Animals of my region that are in danger of extinction. What animal species are disappearing?

The Red Book of the Moscow Region is an official document that describes in detail all the rare and endangered animals, plants and mushrooms of the Moscow region. People cut down forests and destroy nature, forgetting about our smaller brothers. Just a little more, and many animals listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region will disappear from these lands forever. But it’s not too late to come to your senses and try to preserve them. We offer you an overview of the most interesting and remarkable animals listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region.

Almost 100 races and species of animals in Romania, especially within the country, are on the verge of extinction. Among the 100 are 52 breeds of chickens, 13 sheep, two goats and 19 fish, as well as Romanian buffalo, mink, dihor, polar fox and arginites. Coconuts are one of the oldest families of birds and undoubtedly one of the best and noblest of winged birds. They have a long body with very long, elegant legs and necks. They are similar to storks, but they are larger and have a shorter beak. The cormorant family includes 15 species, distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica and South America.

Malaya Vechernitsa

This creature is a small and little-studied species. It belongs to the order Chiroptera and is a representative of the only flying mammals in the world. Lesser noctule inhabits Her favorite places are parks and forests near Moscow. It is not by chance that the animals of the Red Book of the Moscow Region are included in it, and the lesser noctule is no exception.

Some species are among the world's most endangered birds, and nearly all are vulnerable to habitat destruction. Delicate and pretentious birds, cranes live only in swamps, in quiet and open places, where a person does not feel his presence. Many species are migratory. There are two types of tubers in Romania: the common cock and the lesser cock, also called "cock". Common coconut nests are in the Danube Delta, and small ones are only in transit through our country during migration along the Asia-Africa route.

Coconuts are known and loved for their exciting and graceful ballet moves. Birds nod, hop from one foot to the other with their wings wide open, or throw falling feathers or grass into the air. Basically, dancing plays a courtship role, but it is also a socialization mechanism. The movements are accompanied by certain vocalizations. So, when the cow begins to “waltz,” all the birds in the group catch up “on the hill.” This is the perfect show, but it is very difficult to see live, as Cocoa is shy and introverted.

The main threat to the population of this species of chiropteran mammals is the inevitable reduction of their permanent habitats (forests) and the cutting down of hollow trees in order to expand the territories of the Moscow region. The number of this species of chiropteran mammals living in this area is extremely small. Currently, they can only be found in the south of the region.

In Asian cultures, and not only, cocoons are a symbol of long life, loneliness in love and marriage, because they create couples for life, and both partners love each other very much. Roosters are day-old birds that live in groups and do not require food at all. All cocoons are omnivores and, depending on their beak anatomy, their diet may vary slightly: shorter cocoons, the black-crowned rooster, for example, feed on insects, aquatic animals and seeds and herbs; longer putters, such as Australian keshes, are better able to explore ponds and lakes and then feed primarily on aquatic animals.

Common lynx

The lynx is perhaps the northernmost representative of the cat family, living in wildlife. In the Moscow region it can be found in dense and heavily cluttered coniferous forests. As researchers have found, the population dynamics in the Moscow region are directly related to the population dynamics of white hares. This is understandable: white hares are the main food of these cats.

It would be very difficult for them to get seeds from the ground. This is another reason why caches are so dependent on wet environments and are therefore susceptible to habitat destruction. American rooster. This is one of two types of worms in North America and America's tallest bird.

Here they nest and spend the summer, raise their chicks, and in the winter they migrate to the southern United States, to the golf area of ​​Texas and Florida. In fact, Florida has a sporadic resident population. These birds are very tall and relatively heavy compared to other cages, measuring 1.5 m in height and 2.3 m in wings. Juveniles are brown.

The population of these animals is also affected by the increased reaction load on forests near Moscow and their fragmentation for the purpose of dacha development. The survival of lynxes in this region is becoming increasingly difficult due to the decline in the number of ungulates, which are a minor source of their food. One cannot fail to note the constant poaching.

The chicks, after they have separated from their parents, choose their territory somewhere around them. The name "Sandhill" comes from the area of ​​Nebraska near the Platte River where these birds migrate in very large numbers. This is the second species of American spiderweb, this time uncertainly extinct, with hundreds of thousands of specimens living in the wild.

The plumage is full of gray, of varying nuances, and in some subpopulations that are bathed in iron-rich soil, it takes on an ocher, brownish hue. The forehead is red, the cheeks are white and the sharp beak is black. As with all cow species, there is no sexual dimorphism, but in a pair the male is larger than the female.

Brown bear

In the Moscow region they inhabit uncrowded places in dense and extensive forest areas. They go to their dens no earlier than December, and wake up in March-April. generally prefer a sedentary lifestyle, i.e. live in the same forest, pine forest. The living conditions of these animals are deteriorating due to deforestation for summer cottages on the periphery of the region. The increase in off-road transport in the forest zone also plays a significant role.

Most of them live in swamps, swamps and meadows, and sometimes flow into farmland. Common rooster or Eurasian rooster. Along with Demosea cocorus, they are the only cormorant species that also touches European territory, and one of the few cormorant species not threatened with extinction. The growing area is vast in Northern Europe and throughout Northern Asia. Winter migrates to North Africa.

It has gray plumage with different tones, and the upper part of the neck and head is black. There are two white stripes on the sides of the neck, and a red spot adorns the head. Black crown with crown. This is one of the most beautiful views Cranes and one of the most spectacular birds in the world. Along with the gray crown, they are the only species of coca that nests and sleeps in trees. It lives in sub-Saharan Africa, both in the west of the continent, especially in the East, where a larger population is found. In the west, he lives in Senegal, Nigeria, Gambia, Chad and in southern Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya.

White stork

Animals in the Red Book of the Moscow Region are not limited to terrestrial fauna. Currently, those whose element is the sky, i.e., are also endangered. birds. The most striking representative of the birds included in this book is, from time immemorial, close proximity to humans, which gave these creatures certain advantages over other large birds. But all good things come to an end.

This is a small crane, only 1 meter in height and weighing 3-4 kg. It is believed to best suit the ancestor of all cranes. The penis is dark gray close to black, with white feathers on the wings. The cheeks are devoid of feathers, and the skin is colored red and white. The most treasured decoration of the faucet is the golden yellow crown.

Gray rooster with a crown. It differs from previous species in several characteristics: the neck and generally the rest of the feathers are light gray, the cheek patches are white with one red stripe above, the eyes are light gray, the goulash is better developed, and the geographical distribution is more south of the Black Rooster. The hoary cocoon lives in the southern part of the African continent, from Uganda, Kenya and Congo to South Africa. Both crown-crutches are sessile birds, rarely migrating locally in search of better food sources.

Unfortunately, various territorial wars and the associated destruction of certain settlements in the central region of the country have hit the population of these birds quite hard. Currently, white storks are animals on the Red Book of the Moscow Region. Hunters and poachers destroy their nests, exterminating both adult birds and their offspring. Fortunately, most of Residents of the Moscow region still treat these beautiful creatures with care and understanding.

Pennies are gray in different shades, the wings are white with black and brown peaks, and some also have golden delicate feathers. Both crown species are vulnerable to extinction. The most serious threat is the live animal trade, as well as the loss of wet habitat.

Blue rooster. It is distinguished by its blue to gray sky and especially the feathery wing feathers that form a trailer behind the bird. They are often confused as tail feathers, but they come from the wings. The head is large and the throat is thick. It has a height of 115 cm and weighs 5 kg.

It has the narrowest habitat of any coconut species and lives only in South Africa. Little cock or death cock. This is the smallest of all the caches, but the second most abundant, as several people. It has a refined appearance, with pale gray plumage with a long train, and the head, neck and chest are black. The feathers on the throat sit in a beautiful “scarf”. From the eyes to the back of the head begins a white, fine downy line, such as genes. The eyes are brown. 1 meter and weight 2-3 kg.

Black kite

This is a rare species of birds of prey living in the Moscow region. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the black kite was one of the most popular species of birds of prey in this region, but at the beginning of the last century the number of these creatures began to inevitably decline. And all because of the increasing factor of cutting down trees suitable for nesting, as well as due to a decrease in the amount of the main food of kites - river fish.

It is one of the few species that likes drier habitats such as savannas and steppes, but can be found near water. The geographical distribution is enormous, from the Black Sea basin to central and southern Asia. Winter migrates to Africa and India respectively.

Bearded beast. It is the largest African crane and the second largest of all species. The name comes from some of the red formations on the head, like beads, and some twisted beads hanging near the neck. The body, feathers and head crown are grey, while the rest of the face and neck are white. Like the previous two African species, they have a long train. It measures 175 cm in height and weighs 7 kg.

Black kites, like white storks, are animals in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. Since 1978 they have been under special protection. Some nesting groups of these birds live in the territories of special reserves of regional significance, for example, in the Shakhovsky, Lukhovitsky and Taldomsky districts of the Moscow region.

What species of animals and birds are in danger of extinction, you will learn from this article.

The most large groups populations live in Botswana, Zambia and Ethiopia, but can also be seen in other Central African countries. Unfortunately, their number is decreasing. Siberian rooster or white rooster. Another critically endangered species, the white cocoon makes the longest migration of all.

The body is painted white, with the only spot of color being the red mask. He measures 140 cm and weighs 6 kg. Cocoon with a white slide. He recognizes two rounds of red skin around the eyes and especially after the white head and neck, in contrast to the gray body. The front of the neck is grey. The limbs are pink and very long.

What species of animals are disappearing?

Scientists are sounding the alarm - more than 40% of the planet's animals are under threat of complete extinction. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some species of animals that are in danger of extinction due to human fault.

  1. Bornean and Sumatran orangutan

These two species of orangutan live in forests and are on the verge of extinction. But man, engaged in excessive deforestation and road construction, has led to the fact that animals simply have nowhere to live. Despite what has been created National parks, deforestation continues illegally. The number of orangutans has decreased by 80% over the past 75 years and is still declining.

It lives in northeastern China, Mongolia and Russia, and in winter migrates to the Yangtze River basin, as well as to the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. Japanese rooster. He is also one of the most beautiful and enthusiastic, their dances are a real show. There are currently two populations: one resident on the island of Hokkaido in Japan rather than migratory, and the other living in northeastern Russia and China, migrating to Korea and southern China in winter. These taps prefer water much deeper than other types and are more dependent on aquatic environment a habitat.

The penis is spotless white and the wings are black. Black is also found on the neck and cheek. The crown is red and continues with a white patch that fades into the neck. It measures 155 cm in height and weighs 7-10 kg. Crank with black neck. This is the only alpine crane in the world. Winter falls at lower altitudes or shelters in the more secluded valleys of India, China and Bhutan.

2. Spanish lynx

The Spanish or Iberian lynx is on the Red List of animals and is protected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. According to the latest data, there are no more than 200 Spanish lynxes left on the planet. The criticality of the existence of these animals is that, according to Nicholas Guzman, head of the National Lynx Rescue Plan, only 22-32 females can give birth. Now the future of these animals depends only on them.

This is a medium-sized cocoon, 130 cm in height and 5.5 kg. The head, neck and legs are black, and the rest of the body is grey. The head has a red patch and a small white patch behind its eyes. It is the tallest of all cranes, but also the tallest flying bird in the world. Males reach a height of 180 cm and weigh almost 6 kilograms. He lives in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia and even Northern Australia. They only migrate relatively short distances, instead feeding as they go and walking several miles every day.

They are recognizable as a piece of rough and red skin that extends over the head and neck. The crest of the head is gray, and the eyepiece of the ears is marked by a tuft of feathers of the same color. The rest of the body is light gray. In some cases, the red ribbon is fused with black hair.

3. White rhinoceros

In their natural habitat, rhinoceroses have only one enemy - a person who poaches for their horn. Rhino horn is a valuable commodity on the black market, fetching big bucks – $30,000 per kilogram.

4. Whale shark

Accurate data regarding the number whale shark not in nature. Scientists estimate that there are only about 1,000 individuals left on our planet. The reason for their disappearance is commercial catch sharks, despite bans in most countries in India and South-East Asia. Every year their numbers decrease by 6%.

Hooded with hood. This is a small species of cormorant, weighing 1 meter and weighing 3.5 kg, living in the south-east of Russia and Mongolia, and in winter it is transferred en masse to Japan, as well as to South Korea and China. The body is grey, its neck and head are white, and its crest is marked by a red plume of featherless skin but with black hair.

Australian rooster or Brolga. He is a resident of the Australian continent and New Guinea. It is more common in northern Australia, where there are between 000 and 000 specimens. It does not migrate, but travels to the center of the continent in search of good habitat. Southern settlements is in danger of extinction.

5. Sifaka

Sifaka is a lemur belonging to the Indriidae family. Lives only in Madagascar. The decrease in their numbers is due to burning and deforestation on the island, as well as hunting of animals for their fur.

6. Woolly-nosed wombat

Thanks to human activities, no more than a hundred individuals of the woolly-nosed wombat remain. And only in one of the Australian reserves.

7. Wild Bactrian camel

In fact, researchers suggest that after some 20 years, Bactrian camels will disappear forever, because there are no more than 1,000 of them left in the world.

8. Amur tiger

The Amur tiger is a coveted trophy for poachers. On the black market in China, the bone of this tiger is equivalent to gold, just like the skin. On this moment In the wild there are 431 – 529 individuals and a community has been created to protect the Amur tiger.

9. Leatherback turtle

These truly amazing animals live in sea ​​depths and feed on jellyfish. They dive to great depths for food. But due to environmental pollution, their number has decreased from 115 thousand females to 30 thousand. And the reason for this is plastic bags thrown away by people - turtles confuse them with jellyfish and die after ingesting plastic.

10. Saharan gazelle

The Saharan gazelle has almost completely disappeared from the face of the earth due to the fault of man who hunts the animal. There are no more than a hundred of them left in the wild, and this figure is inexorably decreasing.

11. Grebes, Indian bustard, birds of paradise and flightless duck

These birds have almost completely disappeared from the Andes and New Zealand. The reason for this is poaching for pleasure and to obtain beautiful plumage, which is considered very fashionable in highly cultured countries. The senseless shooting of birds, uncontrolled by legislation, will soon lead to the fact that our children learn about them only from the pages of books.

We hope that from this article you learned which animal species are on the verge of extinction.