Underwater animal world. What animals live in aquatic environment

Lobster They really feel pain when they are thrown in boiling water. However, immersing them before cooking in salty water, you can give them anesthesia.

Starfish - The only animal capable of turning out its stomach inside out. When it approaches its prey (usually it is representatives of mollusks), the star puts the stomach through the mouth and covers the victim's shell. Then slowly digesting the fleshy pieces of mollusk outside his body.

Newborn pre-legged cancer Balyanus (Barnacle) is similar to Daphny (Water Bloch). It is also called sea acorns or sea tulip. At the next stage of development, it has three eyes and twelve legs. At the third stage of development, it has twenty-four legs and does not have an eye. Balyanas are attached to a solid object and remain there for life.

When the marine ears are powered with red algae, their sink becomes red. The sea ear of 10 cm can still hold onto the stone that two strong people will not be able to tear it.

Sea worms Fall as follows: In the marriage period, females and males are going to the swarm. Suddenly, females are pounced on males and bite their tails. The tails contain sperm. When swallowing, it moves along the digestive tract and fertilizes the eggs of female.

Snails Mowed only once in life. Pairing can last up to twelve hours.

When pairing leechperforming the function of male (leeches - hermaphrodites, and can perform the role of any gender), clinging for the body of the female and places the scene with sperm on the skin. This bag highlights a strong, destroying fabric enzyme, which eats a hole in her body and fertilizes the eggs inside it.

Leeches belong to the class of animals. They are considered long-livers, because can live for more than 20 years. The leeches can do without food very long - to two (!) Years. After each meal, they grow right in their eyes.

The leeches are large clean and dwell only in the most purest water bodies of the planet, especially their very much in environmentally friendly places. Unfortunately, due to the pollution of the atmosphere of leeches every year it becomes less and less. As a result, leech was listed in the Red Book and now it is protected by law. Those leeches that are grown in captivity are much worse treating various diseases in contrast to their feasures of leeches living in the wild. Therefore, it is more efficient to use for the treatment of special wild leeches.

Breathing jellyfish It is very different from human breathing or even fish. The jellyfish does not have lungs and gills, as, however, and any other respiratory organ. The walls of its pupils and the tentists are so thin that oxygen molecules fluently penetrate through the jelly-like "skin" straight into the internal organs. Thus, the jellyfish breathes the entire surface of his body.

Farmers of the Caribbean countries use a poison of a certain type of jellyfish as a poison for rats.

Beautiful, but deadly Australian sea wasa (Chironex Fleckeri.) - the most poisonous jellyfish in the world. Since 1880, near the coast of Queensland, 66 people died from her poison of cardiovar and paralytic action, in the absence of medical care, the victim died for 1-5 min. One of the effective means of protection is women's tights. Now, during surfing, rescuers in Queensland wear huge sizes

Crabs dwell off the coast of Japan heikeganiThe pattern on the shell of which resembles the face of an angry samurai. According to the assertion of the popularizer of the science of Karl Sagan, this species is obliged to be an unintentional artificial selection. Many generations of Japanese fishermen, catching such crabs, let them go back to the sea, as they considered them the rebirths of the samurai killed in battle. These fishermen increased the chances of haykhani for reproduction and increase their number among other crabs.

In males of mantowing crabs, one claw is significantly more different. These crabs were obtained for the fact that as if they call for females to themselves, moving this claw. Males of one of the types of malesting crab UCA MJOBERGI. Let's go further - if they lose a big claw in battle with another male, then they grow it even more, although significantly weaker. Nevertheless, for females, its species becomes more significant, and other males fear into battle with the owner of such a claw.

The new kind of large squid was opened by scientists in Indian Ocean in 2009. Representatives of this species reaches a length of 70 cm. They belong to the family Chiroteuthid. - deep-sea squid with a long narrow body.

Deep-sea shells - Some of the strangest prehistoric animals. They are found when ice in Antarctic is destroyed. These meter worms are considered the first forms of life that settled the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean.

Barreleye Fish - The fish can rotate through the eyes in all directions, and since the head of the fish is transparent, then she can also try to see their brain, if there is any (black dots above the mouth - it's not an eye, eyes are green hemispheres in the head).

Fish-needle Hunting completely unique way: she approaches the victim, often hiding behind other fish, and lightningly sucks it into his long "beak". In terms of its characteristics, the needle is very similar to the seaside skate.

For centuries, scientists, starting with the Greek philosopher Aristotle, tried to understand how the eel was breeding. Today it is known that she puts the caviar in the Sargasso Sea, between the Bermuda and Caribbean Islands. Small larvae go on a trip for many thousands of kilometers to return to the rivers where their parents come from.

The electrical organs are not only at the row. The body of African river soma Malapteruruus Wrapped like a fur coat, a cushy layer in which an electric current is formed. The share of electrical organs accounts for about a quarter of the weight of the whole catfish. The voltage of discharges it reaches 360 V, it is dangerous even for a person and, of course, is disliked for fish.

A variety of starfish, called Lunckia Columbiae. Can completely reproduce your body from a particle in 1 centimeter.

Many scientists believe that the first living beings developed into the sea. Hundreds of millions of years passed before the animals appeared on land. Life in the ocean is much more diverse than on land, and many types of plants and animals are found only in the seas. More than 150 thousand species of animals and plants live in the oceans. The weight of all living organisms inhabiting the world ocean reaches 50-60 billion. T. In the waters of the ocean there are all types of organic world - from the simplest organisms to mammals.

Do not live in the sea only multicacies, spiders and amphibians.

The aqueous medium is different from the air: it is different in it; the temperature is distributed; At high depths there is a huge water pressure; Sunlight penetrates only the top layers.

Among the many wonderful properties of water, small thermal conductivity, very high heat capacity and large solubility in the water of various substances are particularly significant. Due to the high heat capacity of the water, the temperature regime of the oceans does not change so sharply as on land. This is important both for cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals. The aqueous organisms do not need adaptations to sharp ambient temperature changes.

Slowly heating, the water of the oceans also slowly gives heat into the atmosphere. Therefore, the warm water of the oceans and the seas are then when the summer hot period is already ends. Ocean water keeps huge heat reserves. By moving his air, it significantly affects the climate of the surrounding countries. The average temperature of the surface layer of the water of the world ocean + 17 °, 4, and the surface layer of air on the surface of the entire globe is only + 14 °, 4.

Daily fluctuations in the water temperature off the coast, in small bays and bays more than in the open sea. Seasonal changes in the temperature of the water in the moderate regions of the Northern and South Hemispheres are more significant. But seasonal temperature differences are observed in the upper layer - to a depth of 500 m. At large depths, over 1000 m, the temperature changes very little during the year.

In addition to the water temperature, the most important condition for life is the presence of oxygen. Sea organisms breathe oxygen, as well as their terrestrial "relatives". In gases dissolved in water, oxygen is an average of 35% (in an oxygen atmosphere 21%). Oxygen, which breathes animals and plants, enters the water from the atmosphere or is formed as a result of algae photosynthesis, therefore it is greater in the surface layers than in deep. Sea currents It is well stirred for water, and oxygen in a small amount spreads to the bottom of the oceans. In places where the mixing of deep waters is difficult, as, for example, in the Black and Arabian seas, the Bengal Gulf, at the depths of over 200 m there are no free oxygen, hydrogen sulfide is formed there.

In addition to gases, the water of the ocean contains a significant number of different solvables. Of great importance for the development of the organic world is salinity of sea water and the composition of salts. On average, oceanic waters contain 35 g of salts in 1 kg of water. If you evaporate all the water of the oceans, then the bottom of them would be covered with a 60-meter salt layer.

Live organisms for development are needed by substances from which protein is formed. Primary creators of the organic matter in the sea, as well as on land, - plants. All marine animals get protein already in finished form, drinking algae or feeding animals.

Sea plants - algae, like sushi plants, contain green pigment - chlorophyll. It helps them use the energy of sunlight to form inside the cell of the chemical process, as a result of which the water captured by plants on hydrogen and oxygen captured by plants, and then hydrogen is connected to carbon dioxide absorbed from ambient water. So carbohydrates are formed: glucose (sugar), starch, etc. Then, in the body of algae due to the compound of carbohydrates with phosphorus, nitrogen and other substances absorbed from the water, proteins and other organic substances are formed. The oxygen released during the decomposition of water is distinguished from the cell. It enriches water with gas, necessary for the respiration of organisms.

In the surface layers of water and shallow coastal places of the seas and oceans, rich vegetation is developed - a variety of algae. On such "underwater" meadows "graze" a huge number of racks, worms and other small animals.

Laminaria is large seaweed, reaching 6 m lengths. Many laminaries are edible: they contain sugar substances. From these algae mining iodine. Laminarias are also used to fertilize the fields (the snapshot is made during the low tide). Photo: Chris Booth

This is also raised to refill the larvae of many bottom animals, which in adulthood firmly grow firmly to the bottom or break into il. Small animals serve food herring, saardines and other fishing fishes, as well as whales. Inhabitants of large depths are filter or predators. Filtrates are filtering large amounts of water to filter food - the remains of plants and animals that come here from the surface layers of water.

Mainland waters wash off various substances from the surface of the sushi and "fertilize" the oceans. In addition, the dieting organisms falling on the bottom of the ocean and decompose there, serve as the richest source of water replenishment with nitrogen reserves, phosphorus, potassium and other substances required by plants. The flows, stirring water into the sea, tolerate these substances up and "fertilize" the water layer, where marine plants live, with the help of which these substances come into the cycle of life.

Sea mollusks, corals, most sponges, sea hedgehog and stars, worms, msanka, as well as some algae (lithotamia)

Corals under water are very similar to highly branched algae, but these are not plants, but animals. They are attached by one end to underwater rocks and form large colonies. Photo: Derek Keats

a huge amount of calcium is removed from the water, which goes for constructing shells, shells and various skeletons. Radiolaries, silicon sponges and some other animals need silicon. It can be said that all substances dissolved in water even in insignificant quantities are needed by the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. The remarkable constancy of the salt composition of ocean water is supported by the activities of organisms.

For normal life, plants need sunlight. The sun rays do not penetrate the great depths of the sea. This is primarily due to the fact that some of the sunlight is reflected from the water surface. The lower the sun over the horizon, the larger the percentage of the rays is reflected from the sea surface, so in the Arctic seas the light penetrates to a lower depth than in equatorial waters.

In water, various parts of the solar spectrum penetrate into different depths. Red and orange rays are quickly absorbed by the first meters of water, the green disappear at a depth of 500 m, and only blue penetrate to 1500 m. Algae especially need red and orange rays and at least in green. Therefore, plants in the sea are found mainly at a depth of up to 100, less often, animals are usually not directly in the world and inhabit the ocean water to maximum depths.

The entire multi-kilometer thickness of the ocean water can be divided into two "floors": the upper - producing organic substance and lower (deeper 200 m) - consuming.

Until recently, it was believed that the depths of the ocean are more than 6 km of lifeless, since allegedly no living organism can endure a huge water pressure.

Soviet scientists have proven that even the biggest depths there are fish, crabs, crayfish, worms, clams and other animals. Deepive inhabitants adapted to life and with great pressure. In the body of marine animals, contains a large amount of water, and it is compressed very little, so the pressure inside the body easily balances the pressure from the outside. That is why it turned out to be a possible life at high depths.

The starfish is looking for food using numerous papillae legs located on the underside of the rays. This animal is a predator; It attacks mining, superior to its size. In such cases, the starfish turns the stomach and envelops the victim they, and then pulls the stomach again. Photo: Ryan Poplin

Many inhabitants of large depths rise to the surface layers. They can often be found at a depth of 1000 and occasionally 500 m. Climb above the animal interferes with high water temperature: they are accustomed to living at constantly low temperatures. The water at great depths has a temperature only plus 1-2 °. Under such conditions, all the processes of life are delayed. Organisms grow significantly slower than in warm surface layers of the ocean. The reason for the same meal.

The animals dephes are in constant darkness, many of them are blind, and some eyes have a "telescopic" structure, which allows you to catch the slightest glimpses of light. Part of the animals have special "lights", glowing in various colors. So, for example, on the head of the fish, a small-seater is one pair of light organs radiates red light, and the other couple is green. In some mollusks, light organs emit blue light. There are animals in which a special luminous liquid accumulates in the body. At the time of danger, the animal produces it and blinds the enemy.

Many deep-sea creatures have different organs that help them perceive sound waves. After all, in a pitch darkness, you should be able to catch the movement of the far-sailing enemy or, on the contrary, to locate the desired prey. The sound spreads well in water - almost 5 times faster than in the air (about 1520 m / s).

In deep-sea fish strikes the magnitude of the mouth and the abundance of teeth. In some fish, the jaws are arranged in such a way that they can widely move away, like a snake, and a small predator is able to swallow the victim even more than he himself. This is due to the small number of living beings at high depths: if it was uncassed to grasp mining, then it is necessary to swallow it. As you can see, living on the enormous depths of the organisms well adapted to the conditions of their environment.

The closer to the surface, the richer and more diverse is life. Of 150 thousand species of marine organisms in upper layers (up to 500 m depths) inhabit more than 100 thousand species.

The living conditions in the sea are very favorable. In the sea of \u200b\u200bplants from all sides are surrounded by a nutrient solution, and on land they produce water roots from soil and nutrients dissolved in it.

To keep on Earth, hard creatures need strong roots or strong limbs. On land, the biggest animal is an elephant, and in the sea - whale, which is 20-25 times heavier than an elephant. Such a huge animal on land could not move and died. Another thing is in the water. On the whole body in water, as is known, the ejecting force is acting equal to the weight of the fluid in the volume of the submerged part of the body. That is why the Whale with his huge weight has to spend many times less effort when driving in water than it would take on land.

Floating jellyfish. She captures her long tentacles. Photo: Luca Vanzella

The temperature in the sea is more constant than on land. Marine animals do not need to look for protection from cold in winter and from the heat in the summer. With the onset of frosts, the thick layer of ice and snow prevents the penetration of the cold into the water. Ice, like a fur coat, closes with water and protects water from freezing. Even in the Cold Arctic, the sea never freezes to the bottom. Temperature in winter in the depths of the sea, under the cover of ice, almost the same as in the summer.

Life in the depths of the ocean

Favorable living conditions contributed to the development of the greatest diversity of organisms into the sea. All inhabitants of the seas under the conditions of their existence are divided into three groups: Plankton, Nekton and Benthos.

Plankton includes various microscopic algae (diatoms, peridine, blue-green), single-celled animals (globigerines, radolaries, etc.), small wraps, jellyfish, some worms, caviar and fry of many fish. The word "plankton" is Greek, it means "wandering", "wearable". Indeed, all these inhabitants of the sea are passively tolerated by the movement of water. They are actively moving mainly vertically - up or down. In the afternoon, Plankton's animals are lowered into the depth, and in the evening climb the surface layers. The plankton moves the fish that feed them. The flows tolerate plankton at considerable distances, and planktonoid marine animals everywhere find food.

No matter how small planktonal organisms in their volume, their number in the seas and oceans is huge. If we could put all whales and fish on one scale, and on another plankton, he would have pulled. The number of plankton dramatically decreases with depth.

Negon include: Most fish, lastonodi animals (seals and walruses), cetacean (whales, couch), cephalopogo mollusks, sea snakes and turtles. Nettle is also a Greek word and means "floating". Animals that relate to necton have a streamlined body shape that helps them quickly move in water. To catch up with China is not easy even by a high-speed ship, and it is difficult to go away from the mouth of dolphins and quick-playing fish.

Most fish and mammals make long-distance travel - migration. With the onset of the time of Ikrometania, many fish are combined into millions of jambs that sometimes occupy an area of \u200b\u200bseveral tens of kilometers. Traveling from the fastening site to areas of spawning (ikrometania), the fish swim hundreds and thousands of kilometers.

Many fish go to spawning from the sea in the river. These fish are called passing unlike marine. Passionate fish, especially salmon and sturgeon, rise up rivers over long distances. If the path in the river is blocking the thresholds, the fish pop out from the water and the strong jumps overcome them.

Coming from the Arctic Ocean in the Siberia River, the valuable fishing fish Nelma (from salmon) passes more than 3 thousand km up the river to the place of spawning. Particularly magnificent is the course of fish in the rivers of the Far East, when Million Jambs of Gorbushi and Keti rushed into the River Bering and Okhotsk Seas. In rivers, they do not eat and after spawning dying.

Another type of migration is observed in eels. Adults are departed for spawning from rivers in the ocean. European acne rims to caviar in the waters of Sargasso Sea. For this, they overcome the path of 7-8 thousand km. After spawning, adults die, and the larvae of the Atlantic current is transferred to the shores of Europe.

Long Travel Makes the White Sea Herd of Greenland seals. In the summer, they refill in the waters of Spitsbergen and the land of Franz Joseph, and in the winter they come to give birth to the young in the throat of the White Sea.

Almost 5 thousand km pass whales to the warm part of the ocean, where they appear on the light of their young. Together with young whales, parents go on fattening back to cool waters north and south.

Among the cetaceans are distinguished by the preoccupied and teeth whales. The first received their name because they have the rows of horny plates, chosen along the inner edge with horny fibers, as if mustes. Passing through the mouth a large amount of water, the comfortable whales are fixed and swallow the small inhabitants of the surface layers of the ocean.

Actinia and Mollusk live in "Friendship": Mollusk is acting, and she protects his "cab driver" from enemies with blocking capsules, which can stun even small fish. Photo: Tanaka.

Torch whales are hunting for fish and squid, and the tales (predatory dolphins) - for seals, cats, shrune. Universal surprise, even in the picture, causes cachelot with a huge as if stupidly chopped head. He is huge, weighs tons 20 - almost as much as all the torso. Coughs are beautiful divers. Their main food is challenges. Behind the major squid, casulotots dive into a depth of several hundred meters. Often scars from the suction of giant squid (more than 10 m long) are visible on the skin of the coushlots. Whales were so adapted to life in water, which acquired a variety of body shape. Previously, China was called Fish-Kit. You can't go to the landing of whales.

Whales - mammals animals. They give birth and feed the young milk in the water. Whales breathe atmospheric air and therefore dwell in the surface layer of ocean water. In the process of evolution between whales, a kind of distribution of hunting places occurred. Music whales are told upper layers - up to 50 m; Deeper, up to 100 m, dive close relatives of Cashalotov - bottles, and even deeper, up to 300 m, hunt for food cookies. Used whales are under water 10 minutes, and coushlots - up to 45 minutes.

Fish, seals, whales and many other representatives of necton are the main mining of marine fishery.

All inhabitants of the bottom of the seas and oceans belong to benthos. The word "benthos" - Greek, means "deep". For animals belonging to benthos, hard ground is needed as a permanent support, for example for corals, or temporary, as for Cambals. Some representatives of benthos settle on coastal rocks and beaches above the water level, where the splashes of waves reach.

Attached to the bottom of the sea algae and many animals inhabiting in the zone of tides, during the low tide they live in the air. However, this does not prevent their development.

Deep to 100 m is growing various large algae. Deeper they disappear. The rays of the sun are quickly absorbed in the water, so the bottom algae cannot live at great depths.

The amount of benthos decreases with depth. At depths up to 300 m per 1 m 2, the bottom of the benthos accounts for about 250 g, and it is over the coast and in shallow water, it is calculated by many kilograms. At a depth of over 10 thousand m of the bottom animals, less than 1 g per 1 m 2.

The world ocean is divided into five biogeographic areas: the Arctic, Antarctic, northern and southern moderate areas and the tropical area.

For the Arctic and Antarctic regions, it is characterized by low, often even negative water temperature in winter and summer and floating ice.

In moderate areas of both hemispheres, the water temperature varies significantly in different seasons; In the tropical area - constantly high temperature of the surface layers of water. Seasonal temperature fluctuations rarely exceed here 2 °.

Life in the northern seas

Let's start from the north. Before us extends ice fields, but they are not lifeless. Here to the edge of the ice cream polar bear. There are seals on the ice. Limbs, or flippers, they look like oars. At the ends of the fingers of the hind extremities, cartilage plates are developed, and between the fingers - swimming membranes that increase the area of \u200b\u200b"oars". The soles of the hind limbs are adjacent to each other, and the animal can bend them to the right and left, like the tail of the fish. On land of seals move with difficulty, crawling on the belly. Other lastonodi - walruses, Syvuchi and seams - although moving through the limbs along the shore or ice, but also or rather "crawl" than "go."

The body of an adult seal is covered with short rude hair. Under the skin - a thick layer of fat; He, like a warm fur coat, does not give an animal to choke in cold water.

Pouring lastonodi predominantly fish and races. In seals, like all lastonous, excellent smell and rumor, and eyes are well seen under water, and on land. That is why the polar bear who sneaks on the ice to the seal often leaves not Solono Bread: The seal is lightningly disappear in the hole.

A flock of uniogogov is known in the big cavity (they are often called narrollas). This is one of the types of dolphins. The thick skin of the unicorn is covered with a horn layer. She, like armor, protects the beast from bruises about ice. The only tooth in males broke in length and turned into a tale. Occasionally, they have two tales. Four the unicorns of the fish, especially the skike. The unicorns are often found in the waters of Greenland, Franz Joseph and Northern Earth.

Near the Siberian coast, our ship will meet another kind of Dolphin - Beluhu. The flock of Belukh came here to get started by Navagoy, bull, Pechora herring and salmon fish. Beluch leather has "armor". Beluhi received its name for white skin color characteristic of adult animals. In the north they are called "Belugami". During the stroke of Beluhi, fiercely roar. The roar of this reminds the roar of the bull and at the same time the grune shrinking. Hence the famous expression: "roars like Beluga." Beluhi devour a lot of pink salmon and kats.

In the Barents Sea, you can meet the herd of Greenland seals. More than a hundred years ago, Greenland whales were held here. Now they are rarely found: they have destroyed almost all. The waters of the Barents Sea are populated by millions of racks and a large number of fish - herring cods, pikes.

Young seabelets - Belok. Photo: Brian Scantlebury

Now let's go down south. We will fall into the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, which refers to the northern moderate area. Here we will meet many different fishing vessels. They went to the fishery of the Atlantic herring, cod, pikes, sea perch, Cambals. The southern border of the northern moderate region is developed fishery Sardin.

Soon on the deck of our vessel, volatile fish will be falling - the inhabitants of the tropical area. Freesh fish finish turned into wings. But the wing of the fish is the wing is not a bird, but a glider. Bat fish does not wave the wings, but flies like a glider, spreading his fins widely.

It is impossible to list all the inhabitants of the tropical area. Warm waters of world

the ocean is abundantly populated with various types of animals and plants. The Tropical Coast of the Malay Archipelago grows 860 types of brown, red and green algae. There is no such oily vegetation in any sea. There are also 40 thousand species of various marine animals - sponges, corals, worms, mollusks, fish. Corals form islands and reefs. The famous large barrier reef east from Australia stretches for 2200 km, a new Caledonia barrier reef - 1500 km.

Among the coral colonies flashes the fancy shapes. Motley, like butterflies, fish. Here is a strange ball, covered with needles: this is an og-fish. At the sight of the enemy, the body is inflated.

Sometimes in the mouths of the rivers and on wetlands of tropical coasts there are dense mangroves. Among the roots of mangrove trees live a lot of marine animals, including fish-jumpers. These fish get out of the water ashore and hunt for insects. Some types of jumpers have adapted to live without water, that they die if you deprive them of opportunity to stay in the air.

Shark. On her belly attached fish-sticks, which travel with shark as "free passengers" and approach her the remains of food. Photo: Ba.zinga.

On the shore you can see the crab, which is called coconut or palm thief. He almost suggested with water and comes to sea only for breeding. Failures crab pulp coconuts, followed by palm tree. It cuts nuts with its powerful clamshes, drops down and eats.

In the tropical seas, gigantic skates live - the relatives of the shark - with a very scorched side fins. Curious electrical skates - torpedo. In the body they have special organs in which electrical energy accumulates. The discharge of electricity of the skate is sufficient to paralyze the fish or remove the predator.

Among the sharks are giants - whale sharks - up to 20 m. The life of peculiar fish is closely connected with sharks - Lotsman's fish and stuck. Fish-Lotsman helps shark to detect a flock of fish. Fish-sticks are attached to the abool bump with a special sucker and travel along with it. Priliper and pilots are approaching the residues of shark food.

Of the marine mammals of animals, Dugoni and Lamanities from the detachment of sirens are interesting. These are marine herbivorous animals. The forelimbs have turned into flippers, and the rear are missing. They live in the zone of the lush development of bottom algae.

Continuing the journey to the south, we fall into the southern moderate area. Here will meet old acquaintances in the northern seas: whales, seals, sardines, sea perch, kefal. On the secluded islands you can see the cats. They are close relatives of our Far Eastern Kotoves.

Penguins live in high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. They live on the islands, shores and even ice of the Antarctic. Immediately you can meet and seals. Near the edge of the ice floes whales. Among them are found blue whalesreaching 33 m lengths and 120 tons of weight. One such giant weighs as much as 25 elephants or 200 bulls. Whale life takes place in the sea. Malytka whale gets 100-200 l of milk for a day. Under water, whale may be 5-10 minutes. Having emerged on the surface, it exhales the exhaust air with force. Exhaled with air steam is thickened in the cold and a fountain is formed. In the form of a fountain, you can find out the kind of whale.

Antarctica Sea is now the main area of \u200b\u200bwhale fishing. Whales use fat, skin, meat, and medical drugs receive from the internal secretion glands. In Antarctica you can meet huge floating plants of Soviet whaling flotilla.

In the northern moderate region of the Pacific Ocean and in our Far Eastern seas there are many species of animals close to the inhabitants of the Atlantic Waters: Cod, herring, Sardin, Kamchatka salmon, etc. You can see here and have not yet met animals. Striking a huge amount and variety of salmon

fishes: Gorboshi, Kets, Chags, Narki. On the coasts there are big rookers of the silence and quotes. On the Commander and Kuril Islands there are marine omens (Kalans). They are also called Kamchatka or sea beabons. The name is unsuccessful because Beaver belongs to the rodent detachment and feeds on plant food. The moderate area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific is richer with a variety of animal species than the same area in the Atlantic Ocean.

Layers in the ocean

When Batiskof "Trieste" fell on the bottom of the most deep depression In the World Ocean - Mariana (11,022 m), he stopped three times, meeting some kind of invisible obstacle. As you know, in Batiscife, gasoline plays the same role that in the airship of hydrogen or helium. To continue the immersion of Batiscopes, it had to produce some amount of gasoline, it did the device heavier. What prevented the baachiskop descent?

An obstacle to the path was a sharp increase in the density of water. In the ocean with a depth, as a rule, the temperature is reduced and the salinity of water increases, resulting in its density. At some depths, all these changes occur abruptly. The layer in which there is a sharp change in the temperature and density of water, and is called the "layer of the jump". Such layers in the ocean usually happens one or two. Trieste found another third. With a thorough study of water in Pacific Ocean It turned out that it in some areas has increased radioactivity due to explosions, which were produced in that period of the United States.

What animals live in aquatic environment? You are interested in this question, and you want to find a response on it, then in this article you will definitely get the necessary information.

Animals that live in aquatic environment

The world of the inhabitants of the aquatic environment is very diverse. Although oxygen in the aquatic environment is not much as in ground-air, animals have adapted to ensure themselves with this vital gas. So, fish Abpen dissolved oxygen in water with a gills. Dolphins and whales Live in an aqueous medium, but oxygen provides themselves beyond. To do this, they are raised from time to time to the surface of the water to breathe air.

In fresh reservoirs live bobras., their thick wool has a property not to skip water, that is, impenetrable.

Feathers birdsliving in the aqueous medium is covered with a substance that does not allow water to be soaked.

The aquatic environment became a factor that influenced the structure of the organs of movement, for example, fish move with the help of fins; waterfowl poultry, beavers, frogs - With the help of extremities that have a membrane between your fingers.

Seals and fruit Have wide flippers. On the ice, they are pretty slow, because their mass does not allow you to move quickly, but in the water they are very delicious and fast.

Beetles-Plavantsy Have legs, reminiscent of oars.

In the oceans at a depth of more than 1 km - a complete darkness. There are only those organisms that have adapted to such conditions. Some of them have special special organs that have the ability to glow blue, green or yellow.

At a depth of 2-3 km, fish live, which are called "Marine Tits", or Festrikovbecause their body is covered with plaques and spikes, and they are incredible big sizecharacteristic of ordinary fish. From the dorsal fins "Dam" grows and hangs "rod", at the end of which there is a glowing organ. Fakers use it as bait, since this mobile point attracts the attention of organisms that swim by, and "hell" in turn gently pulls up the "fishing rod" to their mouth and just in a matter of seconds swallowing prey. Some species of fish are such "Fishing Fishing" are in the mouth, so on the hunt they float with an open mouth.

So, the organisms living in the water had to adapt to such a medium for centuries.

This article discusses the fastest living beings living in the water. At first glance, it seems that the representatives of the Water World will not even be closely able to compete at speeds with the rapid inhabitants of sushi and birds. After all, the habitat itself is water, dense and viscous, does not predispose to move at a very high speed. But it turned out that if the fastest "Letunov", the aquatic animals still "did not reach", then the Earth representatives of the fauna in speed, practically, are not inferior. It is clear that the speed for them is one of the most important qualities that allow them to survive in the wild, allowing the "hunter" to focus "sacrifice", and "victim" to escape from the "hunter". But what maximum speed is able to develop the inhabitants of the seas, oceans and fresh reservoirs? Consider the fastest of them ...

Tiger shark (lat. GaleoCerdo Cuvier) - 53 km / h

Tiger shark It has a big mouth in which there are a lot of teeth with beveled vertices. Such a mouth is adapted for nutrition with sea turtles. Turtle speed is about 35 km / h, and the speed of the tiger shark is 53 km / h. Why does she need such a big speed supply? Probably, then so that it is not to become the prey of larger predators.

Kitka (Lat. Orcinus ORCA) - 55 km / h.
At the picture of Kosykki off the coast of Alaska

Kotakamarine mammal, Catual-shaped detachment, beloved whales, Dolphin family. The only surviving modern representative of the kind of kota. This is the largest water predator that, nevertheless, develops a good speed - 55 km / h. As in the previous case, such a speed of Kosyk is needed exclusively for hunting, because no one except for a person attacks this animal. High speed quality and considerable intelligence make Kojaka very fast and dangerous predator.

Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) - 56 km / h

Tarpon - Large fish, similar to externally on herring, but not having nothing in common with it. Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) can grow up to 2 meters in length, and its speed corresponds to its size - up to 56 km / h. Interestingly, when this fish lacks oxygen, they can jump out of the water to literally, block air.

Blonde Sea Pig (Phocoenoides Dalli) - 56 km / h

White sea pig, or sea pig dala - mammal, reaching a length of 1.8-2 meters, and a newborn individual - 1 m. The males have characteristic signs that distinguish them from females (hump in front of the tail part, beveled front and others). Live blonde guinea pigs groups (about 20 individuals). They can sail at a speed of a little more than 56 km / h. Sea pigs - predators. Feed on fish and ciphat mollusks, on which they hunt at night.

Blue, or Blue Shark (Prionace Glauca) - 69 km / h

Blue, or Blue Shark - type of cartilage fish from the gray shark family. Widespread all over the world and lives both in the ocean and the speculation, and is one of the most common sharks on Earth. It has an elongated torso, with elongated pectoral fins. It is quite large in size and can reach the length of 4 meters. The name of this shark corresponds to its colors (blue back and blue belly). The rate that this sufficiently common subtropical shark is capable of developing - 65-69 km / h.

Yolkoper Tuna (Thunnus albacares) - 70 km / h

Yellow truck tuna - Fish from the Skumbrian family, which plays a significant role in the fishing industry. It is found in all the tropical and temperate latitudes of world oceans, but is absent in the Mediterranean. It has impressive for commercial fish with dimensions - 2-2.5 meters in length, and the weight reaches 200 kg. Its grayish body cross is about 20 longitudinal white-yellow lines. These large fish are capable of sailing at speeds up to 70 km / h.

Atlantic Blue Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) - 74 km / h

Atlantic blue tuna - One of the fastest fish. It can develop speed up to 74 km / h. Blue tuna got its name due to its color: the back of a blue-gray, bluish color, and belly - silver. These fish are warm, which is quite rare of fish. Thanks to this, the fish feel well in cold, and in warm waters.

Mackerel (Scomber) - 77 km / h

Few people know that such common fishing fish like mackerel (Scomber), can develop a very greater speed. During spawning or in a throw, it can be saved from speed up to 70-77 km / h. Interestingly, mackerel hold big groupsin which all fish of one value.

Marlin (Lat. Makaira) - 80 km / h.
In the picture of Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin

Marlini From the family of sailfish in the length of the body can be compared with some kind of sharks, as they can grow up to 4 m, but at the speed of MARLIN movement significantly overtake the shark, and many other aquatic inhabitants. These fish can race with a speed of 80 km / h. Interestingly, it was for Marlin who hunted the hero of the story "Old Man and the Sea" (E.Hhemaniway).

Fish Sailboat (Istiophorus Platypterus) - 109 km / h

The fastest fish also applies to the Marlinov family. Fish sailboat He fell into the Guinness Book of Records due to the incredible speed, which is capable of developing. The fish has a characteristic spinal fin in the form of a sail, which has given the name. When sailboats float on high speed, dorsal, anal and abdominal fins fold and remove into special recesses on the body of the fish. The sailboat is an active predator and can develop speed up to 100 km / h. During a series of tests conducted in the Long-Ki fishing camp, Florida, USA, a sailboat sailed 91 m for 3 s, which is equal to the speed of 109 km / h.

01.04.2013 19:05

There are animals that are firmly associated with water with water, despite the fact that they cannot exist without sushi. They differ in size, appearance, live in different parts of the globe, but they are united by water elements - the source of food, coolness and, if necessary, reliable shelter.

Water horse ... For reason, the Romans gave such an unusual nickname to the most ordinary hypopotam. When these mighty animals shook their heads out of the water, they really resemble the horses something, although they have nothing to do with them.

Water - the favorite element of the hippos, which on land feel not very comfortable and go there only in search of herbs. On earth, the hypopotamas are hot and uncomfortable, but in the water - the most it is, and the skin with a thickness of 3 cm reliably protects them from supercooling.

The appearance of hippos is deceptive! It seems that due to weight (more than 150 kg), short feet and a wide body, they are hardly moving, but in fact, even on land, the hypopotams can develop a decent speed and will not be climbing except in thick thickets, where they will find it difficult to turn around. Therefore, tourists who met on their way of these giants are recommended not to annoy animals and quickly leave their roads, because hypopotamas can be very aggressive and quickly will find the use of their huge fangs, protecting the territory or cubs.

If there are such agricultural ones, they are not worth talking about water! Hippo prefer to simply stand on the bottom of the reservoir, holding their head on the surface of the water or completely plunging into it, but smashing every 5-7 minutes to breathe air. However, if the hypopotam wants, he can go to the depth and sailing a significant distance of no worse than the Olympic champion. There are cases when the flock of hippopotamos sailed up to 30 km, so compete at the speed of swimming is not recommended with them.


Sea seals - one more lovers of water elements that go to the land just for a small rest and reproduction. The body of the cats is specially designed to conquer marine expanses and is not at all intended for movement on land. So, 100 meters in the water cat will overcome in 10 seconds, and on Earth - in 10 minutes!

In search of food, sea seals can spend in the ocean to several days, snacking fish, molluscs, crustaceans. If there are no stones or shore nearby, to translate the spirit to a bit, the cats are arranged on the rest right on the surface of the water, turning around the treasures.

Marine seals somehow resemble their fluffy sicks living in our apartments - young individuals also like to tumble and play all day. They chase each other in the water, hiding behind algae or stones. Excellent nuh allows the cats to worry in the water of their fellows, the film in front of the eyes will embarrass them from irritation, and the ear shell closes when diving - their maritime nature is that they feel in water as at home.

Pernation whale

There are several types of flamingos, which differ in color, size and habitats. It combines their power supply - lagoon, small salted or reservoirs, rusties, where you can always find algae, invertebrates or crustaceans. In search of food flamingos, the water is buried with a beak from the surface of the water or immerse it for several centimeters. At the edges of the beak, these birds are small scallops, which are filtered by racks and algae. Then the throat, working like the pump, pumped out excess water. The most popular dish in the diet of flamingo - blue-green algae, the average consumption of which is about 60 g per day per person. By the way, it is these algae flamingo obliged a luxurious color - they contain the coloring pigment cantaxantine used and as a food dye in cooking. You can find more details about the life of these and other inhabitants of our planet in the "Wild Show" program on weekdays at 16:00 on the Animal Planet TV channel.