Active recreation in North Karelia. Active recreation in summer Camping holidays in Karelia on the lakes

Karelia is a region where you want to return again and again. Clean air, unique pristine nature, comfortable hotels and recreation centers - all this provides first-class conditions for recreation all year round. But Karelia is especially good in summer. Fans of active recreation, for whom the possibilities of tourist routes are open, and those who like to enjoy silence will find an outlet here.

Karelia in summer – a whole range of entertainment

Lakes Ladoga and Onega with all their inhabitants, virgin forests, the protected island of Valaam, extreme outings on ATVs, the opportunity to become a spectator and even a participant in the Ladoga Trophy race - this is what attracts the region to its guests. In Karelia you can relax with a large group or be alone with yourself.


Karelia is a land of rivers and lakes. There are more than 27,000 of the former here, and approximately 60,000 of the latter. Therefore, fishing in this unique region is good everywhere.

Lakes Ladoga and Onega are the largest in Europe. They fascinate with their bottomless transparency and purity. Trolling salmon fishing is very popular here. Also, bite lovers go to Syamozero, Topozero, Yushkozero. Or they go to the banks of the rivers Onda, Shuya, Kemi, Vodla, Suna, Kovda. Owners of off-road vehicles can get to one of the forest lakes to hunt aquatic inhabitants there.

There are a large number of fish species in Karelia: grayling, salmon, trout, palia, pike, whitefish, peled, pike perch, perch, ide, dace, roach and many others. In total, there are more than 60 species in local reservoirs.

To fish in Karelia, you can go “savage” with tents, but it is much more comfortable to stay at a recreation center. A three-minute walk from Lake Ladoga, in the village of Sorola, our park hotel “Sorola Village” is located, which is an excellent base for traveling around Karelia.

By staying here, fishermen not only gain access to more than 500 rocky islands scattered throughout the lake, but also additional facilities available to guests of the recreation center. For those who do not like distant forays, fishing is available directly from the shore next to the base. In order to get to the most delicious fishing spots, at the recreation center you can rent motor boats of different power and capacity. You can also rent a rowing boat for trips to nearby islands or open water. Since the winds on Ladoga are frequent visitors and they raise high waves, the watercraft are equipped with life jackets.

For those who were not planning to fish, but were tempted by looking at other vacationers, fishing rods and other equipment can also be rented at the recreation center.

Experienced travelers who want to discover new routes can use the services of a professional guide. He will lead you along unexplored paths and show you secluded fishing spots. The guides are very familiar with both the fishing spots on Lakes Ladoga and Onega, as well as little-known forest lakes and small rivers.

You can familiarize yourself with the features of Karelian fishing.

Walk around Ladoga

Karelia is one of the few corners of the country with untouched, virgin nature. Huge forests, as if pierced by rivers, the endless expanse of centuries-old Ladoga greet every tourist.

Arriving in Karelia, you can admire a unique spectacle - the Ladoga skerries. These are rocks in the sea that have grown along the entire northern coast of Lake Ladoga. Traveling to them is a great opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy the silence. Feel like a discoverer of uncharted lands, where huge boulders alternate with sandy and pebble beaches.

Starting in May, you can pick berries in the skerries on the islands: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants. And in July mushrooms appear here.

Ladoga skerries are popular among kayakers and kayakers. People arrive here on yachts, catamarans, and boats. Regardless of whether you want to go on a fishing trip with friends, a family excursion or a romantic walk, you can rent boats or a speedboat at Sorola Village.

Extreme holiday

Karelia has preserved its unique pristine nature because you can’t get everywhere here by car. It’s not for nothing that the Ladoga Trophy car race takes place in these lands - the organizers don’t even have to make the route especially difficult, nature did everything itself.

Therefore, one of the most interesting and popular entertainments is ATV rides. Using this vehicle you can get to hidden places in the area of ​​Lake Ladoga.

A powerful ATV will be an excellent help both for fishing and for an interesting walk. If you want to have a picnic far from civilization, use the equipment that was created to conquer off-road terrain.

Please keep in mind that riding an ATV is considered extreme recreation, which means it requires appropriate skills and equipment.

A must visit in summer

Karelia is famous not only for its nature. Although, she dominates here. Mountain Park "Ruskeala" is a former marble quarry filled with groundwater, overgrown with dense coniferous vegetation diluted with deciduous trees.

It is located on the banks of the Tokhmajoki River, thirty kilometers from the city of Sortovala. The length of the quarry is 460 meters and the width is approximately 100 meters. The depth of the quarry is more than 50 meters, and the water is so clean that transparency reaches 18 meters.

The floors of the Kazan Cathedral were laid with marble from “Ruskeala”, St. Isaac’s Cathedral was lined, the window sills of the Hermitage and many other buildings in St. Petersburg were made.

It is located near the village of Sorola. Climbers discovered it recently and have already created almost 30 routes of varying difficulty. And for those who are not into extreme sports, there is the opportunity to climb to the top along the usual tourist path. From here you can enjoy amazing views of the village and centuries-old Ladoga.

Snake Mountain is located just 400 meters from the Sorola Village hotel and is a real open-air museum.

Arriving in Karelia, you can visit the first resort in Russia, founded by Peter I - Marcial Waters, rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and other minerals. From the times of Peter the Great, only one church has been preserved here, but a museum of the history of Marcial Waters has been created.

Not visiting the Valaam archipelago means not being in Karelia. It is located in the north of Lake Ladoga and unites many rocky islands. On the largest of them, an ancient monastery was built, called Valaam. It is located 22 kilometers from the mainland and the first documentary mentions of it date back to the 4th century.

Emperors Alexander I and Alexander II, artists Vasiliev and Shishkin, composers Glazunov and Tchaikovsky, many poets and writers, including Tyutchev and Dumas the Elder, visited here. Also, watermelons and melons grow on Valaam.

Oasis of peace

Travelers who do not like extreme recreation and want to take a break from the bustle of the city can indulge in their thoughts with a fishing rod, or simply sitting on the terrace of the cottage and admiring the serene surface of Lake Ladoga.

In places like Sorola Village, you especially feel the unity with nature, which literally nourishes you.

Nature of Karelia

Karelia is a unique symbiosis of forests and water. 85% of the region's territory is covered with forests, the vast majority of which are coniferous. And all this is interspersed with 2000 square kilometers of lakes and rivers.

Here, moss-covered swamps coexist with untouched forests, and mountains with lake surfaces. This is what creates a unique microclimate, which became the basis for calling Karelia “the lungs of Europe.”


Summer in Karelia is quite short. At the same time, the temperature is comfortable - there is no sweltering heat. Due to the high humidity, it is felt at an air temperature of +20 degrees. In the northern regions, heat is rare and usually lasts only a few days. Autumn weather begins to be felt at the end of August. In the northern part of Karelia, cold winds begin to blow and heavy rains become more frequent.

In summer, precipitation in Karelia is a common occurrence. In the areas of lakes Ladoga and Onega, the weather is most unstable as it is susceptible to the influence of cyclones. Therefore, when you go out on a day trip in the morning, you should definitely take a raincoat with you.

Where to stay in Karelia

The possibilities for summer recreation in Karelia are endless. The region is equally hospitable for those who prefer “savage” holidays and for those who prefer comfortable recreation centers.

Camping with tents - pros and cons

Traveling with tents is a traditional type of recreation in those places that are not fully open. This is what Karelia is. Many skerries, river mouths, small villages on the shores of lakes - there is always the opportunity to pitch a tent. Especially considering the fact that there is no problem of drinking water - in Lake Ladoga, in terms of its composition, it is one of the cleanest in the world. Also, Karelia abounds in springs.

With the development of tourist routes, the number of campsites in Karelia where you can stay with tents is increasing. They are located in the most popular places among tourists - on the shores of lakes Ladoga and Onega.

You can set up your camp either on the mainland or on one of the islands, of which there are many on the lakes. It is best to put up tents in the forest on a hill, since it will not only be cooler on the shore, but also a sudden wind risks raising waves that will “wet” the temporary home.

When going to Karelia as a “savage”, you should take into account the changeability of the weather. Even if it’s a comfortable +20 outside and even if it’s warm enough in a T-shirt, you should always have a light wind-waterproof jacket at the ready. Take into account the fact that the nights here are cool, and therefore you should not give up warm clothes. The main rule that experienced tourists know is that all clothing should be comfortable and compact.

In addition to weather conditions, it is worth considering the fact that Karelia has a rich fauna. Its unpleasant representatives that you will have to encounter are all kinds of insects: ticks, mosquitoes, midges. Therefore, be sure to take several types of repellent with you. At the same time, it is better to prepare protective agents in the form of sprays and creams.

When planning the duration of your camping holiday, answer yourself a few important questions:

  • How experienced a traveler are you?
  • Will there be children on the trip or only adults?
  • Is there a clear understanding of the organization of everyday life?
  • How high quality is your equipment?
  • What weather conditions are expected

The duration of the trip directly depends on this. If you are not prepared, it is better to start with a weekend in Karelia. But avid tourists, especially adherents of rafting and other extreme types of recreation, prefer outings lasting 10-14 days.

Choosing a recreation center

When giving preference to a recreation center, it is first of all important to evaluate the ratio of price to quality of services provided. Depending on your own preferences and needs, decide where you want to live - on the shore of a lake or in the forest. This brings up another important nuance - how far from the populated area the recreation center should be located. For example, if you took small children on vacation, it is better to choose housing “in civilization.” Not only because the child may get bored or need something in the store. Children tend to get sick and find themselves hundreds of kilometers off-road from the nearest clinic - not the smartest idea.

If you like fishing, pay attention to how far the hotel is located from the “fishing” places and whether it is convenient to get to them. Also important is the ability to rent equipment or a boat.

Park Hotel “Sorola Village” is an island of civilization that has grown in unity with nature. For the convenience of guests there are 4 comfortable cottages that can accommodate from two to eight people. That is why our recreation center is so popular among guests with children and companies.

During the construction and decoration of the houses, only natural materials were used - stone and wood. Each cottage has a fireplace, a spacious dining area and panoramic windows overlooking Lake Ladoga. It’s comfortable to fall asleep here, and you always wake up well-rested and rested.

Instead of an afterword

Karelia is a unique place, of which there are fewer and fewer on the globe. Here you can feel like you are in the center of the universe, take a deep breath of truly clean air, drink spring water and feel the taste for life.

If you want to remain yourself and live in comfort when you come to Karelia, Sorola Village will give you the flavor of the region and allow you to enjoy civilization. The unique location of the hotel will allow you to wet your feet in Ladoga, and in a few minutes climb the mountain to admire the incredible view of the surrounding area.

Your place of power and attraction in Karelia.

To have a good rest in a beautiful place, you don’t have to go to distant countries. Karelia is home to untouched forests and large nature reserves. Here are Valaam, Kizhi and one of the largest plain waterfalls in Europe. Local attractions attract more and more tourists every year. Let's talk about the features of holidays in Karelia in the summer of 2019.

You can get to Karelia in several ways: by car, train, plane or bus. The most convenient way to get to Petrozavodsk. Most tourist routes start from here. If you choose a suitable tour of Karelia, you need to get to the capital of the republic, and the tour operator will take care of the further transfer. Some organized trips may start in St. Petersburg.

By plane to Petrozavodsk

The only airport in the Republic of Karelia is located in Petrozavodsk. There are direct flights from Moscow to it: the flight takes 1.5 hours and costs about 5,000 rubles. one way. From other cities you can get there with a transfer in Moscow.

Buses depart from the airport to the center of Petrozavodsk. The fare is 40 rubles.

Traveling by train

Karelia has a developed railway network: you can travel from Moscow and St. Petersburg via two branches. The first leads to the Murmansk region, the second - to Kostomuksha. There are several trains a day in the direction of Murmansk, and two or three trains a week in the direction of Kostomuksha.

The road from Moscow along the Murmansk branch will take approximately 15 hours, the ticket price is about 3 thousand rubles. This is the optimal route. Tickets for a reserved seat on the road to Kostomuksha cost a little less, but you will need to spend the whole day on the road.

From St. Petersburg, traveling by train is the best option. There are high-speed routes from here, a ticket for which costs about 1,500 thousand rubles, and the travel time is only 5 hours. Such trains are sent along the Murmansk line. The line to Kostomuksha is less convenient: the train takes 19 hours, although tickets cost 500 rubles. cheaper.

To Karelia by bus

Buses leave from the northern capital three times a day to Petrozavodsk. They travel for about 8.5 hours, and the ticket costs from 900 rubles. There are no direct routes from Moscow, but you can get there with a transfer in St. Petersburg or Nizhny Novgorod. In general, this is not the best option, since the journey will take a day, and you will have to pay about 3,000 rubles.

In your own car

If you like to travel by car, then a holiday in Karelia is an ideal option: Petrozavodsk is located just 420 km from St. Petersburg and 1000 km from Moscow. In the first case, the drive takes only 6 hours, in the second - 13 hours.

The local climate is characterized as temperate continental with maritime features. It has fairly mild, long winters and short, cool summers. Cyclones often come from the west, making the weather unstable.

A characteristic feature of the local climate is high humidity. In the northern part, about 500 mm of precipitation falls per year, in the southern part - 650 mm. Climate spring begins in mid-April, but cold days are still possible in May. Summer begins in June: in the south - in the first half of the month, in the north - in the second.

If you are going to Karelia in the summer of 2019, it will be useful for you to know a few facts:

  • At the end of June and beginning of July, the duration of daylight is 21 hours, but the sun does not go far beyond the horizon, and there are white nights here. In the north, you can even read at night without artificial lighting.
  • Average air temperature: +20 ⁰С during the day, +11 ⁰С at night in June, +22 ⁰С and +14 ⁰С in July, +20 and +13 ⁰С in August. These data vary slightly from area to area.
  • Summer rains are an almost obligatory phenomenon in Karelia. Occasionally there are relatively dry seasons. Most often there are short showers, prolonged rains are extremely rare.
  • In July and August, the White Sea can warm up to +25...+26 ⁰С, and the coast turns into a popular resort.
  • At the end of August, climatic autumn already sets in, and the weather becomes especially rainy.

Summer in Karelia is a high tourist season. Navigation is open from May to September, so the first excursion tours and rafting trips are organized in May. Many of the republic’s attractions can only be reached by water, so between October and April there are not many tourists.

Before you go on vacation to any region, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The main advantages of tourism in Karelia include:

  • Wide variety of recreational activities. Lovers of solitude and active tourists come here. Karelia is attracted by beaches, lakes, wild rivers, picturesque landscapes and cultural values. Here you can go fishing, horse riding, mountaineering and even play golf.
  • A wide choice of places for accommodation: from tents and huts to comfortable hotels.
  • A healthy environment and clean air that helps restore the body.
  • Wide choice of tourist routes. It is not necessary to go to Karelia as “savages”: this direction is developing, and tour operators take full responsibility for organizing the trip.

Affordable prices for holidays, especially if you are coming from the Moscow, Leningrad, Murmansk and Vologda regions.

  • Tourists who have already visited Karelia identified the following disadvantages:
  • Dampness, which aggravates both cold and heat. This climate is not suitable for everyone. If you find it difficult to tolerate high humidity, you should think twice before going to Karelia.
  • A large number of insects in the summer. This is not surprising, since mosquitoes, midges and other insects love a humid climate.
  • Weather instability. Many people do not like temperature changes and sudden downpours. At the same time, scheduled excursions are rarely canceled due to weather.
  • Remoteness from civilization. If you are vacationing at a simple base without special amenities, then it is better to take everything you need with you, since there are very few shops on site, and they also have a small selection.

The roads are bad, especially if you need to move from village to village.

There are many places in Karelia where you can stay. Among them are the island of Valaam, the cities of Lakhdenpokhya, Petrozavodsk, Olonets, Kondopoga, Medvezhyegorsk, and the village of Kalevala.


Valaam is an island in the northern part of Lake Ladoga, 22 km from the mainland shore. This is one of the most popular places among tourists who come to Karelia in the summer. It can be reached by water directly from St. Petersburg. The area is attracted by stone cliffs, pine trees and attractions, which include the monastery estate and hermitages. You can stay on Valaam in a hotel or in a tent, if you first obtain permission.

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From the city of Lakhdenpokhya, on the shores of Lake Ladoga, acquaintance with the amazing nature and culture of the Republic of Karelia often begins. On the territory of the city and the entire region there are a large number of artifacts, due to which this area has the status of historical settlements. There are many museums here that introduce visitors to the history of the region.

There are a lot of different places for accommodation in Lakhdenpokhya - from small guest houses to hotels and boarding houses.


The capital of Karelia is located on the shores of Lake Onega. Tourists who want to get acquainted with the culture and nature of the republic without going far from civilization should stop here.

In Petrozavodsk, modern buildings coexist with ancient buildings. There are museums and historical attractions here; excursions to different parts of Karelia are organized from the city. You can stay in one of the many hotels.

If you want to visit most of the iconic places in Karelia, then you should stop in Petrozavodsk.


In Kalevala there are still ancient huts built right in the dense forest. There are many cultural and historical monuments and picturesque places in the village itself and its surroundings. The churches and the museum of rune singers in the memorial house of Maria Remshu deserve special attention.

Kalevala is suitable for tourists looking for solitude. Here you can learn a lot about the traditional life of Karelia, try local cuisine, listen to songs and fairy tales. You can stay in a hotel or cottage surrounded by trees.


This is one of the oldest cities in the Russian north: the first mention of it dates back to the 12th century. It partially preserved the layout of the 18th-11th centuries. Previously, there was a powerful fortress here, which has not survived to this day. But the fortress moat remains, on the territory of which archaeological excavations are still being carried out.

On the site of the Olonets fortress there is now an open-air ethnographic museum, and among the local attractions one can also highlight the local history museum - one of the largest and most interesting in the republic.

There are inexpensive hostels in Olonets. You can also rent a cottage or rent a room in one of the local hotels. Tourist routes throughout Karelia are organized from the city.


Medvezhyegorsk is a small town on the shores of Lake Onega. The White Sea-Baltic Canal passes through here, and many monuments from the Great Patriotic War have been preserved. It is also worth checking out the local history museum.

There are not very many people in Medvezhyegorsk, so this option is suitable for lovers of secluded relaxation. You can stay both in the city itself and outside it.


Quite a large city located on the coast of Lake Onega, 46 km north of Petrozavodsk. The local history museum and the wooden church of the 18th century, located on a narrow picturesque cape, are of interest here.

Kondopoga is a good place to stay if you want to go on excursions throughout Karelia. You can stay in inexpensive hostels and hotels.

Jeep and ATV safaris

The rugged terrain of the republic is what you need for extreme driving. Not only experienced drivers, but also beginners can take part in jeep tours and ATV safaris: the programs include training. They will show you complex techniques and help you consolidate them in practice. Forest roads, swamps, fording a river - these and other tests have been prepared for you by experienced instructors.

In addition to extreme entertainment, the amazing nature of Karelia awaits you. You will find yourself in places where tourists rarely go, as the roads are impassable for other modes of transport. There are many interesting things along the way: the coast of Lake Ladoga, Varashev Stone, Varlov Forest, Syandemskaya Monastery, etc.


If your goal is to see the main attractions of Karelia, there is nothing better than a sightseeing tour. You can choose an individual program for three days and visit iconic places of the republic. You will visit the island of Valaam and walk from Nikon Bay to the Konevsky Lakes. On this route you will see secluded areas of the island that have retained their original appearance.

Next, the excursion program leads to the Ruskeala mountain park, the ethnic village of Kinerma and the main city of Karelia - Petrozavodsk. After free hours and a night in Petrozavodsk, you will travel by high-speed boat to the picturesque island of Kizhi, where you will have a sightseeing tour of the main part of the museum-reserve and the Kizhi churchyard.

This excursion tour starts from St. Petersburg. There is a large selection of programs with visits to various attractions of Karelia, including tours with fees in Petrozavodsk.

To the North Chuisky ridge on ATVs

  • We invite you to see and feel the beauty and uniqueness of Altai nature. This ATV trip will allow you to get acquainted with the riches of the North Chuya Range: snow-white peaks and blue lakes, noisy waterfalls and talkative rivers, mighty glaciers and quivering alpine meadows.
    And the unique opportunity to independently control powerful off-road equipment gives you a feeling of freedom of movement and self-confidence.

Rafting and catamaran rafting

The mountain rivers of Karelia attract rafting enthusiasts. Some programs are suitable even for beginners, others are designed for extreme sports enthusiasts. The most popular rivers in the republic are Shuya and Uksa.

Rafting along Shuya is worth choosing to get to know Karelia. The difficulty of the rapids increases gradually, which allows you to adapt and learn how to manage the raft if you are rafting for the first time. A seven-day rafting trip along Shuya includes dynamic and calm sections of the route, picturesque lakes, skiing on the famous “Big Tolly” rapids and a tourist bathhouse, quickly assembled in the field. Picnics and overnight stays in nature bring people together and create an almost family atmosphere.

If you want to raft along the Uksa, then you should go to Karelia at the end of spring or at the very beginning of summer. The rafting season on this river is very short: from May 1 to June 12. There are many interesting rapids on Uks, including “Mill” and “Pink Elephant”, which have the fourth category of difficulty. Rafting trips on rafts and catamarans are organized along the Uksa.

Bike tours

Mountain biking is an excellent means of transportation in Karelia. It allows you to travel on roads that are inaccessible to cars, and helps in situations where walking is too long. In addition, a bike tour is a combination of active recreation and educational excursions.

As part of the “Road to Vottovaara” program, in seven days you will make an exciting journey to one of the most mysterious places in the Republic of Karelia. Mount Vottovaara, located at an altitude of 417 m above sea level, became the center of a strong earthquake thousands of years ago. As a result of the tremors, a failure was formed, and huge boulders were scattered throughout the surrounding area. Today this mountain peak is considered a “place of power.”

During the trip you will see lakes Justozero, Kotchozero, Porosozero and Sundozero, Girvas waterfall, visit the village of Gimoly, visit the sanctuary “Stairway to Heaven”. At the end of the route you will have an easy climb to the top of Vottovaara. You can watch how nature and weather change as you rise. You will return to Petrozavodsk by minibus and make several stops, including at the Kivach waterfall.

Rock climbing

In Karelia you can climb a mountain, even if you have never done it before. The Shuya Multi-Active program, which includes rafting and rock climbing, is suitable for professional climbers and beginners. You will be given a safety briefing, taught mandatory techniques, and shown rock routes in advance. Rock climbing will be absolutely safe: ropes will be hung on the rocks, and simple routes will be offered for climbing. As part of the tour, you will also enjoy rappelling - a high-speed descent on a rope along steep walls.

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Combined tours to Karelia

If you like a varied holiday, you can choose one of the many combined tours. One of the most intense programs is the “Road to Ladoga”, which includes cycling, kayaking, motor boating and sightseeing. You will travel from Petrozavodsk to the Northern Ladoga region. You will visit the Ruskeala Marble Quarry, the island town of Aino, the Marble Quarry, Lake Janisjärvi and many other interesting places.

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Holidays on the lakes of Karelia in summer 2019

If you can’t imagine a vacation without a beach holiday, then in Karelia you will have a lot of choice. This region includes the entire northern coast of Lake Ladoga, which primarily attracts with its amazing landscapes. Most beaches can be reached by car, which makes this place popular among tourists. It is comfortable to swim in the lake only if the warm weather has lasted for several weeks.

If your trip to Karelia begins from Petrozavodsk, then you will immediately get to the shore of Lake Onega. To swim, you need to drive several kilometers from the capital of the republic - for example, to Sheltozero, where there is a large sandy beach.

There are many small lakes in Karelia, including forest ones. Many of them warm up to temperatures comfortable for swimming. Such lakes can be visited as part of various tours - active and excursion.

On the territory of Karelia there are three national parks that are definitely worth a visit for nature lovers. Paanajärvi Park in the Louhi region was created in the 1990s. It is located near the Arctic Circle and covers an area of ​​more than 100 hectares. There are mountains, tundra, lakes, streams and springs, and you can find rare species of plants and animals. The park is accessible at any time of the year, but tickets must be booked in advance as the number of visitors is limited.

Vodlozersky Park only partly located in Karelia, the second half is located in the Arkhangelsk region. This park was also created in the 1990s and, according to UNESCO, received the status of a biosphere reserve. This means that the biosphere has retained almost its original appearance. Here is the European taiga - huge pines, spruces, larches, a large number of birds and animals, including gray cranes and reindeer. To visit the park you must obtain permission from the tourism hotel in Petrozavodsk, Kuganavolok or Onega.

Kalevala National Park was founded in 2007 with the goal of preserving one of the oldest pine forests. Here you will visit the real northern taiga, you can meet deer, wolverines and brown bears. Among the trees there are sometimes seids of ancient people and other historical monuments.

A real miracle of nature - Karelian waterfalls. There are a huge number of them on the territory of the republic, here are just the most famous:

  • Kivach- the second highest flat waterfall in Europe. Its height is more than 10 meters. Located in the Kondopoga district.
  • White Bridges- essentially two waterfalls combined into one. They are located in the Pitkyaranta region, 30 kilometers from Pitkyaranta.
  • Kumi- one of the most picturesque waterfalls in Karelia. Water rushes from a 14-meter height in a stormy foaming stream. Kumi is located in the Kalevala region, on the Voinitsa River.
  • Mäntykoski- a waterfall, the snow-white streams of which slowly flow down three rocky rapids. It is located in the Louhi region on the Mäntyjoki River.
  • Girvas- the longest waterfall in Karelia and one of the most violent. The water falls from a height of 15 meters and rushes along the riverbed for 300 meters. This miracle of nature is located in the Kondopoga region.

One of the most visited attractions in Karelia is the Ruskeala mountain park. This is a marble quarry, the view from which is mesmerizing. If you like solitude, you can rent a rowing boat on site and take a ride along the calm river.

To the island Kizhi, where the museum-reserve is located, can only be reached between May and September, and tourists tend to visit this place in the summer months. The main attention here is drawn to ancient Russian wooden churches with unique architecture.

Karelia has many monasteries, museums and natural attractions. To see them all, you will need to take a whole year off. To create a balanced route, the easiest way to start exploring Karelia is from Petrozavodsk and the surrounding area.

  • Since many interesting places in Karelia are located far from the benefits of civilization, we recommend taking a first aid kit with you.
  • In summer, forest fire conditions are often unstable. If you want to spend the night in the forest, ask in advance if there are any fires in it.
  • There are vipers on Kizhi Island in the summer: wear long, wide pants and carefully inspect the ground you walk on.
  • Since the weather is unstable, take different clothes and shoes with you.
  • Bring repellent to protect yourself from insects.
  • In July and early August it can reach +35 ⁰С during the day; hats and sunscreen may be useful.
  • If you love picking mushrooms, you should go to Karelia at the end of August or beginning of September. The local forests have a very rich harvest at this time.
  • To look at the petroglyphs, go to the lower reaches of the Vyg River, in the Belovodsky district. Another group of petroglyphs is located in the southeast
  • Karelia, 18 km from the village of Shalsky. These places can be reached by car or as part of a tourist excursion.
  • If this is your first time traveling to the wild, start with a weekend in Karelia. If you like it, you can go on a longer trip.

Tours to Karelia are relatively inexpensive: from 5 thousand rubles. per person for two days. Additionally, you need to take into account the road to the collection point. In case of independent travel, it is necessary to calculate the cost of travel, food, accommodation and entertainment program:

  • The road from neighboring regions will cost from 1000 rubles. by train, from 5000 rub. by plane (one way).
  • Housing in Karelia is also inexpensive: in hostels they charge an average of 500 rubles per day, in hotels - 1500−2000 rubles. If you want to rent a cottage, it will cost you 12,000−15,000 rubles/day. This is a good option for a large company. You can also set up a tent camp, but this is not allowed everywhere.
  • There are various catering establishments in Karelia. The average bill ranges from 200 rubles. in a cafe up to 1200 rubles. in restaurants.
  • Sightseeing tours around Petrozavodsk cost about 600 rubles, outing excursion programs for 7-8 hours - 2000-3000 rubles, trips to the islands - from 3000 rubles, one-day rafting - from 1200 rubles, one-day jeep tours - from 5000 rubles .

TOP 10 recreation centers in Karelia in summer 2019

Not far from Petrozavodsk, we recommend staying at the Verkhovye country hotel, all rooms are fully equipped, a separate entrance with its own porch. There is everything for your holiday - a tour desk, a cafe, transfer from the train station or airport and friendly staff.

Price: from 3,500 rubles/day for a double townhouse, the price includes hearty breakfasts.

It is located near the Finnish border, near the town of Värtsil. It offers well-appointed rooms with balconies and lake views. Bicycles, boats and fishing equipment can be rented. There is a sauna on site and you can use free internet.

Price: from 2400 rub./day for a double room.

Quite a budget option for accommodation. The camp site is located on the shore of Lake Onega, 25 km from Petrozavodsk and 1 km from the village of Derevyannoye. Guests stay in rooms decorated in a rustic style. It offers a sauna and bathhouse, billiard tables and laser fights.

Price: from 2000 rub./day for a double room.


An ideal place for lovers of hunting and fishing. In addition to hunting tours, cycling, trekking, and water skiing are offered. There are very comfortable rooms, a sauna, and a high level of service.

Price: from 3500 rub./day per room.

This recreation center attracts with its low prices and can be an excellent option for the summer of 2019 for those tourists who want to relax in solitude in Karelia. The complex consists of only two houses, each of which can accommodate up to 5 people. It is located in the forest, the rooms are comfortably furnished, there is a kitchen, a shower and the necessary equipment.


This quiet camp site, located on the banks of Vagozero, is perfect for a family holiday. Guests are offered to stay in cottages surrounded by picturesque nature. On the territory there is a cafe, a sauna, barbecue areas, and a living area for children. You can go hunting or fishing, go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, ride motor boats and bicycles.

Price: from 1800 rub./day per room.

Another base on the territory of a small lake - this time Syamozero, which is 65 km from Petrozavodsk. Guests can rent a cottage for 6 people in a pine forest. Fans of hunting and fishing will love this place. For children and adults there is a small amusement park called Sherwood. You can take a walk in the forest, take a steam bath, or barbecue.

Price: from 10,000 rubles/day for a cottage.

Recreation center on the shore of Lake Ladoga, near the village of Lumivaar. This is a picturesque place surrounded by rocks and forest. The design is stylized as a Finnish farm. On the territory there is a small shop, its own museum exhibition, and a children's playground. Guests stay in family houses, which have a refrigerator, stove, Internet, and TV. There is a barbecue in the local area. You can rent boats and fishing equipment.

Price: from 3000 rubles/day per house.

Excellent place near Lake Shchuchye in the city of Lakhdenpokhya. It is also close to Lake Ladoga - only 2 km. One of the main advantages is the garden on the hotel premises. There is a cafe, sauna, children's playground. You can fish, have picnics, ride bicycles and participate in other activities popular in Karelia.

Price: from 3400 rub./day per room.

This is an inexpensive guest house on the shore of Pertozer. There are only 8 rooms, and you can rent the entire house. Guests can rent bicycles and boats, enjoy a sauna, barbecues and smokehouses. There is free internet.

Price: from 1500 rub./day for a double room.

Fishing in Karelia in summer

There are more than 50 species of fish in Karelia; in summer, fishermen most often catch pike, bream, salmon, pike perch, perch, and roach. Whitefish, grayling, and trout are also quite common. They fish on all lakes - both from the shore and in open water.

You can catch almost any fish with a fishing rod, except salmon. People also fish here using spinning rods, trolling, jigging rods and bottom fishing rods. Fishing rules in Karelia change frequently, so we recommend checking the laws before you go fishing.

Holidays in Karelia with children in summer 2019

Many tourist centers in Karelia create good conditions for traveling with the whole family. The local climate is suitable for a relaxing recreational holiday; children love to go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

There are also active and excursion tours on which you can take children with you. Many rafting trips take place along calm sections of rivers, such as two-day rafting on the Shuya River. You can go to a national park with your child and show him rare plant species, and if you’re lucky, look at wild animals together. The specific choice of program depends on the age and character of the child.

The Republic of Karelia is a place where almost anyone can find a holiday to suit their taste. If you love extreme sports, choose mountaineering, rafting and jeep safari. If you want to relax on the beach, there are more than enough such places. If you like to spend your holidays with benefit to your mind, you are welcome to museums and educational excursions. Even avid fishermen and hunters feel at home here. In a word, Karelia is a real pearl of Russian tourism.

Karelia is a large tourist region with unique northern nature: large pine forests, rocky outcrops, rocks overgrown with moss and, of course, countless rivers and lakes with sandy beaches. Due to its proximity to the major cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg active tours to Karelia very popular. Here are the famous Kizhi, where people from all over the world go on snowmobiles in winter, Solovki, Ruskeala Canyon, Kivach waterfall, popular rivers for rafting Shuya and Uksa and much more. However, it would be untrue to say that active recreation in Karelia- only excursions and hikes. A wide variety of activities await travelers here:

  • On the water. Kayaking and catamaran rafting, rafting, fishing.
  • On the ground. Jeeping, bike tours, hiking and skiing, ATV and snowmobiling.

There are also more exotic activities. Karelia is a land where extreme recreation is perceived naturally, so dog sled tours, snowmobiling, hovercraft and much more are quite appropriate.

Offers for travelers largely depend on the time of year. In winter, skiers, lovers of snowmobiling and dog sledding come here. Many tourists believe that it is in winter that Karelia reveals itself to guests in all its beauty. In summer, popular activities include hiking in Karelia, rafting, cycling and other interesting trips. Everyone can choose an option to their liking.

Active tourism in Karelia with the Pro Adventure agency:

  • A wide selection of tours to Karelia in 2019. On the pages of our catalog you will definitely find an offer you like. Here are tours to Karelia from leading organizers.
  • The most attractive prices. When ordering a sports tour to Karelia, you can be sure of the attractiveness of the Pro Adventure agency's offers. Found the same tour cheaper? Let us know and we will provide a discount equal to the difference in price.

The most diverse time of year for entertainment and relaxation is undoubtedly summer! For trips to hot countries, it is better to choose the cold season, and on warm days go to Karelian beaches! You will be surprised how many opportunities the northern nature will offer you to have a great holiday in Karelia in the summer.

Summer holidays in Karelia are replete with a variety of entertainment. For those who want to spend an active vacation, there are offers to ride all-terrain vehicles: jeeps and ATVs. Make a foray into hard-to-reach corners, take part in a real northern expedition, admire the beauty - traveling on all-terrain vehicles will bring you a lot of positive emotions and impressions!
Active and sporty! For cyclists, Karelia is the same tasty morsel as for jeepers! What can we say about rafters! In summer, the rivers become calmer, the water recedes and the river routes become more accessible for beginners in water sports.

Fishing takes first place in the ranking of “best leisure activities in Karelia”. You can fish anywhere and however you like: on the fresh half seas: Onego and Ladoga, forest lakes, the White Sea. Every year, hundreds of fishermen come to us from all over the center of Russia for delicious fish soup, cooked over a fire, from fish they have caught with their own hands.

It will be most comfortable to purchase excursion tours to Karelia in the summer. The main attractions located on the islands will be much easier to get to, and there is a good chance that there will be no storms.

Many summer tours to Karelia include relaxation in the forest, on the banks of lakes and rivers. Our region is famous for the gifts of nature, so a holiday in the Republic of Karelia in August and July will bring you not only emotional and spiritual satisfaction, but also many delicious forest gifts. These are berries, mushrooms, herbs, fruits.

By purchasing our tours in Karelia in the summer, you can be sure that the impressions of your holiday in the north will forever remain in your heart, and beautiful photographs taken on local rocks and lakes will delight you with bright colors in the cold winter!

Tour ID: 9000

For true romantics and lovers of non-standard holidays! A great trip on motor boats around beautiful Ladoga in the company of excellent KareliaOK guides. One of the brightest natural attractions of Karelia is the Ladoga skerries in all their splendor. 9 days away from civilization: fishing, white nights, romantic evenings, walks in the forest, good company. A trip for friends, strong in spirit and lovers of nature.

Tour ID: 9000

Active 2-day vacation in Karelian style! We will raft along the most interesting section of the Shuya River, spend the night in tents and go to a quad-safari ethnic village, where we will try Karelian cuisine and become familiar with the unique Karelian culture. A great option for a small but memorable family or friends adventure!

Tour ID: 9000

Holidays at sea in northern style. Lying on the beach is not our style! Fishing, excursions on motor boats, a picnic with freshly caught cod on the shore, an evening bath on a wood fire with tea made from forest herbs, walks under the bright evening sky, a light sea wind, salt on the lips, beauty, peace and harmony in its purest form. We offer excellent service, excellent company, comfortable accommodation and affordable prices. You will have something to remember.

Tour ID: 9000

You will overcome more than 300 km of various roads of the Ladoga region, compete with the Karelian off-road and see a lot of interesting sights for which these places are famous: wonderful nature, lakes, fast rapids rivers, steep cliffs, the White Bridges waterfall, the famous mountain steam to "Ruskeala", Finnish military fortifications and much more. On the way: comfortable accommodation in original interiors, meals with elements of national Finnish and Karelian cuisine and traditionally high quality service from KareliaOK.

Tour ID: 9000

The most popular, proven over the years and dearly loved by travelers, rafting on the Shuya River on its most dynamic section! Suitable for both novice adventurers and advanced hikers. We will do it with pleasure, comfort and quality! Suitable for family, friends and even corporate holidays!

Karelia - wild forests and picturesque lakes, fishing and active recreation. So much to do in one region! We share information about summer holidays in Karelia: prices in 2019, weather conditions, tours and excursions, safety tips and reviews from experienced tourists.

The real Karelia is made up of virgin pine forests and clear lakes. These places are popular among fans of active recreation. Those who are not afraid of spending the night in tents and enjoy traveling by car, bicycle and kayak tend to come here. Karelian summer is a time of flowering forest edges, berries and mushrooms. This is the best period for family recreation in nature.

In the summer, people go on vacation to Karelia to swim and sunbathe, engage in “silent hunting,” listen to birdsong and take part in colorful holidays and festivals. Many people go on excursions - to Karelian waterfalls, to the Ruskeala mountain park, to the mystical Vottovaara mountain, to the rocky islands of the Valaam archipelago, to Kizhi and the Paanajärvi national park.

Weather in summer

The weather in Karelia is influenced by the proximity of the cold northern seas. The climate here is different from the middle zone. When planning your trip, keep in mind that the territory of the republic stretches for 660 km from north to south. The Karelian summer is quite short, and in the southern regions it begins 2-2.5 weeks earlier than in the northern ones.

June. Snow in Karelia begins to melt only from mid-April, and frosts often occur in June. Tourists love the first month of summer for the beauty of white nights and the awakening of nature. In the Karelian forests, rose hips and mountain ash are blooming, lilies of the valley and marigold are blooming.

The average air temperature during the day reaches +20°С, and at night +11...+13°С. In June, the sun sets below the horizon for only 4 hours. But after the summer equinox, the white nights are slowly subsiding. This is especially noticeable in the south of Karelia.

(Photo © 5nap / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

July. Midsummer is the warmest. Strawberries, cloudberries and blueberries are ripening in the forests. The average air temperature during the day is +22°C, and at night +13°C. On some days it can reach +30°C. With high humidity levels, many vacationers do not tolerate the Karelian heat very well.

August. The air temperature in the last month of summer is identical to June. In the north of Karelia, cool weather begins in the second half of August, when northern and western winds arrive.

Holidays in Karelia in summer are overshadowed by rains, which are more like downpours. One thing is good - they pass quickly. During the summer, rivers and lakes manage to warm up to +17...+20°C and are quite suitable for swimming. In the Onega Bay of the White Sea and in the shallow waters of Lakes Ladoga and Onega, it can be even higher - about +22°C.

(Photo © zyth / / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

How to get there

From Moscow. Many people decide to fly to Karelia on vacation by plane - this is the fastest way. Prices for air tickets in the summer of 2019 start from 6,500 rubles, and the flight lasts just over 1.5 hours.

Direct and passing trains connect Moscow and the capital of the republic - the city of Petrozavodsk. The train journey takes about 15 hours. A reserved seat ticket costs from 3,500 rubles.

There are different ways to get to Karelia by car. A popular route follows the M10 highway through Torzhok, Valdai, Veliky Novgorod and Volkhov. Some people like to take the A114 highway past Sergiev Posad, Ustyuzhna and Lodeynoye Pole. Another option leads through Vologda.

(Photo © LaVru / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

From Saint-Petersburg. Most residents of the Northern capital get to their holiday destination in Karelia by train. In the summer of 2019, ticket prices for the Lastochka train start from 1,500 rubles. The journey takes 5 hours. Regular buses run from St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk several times a day. They take tourists to Karelia in 8.5 hours, and travel costs from 600 to 1200 rubles.

Traveling to the republic by car is popular among residents of St. Petersburg. If you want to relax in the west of Karelia - in Sortavala, go through Priozersk. The road from the east of Ladoga goes through Lodeynoye Pole.

(Photo © / @kirsipirukas)

How to relax in summer in Karelia

In the warm season, Karelia attracts fishing enthusiasts and tourists who enjoy kiting, cycling, horseback riding and water tourism. Many vacationers want to visit holy places.

According to reviews, various types of active recreation are in demand in Karelia in summer. In 2019, prices for excursions offered by local travel agencies cannot be called low:

  • trip to Ruskeala Park - 2200 rubles;
  • Kivach waterfall and Marcial waters - 1600 rubles;
  • zoo complex "Three Bears" - 1550 rubles;
  • one-day rafting on the Shuya River - 1300 rubles;
  • trip to the Vazheozersk monastery and the monastery of Alexander Svirsky - 2200 rubles;
  • ATV safari - 2000 rubles;
  • trip to Valaam island - 5,000 rubles.

(Photo © / @asiafish)

Many tourists do not want to spend money on ready-made tours, but prefer to travel on their own. When planning your travel expenses, consider the prices of entrance tickets to popular attractions in Karelia:

  • Korela fortress in Priozersk - 100 rubles;
  • Kivach waterfall - 120 rubles;
  • museum of nature near the Kivach waterfall - 65 rubles;
  • Girvas volcano - 100 rubles;
  • marble canyon - 450 rubles;
  • fortress in Staraya Ladoga with a visit to the wall and museums - 150 rubles.

(Photo: © LaVru / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices for tours to Karelia

Agencies offer tours that include excursions and active recreation in Karelia. They are designed for 2-8 days and include accommodation, transfer, meals and payment for part of the excursions. When purchasing a tour, please note that most routes provide overnight stays in the field. In addition, the road to the starting point of the trip is usually not included in the price of the trip.

Prices for holidays in Karelia in the summer of 2019 start from 5,200 rubles for a two-day trip and from 17,500 rubles for a trip lasting 8 days. According to tourists, the following tours are popular in summer:

  • trips to the White Sea;
  • rafting on the rivers Shuya, Loymola, Vodla, Tumcha, Pistajoki and Uksa;
  • combined trips with rafting, horseback riding and ATV safari;
  • tours to Solovki;
  • Golden Karelian ring;
  • jeep safari in the Northern Ladoga region.

(Photo © Hombit / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Accommodation at recreation centers

Camp sites, country estates and recreation centers in Karelia are mainly located near lakes. Recreation on lakes in summer is something that attracts many tourists, especially fishermen. Camp sites offer the most affordable accommodation options in Karelia. If previously they served tourists without meals, today most recreation centers offer breakfast to guests.

There are recreation centers with cafes where you can have breakfast for 250 rubles, lunch for 400 rubles and dinner for 350 rubles. Some recreation centers have equipped kitchens where tourists prepare their own meals.

(Photo © / Niska)

Three meals a day are provided at the Niska camp site on the shores of Pyaozero and at the Hunter Paradise recreation center on Lake Yashezero. A double room here costs from 2,500 rubles per night.

Many who go on vacation to Karelia in the summer of 2019 are interested in prices for all-inclusive accommodation. Karelian recreation centers and hotels do not provide such a service. You can relax under the all-inclusive program during boat trips in Karelia. The cost of river cruises from St. Petersburg starts from 33 thousand rubles, and from Moscow - from 44 thousand rubles.

(Photo © / Freegreen cottages)

Prices for food in cafes and shops

Food is one of the main expenses during any vacation. In Karelia in the summer of 2019, food prices cannot be called too high. They are noticeably lower than in the resort area of ​​the Black Sea coast. Lunch in a cafe-dining room for two will cost 500-600 rubles, and dinner in an inexpensive restaurant, excluding alcohol, costs twice as much.

If you plan to cook yourself, buy food, vegetables and fruits in the Pyaterochka, Magnit, Dixie, Lenta chain stores and markets.

Prices for food and drinks in Karelia in the summer of 2019:

  • chicken fillet, 1 kg - from 230 rubles;
  • potatoes, 1 kg - 30 rubles;
  • onion, 1 kg - 27 rubles;
  • milk, 1 l - 55 rubles;
  • butter, 1 kg - 450 rubles;
  • bananas, 1 kg - 60 rubles;
  • sugar, 1 kg - 43 rubles;
  • oatmeal, 1 kg - 50 rubles;
  • rice, 1 kg - 30 rubles;
  • wheat bread - 25 rubles;
  • drinking water, 1.5 l - 30 rubles;
  • Coca-Cola, 0.33 l - 37 rubles;
  • imported beer, 0.33 l - 95 rubles;
  • local beer, 0.5 l - 105 rubles;
  • a cup of coffee - 90 rubles.

(Photo: © Hombit / / License CC BY 2.0)

Holidays in Karelia with children in summer

Many families with children love active recreation and travel around Karelia on kayaks, catamarans and bicycles. They pick berries and mushrooms, fish, swim in lakes, and go on excursions to reindeer farms and husky nurseries.

During your summer vacation with your child, you can visit Petrozavodsk. There is a lot to see in the capital of Karelia: “The Doll’s House”, a climbing wall, the “Polar Odyssey” museum and the “Fauna of Karelia” museum. The whole family should take a look at the Karelian zoos, which are located on the shores of Syamozero and near the city of Sortavala.

Briefly about Karelia

A trip by car to Karelia

Autotrip is one of the possibilities for an interesting holiday in Karelia. In the summer of 2019, the price of such a trip is quite low. It consists of the cost of gasoline, food costs, overnight stays and excursions.

According to reviews from tourists who travel to Karelia by car in the summer, they note that the republic has many convenient places for tent camps, there is clean water everywhere, and there are not large crowds of vacationers. In their opinion, the main disadvantage of an autotrip is the low quality of country roads. Some Karelian attractions can only be reached by off-road vehicles.

How to get to the sights of Karelia by car

Blood-sucking insects. The territory of Karelia is covered with forests and swamps, so in the warm season tourists can expect an abundance of midges and mosquitoes. Especially a lot of annoying insects appear after sunset on the banks of rivers and lakes. Experienced tourists advise using repellents and mosquito nets, and setting up camp in an open, well-ventilated area.

Ticks. From May to September it is tick season in Karelia. Although there have been no cases of tick-borne encephalitis infection in the republic, all vacationers are advised to use special sprays against ticks and enter the forest in closed clothing and a hat. In addition, after each walk you need to carefully inspect your clothing and skin.

Wild animals. There are bears in the Karelian forests. They try to stay away from people. However, local residents advise not to leave food at rest stops, because the smell of food attracts wild animals.

Vipers. Poisonous snakes pose a danger. Karelian vipers love the outskirts of swamps, clearings, deciduous and mixed forests. To avoid being bitten by a snake, wear closed shoes when walking in the forest. It's best to wear high rubber boots.

The vagaries of the weather. Even in summer, the weather in Karelia can change quickly. In addition to light clothing, take a warm sweater, windbreaker, demi-season jacket and raincoat for your trip. For footwear, light sandals, sneakers and rubber boots are useful.

(Photo © jussihuotari / / License CC BY 2.0)