The Lighthouse of Alexandria is the most interesting blog post. Lighthouse of Alexandria: Purpose

Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar built for his wife Amytis hanging gardens- Amitisa was born in the mountainous Media, the steppes and plains of Babylonia made her sad and despondent.

These famous gardens were located on a wide three-tiered tower. The tiers were raised by ledges and were connected with each other by wide staircases "and. The platforms of the terraces were made of massive boulders. On top of them were covered with a thick layer of fertile soil. In the gardens grew slender palms, rare plants, beautiful flowers.

Beneath this protruding decoration, the pendant stones create a narrow fringe-like path on which a street child can walk fearlessly and kindle the sacred fires. Rising above it into the immeasurable air, the helmet, rounded on all sides like a ball and shining like heaven, ignites the roof of the church. At its very summit, a cross is depicted in art, the protector of the city.

Now, east and west, you won't see anything under the arches: it's all air. But a mighty wall rises to the chin of the rounded arch towards the murmuring south wind and the empty north, and it is illuminated twice by four windows. This wall rests below on stone supports, because under it are six Gemon columns, 15a, like the fresh green color of an emerald, hold the indefatigable eerie joint. They, in turn, rise on massive heads in four columns, motionless on the ground, sparkling jewels of Thessalian marble adorned with golden hair16.

Designed by the architect Khersifron in ancient greek city At Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis was built, which also gained fame as one of the wonders of the world.
The goddess of the hunt Artemis was revered in many cities of Asia Minor. The Ephesians decided to build a sanctuary of unprecedented beauty in her honor. Construction lasted one hundred and twenty years and was completed in 450 BC.

They separate the middle mansion of the glorious church from the long passage located nearby. There have never been pillars so tall, blooming like a grove of bright flowers carved from the land of Molossi. Their good feet do not plant everything in the ground: instead, they are set on the sidewalk in opposite pairs, and on their heads a vault, coiled around quadrangular arches, supports the lower part of the women's habitat. towards the north wind is the door that leads people to pure springs that cleanse human life and drive away the heavy scars of sin17.

In 356, the ambitious inhabitant of Ephesus, Herostratus, set fire to the temple in order to go down in history in this way. The fire severely damaged the building - the roof collapsed, the walls and columns were burnt. The temple was rebuilt. In general terms, the new Artemision repeated the old one.

Great Greek painters and sculptors, including Praxiteles and Scopas, enriched the temple with their works. The splendor and splendor of Artemision evoked universal admiration until the middle of the 3rd century AD, when the Goths plundered the temple.

After these four graceful Thessalian columns, on both sides, namely at dusk and dawn, the pierced cylindrical vaults rest on divinely constructed walls along the length of the passage and serve as a passage. To the north wind they open into double doors, while to the south, the doors include well-done spaces such as chambers. 18 And again, by day and night, there are two other columns from Gemus and two columns with high crests from the famous Proconneus, located next to the doors. There is only one door to the east, and people enter the abode of the black night through a double portal. 19.

In Greece, the one who had not seen another ingenious monument, the statue of Zeus at Olympia, was considered unhappy. This is a work of an outstanding Greek sculptor Phidias died in the 5th century AD. The twenty-meter statue was located in the depths of a white-marble temple, towering at a high foot.

Zeus was sitting on the throne, his head almost touched the ceiling. The upper part of his body was naked, the lower part was covered by a rich cloak. Phidias made the body and head of the king of the gods of ivory, and the clothes, crown and headband of sparkling gold. The warm ivory color gave the image an amazing vitality.

In the south, you'll find a long passage similar to the north one, but it has something extra: it has a walled space reserved for the Austrian emperor at ceremonial festivals. And whoever gets up will find that the women's passages on both sides are similar to those below, but the one that passes over the narthex, to the west, is not like the other two.

Now, on the western side of this divine church, you will see the court, encompassed by four aisles: 21 one of them is connected to the narthek, while the others are open wide, and different paths lead to them. On the carved stone wall23 curious designs glitter everywhere. They were produced by the quarries of the naval outpost. The joining of cut marbles is reminiscent of the art of painting, because you can see the veins of square and octagonal stones to form devices: in this way, the stones imitate the glory of painting.

The languages ​​of many peoples have preserved the memory of another wonder of the world - the Colossus of Rhodes. "Colossus, colossal" - we often say when something amazes us with its grandeur, as the size of the giant statue of the god Helios on the island of Rhodes amazed contemporaries. The inhabitants of the island erected this statue in honor of the victory over the conquerors.

And outside of the divine church, you can see everywhere, along its flanks and borders, many open courtyards. They have been sculpted with ingenious art about a holy building that can appear to be shrouded in the bright light of day. But who, even in the thunderous suffering of Homer, will sing the marble meadows gathered on mighty walls and spreading the sidewalk sublime church? You can see the bright green stone of Laconia and the sparkling marble with undulating veins found in the deep ravines of the Jasian peaks, showing slanting streaks of blood red and light white; pale yellow with a steep red from the Lidyanskiy cape; the sparkling crocus-like gold stone that the Libyan sun, warming him with its golden light, produced on the steep slopes of the Moorish hills; the gleam of black on which the Celtic rocks, deep in the ice, poured here and there an abundance of milk; pale onyx with a luster of precious metal; and what the land of Atrax26 gives, not from some kind of mountain range, but from a flat plain: in parts bright greens, not like emeralds, in others - darker greens, almost blue.

The sculptor Hares worked for twelve years to create an almost 36-meter bronze giant.When the work on the statue was completed, a tall and slender youth-god with a radiant crown on his head appeared to the eyes of the astonished Rhodians. He stood on a white marble plinth, leaning back slightly, and peered intently into the distance.

It has snow-like spots next to flashes of black, so different beauties are mingled in the same stone. Before arriving at the brilliance of the carved mosaic, the mason, weaving thin slabs of marble with his hands, depicted on the walls, connected by arcs, loaded with fruits, baskets and leaves, and represented birds perched on the branches. with shoots like golden curls wraps around its winding path and spits out a spiral chain of clusters. He gently moves forward to darken the stone next to him with his twisting wreaths. 28 Such an ornament surrounds beautiful church.

However, the Ephesians admired their Colossus for a relatively short time - only fifty-six years. In 222 BC, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake. But, even thrown to the ground, she made a strong impression on her contemporaries.

Millennia separate us from the seven wonders of the world. All this time, people continued to build. The cramped world known to the Greeks gave way to modern concepts of the Earth. And it turned out that wonders of the world were created not only in the area Mediterranean Sea... The descendants of the builders of the Alexandria lighthouse saw the Great Chinese wall and the pyramids of the Aztecs, the caves of Ad-janta and the golden cone of Shwedagon, the bulk of Angkor temples and the majestic Borobudur.

And above the high-rounded columns, under the ledge of the stone edge, a tapestry of wavy acanthus unfolds, a wandering context of thorny dots, all golden, full of grace. 29 It embraces marble shields - discs of porphyry, sparkling with beauty that enchants the heart.

The roof is sealed with gilded tesserae, of which a sparkling stream of golden rays abounds and strikes the eyes of people with irresistible force. It was as if one were looking at the midday sun in the spring when he gilded every mountain peak. Indeed, our emperor, who collected all the wealth from all over the earth, from the barbarians and Ausonians, 32 did not consider stone decoration sufficient for this divine, immortal temple, in which Rome placed all its proud hopes on joy. He also did not spare the rich enrichment of silver.

The time has come for the birth of a masterpiece of Indian architecture - the Taj Mahal, during the Passover of tropical Africa, the ruins of the huge fortresses of Benin were found.

All these creations of human hands have one common feature: they do not age, are not subject to fashion. These monuments are an expression of the genius of the people who created them, and at the same time they are close and understandable to all people.

Pangea Ridge33 and Cape Sunium34 have opened all their silver veins, and many of our Lords' treasuries have given their shops. Insofar as most of great church at the eastern arch, which was allocated for a bloodless sacrifice, it is limited not by ivory, but by stone or bronze, but all this is fenced off under a cover of silver. Not only on the walls separating the priest from the choir of singers, he installed plates of bare silver, but the columns are also six sets of two, it is completely covered with silver metal, and they send their rays far and wide.

On them, an instrument wielding a skillful hand skillfully pushed out discs sharper than a circle, 35 within which he engraved the figure of an impeccable God, who without seed dressed in human form. Elsewhere, he carved out many winged angels who bowed their necks because they cannot look at the glory of God, although they are hidden under the veil of human form. He is still God, even though He has put on flesh that takes away sin. Elsewhere, sharp steel created these former heralds of God37, in whose words, before God took on the flesh, the divine message that Christ had spread abroad.

Alexandrian lighthouse is rightfully considered one of the seven lights. For a long time, it was the tallest man-made structure in the world.

Wonder of the World Alexandria Lighthouse

Egypt was conquered by Macedon in 332 BC. At the same time, the new capital of Egypt, the city, was founded. It was located on the shores of the Mediterranean, west of the Nile Delta. The city soon became an important trade center for the region. This was largely due to the fact that the city had a port. At that time, there were no means of communication and navigation, and every journey by sea was dangerous. Especially near Alexandria, where you could easily run into a reef or aground. So that ships could safely reach the harbor of Alexandria, it was decided to build a lighthouse, which became a wonder of the world.

And the artist did not forget the images of those who abandoned the average labor of their lives a fishing basket and a net, and these evil worries, in order to follow the command of the heavenly King, I fish even for people and, instead of throwing fish, spread nets eternal life... 38 And somewhere else, the Mother of God is depicted, a vessel of eternal life, whose holy womb nourished its Creator. And in the middle panels of the sacred screen, which form a barrier around the consecrated priests, the carver's tool carved one symbol, which means many words, as it combines the names of the empress and the emperor: it is like a shield with a boss, in the middle of which the sign of the cross has been carved. 39 And the screen gives access to the priests through three doors.

It is believed that the wonder of the world, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, was built on the island of Pharos between 280 and 247 BC. Exact time construction is unknown. It is known that the construction of the lighthouse was supervised by the architect Sostrad Cnidus, and it took only 5 years.

The lighthouse was a 140-meter-high tower with three tiers. The first tier was 60 meters high with a square section with a side of 30 meters. Inside there were rooms for lighthouse workers and guards. The flat roof of the first tier was the base of the second, which had an octagonal shape and was 40 meters high. On the same tier, there were statues-weathercocks that showed the direction of the wind. Above it was the third tier in the form of a cylinder, where the fire itself was located.

For each side, a worker's hand made a small door. 40. And above every pure table of gold41 an indescribable tower rises into the full air, grown on four-fold silver arches. It is transferred to silver columns, on the tops of which each of the four arches planted its own silver legs. And above the arches a figure appears, similar to a cone, but this is not quite a cone: since at the bottom its rim does not spin in a circle, but has an octahedral base, and from a wide plan it gradually creeps to a sharp point, stretching, as this makes eight sides of silver ...

Above the platform with fire on granite columns, a dome with a statue of Poseidon, the god of the seas, was installed. The light from the fire was directed towards the sea using polished bronze mirrors. According to eyewitnesses, the light of the lighthouse could be seen at night at a distance of 100 kilometers. During the daytime, the fire continued to burn, but not light, but smoke was used as a signal. When there was fog, a hum was created by a special device, which warned sailors about the proximity of the coast.

At the junction of each other there are long highways that seem to join their course with triangular faces in eight-sided shape and rise up one ridge where the artist placed the cup shape. The lips of the cup tilt and take the shape of leaves, and in the middle is a shiny silver ball, and the cross overcomes it all. Above the arches, many curves of acanthus revolve around the bottom of the cone, and at the top, rising above the edge, it ends in vertical points resembling the fragrant fruits of a light leafy peach, sparkling with light. 42 Now that the sides of the base are set on top of each other by fixed silver bowls, and in each bowl is a candelabrum, like a candle that does not burn, and expresses beauty, and does not give light; because they are sculpted around silver, brightly polished.

A spiral staircase was used to deliver wood for the fire. And in order to bring them from the shore to the lighthouse building, an artificial embankment was made. Besides, the Alexandria lighthouse was a good fortress. Inside it was a large garrison, ready for a long siege.

Having worked for many centuries, the lighthouse was completely destroyed as a result of several powerful earthquakes. During the Arab domination in Egypt, they tried to restore the wonder of the world, the Alexandria lighthouse, but this was only partially successful. By that time, its strategic importance had declined. And in the fourteenth century, its remains were used to build a fortress on the same site.

Thus, the candle blinks with a silver beam and not with the fire of fire. And on golden pillars rises the all-gold slab of the sacred table, standing on gold bases and bright with glitter precious stones... Along the aisles, also next to the columns on both sides, they placed alternately single lamps, one separately from the other, and they run along the entire length of the stretching church. Under each of these is a silver vessel that looks like a balancing pan, and in the center of this is a bowl of burning oil. However, there is no equal level for all lamps, but you will see some high, some low, in lovely light curves as they glitter step-by-step in their airway, suspended from twisted circuits.