What you must do in Cyprus. Holidays in Cyprus: detailed guide. Active recreation and entertainment

Let me make it clear right away that I am not going to force my opinion on anyone. How many people - so many tastes.

But for those who have never been to Cyprus and are planning to go there, I think my information will help make their vacation enjoyable. We are talking about May-June in Limassol and Ayia Napa.

1. Flight.

There is no big difference between the quality of charter and regular flights. Moreover, the 3 - 3.5 hour flight from Sherematiego-2 to Larnaca passes quite unnoticed. Buy a magazine at the airport and read it during the flight. Food and drinks are typical; charters do not serve alcohol. All flights are non-smoking. Even in IL-86.

2. Larnaca Airport and transfer.

After leaving the plane, you will be driven to the airport entrance. You will walk through the doors and see passport control booths right in front of you. The main problem is that there can be a very long queue at passport control. If you are not traveling alone, stand in different queues for different booths. Then figure out where it goes faster. Do not queue for the booths on the far left where there is a blue EEC sign with stars. they serve only European Commonwealth countries.

While you are standing in line, pick up a tourist entry card from any booth. It must be filled out in English. Flight number, first name, last name, country of residence, date of birth, date of departure from Cyprus. When it's your turn, present your passport, card and airline ticket to the officer at the booth. He will put a stamp and give you the documents. Then you will go out into the hall, where you will pick up your luggage and then to the exit to the city.

At the very exit on the right side there are counters of various travel companies. Your meeting guide should be there. He will mark your arrival on his list and tell you the bus number. When you find the bus you need in the parking lot right in front of the airport (the airport is small and so is the parking lot), go up to the driver and name your hotel again - let him confirm that this particular bus goes to your hotel. Then the paths diverge - some to Limassol, some to Ayia Napa. The distance is approximately the same and it takes 40 - 50 minutes to get there and there. Maybe a little less. Depends on the driver. At the hotel you need to fill out a form in English (they love these cards!). First name, last name, arrival-departure, home address, profession, etc. If you really get stuck, don’t hesitate to ask the “receptionist” how to fill it out. In the best cases, guides help fill it out.

3. Hotel.

Do not choose a hotel because of its beautiful name or on the advice of a travel company. This is clear. Surf the Internet, look at hotel descriptions on different sites. Look at the maps showing the location of the hotels. If you want a restful sleep, do not choose a hotel near the road. Buses, trucks and motorcycles emit sounds that will make you feel like you're in Formula One. Or book a room with a sea view. But it costs more. The floor also matters. The higher, the quieter. Don't forget about the "folklore evenings" that will be held at your hotel. This is when a couple of singers with an electronic piano perform in a restaurant from 21.00 to 24.00. About the "star rating" of hotels. My experience has shown that this makes a big difference. The more stars, the more expensive it is, but also the better. This is true. The breakfast is better, the service, even the little things, such as soap, shower gel, napkins, etc., change of linen, room interior, serviceability and quietness of the air conditioner, availability of hot and cold (!) water. If you don’t want to look at shabby walls and sleep on stained sheets, choose 4-5*.

The location of the hotel in relation to the city center, the beach and the tourist area matters. If you want to live in a hotel on the first line from the sea, not far from the city center, but not so close to it, then in Limassol I would give preference to the hotels Apollonia Beach 5*, Four Seasons 5* Amathus Beach 5*, Mediterranean Beach 4*, Holiday Inn 4*. In Ayia Napa these are Grecian Bay 5*, Nissi Beach 4*, Adams Beach 4*.

4. Structure of cities.

Both Limassol and Ayia Napa consist of three belts. If we go from the sea, we will cross: a strip of beach, then here and there a strip of green space, then the main road, then the city itself begins - houses, shops, offices, banks, etc. Ayia Napa is such a small town that there is only one serious intersection and a single traffic light on it. Souvenir shops and cafes are located along the road and in the very center of the city. Also in the center there are several nightlife establishments - clubs, discos. There are no markets. Limassol is larger in size and has more shops, offices and traffic lights. In both cities there are a huge number of taxis that can take you from one end of the city to the other. There are also regular buses. The cities are clean, but here and there on the beaches there are cigarette butts, cocktail straws, and peanut bags. In cities, something is being built all the time and you can see heaps of construction waste. There are small abandoned vacant lots with elements of garbage and weeds. But all these negative aspects are insignificant.

5. Services and prices.

The currency in Cyprus is the Cypriot pound. Consists of 100 cents. In May - June, the exchange rate of the Cypriot pound to the dollar is 1:1.62. Those. for 1 dollar you will get 0.62 Cypriot pounds. Beaches are paid. Some hotels have their own free sun loungers on the beaches, but there are few of them. A sun lounger with mastras costs 1 pound, the same price for an umbrella. There are cafes on the beaches. There you can buy sandwiches, ice cream, salads, chips, hot dogs, drinks, etc. Much of what is in the cafe can be bought in shops near the beach - it’s cheaper there. There are showers on the beaches - 20 cents per shower. Shops for tourists in the tourist area and in cities sell absolutely original souvenirs and products. In the center of Limassol there are several shops selling branded goods (clothing, shoes, cosmetics), as well as a couple of department stores with European quality goods.

There are no similar stores in Ayia Napa. There are jewelry stores with exclusively 750 gold and silver. I can't say anything about the quality, but it looks very nice. In Limassol there are a couple of “fur and leather” stores that sell good things. There is no fur or leather in Ayia Napa. There are several stores with leather goods, but the quality of the products is very average. Lots of wonderful fruits and vegetables. Watermelons, cherries, strawberries, peaches, apricots, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes - all grown in Cyprus and of excellent quality.

Cafes and restaurants serve local dishes - leftiko, aphelia and other meat dishes. The quality is good and worth a try. Be sure to try fish dishes in fish restaurants. Cypriot dry white and red wines are good. The average cost of dinner for two with salad, hot food, alcohol and dessert is 20 -40 pounds. Depends on the restaurant and the amount of alcohol.

Products in stores:
mineral water 1.5 l - 0.45 lbs,
natural orange juice 1l - 1.20 pounds,
pistachios 150g - 3.15 pounds,
sliced ​​cheese 150g - 1.9 pounds,
sliced ​​ham 150g - £1.60,
yogurt - 0.60 lbs, 1kg cherries - 3 lbs.

ceramics - 2.50 - 20 pounds,
lace - 2 - 160 pounds,
small sculpture - 0.95 - 8 pounds,
T-shirts, scarves, caps - 3-15 pounds.

If you want to read something, bring literature with you. In Cyprus, popular Russian reading material is sold, but it is expensive - 6 pounds for a small book. Telephone conversation with Russia - 25 cents per minute. Any store sells telephone cards. After 23.00 and on weekends there are discounts. There are car, motorcycle and bicycle rentals in the cities. On the beaches there is jetskiing, scuba diving, parasailing.

6. Cautions.

There is practically no crime in Cyprus and you don’t have to worry about your wallet or things in your room. However, I would not recommend taking a lot of cash, mobile phone or jewelry to the beach. There is a safe in the room, which can be used for a fee. You can walk the streets all night long without fear for your life. Cypriots are Orthodox and treat Russians well. Many people in Cyprus speak Russian.

Be careful driving on the left.

There are no scary insects or reptiles to be wary of in Cyprus.

In May-June it is very hot in Cyprus and there is practically no rain. Temperature is about +35C. Be careful in the sun. Use sunscreen and after-sun lotion. This is especially dangerous for children. It's very easy to get burned.

7. Back to Russia.

When you arrive at the airport, you will go to your airline's check-in counters. After registration, you will need to take a green card from the counter and fill it out in English. The same as when entering, only a different color. Then pass passport control and you will find yourself in the departure hall, where you will see a large cafe, Duty Free and TVs hung here and there with information for departing passengers. Find your flight and find out the Gate number. And then, with peace of mind, you can go to Duty Free or sit in a cafe.

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you find it useful. Ask questions - I will be happy to answer them.

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    Question about luggage...
    what is the best thing to do in Sh-2: stuff all the junk into a couple of small bags and take them as hand luggage, or dump everything into one large one and calmly check it in as luggage?? How long will you then have to wait for your luggage in the arrivals hall? I read here how in Sh-2 they manage to send things on the wrong flights - you don’t want to find yourself in Cyprus without things during your vacation and devote all your time to figuring out the fate of your junk :(

    Are there safes on the beaches so you can put away your gold and money before swimming? Do they sell our vodka or will you take it with you? Will three pieces be enough for me and my friend for a week, or should I take more? Can our mobile phones be picked up there?

    Reply to Sergei
    Of course, if all the junk fits into small bags, it’s better to take it with you to the salon. Moreover, if you fly on an IL-86, there are spacious shelves. I have not experienced any loss of luggage. The wait won't be long. The transfer bus will wait for you anyway.

    Reply to Vitya
    There are no safes on the beach. Vodka - 15 Cypriot pounds for half a liter of Stolichnaya. If a friend likes jewelry with diamonds or a dress from Dior and you want to buy something from them, then three pieces will not be enough for a week. Restaurants are cheaper compared to Moscow, an excursion to Israel-Egypt - 100-120 Cypriot pounds per person. Mobile reception is no problem if you are connected to roaming.

    Everything is written correctly, only we vacationed in Ayia Napa in the Kermia Beach luxury apartments and used sunbeds and umbrellas for free. I completely agree with the author that you need to take 4-5 star hotels (we have never taken anything lower), then there will be no disappointments. But if you are traveling in early May, take warm clothes - we were freezing for the first week from May 8-15 - there were strong hurricane winds, rain and cool. But from 15-22 it was hot.

    Ayia Napa
    I bought a ticket to Ayia Napa, but judging by your story, there is nothing to do there. Is it really that bad or have you simply not given Ayia Napa the attention it deserves?

    Reply to Lena
    No, no, I never said that Ayia Napa is bad. There are discos and night clubs there. But there are few of them and they are concentrated in the very center. There is a small water park. Folklore evenings are held in hotels, but, to be honest, this is more suitable for those over 50. On the beaches you can scuba dive, rent a jet ski, and fly with a parachute. But Ayia Napa is a very small city. Much smaller than Limassol. If you have the means, you can always rent a car and go to Larnaca or Limassol. A taxi to Larnaca will cost you about 20 pounds. Of course, if you are a fan of luxury holidays, it is better to go to Nice or Aspen. They say you can have a lot of fun in the Canary Islands.

    As far as I know, almost all the monasteries there are active. Will they be allowed in in trousers or is it necessary to go there in a skirt?

    Reply Jane
    They'll let you in in trousers. Shorts, swimsuits, too open T-shirts and short skirts are unacceptable.

    From the author: How to relieve sunburn
    After talking with many people who have been to resorts and received sunburn, I realized that this topic is relevant not only to me. My skin is very sensitive to the sun, however, I love to sunbathe and I do it quite well. My recipes are tested from my own experience and I share them with you: Sunscreen (Johnson, Nivea, Garnier) is good, but using it constantly, you will hardly get a tan. There can be no talk of any “bronze” skin. Use it for the first 2-3 days. Let your skin get used to the sun. Then, if you want to tan, use the following method: Take with you to the resort: Oil solution of vitamins E and A, sea buckthorn oil, tea tree oil, aloe tincture, brewer's yeast in tablets. Buy Nivea after sun lotion for sensitive skin (if you buy in Cyprus - after sun lotion for sensitive skin Nivea). I prefer this milk to all others. Throughout your trip, take yeast as directed on the label - it contains a full complex of B vitamins, which helps skin and hair regenerate and resist the sun. Mix the oils with milk (a little oil, more milk), add a few drops of aloe. Mix and apply sparingly to the skin of the body and face morning, afternoon and evening. After every swim and shower. The skin gets very dry in the sun, even oily skin, and you will see for yourself how your skin literally absorbs this “cream”. Take cool showers whenever possible, use only the mildest shower gels, and avoid lotions containing alcohol. If the burn is severe, take aspirin. Don't forget to fuel your body with vitamin C - fruits and vegetables. Kefir and yogurt are good, but it is better to take them internally. All this helped me a lot in Cyprus. Remember that my recipe is good for those who are not allergic to the listed components, but for children it is still better to use children's sunscreen throughout the trip.

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  • First, a few general considerations. Although a holiday in Cyprus is not the cheapest, you are guaranteed to receive good quality service. There are not many five-star hotels on the island, and it is better to book them in advance. All other hotels are approximately similar in quality of service and atmosphere. All of them are of good quality, but often everything in them is not new, especially the plumbing. True, one of the features of the island is a large percentage of returning tourists. That is, those who have already been there and decided to book a tour again. Which only speaks about the quality of service and the beauty of Cyprus itself.
  • In order not to be disappointed in advance, do not expect animation in Cyprus, as in Turkey - it is not particularly customary to sit in hotels here. Therefore, if you are a fan of the Turkish all-inclusive option, then you may not like Cyprus. How to expect decent additional expenses in advance - for example, a bottle of the most ordinary local wine costs from 7 euros. Which is more expensive than in France.
  • For romantics, let us inform you that according to legend, Aphrodite, who, as is known, emerged from the foam of the sea, did this precisely in Cyprus. That's why it's called the island of love. And, by the way, there are few couples with children here - but there are many newlyweds, just young and elderly married couples. So the island is quite suitable for a romantic trip. Well, or for a wedding.
  • If you decide to photograph or videotape attractions at local government museums, you must submit a written request to the municipality for permission. But you can safely film at an archaeological site - just try not to film other people without verbal permission. But what is strictly prohibited from filming is the border zone between the Greek and Turkish parts of Cyprus, soldiers and military installations.
  • When visiting museums, you also need to take into account that they work according to the same schedule known to them, and there are simply no fixed opening hours. A sample graph looks like this. From September to May: Monday - Friday from 7:30 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 (in September from 16:00 to 18:00); Saturday from 7-30 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00; Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00. From June to August: Monday - Saturday from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00; Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00.
  • When going to a church, monastery or mosque, women should not appear there with bare shoulders and in mini skirts. Likewise, men in shorts should not go there either. In order not to offend the feelings of believers, remember that you cannot turn your back on the iconostasis.
  • Churches are often closed. Then you need to find an employee nearby who will give you the key to the door. After inspection, the key should be returned and donated to the church as much as you don’t mind. At the same time, remember that women are not allowed to enter the altar.
  • In stores in Cyprus, prices are fixed and there is no haggling. But this must be done in the markets. It is worth remembering that prices for the same goods in hotels, supermarkets and city stores differ significantly. The last establishments are the cheapest. From May to September, stores are open Monday to Saturday from 8:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. On Wednesday and Saturday they close at 13:00. From October to April, shops are usually open until 17.30 or 18:00. True, in resort areas many small shops and shops are open almost around the clock during the season.
  • Among the souvenirs in Cyprus, the first things to buy are silverware, copper dishes, ceramics, cheap clothes and leather shoes. If you find yourself in the village of Lefkara, which is located in the mountains, it is worth buying handmade lace and embroidery there. They are, however, not cheap: a small lace napkin costs about 80 euros.
  • Cyprus is also famous for its wine. Local residents claim that they make the most famous wine in the world since ancient times. According to them, the drink is more than a thousand years old and is called Commandaria. This is a thick dessert wine aged 10 years, and it is known for sure that Richard the Lionheart loved it.
  • If you feel thirsty in the heat, you can safely drink tap water - it, of course, is not the most delicious water in the world, but it is quite drinkable. Another thing is that on the island the attitude towards tap water is careful. There is often a shortage of it, and you will be asked to use water sparingly.
  • As for the food, let's say this: it's very, very good here. To get a more or less tolerable idea of ​​Cypriot cuisine at one time, we recommend ordering a dish called mezedhes at a restaurant. It is a set of about 20 cold and hot local dishes. You should eat both in regular restaurants and small taverns, and in special fish restaurants called psarotaverna. There you should try an expensive but very tasty red mulet fish dish called barbounia. For those with a sweet tooth, let us inform you that the confectionery shops on the island are called zacharoplastion.
  • To avoid confusion, here is a small list of the most famous and popular dishes of Cyprus - choriatiki (salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, olives and sheep's cheese), halloumi (baked sheep's cheese), afelia (stewed pork marinated in red wine with coriander), Keftiko (oven-baked lamb, dolmades (vegetables stuffed with rice or minced meat), taramosalata (cod roe with the addition of bread soaked in milk, mashed potatoes and olive oil).
  • Prices for local catering are controlled by the Cyprus Tourism Organization. The tip amount is usually already included in the bill. If you decide to give for good service, then an amount of 10 percent of the order amount is considered decent. For maids in hotels, three to five dollars a week will be enough.
  • Cyprus is considered one of the safest places and crime is extremely rare here. And yet, if something is stolen from you, then within 48 hours you need to write a statement to the local police. If the property is insured, then to obtain insurance you will need a Certificate of Declaration - a certificate of application.
  • A separate problem in Cyprus is mosquitoes. There are a lot of them, and therefore it is worth purchasing repellents and fumigators for the night in local stores. Well, or take them with you.
  • For entertainment in Cyprus, it is worth visiting the largest water park on the island in Limassol called “Water Mania”. It is located 10 kilometers west of the city. But keep in mind that you cannot bring food or drinks there. There is a water park in. It is also worth a trip to the birthplace of Aphrodite, in the Troodos mountains to the monastery of Kikos from 1092, where one of the three icons painted by St. Luke during the life of the Virgin Mary. Also worthy of attention is the medieval castle where King Richard the Lionheart was married to Berengaria of Navarre. In the southwest of Cyprus there is a peninsula where there are no cities or villages - Akamas. This is a place with nature untouched by civilization
  • Another entertainment in Cyprus is diving. Visibility reaches 30-40 meters, bream, conger eel, octopus, perch, sponges, starfish, wrasse and red mullet are found. True, you can also go sea fishing for all this fish - also a common pastime in Cyprus.
  • If you do not want to live in a hotel, then in Cyprus, through the managers of 1001 Tour, you can also rent a house in one of the many local villages. Very suitable for experiencing local color.
  • One of the most popular resorts among young people due to its active nightlife, the resort of Ayia Napa is also famous for the fact that the northeast wind that is usual for the rest of Cyprus practically does not blow here. That’s why the sea is always calm.
  • By the way, when buying a hotel in Ayia Napa, keep in mind that although many even three-star hotels are declared to be located on the first line, this is not entirely true. There really are no other buildings between the hotel and the sea, but the sea can be 200 or 300 meters away. Therefore, ask the manager of the “1001 Tour” about this in advance. But in Limassol, many hotels are located right on the coastline. In city centers, the beach is usually separated from the hotels by a highway.
  • Please note that all beaches in Cyprus are municipal, and therefore you will have to pay for beach equipment (sunbeds and umbrellas): about two pounds per item. True, there are several hotels on the island that provide their guests with beach equipment free of charge. More precisely, they pay the municipality for it instead of you. Again, ask the managers of “1001 Tour” about such hotels.
  • If it is of fundamental importance to you where and what kind of beaches in Cyprus, then we inform you that the beach consists of small gray pebbles mixed with sand; in Limassol - mainly of gray sand, in some places of pebbles (the most popular beach there is a wild one called Ladies Mile); in Paphos - sandy and rocky, some even with boulders (the best sandy one is in Coral Bay); in Ayia Napa - fine golden sand; c - sandy (the best is Fig Tree Bay).
  • We also advise you to purchase steamship cruises around the entire island - this is the only way you can explore the whole of Cyprus from the sea. Tickets for such cruises can be purchased both at local excursion bureaus and directly on the beach. It's a little cheaper at the office.
  • When traveling to Cyprus, you should plan to devote several days to excursions to other countries: without visas by ferry you can go to and Lebanon. This type of entertainment costs about $150.
  • And finally, if you went on an excursion to Paphos, that is, where Aphrodite emerged from the foam, then go to the wishing tree - any local resident or guide will point you to it. Or a crowd of tourists. After tying a knot on it, make a wish. They assure that sooner or later it will come true.
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    For a longer period, it is more profitable to rent an apartment or apartment. The cost of renting an apartment starts from 300 euros per month, in addition, you get the opportunity to cook at home to your taste, saving on restaurants.

    When renting housing, electricity is usually paid separately. Attention, electricity is quite expensive in Cyprus - so when leaving, turn off the lights and do not turn on the air conditioning unless necessary.

    Staying in a hotel is more comfortable for you. Look at the accommodation conditions - do you need full board at the hotel if you plan to drive around the island all day or sunbathe on the beach?

    You can save significantly on a hotel by lowering the number of stars or choosing a hotel not on the first line. Read reviews of inexpensive hotels; Cyprus is a civilized country in terms of tourism; a three-star room will not be unsanitary. The number will just be smaller. Pay attention to apartment hotels - as a rule, they are equipped with a small kitchen. This is an excellent solution for holidays with small children, allowing you not only to save on restaurants, but also to provide the youngest travelers with a complete, familiar breakfast.

    Save money on excursions? But that’s why we travel, to see more interesting things and get new experiences! KiprGuru excursion programs can be viewed.

    Before departure, take the time to find out more about the area in which you will live. The cities have many attractions located within walking distance from the resort area: temples, museums, forts, parks.

    Non-tourist restaurants“for our own” - taverns or cafes with several tables, paper tablecloths and always a Greek grandfather with a cup of coffee at the end table. There are no such cafes on the first line or overlooking the main local attraction. However, the prices, service and serving size will pleasantly surprise you.

    Cheaper to take away: many restaurants and cafes will offer you a separate menu for takeaway dishes - prices there are usually 15-25% lower.

    Fruits and vegetables It is better to buy at small village markets. Fruits and vegetables here are fresh, as a rule, picked the same morning, and prices are 2-3 times lower than in stores. If you are taking a tour with a private community guide, instruct your guide to stop at a fruit market. Such markets are more like small supermarkets, they are found in almost every village, so they do not require deviation from the route (by the way, they are always popular with our tourists).

    Wine and Zivania at wineries it will cost you even less than in chain stores. Visits to wineries (not to be confused with wine museums) and extensive tastings of wines, olives and sweets are included in some full- and half-day excursions.

    Drinking water there is a fee on the island. Compared to a hotel bar or beach shop, it is cheaper to buy water in hypermarkets. When ordering from us, make a special note, the driver will bring you the required amount of bottled water to the hotel.

    4. Beach holiday in Cyprus

    Guests staying in hotels on the first line are provided with free sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach. If you rent an apartment or live in a simpler hotel, the cost of renting an umbrella with 2 sun loungers will cost you on average 6-7.5 € per day. When paying, the beach keeper issues a ticket, with this ticket you can return to the beach after lunch and take a sunbed without additional payment. You can save by buying an umbrella (from 10 €) and a rug (from 1.5 €), or taking them from home.

    Prepare for a beach holiday: take your sunblock, sunglasses, hats, burn creams (after sunburn). All this can be bought on the beach, but, as a rule, at inflated prices. It’s better to enjoy your vacation from the first minutes, leave shopping for later.

    5. What to bring from Cyprus?

    In the nearest hypermarket you can find “delicious” souvenirs several times cheaper than in souvenir shops in the tourist areas of the city: the famous Cypriot vodka “Zivania” and the legendary sweet wine “Commandaria”, traditional Halloumi cheese, extra virgin olive oil, olives and black olives, the famous Turkish delight and other sweets made from local fruits, and, of course, Cypriot coffee. In the cosmetics department you can find cosmetics based on olive oil.

    As mentioned above, wine and Zivania at wineries will cost you even less. Visiting wineries (not to be confused with wine museums) is included in some.

    When buying nice little things for friends in souvenir shops - magnets, postcards, key rings, etc. - ask for a discount for wholesale: 4 for the price of 3, or a discount on the total amount.

    6. They don’t skimp on children.

    Find out in advance what is interesting in the vicinity of your hotel or rented apartment. For example, in Larnaca there is a small but free Bird Park - several aviaries with peacocks and poultry and several playgrounds with swings, carousels and bungee. In Limassol there is an inexpensive but very cozy zoo (adult ticket 5 €, children from 5 to 12 years old 2.5 €), adjacent to the zoo there is a free park with swings and ladders. A very interesting zoo is located in the suburbs of Nicosia: .

    It is better to take water and fruit with you to the beach; it is most convenient to use lunch boxes. Beach shops cater to tourists and often offer overpriced items.

    Entrance fees for children are usually lower than for adults, and sometimes free for children. Don't forget about this and don't overpay:

    – children under 3 years old free; from 3 to 12 years old is 2 times cheaper than for an adult. This park often organizes promotions - it distributes discount coupons through hotels, agencies or through its website; offers special prices for a repeat visit or a special price for “early booking” - when paying for a ticket through the website in winter or spring (we plan to visit in summer) - a discount of up to 20% is provided. You can take water and fruit with you.

    — children under 3 years old free; from 3 to 12 years old is 2 times cheaper than for an adult. You can take water and fruit with you.

    The Limassol Zoo is open free of charge for children under 5 years of age, and the Paphos Zoo is open to children up to two years of age. For older children, take a cheaper children's ticket.

    On regular buses, children under 6 years of age travel for free, and older ones - for 50% of the cost of a full ticket.

    In Cyprus, a lot of attention is paid to road safety; a child of any age should travel only in a specially equipped seat. This rule is strictly observed, because violating it is not only a very high fine, but a security threat!

    7. What to take with you to Cyprus?

    • Cash euros, Visa, Mastercard. It is very unprofitable to exchange rubles for euros in Cyprus, and exchangers have limited operating hours. You will need euro cash (preferably small bills) to pay for public transport and taxis, tickets to museums, purchases at markets and small shops. There may be problems with paying in large bills (200 and 500 euros). Restaurants, hotels, and large stores accept card payments.
    • Medicines. This will save you not only money, but also your nerves - analogues of our medications here sometimes have completely different names. Pay attention to the opening hours of pharmacies - they are open on weekdays in the first half of the day (except for pharmacies on duty).


      A convenient backpack or bag for outings.

      Sunscreen. Sunglasses. Hats. Burn cream. All this can be bought in residential areas and on the beaches, but it will be more convenient if you already have your own accessories that suit you, so you will save time and money.


      Adapter from English type socket to Euro socket. If you don’t find them, it doesn’t matter, most hotels issue them with a symbolic deposit. Otherwise, you'll have to buy it.

      There are two tax refund companies in Cyprus: TAX FREE WORLDWIDE and GLOBAL BLUE. The store chooses which company to enter into an agreement with. Your actions in both cases are identical, the counters at the airport are nearby, so it doesn’t matter to us who we deal with.

      Instructions for applying for TAX FREE

      STEP 1:

      When paying for a purchase in a store, please apply for “TAX FREE” (in some large stores, processing a VAT refund may not be done directly at the cash register, but at a separate counter).

      Stores that refund VAT are marked with a “TAX FREE” sticker on the door. VAT refunds are provided by all major brand stores (Marks&Spencer, Debenhams, Mango, Zara, etc.), and many jewelry stores. The minimum purchase amount is limited (here the store is free to set the amount itself - it can be 20, 30 or 50 euros), as a rule, it is indicated at the checkout or at a separate specialized counter.

      Together with the receipt from the store (the name and details of the store are indicated in the header), you receive an envelope with a special check (here in the header are the details and logo of the tax refund company) and instructions.

      STEP 2:

      Fill out the check.

      STEP 3:

      At the airport, before checking in for your flight, go to the customs office, present the completed receipt, the original receipt from the store, your passport and confirmation of your departure from the country (ticket). You may be asked to present purchased items, so it makes sense to put them on top of your suitcase or even separately. The customs officer checks the receipts and stamps them (check that the stamp is in the right place). You put your things back in your suitcase and go to check-in. You will no longer need to present them. Checks with a validity of no more than three months are accepted for tax refunds!

      STEP 4:

      Go to the departure area. Directly in front of passport control there are two counters: TAX FREE and GLOBAL BLUE. You choose the one you need, present the check stamped by the customs officer, and receive the money. You can receive money either in cash or on a card. Please check locally - a fee may apply for cash advances. Money is transferred to the card within a few days; no commission is charged for this service. A bank card - Visa or Mastercard - must be valid for at least three months. Even if you do not speak foreign languages, there is always an employee at the counter who speaks Russian.