Asteroid collision with earth 12.10

The huge asteroid 2012 TC4 is heading sovereignly towards Earth. The collision will occur, according to scientists, on October 12 this year. Its dimensions are unknown.

In the fall of 2012, scientists approximately calculated the size of the meteorite when it flew past the globe, so they were 15-40 meters wide.

Comparing with the meteorite in Chelyabinsk in the winter of 2013, it was almost 20 meters. Then one and a half thousand people were injured, and more than seven thousand buildings were damaged. So, a future encounter with asteroid 2012 TC4 could do a lot more damage.

NASA has confirmed that a dangerous meteor will fly past our planet in October. This was reported in a report by specialists from the department and the European Space Agency.

The celestial body was discovered in the fall of 2012 at the Pan-STARRS observatory in Hawaii. Then it posed a significant danger to the Earth, rushing past us, only 94,800 km from the Moon.

Asteroid 2012 TC4 is an elongated object that is moving quickly. It is known that he approached our planet more than once. At the moment, astronomers are trying to find out what the true gap is between the asteroid and the Earth in 2017, as well as calculate the likelihood of negative consequences of this meeting.

This year, astrophysicists around the world counted 800 meteorites from comets and asteroids that could collide with Earth. All of them are included in a special register. And the closer the date of a possible “meeting” with them, the more closely humanity monitors the behavior of these objects.

The next end of the world is “set” for October 12: on this day, an asteroid codenamed 2012 TC4 will be at its closest possible distance from Earth.

It is known that the length of the object is 40 meters; this volume of space material is enough to cause colossal damage to our planet. And it will be much more serious than during the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Percentage of two collisions celestial bodies“negligible”, but it still exists. And astrophysicists very carefully study the trajectory of movement, the nature of the “behavior” of the celestial body, as well as the external factors that influence it.

It is assumed that asteroid 2012 TC4 could have formed in one of the most unsafe regions for our planet - the Kuiper belt, where there is a cluster of objects scattering in different directions.

An asteroid will collide with the Earth 2017, October: cases of an asteroid colliding with the Earth are unknown

The threat itself in the form of asteroids is very insignificant: old cosmic bodies are destroyed, and the formation of new celestial bodies will take quite a long time. That is, if a dangerous object falls to Earth, it won’t happen even in a million years.

However, the Earth still periodically falls into the risk zone and with enviable regularity asteroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere. This most often occurs in the areas of the Sahara, Gobi and Kalazar deserts. Scientists are in no hurry to make such moments public: why give reason for unnecessary panic if there are no consequences for humanity?

In addition, as researchers from Carnegie University have calculated, in order for the fall of an asteroid to be truly dangerous, it must weigh from 30 to 60 tons. Although, if you remember how big the Chelyabinsk meteorite was, optimism may diminish.

It is worth noting that today scientists determine the weight of a space object by the brightness of its glow. But this technique is not very suitable for asteroids. That is, Exact size 2012 TC4 has not yet been installed, and the data announced by Nasov may be erroneous.

There are no known cases of asteroid collisions with the Earth. In this case, scientists also do not observe a 100% threat. The concern is caused by two factors: the proximity of its trajectory and our planet, and also the fact that the asteroid has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore it is not possible to clearly predict its behavior.

The only indisputable fact is that even just flying past, cosmic body may have a negative impact on the Earth. It can provoke earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters. If it falls, our Earth will definitely face global catastrophes. And the place where he falls will be decisive whether he can survive at all.

Nothing can be said with certainty about the possibility of its fall. Astronomers do not make any predictions, since they do not know whether it will fall at all, and if it falls, where.

We previously talked about the fact that a large asteroid will fly by. However, there are no people, and many are worried about the upcoming collision of a cosmic body with our planet. the site hastens to reassure everyone who panicked and provides a commentary from the space agency regarding this event.

Don't panic, the asteroid will NOT hit the Earth

The space agencies, the American NASA and the European ESA, commented with irony on the anxiety of the planet's population. To the question where will it fall asteroid on October 12, 2017, scientists answered briefly, but to the point: “Nowhere.”

Event details

After which, in order to reassure the people, scientists reported some details of today's event. Firstly, asteroid 2012 TC4 is not as big as many picture it in their heads. Its diameter does not even exceed the famous Chelyabinsk meteor. Yes, and it will fly at a distance of 44 thousand kilometers from Earth. JoeInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art notes that this is 36,000 km higher than those places in space where artificial satellites are located. So, you can relax and wait for the flight of the asteroid in the video, which will definitely appear on the Internet soon.

Scientists' forecasts for the next 60 years

Scientists also reported that the next time 2012 TC4 will fly past the Earth will be on October 29, 2019. And, by the way, it will fly generally at a distance of 34 million km from our planet, which is not at all scary.

However, according to experts, after 2050 there is still a possibility that the same asteroid will crash into the planet. This will happen around 2079.

Only in this case should panic be canceled. Let us remind you that the body is small, its dimensions range from 12 to 40 meters. That is, if it is about 12 meters, it will burn up in the atmosphere during the fall, but if it is more, well, then it will leave a crater, as it did in its time Chelyabinsk meteorite.

A specialist from the United States of America, Judith Rees, reported on an asteroid with a diameter of about 40 meters, which with some probability could crash into the Earth on October 12.

Information recently appeared in the media about the coming “end of the world” on October 12, 2017 has been worrying Internet users for several days now. According to a number of scientists, asteroid 2012 TC4 will approach Earth at a record close distance.

Many conspiracy theorists immediately sounded the alarm, declaring a fatal scenario that would certainly unfold if a celestial body fell to Earth, but NASA astronomers were quick to declare that asteroid TC 4 was not considered a potentially dangerous object.

The celestial body will approach our planet at a distance eight times less than the location of the Moon from the Earth. And yet, having approached the Earth, the asteroid will continue to move in its own orbit, which does not intersect with the Earth’s in any way.

Russian scientists also emphasize that the asteroid will fly past our planet on October 12, 2017.

“The asteroid, about 40 meters in diameter, will fly past the Earth on October 12 at 7:42 Ural time. Compared to other TS4, it is very small, but it is the only one that will fly so close to the Earth,” the department of astronomy, geodesy and environmental monitoring of the Ural Federal University emphasizes in a statement.

According to scientists, there is so far no reason to fear the end of the world in the coming years due to the collision of an asteroid or meteorite with the Earth. They note that most often such “predictions” are made by dubious persons in order to gain popularity.

The asteroid, which will fly past the Earth on October 12, does not currently threaten our planet. The diameter of this cosmic body actually reaches 40 meters, which is twice as large as the diameter of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Let us recall that on February 15, 2013, a meteorite fell in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk.

Its diameter reached 15-20 meters, scientists believe. The damage from falling fragments of this meteorite reached 1 billion rubles. It should be noted that this celestial body was not detected before it entered the atmosphere.

After which experts from different parts of the world started talking about the need to create a reliable system for tracking space objects approaching the Earth.

Asteroid October 12, 2017, news: our planet has never known collisions with an asteroid before

TC4 had already flown close to our planet, then the distance was ninety-four thousand eight hundred kilometers. The event took place in 2012, which is when it was opened. The dimensions of the asteroid are not clearly defined. According to various sources, they range from twelve to forty meters.

TC4, of course, is not the first cosmic body to fly near the Earth. Most often these are meteorites. They are the ones who periodically collide with our planet.

The consequences of such collisions do not bring anything good to the Earth, although only one of the global catastrophes is attributed to them - the one that occurred millions of years ago and led to the Ice Age. As for modern times, the disasters brought by the Tunguska and Chelyabensk meteorites were of a local nature.

There are no known cases of asteroid collisions with the Earth. In this case, scientists also do not observe a 100% threat. The concern is caused by two factors: the proximity of its trajectory and our planet, and also the fact that the asteroid has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore it is not possible to clearly predict its behavior.

The only indisputable fact is that even just flying past, a cosmic body can have a negative impact on the Earth. It can trigger earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters. If it falls, global catastrophes will definitely await our Earth. And the place where he falls will be decisive whether he can survive at all.

Nothing can be said with certainty about the possibility of its fall. Astronomers do not make any predictions, since they do not know whether it will fall at all, and if it falls, where.

First of all, this happens because the totality of the data they have suggests that a collision will not occur. An asteroid flying past can be seen through a telescope.

So far, NASA has been able to detect 93% large asteroids- over 1 km in diameter, potentially posing a threat to our planet.

About a thousand such objects circle within 195 million km from the Sun. Scientists were also able to clarify the number of medium-sized asteroids (from 100 meters to 1 km) that are in orbit near the Earth: there were 19.5 thousand of them.

In contact with

Another test awaits the Earth, asteroid 2012-TC4 is approaching.

October 12, 2017 is another unpredictable day in the history of our planet. At this time in close proximity Asteroid 2012TC4 will fly by with the Earth, where it will fall, and what the latest news astronomers tell us will be discussed below. It should be noted that any change in its trajectory threatens us with the end of the world.

Asteroid October 12, 2017: latest news

A celestial body approaching us has given a new reason to talk about the apocalypse. This is due not so much to the size of the asteroid, but to the fact that its trajectory is dangerously close to our planet. This distance is much closer than the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

It should be noted that TC4 had already flown close to our planet, then the distance was ninety-four thousand eight hundred kilometers. The event took place in 2012, which is when it was opened. The dimensions of the asteroid are not clearly defined. According to various sources, they range from twelve to forty meters.

TC4, of course, is not the first cosmic body to fly near the Earth, reports the C-ib website. Most often these are meteorites. They are the ones who periodically collide with our planet. The consequences of such collisions do not bring anything good to the Earth, although only one of the global catastrophes is attributed to them - the one that occurred millions of years ago and led to the Ice Age. As for modern times, the disasters brought by the Tunguska and Chelyabensk meteorites were of a local nature.

Asteroid October 12, 2017: where it will fall

There are no known cases of asteroid collisions with the Earth. In this case, scientists also do not observe a 100% threat. The concern is caused by two factors: the proximity of its trajectory and our planet, and also the fact that the asteroid has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore it is not possible to clearly predict its behavior.

The only indisputable fact is that even just flying past, a cosmic body can have a negative impact on the Earth. It can trigger earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters. If it falls, our Earth will definitely face global catastrophes. And the place where he falls will be decisive whether he can survive at all.
Nothing can be said with certainty about the possibility of its fall. Astronomers do not make any predictions, since they do not know whether it will fall at all, and if it falls, where. First of all, this happens because the totality of the data they have suggests that a collision will not occur. An asteroid flying past can be seen through a telescope.

An asteroid the size of a bus rushed past Monday at a relatively close distance from the Earth, without threatening to collide with it.

As reported by NASA Center for the Study of Celestial Bodies, the asteroid, which was named 2017 SX17, has a diameter of 6.3 meters to 14 meters. It approached the Earth by 87 thousand km at 13:20 Moscow time, flying between our planet and the Moon.

It is noted that the asteroid was discovered only on September 24. According to scientists' calculations, it makes one revolution around the Sun in 467 days.

NASA specialists are now monitoring the approach of another asteroid - 2012 TC4, which will rush past the Earth on October 12 at a distance of 43.5 thousand km, reports. The diameter of the space alien can be from 12 to 27 meters, which makes it possible to compare it with a meteorite that on February 15, 2013 entered the atmosphere at a speed of about 18 km per second and exploded at an altitude of 15–25 km in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk.

To date, NASA has been able to detect 93% of large asteroids - over 1 km in diameter - that potentially pose a threat to our planet. About a thousand such objects circle within 195 million km from the Sun. Scientists were also able to clarify the number of medium-sized asteroids (from 100 meters to 1 km) that are in orbit near the Earth: there were 19.5 thousand of them.

Astronomers noticed TC4 in 2012. Then for the first time he found himself in the field of view of powerful telescopes. Having calculated the orbit of this space object, scientists predicted that it will return to Earth in 2017. Time has shown that the astronomers' calculations were correct.

Large cosmic bodies often approach our planet. Many fly by and do no harm to the Earth. But history also knows about the fall of large meteorites. Scientists associate climate change on the planet and the death of dinosaurs with the fall of a meteorite that occurred many millions of years ago. Explosion Tunguska meteorite destroyed large area forests. In Chelyabinsk, a meteorite fell on the city and caused serious damage to its infrastructure.

Any asteroid that comes very close to our planet can leave orbit and fall. To protect earthlings from the sudden fall of large cosmic bodies, astronomers observe the Galaxy and analyze the flight path of asteroids.

An asteroid flies towards Earth today 2017: collision October 12, 2017, end of the world. What do scientists know?

An asteroid measuring 15-30 meters will make its closest approach to Earth on October 12, 2017. This was reported by the European Space Agency (ESA).

“According to experts’ calculations, it will pass at a distance of only 44 thousand kilometers from our planet, which is close enough to study it in detail, and far enough to be afraid of it,” the scientists noted.

Nevertheless, as the ESA suggested, the “autumn” asteroid, if it entered the Earth’s atmosphere, would produce the same effect as the Chelyabinsk meteorite. The last one, we recall, fell on February 15, 2013. There is a slight chance of collision.

Scientists have not yet determined how high the probability of an asteroid colliding with Earth is, since it is located at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from the planet. However, according to an expert on near-Earth space objects from the European Space Agency, the chances of an asteroid colliding with the Earth are only “one in a million.”

Koshni noted that the size of bodies moving in space is estimated by their brightness. Therefore, it is currently not possible to determine the exact size of the asteroid; it can range from 10 to 40 meters.

An asteroid is flying towards Earth. The end of the world October 12, 2017 - media.

The source of terrible space news is the British publication The Mirror. Its journalists refer to experts in the field of astronomy who tell the truth without sparing the ears of impressionable listeners. The day of the collision is known. Diameter of a celestial object, threatening the Earth, - 40 meters. It rushes towards our planet at great speed, and after contact with earth's surface The ozone layer will be destroyed and the climate will change. After this, people, animals, insects and all, all, all living organisms will die.

“I think everything will work out, as it has happened many times. A space object will fly past us. Such fast-flying objects are usually quickly detected. In Russia and the United States there are means for monitoring asteroid hazards. If scientists don’t say anything about this, then these are all horror stories that are born in the inflamed brain of the average person. In addition, if something happens, we have something to counter such an object with. You need to launch a rocket towards him, which will push him a little with ordinary explosives. It is not necessary to arrange a nuclear explosion in space for this. And if the object is slightly pushed by at least 10 centimeters, it will change its orbit and fly far, far away from the Earth,” the scientific observer comments.

He recalls that various so-called “experts” predict the end of the world with a certain frequency. At the beginning of April, we were talking about the dangerous asteroid JO25 with a diameter of almost one and a half kilometers. He was supposed to approach the Earth at a dangerous distance, but for some reason it didn’t work out. And at the end of September 2015, many Western media sowed panic: supposedly it would crash into our planet. giant asteroid. His approach is hidden so as not to cause panic, but to live the allotted time calmly. Probably, some part of the population, after such prophecies, hastily went down to bomb shelters, and before that they bought hundreds of cans.

“Overall, this is a serious problem. The last serious cataclysm happened four and a half million years ago, Readweb writes. In Mexico, on the Yucotan Peninsula, an asteroid fell, which raised a gigantic amount of dust into the atmosphere and began a short-lived ice age, during which the dinosaurs became extinct. This was a long time ago and the likelihood of such a cataclysm repeating exists, albeit vanishingly small,” the expert continues.

An asteroid flies towards Earth: collision on October 12, 2017. An asteroid larger than the Chelyabinsk meteorite is approaching Earth

NASA has confirmed scientists' data that a potentially dangerous asteroid will fly past Earth on October 12. This was reported in a report by specialists from the department and the European Space Agency.

Let us recall that this celestial object was discovered back in 2012 and was named 2012 TC4. Then it was found that the asteroid exceeded the Chelyabinsk meteorite in size and mass, reports.

If a cosmic body collides with the Earth, humanity faces a catastrophe. However, the likelihood that an asteroid will fall on our planet is extremely low, scientists say.