Aqaba: attractions and interesting places (with photos). Aqaba - attractions, beautiful places, what tourists should see in Aqaba Jordan Aqaba attractions

The Jordanian window to the sea is what many people call wonderful Aqaba. After traveling through endless deserts, this city is perceived as a breath of fresh air. Indeed, clean sea air has a healing effect on the human body.

Aqaba is a major seaport, the only one in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The main activity of maritime transport is the transportation of Iraqi oil and Jordanian phosphates. There is also an excellent regular passenger ferry service between Aqab and the cities of Egypt and Israel. Ferries depart from the Jordanian port to Nuweiba, Egypt, three times a week.


Communication systems in Aqaba have undergone intensive development. Mobile communications have gained the greatest popularity among the local population. For conversations within the country, and even with foreign countries, it is most profitable to purchase a SIM card from local operators " MobileCom" And " FastLink" The cost of domestic calls does not exceed $0.14 per minute. International calls cost approximately $1 per minute.

Many hotels equip their rooms with telephones from which you can make both long-distance and international calls. Regardless of the actual length of the call, many hotels charge a minimum rate of three minutes, which is about $6.

Not only cellular communications, but also network technologies have become widespread. There are small but cozy internet cafes on every street in Aqaba. All of them are equipped with modern computer technology. The cost of one hour of working with the World Wide Web is approximately $2. Many large hotels and inns offer their clients free Wi-Fi Internet access points.


The Jordanian resort of Aqaba has a reputation as a relatively safe city. No serious offenses were reported here. Pickpocketing or fraud is very rare against foreign citizens. Tourists should be careful about their personal belongings in crowded places. Large sums of money, valuables and jewelry should be left in your hotel or inn room before walking around the city.

Many health experts recommend that tourists from Europe and Russia receive several preventive vaccinations, in particular against tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, hepatitis and typhoid fever.

The sanitary situation in Aqaba is characterized as favorable. True, drinking unboiled water here is still unsafe. It is best to drink bottled drinks.

Fruits and vegetables purchased from the Aqaba market must be thoroughly washed before eating. And fish and meat should be thoroughly fried or boiled. These warnings are especially relevant in the summer, when the average air temperature exceeds +30 °C - at this time the risk of intestinal infections increases.

Business climate

Aqaba, as a modern developing resort, is currently of great interest to foreign investors. An excellent geographical location, developed infrastructure, excellent opportunities for organizing a fun and exciting holiday - this is what makes Aqaba a popular resort among tourists.

Many businessmen, especially from rich countries Persian Gulf, decide to invest their money in the development of the tourism industry in Aqaba. Today, the construction of modern entertainment complexes, discos and clubs, hotels and inns, as well as shopping centers is relevant for this Jordanian resort. All these objects are capable of bringing enormous profits to their owners in a fairly short period of time.

The coast of the Gulf of Aqaba is considered a free economic zone. This circumstance attracts many investors, because this status of Aqaba allows you to register a company with less material and time costs, reduce tax payments to 5%, and most importantly, provides an excellent opportunity to organize a business not only in Jordan, but also in neighboring countries of the Middle East and North Africa .

Real estate

Every year, the Aqaba real estate market is in great demand among foreign buyers. It is worth noting that recently the demand for housing in this beautiful corner of Jordan has significantly exceeded supply. Many people want to buy a cottage on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba. Such a purchase will allow you not only to get the opportunity to live in one of the most popular resorts of the Red Sea, but also to significantly increase your financial status, because every year in Jordan there is a steady increase in prices. For example, currently the cost of one square meter of residential space in Aqaba exceeds $1,000.

Absolutely all foreigners can purchase an apartment or cottage in the Jordanian resort of Aqaba; there are no restrictions on the sale of real estate in the country. The only purchase condition for non-residents of Jordan is the inability to sell the property within five years from the date of the transaction.

A stunning, action-packed holiday in the luxurious Jordanian resort of Aqaba requires some important rules.

Firstly, like in any other Muslim city, in Aqaba there are some religious requirements that must be observed. True, the status of a modern resort somewhat weakens the harsh laws of Islam. Women visiting Aqaba may wear light clothing and not cover their heads in public. However, public expressions of feelings, just like in the rest of Jordan, will cause a lot of indignation from local residents.

Secondly, women are strictly prohibited from being alone in restaurants and other entertainment venues. Such institutions can only be visited by men or married couples.

Thirdly, all foreigners who come here want to capture the unique views of the resort Aqaba. It is worth remembering that not all objects can be photographed. It is strictly prohibited to photograph military and government buildings and structures, as well as people in military uniform. In Aqaba, it is customary to ask permission for photography and video shooting from any person you want to capture as a souvenir.

And finally, when planning to buy a souvenir you like, you should remember that expensive antiques, jewelry and antiques must be accompanied by the issuance of a receipt, which in special cases is asked by customs officials when returning home. Interestingly, items older than 100 years are prohibited from being exported outside of Jordan, as is Jordanian currency worth more than 300 dinars.

Aqaba is a great destination for beach holidays and diving, but the city also has an interesting history, so there are several attractions that remain from early times. You don’t have to go on excursions if you want to see some interesting buildings and structures.

What to see in Aqaba? Aqaba's attractions are not very diverse, but there are at least 3 places in the city that deserve your attention. Below are the main attractions of Aqaba.

What to see in Aqaba? The first object that immediately comes to mind is the local fort. This fort is also called Aqaba Castle or Mamluk Castle. Aqaba Fort offers a glimpse into Jordan's history. Different parts of the fort were built during the reign of different rulers. The oldest part of the fort is believed to have been built by the Crusaders, i.e. during the first Holy Wars. Other parts of the fortress date back to the turbulent times of the 13th century, when Jordan was a war-torn country.

Where is Aqaba Fort: King Hussein Street, in the southern part of the city.

Turkish baths

There are many steam baths with historical significance throughout the Middle East. However, the Turkish baths, made in the Persian style, have the most original form. The Turkish baths of Aqaba are still open to the public, but are mainly reserved for women. Here visitors can bathe in giant stone baths.

Where are the Turkish baths in Aqaba: near Aqaba Fort, on King Hussein Street.

Important attractions in Aqaba include Humaima. This facility served as a control point for King Aretas III. Most local residents believe that Humaima became an important basis for the development of Aqaba and the development of this city into an important trading center. Some artifacts here indicate the presence of Trojans. In fact, some of the nearby small forts are believed to have actually been built by the Trojans. Humaima is an integral part of the Byzantine Empire. Numerous excavations are still ongoing at the site to understand the regional significance of the site.

Posted By website on 02/24/2017

Trip to Aqaba Jordan – our reviews.

The largest resort port city of Jordan on the Red Sea.

According to the schedule: those who go at 13-00 get a lunch break, and many of their establishments are not open at this time. And those who go at 17, are already going in complete darkness. , it is better to take a warm windbreaker with you. Getting around Aqaba is quite easy; from the bus station we go down the pedestrian crossing to the embankment. Attention! In Jordan, cars are not inferior to pedestrians, even if the pedestrian has already started moving and reached the middle of the road. You have to cross the roadway, dodging cars. No one will let you pass or slow down. During the entire evening, only one driver let us through, most likely it was a tourist who had rented a car.

The second feature of Aqaba, and, in general, Jordanian cities, is that when you walk along the sidewalk, green cars constantly honk at you - these are taxis. At first, especially girls, they fall into a stupor from such attention. Every 5-7 meters beep, beep, because... taxis in the city make up 50 percent of the total traffic flow. Then, over time, you realize that they honk at everyone you meet, especially with bags in their hands, and you stop paying attention to it. Aqaba - Aqaba has been a tourist city for quite a long time and, although there is plenty of garbage everywhere, the town is quite interesting, a typical urban seaside Arab town. It feels especially colorful when you are standing near one of the largest national flags, on the highest flagpole, and then the call to prayer is heard from a nearby mosque.

Gulf of Aqaba

In the bay there are a lot of ocean liners, cargo ships and pleasure boats, it becomes impossible to get rid of the impression that you are on the set of the famous movie about James Bond. In general, if you have never been to an Arab city before, you will have a lot of impressions, especially at sunset.

Regarding harassment

There were several girls on the bus with us who were walking alone in the city. Yes, they were wearing appropriate clothing in the form of a long dress, but still, a lonely blonde in an Arab city looks unreasonable. But everything turned out to be not so scary, everyone returned safely to the hotel.
One of the disadvantages of Arabic stores is that the prices of goods are written in Arabic script rather than in numbers. It is not clear why they were not pleased with their own Arabic numerals. After all, their writing is 2-3 times shorter. Because The city, one might say, is a tourist one, but there are no problems with shopping and spending time. About 40 percent of the sellers know the basic Russian words quite well: buy, price, tea, coffee. If you know the basic nouns in English, then there will be no problems at all.

Upon arrival at the bus stop, on the right in the tourist center, in the form of a pavilion, you can pick up free tourist brochures in Russian about famous places and objects of Jordan and Aqaba, in particular. Including a map of Aqaba. The layout of Aqaba is simple, it is difficult to get lost. As a last resort, you can always ask any taxi driver to take you to McDonald's, located across the street opposite the place where the hotel bus drops off and picks up. And getting to the hotel by taxi is relatively inexpensive, 5 dinars.
The main tourist streets are located like this: a two-lane road along the bay, past the beach, will lead you to the famous Jordanian flag, on the way to it you can exchange dollars for dinars, having previously assessed your expenses, because It is not profitable to buy in dollars.

Attractions of Aqaba - Jordan

The largest flag in the world is the 40-meter flag of Jordan at Uprising Square (also a small pier for pleasure boats).
From the pier of the Great Arab Revolt Plaza, where the famous 40-meter flag is located, there is an excellent view of the coastal part of Aqaba. One of the mosques is located nearby. All the colorful colors of the Arab city in one place. A huge banner of 20x40 meters with a height of 137 meters looks very interesting, at least you are unlikely to see something similar anywhere else. The 137 meter flagpole, not including the height of the supporting structure, is the tallest in the world.
The flag banner commemorates the great Arab revolt for independence of 1916, led by Sherif Hussein Bin Ali against the Ottoman Empire (Great Arab Revolt).

Salodin Aqaba Fortress

At the entrance to the pier to the flag, there is the Salodin fortress, when we were there it was under repair and they were not allowed inside.
Near the flag just above are the ruins of a Mamluk fortress. On the tablets (see photo) it is written in Arabic that the fortress was built by Sultan Kansur Al-Ghauri (1510-1517).
The Aqaba Mamluk fortress was used for a long time, including by pilgrims heading to Mecca. This Arab fortress was badly damaged during shelling in the First World War. Its restoration is now underway.

Nearby here, higher up, there should be a museum of Aqaba somewhere, but... We were late, he was no longer working. Near the flag, everyone takes pictures with views of the bay from the pier; I repeat, the place is picturesque.

Shopping in Aqaba - what to bring from Jordan

After the flag we go back, but we are already walking on the opposite side of the street. We cross the street at the pedestrian crossing, very carefully. 100-200 m from the flag, Arab trading shops begin, despite the fact that a lot of smaller streets branch off from the main embankment of the street, it is difficult to get lost in them, especially if you keep in mind where the sea is. And the famous flag located in the bay is visible, perhaps, from anywhere in Aqaba. It is better to buy coffee and tea in stores where there are many local buyers, especially if you are not very knowledgeable about Arabic varieties. The easiest way is to take those varieties that are in greatest demand among Arabs, i.e. those which, in glass cases, have the least grains left. The most popular varieties are usually the most predictable. Of course, you can smell it, but aroma and taste are not the same thing.
In general, Aqaba is a small port city, yes, there are drawbacks, the same cigarette butts are almost everywhere, there is also garbage, but not so much of it.
And those who come to plunge into the atmosphere of an Arab city will be pleased. Even those who don't know English. No returns without purchases. For a small According to our statistics, in Aqaba, people mainly buy the following:

  1. Arabic coffee in a branded package 6-8 dinars per kg,
  2. Arabic tea 2-4 dinars per 100 g,
  3. magnets - 1 dinar per piece,
  4. Arabic halva and other sweets,
  5. nuts,
  6. mango 2 dinars per kg, one mango has 500 grams,
  7. pomegranate 2.5 dinars per kg.

Real natural pomegranate and mango, much tastier than those sold in Russian supermarkets.

You also need to understand that life in Jordan is on average 2 times more expensive than in the Russian Federation, it’s not the Arabs who are wrong, it’s something wrong with our national currency - the ruble. The dinar exchange rate since 1984 has been fixed at $1 = 0.67 dinars. More
Regarding the behavior of the Arabs, I can say the following, mostly they pester with their services, only taxi drivers, but everything is quite civilized. Go wherever you want, no one cares about you. Yes, girls are constantly being looked at, but no problems with harassment have been noticed. Although the walks of lonely blond girls, in my opinion, still look somewhat stupid, since even according to the guide, out of 300,000 thousand inhabitants there will still be a couple of fanatics or simply sick people, so it is more prudent to stay in groups, and it is better to walk with your other half.

Aqaba is a small city, so its main attractions are located close to each other and can be explored on foot.

It is better to start a walk around the city from its embankment, which runs along the bay. On the right side (if you go towards the port) you can see the city beaches and some vegetable gardens with palm trees.

On the left side, a beautiful white building with a dome immediately catches your eye - this is the main mosque of the city, Al-Sharif Al-Hussein bin Ali. It was built according to all Muslim canons in 1975, and in 2011 it was thoroughly restored and updated. At night, the mosque is beautifully illuminated.


If you go further, you will certainly notice the flagpole, which, oddly enough, is considered one of the main attractions of the city. Its peculiarity is that it is one of the five tallest flagpoles in the world. The height of the spire is 130 meters, it is made up of eleven sections, the diameter of the lower one is 0.261 m, the upper one is 0.106 m. At the top flutters a huge banner (30x60 meters) of the flag of the “Arab Revolution” (not to be confused with the flag of Jordan). The flag is visible from Egypt and Israel. On national holidays, all kinds of cultural events and demonstrations are held near it. To the side of the flagpole there is a cozy square with fountains and benches where you can hide from the heat.


Among the historical monuments of Aqaba, the Mamluk Fort may be of greatest interest. It was erected under the Romans to protect the port; subsequently the fort was rebuilt several times. Now it is a square-shaped structure occupying an area of ​​250 square meters. m. There are symmetrical round towers at the corners of the fortress, and medieval Islamic writings still remain on its walls. The fort is accessible to tourists.

Aqaba Fortress

North-west of the center of Aqaba are excavations of an ancient Islamic settlement - Ayla. It arose on the site of the modern city around 650, but there are legends that people built here back in biblical times. Ayla stood at the crossroads of trade routes from Asia to Africa and Europe. Today, little remains of the city, but nevertheless, excavations are still underway.

Excavations of Ayla

Many of the artefacts found by archaeologists in ancient Aila are kept in the Archaeological Museum, which is located near the fort and flagpole. The museum is easily recognizable by its stylization as a medieval castle. It was opened to visitors in 1990. It presents all kinds of jewelry, ceramics, coin collections, and others. The oldest exhibit dates back to 4000 BC.

Among other things, in Aqaba you can also visit the Marine Park, created in 1997 to preserve coastal underwater fauna and flora. The park has five sandy beaches, perfect for family holidays. There are also exhibition spaces, a hotel with a restaurant, a sea shell museum, and a diving center.

People settled the territory of what is now Jordan several thousand years ago, and monuments from all major historical periods have survived to this day. In its vastness you can see both rock paintings and ancient cities of the Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. The castles-fortresses from the times of the Crusades are perfectly preserved.

The desert is a real attraction of Jordan. Many monuments are located in its spaces and allow you to examine cultural artifacts, while at the same time studying the life of the Bedouins and admiring the local landscapes. Many places in the kingdom are associated with Christian religious culture and are mentioned in biblical tales. They attract many pilgrims.

Beach holidays are possible in the country all year round. The Red Sea coast is lined with hotels and offers excellent opportunities for diving, snorkeling, sea bathing and water sports. One of the major trends in tourism is visiting spa resorts using the water and mud of the Dead Sea. Many hotels on the coast are equipped with swimming pools with local sea water, which are actively used by vacationers for health and beauty treatments. The best time for a tourist trip to Jordan is spring or autumn.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Jordan?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

The largest city in Jordan, the capital. It has a centuries-old history and many of its monuments, some of which are within the walls of the archaeological museum. Located in close proximity to the Dead and Mediterranean Seas. It is of great economic importance for the country and is an industrial center.

A unique ancient structure - a city in the rocks. Ancient Petra was the capital of a rich kingdom that collected tribute from caravans carrying spices. Gradually it went bankrupt when trade routes turned to sea. An example of unique architecture, full of all kinds of mysteries. The unique landscape and buildings have been featured in films several times. This is Jordan's most popular attraction.

The most impressive building in Petra. Mausoleum, completely carved into the rock. It is perfectly preserved, although the façade has the greatest artistic value and expressiveness. Spielberg filmed one of the Indiana Jones films here.

A huge salt lake, water and silt deposits create a healing effect. On the Jordanian coast there are many resorts that use sea water for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. A popular holiday destination for locals and tourists.

Pompeii of the East is a well-preserved remnant of an ancient city. All architectural buildings date back to the times of the Roman Empire. There is an archaeological museum, almost every day there is a theatrical performance based on Roman military scenes, and throughout July the city is the site of an arts festival. A landmark in Jordan, the second most important after Petra.

An ancient city built to repel military attacks. For about five thousand years, there are traces of civilization at this place. He became famous under the Greeks and thanks to the Greeks. Destroyed by earthquake. The ruins are varied: a church, amphitheaters, a forum, some of the buildings have been restored. There is a functioning archaeological museum. From the hill there is a beautiful view of the surrounding area.

Remains of buildings of the Greco-Roman city. It is called the Black Pearl of the Desert, as the buildings are made of black basalt - a rarity in ancient architecture. The buildings are well preserved for their age; among them there are two and three-story buildings. A basalt desert begins near the city.

The only seaport and resort in Jordan. Located on the Red Sea coast, the length of the coastline is almost 30 km. Sandy, clean beaches and a rich underwater world make Aqaba a popular resort and diving center. Developed tourist infrastructure, many hotels of different price categories.

The remains of an ancient settlement, which was primarily defensive in nature. Located on a hill above the city, on the hill of Jebel al-Qalaa. Nearby are the ruins of an ancient basilica and the Umayyad palace park.

The most significant monument of Roman civilization in the world, one of the most valuable historical monuments in Jordan. A huge, perfectly preserved amphitheater carved into the rock. It still regularly hosts city cultural events (concerts, festivals). Capacity 6000 people.

Located on a hill, next to the Citadel. The collection is significant, represented by monuments from all eras of civilization, starting with the Neolithic. Particularly good are individual collections of sculptures and decorations.

The desert is grandiose in area and expressiveness of landscapes. The landscape is uneven: there are mountains, dips, and crevices. The reddish sand and other rocks created a bizarre landscape that has been used many times in cinema. "The Martian" was filmed here. The place is famous for the preserved rock paintings of ancient people. Now the Bedouins live in the desert.

The famous biblical mountain, the place of the supposed death of the prophet Moses. In memory of this event, a memorial complex was built on the top of the mountain, restored by archaeologists. Now there are memorial signs, a Byzantine church with fragments of an ancient mosaic. Popular with pilgrims and tourists.

It flows into the Dead Sea, dividing Jordan and Israel. The main waterway of the country. Mentioned many times in the Bible. It was in the waters of this river that Jesus was baptized. Place of active pilgrimage. Along the banks and in the immediate vicinity there are many historical monuments from different time periods.

Built in 1184, on top of a mountain, to protect local mines. A powerful military structure, a real fortress. There are forests around the castle; from the upper observation platforms you can see Jerusalem. There is an archaeological museum attached to the castle.

The Crusader castle is located near Petra. Their last stronghold in the Holy Land. After the expulsion of the knights, it fell into disrepair and gradually collapsed. Many buildings are in ruins; ancient inscriptions can be seen on some of the buildings. A unique location allowing you to enjoy the incredible surrounding panorama.

A legendary defensive building at an altitude of about 1000 meters. Multi-storey, inside there is a real labyrinth. It is of historical value; in addition, an archaeological museum is open on the territory. A city of the same name grew up around the fortress, attractive to tourists.

About 30 well-preserved buildings for various purposes in the desert. Caravanserais, baths, hunting lodges of the nobility - each of the palaces served its purpose and had the appropriate architecture. In the palace, a former bathhouse, there are frescoes unique to Muslim culture, partially restored.

Located on the slopes of the mountains, it includes several geographical zones, with corresponding vegetation in each. The territory is huge, the flora and fauna are extremely diverse. A great place for hiking, especially in spring. Travel by mountain bike is possible. There are several trails in the reserve; it is better to go through them with guides. Accommodation options in the reserve are varied (hotels, camping, guest houses).

Created in the Wadi Mujib gorge, near the Dead Sea. A unique landscape - mountain ranges, gorges, between which a river flows. The reserve creates its own microclimate and is home to many birds and a variety of vegetation (more than 400 species). There are routes for tourists and there are campsites.

Opportunity to dive with experienced instructors in several diving centers to choose from. One of the main attractions for tourists in the city. The Red Sea is rich in inhabitants and picturesque reefs. Turtles, octopuses, exotic fish - everyone can be seen and observed in their natural environment.