Church of the Intercession and Church of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Lyubimovka village. Church of the Intercession and Church of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Lyubimovka village The building of the parochial school

At the bend of the Klyazma River, on a small hill, stands one of the most beautiful churches in the near Moscow region - Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Cherkizovo .

Built at the beginning of the twentieth century, this temple amazes with its grandeur and beauty of architecture and is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting monuments of church architecture of this time.

This article with many author’s photographs is dedicated to the story of the history of this temple.

A little about the history of the Cherkizovo settlement

When in the middle - second halfXIV century in the Horde began what in Russian historiography was called “feudal fragmentation”, many high-ranking Murzas and beks who did not want to serve the beklyarbek Mamai, who had seized power over a significant territory of the Great Horde, who was considered an upstart (he really was not a Chingizid and had no right to the khan title), began to move to serve in the Moscow principality, which was gradually gaining strength.

Among them were “princes”, that is, real Chingizids, whom Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (the future “Donskoy”) gladly accepted into service. One of these princes was a certain Serkiz (Cherkiz), who left the Horde for Moscow in the late 60s - early 70s.XIVcentury, where he was baptized, received a new name - Ivan, and from the Moscow prince - several estates, including lands on the banks of the Klyazma River. ( See: Veselovsky S. B. Research on the history of the class of service landowners. M., 1969).

INXV century, the patrimony of Cherkizovo became the property of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The wooden Church of the Intercession was built here, which at the beginningXVIIcenturies was moved to the neighboring village of Zvyagino, and a chapel was built in its place. There is no trace left of those wooden buildings now.

But when the railway from Moscow to Sergiev Posad began to operate in 1862, the area along the railway line became very attractive for Muscovites who wanted to have dachas not far from Moscow, so that it would be easy to get to them, and at the same time, this area would be picturesque, pleasing to the eyes of representatives of the wealthy bureaucratic nobility, tired of the eternal bustle of the metropolis, and the increasingly powerful bourgeoisie.

The surrounding area of ​​the village of Cherkizovo fully met these requirements.
Actually, I would note that even today you can see here a small island of nature almost untouched (that is, not spoiled) by civilization near Moscow.

See for yourself:

In 1895 it was opened stop "Tarasovka" , after which dacha construction in Cherkizovo began in full swing.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

By decision of a meeting of local residents in 1899, construction began on a new large Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary with chapels in the name of Nicholas the Wonderworker and Sergius of Rajonezh.

The initiators were the owners of the local weaving factory V.P. Novikov, his companions and wealthy Cherkizov summer residents (Shishelov, Bakhrushin, Kurlyukov, Zhuchkov, Selivanovsky, Kudryashov, etc.).
The temple was mainly built with their money. The owners of nearby factories - Sapozhnikov, Chelnokov and Voronin - helped. Donations for the construction and decoration of the church were collected in Cherkizovo, Tarasovka and other surrounding villages. Bricks for the construction of the church were transported on horseback from Mytishchi - from the brick factories of Voronin and Chelkonov.

I very carefully examined all the brickwork of the temple, while Voronin's hallmarks were discovered in several places, but, alas, I did not find Chelnokov’s marks (this, however, does not mean that they do not exist):

(You can read more about the marks on bricks in the article “Where do the bricks come from?” -).

Built in 1903, the temple is designed in the pseudo-Russian style popular at that time, imitating Russian architecture of the second halfXVIIcentury.

The temple and the bell tower, more than 50 meters high, form a single ensemble, the strict proportions of which create the impression of monumentality, although from the inside the church is not that large in size (its capacity is about 500 people).

Several photographs with individual fragments of the temple:

As they say, the temple has good acoustics. Fyodor Chaliapin loved to sing in the church choir here.
According to legend, the consecration of the temple took place in 1903 by the Hieromartyr Vladimir, at that time Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna (however, there is no documentary evidence of this).

In the mid-1930s, they tried to close the temple; this decision was made at a meeting of the Cherkizovsky village council (February 28, 1934). The church was planned to be used as a club. At the same time, the main bells of the belfry, cast from silver and copper, were dropped and cut into pieces, the main one of which weighed at least 400 pounds.
The current bells, as we see, are not at all the same:

However, Cherkizovites stood up to defend the temple: they collected signatures from houses and factories. The keys to the church never made it to the village council. And soon worship resumed.

Thus, throughout the entire time after the construction of the Intercession Church, it remained active. Which, apparently, contributed to the fact that its original appearance remained practically unchanged.

In 1953, under Archpriest Nikolai Morozov, a brick fence of the temple was built, corresponding to its general style:

For some time in the 1960s - 70s. The priest Alexander Men served in the church.

Of course, the Intercession Church needs restoration .
And, according to my observations, it is carried out very carefully.

Yes, gorgeous temple bell tower currently located in the forests:

Church in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village. Cherkizov Moscow diocese

According to legend, the consecration of the temple took place in the year of the Holy Spirit. Metropolitan Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky) (but this is not confirmed by the archives).

In the mid-1930s, local authorities tried to close the church. At the enlarged plenum of the Cherkizovsky village council on February 28, 1934, such a decision was made. They wanted to use the church as a club. At the same time, the military threw down and cut into pieces the main bells of the belfry, cast from silver and copper, the main one of which weighed at least 400 pounds. From the church house, which was specially built near the church for the family of the priest, the Klyucharyovs were first evicted into a gatehouse, and then they were asked to vacate it. A family of eight people was left completely homeless... But Cherkizovites stood up to defend the temple: they collected signatures from home and at the factory. The keys to the church never made it to the village council. And soon worship resumed.



Buried at the temple:

  • Peter Andreev (1921 - 1997), archpriest, rector of the church
  • Bakhrushin Dmitry Petrovich (1844 - 1919), patron, Orthodox philanthropist
  • Nikolai Bogolyubov (1877 - 1963), archpriest, church minister
  • Nikolai Morozov (1888 - 1979), archpriest, rector of the temple
  • Tyunyaeva Elena Fedorovna (1900 - 1977), head of the temple, under whom major repairs of the temple were carried out and a fence was built


  • Brochure "The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is 100 years old 1903-2003", temple publication, 2003.

At the bend of the Klyazma River, on a small hill, stands one of the most beautiful churches in the near Moscow region - Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Cherkizovo .

Built at the beginning of the twentieth century, this temple amazes with its grandeur and beauty of architecture and is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting monuments of church architecture of this time.

This article with many author’s photographs is dedicated to the story of the history of this temple.

A little about the history of the Cherkizovo settlement

When in the middle - second halfXIV century in the Horde began what in Russian historiography was called “feudal fragmentation”, many high-ranking Murzas and beks who did not want to serve the beklyarbek Mamai, who had seized power over a significant territory of the Great Horde, who was considered an upstart (he really was not a Chingizid and had no right to the khan title), began to move to serve in the Moscow principality, which was gradually gaining strength.

Among them were “princes”, that is, real Chingizids, whom Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (the future “Donskoy”) gladly accepted into service. One of these princes was a certain Serkiz (Cherkiz), who left the Horde for Moscow in the late 60s - early 70s.XIVcentury, where he was baptized, received a new name - Ivan, and from the Moscow prince - several estates, including lands on the banks of the Klyazma River. ( See: Veselovsky S. B. Research on the history of the class of service landowners. M., 1969).

INXV century, the patrimony of Cherkizovo became the property of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The wooden Church of the Intercession was built here, which at the beginningXVIIcenturies was moved to the neighboring village of Zvyagino, and a chapel was built in its place. There is no trace left of those wooden buildings now.

But when the railway from Moscow to Sergiev Posad began to operate in 1862, the area along the railway line became very attractive for Muscovites who wanted to have dachas not far from Moscow, so that it would be easy to get to them, and at the same time, this area would be picturesque, pleasing to the eyes of representatives of the wealthy bureaucratic nobility, tired of the eternal bustle of the metropolis, and the increasingly powerful bourgeoisie.

The surrounding area of ​​the village of Cherkizovo fully met these requirements.
Actually, I would note that even today you can see here a small island of nature almost untouched (that is, not spoiled) by civilization near Moscow.

See for yourself:

In 1895 it was opened stop "Tarasovka" , after which dacha construction in Cherkizovo began in full swing.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

By decision of a meeting of local residents in 1899, construction began on a new large Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary with chapels in the name of Nicholas the Wonderworker and Sergius of Rajonezh.

The initiators were the owners of the local weaving factory V.P. Novikov, his companions and wealthy Cherkizov summer residents (Shishelov, Bakhrushin, Kurlyukov, Zhuchkov, Selivanovsky, Kudryashov, etc.).
The temple was mainly built with their money. The owners of nearby factories - Sapozhnikov, Chelnokov and Voronin - helped. Donations for the construction and decoration of the church were collected in Cherkizovo, Tarasovka and other surrounding villages. Bricks for the construction of the church were transported on horseback from Mytishchi - from the brick factories of Voronin and Chelkonov.

I very carefully examined all the brickwork of the temple, while Voronin's hallmarks were discovered in several places, but, alas, I did not find Chelnokov’s marks (this, however, does not mean that they do not exist):

(You can read more about the marks on bricks in the article “Where do the bricks come from?” -

Built in 1903, the temple is designed in the pseudo-Russian style popular at that time, imitating Russian architecture of the second halfXVIIcentury.

The temple and the bell tower, more than 50 meters high, form a single ensemble, the strict proportions of which create the impression of monumentality, although from the inside the church is not that large in size (its capacity is about 500 people).

Several photographs with individual fragments of the temple:

As they say, the temple has good acoustics. Fyodor Chaliapin loved to sing in the church choir here.
According to legend, the consecration of the temple took place in 1903 by the Hieromartyr Vladimir, at that time Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna (however, there is no documentary evidence of this).

In the mid-1930s, they tried to close the temple; this decision was made at a meeting of the Cherkizovsky village council (February 28, 1934). The church was planned to be used as a club. At the same time, the main bells of the belfry, cast from silver and copper, were dropped and cut into pieces, the main one of which weighed at least 400 pounds.
The current bells, as we see, are not at all the same:

However, Cherkizovites stood up to defend the temple: they collected signatures from houses and factories. The keys to the church never made it to the village council. And soon worship resumed.

Thus, throughout the entire time after the construction of the Intercession Church, it remained active. Which, apparently, contributed to the fact that its original appearance remained practically unchanged.

In 1953, under Archpriest Nikolai Morozov, a brick fence of the temple was built, corresponding to its general style:

For some time in the 1960s - 70s. The priest Alexander Men served in the church.

Of course, the Intercession Church needs restoration .
And, according to my observations, it is carried out very carefully.

The red-brick Church of the Intercession with blue domes was built in Cherkizovo in 1903 according to the design of the architect V.P. Desyatov. The main chapel is consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God. The right chapel is in the name of St. Nicholas, the left one is in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

In the Moscow archive of A.A. Bakhrushin, information was found about the temple builders: D.P. Bakhrushin, V.P. Novikov, O.F. Kurlyukov, M.A. Zhuchkov, A.P. Selivansky, N.I. Shishelov and I. .I.Kudryashov. The temple is one of the outstanding monuments of church architecture of the early 20th century. It contained a finely carved wooden iconostasis. Here F.I. Chaliapin loved to sing in the church choir.

In 1953, a brick fence was erected around the temple. This building celebrated the 50th anniversary of the temple.

For the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ, a church house built in 1903, the same age as the temple, was given to the temple. Through the efforts of pious donors, interior renovations were carried out in the house, a library, an auditorium for Sunday school, a reception hall were organized, and the area adjacent to the house was landscaped.

The first rector of the Church of the Intercession (from 1903 to 1920), Priest Yakov Klyucharyov, was buried at the altar of the right side chapel.

For the next 20 years, the son of Priest Yakov Klyucharyov, priest Vladimir Klyucharyov, served as the rector of the temple. During the years of religious persecution, he and his family were evicted from the church house to a lodge, and then they were asked to be released. Fr. passed away. Vladimir Klyucharev in 1970.

He served as rector of the Church of the Intercession for 15 years (1888-1979); he died at the age of 91 and was buried in the church fence. Under him, in 1953, a brick fence of the temple was built. Concelebrating with Archpriest Nikolai Morozov was Archpriest Nikolai Bogolyubov, who, together with his mother, was buried in the church fence (1877-1963). The years of his life are 86 years.

In 1960-1970 The rector of the temple was Archpriest Seraphim Golubtsov. Concelebrating with him from 1965 to May 1966 was priest Stefan Seredny and in 1970 archpriest. Alexander Men. During these years, Archpriest John of the Resurrection worked here, who died in 1968.

After Archpriest Seraphim Golubtsov, Archpriest Vladimir Ilchuk, who served here for 8 years, was appointed rector of the Intercession Church. Concelebrating with him were Archpriest Peter Andreev and. Father Joseph, who served here for about 30 years, died on November 29, 1999. Then priest Anatoly Kuznetsov served for several years.

Instead of Fr. V. Ilchuk, Archpriest Georgy Stroev, who served in the Church of the Intercession for 2 years, was appointed rector. He was replaced by Archpriest Nikolai Glebov, who two years later was transferred to another parish.

In the 1980s, he was appointed rector, who served in this rank for 12 years. He died on February 18, 1997.

From 1996 to 2003 the rector was Archpriest Stefan Seredny.

From 1987 until his last days he served in the Church of the Intercession, dying suddenly on May 15, 2011. ()

There is a Sunday school at the temple. Lessons are held on Sundays after the late Liturgy.

  • Created using the books of Archpriest Oleg Penezhko.
  • Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Pos. Cherkizovo (Tarasovka).

    Cherkizovo is one of the oldest settlements in the Moscow region. It received its name from the owner of it in the 14th century. boyar Andrei Ivanovich Serkizov. Historian S.B. Veselovsky writes: “Under the Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy, Tsarevich Serkiz left the Golden Horde and was baptized in Moscow. Serkiz’s son, Andrei Ivanovich Serkizov, was the governor of the Kolomna (in some chronicles of Pereslavl) regiment on the Kulikovo field and was killed in battle.”

    Then Cherkizovo belonged to the Khovrin-Golovins, then to Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, granted to his relative Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Glinsky and, according to his spiritual charter, in 1566 it was given to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, in whose possession it was until the confiscation of the monastic estates in 1764.

    A village adjacent to Cherkizovo near the station. Tarasovskaya, which arose at the end of the 19th century. The village of Tarasovo on the river included within its borders. Klyazma has been known since the 16th century. and belonged to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

    Cherkizovo and Tarasovka are ancient summer cottages near Moscow. By the end of the 19th century. there were more than 400 dachas here. The village was assigned to the church of the village. Pushkino, where so many people gathered on holidays that not everyone could fit in it. This forced the owners of dachas in 1898 to become concerned about the construction of the temple. Among them was a hereditary honorary citizen, a member of the Moscow City Duma, director of the board of the Association of Leather and Cloth Factories "A. Bakhrushin's Sons", a member of the Moscow office of the State Bank, a member of the board of trustees of the Commercial School named after. Tsarevich Alexei Dmitry Petrovich Bakhrushin (1844-1918), a close friend of P.M. Tretyakov, who helped him and himself collected an excellent collection of paintings by foreign artists. He was an extremely hospitable host; his Sunday dinners were famous throughout Moscow.

    Buried at the temple are his son Peter (1887-1969), a member of the board of the Bakhrushin cloth factory, an accountant in Soviet times, a member of the Mutual Credit Society during the NEP years, and his daughters Evgenia (1890-1919) and Varvara (1891-1986), who studied at the Higher medical courses, working as a nurse.

    O.F. also took part in the creation of the temple. Kurlyukov (trade in precious stones), V.P. Novikov and others.

    Residents allocated 3 acres of land, and in 1899 the stone Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God with the chapels of St. Nicholas of Myra and St. Sergius of Radonezh was founded in memory of the coronation of Their Majesties.

    The temple was assigned to the church with. Pushkino, where two priests served.

    A year later the work was roughly completed. The Three-Altar Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was consecrated in 1903 by Metropolitan Vladimir of Moscow (Bogoyavlensky, brutally murdered in 1918 in Kyiv, canonized as Russian new martyrs).

    In the 1930s local authorities tried to close the temple, but believers, with God's help, managed to defend it.

    In 1913, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the War of 1812, a white stone chapel was built in the village of Tarasovskaya near the Yaroslavskoye Highway according to the design of the architect Semyon Mitrofanovich Erofeev (1875-?). It was placed in the place where in 1812 the Don Cossack regiment of Denisov 7th stood under the command of military foreman Pobednov, defending the road to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and where a limit was placed on the advance of the French along the Yaroslavl road.

    The lands of the village of Kurakino bordered Tarasovka, where since 1880 the family of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898), founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, hereditary honorary citizen, actual state councilor, co-owner of the Trading House "P. and S. Tretyakov brothers and V. Konshin" rested " and the "Partnership of the New Kostroma Linen Manufactory", an honorary citizen of Moscow.

    Pavel Mikhailovich, in addition to managing the family business, in 1863 served as a member of the commercial court, from 1878, for 8 years, was a member of the committee to provide assistance to the families of soldiers killed, died of wounds and mutilated on the battlefield, from 1868 to In 1889 he was a member of the branch of the Council of Trade and Manufactures, starting from 1866 he was an elective of the Moscow merchants, from 1879 he was an elective of the Moscow Exchange Society, he was a member of the commission on the benefits and needs of the public and for the appointment of candidates for various positions in the Moscow merchants to society.

    Pavel Mikhailovich was an honorary member and committee member of the Society of Art Lovers (for 37 years), an indispensable member of the board of trustees at the Alexander Commercial School and a member of the board of the Moscow Merchant Bank.

    In Kurakino, in a log house with 12 windows along the facade, artists V.G. Perov, V.I. Surikov, V.D. Polenov, I.I. Shishkin, N.A. Yaroshenko and many others.

    The house was destroyed in the 1980s.