What do animals eat interesting facts. Material on the surrounding world on the topic: Interesting facts about the life of animals and plants

Despite the large number documentaries O wildlife, we still know very few details about the habits and characteristics of the animal world of our planet. Interesting Facts about wild animals, sometimes can completely change our understanding of this or that representative of the wild fauna. It is often very difficult to believe that such amazing and diverse animals could arise as a result of a natural evolutionary process. Interesting ones reveal not only the unique characteristics of little-studied organisms, but also shed light on new aspects of the life of animals known from childhood. Interesting facts about wild animals collected in this collection will tell you a lot of new and interesting things:

— There are about 6,000 species of reptiles, but every year scientists discover new species.

— There are about 70,000 species of spiders and 3,000 species of lice in the world.

— The fastest bird in the world is the ostrich. He runs at speeds of up to 70 km/h.

— Hippopotamus sweat contains red and orange pigments that absorb ultraviolet light and acts on its skin like sunscreen.

“Camels only spit if you make them angry.”

— Crabs are the size of a pea—that’s what they’re called, Pea crabs.

— The lifespan of 75% of wild birds is no more than six months.

— On our planet there are more than a million species of wild and.

— Tigers, well known to everyone, have interesting feature pigmentation - not only their hairline, but also the skin itself has a striped color. In addition, tabby cats have five toes on the front limbs and four on the hind limbs.

— Tiger claws reach a length of approximately 10 cm.

— Giraffes have the biggest heart among land animals.

— In giraffes, the length of the tongue can reach 45 cm.

— The heart of a whale beats 9 times per minute.

— A zebra is white with black stripes, not the other way around.

The bats They are the only mammals capable of flight.

— Dolphins have names. And each baby dolphin gets his name at birth. Scientists proved this fact by recording a whistle signal meaning a name, to which the same dolphin responded.

— There are more muscles in the body of any caterpillar than in the human body.

— The wild animals that can go the longest without drinking are not camels. These are rats. Keep this in mind if you want to starve the thirsty rats in your basement.

— Porcupine cubs are already able to climb a tree an hour after birth.

— A tit feeds its chicks at least a thousand times in 48 hours.

“Koala” means “don’t drink” in the Australian Aboriginal language. Eating eucalyptus, the koala receives all the necessary moisture from its leaves, and drinks water only occasionally - during periods of drought or during illness.

— When attacking a prey, sharks close their eyes so that the prey does not injure them when resisting.

— Snakes can sleep for 3 years in a row without eating anything.

— Birth control pills work on gorillas.

— Crocodiles swallow stones to dive deeper into the water.

— Sharks are immune to cancer.

People have long had certain stereotypes about certain animals: dogs are loyal, lions are brave, foxes are cunning, donkeys are stubborn. Let's look at 10 facts about animals that will probably surprise you.

1. Pit bull terriers are not actually aggressive.

Pit bulls have a bad reputation as aggressive and dangerous dogs, although in reality this is not the case. They are no more aggressive than any other dog breed. Pit bulls were originally bred for dog fighting, but for humans they are quite friendly dogs. Injuries caused by pit bulls are not an indication of greater aggressiveness, but rather the result of genetics in the form of having a more powerful jaw. They are simply stronger, not more dangerous. By the way, the upbringing and behavior of a dog largely depends on its owner, right?

2. Ants were once used as medical instruments.

Ants are amazingly strong and highly organized creatures, although we think of them more as annoying pests. You will be surprised, but for centuries ants have been used as a medical tool. Before sutures and tapes were invented, powerful ant jaws were used. Ancient doctors constructed a kind of “ant clamps” around the wound, and then removed the bodies, leaving only the heads of the ants. This therapy began to be used 3,000 years ago and remained popular until the 17th century.

3. Dragons from Komodo Island are surprisingly weak animals

The word “dragon” itself is associated with a huge, scary and strong animal, even if it does not fly or breathe fire. The Komodo dragon has earned a reputation as a modern dragon for its size, and is in fact the largest lizard on the planet. The "dragon" can grow up to 3 meters in length, but its bite appears to be weaker than that of an ordinary domestic cat. Exactly! Your pet (or pet) is scarier than the mighty dragon from Komodo Island. If a Komodo dragon wants to bite someone, then most likely it will damage both its jaw and skull. This giant weakling hunts with the help of poisonous saliva, otherwise the dragon simply does not have enough strength to cope with the victim.

4. Alligators can dance love dances

Alligators are terrifying animals. People have always feared and revered them, considering alligators to be the most dangerous predators terrestrial fauna. However, during the mating season, they demonstrate a surprisingly touching and charming courtship technique: before mating, alligators. The male lies in the water and vibrates his belly at a low frequency that the human ear cannot detect. These sound waves shake the groom's entire body, forming miniature fountains of water around him. The alligator will perform this sexy dance until the female chooses him as a partner. Just like in a fairy tale: only instead of a prince under the window, the lady gets a romantic tramp-murderer from the swamp.

5. Lions survive through active infanticide

The noble king of the jungle is more of a family killer than a caring father from the cartoon “The Lion King.” When males reach sexual maturity (about two years old), they are kicked out of the pride. In fact, they are forced to fight for their lives and learn to survive. Over time, they mature and begin organizing their own pride, killing other males. And then, to strengthen their power, they kill lion cubs that are not their offspring.

6. Anteaters are aggressive

Anteaters are mistakenly considered harmless, peaceful animals. They are slow, almost blind and hard of hearing, they don't even have teeth. However, their appearance can be deceiving. When angry, these large animals can be truly dangerous. They grow up to 2 meters in length and have sharp claws with which they tear apart anthills. There have even been recorded cases of anteater attacks on humans; in 2012, a resident of Brazil was killed by an anteater. It would seem that the blind and deaf animal inflicted puncture wounds on the man’s arms and legs, damaging the femoral artery, which led to death.

7. Mosquitoes are the most dangerous killers in nature

How we hate mosquitoes in the summer for their incessant buzzing and extremely unpleasant bites! Of course, for us these are just annoying insects, and we are unlikely to be afraid of them. However, they are precisely the most dangerous killers in nature, one might say, serial killers. Mosquitoes are a leading cause of death in animals and also transmit deadly diseases (malaria, dengue fever and West Nile virus). They account for almost three million deaths of living beings per year. And this is a record for bloodthirstiness!

8. Bulls are colorblind

How do we imagine bullfighting? The matador deftly waves his red cape in front of the bull, provoking aggression in him. The image is correct, but only half. Bulls do not perceive red cloth, or rather, they do not distinguish the color red, and will react equally aggressively to both a blue and a white cloak. They are irritated by the movement and flapping of fabric. However, the iconic color of bullfighting was red, the color of blood.

9. Kangaroos are cruel and aggressive fighters

Kangaroos are strongly associated with Australia. They are depicted on the coat of arms and are the symbol of many local sports teams (rugby, football, boxing). Alas, the cute, cute and playful animal kangaroo is just a stereotype. In reality, kangaroos are very aggressive: their muscular hind legs and large feet make them dangerous kickboxers. The male kangaroo turns into a monster during the mating season, and with its legs it is capable of not only breaking bones, but also killing. This is exactly the case when cute looks are deceiving!

10. Chicken's eye is a new, unique state of matter

Small, fussy, but generally useful - this is how we treat chickens, considering them animals that can only cluck and lay eggs. However, scientists have discovered that a chicken's eye represents an entirely new state of matter: disordered hyperhomogeneity. As it turned out, chicken eye tissue has the properties of both crystal and water. This startling discovery could well lead to the production of radically new materials. It turns out that a simple chicken can give humanity not only food, but also become the key to creating amazing technologies.

Interesting Facts

about the life of animals and plants

  • Antelope see well at any time of the day.
  • African elephant- the largest land animal. Its height is about 3.8 meters at the withers; the length from the end of the trunk to the tip of the tail is 10 meters, and the weight is 10.8 tons. African elephants live 70 - 80 years. With its trunk, an elephant can lift all objects from the ground from a log to a needle.
  • Bird wing butterfly- the largest in the world. Its wingspan is 28 centimeters.
  • Bacteria – the most ancient organisms. They appeared on earth 1.5 billion years before the formation of the modern biosphere.
  • White-breasted swiftflies at a speed of 171 km/h.
  • White African rhinoceroshas the longest horn. Its length is 158 centimeters.
  • Polar bear – a powerful predator, extremely adapted to life in ice. The beast is capable of swimming in icy water to cover distances of tens of miles. He is an excellent diver, has keen eyesight, keen hearing and sense of smell. It can smell prey 5-7 kilometers away, as well as through a thick layer of snow. He determines his course in the ice with incredible accuracy. The polar bear's navigational ability is still being studied by scientists. The polar bear is listed in the International Red Book and is protected by all states where it exists.
  • Cheetah - the fastest mammal. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 110 km/h.
  • Giant water lily from the Amazon- the largest aquatic plant. Its leaves, reaching 2 meters, are capable of supporting a child.
  • Pigeons - the oldest companions of man. Five thousand years ago, domestic pigeons were already known in Ancient Egypt.
  • Dolphins – rescuers. Sailors often see how dolphins save drowning swimmers, pushing them to the surface so that they do not choke. This may seem like some kind of special kindness, but in fact it is an innate instinct. The mother dolphin pushes the newborn dolphin to the surface, where it takes its first breath. In the same way, dolphins support their wounded comrades. A drowning person makes them instinctively want to save him.
  • Earthworm per year processes and loosens 20 tons of dry soil. This amount of land can fit in 5 dump trucks. Air and moisture penetrate this soil more easily.
  • Oak – The plant is long-lived, many of them live 500 - 1000 years.
  • Hedgehog – a very interesting fearless animal, he enters into an unequal battle with poisonous snake and eats wasp and bee nests without fear of being bitten. This is because hedgehogs can tolerate very large doses of poison, from which other animals die.
  • Giraffe - the tallest animal. The male giraffe reaches a height of 5 meters, but there are reports of specimens measuring 7 meters tall.
  • Black mamba snake- the fastest. It is capable of covering distances at a speed of 25 km/h. At such a speed of movement, she raises her head and front part of her body, opens her mouth and wiggles her tongue.
  • Emperor penguins –deep sea divers. They are capable of diving to depths of up to 265 meters and quickly returning to the surface.
  • Indian peacockproduces the loudest calls of any bird. They can be heard several kilometers away.
  • Whale shark - the most big fish, reaches a length of 18 meters and weighs about 40 tons. This is a long-lived fish, it lives for about 70 years.
  • Condor – one of the largest birds living in the Andes, it lived in captivity for 72 years.
  • Cow tyrant - African bird, it sits on the back of cows and catches frightened or flying insects.
  • Linden can live and thrive in smoke-polluted air, which is why this tree species is often planted in large cities.
  • Elk - the largest animal in our forests, the body length of the elk reaches 3 meters, the height at the withers is 2.3 meters, the weight is 250-570 kg.
  • Guinea pig was domesticated a long time ago, even by the Incas. It got its name because of its resemblance to piglets and its ability to make sounds similar to grunting. But the nickname “sea” most likely came from the name “overseas” - because of the sea.
  • Sea stars -predators, they eat crustaceans, mollusks, echinoderms, etc. one of the abilities of sea stars is the ability to regenerate. They not only restore the lost part of the body, but also form a new star from the torn or cut off piece.
  • Saltwater crocodiles- the largest reptiles. On average, their length reaches 4.5 meters, but there are reports of much larger specimens. So, in 1954, a crocodile 8 meters long and weighing about 2 tons was spotted.
  • Hawk Moth - the fastest flying insect. It flies at a speed of 53.6 km/h using a tailwind.
  • Ants can completely replace upper layer land next to the anthill in just 8 years. They remove soil from the lower layers of the earth and mix it. Ants are champion pest exterminators. In 1 day, the inhabitants of one anthill can destroy several thousand harmful insects. Ants are the longest-living insects; they live for about 20 years.
  • Monkey, elephant, dog, dolphin, bear– these animals make up the top five smartest animals.
  • Raffia palm has the largest leaves in the world. They reach 20 meters and are larger in size than all tree species.
  • Leeches are the most powerful of the worms. Their muscles make up 65.5% of their entire body weight.
  • Floating duckweed Wolffia arhiza– the smallest flowering plant in the world. The size of its leaves is only 0.5-1.2 millimeters in diameter; 25 of these leaves can easily fit on your fingernail.
  • Bird "Kauai uh" -the rarest bird living on Hawaiian Islands, in 1980 there was only 1 pair of these birds left in the whole world.
  • Sailfish - the fastest fish, it swims faster than a cheetah runs. It reaches a speed of 109 km/h, and the cheetah – 96-101 km/h.
  • Blue whale - the largest animal living on Earth today. It can reach a length of 30 meters and weigh about 160 tons. It is 25 times larger than the African elephant.
  • Tit Eats as many insects per day as she weighs.
  • Starling They can perfectly copy any sounds; they imitate even the human voice no worse than parrots.
  • Owls have a natural locator. A slight rustle is enough for the prey to be detected and caught even in absolute darkness. Despite the fact that the owl's body is adapted to hunting at night, its huge eyes allow it to see at any time of the day.
  • Peregrine falcon – king of speed. It reaches a speed of 250 km/h, but even at this speed it can be overtaken by a golden eagle.
  • Ostrich eggs - the most durable. One egg can support a person weighing up to 115 kg.
  • Thailand bumblebee bat- The tiniest flying mammal. It has a wingspan of 160 millimeters; The length of its body ranges from 29-33 millimeters, and its weight is about 20 grams.
  • Cockroach - an excellent sprinter. Try to catch a cockroach and you will see that it is very difficult. In a second, a cockroach runs 30 centimeters.
  • Tasmanian wolf - one of the rarest animals on Earth. Over the past 50 years, no one has been able to see it. He has never even been photographed in nature.
  • Pacific leatherback turtle- the largest Porian reptile, it reaches a length of 2.13 meters and weighs about 453 kg.
  • Aphid - the sweetest insect. They release up to 2 tons of sugars into the soil every day in the form of honeydew. Aphids have the shortest lifespan. Aphids develop into adult insects from eggs in 6 days and live for another 4-5 days.
  • Three-toed sloth- the slowest mammal. Its speed of movement on the ground is about 2 meters per minute. The speed of movement through trees is slightly above 3 meters per minute.
  • Cicadas - the loudest insects. The sound of cicadas can be heard at a distance of over 400 meters.
  • Turtles They grow very slowly and usually live quite a long time. The record holder among long-livers whose age is reliably known is the male Marion tortoise, who lived to be 152 years old. Turtles have the poorest diet. Large turtles eat so little that one banana per month is enough for them.
  • Four-winged flying fishcapable of making the longest flights. The range of such a record flight is 1109 meters, height is 11 meters, and duration is 90 seconds.

Humanity knows about the existence of many species of animals, but some of them still remain unknown. They differ from each other in size, color, habitat, sounds made, diet, but most importantly, in the presence of unique qualities. Some animals look charming to us, while others look disgusting. Some are friends and irreplaceable helpers for us, while others are pests or pose a danger. We bring to your attention the most incredible things about animals.

Incredible about animals

1. Beavers' teeth never stop growing, so in order to control their length, animals are forced to constantly gnaw trees.

2. Humpback whales make the loudest sounds of any living organism. The sound they make can be heard at a distance of 800 meters.

3. Elephants can smell water from about 3 miles away. They are also one of only three mammals that undergo menopause - the other two being humpback whales and women.

4. Turritopsis jellyfish is a unique inhabitant of the seas that is able to rejuvenate itself by regenerating the cells of its body. Scientists called her “immortal.”

5. Some African earthworms reach a length of more than 6 meters.

6. Rats reproduce so quickly that in just 18 months, 2 rats could create over 1 million relatives.

7. Unlike humans, sheep have four stomachs, each of which helps them digest the food they eat.

8. Even when he closed his eyes, he can still see through his eyelids.

9. On average, flies live no more than 2-3 weeks.

10. Believe it or not, there are about 50,000 spiders living in small grassy areas. They are difficult to see due to their green color.

11. Bats are the only mammals that have the ability to fly.

12. Alligators can live more than 100 years.

13. Snow leopards eat not only the meat of sheep and goats. They can also consume various vegetation as food.

14. Tarantulas can live without food for more than ten years.

15. When dogs are very hot, sweat begins to secrete through the pads of their paws. Therefore, they sometimes lie on the floor to cool down faster.

16. There are different types of zebras, each of which differs in the number and location of black stripes on the body.

17. Dogs have much better vision than humans, but at the same time they do not recognize such a bright palette of colors.

18. Pigs and people are the only living creatures that can sunbathe.

19. Snails can sleep for three years without food or water.

20. The elephant is the only animal with four knees.

21. An albatross can fly all day long by flapping its wings only once.

22. All domestic cats do not like the smell of any citrus fruits.

23. Chameleons' eyes can rotate independently of each other, allowing them to look in all directions at once without turning their head.

24. Tigers have striped not only fur, but also skin.

25. About 80% of all animals on Earth are insects.