When to go to Karelia? Karelia. Adviсe. Time. Weather. Traveling by car Karelia end of October beginning of November reviews from tourists

When planning your trip to Karelia, the question often arises: when is the best time to go? In this article, I will try to show that Karelia is always beautiful, but at different times it has its own, special charm.

Karelia is an amazingly beautiful, original, hospitable region. We are always glad to see everyone who comes to enjoy our nature, relax in peace and tranquility from the bustle of the city, catch their beautiful fish, get acquainted with our sights, and discover something new. However, Karelia is different at different times of the year. But always beautiful! :)

So, Let's start with the New Year! New Year's holidays of 10 days are a great option to relax and go fishing in Karelia. Usually by January there is already ice on most lakes (except for large ones like Onega and Ladoga), and there is enough snow in the forest. Of interest is active winter recreation on skiing, skating, and snowmobiling. In the evening - a bathhouse with swimming in an ice hole! There is a special charm in winter silence, beauty, purity, and peace.

The main risk in winter holidays is frost. True, in recent years winter has come to us with a slight delay. However, in January - February the thermometer often drops to -30, and in the northern regions - to -40 degrees. It is also important to note that in winter the daylight hours are short, usually lasting 5-7 hours. Take board games and laptops with you to entertain yourself in the evening after outdoor activities.

Regarding fishing: usually the fish are most active on the first and last ice. In the fishing community, it is customary to call the winter period (until March) “dead winter”: the fish are little active, you have to look for them and interest them. This takes time and the days are short. Therefore, the catches are not as rich as the fisherman would like. However, it is in February that burbot spawns, which is actively caught on traps in severe frosts.

But then March comes, spring comes! The day is getting longer, the sun is getting brighter and warmer. You can get a better tan while fishing than in the south. The closer May gets, the more active the fish become, and the hungrier they become before spawning. As a rule, there are no severe frosts in the spring, unless there are slight frosts at night. The day lasts almost 12 hours. In April, when the ice lasts, fishermen are especially interested in catching lively grayling. March–April is the most optimal period for an active snow holiday in Karelia.

However, it is worth noting that real spring comes in different ways in Karelia. For example, ice in South Karelia may disappear by the end of April, and in North Karelia it may begin to float at the beginning of June. This is important to consider when planning your trip. But as experience shows, by the end of April, active recreation and ice fishing come to an end throughout Karelia. Safety precautions on thin ice come to the fore! You shouldn't risk your life for the sake of a catch, take care of yourself!

May is the onset of real spring, warmth. In the first ten days of May, pike and perch spawn. At this time, fishing is limited to float fishing for white fish, which, in turn, spawns in late May - early June with the arrival of the first warm days. With the melting of ice, trolling for salmon on Lake Onega is also relevant.

The first half of May is the opening of the migratory bird hunting season. Therefore, fishing during the May holidays can be successfully combined with hunting. The end of May is the beginning of truly active recreation and open water fishing! After spawning, with the arrival of the first warm days, perch and pike become more active. In June – pike perch, grayling. Red fish, on the contrary, love cold water more, so catches are noticeably reduced. At the end of May, with the onset of warmth, mosquitoes appear, so stock up on sprays. Blood-sucking activity subsides as autumn approaches.

Summer is an excellent period for any type of active recreation in Karelia. Successful fishing can be combined with sightseeing. Including visiting such brands of Karelia as Valaam, Kizhi, Solovki, Kivach waterfall, Paanayarvi park, etc.

The hottest period in Karelia is the second half of June - July, when it is quite comfortable to go out into nature with a tent and actively swim in the lakes. It is June-July that is the period of the legendary, most beautiful white nights, when on vacation night and day can easily be confused! With the onset of August, the nights become longer, the temperature drops noticeably, and night frosts are possible in some areas of Karelia.

However, it is August that is most popular with us. After all, this is a period of not only active fishing and the opening of hunting (usually the 2nd or 3rd Saturday of August), but also a period of picking berries and mushrooms. True, berries begin to appear in mid-July (cloudberries, strawberries), and in warm, rainy weather, mushrooms appear earlier than August. But again, it all depends on the specific year.

The closer autumn is, the less predictable the weather in Karelia: winds and rains occur more and more often. Fluctuations in weather affect fishing success. Remember, Karelia is not the Lower Volga, where fish bite in any weather. True, the colder and more unstable the weather, the better the red fish are caught by trolling.
September is a fabulous period when the forest turns into motley bright colors. Indian summer until the middle of the month is the “velvet period”, when there are still mushrooms, berries, fishing, and hunting. And the daytime temperature is comfortable enough for outdoor activities.

In October it is already much cooler, the weather is unpredictable, and there are often frosts. Fishing is unstable. You can only pick cranberries in the forest. Karelia is preparing for winter, late autumn is coming.

Winter in Karelia usually comes in November. In the last few years, there has been a shift in the timing of the onset of cold weather. The first ice can appear both in November and December, including on New Year’s Eve. On the first ice, fishing is most active until the fish go into hibernation. Well, I already mentioned the delights of winter active recreation at the beginning of this article.

As you can see, holidays in Karelia are always interesting, varied and exciting. You can find something beautiful at any time of the year! Come to us and appreciate for yourself all the delights of an amazingly beautiful and hospitable region - Karelia.

Sincerely, Evgeniy Miroshka (c), 2012.

Karelia has been a popular tourist destination for many years now, with people coming to this region not only in the summer, but throughout the year. People come to this place for active recreation, as well as good fishing. In addition, ideal conditions have been created in Karelia for a person to take a break from the bustle of the city, large crowds of people and be alone with nature. October is far from the worst month for such a trip. Considering that Karelia has access to the sea here, it combines a temperate and continental climate, thanks to which there are no severe frosts in October and it does not rain around the clock. It's cool outside, but it can't be said that it's cold (morning frosts are possible). The weather is mostly humid, there are not many sunny days, but they still occur. You need to take warm clothes and raincoats with you, as strong, cold winds are possible. If you consider yourself to be a homebody or people who lead a passive lifestyle even on vacation, then you are unlikely to go to Karelia. In October, many tourists come to Karelia and everyone has their own goals, but few people pursue the goal of living in comfortable (five-star) conditions. I don’t even know if there are such hotels in Karelia. But considering that you are going to live at a recreation center without any special amenities, your vacation should be wonderful.

If we talk specifically about weather conditions, the weather at this time can be described as unpredictable. If the sun is shining in the morning, it doesn’t mean anything; in an hour the sky may become cloudy and it will rain and vice versa. But this is precisely where many tourists find the romance of traveling to Karelia in October.

One of the main entertainments in Karelia during this period is walking. The republic has simply ideal conditions for such hikes (forests, lakes and many beautiful places where you can have a picnic or simply enjoy the unique beauty of nature, not to mention the cleanest air).

The best conditions for fishing in Karelia begin to be created in October, when valuable species of fish and a lot of fish appear in the reservoirs (you won’t have to sit for several hours to catch one fish). If you or your husband love fishing, then you will have a great opportunity to please yourself with some kind of “trophy”.

It’s a little wrong to think that Karelia is a complete wilderness and all entertainment falls solely on the shoulders of the tourists themselves, but this is not so. Since tourism in the republic is constantly developing, travel agencies are appearing that offer various hikes, excursions and trips. You can also find a professional guide who knows the area like the back of his hand and can arrange an unforgettable hike or other excursion.

We were scared that summer in Karelia is very short and cool, and since I am very thermophilic, we decided to go on vacation for the first time in July. Don’t worry, it won’t be hot here even for those who cannot tolerate high temperatures. Quite the contrary – it can be very cool and windy. Wherever you go, don't forget about a windproof jacket. This is the key to a comfortable stay. The second and third time we were in Karelia was in autumn and spring, respectively. I can say that every season has its own charms. The most important thing is to choose the right wardrobe and plan your route. For example, it is better to relax on the lakes in the summer, but any other season is perfect for exploring the main cities and attractions.

Hunting season in Karelia

Karelia is rightfully considered one of those places where you can feel the whole gamut of emotions associated with hunting. This is a slight fear, extreme and excitement, as well as endless pride and joy caused by a worthy trophy. In Karelia you can hunt wolves, hare, brown bear, wild boar, elk, marten, beaver, mink, muskrat, and fox. There is also game here - ducks, black grouse, wood grouse, partridges.

The most favorable time for hunting animals is from November to February. The only exception, perhaps, is the brown bear, which is hunted in late spring and autumn. Game is available almost all year round, but avid hunters recommend choosing the time from August to February. If you have never hunted before, you can use the help of guides. They know the terrain well and know the habits of animals.

Fishing season

If hunting seems too extreme for you, you can try your luck at fishing. This is a fascinating process that will be an excellent option for family leisure. Bream, pike, whitefish, pike perch, trout, burbot, etc. are found here. The summer fishing season starts on June 15 and lasts until ice rafting. You can also go fishing in winter. To do this, you should come to Karelia from December 15 to April 20.

Mushroom and berry picking season

The variety of berries and mushrooms in Karelia is so great that it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of collecting your own “harvest”. With the arrival of summer, cloudberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries and other berries gradually ripen. Do you want to enjoy vitamins fresh from the bush? Come to Karelia at the end of July-August. At the same time, the peak of the mushroom season is recorded. White mushrooms, boletuses, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms and other mushrooms are dried, pickled, canned... You can collect them yourself or buy them from local residents.

Weather in Karelia

The weather in Karelia is subject to the laws of marine and continental climate. Winter here is cold and quite long. In the harshest months, the thermometer can drop to -35°C. The average winter temperature is 7-10 degrees below zero. Spring comes to Karelia quite late. This is a “capricious” time with unstable weather conditions - sunny days are often replaced by precipitation in the form of rain and sleet. In March, the temperature stays around 0°C, sometimes there are frosts. Warming comes only in May, when the thermometer reaches +10°C and precipitation becomes less and less. Summer is very pleasant and warm. It never gets hot here, except in the southern regions and extremely rarely. The average temperature in the summer months is 15-20 degrees Celsius. By autumn it becomes cooler, but there are still a lot of sunny and pleasant days. The thermometer records +8°C. By the end of autumn, frosts are already possible.

I have been to Petrozavodsk more than once, however, last year in October I was lucky to spend a wonderful ten days of my vacation. There are a lot of my acquaintances and friends in this undoubtedly beautiful city, as well as my sister and her family, so there was someone to spend time with, and the entertainment program in the city is at the highest level.

Autumn weather in Petrozavodsk

It’s difficult to adequately assess the weather, because after a warm summer it’s extremely difficult to go straight into a cold autumn, even if a month of adaptation has already passed, however, the cold is very difficult to bear, maybe it’s just me, but still.

There are quite a lot of sunny days, however, the sun does not warm at all, on sunny days the air temperature is often about +7 degrees, sometimes even less, although at this temperature it is still tolerable outside, because there are no strong winds here, so it is at least a little warm in the sun , when compared with a shadow. It is always very cold in the morning, but towards lunch it becomes much nicer. You should always dress warmly, because as soon as the sun goes behind the clouds, it becomes cooler. The streets of the city are very beautiful, the yellow leaves of the trees create an incredible atmosphere, and in sunny weather you feel like you are in a fairy tale.

There are not many rainy days, however, the rains at this time are very persistent, often it can rain throughout the whole day, if not more. Light and very nasty rain usually makes you depressed, you don’t even want to go outside, everything is so disgusting and gloomy. The air temperature is less than +5, but it is terribly cold. If the sky is overcast, I don’t recommend going out without an umbrella; rain can start at any minute.

The evenings are cool and there are often frosts at night. The normal temperature for October is -3 degrees. In this weather, night walks are cancelled, at least I didn’t want to go out anywhere in such cold weather. Frost is visible on the grass and trees, and it is terribly cold outside. It often blows cool from Lake Onega, which creates some discomfort.

Seasonal food

But what is 100% local is the fish. Here it is sold both in markets and in various shops in the city, because in the fall fish are caught, and, believe me, there is plenty of it here. I bought smoked fish, it’s very tasty with beer, and not only that. The variety of types of fish and methods of preparing it is simply amazing; it is immediately clear that fishing here is at a very good level.

There are also a lot of mushrooms in this area, because the city in the west is surrounded by forests, and after the rains there is simply a paradise for a true mushroom picker. They sell mushrooms at the market, because for many city residents this is a good additional income.


You definitely won’t be bored in Petrozavodsk, because the city has many interesting restaurants and cafes, as well as discos, night clubs, concert halls, cinemas and entertainment centers. Every day you can find something interesting for yourself. I highly recommend visiting the National Theater of Karelia.

There is nothing special about public events in the city in October, because it is already quite cold outside, although there are a lot of concerts taking place in different places. I was attracted by only one event, this was the concert of the DDT group, which featured all the best hits during the existence of the group. The fact is that the city used to host the Reboot rock festival, however, they decided not to hold it this year. But for fans of the festival, of whom there are a lot, a concert was organized by the DDT group. Something tells me that next year a similar story awaits us.

Tourists in Karelia

In October there are significantly fewer tourists than in summer or during the high season. Here everyone can find a holiday to suit every taste. For lovers of extreme recreation, there are hikes to the pine forest, where you can fish, hunt and have fun. ATV rides are also available. Walking tours are offered in the city itself. From Petrozavodsk you can go anywhere in Karelia and see the incredible beauty with your own eyes, which is why many tourists from different parts come here.

I had a very interesting and informative time. Karelia amazed me with its beauty, and will remain in my memory for a long time.

Karelia is good all year round - but every season it is different and different from itself, beautiful in its own way, revealing different facets of its charm.

In May there are still no annoying mosquitoes in summer. Winter has already lost its ground, daylight hours are increasing, and the sun is increasingly warming the faces of outdoor enthusiasts. Just one day spent outdoors under the spring sun will not leave you unnoticed, because the very next day you will have a magnificent natural tan!

It happens that in early May you can still get on the last ice and catch perch and roach near the shore. But, of course, it’s better not to take risks, especially since the river next to the house is already opening up, and right from the bank you can happily pull roaches and bream on a float rod. Pike and perch spawn in early May. If the ice on Onego has already melted, it’s time to actively troll salmon.

As a rule, the first half of May is the opening of the hunting season for migratory birds. Therefore, fishing during the May holidays can be successfully combined with hunting.
At the end of May, truly active open water fishing begins. After spawning, with the arrival of the first warm days, perch and pike become more active. For the latter, it is during this period that gluttony sets in.

Around the same time, a bream comes into the bay directly to the house, and it is often possible to pull out a trophy weighing 2 kilograms from the shore.

At the end of May, with the onset of warmth, mosquitoes begin to appear.

Summer is an excellent period for active recreation and a great opportunity to combine successful fishing with exploring the sights of Zaonezhye.

In June, nature actively wakes up, the real Karelian white nights begin. The sun briefly drops below the horizon, leaving a glow spread across the sky to quickly start a new day. You can still successfully catch large bream, but now it’s more of an evening fishing, when it comes out to shore for night feeding. Fishing is becoming more dynamic, pike, perch, roach, ide, and salmon are being caught well.

July is the hottest month in Karelia, which is when you are guaranteed to be able to swim.

And of course, this is a period of unforgettable fishing for steam perch on ludas! Steam perch is a natural phenomenon, classic for our northern reservoirs, when a very decent perch suddenly appears in large numbers near lake lakes and capes in a hot, parky, steamy northern summer. Anyone who has ever caught a steam perch will never forget such fishing. The perch bites greedily, grabbing everything from a worm to a spinner. Fishing “for meat” can be very effective, but we talked about this in more detail in “Successful Fishing.”

The heat often continues into August, but at the same time, the nights become longer, cooler, and mosquitoes, as a rule, disappear. The period of berries and mushrooms is coming! The fish still pleases with its activity. Pike becomes more mobile, in the evenings decent specimens come closer to the shore, at this time fishing with traps is very effective. Also in August our hunting season begins (usually the 2nd or 3rd Saturday of August).

September is a fabulous period, when it is still quite warm, but there are no mosquitoes and midges, but there are lingonberries and cranberries, mushrooms, hunting and fishing. And although it’s already cool to swim, hiking and fishing are a pleasure.

In October it is already much cooler, the weather is unpredictable, and there are often frosts. You can only pick cranberries in the forest. Karelia is preparing for winter, late autumn is coming. But how nice it is to take a steam bath at this time, to sit by the fireplace on a cold autumn evening. Fishing on the lake is unstable, but right in front of the house on the fairway, a concentration of large Onega perch begins, waiting for the freeze-up. Almost every day from the window you can see many boats of village fishermen dragging fish from the depths to the bottoms. This type of fishing continues until November.

As you can see, holidays in Zaonezhye are always interesting, varied and exciting. You can find something beautiful at any time of the year! Come to us and appreciate for yourself all the delights of an amazingly beautiful and hospitable region - Karelia.