SVO airport: transcript. Services for air hub clients

You can get to the center of Moscow via the Aeroexpress train departing from the airport. Novotel Moscow Hotel, Sheremetyevo Airport - Awesome location, next to Sheremetyevo-2 Airport. Ideal when you arrive or depart on international flights and have time between transit traffic. If you have nowhere to go and don’t really want to hang out at the airport, then this hotel is just right. I recommend this four-star hotel for transit travelers. By the way, you can order it online. For example, you can conveniently book at This hotel has everything you need for a decent holiday, a wellness center with a swimming pool, a fitness center and a sauna. Here you can take a shower and spend time in a normal environment, two restaurants, a restaurant with delicious food, relax, a lobby bar, there is Wi-Fi, you can get to the airport by a free bus that runs from the hotel,

We offer services: rent and purchase of a private jet in Sheremetyevo. VIP Charter. Order a business jet. Turnkey business aviation.

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iata_code icao_code name_eng latitude longitude runway_length runway_elevation phone email website
GEN KBOS Oslo - Gardermoen Airport 60.2 11.083333333333 2553 204 + 47 64 81 20 00 - [email protected]
OSL ENGM Oslo Airport, Gardermoen 60.193917 11.100361 3600 208 4 764 812 000 [email protected]

"A big ship that is slowly sinking." This is what the Chinese say about Russia, who diagnosed our country better than we ourselves. A smooth dive to the bottom can lead to the fact that you can hardly notice it. Calmly move from one deck to another, emptying the bar stock of the liner. “Stable” does not experience discomfort.

And this is the problem: it is so easy to reassure yourself with stories about “getting up from your knees” and at the same time not seeing how the distance between the advanced developed countries and Russia, a “raw materials giant” fading like an old planet, is growing, gradually becoming insurmountable. At times it may even seem that the exchange rate is leveling out: the cost of oil has risen a little, and inflation seems to have slowed down. However, in reality, all these wave fluctuations do not affect the overall downward slide: there is no industrial growth, new industries other than raw materials are not appearing, the infrastructure is deteriorating, science and education are withering, the population is aging, talented youth are not in demand. The list goes on and on.

You don’t need to be Vanga to predict that the “new economic strategy” that we are promised by May will turn out to be yet another myth. Don’t go to grandma’s, it will be about “development of human capital” (against the backdrop of cuts in schools, hospitals, freezing of social benefits), “creating a comfortable environment for business and investment” (against the backdrop of extreme nightmare for entrepreneurs and reduction in demand due to poverty of the population). About “stabilization and reaching the bottom of the crisis” (I agree about the bottom, but not the crisis, but life). About the privatization of the remaining state assets.

There will not be: about the creation of new industries and jobs; development of non-resource exports; the rise of science and education; elimination of corruption and monopolies affiliated with officials; about the reconstruction of the destroyed legal and social state. And if something happens, it will be in general words and without specifics. Imagine a kind of “whole house renovation program,” in which the most radical measure is to move the chest of drawers from the room to the hallway and even sell off the mother-in-law’s silver, and you get the “economic strategy of Russia 2017.”

The new Minister of Economy, appointed after Ulyukaev, has already voiced his main economic “priorities” in his recent interview. They boil down to... compiling a “table of main problems”, as if these problems have arisen now, and have not existed for many years. In particular, the minister discovered poverty in Russia, as well as a shadow economy. Based on the table, the head of the economic department promised to look into it and figure out how to help the sinking country. I don’t know about you, but I immediately remembered the hero of the film, who had a dream to “have a dream.” However, while the ministry is drawing up a plan to draw up a plan, the economy continues to stagnate and the people become poorer.

The most alarming thing is that it does not fit into the new world technological order; its lag behind the post-industrial countries rushing forward is becoming catastrophic. The nanotechnologies entrusted to Chubais died without being born along with Medvedev’s “modernization.” Some new technological developments exist only in the military-industrial complex and in the space industry. But not all is well there either - the latest crash of the Progress MS-04 space truck clearly demonstrated this. In general, we continue to remain a raw material appendage of the “ideological enemy,” and every year this problem becomes more and more apparent.

We are losing not only time, but also human capital. Old personnel are leaving, but no one is systematically training new ones. The quality of education is collapsing, science is being commercialized, and brains are leaking. Families plunging into poverty find it difficult to raise even two children, and this means the cessation of the nation’s reproduction.

The situation in which we find ourselves is stagnation, a stop in development, and therefore an ever-increasing lag. Russia is pumped up with silicone and Botex, it gets plastic surgery and makeup, but this does not make it fresher and stronger - just like the “ageless” stars from the notorious New Year’s TV shows, which have become a real marker of stagnation. This is just a picture, and mainly for domestic consumption, since only a few in the world have illusions about the true situation of our country.

What kind of Russia will it be, say, in 30 years with such “stable” flooding? What bottom will it reach? You can go under water for a long time: there is still a Soviet legacy and resources that are still suitable for sale. But it will be more and more difficult to rise from year to year. And who knows, maybe one day the ascent will turn out to be impossible. The world has known many civilizations that did not fit into the pace of history, and now they are just a page in a textbook and picturesque ruins on the hills.

Let's think about it: is there anyone now who is capable of lifting the Rossiya ship to the surface? Unfortunately, there is no quick positive answer to this question. Trump, who briefly became Russia’s friend, will certainly not come to the rescue. “Their” elite and the bureaucrats floating in its wake are appropriating national wealth for themselves, while at the same time putting down roots abroad.

However, if the elite and the authorities do not want to change anything, then perhaps the people will force them to do so? The “magical” century of the revolution involuntarily pushes one to think about repeating the scenario. But here, too, there is no sharp swing, a classic revolutionary situation is not observed: the impression is that both the top and the bottom at the same time do not want sharp changes: some because they are happy with everything, others because they are afraid that it will be even worse. Thus, the revolutionary anniversary is still expected to be dull and mundane in autumn. Weather forecast: local outbreaks of public discontent, a “hungry” public consensus against the backdrop of the steadily slow sinking of a once large and fast ship.

However, how long will this depression last? After all, discontent is accumulating among the people, a growing feeling of hopelessness and despair. And there are plenty of irritants: here are the exorbitant incomes of officials and corporate directors, and the ostentatious luxury of the elite, and openly brazen theft, and the government’s refusal to fight poverty. At some point, the fear that it will get worse will go away - simply because it can’t get any worse. Everything is like in the classics.

Answer: exactly so, and this is already happening, but so far at the regional level. Let me give you a recent example: Gukovsky miners from the Rostov region, who had been sitting without wages for a year and a half and were driven to extremes, tried to go to Moscow on December 19 to hold an action near the Government House. They were not released by force, and the city was cordoned off for several days. But immediately, realizing the seriousness of the situation, the federal center intervened, and people, albeit slowly, began to be paid money. Through the efforts of public activists and State Duma deputies from the opposition, the issue of debts reached the country's leadership, found its way into the media, and it became impossible to hush it up.

This case showed the effectiveness of the protest - by the way, completely legal and not radical at all, but simply purposeful and persistent. The Gukovsky story is still unique, but initiative groups are now emerging in many places, and, apparently, such cases will be repeated.

However, to achieve broader socio-economic change, a broader popular movement is also needed. And it requires honest and uncorrupt leaders - not populists or radicals, but people of national stature and intelligence. At the same time, of course, they are not cowards, because they will be fought harshly. This is where the main problem lies now: people capable of becoming reform drivers are not visible on the horizon - for too long, leaders of this type have been purged on the approaches to public politics. Or they themselves, having entered the slippery road of compromise, were forged from swords into empty plowshares.

But “no” now does not mean that they will not appear in the future: even in the USSR and the countries of “people’s democracy” that were cleared of dissidents, in times of crisis, people’s leaders appeared almost out of nowhere; the easier it can happen in Russia, including from the same initiative groups of social protests.

Sharp shocks in the economy - as happened in 1990-91, then in 1998 - can provoke and accelerate discontent. Such risks are now created, for example, by the depletion of reserve funds. As of January 1, 2017, the volume of the Reserve Fund amounted to 972 billion rubles compared to 3.64 trillion rubles. a year earlier. It turns out that 73% of the fund’s funds were spent in a year. In addition, according to the Ministry of Finance, over the same period, the National Welfare Fund, our last sovereign fund, also decreased by almost 17%. Much, of course, will depend on the oil market, plus there is also the possibility of increasing public debt. But these are already very alarming signals for the government, especially since going into debt in a weak economy can result in default.

But what about high government ratings? Don't they create a seemingly solid safety net for her? Indeed, according to the latest data from the Levada Center, as many as 84% ​​of citizens approve of the president’s activities, and this figure is growing all the time, as if there were no crisis and poverty in the country! Yes, indeed, sociology gives precisely such contradictory results, largely formed by the state monopoly on electronic media. But public sentiment, as history shows, can differ from surveys and, moreover, change quite quickly. There is a risk that the government will fall into the “Hillary Clinton trap”: sociologists also pictured a confident victory for her in the US elections, but did not take into account hidden factors, in the American case - giving socially approved answers. In Russian realities, this is also accompanied by an atmosphere of fear and secrecy - our leading sociological services themselves talk about a high percentage of refusals to answer. So one fine day, when the situation, God forbid, suddenly changes, it may turn out that 84 percent are not, and there is a dissatisfied crowd outside the windows. This is exactly what happened in 2011, when the tandem’s ratings dropped very quickly, and then protests began.

Bottom line: sadness and depression exist, but they are not fatal. Just as, I hope, our dive to the bottom is not fatal yet. If the authorities do not want to go down in history as the crew of the Titanic, they need to start reforms. For the urgent raising of the vessel, its reconstruction and accelerated movement forward.

Russia ranks 28th in the ranking of countries with a developed air transport structure. As of 2018, there are 282 operating airports registered on its territory. A quarter of them are international. The largest, most dynamic and innovative air transport hubs are located in Moscow. And the undisputed leader in this direction is the airport.

In contact with

In accordance with the international classification, the full name of the air port is Sheremetyevo Moscow SVO Airport .

What does the abbreviation SVO stand for and why is it needed?

According to the rules of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), each airport is assigned an individual code. This is a unique combination of three Latin letters. In fact, this applies not only to airports, but also to any other major transport hubs: seaports, railway junctions and stations.

All airports in the world (and there are more than 40 thousand of them!) daily coordinate the movement of their aircraft in the common airspace. Tens of thousands of aircraft fly in the air at once, exchanging coordinates, special signals and messages every minute. In order to simplify this process, as well as to increase the speed of information transfer, all services use the code system: airlines, pilots, dispatchers, passengers.

How to decipher the ICAO index?

IATA code system- the most common and recognizable, but not the only one accepted in Russia and the world community. The classification of airports also uses the ICAO coding, developed and operated within the framework of the World Civil Aviation Organization. It consists of four Latin letters, but for countries with high population density it is acceptable to use five-letter designations. In accordance with ICAO rules, Sheremetyevo is called UUEE. And if the SVO code simply echoes the name of the hub - Sheremetyevo Airport Moscow, then the UUEE code can tell an educated person the location of the airport.

What is Sheremetyevo Airport SVO known for?

Sheremetyevo is the country's largest air hub: It carries more than 30 million passengers per year. And this number is constantly increasing. The route map includes more than 200 destinations. SVO consists of six autonomous terminals and a cargo complex.

SVO Moscow Airport– a recognized leader of the country in the field of safety, comfort and innovation. The infrastructure of the air port allows people with disabilities to travel comfortably: for their convenience, special information and registration counters, medical assistance and ambulatory lift services have been created for boarding the aircraft. Terminal E even has a special Sirius lounge.

Families with small children can use one of the mother and child rooms, where there are areas for sleeping, relaxing, eating and hygiene procedures . While waiting for the flight, passengers are provided with There are numerous cafes, shops, business lounges, beauty salons, post offices, banks and cellular communications. The historical Airport Museum is located in Terminal F.

The transport network around SVO is quite well developed. The airport can be reached by bus, train or taxi. Travel time from the center of Moscow is 30-40 minutes.

Safety air port is also at the highest level. In addition to introscopic inspection and scanning of luggage and hand luggage, continuous integrated video surveillance is carried out. Dog handlers and Moscow prolife services work in the halls to identify potentially dangerous individuals.

Awards. SVO Airport has many prestigious awards at the national and international level. Three times (in 2012, 2013 and 2015) it was awarded the title of “Best Airport in Europe” in the ranking of Airports Council International, and in January 2015 it took second place in the ranking of the most punctual airports in the world.

The capital of Russia is the largest tourist and cultural center. Every year the city welcomes 16,000,000 guests from regions and other countries. A huge part of travelers arrive here directly through the air gates. Let's find out which air terminal is considered the largest in Moscow and what it is called.

Today, the capital owns six transport hubs that operate air traffic within the country and serve foreign destinations. These include Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Ostafyevo, the new Zhukovsky air terminal and the Chkalovsky military airfield. However, these names are not suitable for professional use. Therefore, the International Organization IATA assigns each airport a specific coding consisting of Latin designations.

This abbreviation consists of three characters. The code is considered unique and is assigned to each transport hub individually.

Let's figure out the abbreviation SVO (Moscow) - which airport received such a code and what such symbols mean. According to international coding, these letters indicate the Sheremetyevo air terminal. After all, writing the name of the airport in Latin implies exactly this order of abbreviation. Considering that English is used by all countries of the world, and it is listed on the websites of most airlines and air terminals, in the international system the name of the capital is translated as “Moscow”.

Having found out the meaning of the abbreviation, anyone can easily understand what such a definition means and why such abbreviations are used. After all, searching for a foreign flight requires knowledge of international symbols in order to find the desired route faster. In addition, it is appropriate to use a flight search engine, using the city where you intend to fly. In the search engines of some foreign airlines, it is appropriate to use the English version of the encoding or the name of the capital of Russia.

Features of the air hub

Today SVO - the airport, the decoding of which means “Sheremetyevo”, is considered the largest hub in the capital. This complex is among the twenty best air hubs in Europe. Passenger traffic at the airport in 2015 amounted to 31,612,000 people. Moreover, the complex has two parallel runways for take-off and landing of aircraft. True, due to the too close location of the runways, the administration of the hub does not practice the simultaneous takeoff of two aircraft, but delimits a time interval of 15–20 minutes to ensure the safety of passengers.

As for the general structure of the complex, the air hub offers passengers six separate terminals, which are marked with Latin symbols: “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”. However, now the work of the oldest terminal “B” is suspended due to the reconstruction of the hall. Here in the future an impressive sector will be built, which will provide a passenger flow of 15,000,000 people.

Complementing the structure of the airport is a cargo compartment called SheremetyevoCargo. This is where transportation logistics, receiving things, processing applications and issuing cargo to recipients take place.

Thus, the complex becomes a completely autonomous structure, which allows air communication between different points of the planet. Moreover, the layout of Sheremetyevo consists of two separate zones - the northern and southern complex, which are connected to each other by internal passenger transportation using the company's shuttles. We will find out details about each of the SVO (airport) terminals, which sector serves domestic flights and from where you will be able to fly abroad.

Northern part of the terminal

In this area of ​​the runway complex there are three terminals, including sectors “A”, “B” and “C”. Compartment "A" lies in the northeastern part of the complex and temporarily uses the parking lot of terminal "B". The sector was opened in 2012. The node operates only to receive government delegations and major business representatives. This terminal is closed to regular airport customers.

Compartment “C” is located in the north and is a full-fledged takeoff and landing complex. Airlines that primarily serve charter flights are based here - Ikar and NordWind Airlines. The complex building has four levels and allows you to drive to the terminal by car. There is also a huge parking lot where 1,000 spaces are allocated for the hub’s clients.

Southern terminals

Sectors “D”, “E”, “F” are combined into a whole complex. They are connected by pedestrian galleries along which passengers move around the terminals. Moreover, the oldest sector in this connection was node “F”, which was opened for the Olympics in 1980. Terminal D appeared in 2009, and Terminal E in 2010. Hubs "E" and "F" serve international flights.

Sector “D” became the base for Aeroflot group airliners. This compartment is considered the main one and serves domestic flights and flights to international destinations. Terminal “F” is the most developed hub of the complex. There is access to the electric train platform, the area of ​​free movement of passengers has been expanded, and two halls have been equipped for VIP guests. There is an airport hotel, a duty-free shopping area, shops and boutiques here. In addition, the sector offers a separate hall for receiving government delegations.

Services for air hub clients

Sheremetyevo is an airport whose administration keeps up with the times. The company has developed a convenient website for clients, where passengers study flight schedules and book air tickets. In addition, it is possible to register online here, and this fact greatly simplifies the task for most people who are planning to travel. After all, online registration allows you to be a little late for the official end of such a procedure at the airport.

Taking into account the latest trends on the world stage, airport services strive to simplify the movement of customers throughout the complex as much as possible. Comfortable conditions have been created here for people with limited mobility who experience certain difficulties in moving independently. Accompanying disabled people, separate convenient parking spaces for vehicles driven by people with limited mobility, special waiting rooms and elevators that allow passengers from this category to board the aircraft are an integral part of the interior design of the air hub.

For transit passengers, a separate hall operates uninterruptedly at node “F”. All travelers will be able to get here if they show the employee a ticket confirming a connection at this airport. Please note that permits to visit Russia are not required here.

For clients who want to ensure a comfortable stay at a temporary point of stay, there are VIP complexes that allow you to await your flight in decent conditions. There is free Wi-Fi, television, and the opportunity to have a snack before the flight. The halls are equipped with soft ergonomic furniture. If the need arises, the company is ready to provide business people with a special room for meetings and negotiations.

VIP lounge of one of the airport terminals

Sheremetyevo’s special policy can also be observed regarding children. The airport offers customers the opportunity to travel comfortably with a child, starting from infancy. There are changing tables, playrooms, kitchen and dining areas for children. Some airlines offer free strollers to parents of infants after baggage check-in and packing. The product is issued for temporary use until boarding the flight.

Plans to improve the complex

Today, representatives of the Sheremetyevo company plan to complete the reconstruction of terminal “B” by 2017. The updated hub will increase the overall passenger flow and at the same time create the most comfortable conditions for the company’s clients. In addition, a project to build a third runway for landing and takeoff of airliners is being considered in the future. This event will allow the airport to reach a fundamentally new level.

In the future, the airport owners plan to increase the turnover of the Sheremetyevo Cargo cargo terminal

The planned development of the airport involves completing the construction of the summer zone and increasing the turnover of the cargo terminal. Experts say that this complex is capable of receiving and sending 1,000,000 tons of cargo annually. The air hub management plans to reach this level by 2030.

Finally, the constant expansion of the geography of the flight network and the emergence of new routes will make it possible to bring the Sheremetyevo air hub into the top five world leaders. Today, the airport offers flights to 200 destinations around the world and cooperates with more than 35 domestic and foreign airlines.

Decoding of the international code SVO assigned by IATA means Sheremetyevo
Map of Moscow's largest airport
In the Sheremetyevo airport, terminal “C” is located in the northern part of the complex and is a completely autonomous structure
Scheme of the southern complex of SVO airport in Moscow
Improvement of the internal area for passengers and a barrier-free environment are the priorities of the enterprise

Sheremetyevo is an important airport in Russia. This modern airport plays an important role in transport infrastructure. Sheremetyevo is very important for the residents and government of Russia.

International IATA ICAO codes in Sheremetyevo

Many airports have international codes IATA and ICAO. The IATA international airport code is a three-letter unique identifier designating airports. All countries of the world use such codes. The distribution of codes is carried out by the organization IATA (International Air Transport Association). You can find these codes on your luggage labels. They are the ones who prevent your luggage from getting lost and guarantee that it will arrive at Sheremetyevo.

The ICAO code is a 4-character identifier received by each airport where international traffic is carried out. This code is issued by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). These codes are used for airspace control and flight planning. It is not like the IATA code, which is used primarily as a code used on airline displays, baggage tags, and other common situations.

SVO is one of the main airports in Moscow - Sheremetyevo. SVO is a code assigned by representatives of the International Organization IATA. IATA assigns each airport a unique code to quickly identify any airport. This designation is used by airlines to sell tickets and carry out other operations, and by various companies whose activities are related to the organization or transmission of information about air transportation. Thus, you can find out by the SVO code which airport in Moscow is meant. Similar to the IATA code, Russia has a domestic coding system. Sheremetyevo Airport has this code ShRM.

Initially it was called “Sheremetyevsky” (as the village of the same name, located nearby and the railway station of the same name). The decision to build was made back in 1953. After 4 years, the runway was put into operation, as well as 3 aprons and the Central Administration building. The aprons were used to park aircraft. The main initiator who advocated the creation of this airport was N.S. Khrushchev. Every year the SVO airport (Sheremetyevo transcript) improved, new terminals and new aircraft appeared. Three years ago (2013) it was recognized as the best among all European airports in terms of level and quality of service.


Today, the airport includes five operating terminals serving flights within the country and to other countries. Each of these buildings has a letter designation: A, C, D, E, F. There is also a terminal B, but it was closed last year. A new terminal will be built in its place in the near future.

Terminal A is the newest. It opened in 2012. Buildings E, D and F are one large complex. Moreover, each terminal has its own purpose:

  1. “A” – service for customers flying business class.
  2. “C” – charter flights.
  3. “D” – service of various flights. This is the main terminal.
  4. “E” – international flights.
  5. “F” – service of passenger business flights.

Terminal B was built first. There were two halls here: for departure and for arrival. It was used for air cargo transportation as well as business flights. The last flight was accepted here in 2014. After this, the terminal was closed.

View of Sheremetyevo Airport from above

Terminal A

This building is located in the northeastern part of the complex. Business aviation passengers are served here. Today, some of the parking lots that formerly belonged to Terminal B are used for aircraft from this new terminal.

Terminal C

It was opened in 2007. Located in the northern part of the airport. Mostly charter flights operate here. There are thirty check-in counters and thirty-six booths for passport control. In addition, there is an automated baggage checking and sorting system. This complex even has an Orthodox chapel. The terminal has 6 parking lots with telescopic gangways.

Terminal D

This complex first began serving passengers in 2009. Unlike others, this terminal until 2012 was under the control of a separate joint stock company “Terminal”. In shape (when viewed from above) this building looks like a large bird. According to the architectural design, this shape was chosen as a symbol of the swan, which seems to protect passengers with its wings.

Terminal E

Opened in 2010. Since this complex is connected to two others, it allows passengers to pass through the entire southern part of the airport without any obstacles. On the second floor there is the chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Terminal F

Opened in 1980. This is a large complex, including an airfield, apron, industrial buildings, and a square. Initially, this complex was designed for six million passengers. There are fifteen parking lots with telescopic ramps.

Opportunities provided to passengers

Sheremetyevo Airport has an official website, thanks to which anyone can purchase a plane ticket to any of the service destinations online. The site also allows you to check in online, which saves time (registration usually ends forty minutes before departure, so passengers must arrive well before their scheduled departure time at the airport). Online registration eliminates this need and eliminates the possibility of being late and missing on-site registration.

Barrier-free environment. This is one of the programs that airport employees are actively implementing. Everything here is aimed at the comfort of passengers. Particular attention is paid here to people with disabilities. They are provided with free support. There are special parking spaces, information desks, and equipped check-in counters for them. The terminals are also equipped with special elevators to transport such passengers on board.

Terminals E and D include lounges that are accessible for the disabled. The Sirius and Saturn halls are open for such people.

Passengers visiting Sheremetyevo Airport can wait for their flight in a high-comfort lounge. There is everything you need for a comfortable stay: upholstered furniture, large screen TV, drinks, Wi-Fi, etc. Airport employees, if desired, accompany the client from the check-in point to the gate to board the plane. Terminal F has a service lounge for those traveling in transit. This room is open to the public at any time (open 24/7). In order to enter it, it is not necessary to have a Russian visa. It is enough to provide the authorized employee with the purchased ticket for the next flight with a confirmed seat. The airport has several lounges for VIP clients. You can also book a meeting room here.

Don't worry about flying with children, the airport has everything you need for little passengers

For passengers with children

For those flying with children, Sheremetyevo Airport will be provided with everything necessary for the comfort of children. There are changing tables, modern kitchens, play areas, and children's bedrooms. Those traveling with a stroller will receive another stroller for temporary use after checking it in as baggage. It can be used while at the airport for free. But this service is not provided on all flights (not by every airline).