Swimming with dolphins. Swimming with a dolphin

Dolphinarium in the south of Bali (Bali Dolphins) is located near the resort of Sanur, on the island of Serangan. The pools where the dolphins swim are located directly in the sea. Living conditions for animals are as close to natural as possible.

In this article you will find a detailed description of the dolphinarium in southern Bali, what makes it unique and what kind of entertainment it offers. There are also detailed instructions on how to get to it, and what you can see nearby. The guide's advice will help you navigate prices, choose the right time for your trip, and take the necessary things with you. I’ll say right away that the dolphinarium is very popular, so it’s worth booking your seats in advance.

Description of the dolphinarium

The Bali Dolphins dolphinarium opened about 10 years ago. Unlike many other similar places, here dolphins swim in sea water. Chlorine and other disinfectant solutions are not added to it, which harm animals and lead to their rapid death. Veterinarians work here who constantly monitor the health of the dolphins. Once a week they are released into the open sea. Surprisingly, all the animals come back. After all, in the dolphinarium they can always get fresh food and care.

The dolphinarium consists of several fenced pools right in the middle of the sea. They are surrounded by wooden platforms from which you can observe marine mammals. One of them has comfortable tables with armchairs and umbrellas, where it’s nice to sit and admire an interesting show.

Each pool has small platforms that are lowered 1.2 meters into the water. They are designed to allow visitors to get up close and personal with the dolphins. There are also lockers on site, a small bar with drinks and a screen room where training takes place.

What interesting things will be offered to you at the dolphinarium? There are several types of entertainment programs:

1. Dolphin show.

Experienced trainers and trained animals will delight you with interesting tricks in the water. According to reviews from many tourists, the smartest and most savvy dolphins on the island live here, well trained.

  • Duration - 3 0 minutes
  • Price for an adult – 39.5 dollars
  • Price for a child – 34.5 dollars
  • Children under one year of age have free admission

2. Swimming with dolphins (suitable for small children).

It takes place on a platform in the pool. You need to put on a life jacket and go down to a small platform where you will be in waist-deep water. The dolphin will swim up to you, you can pet it and even kiss it.

  • The program is designed for small groups of 4-6 people
  • Session duration - 3 0 minutes
  • Children over 5 years old and taller than 135 cm are allowed
  • Adult price: $79
  • Price for a child – 69 dollars

3. Swimming with a dolphin.

After descending onto the platform, you can take a dip in the pool and play with the dolphin. A group of 4-6 people is also selected for swimming. There is always an experienced trainer nearby who helps you interact with the dolphin.

  • Duration - 30 minutes
  • Children over 12 years old are allowed
  • Adult price: $79
  • Price for children – 69 dollars

Tourists are transported to the pools on a special boat. Before this, detailed instructions are required, especially for those who have chosen the program of interaction or swimming with dolphins.

Then they offer to change clothes, leave their clothes in the locker, and, if desired, have a cocktail or soft drink.

Dolphins are amazing animals. Swimming with them or just watching them improves your mood, calms you down and calms you down. It is not for nothing that these animals are used for the treatment of many diseases and rehabilitation. Both adults and children will enjoy the dolphinarium. The main thing is that the dolphins live here almost in natural conditions, are healthy, playful and do not suffer, as in small indoor pools. In addition to mammals, in the dolphinarium you can see a real stingray and even swim with it.

How to get there

To get to the dolphinarium in southern Bali from the central and northern part of the island, you need to get to Denpasar. From there you can get directly to the dolphinarium. There is no public transport to Ser Angan Island.

Considered one of the best on the island. They will appeal to diving enthusiasts and surfers.

Here you will see a sculpture that is still under construction, but will soon become the tallest monument in the world.

Since visiting the dolphinarium does not take much time, the excursion can be combined with a visit to 2-3 other attractions in the south of Bali. For animal lovers, I would recommend Turtle Park. For those for whom history and spiritual development are important, there is a direct path to the temples. If you like to bask on soft, warm sand, I recommend visiting Lembongan Island with its beautiful white beach. Those who love diving should visit the coral reefs, which have many diving spots.

What is important to know before going to the dolphinarium in southern Bali? Here are some useful tips:

  • You need to reserve your seats in advance, as there are a lot of visitors there. I would advise you to sign up at least a week in advance.
  • It is important to arrive at the dolphinarium on time; latecomers may not be allowed in.
  • Children under five years of age, patients with epilepsy and pregnant women (or suspected of pregnancy) are prohibited from entering the water. They can watch the dolphins from a wooden platform.
  • If you plan to swim with dolphins, do not apply protective cream to your body. It is advisable to leave jewelry at home, or remove it immediately before swimming.
  • To take photos and videos at the dolphinarium, it is better to take waterproof equipment.

Every day the dolphinarium hosts several races. Here are their exact times:

  • 8.00-11.30
  • 9.30-13-30
  • 12.30-15.30
  • 14.00-17.30

There are no special advantages to this or that time of the day; you can choose the most convenient one for yourself. As for the time of year, it is better not to come during the rainy season. The administration of the dolphinarium reserves the right to cancel visits due to weather conditions. Therefore, during the rainy season, you have a greater risk that your trip will be disrupted.

Who would I advise to go to the dolphinarium? The entertainment will appeal to animal lovers, children and adults. Before your trip, take into account the age restrictions for this or that program; small children are not allowed to enter the pool.

A trip to the dolphinarium in southern Bali is a great way to relax and interact with some of the world's most intelligent mammals. Here you can not only watch them, as in many other dolphinariums, but also swim together. I recommend visiting this attraction to anyone who likes animals.

Show on the map

m_tsyganov : Hooray! Already known to you for a long time tasmania-gal I returned - not only to Bali, but also to the pages of this blog. So read below how she splashes with dolphins and shallow water:
tasmania-gal : “I’ll say right away, I had the opportunity to swim with dolphins in Mexico about ten years ago. It cost less then, there was more time + the dolphins did all sorts of tricks. But: we really liked it here too, the trip was planned (and paid for) for the sake of the child, the child was in delighted, squealed and rejoiced, so $79 per adult and $69 per child completely paid for itself.

In order. They take you following a sign to a clearing filled with asphalt. On the left is an unattractive restaurant, in the center is an aquarium with fish to eat, and on the right is a parking lot.

While the child is looking at the fish, you understand that the most interesting thing is straight across the suspension bridge. But then the managing manager in a shirt appears and invites you to another restaurant on the right, where the girl looks for your name in the list of those who have booked and offers to pay for the procedure in advance.

In the procedure " swimming with dolphins » includes 45 minutes of swimming (taking turns with two other pairs of visitors), welcome drink (orange juice), fishing (catch and release, we caught two), one photo per person. It is necessary to make a reservation; the dolphins rest on Tuesdays and work four times a day on other days.

You pay, drink juice (it’s so-so) and wait. It’s better to wait not in the open area of ​​the restaurant, but in the closed one nearby - there is air conditioning and the owners’ regalia hangs there.

Hour X comes, you come to the restaurant under a white canopy and...

...two cheerful dolphins swim towards you, slap their tails on the water and... demand fish, of course.

Fish and have fun.

The staff knows the key phrases in Russian: come on, sit down and don’t bite. So you will have to feed the dolphins.

Then everyone puts on life jackets (the manager-manager likes to fasten them on the girls, so give him a shot right away) and take a shower. Shower outside, changing rooms behind a curtain. Keep this in mind later when you change your clothes after swimming with the dolphins. If you want to wash yourself properly, take bottled water with you and go straight to the toilet. You can ask for a towel.

Then the instructor shows you what to do. Everyone takes turns jumping into the water and repeating after him. Small children climb onto their parents' backs first, then flop around in the water themselves if they are not afraid. The instructor is with you in the water at all times.

They slap the water so that the dolphins swim over and greet them by their fins.

They grab the fins and swim with them (I tried everything carefully, but they are strong, beasts, hold on tight).

They grab the edges of the vest so that the dolphins swim close to “kiss” and something else.

Finishes with a goodbye kiss when you are no longer in the water.

And then you can feed the dolphins and/or fish for a long time - whoever wants what.

The photographer works well, takes a lot of pictures, we were pleased with ours. Take a camera with you, ask someone to film you, and in exchange you film them.

What I liked : almost everything.

What I didn't like : a little expensive (okay), dirty toilets, inconvenient to shower.

Potential injury :
1. Water is pouring out of the pool, the floor is slippery, wear slippers, only hold a small child’s hand.
2. The child could theoretically fall into the pool. Make sure this does not happen when he is not wearing a life jacket.
3. The suspension bridge is unstable, you are unlikely to fall, and you can twist your ankle.
4. Stone and wooden surfaces become very hot.
5. It is inconvenient to take a shower, i.e. wash all parts of the body thoroughly after the salt water in which dolphins live.
6. When fishing, everyone stands close to each other, careful when a neighbor pulls out an empty hook for bait.
7. If you have abrasions, cover with a band-aid, the water is very salty.
8. The steps leading to the suspension bridge are high, it is better to help the child.
9. Food and water are only from restaurants, be sure to take water with you - both to drink and to wash.
10. If the child is small and meeting dolphins will be a pleasant, but emotional shock for him, he will most likely either have difficulty calming down, or he will want to go to sleep in the car. Provide time for your child to rest.

In addition to “swimming with dolphins,” you can also simply watch dolphins during lunch or dinner. It costs less.
You can choose and buy more photos, how much it costs - I don’t know, we did it on our own.

  • Dolphinarium in Kuta
  • Dolphinarium in Kuta

  • Dolphinarium in Kuta
  • Dolphinarium in Kuta

  • Dolphinarium in Kuta
  • Dolphinarium in Kuta

  • Dolphinarium in Kuta
  • Dolphinarium in Kuta

  • description

    The Dolphinarium in Bali is not at all what our tourists are used to. Therefore, if you are expecting traditional dolphin shows or water performances, then you will not see this in Kuta.

    The dolphins of the city of Kuta are well trained to communicate with people, they are calm and friendly, and they also love children very much. Therefore, the main feature of the dolphinarium is the opportunity to splash around in a specialized pool with dolphins. For visitors who know how to swim, this is a unique opportunity to pet and even ride a dolphin.

    Dolphins are incredibly smart animals, so you can not only take pictures with them, but also play ball and participate in other water activities. And direct communication with dolphins is extremely beneficial for health. Scientists have repeatedly noted that when communicating using ultrasound, dolphins create vibrational waves that can literally treat many diseases. In a number of countries, a special course of treatment is even practiced through communication with these kind and gentle inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

    Therefore, visiting Bali and not visiting the dolphinarium is a big mistake for a tourist.


    Dolphinarium in Kuta is a unique attraction. And besides, it's quite new. He is only a little over 15 years old. When creating the attraction, foreign experience was taken into account, as well as local conditions. The result is an unusual and modern water park, incredibly popular among tourists from all over the world.


    The Dolphinarium is a huge pool without seats, since there are no spectators in it as such. The pool is completely artificial, and the water is sea, which is regularly updated. The pool is very clean and safe. There is also special equipment for swimming with dolphins (masks, fins, life jackets and even small scuba gear). Therefore, if children or adults do not know how to swim, then this is not an obstacle to having fun with dolphins.

    Visiting rules

    The dolphinarium, like other vacation spots in Bali, is open from 9 am to 6 pm. An entrance ticket will cost an adult $70, a child under 12 years old $50. Children under 5 years old are not allowed into the pool for safety reasons. Dolphins are not aggressive, and playing with them is absolutely safe. All entertainment takes place with the presence of a dolphin trainer, so if necessary, they will be provided with all the necessary assistance.


    Tourists have a unique opportunity to swim absolutely freely and frolic with dolphins for 40 minutes. And no one will interfere with you. The pool entry system is designed so that there are not many visitors in the pool at the same time. Therefore, visits to the pool begin at 9 a.m., noon, and 3 p.m. At the same time, it is advisable to book tickets in advance, since with such a system of visiting the dolphinarium there are a lot of people who want to get into it.

    Few tourists and visitors to the dolphinarium know that the dolphin pool is located right on the coast, in the middle of the ocean. The pool may drift, but a system of cables keeps it firmly within its designated water area. The water exchange system has been tripled so that the water in the pool is exactly the same as in the ocean. And swimming in the dolphinarium is absolutely safe.

    How to get there

    Getting to the Dolphinarium in Bali is very easy, especially since it is located in the famous resort area of ​​Sanur. You can get there by taxi. The word “Dolpfines” is known to every taxi driver. When traveling in your own car, you can find it using your navigator or at Batu Belig Street 101.

    For me personally, the most memorable days of our vacation were the last 2 that we spent in Bali near Lovina Beach. These days were filled with dolphins, deer and other animals at the Melka Excelsior Hotel. We learned what dolphin therapy is in Bali, we even tried dolphin treatment ourselves and got just a lot of unforgettable sensations :). But first things first. We then headed back to Bali to the Lovina Beach area where we had booked the Melka Excelsior Hotel for our last 2 days of vacation. This hotel is famous for its zoo and dolphinarium; as far as I understand, this is the only place in Bali where you can undergo dolphin therapy. We were put in a small house
    one room, bathroom, everything is quite simple
    but it was decorated quite exotically, the huge stucco composition constantly confused me :), it seemed that these people were watching me!
    We stopped by late in the evening, because... We spent the whole day in Ubud, unsuccessfully trying to regain our place. Upon arrival, I immediately booked a trip for the morning to watch dolphins in the sea. By the way, at the hotel such a trip costs 120,000 rupees (12 dollars), and if you go outside the hotel premises you can buy from 50,000 rupees, but because... I was alone, then they sold it to me for 70,000 rupees (7 dollars). And so at 6 in the morning we set out to sea on small boats
    and meanwhile the dawn broke
    there are already a lot of people on the horizon wanting to see dolphins
    So we have joined their ranks, but there are still no dolphins
    but when they appeared, I regretted that they decided to swim here
    As soon as they emerged in one place, dozens of boats rushed after them until they went into the depths, it was more like a hunt, the poor dolphins did not know where to get away from the boats pursuing them
    during the 2 hours that we spent at sea, we changed our location several times and saw several families
    When we returned, we walked around the hotel grounds a bit
    passed by the dolphinarium (under the blue awning), where 5 dolphins live
    everywhere everything is covered with greenery and flowers
    and of course funny statues everywhere
    so we got to the restaurant, breakfast is average, not very varied, but you can eat, and there is something to feed the child
    after breakfast, we went to say hello to the dolphins and watched a small show
    after the dolphin show we visited the deer
    treated them to carrots
    we walked around the entire hotel zoo, the zoo is small, but quite interesting and clean, no unpleasant smell was noticed :). After examining all the animals, we returned to get our share of dolphin treatment.
    Roma is looking forward to it :)
    in total we spent about half an hour in the pool with dolphins, 2 dolphins swam around us, which we could pet
    also the dolphins performed all sorts of tricks, kissed us, danced with us, and at the end 2 dolphins took me for a ride along the entire pool, this was the most exciting moment for me!
    Roma also really enjoyed swimming with dolphins, only when the dolphins stuck out of the water near us, he was a little afraid, but otherwise he behaved quite well. At the very end, we were allowed to feed them; put the fish directly into the dolphin’s mouth. Roma didn’t take the risk, but fed it with pleasure. The cost of swimming with dolphins was $55 per adult and $25 per child, and they also gave us a bunch of printed photos. At the hotel we met many Russians with small children who came for dolphin therapy in Bali. They swam with dolphins 2 times a day for 12-14 days, they say it helps many people, they come mainly with children who have problems with speech, but they said that in general there are many indications for such therapy. I myself didn’t form a special opinion about the usefulness, but there was a lot of buzz and impressions :)

    We spent the remaining time before departure at the hotel, because... I didn’t like Lovina beach at all as a swimming beach, black sand, a rather dirty beach and a lot of boats, I didn’t even want to go into the water. So I went to the spa, we put Romka in the children's room, where he was looked after for $1.50 an hour, and Siuan had fun with his computer in his arms on a sun lounger near the pool
    the next day was our last day in Bali, so we went to Kuta Beach to say goodbye to the Bali sea
    The 2 weeks we spent in Indonesia flew by, the vacation was very eventful, we even managed to miss home and the calm, measured days :). Personally, I liked it the most, for its privacy and beautiful beach, and Lovina, for the storm of emotions received while swimming with dolphins, Suan liked it the most, for his carelessness and permissiveness, but no one ever found out what Roma liked most 🙂

    The Swim with Dolphins excursion is available in two options at two different locations to choose from.

    Swimming with dolphins in Bali (option 1)

    The first location on the southeast coast of Bali, travel time from Nusa Dua is approximately 40 minutes. Here, on the very shore of the sea, there is a pool in which 2 pairs of dolphins communicate daily, show their skills and give visitors rides on their backs. The place is very picturesque, quiet, beautiful sea. To prepare for swimming there is a shower, changing rooms, as well as a restaurant and photo service.

    The swimmers are in the pool all the time, the dolphins communicate with each one in turn, caress, let them touch, stroke, swim on the dolphin, hug, communicate and feed. Photography is carried out all the time, at the end of the event you can select the photos you like and print them (for an additional fee), you can also order video shooting. Self-filming is prohibited. A non-swimper, for example accompanying a child, is on the side of the pool in the immediate vicinity and helps, supports and advises his child.

    Bathing duration is 40 minutes. A maximum of 6 swimmers are allowed, 3 per two pairs of dolphins, or one family (2 adults and 2 children) per pair of dolphins. Bathing occurs 3 times a day in the morning at 9-00, at 13-00 and at 15-00. A visit to the pool must be booked in advance, and you must bring a swimsuit (swimming trunks).

    Swimming with dolphins in Bali (option 2)

    This is the longest one-day excursion around the island. The length of the route is more than 200 kilometers. The tour runs across the entire island to the north to the area. There is a hotel called Melka, which has a special pool with wonderful sea animals - dolphins. Every day, trained inhabitants give an extraordinary performance, and at the end you can swim in the pool with the dolphins. The local dolphins, under the guidance of instructors, conduct dolphin therapy - a unique treatment for people with various disabilities. When you enter the pool with these cute creatures, you will receive a huge amount of unusually positive emotions; you will feel such warmth and tenderness from communicating with the dolphins that you will leave the pool with great reluctance and regret.

    Along the way, you will visit the highest waterfall Git-Git, admire the beauty of the high-mountain Lake Bratan, feed wild monkeys, and get acquainted with the ancient capital of the island - Singaraja. The city is very different from the southern cities of the island in its architecture, content and rhythm of life. In Singaraja you will see buildings from the colonial era, during the period when the city was the capital of the colony. In Lovina you will be enchanted by the absolutely calm, warm, almost hot sea and the view of black beaches consisting of black volcanic sand. On the way back, visit the water temple Pura Ulan Danu (if you have enough time), highly revered by the locals and one of the most important temples on the island. You will be offered an excellent lunch - a buffet of the most delicious traditional Balinese and Indonesian dishes.

    Full day tour. The tour has two options: “budget” and “all inclusive”.
    Budget: guide-driver, car, parking.
    All inclusive: English-speaking guide, driver, car, parking, soft drinks, all entrance fees to attractions (for option 2) and lunch (for option 2).

    Cost option 1:
    Budget – $45 per car, capacity up to 4 adults and 2 children.
    All inclusive - $65 per car for up to 3 adults and 2 children.

    Cost option 2:
    Budget – $75 per car for up to 4 adults and 2 children.
    All inclusive - 65 dollars per person for a group of 2 people, 50 for a group of 3 people, 45 for 4 people (minimum number of 2 adults).

    Cost of visiting the pool with dolphins:
    Option 1 - Swimming with dolphins adult ticket - 110 dollars, children (5-12 years old) 100, entry accompanied by a child without swimming - 5 dollars. It is worth noting that if your child is afraid of water or short in stature, then it is still necessary to get the full experience one of the adults to be with the child in the pool. Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children $408) Swim price includes a welcome drink, towel, and a Rp 50,000 restaurant voucher.

    Option 2 - Dolphin show $12 for adults, $9 for children (up to 10 years old). The show is held every day at 9-00. Swimming with dolphins $95 for adults, $75 for children (5-10 years old). Children under 7 years old are allowed into the pool only if accompanied by an adult. It is possible to choose either only show or only swimming.