All disputed territories of the world (1 photo). Russia. Disputed territories

List of territories about which there are disputes and whose sovereignty is in question. This category contains information about territories that do not independently claim the status of a separate sovereign state, and disputes between recognized and partially recognized states are considered as disputes between recognized states.
1. Lake Constance is a latent conflict about the ownership of the lake between Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
2. Veliki Shkolzh and Mali Shkolzh - administered by Croatia, disputed by Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3. The summit of Mont Blanc - a dispute about the ownership of the peak between France and Italy.
4.Military complex near Sveta Gera, in the region of Žumberak - administered by Slovenia, disputed by Croatia.
5. Gibraltar - Spain claims that the territory belongs to it under the Treaty of Utrecht. Operated by Great Britain.
6.Piran Bay – a long-running dispute between Slovenia and Croatia.
7. Ivangorod and Pechersk region - Russia recognized them as part of Estonia under the Treaty of Tartu 1920. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the region remained with Russia. Formally, Estonia has no claims in this area.
8.Imia or Kardak is part of the Aegean dispute between Greece and Turkey.
9.Carlingford Lough is a border dispute between Ireland and Great Britain.
10. Lough Foyle - border dispute between Ireland and Great Britain.
11. The settlements of Vasilievka, Dorotskoe, Kochieri, Koshnitsa, Novaya Molovata, Pogrebya, Pyryta, Kopanka and part of the city of Bendery (village Varnitsa) - controlled by Moldova, disputed by the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic
12.The area around the Montmalus peak - between Andorra and Spain.
13. Olivenza - administered by Spain, disputed by Portugal.
14. Vukovar Island - administered by Croatia, disputed by Serbia.
15.Tuzla Island and the Kerch Strait have been disputed between Ukraine and Russia since 2003.
16. The island of Sherengrad - during the existence of Yugoslavia, it was part of Croatia. During the war it was controlled by the armed forces of the Serbian Krajina. After the war, it came under the control of Serbia and is disputed by Croatia.
17.Isthmus between Gibraltar and Spain - Spain claims that Britain is illegally occupying the territory because it was not included in the Treaty of Utrecht.
18. Prevlaka – administered by Croatia, disputed by Montenegro.
19.The Danube area, parts of the Osijek and Sombor areas – dispute between Croatia and Serbia.
20. Sarych – administered by Ukraine, disputed by Russia. The conflict is based on the division of the Black Sea Fleet and the lease agreement for Sevastopol facilities.
21. Sastavsi - administered by Serbia, disputed by Bosnia and Herzegovina.
22.Northern Kosovo - under local government and controlled by KFOR, disputed by the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia.
23.Rockall Rock - administered by Great Britain, disputed by Ireland, Denmark (Faroe Islands) and Iceland.
24. The mouth of the Ems and the western part of Dollart Bay - a dispute between the Netherlands and Germany.
25. The Aegean dispute is a wide range of controversial issues regarding the ownership of national airspace, territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone between Greece and Turkey.
1.Aasal, Al-Qaa, Al-Qasr, Deir Al-Aashayer, Kfar Kouk and Tufail - disputed territory between Lebanon and Syria.
2. "Point 20", a small piece of land reclaimed from the sea in Singapore - Malaysia claims it is in its territorial waters.
3. Abu Musa - administered by Iran, disputed by the United Arab Emirates.
4.The Azerbaijani exclaves of Karki, Yukhari, Askipara, Bakhudarli and Yaradullu are controlled by Armenia after the Nagorno-Karabakh war.
5. Aksai Chin - ruled by China, disputed by India.
6.Albert Mayer - administered by Tonga, disputed by New Zealand
7.Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet (Cherkip Gompa, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringang, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zufilphuk) - ruled by China, disputed by Bhutan.
8. Artsvashen/Bashkend is an exclave of the Gegharkunik region of Armenia, held by Azerbaijan after the Nagorno-Karabakh war.
9. Beveridge - administered by Tonga, disputed by Niue (an associated state with New Zealand)
10.Great Tunb and Little Tunb - administered by Iran, disputed by the United Arab Emirates.
11.Boraibari - administered by Bangladesh, disputed by India.
12. Gilgit-Baltistan - administered by Pakistan, disputed by India.
13.Golan Heights - Syrian territory captured by Israel in 1967 and annexed by Israel in 1981.
14.The Bakdu Mountains are a disputed territory between North Korea and China, which is also claimed by Taiwan and South Korea.
15.Daihata-Dumabari - administered by India, disputed by Bangladesh.
16.Demchok, Chumar, Kaurik, Shipki Pass, Jadh and Lapphal are disputed areas located between Aksai Chin and Nepal, controlled by India but disputed by China and Taiwan. Demchok controls China.
17. Jammu and Kashmir - divided between Pakistan, India and China, disputed by India and Pakistan.
18.Doi Lang - administered by Burma, disputed by Thailand.
19. Isfara Valley - administered by Kyrgyzstan, disputed by Tajikistan.
20.Shaksgam Valley - administered by China, disputed by India.
21.Indo-Bangladeshi Enclaves - There are 103 Indian enclaves within main body of Bangladesh while there are 71 Bangladeshi enclaves within main body of India. In 1974, Bangladesh approved a proposed treaty to exchange all enclaves in each other's territories, but India never ratified it.
22.Karang Unarang is a disputed territory between Indonesia and Malaysia.
23. Korean Peninsula - Northern and Southern territories consider each other's territory to be theirs.
24. Kula Kngri and mountainous areas west of this peak, western Haa region - administered by China, disputed by Bhutan.
25. Siachin Glacier and Saltoro region - captured by India in 1984, they are disputed by Pakistan.
26. Durand Line is a tribal area partly ruled by Pakistan and Afghanistan, Afghanistan claims all lands inhabited by Pashtuns.
27. Lifitila - administered by India, disputed by Bangladesh.
28.Minerva - ruled by Tonga, disputed by Fiji
29.Monastery complex of David Gereji - border dispute between Georgia and Azerbaijan.
30.Small parts of Oecusse area - administered by East Timor, disputed by Indonesia.
31. Some islands on the Naf River are disputed between Bangladesh and Burma.
32.Several areas in the Fergana Valley are disputed between Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
33. Niloson (Lancaster) - disputed by France (French Polynesia).
34. Oarukh and Umm Al-Maradim - administered by Kuwait, disputed by Saudi Arabia.
35. Kalapani region, Sasta River dispute, Antudanda and Nawalparasi - administered by India, disputed by Nepal.
36.The Prachin Buri region is disputed between Thailand and Cambodia.
37. Revival Island (now a peninsula) is a disputed territory between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
38. Swains Island - administered by the US, disputed by Takelau, which is dependent on New Zealand, which also does not recognize US sovereignty over the island.
39. Hawar Island - administered by Bahrain, disputed by Qatar
40. South Talpatti Island or New Moore, a come and go island that was disputed between India and Bangladesh from the 1970s to the 2000s, still affects the uncertainty of the maritime boundary.
41. Islands in the Torres Strait between Australia's Cape York Peninsula and New Guinea Island - administered by Australia, disputed by Papua New Guinea
42. Macclesfield Islands - administered by China, disputed by Taiwan and Vietnam.
43. Matthew and Hunter Islands – disputed between Vanuatu and France.
44. Senkaku Islands (Daoyu Islands) - administered by Japan, disputed by China and Taiwan.
45. The Spratly Islands are disputed between China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.
46. ​​The islands of Ukatny, Rigid and the disputed island of Malozhemchuzhny - administered by Russia, disputed by Kazakhstan.
47. Huria Miruya Islands - administered by Oman, disputed by Yemen.
48.Paracel Islands - completely controlled by China, disputed by Taiwan and Vietnam.
49. Three Pagoda Pass – disputed between Burma and Thailand.
50.Pirdiwah – Administered by India, disputed by Bangladesh.
51.Border dispute between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
52.Pratas - administered by China, disputed by Taiwan.
53. Pulau Batek - transferred by Timor to Indonesia as compensation in 2004.
54.Various territories: Dac German, Dac Dang, La Dranc zone, Bae, Milyu, Eyu, Peak, and North Piratis islands are disputed between Vietnam and Cambodia.
55. Muharaja River Island - controlled by India, but disputed by Bangladesh.
56.Minerva Reefs - administered by Tonga but claimed by Fiji.
57.Sabah (North Barneo) - administered by Malaysia. The Philippines maintains a claim to Sabah on the grounds that it is a historical part of the Sultanate of Sulu, of which the Philippines is the successor country.
58. Gaza Strip - ruled by Hamas, disputed by the Palestinian National Authority, formed from representatives of Fatah
59. The village of Perevi - in Soviet times, was partially part of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region, on the basis of which part of the village (the so-called Maly Perev) is considered by the South Ossetian authorities to be the territory of the republic. The reason for the controversial status is the impossibility of access to the Georgian part of the village, bypassing the South Ossetian one. In 2008-2010 Perevi was completely controlled by Russia. Since 2010, it has been transferred to the control of Georgia (including Maly Perev).
60. The village of Aibga, Gagra region of Abkhazia with the adjacent territory (160 sq. km) - is disputed by Russia as part of the single village of Aibga, divided in Soviet times by the administrative border along the Psou River between the RSFSR and the Georgian SSR. Controlled by Abkhazia.
61. Liancourt Rocks - administered by South Korea, disputed by Japan.
62.Scarborough - administered by China, disputed by the Philippines and Taiwan.
63.Sir Creek - small areas of swamp land, disputed between India and Pakistan.
64.Teva-i-Ra (formerly Conway) - administered by Fiji, disputed by France (New Caledonia)
65.Tuva - administered by Russia, disputed by Taiwan
66. Wake - administered by the United States, disputed by the Marshall Islands.
67. Fasht Ad-Dibal and Qitat Jaradeh – disputes between Bahrain and Qatar, not included in the division in the judgments of the International Court of 2001.
68.Shabaa Farms is a disputed territory between Israel and Syria, which is also claimed by Lebanon.
69.Jiandao - administered by China, disputed by Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea.
70.Part of Poipet Commune - administered by Thailand, disputed by Cambodia.
71.Part of the sovereign base of Akrotiri - administered by Great Britain, disputed by Cyprus.
72.Part of the sovereign base of Dhakelia - administered by the UK, disputed by Cyprus.
73.Shatt Al Arab is a disputed territory between Iraq and Iran.
74.Southern Kuril Islands - administered by Russia, disputed by Japan.
75.Southern Tibet - Administered by India but disputed by China and Taiwan, which do not recognize the legitimacy of the McMahon Line.
1. Abyei - Both Sudan and South Sudan claim the area, but Sudan controls it after South Sudan declared independence in 2011.
2. Bakassi - the area was transferred to Cameroon by Nigeria by decision of the International Court of Justice and the conclusion of the Greentree Agreement.
3.Banque du Geyser - France claims that the islands are part of a group of islands in the Indian Ocean within the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. Disputed by Madagascar and Comoros.
4. Basas da India, Europa Island and Joao de Nova are de facto part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, disputed by Madagascar.
5.Bure – administered by Ethiopia, disputed by Eritrea.
6.The Caprivi Strip is a disputed territory between Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
7. Ceuta - administered by Spain, disputed by Morocco.
8.Chagos Archipelago - Great Britain administers the archipelago within the British Indian Ocean Territory. Disputed by Mauritius and Seychelles.
9.Part of Gicumbi District, Northern Province - Administered by Rwanda, disputed by Uganda.
10. The Glorieuse Islands are de facto part of the French Southern and Antarctic lands, disputed by Madagascar, Seychelles and Comoros.
11.Halaib Triangle - was previously under the joint governance of Egypt and Sudan. Egypt now claims full control.
12.Heglig – claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan, controlled by South Sudan, internationally recognized as part of Sudan.
13. Ilemi Triangle - administered by Kenya, disputed by South Sudan.
14. Islas Chafarinas - administered by Spain, disputed by Morocco.
15. Jodha - claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan, controlled by South Sudan.
16.Part of the Kabale region - administered by Uganda, disputed by Rwanda.
17.Kafia Kingi - claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan, controlled by South Sudan.
18.Kaka - claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan, controlled by South Sudan.
19.Ka-Ngwane - controlled by South Africa. Swaziland claims the territory was confiscated during the colonial wars.
20.Part of the Kahemba region is a disputed area between Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The countries agreed to end the dispute in July 2007, but the issue has not been fully resolved.
21.The village of Koualou is disputed between Benin and Burkina Faso.
22.Village of Kpeaba – Guinean troops have occupied the village since January 2013, but de jure belongs to Côte d’Ivoire.
23. Moyo district, area near Logoba - disputed between South Sudan and Uganda.
24. Lanchinda-Pweto Province - administered by Zambia, disputed by the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
25. Islands in Mbamba Bay and Lake Nyasa - administered by Tanzania, disputed by Malawi based on the Anglo-German treaty of 1890.
26. The islands of Mbanje, Cocotiers and Congo are disputed between Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.
27.Melilla - administered by Spain, disputed by Morocco.
28. The surrounding area of ​​Migingo Island and further north, near the islands of Lolwe, Owasi, Remba, Ringiti and Sigulu in Lake Victoria are disputed between Kenya and Uganda.
29. Ogaden - belongs to Ethiopia, but is inhabited by ethnic Somalis, which became the reason for the claim from Somalia. This was the reason for two Ogaden wars - 1962 and 1977.
30. Several islands on the Ntem River are disputed between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
31.Several villages near the Okpara River are disputed between Benin and Nigeria.
32.Orange River Border - Namibia claims the border runs down the middle of the river, while South Africa claims it lies along the northern bank.
33. Peñon de Alusemas - administered by Spain, disputed by Morocco.
34. Peñon de Vélez de la Gomera – administered by Spain, disputed by Morocco.
35.Perejil Island - administered by Spain, disputed by Morocco. After the 2002 incident, both countries agreed to return to the status quo of the previous incident.
36. Ras Doumeira and Doumeira Island - administered by Eritrea, disputed by Djibouti.
37. The Rufunzo and Sabanerwa valleys are disputed between Rwanda and Burundi.
38. Rukwanzi Island and the Semliki River Valley are disputed between Congo and Uganda.
39. Sindabesi Island - administered by Zambia, disputed by Zimbabwe.
40.Soqotra Archipelago - Somalia does not officially claim the archipelago, but has asked the UN to look into the “status” of the archipelago, whether it should belong to Yemen or Somalia.
41.Southeastern Algeria - disputed by Libya.
42. Tiran and Sanafir Islands - administered by Egypt, disputed by Saudi Arabia.
43. Tromelin Island is de facto part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, disputed by Mauritius and the Seychelles.
44. Tsorona-Zalambessa is a disputed territory between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
45.Wadi Halfa - administered by Egypt, disputed by Sudan.
46. ​​Yenga coast, left bank of the Macona and Moa rivers - administered by Sierra Leone, disputed by Guinea.
47.Badme - the reason for the 1998 Ethiopian-Eritrean war. Currently under Ethiopian control.
48. Mayotte - in a 2009 referendum, the population decided to become an overseas department of France, but the Comoros Islands lay claim to the territory.
49.Southeastern part of Western Sahara - administered by Morocco, disputed by Western Sahara.

1. Hans Island - Canada and Denmark (on behalf of Greenland) claim ownership of the island.
2. Continental shelf in the eastern Gulf of Mexico beyond 200 miles - the ownership of a small gap beyond the 200 nautical miles of the economic zones of the United States, Cuba and Mexico has not yet been definitively determined.
3. Machias Seal Island - US and Canada cannot determine ownership.
4.North Rock - USA and Canada cannot determine ownership.
5. Strait of Juan de Fuca - US and Canada cannot determine ownership.
6. Dixon Entrance - The United States and Canada cannot determine ownership.
7.Portland Channel - US and Canada cannot determine ownership.
8. Beaufort Sea - US and Canada cannot determine ownership.
9. The Northwest Passage and some other Arctic waters are in Canadian territorial waters, but the United States claims navigation rights
1. Isla Aves - administered by Venezuela, Dominica renounced claims to the island in 2006, but continues to lay claim to the surrounding seas.
2. Bajo Nuevo - governed by Colombia. Honduras recognized the sovereignty of Colombia, Nicaragua, Jamaica and the United States did not.
3. The southern half of Belize is disputed by Guatemala, which previously claimed all of Belize.
4. Northern part of Calero Island - administered by Costa Rica, disputed by Nicaragua.
5. Conejo Island - administered by Honduras, disputed by El Salvador.
6. Navassa - administered by the United States, disputed by Haiti.
7.Sapodilla Cay - administered by Belize, disputed by Guatemla and Honduras.
8. Serranilla - Jamaica recognized the sovereignty of Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua and the United States do not recognize it.
1.Guyana West of the Essequibo River - Venezuela and Guyana have overlapping claims to the maritime zone. Barbados and Guyana also signed an agreement on joint cooperation in this area.
2. Ancoca Islands - administered by Venezuela, disputed by Guyana.
3. Arroyo de la Invernada (Rincon de Artigas) and Vila Albornoz - Uruguay disputes 237 sq. km. the Invernada river near the Masoller region.
4. Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - administered by Great Britain, disputed by Argentina.
5. French Guiana west of the Marouini River - administered by France, disputed by Suriname.
6.Guaira Falls (Set Quidas) - disputed islands, partially controlled by Brazil and Paraguay, were flooded by the Itaipu Reservoir.
7. Guyana east of the upper arm of Quarantine - administered by Guyana, disputed by Suriname.
8. Isla Brasiliera - Administered by Brazil, but Uruguayan officials claim the island is part of their Artigas department.
9.Isla Suarez - administered by Bolivia, disputed by Brazil.
10.Maritime boundary of the Gulf of Venezuela - Colombia claims that it has a right to the waters in this gulf.
11.South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands - administered by Great Britain, disputed by Argentina.
12. The ice field of Southern Patagonia between Monte Fitz Roy and Cerro Murallion - the border has not yet been officially defined, however, both Argentina and Chile have their own claims here.

Abstract on the topic:

“Disputed Territories”

8"A" class student

linguistic gymnasium No. 13

Korostylev Vladimir

Scientific supervisor: Galina Ivanovna Lokteva

I.Introduction……………………………………………………page 1

II. History of the discovery and development of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island…………………… 2

III. The problem of the “Northern Territories” after the second

World War…………………………… 4

IV.Conclusion………………………………… 10

V.Bibliography…………………………………page 11

Globalization processes are beginning, countries are actively cooperating with each other, but still there are unresolved problems, territorial issues, for example, the dispute over Western Sahara between Mauritania and Morocco, over the island of Mayote (Maore) between France and the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros, regarding the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) between Great Britain and Argentina, the War of Palestinian Independence, etc. Russia is also among the disputants; Japan is laying claim to the southern part of the Kuril Archipelago. This is what I am going to talk about in my essay.

The problem of the “Northern” territories

The ancient and medieval history of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands is full of secrets. So, today we do not know (and are unlikely to ever know) when the first people appeared on our islands. Archaeological discoveries of recent decades allow us to say only that this happened in the Paleolithic era. The ethnicity of the population of the islands remains a mystery until the arrival of the first Europeans and Japanese. And they appeared on the islands only in the 17th century and found them in the Kuril Islands

and southern Sakhalin Ainu, in northern Sakhalin - Nivkh. Probably even then, the Ulta (Oroks) lived in the central and northern regions of Sakhalin. The first European expedition to reach the Kuril and Sakhalin

shores, was the expedition of the Dutch navigator M.G. Fries. He not only explored and mapped the southeast of Sakhalin and the Southern Kuril Islands, but also proclaimed Urup the possession of Holland, which, however, remained without

any consequences. Russian explorers also played a huge role in the study of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. First - in 1646 - the expedition of V.D. Poyarkov discovers the northwestern coast of Sakhalin, and in 1697 V.V. Atlasov learns about the existence of the Kuril Islands. Already in the 10s. XVIII century The process of studying and gradually annexing the Kuril Islands to the Russian state begins. Russia's successes in the development of the Kuril Islands became possible thanks to the enterprise, courage and patience of D.Ya. Antsiferov, I.P. Kozyrevsky, I.M. Evreinov, F.F. Luzhin,

M.P.Shpanberg, V.Valton, D.Ya.Shabalin, G.I.Shelikhov and many other Russian explorers. Simultaneously with the Russians, who were moving along the Kuril Islands from the north, the Japanese began to penetrate into the Southern Kuril Islands and the extreme south of Sakhalin. Already in

second half of the 18th century Japanese trading posts and fishing grounds appeared here, and since the 80s. XVIII century - scientific expeditions begin to work. Mogami Tokunai and Mamiya Rinzou played a special role in Japanese research.

At the end of the 18th century. Research off the coast of Sakhalin was carried out by a French expedition under the command of J.-F. La Perouse and an English expedition under the command of V.R. Broughton. Their work is associated with the emergence of a theory about the peninsular position of Sakhalin. The Russian also made his contribution to this theory.

navigator I.F. Kruzenshtern, who in the summer of 1805 unsuccessfully tried to pass between Sakhalin and the mainland. G.I. Nevelskoy put an end to the dispute, who in 1849 managed to find a navigable strait between the island and the mainland. Nevelskoy's discoveries were followed by the annexation of Sakhalin to Russia. Russian military posts and villages appear one after another on the island. In 1869-1906. Sakhalin was the largest penal servitude in Russia. From the beginning of the 19th century. Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands are becoming the object of a Russian-Japanese territorial dispute. In 1806-1807 On Southern Sakhalin and Iturup, Russian sailors destroyed Japanese settlements. The response to this was the capture of the Russian navigator V.M. Golovnin by the Japanese in Kunashir. Over the past two centuries, Russian-Japanese

The border has changed several times. In 1855, in accordance with the Treaty of Shimoda, the border passed between the islands of Urup and Iturup, while Sakhalin was left undivided. In 1875, Russia transferred the Northern Kuril Islands, which belonged to it, to Japan, receiving in return all rights to Sakhalin. Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands met the beginning of the 20th century as part of different states. Sakhalin was part of the Russian Empire, the Kuril Islands were part of the Japanese Empire. The issue of the territorial ownership of the islands was resolved by the Russian-Japanese

agreement signed in 1875 in St. Petersburg. In accordance with the Treaty of St. Petersburg, Japan ceded all its rights to Sakhalin to Russia. Russia, in exchange for this, ceded the Kuril Islands that belonged to it.

islands. As a result of Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Japan managed to seize South Sakhalin from it. In 1920-1925 Northern Sakhalin was under Japanese occupation.

The last time the Russian-Japanese border underwent changes was in 1945, when our country, as a result of victory in World War II, regained South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. In August-September 1945, the Soviets, with US approval, occupied all of the Kuril Islands, and in 1946 the US Occupation Administration announced to the Japanese government that the entire Kuril Islands chain, including Habomai, was excluded from Japanese territory. In 1951, Japan began peace negotiations with the United States and its allies. Moscow participated at first, but then withdrew from the negotiations under the pretext of disagreements regarding US actions in the Cold War. Despite this, the final text of the San Francisco Peace Treaty clearly states that Japan “renounces all rights, claims and claims to the Kuril Islands.”

At this time, Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, who was leading the negotiations on the Japanese side, publicly stated that Japan was dissatisfied with this formulation, especially in relation to the southern part of the islands. Administratively, Habomai and Shikotan are under Japanese administration

always referred to Hokkaido, not the Kuril Islands. As for Iturup and Kunashir, the historical fate of these two islands differs from the fate of the rest of the Kuril Islands, the rights of Russia to which were recognized by Japan back in 1855.

Nevertheless, Yoshida signed the agreement. All he managed to get from the Americans, represented by the ardently anti-communist Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, was the statement that if Japan had such strong feelings for Habomai, it might try

appeal to the International Court of Justice. Regarding Japanese claims to the remaining islands, the answer was a very loud silence.

In 1955, Japan began attempting to negotiate a separate peace treaty with Moscow. Japan understood the weakness of its position regarding the islands. But she hoped that there was an opportunity to get at least some

concessions regarding Habomai and Shikotan and to ensure that the United States, France and Britain recognize that at least these islands do not belong to the Kuril Islands, which Japan abandoned in 1951.

To Tokyo's surprise, the Soviets agreed to this demand: they wanted to stop Tokyo from moving closer to the United States. But conservatives in the Foreign Ministry, fearing any Japanese-Soviet reconciliation, immediately intervened and included Iturup and Kunashir in the list of territorial claims. Moscow said no, and the conservatives calmed down.

However, in 1956, Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoyama decided to try to break the deadlock and sent his conservative foreign minister, Mamoru Shigemitsu, to Moscow with authority to negotiate peace.

Shigemitsu began with the standard Japanese demands of Iturup and Kunashir, but was immediately refused. However, the Soviets again offered to return Shikotan and Habomai, provided that a peace treaty was signed.

contract Shigemitsu decided to accept this offer. However, when news of a possible agreement leaked out, Tokyo anti-communist

Conservatives again took decisive action.

Shigemitsu was recalled and on his way home was “intercepted” by the same John Foster Dulles, who just five years earlier forced the Japanese to abandon the Kuril Islands, including most of what is now called the Northern Territories. Dulles warned that if Japan ceased to claim all of the Northern Territories, the United States would not

will return Okinawa to the Japanese. Tokyo immediately broke off negotiations with Moscow.

Scientists have argued a lot about how Dulles managed to make such a 180-degree turn. One theory claims that in 1951 the United States knew that if it did not comply with the Yalta agreements on the Kuril Islands, Moscow might cease to comply with the Yalta agreements.

agreement on Austria - this problem had practically disappeared by 1956. Another interesting theory, put forward by Professor Kimitada Miwa of Sophia University in Tokyo, argues that the American position in 1951 was the result of a deal with the Soviets, which, by decision of the UN Security Council, assigned Micronesia to the United States three years earlier.

And finally, there is a theory that the insidious Dulles thought through everything and planned it in advance. His intention from the very beginning was to force Japan to give up the Kuril Islands in 1951 and, knowing that the Japanese would later try to return the islands, to include in the peace treaty an article

Allowing the United States to turn to its advantage any concession that the Japanese might make to the Russians in the future. In short, if Japan allows the Soviets to hold even part of the Kuril Islands, the US holds Okinawa. Today's Japanese position completely ignores all the subtleties described above. It simply states that the Northern Territories are Japan's ancestral lands ("koyu no ryodo") and as such should be returned. Regarding the San Francisco Treaty, Tokyo puts forward two extremely controversial arguments. The first is that since the treaty does not say who exactly should receive the very Kuril Islands that Japan abandoned, anyone can lay claim to them, including Japan itself. Another argument is that the Northern Territories do not belong to those Kuril Islands that Japan abandoned, and cannot, being, again, “original Japanese lands.” The last argument, however, is not all right. If Japan had not really given up the Northern Territories in 1951, then why would Yoshida tell the world in 1951 that he was upset about the loss of the Northern Territories? Upon his return from San Francisco, he appeared before Parliament and was asked whether the term "Kuril Islands" used in the Treaty of San Francisco included Iturup and Kunashir. The Foreign Office's Treaty Office, responding officially to this request on behalf of the Prime Minister, replied to Parliament on October 19, 1951: "Unfortunately, yes, it does." Over the following years, Foreign Ministry officials commented on this key point: that the response to parliament on October 19 was: a) misunderstood, b) outdated, and, finally, c) was “kokunai muki,” that is, “for internal use.” , - in other words, foreigners like me should not stick their nose into such matters. Official representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also like to point out the energetic support from the United States, which, since 1956, has officially maintained that Iturup and Kunashir definitely do not belong to the territories. which Japan abandoned in San Francisco. It is clear that the US, which says the exact opposite of what it said in 1951, is simply using a little Cold War-style ploy to keep Tokyo and Moscow at bay - but this suggestion is politely ignored. But not only the United States participated in this process. In 1951, Britain was instrumental in forcing Japan to give up the Kuril Islands, and the British embassy in Tokyo has in its archives a report from 1955 calling the Japanese unexpected demand for Iturup and Kunashir "ridiculous and naive." Today, Britain supports the same demand as entirely reasonable. Australia, which in 1951 made efforts to prevent any concessions to Yoshida on territorial issues (out of fear that post-war Japan would use any border uncertainty as a pretext for militarization), also now unequivocally supports the Japanese position. In short, what began as an effort to punish Japan for wartime aggression turned into the most successful operation of the Cold War to keep Japan in the Western camp. I am not suggesting that the Japanese position should be completely abandoned. If Tokyo referred to the reluctance with which Yoshida abandoned the Kuril Islands, and especially their southern part in San Francisco, and presented some secret documents demonstrating what exactly the United States used to force him to surrender, this would constitute a good legal basis for that to seek a renegotiation of this part of the peace agreement. But today Japan is trapped by its own claims that it never gave up the Northern Territories, so it no longer dares to tell the truth about what exactly happened in 1951. It is easier for her to blame everything on the former Soviet Union than on the United States. It vainly insists that Moscow return these “ancestral lands,” not realizing that in the face of precisely this demand, Moscow cannot give in, even if it wanted to, for fear of creating a precedent that will allow its other neighbors to lay claim to the former “ancestral lands.” ". Hashimoto's proposal that Moscow can control the territories for several more years, provided that it recognizes Japanese sovereignty over them, shows how inadequately Tokyo perceives both the laws of international diplomacy and the Russian mentality. Meanwhile, most Japanese, even educated ones, have completely forgotten what exactly happened then, in the 50s, and are convinced that Tokyo’s demands are absolutely legal. The government is under pressure to continue negotiations in a tough manner and ignore Moscow's regular hints that it is still ready to return Shikotan and Habomai. Such a dispute is doomed to continue forever. And John Foster Dulles is giggling in his grave.

I believe that the Kuril Islands should belong to Russia, because... Japan abandoned them in 1951 and it is too late to abandon its decisions; it lost the war and must endure the hardships associated with it. After all, if all nations demand their lands, then there will be no such states as the USA, Great Britain, Russia, etc. And secondly, Russia and Japan are still at war, and first they need to sign a peace treaty, and only then talk about territorial disputes.

Most of all, disputed territories that may have military significance attract the attention of states. Shelves and sea areas rich in fish are a tasty morsel. Last but not least in importance are those places where you can successfully develop. Such economically important objects are most often the subject of government disputes. The Russian border is 60,000 kilometers long, and the longest maritime border with the United States.

Claims against Russia from Asian states

The Kuril Islands are currently a stumbling block for the signing of a peace treaty between Russia and Japan. Since the end of World War II, it has not been signed between these countries, although Japan finally capitulated on September 6, 1945. Today these two states are in a state of truce; the Japanese are demanding that part of the Kuril ridge be given to them.

The border with China is demarcated, but it has claims against Russia. And today the Tarabarov and Bolshoy Ussuriysky islands on the Amur River are controversial. Here the borders are not even delimited. But China is taking a different path; it is systematically populating the territory of the Russian Federation with its citizens. The water space and shelves of the Caspian Sea are divided by Russian-Iranian agreements. The states that have newly appeared in the political world, and these are Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, are demanding that the bottom of the Caspian Sea be divided in a new way. Azerbaijan is not waiting, it is already developing its subsoil.

Claims from Europe

Today, Ukraine has a territorial claim to Russia; it does not want to agree with the loss of Crimea. Previously, there were disputes about the Kerch Strait and the Sea of ​​Azov, which Russia proposed to consider internal between the two countries, while Ukraine demanded their separation. There are problems, and they are very difficult to solve. Latvia tried to make claims regarding the Pytalovsky district, but for the sake of the possibility of joining the EU, it abandoned it.

Despite the fact that the media are circulating rumors about Estonia’s claims to the Ivangorod region, official Tallinn has not made any claims. Lithuania plans to annex the Kaliningrad region, but it is unlikely to want a war with Russia.

Norway is not satisfied with the Russian border between the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Norway demands that the border be established exactly in the middle between the islands belonging to the two countries; it wants to review the borders of Russian polar possessions. In 1926, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee established the border of the polar possessions of the USSR, including in the state all the islands in the north of the Eastern Hemisphere, including the North Pole. Today, many countries consider this document unlawful.

Territorial dispute is an international dispute between states over the legal ownership of a certain territory. Demarcation disagreements between the parties, as well as a unilateral territorial claim, are not a territorial dispute.

Currently, approximately 50 countries around the world dispute certain territories with their neighbors. According to the calculations of American researcher Daniel Pipes, there are 20 such disputes in Africa, 19 in Europe, 12 in the Middle East, and 8 in Latin America.

In the post-Soviet space, the most serious territorial dispute arose due to Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory in southwestern Azerbaijan inhabited by Armenians. In 1991-1994. There was a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Nowadays, Nagorno-Karabakh is a de facto independent state, calling itself the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Azerbaijan and the international community consider Nagorno-Karabakh to be part of Azerbaijan.

In December 1963, due to the aggravation of relations between the Greek Cypriots and the Turks caused by outside interference in internal affairs Cyprus, the joint activities of the Greek and Turkish members of the House of Representatives ceased. Turkish Cypriots do not participate in the work of the House of Representatives, the Council of Ministers and other government bodies of Cyprus. The Greek Community Chamber was abolished in March 1965. The Turkish Cypriots created a “temporary Turkish administration” in December 1967.

The Executive Council of the “Turkish Provisional Administration”, headed by the Vice-President of the Republic, exercised executive power in the Turkish regions of Cyprus. On February 13, 1975, the leadership of the Turkish community unilaterally proclaimed the so-called “Turkish Federative State of Cyprus” in the northern part of the island. Rauf Denktash was elected as the “first president” of the “Turkish Federative State of Cyprus”. In June 1975, the Turkish community approved the constitution of this “state”. On November 15, 1983, the legislative assembly of the “Turkish Federative State of Cyprus” unilaterally proclaimed the so-called. an independent Turkish Cypriot state called the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”. The “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” is still recognized only by Turkey.

Some islands of the Kuril chain are the subject of Japanese territorial claims to Russia. The Japanese link the conclusion of a peace treaty with solving the problem Southern Kuriles.

Kashmir is a disputed area in the far north of the Indian subcontinent. India lays claim to its entire territory. Pakistan and China dispute India's rights, with Pakistan initially claiming ownership of the entire area and now effectively incorporating northwestern Kashmir. The northeastern part of Kashmir is under Chinese control. The rest is occupied by the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

One of the most important problems in relations between China and India over the past fifty years remains the unresolved territorial border dispute around Tibet. On August 25, 1959, the first widely publicized Sino-Indian armed incident occurred. Following this incident, China presented significant territorial claims to India.

The conflict between Syria and Israel has not been resolved Golan Heights. In 1967 they were occupied by Israel. In 1973, the UN established a buffer zone between Syrian and Israeli forces. In 1981, the heights were annexed by Israel. The new status is not recognized by the international community.

Argentina claims Falkland Islands (Malvinas) in the South Atlantic. Disputes between Argentina and Great Britain over the ownership of the islands began in the early 19th century, when the first British settlers appeared on the islands.

Territorial dispute erupts between Canada and Denmark Hans Islands, located near Greenland. Large deposits of oil and gas have been discovered on the shelf between Greenland and Hans, and both countries lay claim to these resources.

Strategically important islands Bassa da India, Europa, Juan de Nova and Glorioso(Indian Ocean near the African coast of Madagascar) are the subject of a dispute between France and Madagascar. Now controlled by France.

In December 1996 Imia rocks(Greek name) or Kardak (Turkish) in the Aegean Sea became the reason for the conflict between Greece and Turkey. The conflict was stopped by the international community, but both countries did not give up their claims.

Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 65 islands, the largest of which is Diego Garcia, with an area of ​​40 square meters. km, is the subject of a dispute between Mauritius and the UK.

Spratly Archipelago in the Pacific - a subject of dispute between China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. Part of the archipelago has also been claimed by Brunei since 1984. The struggle for these islands has repeatedly led to armed conflicts. In particular, in 1974, a naval battle took place between the Chinese and South Vietnamese navies.

Paracel Islands in the South China Sea are the subject of dispute between China and Vietnam. China captured the islands in 1974 and is currently home to an air force base built by China.

Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea are now the subject of dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan, but are controlled by the Japanese Navy. Oil reserves were discovered near them.

Islands in Corisco Bay on the coast of West Africa, the largest of which is Bagne Island, with an area of ​​several hundred square meters, are the subject of a dispute between Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. The reason for the dispute is the unsettled state borders that were formed during the colonial era.

San Andres Islands And Providencia in the Caribbean are the subject of a dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia. This territorial dispute is extremely difficult to resolve, because the maritime borders of not only Nicaragua and Colombia, but also Costa Rica, Honduras, Jamaica and Panama depend on the ownership of the islands.

Island Abu Musa and the Tanb Islands (Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuzd) - the subject of a dispute between Iran and the United Arab Emirates. The islands are now controlled by Iran, which took control of them in 1971. The conflict between Iran and the UAE periodically flares up and enters the phase of exchanging harsh statements.

The dispute proceeds most peacefully over territory of Antarctica, claimed by seven states: Australia, France, Norway, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile and Great Britain, with the latter three countries disputing a number of territories of the ice continent from each other. Since all claimants to the territory are parties to the Atlantic Treaty, signed in 1959, which recognizes the sixth continent as a weapons-free zone of peace and international cooperation, the transition of these disputes to a military stage is practically impossible.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Territorial claims have had a significant influence on public policy from time immemorial, although the further we move from the Middle Ages, the less reasonable disputes over small islands, bays and patches of land seem.

However, from time to time the issue of territorial claims attracts attention.

In the modern world, the importance of territorial disputes is still decreasing: more and more states today understand that a large territory is not at all a reason for pride, but if we talk about the past (sometimes very close), then -

From the depths

Historians usually divide territorial disputes into several categories. These are disputes over areas of military strategic importance, economic importance and political importance.

This division is quite arbitrary, since each controversial case has its own characteristics and nuances.

Territories that can become “transshipment points” for attack in the event of war are of military importance. Particularly dear to states are areas that can be used for reconnaissance activities, today, for example, for the placement of radar stations.

Economically important regions include straits, canals, as well as areas rich in natural resources or with great potential for the development of tourism business. Most often, disputes between states arise when dividing water areas rich in fish, as well as when determining the boundaries of oil shelves.

Territories that are historically disputed have political significance, and they usually do not play an important role in geographical or economic terms. But territorial claims can become a way to score political points in the election fight.

Who is applying for what?

Today, almost everyone knows that some islands of the Kuril chain are the subject of Japanese territorial claims. But not only Japan makes territorial claims to Russia.

The issue of current borders has been periodically raised or raised by other neighbors, not to mention the former republics of the USSR. The roots of these problems go deep into centuries, when many different lands were annexed to the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire included present-day Finland, a significant part of Poland, the Caucasus, and the famous Alaska.

After the redivision of the world map as a result of wars in the 20th century, many controversial issues, if not left unresolved, then left a significant mark in the “collective unconscious” of neighboring nations. After the collapse of the USSR, several more problems increased. In terms of the length of its borders, Russia ranks first in the world - 60 thousand kilometers.

Moving along the border, let us comment on the problems in relations with neighboring states related to the territorial issue.

Russia v USA

Russia and the United States have the longest maritime border in the world. The only problem for a long time was the issue of delimiting the waters of the Bering Strait. In 1990, an agreement was signed between the USSR and the USA on the delimitation of maritime spaces (territorial waters, economic zone and shelf were delimited). This is about five thousand kilometers.

Russia v Japan

Russia and Japan do not have a border agreement. There is no peace treaty either. The Japanese link his conclusion with the solution to the problem of the South Kuril Islands.

Russia v North Korea

There is an agreement on the demarcation (marking on the ground) of borders and delimitation of maritime space; the borders are clearly marked not only on the map, but also on the ground. And they are securely guarded. North Koreans enter China, Japan and South Korea illegally much more often, and most of the North Korean illegals reported in the media in the 1990s are workers who fled from North Korean-owned timber industry enterprises in Russia.

Russia v China

Border disputes have marred relations between the USSR and China since the 1960s. The culmination of border disputes is considered to be the events of 1969, when China sacrificed more than one thousand of its soldiers in the battle for Damansky Island (at that time, this piece of land measuring one and a half by half a kilometer, covered with silt and overgrown with reeds, was not yet a peninsula).

In 1991, an agreement was signed on the demarcation of the eastern part of the border with a length of about 4,200 km. Demarcation is complete. However, the parties were unable to agree on two of its sections: on the Argun River (Bolshoy Island) and on the Amur (Bolshoy Ussuriysky and Tarabarov Islands). Here it was not possible to even delimit the borders (mark them on the map), let alone demarcate them.

There is a delimitation agreement in force on China's western border with Russia, which is about 50 km long. Demarcation has begun.

Russia v Mongolia

The border treaty and demarcation agreements are in force.

Russia v Kazakhstan

The border issue has not yet been raised by either side. Now there is a very conditional “inter-republican border”.

Caspian Sea

Russian-Iranian agreements on the division of the Caspian Sea are still in effect. However, the new independent Caspian states - Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan - demand the division of the Caspian Sea (primarily its bottom). Azerbaijan, without waiting for the status of the Caspian Sea to be determined, has already begun to develop its subsoil.

Russia v Azerbaijan

A bilateral commission on border delimitation has been created. Its activities are complicated by the fact that in some areas on both sides of the border Lezgins live and the people are divided.

Russia v Georgia

Since 1993, a border delimitation commission has been operating. Its activities are hampered by the presence of unrecognized entities in Abkhazia, South Ossetia (Georgia) and Chechnya (Russia). The problems of the Black Sea border have not been resolved: territorial waters, economic zone and shelf have to be demarcated.

Russia v Türkiye

All border problems were resolved during the Soviet period.

Russia v Ukraine

Russia believes that the Sea of ​​Azov with the Kerch Strait should be considered an internal sea of ​​Russia and Ukraine. Kyiv insists on its division. The problems of the land border are discussed together with the entire complex of bilateral Russian-Ukrainian problems and are solved just as difficult as all the others.

R Russia v Belarus

The question of the border between the two states has not yet been raised.

Russia v Latvia

After gaining independence in 1991, Latvia raised the issue of recognition of the 1920 treaty with the RSFSR and the illegality of transferring the Abrensky (Pytalovsky) region of Latvia to Russia in the late 1940s. Latvia did not actually demand the return of the territories, and in the mid-1990s it completely dropped all claims against Russia, fulfilling the conditions necessary for joining the EU.

Russia v Estonia

Despite statements disseminated by a number of media outlets, Estonia does not officially make any claims against Russia.

Kaliningrad region

This Russian semi-enclave shares borders with Poland and Lithuania. There are no border problems here, although, according to a number of Russian media, the idea of ​​annexing the region is growing in popularity in Germany and Lithuania.

Russia v Lithuania

An agreement on border demarcation was signed. However, Russia has not yet ratified this treaty.

Russia v Finland

The agreement on the state border is in force, documents on its demarcation have been signed.

Russia v Norway

The land border and territorial waters are documented and demarcated. The main problem of bilateral relations is the delimitation of the maritime economic zone and the shelf. Negotiations on this have been going on unsuccessfully since 1970. The Norwegians believe that the Russian “border of polar possessions” should be revised, and insist on the principle of equal distance of the border from the island possessions of both countries.

The border of Russia's polar possessions was established by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1926. This sector, with its apex touching the North Pole, included all the islands of the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean. Many countries are increasingly making statements about its illegality.

How real are the claims?

It is unlikely that any of Russia's current neighbors are capable of getting involved in a war in order to realize their territorial claims. However, in the modern world there are many other ways to achieve your goals. Russian experts love to build scenarios like:

“Border conflicts and fuss over border demarcation are possible, as was the case with the Verkhniy Lars border checkpoint on the border with Georgia.”
“We cannot ignore the possible provocation of ethnic and interethnic conflicts on Russian territory from the outside. As is happening now in the Caucasus in connection with Chechnya, on the border with Dagestan, with Abkhazia and Georgia.”
“There may be a gradual change not in favor of Russian citizens in the ethnic balance in the adjacent Far Eastern territories due to the penetration and settlement of Chinese citizens there.”
“A kind of “economic blackmail” as a reaction to the internal cataclysm in Russia. If something happens here, some of our neighbors may present their deferred territorial claims to Russia, like bills of exchange for payment.”

This is interesting

In addition, according to journalists’ calculations, in Russia itself, over the past 10 years, about 30 territorial claims of the constituent entities of the Federation against each other have emerged.

Moscow is arguing with the Moscow region about the ownership of the Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo airports, the Tver region is arguing with the Yaroslavl region about the islands on the Mologa River. Shadrinsky and Dolmatovsky districts of the Kurgan region gravitate towards the Sverdlovsk region. Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region are at odds over disputed territories. And this is not a complete list.

Particularly dangerous are regions such as Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, where calls for division have long been heard.