes. Relatively recently, they found the frozen skeleton of an ancient man. The age of this artifact exceeds five thousand years.

In the vicinity of the peak, a huge number of people die every year. In the 18th century, the peak was called the Cursed Mountain. Statistics say that Mont Blanc has claimed the lives of thousands of travelers. It’s not just desperate athletes who die on the slopes. In the 20th century, two major plane crashes occurred in the area of ​​the mountain. 200 passengers died in them.

The history of Mont Blanc is continuously associated with tragedies. In 1999, a terrible car accident occurred in the tunnel that runs under the mountain. The truck fire caused heavy smoke. The oxygen concentration changed, which led to the stopping of the engines of other passenger cars that were trapped underground. The fire raged under the tourist center of Mont Blanc for more than two days. 39 people died there.

The slopes of the ridge are used as a backdrop for filming spectacular and realistic films. Life in the foothills does not stop even in spring. Festivals are held in local villages that attract tens of thousands of spectators. To climb to a height of 3777 meters, you don't have to travel on foot. Tourists are recommended to use the cable car, which leads to the best viewing platforms of the complex.


In their reviews of the description of climbing Mount Mont Blanc, climbers say that you can conquer the peak by train. From the window of the carriage of the Montenvers excursion train you can see stunning panoramas of the Alps. The minimum ticket price is 1,400 rubles and reaches 2,100 rubles. Children's tariff - 1100 rub. In addition to the train trip, travelers recommend a holiday in the village of Courmayer.


There are golf courses in the valley. At an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level there is an outdoor swimming pool equipped with a water heating system. They say that the most popular spa complex is located at the Au Coeur Des Neiges hotel. Those who have recently visited Mont Blanc claim that local authorities are actively experimenting with placing a special gendarmerie unit on the slopes.

The police monitor compliance with the rules for setting up tents. Several years ago, climbers were prohibited from setting up camps in areas located above 3,835 meters above sea level. In addition, the gendarmes provide assistance to those who find themselves in difficult situations and escort them to the nearest village.

Independent travelers in their reviews and comments recommend purchasing plane tickets in advance. It will be much cheaper this way. When booking hotel rooms, you should not forget about accommodation in the mountains. It is provided by shelters, which are often overcrowded during the high season. There are exceptions, but very rarely. When choosing an insurance program, pay only for a special policy for climbers.

If you believe the reviews of tourists, then a trip to the mountains will cost approximately 95,000 rubles. This amount includes expenses associated with climbing the peak. It takes about eight days to conquer Mont Blanc. You need to leave 25,000 rubles for pocket and unexpected expenses. If you're lucky, round trip air travel will cost 12,000.


Under no circumstances should you skimp on the services of a guide. He will not only take on some of the organizational issues, but also correct the climbing technique during the ascent and teach new techniques. The guide also has his own vehicle, which greatly facilitates movement around the surroundings of Mont Blanc.

An experienced guide is a guarantee that the trip will end safely. He knows all the nuances of a mountain route, knows how to predict the weather and chooses the optimal moment for climbing.

Climatic conditions

The high season in the foothills begins on the first of July. Climbers leave the slopes of the ridge in late August. During this period, warm weather sets in. To avoid the crowds that invariably accompany the beginning of the season, some tourists begin to conquer Mont Blanc at the end of June.

When talking about summer in the high mountainous regions of the massif, it must be taken into account that this is a relative concept. In just one July night, twenty centimeters of snow falls at an altitude of 4,000 meters. Wind gusts reach 150 kilometers per hour. At the same time, in the village of Chamonix, which is located below, the thermometer shows +25 °C. At an altitude of 2500 meters the weather is also warm. Tourists wear short-sleeved T-shirts.

But at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level, the night air temperature can drop below -20 °C. The average for July is -5 °C. During the day, most often the thermometer exceeds 0 °C. In June, every third day in the Alps is rainy. In July and August there is slightly less precipitation. You can get the latest weather report at any shelter located on the slope. Early forecasts are usually uninformative. If there is a guide, planning all stages of the ascent falls on the shoulders of the guide.

Mont Blanc (in French Mont Blanc) and Monte Bianco (Monte Bianco in Italian) means “White Mountain” - the top of eternal snow fields and glaciers.

The top of Mont Blanc is a snow dome of thick, centuries-old ice, the thickness of which is constantly changing. Thus, it is impossible to determine the exact height, although measurements are regularly taken on certain dates. The declared official height of the summit is 4,809 meters (15,777 ft).

Mont Blanc ranks 11th in the world in terms of topographical output and is considered the highest mountain in Europe, but technically Elbrus (a mountain in the Caucasus with a height of 5642 meters) holds this honor.

The White Mountain "Montblanc" lies in the range of the western Alps mountain range, called the Graian Alps (Italian: Alpi Graie, French: Alpes grées), between the Aosta Valley (Italy) and Savoie/Haute-Savoie (France).

The first recorded ascent of Mont Blanc took place on August 8, 1786 (Jacques Balmat and Dr. Michel Paccard). The ascent, which marked the beginning of modern mountaineering, was made by Horace-Benedick de Saussure, who was awarded for his successful ascent.
The first woman to climb Mont Blanc was Marie Paradis in 1808.
The first dog to rise without human technical assistance was the dog “Tskhingel” of Grindelwald. When Tschingel climbed Mont Blanc (1875), he was observed from Chamonix using a telescope, and his achievement of the summit was marked by a cannon shot.

In 1886, future US President Theodore Roosevelt climbed Mont Blanc while on his honeymoon in Europe.

About 20,000 climbers climb Mont Blanc every year, and the area surrounding the mountain has become a major tourist area for both Italy and France. There are several different established routes here. The most popular route is the Voie Des Cristalliers (Crystal Route), also known as the Voie Royale (Royal Route).

The scale of the Mont Blanc tragedies averages about 100 deaths per year. It is estimated that there were a total of 6,000-8,000 climbing deaths (more than on any other mountain in the world).

In 1990, Swiss climber Pierre-André Gobbett, leaving Chamonix, completed the ascent and descent in 5 hours, 10 minutes and 14 seconds.
On July 11, 2013, Spanish skier Kilian Jornet beat this record, showing the fastest total ascent and descent time - 4 hours 57 minutes and 40 seconds.

Three towns and their communities surround Mont Blanc:

  • Courmayeur - in the Aosta Valley, Italy
  • Saint-Gervais-les-Bains and Chamonix - in Haute-Savoie, France

The 1924 Winter Olympics officially began as a winter multi-sport event that took place in Chamonix, France.

The first professional scientific research on the summit was carried out by botanist-meteorologist Joseph Vallo at the end of the 19th century. He built his own permanent cabin near the summit.
The French astronomer Jules Janssen had a desire to create the highest observatory in the world here. An observatory located at the top of Mont Blanc would provide a clear view of the sky. Janssen Observatory, built in 1893, was located on the highest peak and was exposed to extreme weather. Winches attached to the ice supported the observatory. This worked until 1906, when the building leaned heavily and eventually fell.

The mountain has been the scene of two deadly plane crashes:

  • Air India Flight 245 in 1950
  • Air India Flight 101 in 1966

In 1960, airplane pilot Henri Giraud landed on the peak, which is only 30 meters (98 feet) long.

The 11.6-kilometer (7.25-mile) Mont Blanc Tunnel connects France/Italy. It was built in the period 1957-1965. From it. city ​​of Courmayeur to France the resort of Chamonix is ​​only 13 kilometers away. Even in previous centuries, normal people did not climb mountain paths, but walked around them. Now that a tunnel has been dug under Mont Blanc, it is used not only by motorists, but twice a year by migratory flocks of migrating birds.

On September 13, 2007, a hot tub party was thrown on Mont Blanc. A portable hot tub was carried to the summit by 20 people. Each of them had to carry equipment weighing 20 kilograms. This work was done to order: a Jacuzzi with less oxygen, lower pressure, “against the wind and freezing temperatures.”

In 2007, two toilet cabins were installed on Mont Blanc. These two highest toilets in Europe (located at an altitude of 4260) were delivered by helicopter to the top of Mont Blanc. They are also served by helicopter.

Since 1955. With the introduction of the cable car, the path to Mont Blanc became much more comfortable. The mountain tram takes you to a height of 2732 m, and the cable car - to a height of 3845 m. It was built by the Italian engineer Dino Laura Tatino between the peaks of the Aiguille du Midi ("midday peak") and the Plan de l'Aiguille (route through the botanical garden ). To admire the fantastic panorama of the Alps, you need to pay 40 euros.

On August 19, 2012, fifty paragliding pilots landed at the site, breaking the previous record of 7 pilots in 2003.

Mount Mont Blanc has been nominated as a potential World Heritage Site due to its uniqueness and cultural significance - it is a symbol of modern mountaineering. It is necessary that the three governments of Italy, France and Switzerland appeal to UNESCO with a request to include it in the list.

Global warming has affected the melting of glaciers and is causing avalanches from Mont Blanc, creating even more dangerous climbing conditions.
During a cold winter, in January 1893 the temperature at the top of Mont Blanc was recorded at -43°C, the lowest on record.

Who owns Mont Blanc?
Until 1723, the mountain was part of the administrative jurisdiction of the state of the Duchy of Savoy. Then it belonged to the Kingdom of Sardinia. After Napoleon's victory in Italy in 1797, Savoy and Piedmont, along with Mont Blanc, were ceded to France. The Congress of Vienna in 1815 restored the sovereignty of the King of Sardinia over the traditional territories (Nice, Savoy and Piedmont). A new political act, between Napoleon III and Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy, was signed on March 24, 1860 in Turin: the agreement of the King of Sardinia that Mont Blanc is located on the border with France. Then, on March 7, 1861, the Treaty of Demarcation was signed, which determined that the mountain was the “new frontier” of the countries. To this day, this act has legal force. De facto, the question of whether Mont Blanc belongs to anyone is ignored: the border runs between the cities (Italian Courmayeur and French Saint-Gervais-les-Bains); goes north from the main peak to Mont Maudi (the southeastern ridge belongs to Italy, and the northwestern one is under French control).

Mont Blanc is the highest peak in Western Europe. ( 11 photos)

1. To begin with, the Alpine ridge originates on the Mediterranean coast of France, near Nice, and, gracefully bending, stretches across the territory of Switzerland, Italy, the former Yugoslavia and Germany, for most of the territory of Austria, fading to nothing on the Danube Plain.

Mont Blanc photo

Majestically beautiful is Mount Mont Blanc.

5. Mont Blanc distributes the weather for all its seven valleys and seven dozen others, scattering from it to all four directions of the world. Mont Blanc is a country of people of one language, standing above a divided Europe.

6. Literally translated, Mont Blanc means “White Mountain”. From the Veni valley you ascend to the Chekru Pass - the best place to admire Mont Blanc. The Peterei ridge appears dismembered and broken.

7. The most famous travel writers - Goethe, Dumas, Hugo - claim that the journey to Mont Blanc should begin from the Arve valley. The Great White Mountain hides behind the clouds and curves of the pre-alpine landscape.

10. Great Mont Blanc in the Alpine mountains.