Map of Spain where is Catalonia. How to find Catalonia on a map of Spain? What country is Catalonia in?

To get to know this part of the Iberian Peninsula better, take a look at the map of Catalonia. The region has clear contours against the general Spanish background: a triangle, pointing down, will be the desired territory.

Let's get acquainted with the creation of cartographers from Google:

Convenient, functional. An excellent interactive option, which should be supplemented with several “static” analogues, including in Russian:

These cards will come in handy when online options are not available.

Separately, it is worth noting the physical map:

It shows how diverse Catalan nature is. Despite its relatively small area, the autonomy has the sea, mountains, and forests - almost everything that is required for recreation: active and beach. It is no coincidence that the flow of tourists only increases every year.

Where is Catalonia

Located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The autonomy borders France in the north, Aragon in the west and Valencia in the south. The entire eastern part of the region is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. The length of the coastline is 580 kilometers. You can appreciate its bends on this coast map:

The Catalan coast is home to world-famous resorts. Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa de Maresme - everyone has heard these names at least once in their life. And many have learned from personal experience that vacation here is characterized only by superlatives.

You will soon find out for yourself!

Here is a detailed map of Catalonia with the names of cities and towns in Russian. Move the map while holding it with the left mouse button. You can move around the map by clicking on one of the four arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale on the right side of the map or turning the mouse wheel.

What country is Catalonia in?

Catalonia is located in Spain. This is a wonderful, beautiful place, with its own history and traditions. Coordinates of Catalonia: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

The “man” figurine above the scale will help you take a virtual walk through the cities of Catalonia. By clicking and holding the left mouse button, drag it to any place on the map and you will go for a walk, while inscriptions with the approximate address of the area will appear in the upper left corner. Select the direction of movement by clicking on the arrows in the center of the screen. The “Satellite” option at the top left allows you to see a relief image of the surface. In the "Map" mode you will have the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the roads of Catalonia and the main attractions.

. The capital of Catalonia is Barcelona. The favorable geographical position contributed to the development of active trade and cultural ties between Catalonia and other countries of the Mediterranean and continental Europe.
Currently, more than 7.5 million people live in Catalonia. At the same time, 2/3 of the population is concentrated in the capital of the autonomy and the nearest suburbs of Barcelona (area metropolitana de Barcelona). This zone is characterized by a high level of industrialization. The Industrial Revolution in Catalonia began in the mid-19th century. Therefore, it is not surprising that Catalonia currently makes the largest contribution to Spain’s GDP (18.8%). However, in terms of GDP per capita, Catalonia is only the fourth region of Spain. The first three places are occupied by: Basque Country, Madrid and Navarre.
Catalonia gave the world an artist Salvador Dali; architect Antonio Gaudi. There lived a young man in Barcelona Pablo Picasso. Famous musicians and composers were Catalans: Casals, Albeniz, Granados. One of the best football teams in the world is the capital club Barcelona.
Thanks to a striking combination of climatic and natural factors, Catalonia is the undisputed tourist leader in Spain. In summer people flock to the sea and sun, in winter they go to the mountains where ski centers operate. If we add to this geography the famous Catalan Art Nouveau, whose symbols were the architect Gaudi and his world famous Sagrada Familia Cathedral(Sagrada Familia) in Barcelona; monuments of the ancient civilizations of Greece (Empuries) and Rome (Tarragona); one National and 11 natural parks of regional importance; friendly atmosphere and delicious food; the largest amusement park in Spain and the second in Europe; transport accessibility and a well-developed road network, it will be a paradise for tourists.


Relief of Catalonia very heterogeneous, which is especially noticeable given its relatively small size. The Iberian axis, located in the north, turns into the lowland of the Ebro River as it moves south. Thus, the diversity of Catalonia’s natural landscapes is determined by:
a) Pyrenees- the mountain system located in the north of Catalonia is a natural border between Spain and the rest of Europe.
The Catalan part of the Pyrenees Mountains stretches for almost 200 km, which is about half of the total length of this mountain system in Spain. According to tradition, a distinction is made between the Pyrenees axis itself and the pre-Pyrenees, which are a mountain range located parallel to the main mountain range, but of lower height, steepness and different geology. Both systems are wider in the western part, narrowing towards the east. The main peaks are also located in the western part, closer to the border with Aragon. First among equals: Pica d'Estats(Pica d’Estats) or Peak of the States – 3143 m. It is located in the north of the Pallars Sobirà region. They follow him Puige Pedros(Puig Pedrós) – 2.914 m and Puijmal(Puigmal) – 2.910 m – on the border with France. In the pre-Pyrenees system, several massifs and peaks stand out, such as the Cadi massif (sierra del Cadí) with the peak of Vulturó (2648 m) and Pedraforca, which means “fork”. One of its prongs, the Pollegó Superior peak, has a height of 2497 m.
b) Catalan Mediterranean System(Sistema Mediterraneo Catalan) or Catalan Coastal Cordillera(Cordilleras Costero Catalanas) is a massif consisting of two mountain ranges (Cordillera pre-Littoral and Cordillera Littoral), which lie along the Mediterranean coast and represent a series of mountains and flat areas.
Cordillera Littoral runs directly along the coastline. It is less extensive and high (Turó Gros/, Sierra del Montnegre/, 773m) than the one lying directly behind it Cordillera pre-Littoral(Turó de l'Home/, 1.706m). Within both chains there are flat areas, the largest of which are Depresion Litoral and Depresion Pre-Littoral. The pre-Littoral depression forms the lowlands of Vallés and el Penedés. The Catalan system also includes Cordillera Transversal(Cordillera Transversal) - a later rock formation located north of the Cordillera pre-Littoral. The Cordillera Transversal directly connects with the Pyrenees mountain system. The main feature of this mountain range is the presence of the inactive volcanic zone Garrotxa.
c) Central lowland(Depresión Central), sandwiched between the chains of the Pyrenees Mountains and the Mediterranean System of Catalonia. The main river of Catalonia, the Ebro, flows through it.
The central lowland is sandwiched between the pre-Pyrinean zone and the pre-Littoral Cordillera. This territory is occupied by the southern regions (comarcas) of the province of Lleida and the central regions of the province of Barcelona. The average altitude above sea level varies from 200 to 600 m, although higher areas also occur. The flat terrain and sufficient water flowing into the lowlands from the Pyrenees Mountains made this area suitable for intensive agriculture.

CLIMATE of Catalonia
– Mediterranean, but there is a significant temperature difference between the coastal zone and inland areas. In the coastal zone, the climate is characterized by mild winters and hot summers. In the interior regions, winters are cold and summers are hot. The Iberian zone has a high-altitude climate, so in winter temperatures in this area drop below zero and precipitation falls in the form of snow. Summer is not too hot. Due to the heterogeneity of the relief, the spread of average annual temperatures is very high: from 0 °C in the Pyrenees to 17 °C in the southern coastal areas. The range of maximum temperatures is also impressive: from 43 °C (summer maximum in the Garrigas region) to -30 °C in winter in the Pyrenees.
Based on rainfall, Catalonia is divided into two zones. In the so-called "Wet Catalonia" (Pyrenees and pre-Pyrenees and limited areas of the pre-Littoral cordillera) the annual precipitation exceeds 700 mm. Another part of the historical region is called “Dry Catalonia”. Less than 700 mm of precipitation falls here per year. The amount of moisture falling from the skies is directly related to the seasons. The coastal zone is rainy in spring and dry in summer. In the Pyrenees, the wettest months are April and May. However, precipitation also occurs in the summer. The Aran Valley region is generally exceptional - the local climate is controlled by the Atlantic.
Thus, three global climate domains are present in Catalonia:
a) alpine (Hautes Pyrenees);
b) Atlantic (during the Garona River);
c) Mediterranean (in the rest of the territory), which in turn is divided into mountain climate and upland climate.
Since the main part of Catalonia is under the influence of a Mediterranean climate, in winter the average temperatures are positive and fluctuate around 10 °C (on the coast) and from 3 to 7 °C (in the interior at altitudes less than 1000 m above sea level). In summer there is even greater uniformity in the average temperature - 25 °C. Conclusion, if you do not intend to visit areas located above 1500 m above sea level, then in summer there is no need for warm clothes and a raincoat.
In Catalonia, as in the rest of Europe, the prevailing wind is from the west. However, both the north and south of Catalonia sometimes experience north winds. This phenomenon is characterized by suddenness and is characterized by sharp gusts (reaching speeds of over 100 km/h), as well as a rapid drop in air temperature. In the province of Girona this wind is called "tramuntana"(because of the mountains), and the inhabitants of the south (Tarragona) - "mistral". The phenomenon is very unpleasant and can cause sudden mood changes and severe headaches in weather-sensitive people.
The number of sunny hours per year in different areas of Catalonia varies from 2000 to 2600.


The length of the coastal zone in a straight line is 500 km, but due to the fact that it is indented by a large number of capes and bays, its length reaches 754.8 km. The coastline has the most intricate contours in the area of ​​Cap de Creus (Cape of Crosses). This is where the Pyrenees Mountains meet the Mediterranean Sea.
The coast of Catalonia is divided into 3 parts, each of which has its own name.
or “Wild Coast” - the coast of the province of Girona. It extends from the border with France (Roces Bay) to Blanes. This part of the coast is known for its large number of small bays and secluded coves. Main tourist centers: Blanes, Lloret de Mar, Tossa de Mar, Platja d'Aro.
The new tourist brand, which translates as “Barcelona Coast”, unites two parts of the coast of the central province of Catalonia. The first of these is located north of Barcelona and was previously known as: "Costa del Maresme". It has good transport accessibility and long sandy beaches. The most famous tourist centers of Maresme: Calella, Malgrat de Mar, Pineda del Mar, Santa Susanna. The southern part of the current "Barcelona Coast" was previously called "Costa del Garraf". It stretches from the delta of the Llobregatte River to the border with the province of Tarragona. Here, straight, flat beaches are adjacent to small coves at the foot of the Garraf massif. Main tourist center - Sitges.
The coastline of the province of Tarragona is called, which in Russian translation means “Golden Coast”. The name is explained simply. Local beaches are distinguished by the characteristic golden color of the sand. The most developed tourist centers: La Pineda Salou, Cambrils, El Vendrell(Districts of Commaruga and Sant Salvador). Between the towns of Vila Seca and Salou is the second one in Europe (after the French Disneyland) Amusement park “Port Aventura. Costa Caribe."
There are two major trading ports on the Catalan coast. The port of Barcelona has a length of 9 km. Tarragona is the second largest port in Catalonia. Its berths stretch for 5 km - all the way to Cape Salou.
The sand on the beaches of Catalonia is mostly fine and golden, but in the north you can often find sand and pebble beaches. It is also worth keeping in mind that the beaches in Barcelona are artificial.


The territory where modern Catalonia is located was inhabited by people many thousands of years ago. In the caves located here, archaeologists find numerous traces of our ancestors. The first contacts of the local population (Iberians) with other peoples - the Phoenicians and Greeks - date back to VIII – VII centuries. BC. In this mutually beneficial exchange, Iberian culture developed approximately until the 3rd century BC . Then the active Romanization of the territory began. The Romans first landed near Empuries (province of Gerona) in 218 BC in order to cut off the rear supply routes for Hannibal’s troops, and so they remained here. TO 195 BC . Iberian resistance was completely suppressed and Roman rule was finally established, and city ​​of Tarraco(modern Tarragona), became the capital of the province of Tarraconesis. IN III century AD The crisis that arose in the metropolis led to the severe decline of cities in the provinces. Cities such as: Tarraco, Barsino(Barcelona) Gerunda(Girona), although they were able to later restore their influence, were no longer able to achieve their past greatness. After the first sack of Rome by the Visigoths V in . In order to “pacify” the barbarians, the Romans decided to give them Spain and part of Gaul (modern France). IN 475 g. King Eric of the Visigoths created the Kingdom of Toulouse, which included the lands of modern Catalonia. Internecine wars for power in the kingdom led to the emergence of the Moors in Europe. Only Christian victories in the battles of Toulouse ( 721 ) and Poitiers ( 733 ), stopped the Muslim invasion. After this, in the lands from the Pyrenees to the Llobregatte River, the province of “Marca Hispanica” was formed as part of the Carolingian Empire. At the end 9th century The Carolingian king Charles the Bald transferred almost all of Catalonia into hereditary possession to Wilfred the Hairy, namely: 4 main counties - Barcelona, ​​Girona, Cerdanya and Urgell. Wilfredo is credited with the settlement of Osona, the founding of the monasteries at Ripoll and Sant Joan de las Abadessas, and the establishment of the episcopal see at Vic.

IN X century Catalonia becomes independent. Count Borel II 987 refused to take the oath of allegiance to the first king of the new Capetian dynasty. During the same period, the Catalan lands were actively populated by settlers from Southern France, and the Counts of Barcelona tried in various ways to expand their possessions. Ramon Berenguer III, through marriage, received the County of Besalu ( 1111 ), in the inheritance of Cerdagna ( 1117 or 1118 ) and captured part of Ampuries ( between 1123 and 1131). On the other side of the Pyrenees, Provence belonged to him ( from 1112). Later, under Count Ramon Berenguer IV, there was a unification with Aragon and, as a consequence, the emergence of the Aragonese Crown (Corona de Aragon), which later included the Kingdoms of Mallorca and Valencia. IN 1188 g . The Cortes of Aragon finally established the borders of the Principality of Catalonia. The further history of Catalonia is closely connected with the history of the Aragonese Crown.
After the wedding of Their Catholic Majesties Isabella of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon, the historical destinies of Aragon and Catalonia begin to gradually diverge and, to mid-17th century. , each region again goes its own way. At this time, some of the Catalan oligarchs decided to use the contradictions that existed at that time between France and Spain to make Catalonia an independent state. The so-called the Segadors uprising, which was suppressed in 1653 g. As a result, Catalonia and the Spanish crown lost Roussillon, Conflent, Valespir and part of Cerdanya to France. In the War of the Spanish Succession, Catalonia, like most of Aragon, opposed the Bourbons, which led to the final subordination of Catalonia to the Castilian crown and the dissolution of local authorities and the abolition of privileges. IN XIX century . In Catalonia, industrial development and the formation of a local bourgeoisie proceeded at a rapid pace. The result was the growth of national consciousness and the emergence of a broadly cultural movement called “Renascence” - renaissance.
The establishment of the Second Republic in Spain made it possible to create the Generalitat (local parliament) and proclaim the autonomy of Catalonia ( 1932 ). Fascist coup in Catalonia ( 1936 ) suffered a complete defeat, and the region remained the main stronghold of the Republicans until the end of the civil war. Only the victory in the Battle of the Ebro allowed the Francoists to completely occupy Catalonia ( 1938 and 1939 . ). Under Franco, the use of the Catalan language was banned (even in private conversations), parliament was dissolved, and more than 4,000 Catalans were shot, including Luis Capmani, the first president of Catalonia.
IN 60s of the twentieth century. modernization of agriculture, development of industry and mass tourism give a powerful impetus to the growth of the local economy. After the death of General Franco ( 1975) the Generalitat was temporarily recreated ( 1977), and with 1979 . – Catalonia is an autonomous region of Spain.
IN 1992 Barcelona hosted the Olympic Games. IN 2005 ICANN has officially registered the .cat domain, the first official domain for a non-national language.


The official languages ​​of Catalonia are: Catalan(catalan), Spanish(Castilian) and Occitan(octane). Catalan is recognized as the “native” language of Catalonia, and Occitan is the “native” language of the Aran Valley. In this regard, official announcements, inscriptions on road signs, announcements at airports and train stations are usually duplicated in two languages. All languages ​​of Catalonia belong to the Romance group. They are based on Latin.


Catalonia is an autonomous region within Spain, endowed with a sufficient degree of independence. Issues related to education, housing legislation, development of tourism and sports, ensuring the personal safety of citizens fall within the competence of the local parliament - GENERALITAT Catalonia (La Generalidad de Cataluña). 35 deputies of the local parliament are elected for 4 years. The President of the Generalitat simultaneously acts as head of the Government of Catalonia, which consists of advisers appointed by him.
General Representative of Spain(Delegación del Gobierno) ensures coordination between the central government of the country and the Generalitat, and also deals with issues of state security (army, navy), transport infrastructure (ports, airports), coast guard, border control and monitors compliance with immigration laws.
The investigation of crimes against citizens, the fight against crime and traffic control are the responsibility of the local police: "Mossos de Escuadra"(Mossos d'Esquadra-Policia de la Generalitat). It is subordinate to the Generalitat.
At the 2nd level of self-government there are Provincial assemblies(diputaciones provinciales), which are responsible for the socio-economic development of the respective territories.
The main administrative-territorial units of Catalonia are COMARCA(municipal districts). There are 41 mosquitoes in Catalonia. The comarque division was established by the 1978 Law. The boundaries of most of the "newly" created municipalities coincide with the boundaries of the historical regions of Catalonia. In the process of dividing the territory into municipal districts, provincial boundaries were not taken into account, as a result, four comarques: Berguedá, Osona, Cerdaña and Selva were “divided” between two provinces. The Comarca of the Aran Valley (Valle de Arán /Val d'Aran) has a special status that guarantees greater autonomy to local authorities.


There are 4 international airports in Catalonia, one per province.
The first place in terms of size and passenger traffic is occupied by El Prat(el Prat) in Barcelona. It is located approximately 15 km from the city center. The largest number of flights from Russia to Spain operates at El Prat Airport.
Barcelona is easily accessible by car Taxi(approximately €20 - depends on the amount of luggage and time of day); by rail (every 30 minutes, to Sants train station or Plaça de Catalunya); on the Airbus/Aerobus (express bus), the interval and stops are the same as on the train. In terms of price/quality ratio, Airbus is inferior to railways. Electric trains and Airbuses stop working at 23:00. The most inexpensive, but also the slowest way is a regular bus (EA - day and EN - night). The bus goes to Plaza d'Espanya.
Almost all international car rental offices operate at El Prat Airport.

Girona Airport(Girona) - located a few kilometers from the city. The center can be reached by taxi or regular bus. In the summer of 2016, the Pobeda airline flies here twice a week.
Reus Airport(Reus) in the province of Tarragona is mainly used by tour operators to organize charter flights to bring tourists to the Costa Daurada/Dorada.
Lleida Airport(Lleida) - mainly charter flights for those who have purchased a ticket to ski resorts in the Pyrenees.

There are 12,000 km of roads in Catalonia. Of these, 962 km are highways (655 km are toll roads and 307 km are free). The road network is mainly oriented towards Barcelona.
The main highway AP-7 (Autopista de Mediterraneo) crosses the whole of Catalonia from north to south. AR-2 - between Barcelona and Zaragoza (Aragon). C-32, called "Autopista Pau Casals" between Barcelona and El Vendrell. From Barcelona to the north, the C-32 goes to Palafolls (the gateway to the Costa Brava), but under a different name - “Autopista del Maresme”. C-25 is a road from Riudelots de la Selva (Girona) to Cervera (Lleida), bypassing Barcelona, ​​known as Eje Transversal (transverse axis). Its length is 153 kilometers.

Railway transport.
The railway network in Catalonia has not changed much in the last 100 years and is heavily oriented towards Barcelona. There are two companies involved in passenger transportation in Catalonia: RENFE(managed from Madrid) and FZHK(subordinate to local government). Accordingly, each company has its own trains and routes! A commuter map and detailed information about the Barcelona metro and trams can be found on the Catalan Railways website.
In 2008 high speed trains"Ave" (bird) began to operate on 3 routes: Barcelona - Madrid (via Zaragoza), Barcelona - Malaga and Barcelona - Seville.

High-speed traffic between Barcelona and Paris has been opened relatively recently, but the time gain compared to a regular train is not too great. This route is provided by national companies of Spain and France. You can find out the schedule and book tickets on the joint website of RENFE and SNKF.

Regular intercity buses connect Catalonia with Spanish and foreign cities. This is often the only available form of transport that allows you to get to small Catalan towns and villages.
The main bus station in Catalonia - Sants in Barcelona (Estació de Sants) - is located next to the railway station of the same name. His specialty is international flights. The second most important bus station is also located in Barcelona. It is called "Estacio del Nord"(Estació del Nord). From here buses depart to cities in Spain (long and medium distances). Estacio del Nord is located near the Arc de Triomf metro station (red line 1) and the train station of the same name.
Numerous transport companies provide transportation throughout Catalonia. In Barcelona, ​​local buses depart from various points. As for other cities in Catalonia, they usually have one company and only one bus station.


(the construction of human towers) is the most famous manifestation of the Catalan tradition. This custom, especially common in southern Catalonia, has been declared by UNESCO as an “Intangible Heritage of Humanity”. You can see “builders” at work at city festivals, as well as “meetings” of teams (collas), which are held with enviable regularity in different cities of Catalonia. Once every two years, the Castellers Championship is held in Tarragona, in which teams from different cities of Catalonia participate. The nearest one, with the participation of 42 groups, will take place in 2016 (25.09, 1 and 2.10).
There is no flamenco tradition in Catalonia. But there is its own folk dance - sardana, which vaguely resembles the Greek sertaki. On Saturdays, Barcelona residents go to the square near the Cathedral, stand in a circle and dance the sardana. Spontaneous “sardana” performances also occur in other cities of the autonomy. At festivals in Catalonia you can see: “dance with sticks”, “moxinggu”, and in the Ebro delta - jota, which is very close to the Aragonese original.
As for music, the habanera is preferred in Catalonia, especially in the coastal areas of the Costa Brava. In the summer, corresponding festivals are often held here. Catalonia also has its own version of rumba.
On local holidays, other Catalan traditions appear, such as: parades of Giants and Tadpoles, correfox (fire processions) with devils and firecrackers. The most famous festival of Catalonia "Patum" in Berga(La Patum de Berga) in 2005 received the status of “World Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO.
(Tió de Nadal) is another original tradition of Catalonia. Christmas gifts are placed in a “humanized” log. On the eve of the holiday, the whole family gathers around this “uncle” and asks him to give gifts. The process is accompanied by funny poems and songs. “Uncle” does not give in to persuasion and then they start beating him with sticks.


Map of DOs in Catalonia

The culinary traditions of Catalonia have a long history. The first cookbook that has survived to this day, which contains recipes from local cuisine and describes food preparation processes, dates back to the 15th century.
Catalan cuisine is built on the so-called. , which is based on bread, olive oil and wine. A characteristic feature of the culinary art of Catalonia is the mixing of seafood (fish and seafood) with products of “land” origin - vegetables and meat. In this regard, the local cuisine bears the eloquent name “mar i muntanya” (“mar-i-muntanya”/sea and mountains).
Among fish dishes, the undisputed king is - suket(suquet). Also worth trying: la escudella, calçotada (sweet leeks cooked over an open fire), chateau salad. The most common Catalan dish is – pa-amb-tomaket(Pa amb tomàquet – a baguette grated with tomato and then seasoned with olive oil and salt). Sauces are very popular al-i-oli(al-i-oli - garlic and oil) and Romesco(el romesco). Famous for fuet (smoked sausage) Vika and butifarra. Desserts: Catalan cream (cream catalana), panelets, “white food” (menjar blanc), etc.

Restaurant business in Catalonia, as indeed throughout Spain, is one of the most prestigious occupations, and therefore you need to try very hard to stay hungry. The menu is more than varied: from the usual omelets and French fries to traditional Catalan dishes and haute gastronomy delights. World famous culinary gurus work in Catalonia: Ferran Adria(Ferran Adrià); Carme Ruscalleda(Carme Ruscalleda - restaurant “Sant Pau” in Sant Pol de Mar); Santi Santamaria(Santi Santamaria - restaurant "Can Fabes" in Sant Seloni). The El Celler de Can Roca restaurant in Girona was voted the best restaurant in the world in 2015. In 2016, he remained at the top, but moved down one line - second in the world.
Catalonia is famous for its wines. Red wine from Priorato, white from Alella, cava (sparkling wine) from Penedés are known far beyond the borders of Catalonia. The region, in addition to 4 zones of controlled origin of wine (D.O. Penedes, D.O. Alella, D.O. Priorat and D.O. Segre), produces wine under the DO Catalunya brand.
Kava(el cava) - sparkling wine similar to champagne - produced using traditional methods in the south of Catalonia. Millions of bottles of this drink mature in the cellars of San Sadurní de Anoia (Penedes, province of Tarragona). The most famous producers are Freixenet and Codorníu, but there are others.


The best of the best:
April 23: St. George's Day(Sant Jordi - cat.) - patron saint of Catalonia. Despite the fact that the holiday is celebrated by almost all Catalans, this day is not a day off. On St. George's Day, it is customary to give loved ones one rose and a book. On the eve and on the day of the holiday, street book markets appear in the cities of Catalonia and the flower trade revives.
June 24 : Feast of St. John(Festividad de San Juan) – day off. In fact, it is celebrated on the night of June 23-24. According to established tradition, no one sleeps on the shortest night of the year. Throughout Catalonia, bonfires are lit, around which people dance and sing. In a number of places, the sparkle of fireworks is added to the live fire of bonfires. The outdoor festive dinner is accompanied by cava (Catalan champagne) and ends with the traditional St. John's cake (coca de San Juan).
11 September : National Day of Catalonia(Día Nacional de Cataluña), abbreviated as Dyad(Diada). Day off in Catalonia. On this day in 1714, the troops of Philip V occupied Barcelona, ​​which led to a complete loss of autonomy. Having occupied Barcelona, ​​the Spanish king dissolved local authorities and abolished all privileges enjoyed by the inhabitants of Catalonia. The establishment of the holiday was the first act of the newly created Parliament of Catalonia (Generalitat) in 1980.
There are a total of 15 official holidays in Catalonia, 9 of which coincide with holidays in the rest of Spain, 5 are established by the local government and 1 is established by the municipalities in honor of the day of the patron saint of the area.
Public holidays throughout Catalonia:
January 1 – New Year;
January 6 – Epifania de los Reyes Magos (Adoration of the Magi);
May 1 – International Workers' Day;
Holy Week – Good Friday;
Holy Week - Easter Eve (Lunes de Pascua);
June 24 – Celebration of St. Joan's Day;
August 15 – Assumption of Mary;
September 11 – National Day of Catalonia;
October 12 – National Holiday of Spain;
November 1 – All Saints Day;
December 6 – Spanish Constitution Day;
December 8 – Immaculate Conception;
December 25 – Christmas;
December 26 – St. Esteban.


By 2006, approximately 30% of Catalonia's territory was part of various environmental protection zones. These zones differ in the level of security and subordination. The main thing in this complex hierarchy is Aiguestortes and Estani Sant Maurici National Park, founded in 1955. In addition, under the protection of the Generalitat (Government of Catalonia) there are 11 more natural parks, 3 natural attractions of national importance and 1 environmental protection zone (Ebro River Delta) and 1 marine protected area (Medes Islands).

World Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO list)

1.) The architectural heritage of Antoni Gaudi. Park and Palace Güell, Casa Mila, façade of the Nativity and crypt of the Sagrada Familia, Casa Vicens, Casa Batllo and Colonia Güell (1984 and 2005).
2.) Monastery of Poblet, where the remains of the kings of Aragon are buried (1991).
3.) Archaeological finds of the Roman period on the territory of Tarragona (2000).
4.) Romanesque churches of the Boi Valley (2000).
5.) Palace of Catalan Music and Hospital Santa Pau – works by Gaudí’s contemporary, architect Luis Domench e Montaner (2007).
6.) A number of caves where the remains of prehistoric paintings were found are part of an object referred to as: "Prehistoric Art of the Iberian Peninsula in the Mediterranean Zone" (1998).
And finally, the holiday - Patum de Berga, in 2005 it was included in the list of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

TOP 10 attractions Catalonia.

1. Barcelona- the capital of Catalonia and one of the most beautiful cities in the Mediterranean. Its current appearance is largely determined by the buildings of the Art Nouveau era, built according to the designs of Gaudi and his equally famous contemporaries - Domenech i Montaner, Puig i Cadafalch.
2. Tarragona- the capital of the ancient Roman province of Spain Siterior. The city is famous for its numerous monuments from the era of Roman rule. Near Tarragona there is a well-preserved Arc de Triomphe from the Roman period.
3. Montserrat- a mountain formation, the name of which can be translated as “sawn mountain.” One of the most revered places in Catalonia.
4. Poblet- a royal monastery founded by monks of the Order of the Cisterns. For a long period of time it served as the Pantheon of the Catalan-Aragonese dynasty.
5. Espot- the gateway to the wonderful world of the Aiguiestortes and Lago Sant Maurici National Park.
6. Ripoll- the cradle of Catalonia. The founder of Catalonia, the legendary Gifre el Velhos (Gifre the Hairy), is buried in the local cathedral.
7. Girona- the capital of the province of the same name and a city in which the past is closely intertwined with the present.

8. Cadaqués and the landscapes of Cape Crosses(Cap de Creus) - allow you to see the world of Salvador Dali with your own eyes.
9. Road between Tossa de Mar and Sant Felho de Guixols- this is an opportunity to admire the magnificent landscapes of the Costa Brava.
10. “Port Aventura and Costa Caribe”- the largest amusement park in Spain and the second in Europe.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such means, if the processing of personal data without the use of such means corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, a search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.