The eccentricity of everyday Thai life and Thailand. Interesting features of Thailand Restaurants and cafes on Karon Beach

If you are going on holiday to Thailand, it is better to study the features, traditions and rules of this country in advance. Thanks to this, you will protect yourself from some ridiculous situations and find out what life is like local residents and what are their customs. Of course, it won’t be possible to talk about all the features in one article, but I want to present to your attention the 25 most interesting facts about Thailand.

1. Thais are very religious people and they are sensitive to their religion. Buddhism mainly flourishes here. No matter what conditions the Thai himself lives in, even in an old hut, there is always a beautiful house of spirits next to his house.

2. Thailand has a completely different calendar. When we celebrated 2015, Thais welcomed 2,558.

3. The King of Thailand has American citizenship.

4. King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand has been in power since 1946 and is included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest reign.

5. Thais greatly revere their king and the entire royal family. In cinemas, before the start of the show, the national anthem is always played, and the king is shown on the screen, at which time all Thais stand up and listen to him silently. All students start their day in the same way; the anthem is played in schools and universities. In cities, posters with the image of the king hang on the streets. Under no circumstances say anything bad about the king, this will be considered an insult to His Majesty. Do not throw money on the floor, do not crush it or get it dirty. The thing is that the king is depicted on banknotes. For insulting the king, you can get a fine or even go to prison.

6. Thais are relaxed and slow people; they are not in a hurry. The Thai people live by the principle: “if I don’t have time in this life, I will do it in the next.” For them, the main thing is the joy of the moment, they do not pursue material wealth, they do not see the need for it.

7. Thais do not complain or whine, unlike many Russian people, where this is considered normal. They believe that everything that comes into their lives they deserve and the cause of problems should be looked for in themselves, and not to blame others. In this I share their views. After all, we ourselves attract events into our lives with our thoughts, and this has been proven more than once. So, think positively and you will be happy!

8. In Thailand, in all public institutions, buses, trains, air conditioners operate at full capacity. When you enter a store, cold air immediately blows on you and you want to dress warmly.

9. The cult of food is thriving in Thailand. Here at every step there is either a cafe, or a restaurant, or makashnitsa. It seems that Thais eat all the time. However, they very rarely cook at home.

10. In street cafes everyone eats, regardless of social status. In the most shabby cafe, both ordinary people and rich people who drive up to this place in expensive cars dine. In Thailand there is no such division that the rich visit some places and the poor visit others. And no matter whether you are poor or rich, you will be treated respectfully and equally.

11. In Thailand, the wiring is at the top, there are a lot of wires hanging and this is the first thing that catches your eye when you first visit this country. This does not at all beautify the city. It looks just like in the picture.

12. In Thailand, you drive on the left. Road rules are often ignored here, so you need to be very careful on the road.

13. Foreigners in Thailand are called “farangs” and are often looked at as a bag of money.

14. There are practically no sidewalks in Thailand; Thais prefer to ride motorbikes and cars rather than walk.

15. In Thailand, you can rent a motorbike or car without having a driver’s license.

16. No matter how poor a Thai is, he will always have a rather expensive car, since car loans are very profitable in Thailand.

18. If you see a beautiful tall Thai woman in Thailand, do not forget to check her gender, as most likely she is a man.

19. Before entering many pharmacies, massage parlors, hairdressers and other establishments in Thailand, it is customary to take off your shoes.

20. You cannot touch the heads of Thais, including children, it is considered disrespectful. Thais believe that it is in the head that the spirit or soul is located and cannot be touched.

21. Thais smile much more often, so it’s not for nothing that I call Thailand “The Land of Smiles.”

23. Men in Thailand are prohibited from showing their naked torsos in public places.

24. It is impossible to meet a drunk and noisy Thai on the street. They rarely drink, but when they do, they are quiet.

25. In Thailand it is not customary to swear or raise your voice. In Thailand, swearing is perceived as a dog barking. But it is indecent for a person to stoop to the level of an animal.

Everything was stressful: an unfamiliar tour operator, an airline with conflicting reviews, and a long flight. But, looking ahead, I will say that everything went without a hitch. The flight went well, we were met at the airport, taken to the hotel and, 12 days later, were escorted back just as safely. Thank you all for a wonderful vacation)

Andaman Sea and Karon Beach

There are not so many historical attractions in Phuket. That's why tourists indulge here beach holiday and walks through the protected areas of the island. Which is exactly what we were doing. The choice fell on. Subsequently, after driving along the coast, we were convinced that this was the right choice.

  • Firstly, it turned out that this is one of the longest beaches on the coast. And no partying. Despite the large number of vacationers, everyone is dispersed along the beach so that you feel free and comfortable. Sometimes merchants of all sorts of things appeared out of nowhere (and here it’s impossible without them). But they are quite adequate and unobtrusive.
  • Soft yellowish sand, creaking pleasantly underfoot. They say that this is only on Karon due to the high content of quartz in it.
  • Safe swimming areas are marked with flags that read “SWIM HERE.”
  • There are trees on the beach. And many rested in their shade.
  • Sunbeds and umbrellas are paid, in specially designated places (200 baht and an umbrella with two sunbeds are yours for the whole day). But without them it’s also quite comfortable. Mostly everyone sunbathed on their towels and rugs.
  • Walking along the beach we saw toilets (20 baht, if I'm not mistaken), a children's playground, a volleyball court, and sports equipment.
  • We didn’t use the entertainment on the beach, but I think there are some. Although no banana rides were observed, someone periodically flew by parachute.

We concluded that it is better to sunbathe in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 15.00. Otherwise, in half an hour you can turn into a piece of coal, first red, then peeling. The sun is catastrophic, and we quickly realized our mistake. There is no need to overestimate your body. Skin protective products are mandatory here. If you didn’t bring it with you, there are many places where you can buy it: pharmacies, cosmetic stores or 7-eleven chain stores.

What also caught my eye was the large number of our Russian-speaking compatriots. Everyone is sociable and friendly, and in general the atmosphere on Karon is very positive.

Andaman Sea in March it’s a fairy tale. They say there are huge waves and rip currents here, but we were lucky. The gentle sea, the sun, the heat - everything we wanted. “Rolling around like a cucumber on the beach” and enjoying life is an office worker’s dream come true.

Therefore, it was useless to impose excursions on us, but we still decided to go on one (this is Evening Khao Lak). For the first time in Thailand, this was quite enough. A little bit... To fall in love with this country and want to come back here again.

It is a special pleasure to watch the sunset. It gets dark quickly. That’s why it’s more pleasant to sit, breathe the sea air, bask in the gentle rays of the sun, listen to the sound of the waves and catch this magical moment when the day turns into evening.

Shops and markets in Karon

On the coast there are a huge variety of all kinds of shops, street stalls with fruit, ice cream, clothes and souvenirs. As well as massage parlors, restaurants and cafes. We also used the “laundry service”; pay attention to the inscription “laundry service”; washing T-shirts and sundresses cost us about 80 baht.
There are a sufficient number of ATMs and exchange offices, the rate is approximately the same everywhere. There were no problems with exchanging money.

The most common supermarket chain in Karon is 7-eleven. There you can buy everything you need from a toothbrush to the famous Thai rum “SangSom”. Here you can find food, hygiene products and suntan products. As a rule, these stores are always crowded, as they are deservedly popular.

Night market in Karon

The night market in Karon operates twice a week: Tuesday and Friday. From approximately 16.00 to 22.00. Located in the center of Karon, on the territory of the Temple.

This market sells everything: clothes, underwear, swimsuits, bags, shoes, souvenirs and various trinkets, soap, pearls, various ointments, Thai cosmetics, sunglasses and much, much more. Prices are indeed lower than usual. The quality varies. Thais bargain. The first price may be cut in half.

At the entrance and at the beginning of the market there is a variety of Thai delicacies, including grasshoppers. Here you can inexpensively try local cuisine: Thai delicacies and unprecedented fruits.
If you are in Karon, be sure to go to this market, even if only out of curiosity. The atmosphere there is incredible).

In the area of ​​the Moevenpick Resort and Woraburi Phuket Resort hotels there is a permanent indoor market (Karon Plaza), it is smaller than the “night market”, but everything that a tourist might need on vacation can be found here. It works daily from morning to evening.

Restaurants and cafes on Karon Beach

As elsewhere in Karon, the closer the restaurant is to the sea, the more expensive the dishes it offers. Therefore, for lunch and dinner we walked up the street, towards the Temple. There are many restaurants, everyone invites you as best they can. In general, it seemed to us that the Thais have a very good sense of humor and even that they are somehow close to us in spirit.
In restaurants, in front of the entrance, the freshest seafood, lobsters, and fish are laid out on trays with ice. You can choose whatever you like, and it will be prepared for you right away.

We visited almost all the restaurants nearby our hotel. The selection of traditional Thai dishes is almost the same in all of them. Prices in establishments differ slightly.

Prepared with tourists in mind. It was never too spicy. But it’s still better to warn them in advance. Usually they say "not spicy". If you haven’t become familiar with traditional local cuisine, almost every restaurant here serves European cuisine and even Russian. Almost all establishments have a free salad bar. As a rule, they offer chopped vegetables, sauces for them and some kind of croutons.

After a few days, we identified a couple of our favorite establishments and ate mostly in them.

Towards the end of the holiday, a longing for bread appeared, and we decided to have dinner at an Italian restaurant. We ordered salmon pizza and Coca-Cola. Eh, either we really missed pizza, or it was really incredibly tasty)

What we tried from traditional Thai cuisine

Well, of course, the most popular Thai dishes that we were invited to try were their traditional tom yum soup and pineapple rice.

Noodle soup is very filling and a lot in one plate (on average, about 80 - 90 baht).

Of course, seafood in all variations. They are very tasty here.

We drank fresh juices, coconut milk (only about 50 baht), and the popular local beer “Chang”. And we also tasted the famous SangSom rum.

Street food in Karon

In the evening, people come with equipped motorcycles and cook food on the grill right in front of you (Thai “fast food” on wheels). Some in makashnitsa prepare kebabs from meat, seafood, and fish. And others prepare pancakes with different fillings; we haven’t tried them, but we have observed that they are often ordered with bananas and chocolate. It's probably delicious. We hesitated for a long time to try this food. Such mobile “canteens” do not look very aesthetically pleasing. But, since we are in Thailand, we need to try everything. And one evening we bought fried mackerel and kebabs of some sea creatures and local beer. It turned out that it was very tasty, and most importantly, the dinner cost half the price of the restaurant and no stomach upset. We concluded that in Thailand you can safely buy food on the street.

Be sure to try the local ice cream. It is prepared in front of you from natural milk and, if desired, nuts or fruits are added. The process of preparing it is already a whole show. With jokes and jokes it turns out “yum-yum” (as the Thais themselves express it). In Karon, such ice cream costs 80 baht. But you get a lot of it and it’s incredibly tasty.

Entertainment on Karone Beach

If the purpose of your trip to Phuket is a wild holiday and evening parties, then you are more likely to go to youthful Patong. It seemed to us that Karon is more suitable for couples, for relaxing with children, for walks along the quiet evening embankment. It is quiet, comfortable and the sea is clean.

However, there are also places to go in the evening. Loud live music comes from bars and restaurants and familiar melodies invite you to a glass of cocktail. Rock compositions performed in Thai are a separate song) And we liked it.

What to bring from Thailand

Like most vacationers, on the eve of departure we went to the market to buy fruit.

Special plastic fruit baskets can be purchased here, they cost 100 baht. A whole queue formed for fruit; we, like everyone else, filled our baskets to capacity. I really wanted to treat my friends and family at home.

There are a lot of exotic fruits grown and sold in Thailand, but the weight and dimensions hand luggage, unfortunately, are limited.

Passion fruit, dragon fruit, rambutan, longan, etc. Mangoes in Thailand are perhaps the most delicious I have ever tasted. Mangosteens are the original fruit. Inside is something similar to garlic, but sweet and juicy. In many hotels and in the one where we stayed, next to the common warning not to bring durian into the room there is a drawing - a mangosteen crossed out on the bed. The fact is that the burgundy peel of mangosteen can stain everything it comes into contact with and this fruit cannot, for example, be placed on the bed in the room.

Thailand is a very interesting country, attracting the attention of more and more tourists every year. Everyone who has visited this country, as a rule, wants to return there again. But not everyone knows about the facts that distinguish this wonderful country and its culture from many others.

  1. If a couple is having lunch in a cafe, the waiter will bring the bill to the woman. And this is not at all surprising, because in Thailand the family budget is in the hands of women.
  2. Many people are surprised high prices, established in this country on a variety of side dishes. Indeed, rice with a side dish will cost much less than just a side dish.
  3. On the birthday of the King of Thailand, alcohol consumption is prohibited throughout the country, so on this day alcoholic drinks not sold in stores.
  4. In Thailand most of The population professes Buddhism and only a few consider themselves Muslims. This country is very religious, “Buddha houses” are located almost everywhere here. However, only in this country is there protection at the state level for all religions, not excluding Christianity.
  5. The people of Thailand love delicious food. Here it is customary to eat with a spoon and fork at the same time, which is also a new thing for our compatriots. Sometimes the local population also uses sticks that are more familiar to us.
  6. Thais are friendly; they try to help guests of the country, even if they themselves are not sure of the correct answer. Even if they want to make fun of tourists, they do it quite harmlessly. Despite the fact that most of the population lives very poorly, they constantly smile and maintain a positive mood.
  7. When a child is born into a Thai family, he is given not only an official name, but also a nickname. It is by this nickname, and not by the name indicated in the passport, that a person introduces himself to other people when meeting him. If a person does not like the nickname given by his parents, then during his life he can change it to something else.
  8. In Thailand, older people are treated with great respect, so it is customary to live here in large families. But at the state level there is no support for the elderly and no pensions are paid; they are fully supported by adult family members. Perhaps this is the reason why Thais usually work into old age.
  9. The driver of local urban transport called “tuk-tuk” has the right to change the route at will. Some even forget to warn passengers about this or disembark them because they decided to go in the other direction.

1. One of the princesses of Thailand was a Russian woman, Ekaterina Desnitskaya. At the beginning of the 20th century, the son of King Rama V studied in Russia, where he met his future wife, who gave birth to a son from the prince. But the prince cheated on his wife and she could not forgive him. Ekaterina Desnitskaya, having divorced her husband, refused the decent maintenance that she was entitled to as an ex-wife, and in the early 20s she left for China. When Chakrapong died in 1925, Katya sobbed at his grave. Desnitskaya herself died in Paris in 1960, at the age of 72.

2. Official name Thailand's capital Bangkok translates as "City of Angels, great city, the city is an eternal treasure, the impregnable city of God Indra, the majestic capital of the world, endowed with nine precious stones, happy city, a grand Royal Palace full of opulence, reminiscent of a divine abode where a reincarnated god reigns, a city donated by Indra and built by Vishnukarna.” The name of the city is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest. About Bangkok

3. Despite regular wars with its neighbors, Thailand was never conquered or colonized European countries(the British from Malaysia and the French from Vietnam used the kingdom of Siam as a buffer zone), which the Thais are very proud of. A Brief History of Thailand

4. The chronology in Thailand is different from the world one. The difference is 543 years. That is, in the 2011 European year in Thailand the year is 2554. Don't be surprised to see an inspection expiration date on your car.

5. A fly swatter is not only a useful household item, but also a symbol of power in many countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania. For example, in Thailand, one of the royal regalia is a fly swatter, the handle of which is made from engraved ivory, and the hair is from the tail of an albino elephant. The fly swatter is also present on the coat of arms of the territory of American Samoa.

6. Queen Sirikit of Thailand is recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world in the 20th century.

7. In Myanmar and Thailand, there lives the Padaung tribe, which has an ancient tradition of lengthening the necks of their women using brass rings. The first ring is placed on a girl at age 5, then more rings are added throughout her life and can reach a total weight of 9 kg. There is a myth that the neck muscles in these women atrophy and removing the rings can cause suffocation. However, they can freely put on and take off rings. X-ray images showed that the neck itself in women does not change, but the shoulder girdle drops. Chiang Mai - a journey to long-necked women

8. Mass tourism in Thailand arose thanks to the Vietnam War, when the country began to play the role of a rear area for American soldiers. Large military bases were located here, as well as recreational facilities for US military personnel on leave. A particularly popular place among soldiers was the city of Pattaya, which has since remained the sex capital of Thailand.

9. Thai cats, which are now so popular all over the world, came from Thailand to Russia for the first time when King Chulalongkorn of Siam gave 200 Thai cats to Nicholas II. And these beautiful animals have already spread from Russia all over the world.

10. Thailand is the only country in the world in which the King is the patron of all religions, but according to the Constitution he himself is obliged to be a Buddhist.

11. In Thailand there are more than 32,700 Buddhist temples, in which about 370 thousand monks and novices live. This is approximately 1 monk per 170 citizens. Thai Buddhism

12. Contrary to popular belief among tourists, Thailand, outside the “tourist zone” of Pattaya or Phuket, is a country of very strict family values ​​and Buddhist religious morals (in tourist areas It's not easy to notice...). Thai women even swim almost always in clothes, because they are embarrassed to expose their bodies in front of people. Trip story: why are Thais so calm and honest?

14. All Buddha statues are on loan from their manufacturers, as the image of Buddha is too sacred to be bought or sold. For the same reason, Buddha figurines are not allowed to be exported from the country.

15. “Red Bull”, an energy drink, is known all over the world, but few people know that this drink comes from the Land of Smiles. Tuk-tukers constantly drank non-alcoholic “Krating Daeng” (also translated from Thai as “Red Bull”) to stay awake and increase productivity. The Austrian businessman, founder of Red Bull, who exported and patented the recipe, became a millionaire.

16. To get out of the Thai army sooner, it’s enough to become a katoi (transsexual). In this case, you don’t even have to cut off the “device”. Military service is a great honor for Thai citizens, and transsexuals (katoi) have not been accepted into the army since 1954, regardless of whether they have had genital surgery. But with conscription on April 1, 2011, the situation has changed, and if there is a shortage of conscripts, transsexuals will also be accepted. Transsexuals in Thailand

17. Native Thais become transsexuals very rarely. These are mainly Laotians and Cambodians or people from poor Thai families (isolated cases). The last son in the family at the age of 10 begins to take hormonal drugs, his breasts begin to enlarge, and changes occur in his body. At the age of 18, he undergoes gender reassignment surgery.

33. Before 1913, most Thais did not have surnames, only first names (in the Sonny villagers).

34. In addition to their official name and surname indicated in documents, Thais also have a nickname - a short name used in everyday communication. But not everyone knows that His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej also has a nickname. When he was young, his family and friends called him “Lek”. This fact is stated in the biography book of the King “The Revolutionary King”. The author of the book, William Stevenson, had access to the royal family and even received royal blessing to write this biography. Despite this, the book was unofficially banned from distribution in Thailand for disrespectfully referring to the King by his family name. About the King of Thailand

46. ​​The Thai alphabet is the second largest in the world, followed by the Khmer alphabet. The proof can be the Thai keyboard, on which there are two Thai letters for every English letter.

47. The Russian alphabet and modern Thai Sanskrit have common historical roots (more than 3000 years). This scientific fact has been proven.

48. The area of ​​Thailand is 514,000 square meters. km (the country ranks 49th in the world in area), the country's territory is equal to France, 1.5 times larger than England, 2 times larger than Cambodia, 15 times larger than Israel and 33 times larger less than Russia, but the population reaches almost half of the population of the Russian Federation.

49. Thailand's land border is 4863 km long.

50. Unlike neighboring Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, Thailand is not a fourth world country, that is, it is not included in the list of poor countries in Asia.

51. The Kingdom of Thailand is the world's largest supplier of natural rubber.

52. This sunny country is considered the world's largest producer of pineapples.

53. In 1970-1996, Thailand's economy was one of the most dynamic in the world.

58. In Thailand, traffic is on the left, and the country is the largest in the world, bordering on countries where people drive in the opposite lane. 90% of the Kingdom's borders are adjacent to countries that drive on the right, because only Malaysia drives on the left, while Myanmar switched to right-hand drive in 1970.

66. In the city of Surat Thani there is a Monkey College, a special educational institution for monkeys. There they are taught not only various tricks to entertain tourists, but also how to get coconuts from palm trees. Particularly successful students can pluck about 1,000 coconuts a day. Discrimination against monkeys in Thailand

67. At the end of the 19th century, the Russian master Faberge visited Thailand and created many works of art, including several statues of Buddha.

68. In Thailand and neighboring Myanmar there lives the Padaung tribe, which traditionally lengthens the necks of their women with brass rings. The first ring is put on a girl at 5 years old, and then more are added throughout her life, so that in the end the total weight of the rings can reach 9 kg. A myth exists that these women's neck muscles atrophy, so removing the rings can lead to suffocation. But in fact, they can easily take off and put on rings. Moreover, x-rays showed that the neck of these women did not lengthen, but their shoulder girdle lowered. If a woman stops wearing these rings, then within a year or three her neck will return to normal.

69. There are five sites in Thailand World Heritage UNESCO, included in their number since 1991 historical city Sukhothai and neighboring historical towns (Historic Town of Sukhothai & Associated Historic Towns), since 1991 Historic Town of Ayutthaya (since 1991 reserves) wildlife Thungyai and Hua Khaeng (Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuaries Thungyai-Huai), since 1992 the archaeological site of Ban Chiang near Udon Thani (Archeological Site Ban Chiang) and since 2005 the Dong Phayayen – Khao Yai Forest Complex. So without a doubt Thailand is a country ancient culture and history. Architecture of Thailand

70. Touching the heads of Thais, as well as Indians, Nepalese and some other Asians, is extremely indecent, as is stroking the heads of their children. These peoples consider the head to be a sacred part of the body, which monks and parents can touch. Tips for tourists

71. Thailand is the only country in South-East Asia, where Christianity is accepted and protected by law.

Thailand is a country that amazes with its splendor and annually attracts thousands of tourists, especially Russians. She is very exotic, and this is what intrigues her guests most. Those who come to this state dream of seeing something unusual, something that they could not find in their homeland. What's amazing about Thailand?

First of all you will be amazed weather and the climate of this country. The whole year is divided into 2 periods: from May to November and from December to April. During the first of these, the number of visitors is significantly lower, since it is at this time that it rains almost continuously in Thailand. However, the second period is characterized by high temperatures and lack of precipitation. This division is determined by the subtropical climate characteristic of this country. The most popular season among tourists here is winter. At this time, sea water is very warm, and the air temperature does not drop below +20. So even if you go to Thai resorts during the coldest months for Russia, you don’t have to take fur coats and felt boots with you. A real summer paradise awaits you here!

Russian people, accustomed to the inhospitability of their compatriots, will be pleasantly pleased by the friendliness and hospitality of the Thai people. Here you will not see gloomy faces - they will always smile at you! For many centuries, Thais have treated the guests of their country with care and love. Their friendliness will make your holiday even more wonderful.

No wonder Thailand is called the “land of a thousand smiles”.

Thai beaches, which are particularly clean, will also leave a pleasant impression. It has amazing golden sand and crystal blue water. There are few places where you can see such natural splendor!

Thai traditions are also striking in their unusualness. Many people think that Russian people celebrating two New Years are strange, but the people of Thailand are even more amazing. Every year they celebrate as many as 3 holidays, each of which is accompanied by its own rituals and feasts. Together with the guests of their country, Thais celebrate European New Year- on the night from December 31 to January 1. This holiday is accompanied by noisy fun and fireworks. Residents of Thailand spend their time on Chinese New Year with no less pleasure. However, the most main holiday celebrated in mid-April. It is called Songkran and is accompanied by mutual pouring of water on the Thais.

Some of the most amazing places in Thailand are its farms. What's unusual about them? For a Russian person expecting to see cows and chickens, this is a lot. You didn’t expect that they would tell you where pearls come from, how they grow, and how they are then mined and made into jewelry? Yes, such farms are not uncommon in this country. Thousands of people visit them every day. At the end of the excursion, they can even buy some of the jewelry sold in a special store nearby.

However, not only pearl farms surprise guests of Thailand. Have you ever seen a trained crocodile? Hardly. And for Thais this is not uncommon. On crocodile farms there are many different types of these reptiles. Most of them are huge in size and heavy in weight. With their participation, they even organize the most interesting performances, which, however, are better not to watch for the faint of heart.

If you want to enjoy Thailand's wildlife without the adrenaline rush, you can visit one of the country's many zoos. There you will surely see a very handsome Indian elephant. This species lives in few places, so you are unlikely to be able to admire it anywhere else. These animals live about 60-70 years, and their weight approaches 5 tons. The lovely deer - sambars and axises - will certainly delight you. If you love representatives of the cat family, then you can see proud tigers and leopards, as well as amazingly beautiful panthers, including black ones.

When going to Thailand, you probably expect that you will not hear Russian spoken during your holiday. But this is not true at all. It’s simply amazing how many Russian tourists are in this country at the same time! Especially in Pattaya. During the day they engage in active activities water sports(jet skiing, windsurfing), skydiving, fishing and even scuba diving. However, they don't sleep at night either! In the dark, Pattaya shines with millions of neon lights. A wide variety of cafes, restaurants and pizzerias are open here around the clock. And even shopping centers They work here at any time of the day, so everyone can find something to their liking!

And finally, let's talk about one more thing amazing phenomenon Thailand - tea. What we call this word in our country does not even from a distance resemble the divine drink served by the Thais. It's simple here great amount a wide variety of varieties! You will be offered "golden tips"- high-mountain black tea made from white buds. You should definitely try the jasmine drink with a romantic name. "Dragon Pearl" The magical taste is largely achieved through strict adherence to the prescribed rules for brewing tea - for each variety there is even the most optimal temperature water.

Thailand - amazing place definitely worth seeing!