A typical tourist in Spain: how to avoid mistakes while traveling. A typical Russian tourist abroad

I want to show the typical behavior of a "Russian in Turkey". And Dima, the hero of yesterday's post "" will help me with this. He doesn't hesitate to step onto the stage when the rest of the cast looks down and examines their boots. He takes pictures with camels, planes, local musicians and everything that represents the local flavor from his point of view. He drinks moderately and tries all the local delicacies. Dima is also a big child: naive, kind, very open, adventurous lover of extreme sports.

Dima seemed to me the personification of the stereotype about a tourist from Russia on vacation. Here are a couple of photos...

It’s not enough for Dima to just take pictures with water carriers. This must be done in an embrace, pulling on a hat:


Caps are not always enough. Sometimes he will take away the balalaika:


Classics of the genre - I'm on a camel:


Wait! What about a hat? Give it to me!


Goat in a tree? Miracles! Can we kiss?


No goats or camels? Well, the dog will do too:


Our sugar!


I don’t leave the house without a flag:


This is how a Russian man enters the ocean:


At some point, I began to feel a slight envy of Dima's ability to be surprised at the seemingly simplest things:


Lovely outfit: sandals with socks, shorts and a down jacket. The trouble is that Dima has an advantage. His suitcase weighs over 30 kg. I need to post something:


There was a thermos of tea in the suitcase. Irishka's wife, while still in St. Petersburg, put it in a suitcase. What did you think? Is it possible to send a husband to Africa without a thermos? Dima took it with him. He also had 2 bottles of gray Moroccan wine in his half-empty but heavy suitcase. To my remark that they could break like this and they should be wrapped in clothes, Dima answered simply and brilliantly: "They won't break. They are strong!"


Is it possible to get on a plane without taking a picture against its background? And don't ask me if Dima clapped his hands when landing:


Here's a guy. Have you seen such tourists abroad? Is Dima really the personification of the stereotype of our tourist?

The nature of power is incomprehensible. He quietly drives his followers crazy and drives his guests insane. Basically, crowds of ill-mannered cattle come to the protected areas of the "Green Town". The worst representatives of the Russian. They do not know the basic rules of politeness, they forget to say "thank you", "hello", "good evening", "sorry, I was wrong." But the guests show themselves well in scandals, drunken brawls and theft of hotel property. After especially ugly scenes, in rare cases, they are even capable of emphatically unctuous politeness.

The right tourist from Meshchanburg follows a certain code of honor of a real Russian "packet". I am publishing it here so that even those who did not know would correct themselves in time and in the future spend their holidays abroad strictly within the framework of the code.

Always ask to change your number

Do it under any circumstances. The highest score is to throw the keys at the reception desk without even looking at the room.

Shows demanding a change of number at the Justice happened daily. At times like this, it was hot in the lobby. The requests from citizens of vacationers are the most diverse, and the matter does not end with just a “view of the sea”:

- Give me the first floor! I can't ride the elevator - I'm fainting!

- I can not live on the first floor - as in the basement!

- The furniture in my room is white. It's a psychic! I can't live there! I've been going to hospitals with my husband with cancer for two years, my nervous system can't stand it!

- Room smoky to disgrace!

- I want a bungalow!

- I want to go to the main building!

Train hotel staff in their work

This is your duty. After all, you know better the professional duties of each hotel employee.

An elderly husband and wife once appeared at the reception, both red-skinned and inadequate. The husband began to speak:

Why don't you have a badge? What is your name? Why do you have such noise and chaos at half past two in the morning? They interfere with sleep, because there are children. Are you taking any action or is this normal in your hotel? In normal hotels, such vacationers are expelled the next morning.

(He wasn't quite fair: In Justic, when they wanted to, they could get rid of it very quickly.)

The corpulent madam tried to insert her five kopecks into her husband's monologue, but he cut her off with the words:

- So! I said shut up! I will talk!

As a result, she was offended and left, and we had to reassure the disgruntled guest:

- We will hand it over to the guards, they will take action.

Blame the front office for your mistakes

You don't have to think. Let those girls in uniform do it for you.

A drunken guest came up to me - he came to the "Justice" with a small son - and said:

- My child fell asleep in the room, and he has the key. Can't you open the door?

I began to explain that we need to wait for the bellboy, who, with a spare key, leads to the door. Pretty drunk (in fact, he devoted all his rest to libations), the subject instantly boiled from zero to hundreds of degrees:

- How so? What are these orders? I can not wait! This is your mistake!

- My? Did I leave my son in room one?

- You can't open the door for me! he yelled, turning purple.

Bellboy came running and took the brawler with him.

The next day it was the priest of Bacchus who crawled on half-bent and soberly apologized:

- I'm sorry about yesterday.

Do not thank for the help - only rudely demand

You pay for everything here, and they are obliged to serve you. Why say "thank you" to the servants?

Two typical bourgeois women. One - a brawler - an ordinary Russian aunt of about 55 with a short haircut, tastelessly made up, in an unpretentious dress - earnestly yells at the guest relations counter. The second - a person of indeterminate age and indistinct diction - rubs next to her. Aunt yells:

My toilet flush isn't working! I'm applying for the third time! We can't go to the toilet!!!

- Okay, now I'll report to the service technician.

- I already told you three times! squeals our madam.

- I don't know to whom you informed, I am talking to you for the first time and now I will try to solve your problem.

- That's horrible! There is no such thing anywhere! How many we were! Is it five stars?!

I say: “Yes”, in their presence I persistently ask the technicians to deal with the closet. I know for a fact that they fixed the toilet. Do you think I heard "thank you"? On the contrary, the scandalous person found new reasons for complaints when the priority problem was resolved.

The brawler tourist is always dissatisfied.

Insist on royal service

You've been saving money for this trip for a year. You deserved.

A flock of glamorous fifes have settled in the Justiliano Hotel. The whole group flew up to the counter, and the one that they have for the leader demanded:

- I have a Birthday. I want a birthday. I want attention, I want to be congratulated, like everyone else, in a restaurant(the author's approach to the Russian language has been preserved).

- Have you applied for table decoration and ordering a cake?

- Yes, I wrote to you, I wrote in three months that it was my birthday!

- But at the same time, you must warn a day in advance what you want, order a table and a cake.

- Yes, what is it? Is it five stars? I submitted everything three months ago!- and fifa bulged her painted eyes.

Okay, no problem, we make her a table backdated, order a cake, demand payment, in response we hear:

- And what, do you have to give money right away? Can we celebrate and eat this cake first?!

Take everything that is bad from the hotel

All Russians steal. It's in your blood. Yes, and then take it at the hotel - it's not even theft, you paid for everything, dumped the money accumulated over the year, so let them not rock the boat.

She worked the morning shift with Marishka, traded rooms during peak hours, met mass arrivals, deftly juggled Russian servelat and condensed milk, duty-free liqueurs, room keys and crunchy dollars. She told the rest of the chosen ones about the incident that happened on her shift.

It's hard to remember now how rumors about one odious guest leaked into the lobby, but somehow stunning details surfaced, and the whole hotel buzzed.

- We went to her room to sort it out,- said the shocked Lika. - They opened the suitcase, and taaam ..! Girls, you have no idea! Our sheets, towels, pique*..! Different glasses from bars, spoons, forks, everything you can from restaurants! But this is bullshit! A bag of boiled eggs..! Toilet paper bag! And sugar!!! Kilo five refined sugar! Like this?! I ask her: “How did you take it all away?”, And she: “Well, I put a little bit in my pocket every day ... But what? My children eat sugar! P@deeeets..! To what extent do you have to go down to steal sugar for the children from the hotel? Five kilos!

Details of the egregious incident reached the front office manager Omer Bey. He then smiled and joked in his usual way, but he suggested a way to reason with the grasping reflex of an impudent madam:

- Threaten her if she continues to steal, on the day of check-out, the security staff and I will open her suitcases right in the middle of the lobby, embarrass her in front of other guests.

We managed without extreme measures.

In a restaurant, take three times more than you can eat.

Like the first rule, this is not even discussed. - sacred for a real Russian tourist.

Usually hotels offer very large, flat plates. Almost trays. The hand itself reaches out to fill them to the top.

Guests of the Justiliano Hotel boldly approached the distribution tables. Many showed up at the door of the restaurant half an hour before the start of the meal to grab the best dishes. It seems that an energy well was opening in the eating area. A hole into which streams of power poured, sucking in every gaping tourist. Raging magic grounded in the restaurant. Well-fed faces, flushed in the sun, began to shine, the eyes grew gloomy, and the mouth, by inertia, continued to chew on the hodgepodge of all-inclusive dishes.

Almost no one at Justic could handle the huge trays.

But the average tourist of the "Green Town" was always ready to treat himself to an additional portion of alcohol.

Once again.

And further.

Sometimes half-drunk sailed to the guest relations counter and asked:

- Can you tell the bar to pour several glasses of wine / beer into this bottle at once? And then we are sitting on the beach - far away all the time to run for a new glass.

Mention your social status more often

The hotel staff will immediately understand that the jokes are bad with you, and they will serve you at the highest level.

One such resourceful person approached the counter and began to complain. Alcohol did its job, the peasant's tongue loosened:

- Do you know where I work? In the international company "Ragulonik". You haven't even heard of her! Laser cutting! I almost never visit Russia, I have seen so many hotels, but here you have such a thing!

It turned out that this copy came from Tolyatti, where our Lika comes from. She quickly promised to change his room, asking in return to bring her mother a phone charger.

The next evening, an employee of Ragulonika showed up at the reception drunk in zyuzyu and yelled:

- I declare that a case with important company documents worth seven million euros was stolen from my room!!!

Apparently, this is how he wanted to attract attention. This brawler succeeded: Omer Bey spoke to him, the guards nursed him.

When the guest, having sobered up, reminded Lika about the charger. "Fistyk" replied with dignity:

- I don't think I'll give it to you NOW.

Leave the child alone in the room

And hope that he will cope with any unforeseen situations on his own.

Receptionist Vera flew up to the reception desk with round eyes:

- A seven-year-old boy called from the room, his parents left him alone, there is no key, he wants to go to the toilet, but he is afraid to go, because it is dark there!

Ivanna Gagauzka and I rushed to the Turkish receptionists - they say, let's have a spare key for electricity, let's go to help the kid out. They replied that there was no key at all.

- We must do something - he will describe himself! Vera panicked.

Then the fearless bellboy Ahid rushed into the abyss of what was happening:

- Let's go knock on the room, kanka **!

We ran to the third bungalow, Violet. They knocked. A sleepy, charred face of a 26-year-old guy poked out of the door. Out of shock, I began to haltingly explain our invasion:

- Uh ... there was a call to the reception that you had a boy in the dark left alone ...

- No, it's not with us. The visitor smiled.

We knocked on the next room, where we were met by the whole friendly family with a happy kid at the head: he brought the contents to the toilet on time. Confused nannies-mothers reassured - they say, everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about. And I thought: “Why the hell do you leave a child alone? Who knows what might happen? Should I have my head on my shoulders or not?

Give out your "I want" for the whims of your children

The hotel staff are stupid and will not understand that you are lying, but the mention of the young tourist generation is guaranteed to melt their hearts, and they will immediately give you a better room.

Hotel guests are very inventive when they do not want to pay extra for comfort, intending to get it “for free”. For the sake of the goal of checking into a “higher room with a sea view”, everything is used: “heart disease”, “pressure”, “asthma”, “this is my first trip abroad”, “we came to celebrate my mother’s anniversary / wedding anniversary” , "you always have free rooms."

Vacationers with children immediately throw heavy artillery into battle. One hysterical mother returned to the lobby about ten minutes after receiving the keys. I knew that they were given a really bad room: in the seventh building, on the first floor, damp and dark.

Madame was in an excited state and immediately went on the offensive:

- Have you ever seen this number? There's mold on the walls! My child entered the room, saw her and started yelling!

For reference: her child was four years old. As practice shows, even older children rarely pay attention to the decoration of rooms: give them a pool, screeching and splashing, sea, sun and an air mattress.

Drink to death and risk your life

We live one at a time, in fact.

At night, an emergency happened in the paradise of the Green Corner. Sasha, who returned from the night shift, said in a frightened whisper:

- From our bungalow, from "Magnolia", where we lived before the opening of the hotel, a woman fell out of the balcony. She was very drunk. The gendarmes arrived, Omer Bey, Necdet Bey - everyone was there. She was taken away and is now in the hospital. The husband began to yell at the eldest daughter, because, they say, she did not follow her mother. Horror.

It might sound harsh, but I don't feel sorry for her at all. Nothing can justify rampant drinking. Nothing. Even ol inclusive, even brains forgotten at home. This is just the height of idiocy.

The girls felt sorry for her.

The tourist was taken to intensive care with broken cervical vertebrae, and the hospital then rolled her an astronomical bill for treatment. And we know that it does not cover cases that occurred while intoxicated.


In regular battles with the Army of Darkness, fragile front-desk workers are melted into harsh Valkyries capable of mythological feats in the name of Omer Bey's peace. They are covered with shell day by day. Hardened like steel. They become practically invulnerable.

Be afraid, people with a buffet instead of a brain.

* pique - thin veil

** Turkish unfold kanka - friend, friend

Tourists in Spain are immediately visible: they certainly stand out by having a backpack on their shoulders, the desire to photograph everything in a row and ignorance of the intricacies of the Spanish mentality. Of course, against the backdrop of calm local residents during the siesta, visitors look fussy and become a “victim” of tourist traps or violate generally accepted rules. How to experience an authentic cultural experience in Spain and avoid common mistakes?

Take a look at the daily routine of the locals

Spaniards are known for their unusual eating habits. Moreover, this “unusualness” is manifested not in what you eat, but in when you eat. They try to eat a modest breakfast between 7-10 am. Often on the table - only coffee with milk or churros with hot chocolate. Lunch at the Spaniards is late by our standards - around 16:00. And if you show up in a cafe by noon, you can give out a foreigner in yourself.

papalars / Foter / CC BY-ND

Accordingly, the desire to make money on tourists from restaurants wakes up at this time. By the way, the Spaniards take lunch for at least a couple of hours, after which the siesta continues with obligatory sleep. Only by 21:00 do the locals go out for dinner, but when you arrive at the usual time for us (19:00), you can catch perplexed looks on yourself and get leftovers of lunch instead of fresh dishes.

Watch what you wear

The heat and the atmosphere of absolute relaxation are no reason to break the etiquette. Unfortunately, many tourists in Spain freely walk the streets in swimsuits, go to shops and even restaurants in beachwear. On the beaches, no one limits the choice of vacationers, but outside the coast (especially in rural areas) it is better to follow the generally accepted rules. Another important point: when visiting a church, you should take care of your appearance and abandon provocative images. In Spain, they will not always make a remark about inappropriate clothing, but condemnation cannot be avoided.

Remember the siesta

Siesta time. Rambla in Tarragona

Siesta for any inhabitant of a southern country is part of the way of life. And for the sake of tourists, few people here refuse the habit of having a leisurely lunch and sleeping enough. Therefore, it is important to plan your day in Spain in such a way that you do not run into a locked shop door. It is better to get out for shopping by 19:00, when the heat subsides, and sellers return to their usual schedule.

Do not rent a car to move between major cities

The car in this case becomes an additional burden. Navigating bustling cities and meeting emotional Spanish drivers on the road will bring few pleasant moments. Most likely, in a large city it will not be possible to find a good parking place, and you will have to use public transport. And when you think about the fees that you need to pay on the freeways, renting a car can result in a round sum. But when a trip is planned through the Spanish provinces and villages, the car will become a true friend on the way to vivid impressions.

Do not choose a hotel too far from the center

If the purpose of visiting this or that Spanish city- the desire to see the maximum of interesting things, and there is not much time, it is better to choose a hotel as close as possible to the historical center. Otherwise, the road will take all the strength, and yet there is still a long walk through the sights. As a rule, all the most interesting is compactly located in the center. Hotels here are expensive, but in the surrounding areas prices will please.

Visit not only big cities

Barcelona is the destination of the bulk of travelers. But you get more experience in quiet villages, which often remain underestimated. They also have many attractions, and the prices for food or accommodation are several times lower. And let ignorance local residents Languages ​​are not embarrassed: there will be more impressions from such a trip.

Zaragoza (click to enlarge)

For example, you can go to the village of Bagu with the ruins of the castle or the picturesque Albarracin, almost entirely consisting of sights.

Don't expect bullfighting from Barcelona

Bullring in Valencia (click to enlarge)

The firm belief that bullfighting can be seen in every city in Spain is a typical tourist delusion. Recently, Catalonia (and Barcelona in particular) has abandoned this bloody entertainment. Now fights are outlawed here, but they still take place in different time in Alicante, Madrid, Valencia.

An announcement in Russian appeared in a Turkish hotel in the resort of Kemer. The owners of the hotel warn that a fine is expected for food not eaten at the buffet. As, however, for taking hotel towels to the beach, unhooking the bundle of the room key and energy-saving card, etc. The announcement appeared in early June. Then it was removed so as not to scare away potential customers. A photo of the announcement with outraged comments was posted in social network "Typical Tourist" guests of this hotel.

A few days later - on June 15 - another Turkish hotel in the resort of Alanya hit the news feeds. Tourists from Surgut - a married couple - were caught by the security service while trying to take out of the hotel 14 rolls of toilet paper, five liters of Baileys liquor, several kilograms of oranges, bathrobes, slippers, towels and even plants with roots from the hotel garden. It turned out that the staff watched the greedy guests and, upon their departure, forced them to open their suitcases, in which the trophies were found, after which the spouses were forced to pay $ 251 for all the goods. It is not known whether the spouses were ashamed - most likely not. But it was incredibly embarrassing for all the other tourists. It's so embarrassing that many enthusiastically support Turkish hoteliers' legally controversial innovations of imposing fines on half-eaten food or stealing toilet paper.

For Russians "not all inclusive"

“This goes beyond all limits! Dear comrades, please tell me, is this legal and does the hotel have the right to charge a fine from a tourist for not eating food in an all-inclusive hotel? Guards stand and check whether the tourist has eaten more than half a plate. Penalties are printed in the rules of the hotel, "- with such a comment Russian tourist posted a photo of an ad in a Kemer hotel.

Social networks exploded: “I don’t know how legal this is, but in fact it is very correct. What the hell are full plates with a slide to scoop up and then leave? We took a little, tried it, if you liked it, ate it (and went for more). If not, then what’s the point of transferring food?” - says Darya Zaryankina.

Others are sure that in this way customers simply choose the dishes they like: “And if it's all tasteless? I also always take different cakes, but in fact you can eat at best one. “And if you took a plate of something, but it is impossible to eat it? (sharp, bitter, sour). Push it into yourself through force? "Rave! According to etiquette, they don’t fit to the buffet more than three times! Therefore, you try to take a little bit of everything, what you didn’t like - you leave it! This is clearly someone cheating! And everything is written in Russian. Go, the guides are just making money. “If the hotel doesn’t like that this is done with their food, let them change the concept of food and give dishes in portions! Only it is unlikely that someone will go to Turkey not for “all inclusive”. And judging by the scribbled text of the ad and the file, the hotel directly “takes care” of its image.”

Some Russians are trying to justify and protect hoteliers: “This year in Turkey, after the crisis, you need to choose hotels very carefully. In many 4 * hotels there are big savings on food and its quality. If you arrive 30 minutes later than the start of lunch or dinner, the distribution will be empty. In Turkey, All is not the same. Hotel owners also save on quality products and chefs.”

Maxim Yakovlev also believes that the announcement is rude, but essentially correct: “Really, if you want to try it, take a little, then take some more if you like it. As far as food in Turkey goes, that was to be expected. During the downtime, they all suffered greatly economically, plus during this time the entire hotel logistics was reorganized, and the same suppliers who used to take them to hotels found other buyers during this time. And now where to get such volumes? It will take some time for everything to recover. The second or third season will be fine, I guess.

There are compatriots who believe that “others are even worse”: “You haven’t seen the Chinese. They sweep away everything, dump it in one heap and shit on top. Russians are flowers,” writes Aleksey Bodnar.

“In Rhodes, I saw something similar with Arab tourists. The whole table is in the trash, the children throw food and rush around the tables, and no one will say a word, ”recalls Yulia Goncharova.

“The Germans and the British behave no better. In Crete, for example, the Greeks generally cannot stand the English: they will get drunk on cheap Greek wine like pigs, and let's drive around the island ... along the right lane. Drunk so much that they forget that they are not at home. In a word, “Tagil rules” - both ours and English.” Recently, OK-inform wrote how Chinese tourists tried to take a toilet seat out of a Japanese hotel, and an Israeli in Cyprus wanted to steal a TV.

But most tourists still try to fairly assess the situation and understand both sides - both crazy from our permissiveness, and barely restrained from contempt by overseas hosts.

Valery Makarov writes: “The fact that the people are blown away by the included food is a fact. Like dirty animals throw themselves at everything, and then write some reviews of the esthete on various websites. Oh, they looked at me askance, oh, it was not a virgin who washed the fork ... But! I did not quite understand whether it is appropriate for a hotel to act as a parent? For all my hatred of all-inclusive systems, I think that this is very harsh. These people didn't come to jail though. Ugly gesture on the part of the hotel.”

“Those tourists who are too lazy to come up for a supplement and who fill up the entire table with food - and I have seen sooo many of them - are not a bit sorry. But normal people also suffer. Who in this hotel will feel that they are being watched and checked how much they ate. And every time they come to breakfast / lunch / dinner, they will worry about how to behave if something turns out to be not tasty and they don’t feel like eating. And the outcasts, who believe that since he paid for All, they are allowed to treat food like that, that’s how it should be!” - Maxim Abrosimov is convinced.

Margarita Sergeeva shares her memories: “I remembered our first vacation in Turkey. Typical "Russian" hotel. First day, dinner, buffet. The husband says: did you see someone having a banquet there. Come on, I say, there are only tourists on AIl. Upon closer examination, it turned out that these were 2-3 families who occupied a huge table. And they have the same buffet on the table, but in a mini format. A dozen plates with different dishes, several types of cakes, desserts, etc. This is in the center of the table, and they already choose from this "richness" for their plate. I don’t know if this is a common thing for Turkish hotels, but nothing like this has been seen in Cyprus before, a completely different contingent. Therefore, I can partly understand such a system of fines.

“If there is such an announcement, it means that the patience of the administration is over, but if the announcement is in Russian... If the children simply haven’t eaten their portion, then no one will make a claim, all the same, adequate people. This announcement would only make me smile.”

“I fully support the hotel management. Just the other day I returned from Kemer, where I watched how some “behemoths” with three chins throw themselves half a bucket of food (judging by the plates). Looks disgusting - as if they are here to fatten up until next summer. They don't even eat half or more. One young lady took bread in front of me, simply tore it into pieces and threw this mountain on a plate. By the way, everyone naturally ate bread as if it were the last time in their lives, ”writes Olga Cherukhina.

And yet, the essence of most of the comments is similar: if they do it, then why are we all so ashamed?

Russian Union of Travel Industry: "Buying a tour, you accept the rules of the game"

OK-inform asked Pavel Rumyantsev, a representative of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT), to comment on the situation.

“There is a certain renewable resource - mini-shampoo, soap, toilet paper - that is designed just to be constantly replenished. The client does not have to report how much paper he used up per day, and the hotel is obliged to renew this resource. Therefore, theoretically, such items can be taken with you as souvenirs, but without misleading the hotel administration. But it is no longer possible to drag furniture, interior items, towels or flowers in pots from the room, since this is the property of the hotel, which does not imply constant renewal,” Pavel Rumyantsev believes.

Of course, the hotel has its own rules, which you also need to listen to, since the hotel is a private property and can dictate certain norms on its territory.

However, the expert clarifies that there is an interesting point here - to what extent is the hotel staff entitled to inspect and search customers without the police?

“It seems illegal to me, because the hotel staff (even from the security service) are not the police. And here it is necessary to choose what is more profitable for tourists: to part amicably and admit that they took out something wrong - or to wait for the police. Most hotels are always ready to accommodate customers. If you really want to take something as a souvenir - come up and ask. A hotel that values ​​its reputation will most likely agree and just give you the same slippers or toilet paper. ”

But as for the buffet, then, according to the representative of the PCT, the hotel administration is still wrong - not to mention the educational moment.

“There are types of food - half board, board, all inclusive, etc. Having bought a certain type of food on a trip, a tourist gets the right to use it. And if it's "all inclusive", then he can collect as much food as he sees fit. Even if he didn't calculate his strength, it still shouldn't be his problem. He also paid for a certain format in the tour package. Of course, we are all taught to take as much food as you can definitely eat, but this already relates to issues of upbringing and culture and has no legal norm. Even if the tourists ate all the food from the buffet, the hotel is obliged to supplement the assortment. And no measures of administrative influence are possible, you can only exhort and conduct a dialogue.”

The tour operator is obliged to warn the client about the peculiarities of the rules of conduct in the chosen hotel, since this is one of the essential conditions of the tour

Of course, there are own rules of the hotel, which also need to be listened to, since the hotel is a private property and can dictate certain norms on its territory.

“For example, many hotels require that food not be taken out of a restaurant, and this may not be due to the greed of hoteliers, but to sanitary and hygienic rules or the likelihood of consumer extremism. For example, a guest took some food from the buffet, put it somewhere, it got spoiled, then he ate it, got poisoned and sued the hotel for poor quality food.”

Pavel Rumyantsev says that the tour operator is obliged to warn the client about the peculiarities of the rules of conduct in the chosen hotel, since this is one of the essential conditions of the tour.

“By paying for the tour, including hotel accommodation, the client thereby signs an agreement that he agrees with these rules. Therefore, it is better to find out about all the subtleties in advance, and if they do not suit you, choose another option,” says the PCT representative. But the situation when the hotel imposes sanctions on tourists already after the fact can negatively affect the reputation of the hotel.