Price calculator: how much money to take with you and which resort to choose so that it’s inexpensive? How much money do you need in Thailand How much money do you need in Thailand for 14

Today we will tell you how much money it costs to take with you to Thailand in 2020, if you go for a week, 10 days or a month. We lived in this country for more than two months and kept current prices for flights, accommodation, transportation and other services.

To complete the picture, let’s compare the cost of living in Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok. I would like to note right away: all prices indicated in the article are relevant for the high tourist season - from December to March. Naturally, at the end of spring, summer and early autumn, budgets will be smaller, it is worth keeping this in mind.

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1. Air flight Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow

In December, the price of a direct regular flight from Moscow to Bangkok will cost approximately 17 thousand rubles per person. For 34 thousand for two - it will be Aeroflot, economy class, with luggage up to 23 kilograms and travel time - 9 hours.

A connecting flight in 2020 will cost about 13-14 thousand per person. Prices are relevant if you buy tickets several months before your planned trip. The closer the departure date, the more expensive the tickets will be. Also, do not forget that it will be cheaper to fly from Siberia than from Moscow, and more expensive from St. Petersburg.

We bought a return ticket 1.5 months in advance, and flew home on New Year’s holidays, so the price tag was no longer so profitable - we paid 50 thousand rubles for two. And it was a flight with a transfer of 9 hours.

Therefore, a flight is approximately 80-90 thousand for two back and forth at the beginning of the hot season, i.e. December. If you constantly monitor the desired destination in an air ticket aggregator, you can find promotional offers from airlines and buy tickets at a discount. You can also choose a low-cost airline instead of a regular flight; there are more risks, but the prices will be lower.

2. Medical insurance for Thailand

It's up to you to decide whether to buy it or not. Arguments for - in case of illness, fall from a bike or if you suddenly encounter Dengue fever - treatment with insurance will cost tens of times cheaper. Medicine in Thailand is very expensive: for example, for a photo of a bruised limb and a bandage you will have to pay 3-4 thousand baht. And in a week in a good hospital in Phuket with the same Denge, your wallet will be empty by an impressive 100 thousand baht. On the other hand, in 2 months in Thailand we never encountered fever. We didn’t fall off the bike, although there were dangerous moments. In general, insurance was not useful to us. But with her it was really calmer - they processed it and forgot about everything.

As for the price of insurance. For Thailand, you should choose coverage of at least 50,000 euros per person and be sure to include a bike ride in your insurance if you plan to rent one. If you are traveling for a week, then for one person such insurance will cost 1.5 thousand rubles, for 10 days - in 2 thousand, and for a month - about7 thousand rubles For two people, the amount, of course, needs to be doubled)

If you still decide to take out insurance in Thailand, then you can select several options according to your parameters and choose the most profitable one.

3. Renting housing for a week, 10 days or a month

One of the most popular questions is how much money to take for rent in Thailand. We will consider average options - simple apartments or separate houses with their own kitchen, so that you can cook at home. Just don’t forget that there are many housing options in Thailand; you can live in guesthouses and hostels for less than the prices we indicated, and in condominiums right on the coastline and villas for more expensive prices.

3.1. Accommodation in Phuket

Let's start with Phuket. For example, a standard studio apartment in a small condo near the not very popular Bang Tao beach will cost 7-8 thousand baht (in 2020 the price can be safely doubled, because 1 baht equals 2.1 rubles). This is for rent for a week, in high season. For 10 days such housing will cost 12 thousand, and for a month - 35 thousand baht.

But in reality it is expensive. For example, we rented a two-room house in Phuket for 15 thousand baht per month . For Thailand, this is a fairly standard price for a long term. The house was located 3 kilometers from the same Bang Tao beach. Everything is modest, but there are 2 rooms (that is, the housing is suitable not only for two adults, but also for families with children, sleeps 4), its own small kitchen with everything you need and a parking space. Of course, there are no gyms or swimming pools, and the place is not the most touristy. But we rented a bike and rode to new beaches every day.

Also, many houses in Phuket ask for a deposit. On average it is 5 thousand baht if you rent a house for a month. The deposit will be returned upon check-out. You will also probably have to pay separately for Wi-Fi, water and electricity. For example, in a month we used 750 baht worth of electricity (the owner calculated the price using the meter). For Wi-Fi and water they paid a fixed amount of 1000 baht.

3.2. Accommodation in Pattaya

Many tourists who travel to Thailand in 2020 prefer to stay in the resort city of Pattaya. It doesn’t attract us much, but we promised that we would calculate the budget for a trip to Thailand in a comprehensive manner, so let’s talk about accommodation in Pattaya. Here for a week a studio apartment like this would cost 5 thousandbaht. And these will also be separate apartments with a kitchen and washing machine. The condo will have its own gym, and it will be located somewhere on Jomtien Beach, almost on the coastline. For 10 days such accommodation will cost 6 thousand baht, and for a month - in 13 thousand.

3.3. Accommodation in Bangkok

In Bangkok the price tag is not much different from Pattaya. If you live on the outskirts, you can fit within 10-11 thousand baht per month. This will also be a studio apartment in a new high-rise building. However, you need to take into account that in this case you will have to constantly take the metro or taxi.

For example, we lived for a whole month in Bangkok, a 20-minute walk from the Royal Palace, not in a tourist area, in a separate two-room apartment. And they gave it for her 14 thousand baht. No deposits or other payments.

By the way, this is what our apartment looked like - in a former court building with a very interesting interior and rich history. In fact, only after living in such places do you truly begin to feel the culture of another country.

4. Rent a bike/car

Now let’s calculate how much transport in Thailand will cost for two people in 2020.

1. Transport in Phuket

If you are going to the resort even for a week, we advise you to rent a bike or car. Because there is a lot to see on the island, but the distances are long, and public transport is very poorly developed. There is only one Smart Bus route along the coast from the airport to the southern beaches. About once every hour, and one trip from the north to the south of the island will cost you 170 baht per person. For this money you can ride a bike around the entire island three times in a circle.

Local taxi drivers - tuk-tukers - also flourish in Phuket, but they are known to be very greedy people. To move between neighboring beaches in the mountains you will have to pay 250-300 baht. There is also Grab Taxi (analogous to Yandex.Taxi), but in Phuket this pleasure is very expensive - for 10-15 kilometers they will ask you for 400-500 baht.

So let's switch to renting a bike. The most popular model on the island is Honda Click 125cc . Prices in 2020 are very affordable: for a week this scooter will cost 1.4 thousand baht, for 10 days - 2 thousand, and for a month - 4.5 thousand baht. The option is very economical, suitable for two.

For example, we rented a slightly more powerful option - Honda PCX 150cc. An excellent option for two, with a spacious trunk and a very powerful engine, which pulled us up any mountain without any problems (and there are plenty of mountain serpentines in Phuket) and easily avoided crowds of Thais at traffic lights. For a month, this bike cost us 6 thousand baht (week - 2, 10 days - 2.5 thousand).

Or you can rent an even more comfortable option for 300 cubic meters - Honda Forza. Three people can ride this maxi scooter comfortably, for example with a child. True, you will have to pay extra for comfort: for a month, such a motorcycle will cost almost the same as a car - about 18 thousand baht.

Don’t forget that they will ask for a deposit for the bike - usually 2-3 thousand baht. It will be returned if you do not damage anything on the scooter during the ride. By the way, for driving without a helmet or without a category A license (international or Thai) in Phuket you can run into a fine of 500 baht. They stop actively, especially in the evening and at night in Patong and when leaving it, keep this in mind.

Continuing the topic of renting your own transport, let's say a few words about cars. In Phuket in 2020, the price tag for a car starts from 900 baht per day. Let's take for example the most popular middle-class car - Toyota Corolla or Vios. For a week such a car will cost you 6 thousand baht, for 10 days - 8.5 thousand, and for a month - 13 thousand baht. I repeat, this is for the high season. For a car, the deposit is expected to be higher - from 5 thousand baht.

And a few words about refueling. Figures for the bike: in a month we covered one and a half thousand kilometers around the island, and spent 1.5 thousand baht on gas stations. It turns out that in 2020, for bikers, 1 kilometer in Thailand costs 1 baht, which is very budget-friendly, considering the prices for taxis and public transport in Phuket.

2. Transport in Pattaya

Prices are a little lower here. For a week, a standard bike, for example, a Honda Click, will cost you 1.5-2 thousand baht. For 10 days - 2.5-3 thousand baht. And for a month - 4-5 thousand. We give prices in increments, because prices may vary in different offices. Deposits are similar - 2-3 thousand baht. Car prices are also slightly lower. Per day - from 800 baht.

3. Transport in Bangkok

In Bangkok, a bike will cost less than taking a taxi or subway, but the traffic in the city is very dense, there are big traffic jams during rush hours, and Thais drive very unpredictably. Therefore, if you are traveling to the capital of Thailand, you will need to choose - your own transport or pay extra for comfort and safety.

The metro costs on average in 2020 40-50 baht for one, the price depends on the number of stops. Local taxi drivers in Bangkok charge 600 baht to anywhere in the city, according to the meter the average is 150 baht over not very long distances.

But there is one nuance - local bombers love to deceive tourists. And if they understand that they won’t be able to persuade you to accept a fixed fare, they may pretend that they don’t understand English and refuse to go. And no maps or laid out routes will make them move. We found ourselves in such situations 3 times, after which we moved only through Grab Taxi. Here the price tag is higher, the service takes its commission and it turns out to be about 180 baht for the trip, but no questions.

As a result, during a month in Bangkok we spent about 6 thousand baht on transport. And this despite the fact that we walked a lot, because... the location of the housing allowed.

6. Food in Thailand

Next, let's talk about food: we'll tell you how much money you should take for two in 2020 when traveling to Thailand for a week, 10 days or a month. We won’t count general budgets (in the end we’ll just show ours), but we’ll name specific price tags for food and ready-made meals. In this expense item, the price range will be very large - some people can eat only ready-made meals from 7/11 (local supermarket), while others prefer to go to restaurants every day.

1. Budget meals.

Let's start with the most budget food - the already mentioned 7/11 and makashnitsa. With this option, one serving of rice or noodles with meat will cost you 20-30 baht. Very tasty, although after a month the local spicy cuisine will begin to get boring. Another budget-friendly food option is to cook at home, if your housing option allows it.

As for food prices in supermarkets in Thailand: for example, a kilogram of chicken will cost you 130 baht, fish - 40-70 baht, and shrimp - 250 baht. Dairy products are expensive in Thailand: 2 liters of pasteurized milk costs 90 baht. And the prices for cheeses are generally prohibitive - 100 baht per small piece.

Here are the prices for the same instant noodles that Thais eat with great pleasure for breakfast, lunch and dinner, judging by how they stock these noodles in stores - you will pay for 6 packages 40-60 baht. It will taste like a regular beach bag, most likely with a spicy dressing.

Vegetables and fruits are quite affordable in Thailand, but of course it is better to buy at local markets or directly from cars. Fruit prices in December:

  • mango: 30-60 baht per kilogram.
  • papaya: 80 baht.
  • mangosteens: 200 baht.
  • pineapples: 80 baht per piece.
  • dragon fruit: 60 baht.
  • jack fruit (or breadfruit) - 90 baht (for 10-12 pieces).
  • durian (yes, that very “fragrant” fruit of Thailand): 200 baht for 300 grams (i.e. for a couple of pieces).
  • watermelon: 110 baht per piece.

2. Food in buffets.

The average option for a delicious meal in Phuket for two (or a family) is a buffet or buffet. We visited two places - for 200 and 300 baht per person. Behind 200 baht you are left to put raw meat, fish and seafood on your plate yourself and fry it all yourself in a frying pan like this over a fire.

The cafe is run by Thais, but they speak English very well and you can pay with a card, albeit with a 3% commission.

And for 300 baht you can enjoy real Russian food at BBQ Nice Steak, which is run by our compatriot. We highly recommend it if you want to have a tasty and inexpensive meal with the whole family.

Here are the marks of both buffets on the map:

3. Eating in restaurants.

And of course, let's talk about restaurants and cafes, of which there are a great many in Thailand. Here, for example, is a standard set of seafood in Phuket, which includes crab, squid, shrimp and mussels. Costs 750 baht. Everything is fresh and fried right in front of you.

Seafood set on Kamala Beach, Phuket. Price - 750 baht. More than enough for two.

But a plate of shrimp on Khao San Road in Bangkok in 2020 - the price 250 baht.

A serving of shrimp on Khao San Road in Bangkok. Price - 250 baht.

Well, for variety, a portion of Pad Thai salad and a local snack - spring rolls - cost us 250 baht.

A portion of salad and spring rolls in Bangkok for 250 baht

A few words about drinks; after all, the hot climate forces you to drink a lot of liquid. A one and a half liter bottle of water in any market costs 15-20 baht. Coffee there - 40-60 baht. Young coconuts are often offered on beaches or fruit stands: the average price is 40 baht per piece. An iced fruit smoothie costs 50-60 baht in Bangkok and 80-100 baht in Pattaya or Phuket.

Prices are average, of course they vary from place to place. By the way, if you are going to Phuket or Pattaya for a long time together, or even more so, with children or friends, then it makes sense to buy a blender at Tesco or Big C (about 400 baht) and make smoothies at home yourself. The savings per month are quite significant + you can mix a variety of fruits, it turns out very tasty.

Cocktail lovers at the bar will have to fork out for 250-300 baht for a cocktail if you decide to look into a cafe in Phuket somewhere on Bangla Road. The price of a cocktail in a Bangkok bar is not much different - the same 250 baht. True, it was a bar on the 81st floor of the Bayok Sky skyscraper.

Cocktails at Bayok Sky Bar in Bangkok. Price - 500 baht for two.

As you can see, food in Thailand is a purely subjective expense. But in our opinion, it will be difficult for two people to live on 200 baht a day in 2020. On average you need to cook approx. 1000 baht for two per day. It will be tasty and varied. If you like to drink cocktails at a bar, then increase the amount at least 2 times. Of course, not everyone spent thousands of baht and went to cafes and restaurants, often cooked at home and sometimes bought ready-made meals in supermarkets. Our budget for two for food for a month in Bangkok turned out to be 13 thousand baht. In Phuket - 16 thousand baht.

7. Entertainment in Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok.

Let's first talk about beach holidays, because this is the reason why people most often travel to Thailand. So, does it cost to rent a sun lounger? from 20 to 40 baht on the beaches of Phuket and Pattaya. If you don’t want to rent, you can buy your own sun lounger for 200 baht; they sell them everywhere. Beach activities are, as usual, not cheap. For example, for 30 minutes on a jet ski you will have to pay 1.5 thousand baht. Usually they trade, but not much.

The streets of Phuket and Pattaya are full of options for a wide variety of excursions. As for prices, for example, for a one-day trip to the neighboring islands you will have to pay 2-3 thousand baht per person.

If we are talking about Bangkok, then for example, for visiting the aquarium you will have to pay 900 baht per person. To climb the Bayok Sky skyscraper - 400 baht minimum. To enter the territory of the Royal Palace they will ask for 500 baht per person.

Oceanarium in Bangkok. Price - 900 baht per person.

And finally, let's talk about Thai massage. On average, they will ask for 300 baht for a foot, back or neck massage. A full body massage costs 1.5 thousand baht (the most expensive option we came across in Phuket was with four hands and with all kinds of lotions and oils).

8. Clothing and souvenirs.

Everything here is more or less standard for all resorts and cities. Magnets sell for 100 baht for 3 pieces. For a branded T-shirt with an elephant and the inscription “Thailand” they will ask for 200 baht.

Clothes cost about the same - for 200 baht you can buy everything: pants, long sleeve shirts, flip flops and hats. They sell at every turn.

If you want to bring home a large beautiful painting from local artists or a mask of some spirit carved from wood, then prepare the minimum 1000 baht.

9. Local SIM card.

Many travelers, when calculating how much money they need to take with them to Thailand, forget about a local SIM card. Of course, hotels and apartments have Wi-Fi. but, for example, we constantly used the navigator to get directions in Phuket and public transport applications in Bangkok. That's why we always needed the Internet. Perhaps, if you are traveling for only a week, you will not need a local connection.

We bought a local SIM card only for mobile Internet, called home via Viber and Skype. Therefore, prices are only for the Internet - you will get unlimited 4G for a week for 200 baht, for 10 days - 300 baht, and for a month - 800 baht. We took a SIM card from the AIS operator for a month and for the money we were also given a universal adapter for all sockets as a gift. We bought it at the Bangkok airport, perhaps it would have been cheaper in the city.

10. Household items

And the last item of possible expenses that you should prepare for before traveling to Thailand are various household items that you cannot do without if you are traveling for a longer period. For example, sunscreen costs 300-400 baht per tube. Cosmetics are not cheap, you will have to pay for a good face cream 300-500 baht.

However, small household items like toothpastes, soaps and shampoos cost about the same as in Russia, so there is no point in bringing them from home, everything can be bought locally.

A few words about laundries in Phuket. For a kilogram of linen they ask for 50 baht. On average, for one wash and dry (bed sheets, towels + clothes for two) it comes out to about 200-300 baht.

Final budgets: how much money to take to Thailand for a week, 10 days or a month?

1. To Phuket.

For a week in 2020, you should cook approximately 120 thousand rubles for two. This includes: round-trip flights from Moscow + insurance + more or less decent accommodation + bike + normal meals 3 times a day. We do not include souvenirs, excursions, local communications and household items, because this is a purely subjective moment. Some people don't need it.

For 10 days the budget will be 140 thousand for two. And for a month - about 170 thousand rubles. As you can see, it turns out to be the most profitable for a month, because tickets in any case cost the same, no matter how long you fly, but accommodation and transport are available with big discounts.

On the southern cape of Phuket

2. To Pattaya.

A week of living at this resort, including roundtrip flights, insurance and meals, will cost approximately 110 thousand rubles for two. For 10 days it is worth preparing a budget in 125 thousand, and for a month - 150 thousand rubles for two people.

3. To Bangkok.

Of course, many tourists go to this city for just a couple of days to briefly see the local attractions, and often take ready-made excursions for this. But if you plan to see the city on your own and live in it longer, then the budget will be approximately the same as in Phuket.

View of Bangkok at night from Baiyok Sky

*All prices are indicated at the beginning of 2020. Exchange rates at the time of writing: 1 baht = 2.1 ruble.

Recently, Thailand has become so popular among Russian tourists that the number of people wishing to visit it is growing by leaps and bounds. It attracts with its incredibly beautiful landscapes, azure beaches with the purest sand, hospitality and relatively low prices for tourist services. When planning a trip, sooner or later every tourist will be faced with the question “how much money should you take with you for your vacation?”

It is unlikely that you will be able to get a specific answer. After all, everyone has their own needs, level of comfort and length of stay. Some people like visiting expensive restaurants, while others can easily get by with eating from a simple Thai “makashnitsa”. Some people need a suite in a five-star hotel, while others may want to stay in a modest bungalow.

No matter how complex the question posed, we will still try to consider the most basic cost items that you will encounter while visiting the country, which will help you plan your vacation budget.

How much does a trip to Thailand cost?

The most expensive part of a trip to Thailand will be airfare and accommodation. These two items will make up the bulk of your expenses. As a rule, at the beginning of the season, a plane ticket from Moscow to Phuket will cost $250-300, to Bangkok - slightly more than $200. It is worth purchasing them in advance, then you will be able to save a little. Plus, the cost may increase closer to December-January, since at this time the tourist flow in the country reaches its maximum.

Resort towns in Thailand offer a huge selection of accommodation at a variety of prices. Everything will depend on the distance from the sea and comfort. Daily rental of a simple room in Phuket starts from 500 baht (≈), if you look in Phuket Town, you can find a good option for 350 baht (≈). A week's stay for two in a 3* hotel on Kata or Karon beach will cost approximately 10,000 - 15,000 baht. Pattaya is cheaper in this regard. There, the cost of housing starts from 350 baht (≈), and there is much more choice.

In case you want to rent a hotel room, it is best to use RoomGuru. This is a search engine for hotels and hotel rental sites (it simultaneously searches for Booking, Agoda, Expedia, etc.) and it returns the cheapest options.

You can visit Thailand on last-minute packages. A week-long tour to Phuket will cost from $700 when staying in a 3* hotel, to Pattaya - from $450 and above.
Price for hot tours to Pattaya:

Prices for hot tours from Moscow to Phuket:

Flying to Thailand on your own is beneficial if you plan to spend at least a month there. In this case, you will be able to save a lot on housing. If your trip is designed for 1-2 weeks, then you can safely go to a travel agency and purchase a tour from them.

How much money to take with you on vacation to Thailand

How much money to take with you on a trip directly depends on the length of your stay and the chosen resort. The most expensive will be a holiday in Phuket or Koh Samui. Pattaya is classified as average. Well, one of the most budget cities at the moment is Hua Hin or Chiang Mai.

  • Food. Regardless of whether you fly on your own or on a purchased tour, you will have to spend money on food. As a rule, only breakfast is included in the hotel price. Within each resort there are a huge number of food outlets. If you wish, it will not be difficult to find establishments even with Russian cuisine. Lunch for 1 person in a cafe will cost 150-200 baht (≈-), in a restaurant - 300-400. (≈-)

You can save money if you eat in or at markets. The cost of dishes in such places starts from 40 and almost never exceeds 100 baht (≈). In addition, Seven Eleven and Family Market stores sell ready-made lunches for 35-60 baht per serving.
Also don't forget about. Many vegetarians go for the winter to eat fresh fruit in Thailand.

    • Transport. The cost of a trip by route tuk-tuk or starts from 10 baht (≈). A taxi will cost at least 100 baht (≈) for a short distance; if you need to get from one beach to another in Phuket, you will have to pay 250-300 baht (≈-). The cheapest taxi in Bangkok, since they all use a taxi meter; at resorts the cost must be agreed upon in advance. If you have an international license, you can rent a bike (200-250 baht per day) or a car (1000-1200 baht (≈-) per day).
    • Cloth. This is perhaps one of the most minimal expenses. In Thailand you don’t need warm clothes; here you can get by with a T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. Each of these things in local markets costs between 100-150 baht (≈-). If you decide to purchase a branded item, you will not be able to find anything cheaper than in our countries.

    • Connection. Spending is not high. For 2 weeks, 400-500 baht (≈-) will be enough for you.
    • . There are more than enough of them at all resorts. They all differ in theme, duration, some include lunch, and some simply imply a visit to a specific site. Most excursion programs range in cost from 500-4000 baht (≈). The most expensive will be two-day programs, as they include overnight accommodation, various types of transport and at least 4 meals a day.
    • Entertainment. It is generally difficult to talk about any specifics here. Some people manage to spend 10,000 baht (≈) in a bar in one evening, while for others this amount may well be enough for their entire 2-week vacation. Be sure to visit the massage parlor. After all, Thailand is a country where you can get truly heavenly pleasure from a massage. The cost of an hourly session is 200-350 baht (≈-). And if you just want a foot massage, then you can get by with 150 baht.

  • Emergency ration. If possible, try not to ignore this point and take with you an extra 10,000-15,000 rubles, which will simply lie on the card. After all, you are traveling to a completely different country and you never know what unplanned expenses may await you. This point should be especially taken into account by those who are going on vacation with small children.

Total: in case of a trip for a short period of time (up to two weeks), count on an amount of $70 per person (for food, excursions and transportation) per day.

How much money to take with you for wintering in Thailand

For those who are going to Thailand for the winter, the expenses will be completely different. Search right away. If you plan to ride a motorbike, then you don’t have to rent a room or a house by the sea, where the cost will be much more expensive. In Phuket, a good option can be found for 8,000 baht (≈), and closer to the center of the island they rent rooms for 6,000-7,000 (≈-). The house will cost from 10,000-12,000 baht. For Pattaya we have .

The cheapest long-term housing is offered in Chiang Mai. There, an apartment in a condominium costs approximately 4000 baht (≈) (minimum amenities, but you can live). A more comfortable option will cost 8,000 baht (≈).

Additionally, it is worth considering payments for water and electricity. The second point is not the cheapest, since the light costs 7 baht/kilowatt (≈). Utility bills per month will be about 2000 baht (≈).

And another equally important point when renting housing for a long term is the deposit. You leave it when you move in, and when you move out, you will get the full amount back. The amount of money deposited directly depends on the chosen accommodation option and the owner. Some people ask to leave the amount for 3 months, others for 1. In any case, you need to try to come to an agreement. If you see that your interlocutor is making contact, try to agree that the deposit does not exceed the monthly rent of the room or house.
Real example on a family of 2 people:

To save on transport, it is better to rent a bike. For a month you will need to pay in the range of 3000-3500 baht (≈-), the car will cost 10,000-12,000 (≈-). Plus, there will be expenses for gasoline. But it’s still cheaper than taking a taxi every time.

Visas, visa-injuries and insurance

Tourists from Russia can enter the country for a period of 30 days without any visas; a mark made at the airport will be enough. Those who plan to stay in Thailand for a long time need to worry about a visa in advance. By contacting the Thai consulate in Moscow, you will receive a tourist visa, giving you the opportunity to live in the country for 2 months. The cost of such a visa is $40.

You have the right, upon expiration, to extend it for another 30 days. To do this, you need to visit the Immigration department in Thailand. The cost of such a service will be 1900 baht.

There are cases when tourists decide to stay for a couple of months in Thailand, but they did not apply for any visa in advance. Then, after the first month, you can go to a neighboring country (Laos, Cambodia or Malaysia) and enter back, thereby receiving a new stamp (visa wound) in your passport, which will extend your stay for another 1 month.

It is important to take care of insurance during wintering. There are a lot of insurance companies, but, as a rule, they all offer a standard set of services. Therefore, before purchasing a policy, it is better to study our policy so as not to overpay. On average, insurance for a month will cost $50. This is not bad, since one visit to the doctor is unlikely to cost less than $100.

Please note that it is best to take money to Thailand in foreign currency, that is, dollars or euros. Not all Thai exchange offices exchange rubles, and the exchange rate for them is often not favorable. If you are traveling to a country with a plastic card, then also make sure that it has a dollar account, otherwise you will lose another 1-2% on currency conversion.

With the current economy, it is quite difficult to estimate how much money you might need abroad. Are you dying to go to Paris, but are you looking for budget alternatives? We will tell you where you can relax cheaper. Because a crisis is a crisis, but I want to travel and relax!

Today we have prepared for you a comparison table of prices for goods and services needed in different countries, and revealed several useful life hacks for travelers!

Friendly Asia

In order to soak in the hot waters of the Gulf of Thailand and at the same time taste a hefty portion of freshly caught shrimp at ridiculous prices, tourists are ready to travel up to 10 hours. And it's really worth it. Popular resorts in Asia are the most budget destinations. What is expensive is the flight. But on the spot you can have a blast!

India and Vietnam are considered the cheapest destinations presented. Accommodation can be expensive on the island of Bali - the hotels here are truly luxurious! – and also very expensive strong alcohol. Plus, unlike Thailand and Goa, there is no public transport - it’s better to get around the island by taxi or bike. By the way, taxi prices at the height of the season are slightly higher than in the Russian provinces. In Sri Lanka, prices are higher than in India, but a visa costs $35.


The local population in Asia are very friendly and warm-hearted people, especially in India. Make friends with someone (a school English course is enough for this), and he will tell you where you can have a profitable and tasty lunch, help you rent a bike without a deposit, and show you the most beautiful sunsets!

Middle Asia

The most economical holiday will be in Jordan, but the visa haunts me - it’s easy to get, but it’s still a pity for money. Israel is also a fairly budget destination. The only thing you should spend money on are excursions to the Dead Sea and cosmetics made from its salts. Well, be sure to try the shawarma for $5 - here it is a full-fledged dish of high-quality meat and salads, served in pita or lavash. And you can have a budget snack with traditional falafel for a dollar or two.

Emirates are more expensive on our list. Everything here is of the highest class - polished cutlery, cleanliness, service of the highest class, and everything is equipped with the latest technology. It is better to purchase alcohol in advance at Duty Free and drink it in your room, so as not to offend the feelings of the local population.


A visa is not required for Jordan if you arrive through Aqaba airport. Also, if you want to visit Jordan from Israel, the visa will be cheaper.

Read also: Where to go when the dollar is 81?

Budget Europe

Bulgaria continues to delight with prices, even after the general rise in prices of summer resorts. Here you can always dine on a budget, rent an economical car (be prepared to pay a deposit - from $100), and fly only 3 hours. In a supermarket in large cities you can buy an inexpensive umbrella, which you don’t mind just leaving behind. And sunbathe not on a sun lounger, but right on the hot sand.

Greece is a little more expensive and requires Schengen. And for a holiday in Cyprus you need a free pro-visa, which is issued in just 1 day. Food and wine are more expensive, but no visas or hassle with documents.

When choosing between these three countries, be guided by your own feelings - which area is more to your liking. Do you plan to travel throughout the country, exploring islands with different colored sand, like in Greece, or lazing around with the whole family on a wide sand spit, like in Bulgaria?

Europe is more expensive

The Czech Republic and Spain are the most economical countries on our list. You can also add Hungary and Serbia. Italy is a little more expensive than Spain, but these are completely different countries in climate, infrastructure, and atmosphere.

Read also: Secrets of Travelata - how to save money on a tour package?

Excursions are perhaps one of your most expensive spending items. In the table, we took into account a one-time visit to one of the most interesting attractions - like the Villa Borghese in Italy, the Sagrada Familia in Spain and the Orsay Museum in Paris. However, in France, for example, the so-called Museum Pass is sold - a subscription to visit all museums for 2,4 and 6 days at a price of 48, 62 and 74 Euros, respectively.

Paris is a rather expensive city. But you don’t have to eat in restaurants all the time. You can order a cup of coffee with a croissant at any eatery, paying at the bar (cheaper and without tip). And for dinner, go to one of the markets - there you can buy a dozen oysters for 10 Euros and a bottle of good wine. Opening oysters in a hotel using available means will be very fun and even romantic 😉 See how to choose and open oysters correctly in our group

I (Christina Endless) and my boyfriend Stanislav are living on Koh Samui (Thailand) for the second time.

Me and Stas on the beach in Thailand (January)

At the time of writing, we have been living on the island for 3 months.

In this article I will tell you how much money you will need for two to live in Thailand for a month, for 2 weeks and for a week.

First, I will tell you how much and where we spent money for each expense item, and at the end I will sum up all the costs and get a clear result of how much money will be needed in Thailand.



Renting a Honda Click motorbike costs us 3,000 baht/month, taking into account that we rent it for 3 months in a row in one office.

Our Honda motorbike (right) in Thailand

On average, renting a Honda Click motorbike for a month costs from 3,500 baht.

When choosing a motorbike, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the tires so that they are not worn out, in order to avoid future tragedies due to unsuccessful braking.

Of course, it is important to check the motorbike before renting it for a long time.

Usually a photocopy of a foreign passport or a cash deposit is enough to reach an agreement with the bike renter.

1 liter of gasoline per o. Samui, at gas stations it costs an average of 27 baht. If you buy gasoline in glass bottles from locals, then 40 baht.


In the left hand is a yellow purchased mango, and on the right side is a mango that we collect near the house


Most often we eat at home, buying food at morning and evening markets and in large supermarkets like Tesco Lotus or Big C.

Also, opposite our rented house, you can buy the following fruits from the Thais:

  1. Papaya~ 10 baht/kg;
  2. Bananas ~ 20 baht for a large bundle ;
  3. Open coconut ~ 15 baht ;
  4. Local small mango~ 20 baht/kg .

Cafes, restaurants and fairs

About once every 2 days we ate in cafes, restaurants and fairs.

Green curry with rice

Prices for dishes in Thailand are approximately as follows:

  1. Tom Yum soup ~ 60 baht;
  2. French fries with ketchup ~ 60 baht;
  3. Green curry + rice ~ 80 baht;
  4. Fruit fresh juice ~ 60 baht;
  5. Pad Thai (local shrimp noodles) ~ 70 baht;
  6. Ice cream portion ~ 80 baht;
  7. Deep-fried shrimp (4 pcs.) ~ 60 baht;
  8. Glass of cappuccino in coffee shops ~ 80 baht ;
  9. Raw green soup ~ 100 baht;
  10. Raw coconut sweets ~ 40 baht/piece etc.

House rent

We rent a house for 10,000 baht/month + pay separately for electricity (about 350 baht/month).

Our main room of the house (hall)

The house has everything you need for life:

  1. Large kitchen with cooking and eating equipment, microwave, kettle, gas stove, trash can;
  2. Large hall with large table and chairs, two fans, a lamp, a sofa and a wardrobe (we even had friends from Russia fly to us twice and we placed them in the hall);
  3. Bathroom with toilet, shower, mirror, shelves for cosmetics and household chemicals;
  4. Bedroom with air conditioning, fan, bed, TV (which we don’t watch), nightstand
  5. Balcony overlooking palm trees, with a table, chairs...neighbor's cats included))

Our kitchen in Thailand, where culinary creations happen

Get travel health insurance

Entertainment or additional expenses

Additional expenses may include:

  1. Thai massage ( from 300 baht );
  2. Sauna ( from 300 baht);
  3. Excursions ( from 500 baht);
  4. Gasoline ( 27 baht/liter);
  5. Salon ( from 200 baht for a men's haircut);
  6. Attending paid courses, lectures, master classes ( from 500 baht);
  7. Additional household items (music speakers, yoga mat, towels, stationery, blender, garbage bags, etc.);
  8. New clothes ( from 150 baht per T-shirt );
  9. Cinema ( from 120 baht/person. per viewing of one film);
  10. Washing things ( from 30 baht for one load in the washing machine), etc.

Total expenses in Thailand

How much money do you need for a month (30 days) in Thailand?

I'm on Maenam beach in Thailand

The exchange rate of 1 ruble to 1 Thai baht is now 2:1.

I counted all our expenses and in a month (30 days) it turned out that we spend 30,000 baht for two including house rental.

You will find out a more accurate amount of your future expenses in Thailand if you sum up your current expenses in your hometown/month and add to them the cost of renting a house in Thailand/month. and add 15-25% on top of these amounts... it will be.

How much money will you need to live in Thailand for 2 weeks?

The exchange rate of 1 ruble to 1 Thai baht is now 2:1.

In the first days, when you arrive in Thailand on vacation, you spend the most money due to additional purchases of everything you need for the house, the beach, and for yourself.

Also, before departure, many people buy souvenirs and a considerable part of the budget is spent on this.

Plus, if you rent a house and a motorbike for 2 weeks, it will cost a little more than if you rented for a month.

Therefore, to 15,000 baht, which we pay for 2 weeks of living in Thailand (for two), we should add the amount of additional expenses for the first days and additional souvenirs + 2,000 baht + 500 baht surcharge for a motorbike (approximately) + 4,000 baht for housing (approximately).

Average, from 20,000 baht expenses for two for 2 weeks traveling in Thailand you will surely experience.

Airplane landing in Thailand

I would like to note that if you are used to saving on restaurants, additional amenities in the form of purchasing things, cosmetics and souvenirs in stores, massages, on excursions, then you can subtract a little from the total amount that we got ( ~about 5,000 baht ).

For a budget accommodation in Thailand for 2 weeks (for two) it can cost 15,000 baht.

And if you are used to living in improved comfort, which is what we live in, and not wasting time on cooking at home and living in European houses, then you should add more to the amount ~ 10,000 baht .

With a comfortable accommodation option in Thailand, the price tag can be from 30,000 baht (for two).

How much money will you need for 1 week of living in Thailand?

Everything is simpler here.

To the amount of expenses for the week 7,500 baht (of the total amount for the month 30,000 baht), we will add the 4,000 baht calculated above for additional expenses in the first days + 500 baht (estimated surcharge for a motorbike) + 4,000 baht for housing (approximately) ~ 16,000 baht.

Eventually: from 16,000 baht for two will be your weekly expenses in Thailand (not counting the cost of air tickets and transportation costs to Thailand).


Thus, traveling to Thailand for a period of at least a month will have a beneficial effect on your wallet.

The more days you stay in Thailand, the cheaper your daily stay on the island will cost.

I wish you a happy journey to this fabulous country!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments below!

How much money to take with you to Thailand - detailed calculation of approximate expenses

With the fall of the ruble, and, accordingly, with the rise in cost of holidays in Asian countries, the question “how much money to take to Thailand” has become especially relevant. If earlier entertainment and accommodation in the land of smiles were affordable, now they can be very expensive. So what budget should you count on, and how realistic is it to relax for “sane” money?

It is logical that the amount that is enough for a decent holiday in Thailand will be different for each family. It all depends on the requests. For some, a vacation is a powerful “blow” to whiskey, for others – continuous excursions to the great many islands of Thailand.

In this article, we will try to “estimate” the budget for the trip as accurately as possible. So let’s say, let’s find out the arithmetic average “how much money to take to Thailand.”

Food, seafood, alcohol in Thailand

Most Thai hotels offer BB meals, which means breakfast only. Accordingly, lunches and dinners must be organized independently. Let us warn you right away that the lion’s share of the budget may go to food, since constant walks, fresh air and the sea will “force” the body to eat for two.

And so, the amount for food per day will be approximately ∼300-1000 baht (600-2000 rubles) per person. Yes, there is a wide range in the budget. It all depends on where you eat.

Baht to ruble exchange rate for 2019: 1 baht ∼ 2 rubles.

For more accurate calculations, use the online converter in the right side menu (on a computer) or scroll through the page below (for the mobile version).

For example, in a decent restaurant, dinner for two can cost ∼2000 baht (4000 rubles), while at the same time, a meal at the local market costs ∼400 (8000 rubles) Thai money for the same group of vacationers. For a better understanding, here is a list of prices in pictures for 2018.

Current prices on the Thai market. The price is indicated for 1 unit of product or box. The food is packaged and supplemented with cutlery and napkins.

Prices for seafood on the Thai market. The price includes on-site preparation, packaging, sauce and plastic cutlery.

Menu of an average bar-restaurant in the center of Pattaya

On mainland Thailand, the cost of food and entertainment is much lower. As, at one time, for example, in Phuket, it will be higher. In the article, we took average prices that are relevant for any point in tourist Thailand.

If you plan to “season” your meal with alcohol or any gastronomic delights, feel free to multiply the final cost of the “banquet” by 2.

In total, food at lunchtime will cost about 150 baht, for dinner ∼200-400 baht per person + drinks. For treats, smoothies, fruit on the beach and ice cream ∼200 baht/day.

Calculating how much money to take to Thailand for 10 days, we can summarize that it will cost about 500-600 baht per person per day for food and drinks. Let's take the upper limit of the average tourist. Total – 12,000 baht for the entire stay (10 days) for two. At the current exchange rate (2019) it’s ~$350.

We remind you that this information is relevant with a minimum amount of alcohol consumption and gourmet meals.

You might be interested in: – colorful drinks from the land of smiles

Entertainment, excursions, Thai massage

The budget for excursions and walks around the area can be added up based on several variables: the time (season) of the trip and the resort where you are. Well, and of course, your requests. For example, in Pattaya there are a lot of interesting places with “thrift” entry prices. On Phuket and other islands of the kingdom there are much fewer such low-budget “entertainments”.

On average, one excursion trip (for the whole day) with transfer, group guide, drinks and food will cost ∼50-100 $.

For more detailed information, we attach the average price tag for excursions.

Note. Often, tour operators offer a lot of excursion trips at an inflated price tag. Arguing that third-party organizers are not safe. Indeed, you shouldn’t give money to the first person you meet who promises to show you “anything and everything” for 3 rubles.

Be smart and find a travel agency online in advance. Read the reviews, check the price list. The most interesting and cheapest route options are offered by our compatriots who permanently reside in Thailand. Sometimes, they are much more interesting than professional, “boring” guides.

To summarize, taking the average cost of an excursion for $75, 5 trips for a couple will cost $750 for the entire period of stay (10 days) for two.

Directions, transport

Again, it all depends on the activity of tourists. A tuk-tuk ride in Pattaya will cost 10 baht per section. Bike rental/day – from 250 baht. Taxi - as agreed with the driver, but the approximate price for a short trip is from 300 baht. Car rental - from 700-2000 baht per knock.

Bike rental cost - high season/low season

As a rule, when ordering and paying for an excursion, the price includes transfer from the hotel. When calculating how much money to take to Thailand, do not take into account the cost of transportation to the meeting point of the excursion group.

Shopping, souvenirs, unexpected expenses

The most controversial spending line. From experience, we can say that tourists spend on average about 5,000 baht for shopping, and this price includes gifts/souvenirs for relatives and some summer wardrobe items.

Large night market in Pattaya

You should know that clothing prices in Thailand are more than affordable. At the market, you can dress decently for the cost of “dinner.”

When planning your budget and how much money to take with you to Thailand, take into account the fact that at home you do not see the temptations that await you on vacation. “33 types” of coconut oil, teas, spices, magnets, etc. may be included in the list of unforeseen desires, and as a result, expenses.

So how much money to take to Thailand?

An average, not “major” vacation for two will cost – $350 (food, alcohol) + $750 (quite extensive tourist program, entertainment/excursions) + transport, travel – $150 + unforeseen expenses, shopping, souvenirs – $200. Total 1100 – 1500 $ for two. Of course, some expense items can be reduced, but, as practice shows, this is the amount tourists spend “to celebrate” for two in Thailand for a 10-day stay.