Large quarry in Krylatskoe. Rowing channel "Krylatskoye" On the territory of beaches where you can swim


The flooded quarry is located on the territory of Moscow, in Krylatskoye.

Previously, sand was mined here, but already in the seventies of the last century, sand mining was stopped and a man-made lake with clean water was formed. The banks quickly became covered with vegetation. And the pond itself was chosen by birds. And vacationers, of course.

The area of ​​the quarry is 22 hectares, and its length is almost a kilometer. Maximum width 170 meters.

This a nice place could not help but attract rich people, and in the mid-2000s, an elite residential complex “Fantasy Island” appeared on one of the banks of the quarry and access to the quarry was closed to mere mortals. I would still think that the quarry is surrounded by a fence and it is impossible to get into it. But at the newspaper forum, one of the participants proposed this reservoir as an option for holding one of the stages of the reelless fishing competition. It turned out that he was constantly fishing there. The information I found on the Internet did not give a normal answer to the question of whether the reservoir is open or not. And I decided to go explore everything myself. Firstly, if a reservoir is open to fishermen, then it will be an interesting point on the map for those who cannot travel far, or for fishermen who have little time for fishing.

And of course it was necessary to scout out the reservoir from the point of view of holding competitions. After all, according to information from a forum member, there is fish there and there is quite a lot of it.

Of course, I outlined a backup option with a point in case there were fences and barriers there, but it turned out that you can drive to the reservoir without any problems and there is no fence. The first thing that pleased me was the ability to park quite a lot of cars. This means that the reservoir met the first two criteria perfectly. Not far from Moscow and there are parking places. Besides, the pond turned out to be quite nice. Yes, of course you can hear the background noise of the city, but the landscape is very interesting. The banks are beautiful, in the background you can see a picturesque bridge, one of the most beautiful in Moscow. And on the horizon you can see the outlines of Moscow City. At the same time, quarries, as a rule, always have an interesting bottom topography and the water in them is often clear.

At this quarry I can’t say that the water was clear, but the relief was interesting and not simple. If you don’t have a camera and echo sounder, first of all look for marked old holes and places, there are a lot of holes. The first sign that the place is interesting. And even if you have a camera, still follow this advice. This is how I found a huge school of small perch in one place, and small roach in another. The depths began not far from the shore. Having walked away about five or seven meters, I discovered that the depth was already almost four meters. The perch stood almost from the ice and two meters below it. There were no perches at the bottom. I was surprised that what was found at the bottom was not sand, but a very large layer of silt.

In the video posted by a forum member, he caught some good roach, but I only saw schools of small ones. It is clear that it is difficult to immediately find fish from a swoop, especially since there was no one in the reservoir. But an excellent snag was discovered. There the perches hung out at the very bottom.

I had some small bloodworms with me and to attract fish into a couple of holes I threw a pinch. And he himself began to seduce the devils of the perches gathered in a school near the surface. Seduced. Five small bites lifted my mood, although it was already good.

I drilled two dozen holes, found a depth of six meters, discovered a navel with snags, perches were hiding there. But I don’t see any large roach. And I still don’t see people at all. Only a lone motorcyclist slipped along the road.

Two days before it was frosty, but on that day it got warmer sharply, the fish were not very active, but perch were caught regularly.

I drilled five holes right off the shore. It fell right away, but there was a small edge. The fish is present. I lower the devil and on the very first retrieve I catch a good roach. This makes me happy. Five minutes later I caught another one, the 0.09 line rang as I fished it out. This is a normal roach, a good one. Within half an hour I catch four more pieces. A little less, but still good. And how it cuts off. I'm walking and looking. The roach is only small and does not want to be caught even with bloodworms. But the perch began to be caught on bloodworms from the bottom from under the roach and actively, surprisingly, but it reacted sluggishly to the non-reeler, and completely ignored the balance beam and the spinner. I think that on the first ice here it will be very interesting to hunt for perch. However, for other fish. I did not see any obstacle to holding one of the stages of the reelless fishing competition. Unless, of course, no fence appears by next year.

Only when I was getting ready to go home. Two fishermen came to the pond and, after inquiring about my success, went to the nearest bay to hunt for perch.

Moscow is a famous city, adorned with majestic buildings, green gardens and ancient winding streets - the living embodiment of bygone times. But the Russian capital is famous not only for its architecture.

Nature is generous to these places, and numerous reservoirs located in the most beautiful ones complete its unique appearance. Let's get acquainted with them and open a list of water bodies in Moscow - ponds, lakes and canals.

Troparevsky Pond

On the territory of the landscape park " Teply Stan", in the south-west of the capital, there is an artificial reservoir - Troparevsky Pond. It appeared in the post-war period, occupying a ravine located at the source of the river. Ochakovki. And although the dry formulation “Moscow water bodies” does not suit this charming body of water at all, let’s start the description with it. Troparevsky Pond is the only flowing pond in a vast area where you can enjoy complete rest Outdoors. The Ochakovka River and the Kukrinsky Stream, flowing into the pond, do not allow the water to stagnate. The shore of the reservoir is adequately landscaped: the coastlines have been updated, the embankment has been restored, benches, sun loungers and bridges have been installed on the beach, there are cozy cafes, free Wi-Fi operating in the beach area, boat and catamaran rentals.

Safe access to the water and regular monitoring of its condition allow families to spend weekends here with their children. Those who wish in the coastal zone are provided with leisure: There are playgrounds for children, volleyball and football fields.

Golitsynsky pond

On the right bank of the Moscow River, Moscow reservoirs are represented by the Golitsyn Pond. Located in the famous park named after. Gorky, he is favorite place rest for Muscovites. This magnificent corner of nature will bring unforgettable pleasure to everyone, because it has everything you can dream of. The pond embankment has been restored and improved, in close proximity There are comfortable sun loungers, wooden benches and tables near the water. On the beach you can successfully combine relaxation with work: the range of services includes free Wi-Fi. This body of water is the most romantic in Moscow. Here you can ride a boat and feed the feathered inhabitants - ducks and swans, who are accustomed to humans and gladly accept his treats.

The Golitsynsky pond is rich in a variety of fish, which were once released for cleaning purposes. Once established, silver carp reach significant sizes. Fishermen are frequent guests here, because fishing allowed. Golitsynsky Pond is one of the most picturesque corners of the capital, successfully combining the beauty of Russian nature with the achievements of civilization.

Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond

This reservoir is one of the oldest and most famous in the list of “Moscow Water Objects”. It is located in the floodplain of the river. Serebryanki near the place where in the 17th century stood the estate of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter I the Great. It was the founder of the Romanov dynasty who connected the river with two small reservoirs with dams, thereby surrounding it with water on all sides. In this pond, Tsarevich Peter first sailed on a small boat, which was later jokingly called the “grandfather of the Russian fleet.”

This historical place today it is a monument of landscape gardening art. The reservoir and coastal area were cleaned and restored, dams were replaced with bridges, children's swings were installed, basketball and volleyball courts were built, and the banks and beach area were strengthened. The sandy beach, two boat stations, sports equipment rentals and sports facilities have long been appreciated by vacationers. For those arriving by car, there are two comfortable parking areas. The beach area is fenced with a decorative grille, ensuring the safety of vacationers.

Patriarch's Ponds

The list of water bodies in Moscow would be incomplete without the famous Patriarch's Ponds. Despite the plural, today it is one body of water, surrounded by a small, neat park. Patriarch's Ponds is a surprisingly quiet place in the very center of the capital, with rich history and literary fame. In addition, it seems to be created for walking, relaxing and thinking.

Fish were introduced into the reservoir, which was improved and cleaned in 2003. Besides her, swans and ducks have taken root here. They surrounded the pond, reconstructed the square and turned this quiet corner into a cultural heritage site.

Chistye Prudy

Moscow is a diverse city. In the hustle and bustle of a huge metropolis there are many surprising things quiet places, filled with old Moscow energy. For example, Chistye Prudy- a reservoir located in the middle of Chistoprudny Boulevard, protected by centuries-old linden trees, elegant chestnut trees and trimmed lawns.

Surrounded by blocks of old buildings and well-fitted modern buildings, the pond and the adjacent park are a historical place that preserves the memory of bygone times.

Vorontsov Ponds

The decoration of the South-West of the capital is a park with 5 reservoirs located on the territory of the Vorontsovo estate. These are well-groomed, picturesque places, occupying almost 40 hectares - a real earthly paradise. Trees preserved from the 18th century frame a cascade of reservoirs, fortified coastline, excellent park interior, several cozy cafes and playgrounds are good at any time of the year. Vorontsovsky ponds are an excellent place for active recreation.

Borisov Ponds

Moscow's water bodies are complemented by the Borisov Ponds - the reservoir, named after Boris Godunov and existing for several centuries, is the largest in the capital. Its area covers almost 86 hectares.

The beach on the northern shore is excellently landscaped, however, the water of the pond contains harmful substances that do not allow swimming, as prohibited signs indicate. However, swans and ducks live on the pond, and on the clean sand of the beach you can have a great rest while sunbathing.

Moscow channels

Having listed the main artificial reservoirs of the capital, let us remember the water arteries - canals. Here they are:

Channel named after Moscow.



Krylatskoye (rowing canal).


The capital is also rich in natural reservoirs. are represented by the White, Holy, and Black lakes, connected by man-made channels that form the Kosinskoye Three Lakes. White Lake is the largest in the complex, reaching an area of ​​27 hectares and a depth of 19 m. Black Lake is connected to White Lake by an artificial channel. The muddy bottom and spring recharge are good conditions for fish reproduction. famous for its healing water containing many chemical elements. Moscow lakes are excellent places for recreation and fishing.

In one article it is impossible to talk about all the reservoirs of the capital; we have listed only the most famous of them.

The recreational fishing and sports center Sabaneevo is located right in Moscow on the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye. This is a fairly convenient place for many Muscovites, since there is no need to travel far from the city, but you can stop by Sabaneevo and fish for a couple of hours, and you almost always have the opportunity to leave the reservoir with your catch.

The Sabaneevo Fishing and Sports Club organizes fishing right on the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye. The fishing area is divided into Standard, Premium and Master zones, which differ in the size and quantity of fish, as well as fishing conditions. Separate fishing conditions are provided to club members - they have the right to fish according to the “Catch and Release” principle with one bait with a barbless hook, while other visitors do not have the right to release fish - all of it is taken and paid for at a price of 260 rubles per kilogram.

The recreational fishing and sports center Sabaneevo is organizing paid fishing primarily trout. That's why the pond is stocked with fish big amount this fish, whose size is also quite impressive. Fishermen catch it mainly with spinning rods, as well as with match rods. Small oscillating spinners, as well as miniature spinners and microsilicone, are often used on spinning rods. In winter, trout fishing is also organized here, but at this time it is caught mainly with shrimp or with a special trout paste, which is attached to a single hook of a winter float or nod fishing rod.

In addition to trout, the reservoir is also stocked with carp, pike and crucian carp, which can also be caught using permitted gear. Mostly, carp and crucian carp are caught here using a feeder or float gear, and pike is caught when fishing for trout using a spinning rod - it is rarely caught here purposefully.

The cost of a fishing permit in the reservoir of the Sabaneevo recreational fishing and sports center is 1,500 rubles per person for the entire day of fishing. However, anglers have the opportunity to take a ticket for several hours, which is especially convenient on a weekday after work. The cost of such a partial trip is 500 rubles and fishing is allowed for 6 hours.

And now the hour has come. Freed from assignments and work. I got out to the Rowing Canal.

I got up early in the morning and took 100 grams as usual. fast-acting drug. I went outside and breathed in the fresh air. I pumped up the wheels of a two-wheeled horse (bicycle). And he drove along roads, streets, intersections. Class. I haven't chosen this for a long time. I approached the Grebnoy Canal, everything was closed. I was thinking about what to do, how to get there, when suddenly the guard said: “Are you going fishing?” YES. Missed it. Thank you good people. I arrived at the place. And I see that there is a lot of grass, the water has drained.

This didn't stop me. Having settled down, I began to fish. Two casts. Bite. Podleschik. One more cast. The bite was until 10 am. Everything that I managed to catch before 10 is all yours and the fish is good - white (bream, roach, crucian carp). After 10 o'clock this is something, Okun. It's him all the time. Don't give up, everyone sits down and sits down. There is no other fish besides him. I actually bought bait for him. Solid perch. I tried everything. I couldn't scare him away. So until 13 o'clock I still dragged it and got tired.


Report of the tournament on the Rowing Canal

Hi all! I would like to tell you a little about the first tournament held by Kaida Fish.

It was decided to gather at 8:00 for a start at 9:00.

I arrive at a stop near Ice Palace at 7:20. Literally 10 minutes later Maxim and his wife arrive. After some time, Ilya joins us, also with his wife.

Having called Dmitry, who was gathering people near the metro, we begin to move towards Gchild canal. Having made our way through the hole in the fence, G opens before usthe child's canal in all its glory.I was surprised by the number of fishermen sitting on the shore.

We had to walk around to find a place for our group. We've almost reached the very end.Having familiarized the participants a little with the rules, we give 20 minutes to assemble gear and arrange the place. It was decided to start at 9:05.The weather is gorgeous: the sun is peeking through the clouds,there is almost no wind.Literally 10 minutes later Maxim catches a small bull. Without thinking at all, he releases him back to his native element. But in vain! After all, it was he who could play a big role in the distribution of seats!

Nikolai gets the first decent fish. We will talk about him separately. A small bream. The participants continue fishing. The bite subsides a little. An open battle of fishing skills begins between Nikolai and Vladimir, who do not allow each other to get ahead. Other participants began to suspect Nikolai of witchcraft. After all, it can’t be that only he got a bite, and the rest didn’t even have a bite.

The slaps of massive balls are periodically heard, which should attract fish. The wind slowly begins to rise, which, however, does not greatly interfere with the continuation of fishing.

The last hour and a half was almost fruitless. Nikolai got caught and asked the rower to give it to him, thereby knocking the rower into the water. This lifted everyone's spirits for the rest of the time.

Time is running out! Almost 13:00. We are already preparing to disperse on opposite sides of the distance to announce the end of the tournament. Nikolai was in first place in terms of the number of fish: 3 bream. Vladimir was 1 fish behind.

I had already raised my hand and was preparing to shout about the end, when suddenly I saw Vladimir fighting with another fish. People immediately gathered around him. Having successfully pulled out a fish that falls into, we count. 3 - 3 for fish! The tournament is over.

Participants begin to collect gear. After the training camp we all gather together to sum up the results. We give everyone a fish bag. The scales show 575 grams on Nikolai’s package. We take the second package and they show... also 575 grams!!! What to do?

We decide to pour as much water out of the bags as possible. Re-weighing in front of other participants. Nikolai's catch turned out to be 5 grams more! And he rightfully takes 1st place of honor! It's time to present the prizes. Let's gather in a circle. Nikolay receives for 1st place, as well as for the most big fish, which also did not differ far in weight from Vladimir's bream.

Vladimir received it. And since, unfortunately, we didn’t get 3rd place (yes, that simple little, released bull), we decided to give the prize to the only girl fisherman in the competition. It was a surprise for the other participants that small prizes were also prepared for them.

Everyone was happy. We had a great time. Thank you to everyone who was present on Sunday at the Grebnoy Canal in Krylatskoye!