Lviv in one day: route, places worth visiting, where to eat and what to see. The best places in Lviv that you can’t miss What you must visit in Lviv

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With a guide from the site you will see the most interesting things in the city of Lev in just a day

Photo 1 of 15: Sights of Lviv: High Castle © Depositphotos

Lviv is the cultural capital of Ukraine. Travelers love everything about this city, from the cozy cobblestone streets with beautiful houses to the hospitable townspeople and friendly waiters in equally legendary and original cafes. It would seem that every Ukrainian has been here dozens, hundreds of times, but we return again and again to this cradle of beautiful architecture to find ourselves in the wonderful atmosphere of this city. If suddenly guests come to you who have never been to Lviv and ask for an express tour, or you yourself, to your shame and regret, have never walked along the Lviv paving stones, we will tell you where to go and what to see in this city in 24 hours.

Sights of Lviv: Railway station © Depositphotos

  • Where to stay in Lviv

Lviv is probably one of the few cities in Ukraine where there are many not only expensive hotels, but also cozy budget hostels. In general, there are a lot of options for settling somewhere: apartments for daily rent, hostels, hotels, country complexes. The main thing is to remember that accommodation must be booked in advance, especially before the Easter and Christmas holidays, as well as on Independence Day.


  • Plan for a fabulous day in the capital of Leo - sights of Lviv in a day


For most tourists from Kyiv who arrive in Lviv by train, the main problem is how to pass the time before checking into a hotel. Of course, after the road you will want to refresh yourself, so in our guide to the most “delicious” places in Lviv you can choose the establishment that you like and can afford, and have a snack there before walking around the city.

10:00 - 13:00 - walk around the center of Lviv

First of all, go to the tourist information center, at Market Square, 1, behind the Neptune Monument, and ask them for a free map of the city. Armed, we set off on a tour of the center of Lviv.

The first attraction of the city of Lev that we will visit is Latin Cathedral Church(Katedralnaya Square, 1). It perfectly combines the architectural features of past eras. It is a pity that none of the master builders ever saw their work completed, it took so long to build the cathedral. It is interesting that cannonballs hang on the walls of the Cathedral on the eastern side, which do not allow us to forget about the terrible Turkish siege of Lviv in 1672. The core tells more about this with the inscription: "Ex obsidione turcica", which means: "Since the Turkish siege, the summer of God 1672, the day of September 28."

Sights of Lviv: Latin Cathedral Church © Depositphotos

Opposite, on the corner with Rynok Square, one cannot help but notice one of the oldest Renaissance houses in Lviv - Kamenitz of the Scholz-Wolfovich families. It has hardly changed since 1570.

To the left of the Cathedral building is Boim chapel- a Renaissance monument, the likes of which are unique in all European architecture. From the side of Galitskaya Street, on the wall of the chapel we can see original portraits of the wealthy merchant Georg Boim and his wife Jadwiga from the early 17th century. Walking further, in the niches of the facade we see the figures of the apostles Peter and Paul. It is interesting that when creating such figurative compositions, ordinary people were used as models. Therefore, here you can get as close as possible to the time of that era.

Sights of Lviv: Chapel of the Boims © Depositphotos

Having walked around the Cathedral, in front of the entrance from the side of the tram tracks we see Campian Chapel. Go inside the Cathedral and you will see beautifully painted walls, vaults covered with fresco paintings by Stroinsky, and stained glass windows based on sketches by Mehoffer and Matejko from the 19th century. Having enjoyed the beautiful interior, we leave the Cathedral and head along Teatralnaya Street.

On the left, pay attention to Church of Peter and Paul of the Jesuit Order, which is located at number 13 on Teatralnaya Street. This is a baroque shrine of the 17th century, one of the largest churches in Lviv. It is now closed and contains a book depository inside.

We travel further to Teatralnaya, 18. Behind the Leopolis Hotel you will see Museum of Natural History, which was once the palace of the famous zoologist and archaeologist Didytsky. Here is one of the oldest mechanical elevators in Europe.

From Teatralnaya Square the route goes along Armenian, and then along Krakovskaya streets. Here we see the famous Armenian Cathedral- a unique monument of oriental culture on European soil in the 14th-15th centuries.

Sights of Lviv: Armenian Cathedral © Depositphotos

The interior of the temple is extremely attractive with carved figures, window paintings and decorative mosaics. The dome, resting on hollow ribs made from clay jugs, deserves special attention. We leave the temple, turn left, then left again, and then turn onto Armenian Street and go through the arched passage of the bell tower to the Southern Courtyard. A unique place that evokes indescribable emotions. The remains of an Armenian cemetery have been preserved here, some of the slabs are more than 600 years old. Another highlight of the complex is the 18th-century wooden carved chapel in the courtyard.

Further from the intersection with Drukarskaya street we see house "Seasons"(Armenianskaya, 23). The façade of the building matches its name. In the 70s, sculptor Gavriil Krasutsky decorated the house, figuratively speaking, with different seasons. The route runs along Armyanskaya Street, then to the right, turn onto Museum Square - and a breathtaking Dominican Cathedral.

Sights of Lviv: Dominican Cathedral © Depositphotos

We leave the temple and go left along the small square to monument to Ivan Fedorov- Ukrainian pioneer printer. Here, in a small square, there is a second-hand book market. For symbolic money you can buy books from classics of world literature here. And most importantly, the pages of such books preserve the unique atmosphere of Lviv streets and bazaars.

After this, we cross Russkaya Street and walk along Podvalnaya Street. We pass the City Arsenal, now it is located here the only weapons museum in Ukraine.

Sights of Lviv: Bernardine Monastery © Depositphotos

Then through the monastery gates - Glinyanskie Gate from the side of Customs Square - we find ourselves in the monastery courtyard. It seems that time stopped here 400 years ago. Further from the Bernardine Monastery we head along Serbskaya Street towards Rynok Square. We go out to Rynok Square on the most interesting side - the eastern side, where the most famous stone buildings of Lviv are located. These are the Bandinelli Palace (Rynok Square, 2), Black Kamenica (Rynok Square, 4), and, of course, the Kornyakta Palace (Rynok Square, 6).

And finally, we head to Lviv Town Hall, which is located in the center of the market square. Nowadays, as in ancient times, the Lviv City Council operates in its premises. However, do not think that such an official status can prevent you from visiting it. You can walk along the corridors of the town hall and get to the highest point. Climb 350 wooden steps, and from the observation deck you will see all the incredible beauty of the ancient city.

13:00 - 15:00 - climb to the highest point of Lviv - High Castle

413 meters above sea level. A park High Castle is located on a mountain that was artificially raised at the end of the 19th century in honor of the anniversary of the Union of Lublin. Thus, Lviv received an incomparable observation deck. It is very convenient that within 10-15 minutes on foot in any direction from the noisy streets of the city you find yourself in the comfort of centuries-old trees.

Sights of Lviv: High Castle © Depositphotos

15:00 - 16:00 - lunch

In fact, the variations and variety of Lviv cafes and restaurants are impressive. It has long been known that Lviv is the capital of coffee and chocolate. You can try them on every corner - Lviv residents know a lot about gastronomy. As for a hearty, delicious lunch, take a look at ours again.

16:00 - 19:00 - walk through Lviv galleries and antique shops

You can stroll through the galleries and shops on Armyanskaya Street for free. In the Dziga gallery, on Armyanskaya Street, 35, for example, every two weeks there is a new exhibition of contemporary artists. Here you can see interesting photography, painting, installations and performances, and relax in a cafe.

As an alternative, you can choose an excursion to Lychakiv Cemetery. The famous memorial cemetery, which is located on an area of ​​40 hectares. It was founded back in 1876. Lychakiv necropolis is a valuable monument of nature, history and culture. You can stay here longer and take advantage of an innovation - a night tour of the cemetery.

Sights of Lviv: Lychakiv Cemetery © Depositphotos

22:00 - 00:00 - night tour of Lviv

You saw cultural Lviv from all sides, discovered the art capital of Leo and ate your fill in the original Lviv cafes. Now it’s time to see Lviv at night, adventure and mystical. If you like this option, then book a tour excursion "Night Watch of Lviv". Together with the burgomaster and the “night service workers of Lviv” you will check the city, find out if the burgomaster has lost his key, and what will happen when the clock on the city Town Hall strikes.

If this option doesn’t suit you, just take a walk around Lviv at night. Very often there are open-air concerts, live music evenings, and when it’s warm, dancing is held in the fresh air on the square.

Lviv is the same fairy tale city, the dream city that is sung about in the popular song. Every person should definitely visit here. Visit too!

Lviv looks more like a Western European city than a Ukrainian city. There are a lot of ancient monuments preserved here, and the color of the city is simply inimitable. A week is not enough to get around all the interesting places in Lviv. But we will try to suggest what is worth visiting first.

Lviv historical

  • Lviv Opera House named after Solomiya Krushelnitskaya. Its construction began back in 1897, and the building was designed by one of the most famous Polish architects. The theater worked actively under both the Polish and Soviet authorities. Today it regularly hosts performances and concerts with the participation of famous Ukrainian and foreign artists. In addition, the theater conducts excursions for tourists, because the interior decoration of the building is also admired. Many famous painters and decorators worked on the interior of the theater, and their works were carefully preserved and restored.
  • National Museum. It was founded by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky in 1905. The purpose of creating the museum was to preserve Ukrainian culture. Gradually, the exhibition was replenished with new items, and today there are more than 100 thousand exhibits - from princely times to the present. Unique manuscripts, icons, jewelry, Ukrainian embroidery and much more are stored here. The museum building itself is also of interest to tourists as an ancient monument. The museum staff conducts very interesting excursions, thanks to which you can learn a lot of interesting information about the history, culture, and economy of Lviv and Western Ukrainian lands.
  • Lviv Historical Museum. It is impossible not to mention this museum, whose collections contain more than 300 thousand exhibits. First of all, it is worth getting acquainted with the museum building itself - one of the oldest in the city. It was built in 1580 and belonged to a wealthy merchant. It was in this house that a peace treaty between Poland and Russia was signed in 1687. The museum combines several exhibitions located in different buildings located in the city center.
  • Other museums. Since Lviv is an ancient city, there are a lot of museums here, and it is simply impossible to describe them all in one article. We recommend that you visit the pharmacy museum, the Arsenal weapons museum, the beer museum at the local brewery, the postal museum and others, information about which will be provided to you in the Lviv tourist center (which will be discussed below).

  • Lviv Town Hall. Presumably, it was erected at the beginning of the 14th century. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Town Hall tower is the tallest in Ukraine, its height is 65 meters. You can climb the stairs to the very top of the tower and admire the magnificent view of the city.

  • High castle. The highest point of the city, on which fortifications were erected in the 13th century. Later they were destroyed several times and rebuilt again. Nowadays there are only remains of fortifications at the top of the castle. But from here you can admire the landscapes of Lviv.

  • Latin Cathedral. A typical Catholic church, which was built in the 14th century. Monument of sacred architecture. In 2001, Pope John Paul II visited the cathedral. Many representatives of prominent Polish families who died in battle are buried in the cathedral.
  • Lychakiv cemetery. In total, its area is more than 40 hectares, on which more than 300 thousand burials are located. The ashes of many famous military men, politicians, scientists, politicians, musicians, and singers are buried here. In particular, Ivan Franko, Solomiya Krushelnitskaya, Grigory Tyutyunnik are buried here. Now the cemetery is a historical and cultural reserve and new burials are not carried out there.

Lviv tourist

  • Thematic restaurant "Kryivka". One of the most famous establishments in Lviv. The restaurant is decorated in the style of a kryivka (shelter) of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. The interior is really very colorful: machine guns, machine guns, old telephone sets, propaganda posters on the walls. At the entrance, a guard in a UPA uniform and with a machine gun asks: “Are they Muscovites?” (“Are there any Muscovites?”) and says “go off”: “Glory to Ukraine!” In response, you need to say “Glory to the Heroes,” and that there are no Muscovites. However, all this is just an entourage, so they will be allowed inside in any case. And at the entrance they will pour mead for free (if the visitor is over 21 years old). The dishes in the restaurant are very tasty, varied and relatively inexpensive. Be sure to visit the shooting range that operates inside and climb the tower where the anti-aircraft gun is located.

  • Lviv chocolate workshop. Even if you don’t like sweets, be sure to visit this fabulous place. Here they sell all kinds of sweets, chocolate sculptures, chocolate by weight... It really makes your eyes wide open when you see all this splendor. The craftsmen work behind a glass wall, so anyone can watch the process of creating delicacies. And in the summer, you can enjoy a cup of Lviv coffee with purchased sweets in the open area located next to the workshop.

  • Ethno-park "Shevchenkovsky Gai". The park is located not far from the Lychakiv cemetery and is a collection of monuments of folk architecture of the region. On 60 hectares there are houses, churches, utility rooms, forges, schools, wind turbines from different regions of Western Ukraine. Almost all the buildings were built from wood and all the interior decoration was preserved down to the smallest detail. You can enter a house or other building and see how people lived several centuries ago. Festivals and concerts are regularly held in the park.
  • One of the “calling cards” of Lvov is coffee. There are coffee shops everywhere here, and many brew their own original version of this drink. We especially recommend that you visit the “Digger of Coffee”, the coffee shops “Stuka”, “Under Klepsydra”, “Golden Ducat”, “Cabinet”, “Under the Blue Bottle”, “Italian Courtyard”. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to visit all the colorful establishments, but you should definitely visit at least a few of them. Each one has a unique atmosphere, which is a real pleasure to immerse yourself in.

  • Among the original catering establishments, it is also worth highlighting “Sacher-Masoch” - the cafe is dedicated to the founder of masochism and is designed in the appropriate style. The waitresses can literally whip the visitor with a whip (if the latter wishes). And Harry Potter fans should definitely visit the Three Broomsticks Cafe - taste Butterbeer, sit under the Gryffindor coat of arms and hold Dumbledore’s own magic wand in his hand.

  • For the convenience of city guests, there is a Tourist Information Center in Lviv. It is located in the very center of the city, on Rynok Square, in the same building as the town hall. Here they provide all the information a tourist needs: about hotels, attractions, transport, etc.
  • Beer lovers are recommended to visit the Lvov Brewery and try freshly brewed “Lvovskoye” and “Zenyka” (a local specialty of the drink).
  • Large information touch displays are installed in the city center, which provide information important for tourists.
  • If you are traveling with a large group and do not want to spend extra money on accommodation, stay in a hostel. Most Lviv hostels are practically in no way inferior to mid-range hotels, and accommodation in them is much cheaper.
  • There are no conductors on Lviv trams and buses. You need to buy tickets yourself from the driver and then validate them. Unpunched tickets are considered invalid.
  • Note to Russian-speaking tourists - contrary to myths, no one is beaten for their language here; local residents treat all visitors surprisingly friendly.
  • If you want to come to Lviv for the holidays, book your accommodation in advance. Due to the influx of tourists, you can’t put this off until the last minute, otherwise you might end up spending the night at the station. By the way, there is also a hotel at the railway station.
  • Be sure to just take a walk around the city center. Even if you don’t go anywhere, you can always see a lot of interesting things here. In summer, be sure to take a walk around the central part in the evening.

We tried to describe to you the most interesting places that are worth visiting in Lviv first. Having visited this city, you will want to come back here again and again. Don’t forget to share your impressions, because they may be useful to other travel readers.

Good afternoon dear readers! We recently visited the colorful city of Lviv again. We only had to spend one day there. We decided not to waste time, but to spend it with benefit and pleasure. In the article I will tell you what to see and where to go, as well as how to meet and see. I'll show you route walks around the city.

The legendary Lviv does not lose its popularity, but on the contrary is becoming more and more touristic, both in Ukraine and abroad. This time Lviv was a transit point on the way to the Czech Republic. Our independent route Kyiv-Lviv-Prague we decided to carry it out from Lvov, and not directly from Kyiv.

Our first was in December, I remember we took two days off during the week and went on an adventure. Then we had enough time to explore the main attractions of Lviv and visit many colorful establishments in the tourist capital of Ukraine.

How to get to Lviv

There are different ways to get to Lviv. We often choose railway transportation, or road travel. It's rare that our choice falls on buses. The roads in Ukraine are not so great, and this type of transport is not always comfortable. Although there are good carriers, for example, such. We managed to appreciate them in our travels, I wrote about them separately, I won’t dwell on them.

Traveling by train to Lviv is quite convenient and also budget-friendly. You sit down in the evening, and in the morning you are already there. There is time to relax, straighten your legs or start celebrating your journey..) Moreover, now you can buy train tickets in Ukraine online, which greatly simplifies the procedure and saves time.

Another good news! Now the Intercity high-speed train runs to Lviv, only 5 hours on the road. We rode it back (from Lviv to Kyiv). Departs at 18 o'clock, and at 23 already in Kyiv. We were pleasantly surprised by the conditions and comfort. It's a pity that the sockets are only near the window.

I love trips like this, it's like a separate adventure. I don’t argue that a car is much more comfortable, but in our case this option was the most suitable.

Lviv in one day. Arrival

We arrived at the railway station quite early, around six in the morning. Surely the question immediately arises in your mind: what to do this early, since everything is still closed?! But we know that one establishment is definitely operating, and this is Kryivka on Rynok Square.

Kryivka is one establishment in the center of Lviv that is open around the clock. Of course, not everyone arrives so early, but maybe this information will be useful for someone.

Public transport started operating, but we wanted to walk. Despite the early hour, the city doesn’t even think about sleeping. Someone goes to work, and someone just returns from night festivities.)

For your information:

  1. From the railway station to Rynok Square there is tram No. 1 (from 06:00 to 22:00)
  2. From the center you can get to the bus station by trolleybus No. 5 (Shota Rustaveli St. - Stryyskaya St. - Bus Station)
  3. From the central bus station to the main railway station, and vice versa, you can take a bus or minibus number 10.
  4. From the center to the airport (along Listopadovy Chyna St. (back S. Krushelnitskaya St.) - Metropolitan Andrey St. - Turgenev St. (back Antonovich St.) - Kopistinskogo St. (back Okruzhnaya St.) - Lyubinskaya St.) by trolleybus No. 9.

It takes about half an hour to walk to the center from the Lviv railway station. We really enjoyed the walk. We cheered up and worked up an appetite.

Kryivka surprised us. At the entrance, a man dressed in a UPA uniform sleepily demanded the lights go off, after which we went inside the dugout. It was a surprise to see so many people, it was already morning! But, on the other hand, what did we expect?! People come to Lviv to relax, to feel the color and atmosphere, especially since the weekend is ahead.

We didn’t stand out and started our morning not with coffee, but with dumplings and mead. The mood is great, the route has been laid out, we leave the dugout.

Lviv in one day. What to see and where to go.

If you are not yet in the center of Lviv, the first thing you need to do is drive or go to Rynok Square. This is the central square of Lviv. The main attractions of the city are located there. Opposite the same Kryivka is the Lviv Town Hall. It offers a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings. The entrance is open to visitors, so don’t be lazy and go up to the roof. In addition, from the town hall you can clearly see the Latin Cathedral or the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which you can then visit. The outer walls of the temple are painted in a pleasant sand color. This is the only surviving building of the Gothic architecture of medieval Lviv. The temple has a three-nave structure, complemented by dark green domes.

Near Rynok Square there are two more churches that are worth visiting - the Dominican Cathedral and the Bernardine Monastery. I wrote about them when I described the sights of Lviv.

There on the square there is a coffee house-museum “Coffee Digging”. The surroundings impress her. I was delighted with the atmosphere and almost believed that coffee was mined there. Right here, on Drukarskaya street, 2 is located old pharmacy-museum. She's still working. The museum features 16 pharmaceutical rooms with unique exhibits.

You can also have a cup of coffee during a break between sightseeing in the “Golden Dukat” coffee shop, which is located near Rynok Square, and eat in the Gas Lamp or the House of Legends. The establishments are incredibly colorful.

Near the central square there is the Solomiya Krushelnitskaya Opera and Ballet Theater. A cozy square with benches leads to it, where both guests and residents of Lvov like to sit.If on one side the square abuts the theater, on the other it faces the monument to Adam Mickiewicz and the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

From here we take the tram and go to the Lychakiv Cemetery or walk 25-30 minutes to the High Castle Park. Choose one because each of these places will take at least an hour, excluding travel time. These attractions are not at all similar, but very interesting. You can read about the Lychakiv Cemetery at the link, there is a lot of information and photos there. I would like to say a few words about the “High Castle”. This place is popular not for its castle. Unfortunately, it has not been preserved; from the mountain where it was built, an amazing panorama of Old Lviv opens up. The unique observation deck of the “High Castle”, which is 413 meters above sea level, has no analogues in Europe.

Writing how to get to Lychakiv Cemetery. Minibus taxis that go along Lychakivska Street (to the Church of Saints Peter and Paul). From the railway station there is tram number 10 or bus number 29 (5 minutes walk from the stop). From the center of Lviv, on Podvalnaya Street (near the monument to I. Fedorov), tram No. 7 goes to the museum; you need to get off on the street


Where to buy souvenirs in Lviv

You can’t leave Lviv without souvenirs. They can be purchased in shops near Rynok Square. The assortment will please you. For sweets you should definitely go to. There is a huge selection of goodies - from sweets to chocolate products (hearts, shoes, cute people, etc.). In addition to sweets, coffee is brought from Lviv. It can be purchased at the Kava Digger mentioned above.

If you want to complement your independent walk around Lviv, you can take a guide. There are plenty of them in the central Market Square. In addition, you can arrange the services of a guide in advance via the Internet before your trip.

If you are planning a train trip to Lviv with an overnight stay, it is advisable to think about accommodation in advance. Services for searching and booking housing in Ukraine have proven themselves well. and

And finally, what is included in

Our Lviv route in one day

  • Kryivka
  • City Hall (climb to the roof)
  • Coffee house "Digging Kawi"
  • Pharmacy Museum
  • Latin Cathedral or Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Lviv Chocolate Workshop
  • Dominican Cathedral
  • Bernardine Monastery
  • Gas Lamp Restaurant-Museum
  • High Castle
  • Coffee house "Golden Ducat"
  • Restaurant "House of Legen"

This is how we saw it. I hope you enjoyed our route around the city. Lviv in one day is not as little as it seems!

How to find budget housing in Lviv
Cheap accommodation or hotels in Lviv can be found through the hotellook booking system, we use it ourselves, it’s been verified. The convenience of the service is that it compares prices from dozens of booking systems - all you have to do is choose the best offer for yourself and buy.

Rent an apartment in Lviv
Very convenient and fast options - renting apartments in Ukraine through the services and

How to buy cheap air tickets to Lviv
Air travel to Lviv can be purchased directly on the airlines’ website, but it is most profitable to take advantage of flight offers in the direction from Aviasales, a unit that we use ourselves. The service selects the most advantageous offers, based on prices and destinations - you just have to choose the best by price, departure time or favorite airline.

Proven resources that help us save money when
independent travel planning

We have compiled a list of useful and proven resources that we ourselves use when traveling. They help us save time, money and nerves.

The city has something to surprise every tourist; you just have to take a closer look at its streets. Where to go for a walk in Lviv and what incredible places to see - read on.

Lviv is home to coffee shops, narrow streets, fascinating architecture and unexpected dishes and liqueurs. It’s worth going here, if only because there is no longer such an atmospheric city in Ukraine, because here every house, block, and alley breathes history. They preserve the memory of what happened many centuries ago. This creates a unique charm that tourists admire.

The city of Leo is unique, and if you come here at least once, you will definitely want to come back!

What to see in Lviv and where to go for a walk - a list of the best places

Market Square

Of course, we cannot ignore popular tourist spots in Lviv, so we’ll start with them. Market Square is the most famous square of the city, which is located in the very center. The streets diverge from it and are dotted with a variety of themed cafes and restaurants. Here you can often hear street musicians.

Market Square in Lviv

Where to find: Market Square is located in the city center.

Town Hall

A great place to explore the central part of the city from above. Lviv Town Hall is the highest in Ukraine, its height is 65 meters. Therefore, it has a good view of the city.

View of Lviv from the Town Hall during the day

View of Lviv from the Town Hall in the evening

Where to find: Rynok Square, 1.

Italian courtyard

A cozy place in the heart of the city of Lev. Here you can take a break from the noisy streets filled with tourists. Back in the 16th century, when the courtyard was being built, the owners tried to arrange it so that this corner would become a place of relaxation. Now the Italian courtyard often receives guests. There is a coffee shop here, and there are often jazz and classical concerts.

Italian courtyard in Lviv

You can't think of a better place for a romantic photo shoot!

Where to find: Market Square, 6.

High Castle

Being in Lviv and not going up to the High Castle is like not seeing Khreshchatyk in Kyiv. This is the highest point of the city of Lev, the height of the mountain is 413 meters. Once upon a time there was a castle on it. Construction on the mountain began back in the 13th century. When the castle was rebuilt and it became clearly visible from the surrounding areas, the mountain began to be called Zamkova, or “High Castle”.

The High Castle is actually a mountain, not a castle

In the 17th century, Swedish troops passed through Lviv and stormed the stronghold. Since then the castle began to collapse. And, unfortunately, century after century no one cared about its safety. They paved the streets with stones from the mountain, dismantled defensive structures in order to build houses in the city. Now a small wall remains of the castle fortifications. And Castle Hill has become one of the most favorite viewing platforms for Lviv residents and city guests. And this is not surprising, because the view from the mountain is truly incredible.

View of Lviv from the High Castle

Lviv Opera

The opera is one of the most architecturally expressive monuments of Lviv. Its elegant building surprises residents and guests of the city with incredible luxury and perfection. Operettas, operas and other premieres are often held here.

Opera House in Lviv

Where to find: Svobody Avenue, 1.

Lychakiv Cemetery

Usually, cemeteries are not a place for tourists, but this is not about Lviv. Lychakiv Cemetery is not just a burial place, but a historical and cultural museum-reserve. Tombstone sculptures are real works of art.

The oldest burials at the Lychakiv cemetery date back to the end of the 18th century. Mostly famous people were buried here. Polish writer Arthur Grott and his beloved Baroness Wanda Monnet are buried here. Ivan Franko, Solomiya Krushelnytska, and Markiyan Shashkevich also found their rest at the Lviv cemetery.

Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv

Already in our time, Euromaidan activist Yuri Verbitsky and Major General Sergei Kulchytsky, who died in the ATO zone, were buried in the cemetery.

Where to find: Mechnikova, 33.

Potocki Palace

A beautiful building in the classicist style, built in the 19th century. The Pototsky family became known as the initiators of the creation of the palace. Previously, on the site of the Potocki Palace there was a small hunting house.

Where to find: st. Copernicus, 16

Non-tourist places in Lviv

The real Lviv will be revealed only if you break out of the vicious circle of buildings adjacent to Rynok Square, get lost among the crooked streets of the Old Town, without being afraid to look into the courtyards and courtyards.

Take a walk near luxury villas

Tram number 2 will take you from the bustling center to the silence of the ancient surroundings, where among the luxurious villas you will have an epiphany: the city can be quiet.

General Chuprinka Street

General Chuprinka Street stretches from the Church of St. Mary Magdalene (now the House of Organ and Chamber Music) to Academician Rudnitsky. There are no tourists walking along it, which is probably why it has still retained the spirit of the times and has not acquired dozens of restaurants and cafes. This area was once called Kastelivka, and its proximity to the center prompted the construction of new houses at the end of the 19th century.

General Chuprinka Street

The irrepressible imagination of the architects generously spilled onto this street in the form of many villas and mansions built for the then Lviv elite and intelligentsia.

One of the most notable buildings is the castle house on General Chuprinka at number 50-52. It is interesting that the mansion is still used for its intended purpose - ordinary people live in its apartments.

Castle house on General Chuprinka Street, 50-52

Plasticine house

The creation of modern designers - "Plasticine House" is reminiscent of the creations of Gaudi. The house is located on Tsetnerovka Street, 16, which is not far from Lychakivsky Park. The owner inherited a completely inconspicuous mansion, which he gave to local architect Nikolai Senik for renovation. And now the building looks absolutely unrealistic compared to ordinary Polish mansions, and it’s a pity that few people know about it.

Plasticine house in Lviv

Where to find: Tsetnerovka, 16.

Life Safety University

Lviv universities in general are undeservedly deprived of tourist attention. The majestic building of the Lviv University of Life Safety looks like a castle, and it is in no way inferior to the Chernivtsi University, which is the main tourist attraction of the capital of Bukovina.

Lviv University of Life Safety

The building in the mid-19th century was built by the same architect as the building of the Austrian Parliament and the Vienna Arsenal. The Home for the Invalids of Galicia, maimed in wars, was located here. The main disadvantage of the university as an object for tourists is that it operates behind closed doors, since it is subordinate to the State Service for Emergency Situations.

University Chapel

But you can get here! On Sunday it is possible to go to the territory of the university, because there is a chapel where services are held. And if you say that you are coming for precisely this purpose, they will definitely let you in.

Where to find: Kleparovskaya, 35.

Lviv parks

Parks in Lviv are the real pride of the city, because there are a lot of them and they are all incredibly beautiful. Stryisky Park can surprise you with its garden architecture; the Znesinnya Park (formerly the Imperial Forest or Kaiserwald) starts from Lion Mountain and ends at the famous Shevchenko Gai - an open-air ethnic complex where various holidays and celebrations are held.

Striysky Park

In winter, it’s a good place to wander through the snow-covered alleys, and in the summer, have a picnic on the hills, which offer a magnificent view of the tin and tiled roofs of the Old Town.

Zniesinnia Park

A park completely unknown to tourists is Pogulyanka. Steep ravines covered with massive beech trees descend from the hills along Pasechnaya Street. You can't think of a better place to take a break from the bustling city.

Pogulyanka Park

Observation platforms

Without seeing the city from above, it is impossible to truly appreciate its scale. In Lviv, you just need to climb as high as possible and enjoy the beauty of weather vanes and roofs.

The Town Hall Tower and the High Castle, which offer views of the city, are too banal, because in Lviv there are a lot of non-standard places from where the city can be seen from a fresh perspective.

Firstly, this is the Church of Saints Olga and Elizabeth, which is on the corner of the street. Gorodetskaya and Stepan Bandera. For a very small amount of money, the observation deck offers a completely non-standard view.

Church of Saints Olga and Elizabeth

Secondly, an alternative to the High Castle is Bald Mountain. From here, unlike the High Castle, popular among tourists, there is a fantastic panorama of the Old Town, but there are absolutely no trees in the way. Thirdly, you can go to the observation deck of the Citadel.

View of Lviv from Bald Mountain (or Mount Prince Leo)

Yard of Lost Toys

This unusual courtyard houses dolls, teddy bears, rattles, garden gnomes, plastic Carlsons and other toys. The surroundings create a mystical atmosphere. According to local residents, the collection on display belongs to one of the residents. Not even all Lviv residents know about the existence of this courtyard.

Yard of Lost Toys in Lviv

Where to find: st. Prince Lev, 3.

Open air gallery

One of the newest art spaces, located in the center, in the courtyard near Rynok Square. “Schos Tsikave” is the only open-air gallery in Lviv. Young artists can exhibit their works here; exhibitions change frequently. In addition to exhibitions, “Schos Tsikave” hosts master classes and acoustic concerts. There is also a shop with handicrafts and a coffee shop of the same name.

Open air gallery in Lviv

Where to find: Rynok Square, 13.

Street with several names

Since 2006, the Kinolev festival has been held in Lviv. The festival has its own tradition - the name of the person to whom the next festival is dedicated is annually added to the official name of Archive Street. Now the street, in addition to the main one, has many more names: Bergman, Fellini, Truffaut, Ilyenko and Parajanov. The corresponding signs are hung on one of the buildings on the short Archival Street.

Archive Street in Lviv

Where to find: st. Archivnaya (between Brothers Rogatyntsev and Valovaya streets)

Of course, these are not all the places in Lviv that are worth visiting and seeing. Because every street of the city of Leo contains many secrets and unexpected architectural creations - we are just trying to show you some of them.

Discover Lviv for yourself! We wish you good travels!

The western tourist capital of Ukraine has been welcoming guests from different parts of the country and abroad for many years. It seems that in the city every house, block, and alley breathes history. They preserve the memory of what happened many centuries ago. This creates a unique charm that tourists admire as soon as they set foot on Lviv soil.

It’s hard to even imagine that someone has not yet had time to visit this wonderful city. But in fact, there are many people who are just planning to visit Lviv and do not know what they must see here.

The site has selected for you a list of places that every tourist should visit when they come to Lviv. We begin our virtual journey, which can come true. All you need is desire!

Market Square and Lviv Town Hall

The most famous square in Lviv is. Located in the center, in the old part of the city. Therefore, there is something to see here, because the local houses still remember the events of past centuries. During the Middle Ages, only members of the nobility had the right to build on Rynok Square.

The first mentions of the central city square date back to the distant 13th century. For many centuries it was the center of city life. Cultural events and processions were held here, and vegetables, fruits and flowers grown by local residents were sold at the market.

Rynok Square, Lviv. Author photo

The exquisite streets of old Lviv are never empty. Life is in full swing everywhere - Lviv coffee shops are fragrant with aromatic coffee, tourists and Lviv residents themselves are enjoying their holiday at the tables of street cafes. A special atmosphere of serenity can be felt right in the air.

Cafe near Rynok Square. Author photo: IGotoWorld Photo Group.

Market Square has not lost its historical significance even today. In addition to cafes, shops and restaurants, here you can see several buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries.

The most famous architectural masterpieces on Rynok Square:

  • , built in 1588–1589.
  • , within the walls of which the Lviv Historical Museum is located.
  • Kamenitsy, and.
  • , and others.

Lviv. Author photo: Tetiana Smirnova IGotoWorld Photo Group.

Also on the main square is the city hall. And if you are in Lviv, then looking at the central part of the city from the town hall tower is the duty of every tourist. Lvivskaya is the highest in Ukraine, its height is 65 meters. By the way, the building is an architectural monument and is protected not only by Ukraine, but also by UNESCO.

View from Lviv City Hall. Photo source:, author – arttutorials.

At the town hall, tourists can view the city clock. This mechanism has been telling locals the exact time for several centuries. It is interesting that previously no one except monks was allowed to work on the city clock. It was believed that they could be possessed by evil spirits. And the confessor is able to protect the watch, and it will always show the exact time.

Interesting sights near Rynok Square

The central square of Lviv is adjacent to several cozy and no less interesting streets. You will discover many unusual monuments. Each of them is original and has its own story.

  • For example, from Staroevreiskaya Street you can turn into the courtyards and see, signaling to foam lovers that everything is good in moderation.

Monument Beer Navel, Lviv. Author photo: Tetiana Smirnova IGotoWorld Photo Group.

  • On Serbskaya Street (the landmark on the square is the “Lviv Coffee Dig”), at the entrance to an extraordinary, and therefore very popular, place, passers-by encounter a sculpture of the most “indecent” Austrian writer. Not everyone decides to visit the establishment, but many want to take a photo with it.

Monument to Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Lviv. Author photo: Tetiana Smirnova IGotoWorld Photo Group.

  • What can we say about!

A street with several names. Photo by: Tetiana Smirnova IGotoWorld Photo Group.

Visitors can easily find shelter at the Market Square. Choose from many hostels or hotels in Lviv, which are located in the heart of the city.

How to get there to Rynok Square. From the train station it is approximately 45 minutes on foot or 30 minutes by tram number 1.

Price: Entrance to the Town Hall building is free. The climb to the observation deck costs 30 UAH.

GPS coordinates: 49.841563, 24.031582.

Opera and Ballet Theater named after Solomiya Krushelnitskaya

GPS coordinates: 49.841222, 24.021347.

Vienna House of Coffee

They have long been winning the hearts of absolutely everyone who comes to this city. And Lviv itself is called the coffee capital. But there are establishments here where it all began. One of the places where the charm of cozy Lviv cafeterias originated is. It can be called historical, because the building was originally built in 1829 as a coffee shop.

Vienna Coffee House, Lviv.
Photo by: Tetiana Smirnova IGotoWorld Photo Group.

Viennese coffee is, of course, the highlight of the Coffee House. Also here they will prepare for you classic espresso, aromatic latte and many other variations of the magical drink. The most delicious Viennese strudel, which you can try in a coffee shop, will make you return to the atmospheric establishment more than once.

Strudel at the Vienna Coffee House, Lviv. Photo by: Tetiana Smirnova IGotoWorld Photo Group.

Schedule: daily from 09:00 to 00:00.

How to get there: The Vienna Coffee House is located at 12. It is the city center and easily accessible by public transport. From the railway station you can take tram number 1 to the stop “Ulitsa Petra Doroshenko”.

GPS coordinates: 49.840899, 24.028930.

Directions Krivaya Lipa

The cozy pedestrian street Krivaya Lipa is named after a tree that is over 150 years old. Under the old linden tree there is a symbolic bench where lovers come. Both guests and residents of the city love to relax in this part of the Galician district of Lviv. The atmosphere of the place is ideal for romantic dates - the pretty narrow street is dotted with cafes and restaurants.

Kryva Lipa passage, Lviv. Photo by: Eugene Naryvsky IGotoWorld Photo Group.

It is also called Gausmann's passage, in honor of the owner of the Grand Hotel. On his initiative, in 1895, an open passage was built near the hotel, with exits on two sides, now these are Doroshenko and Sichovykh Streltsy streets.

How to get there: Krivaya Lipa passage is located in the center of Lviv. From Rynok Square you can take tram No. 1, from the railway station by tram No. 6 to the Gorodskaya Street stop, by tram No. 1 or No. 10 to the Doroshenko Street stop. Although, it’s worth walking from the center, because there are attractions in Lviv literally on every corner, and the walk will take about 10 minutes.

GPS coordinates: 49.840646, 24.026176.

Lychakiv Cemetery

It is usually not customary to visit cemeteries. Too creepy. But in Lviv, the cemetery is not just a burial place, but a historical and cultural museum-reserve. 300 thousand burials on 40 hectares. There are sculptures on 500 graves. What's surprising here, you say? And the fact is that these monuments are real works of art. Angels, saints, people who are buried here, hewn from stone. They convey sadness and despair. The faces of the sculptures are so natural that it seems that tears are about to flow from the eyes of the little angel! These are must-see places!

Lychakiv Cemetery, Lviv. Photo source:

The oldest burials date back to the end of the 18th century. Mostly famous people were buried here. Buried here. Ivan Franko, Solomiya Krushelnytska, and Markiyan Shashkevich also found their rest at the Lviv cemetery. Already in our time, Euromaidan activist Yuri Verbitsky and Major General Sergei Kulchitsky were buried in the cemetery. A military man died in the ATO zone.


  • for adults – 30 UAH;
  • for school-age children and students – 20 UAH;
  • guided tour for groups of up to 10 people – 130 UAH;
  • guided tour for groups of more than 10 people – 200 UAH;
  • excursion by electric car – 250 UAH. Ticket prices may vary.

How to get there: Lychakiv Cemetery is located on Mechnikova Street, 33. From the railway station you can get by minibus No. 29 to the “Shevchenkovsky Gai” stop. Then walk about 10 minutes.

GPS coordinates: 49.832599, 24.056080.

Lviv. Author photo: Eugene Naryvsky IGotoWorld Photo Group.

As we can see, despite the fact that it seemed like almost everyone had been to Lviv and looked at every corner, there are more and more interesting places here every year. And old monuments do not lose their charm. There are always quite a lot of people in every establishment and museum. But there are also places that will delight you with comfort. Delicious Galician cuisine will not leave anyone indifferent, because due to significant competition between hundreds of cafes, restaurants, and Kneipp city chefs have to be great virtuosos so as not to lose customers! Lviv will always delight tourists. A good mood when visiting this city of Western Ukraine is guaranteed!