Starinovskaya loretta. Deals for Loreta Hotel (Hotel), Prague (Czech Republic). The ringing of the carillon and its legend

Friends, hello! If you read the previous article, then you have an idea of ​​what the Prague Loreta looks like - a complex in the center of which there is a relic of the Holy Hut. Loreta is one of the most visited attractions in Prague. A melodious ringing is heard hourly from its tower in the neighborhoods, attracting the interest of not only knowledgeable people, but also inquisitive tourists.

Many, approaching Loreta and seeing the front façade with a terrace and many Baroque sculptures, think that this is the whole complex. But only a small part of the wealth that Pražská Loreta has is visible. The main object of the courtyard, which is hidden behind the façade, is the Holy House, similar to the biblical Holy Hut, where there is a statue of the Virgin Mary of Loreta with her child:

Behind the facade there are also galleries with six chapels painted by famous artists. The central – seventh – chapel was modified so much that it was transformed into a church. For those who want to know more about the Prague Loreta, the information in this article:

  1. Cloister of Loreta
  2. Holy house

Cloister of Loreta

Visitors to Loreta first find themselves in a covered bypass gallery that frames a rectangular courtyard. This is the cloister of the Loretan complex:

Let me warn you right away: if you visit Loreta on your own, be sure to take an audio guide. Without an accompanying story, this excursion will definitely not be complete. The audio guide is accompanied by a convenient map-scheme, which indicates the recommended route of inspection and identifies key places, which are accompanied by an interesting narration.

The cost of the audio guide is 150 CZK, exactly the same as the price of the entrance ticket. But this way you can learn historical facts and legends, hear descriptions of chapels and interiors, and also understand what kind of precious objects are presented in the Treasury.

Each of the six chapels of Loreta's cloister is framed in a gallery niche. They were created by the architect Christoph Dientzenhofer during the first major reconstruction of Loreta at the beginning of the 18th century. The first corner chapel is dedicated to St. Anne:

Next will be the chapels of Francis of Assisi and the Holy Family. The gallery itself is also worthy of attention, on the ceiling of which almost all biblical scenes are depicted. The artist Felix Antonin Scheffler created 47 paintings on the arched vaults of the gallery and in the chapels of Loreta:

Visitors linger the longest at the last chapel when they walk around the perimeter of the gallery. The chapel is dedicated to the Virgin Mary of Sorrows. The center of the main altar of the chapel is the sculptural composition Pietà:

This is Loreta's oldest ensemble. But in this chapel there is also an additional side altar, looking at which many visitors shudder - there is a crucifix of a woman with a beard. Legend says that this is a saint who refused to marry a pagan and prayed all night for compelling arguments to appear that would upset her marriage. Arguments appeared in the form of a mustache and beard, and the angry father ordered the disobedient daughter to be crucified. The story supposedly took place in Portugal, but not a single fact has yet been found that would confirm the authenticity of these events.

There are three objects in Loreta's courtyard. To the left of the entrance there is a massive sculpture-fountain “The Resurrection of Christ”:

On the right side of the courtyard is a work by the same author, Michal Jan Brüderle. It is dedicated to the Mother of God and is called “The Ascension of the Virgin Mary”:

In the center of the courtyard is the main relic of Loreta - the Holy House or hut. Take another look at the first photo in this article, which shows the Loretan hut.

Holy house

The development of the Loretan complex began with the Holy House. According to legend, the house in which the Virgin Mary lived in Nazareth, and where she received the good news of the birth of Jesus, was moved by angels in the 13th century to the laurel grove of the Italian town of Loreto to save it from destruction.

In many countries where Catholics predominantly live, they built a semblance of the Italian Loreta. The Czech countess from the Lobkowitz family organized the construction of the Holy Hut near, inviting the architect Giovanni Battisto Orsi to implement his idea. Under the leadership of Orsi, construction began in 1626, continued by Andrea Allio, and the structure was consecrated in 1631.

On the outside, the walls of the Holy House are decorated with sculptures and marble reliefs made by Giovanni Bartolommeo Cometa:

Wall scenes depict the life of the Virgin Mary. They decorated all the walls of the rectangular building. There are through doors leading into the hut. First of all, this is a place of pilgrimage, but the Holy House can also be visited by excursionists.

The Loreto shrine is a silver altar, in a niche of which there is a sculpture of the Virgin and Child:

The small sculpture, 110 cm high, was carved from linden in the 17th century, and the wood became blackened over time by exposure to candles, bringing the image even closer to the Italian sculpture made of cedar.

But, if in Spain you can touch the miraculous image, then access to the Loreto Virgin Mary in Prague is blocked by a silver grille:

The Loretan Virgin Mary is the patroness of the Lobkowitz family. Under the Holy House there is a tomb of representatives of the family, thanks to which Loreta appeared in Prague.

Inside the walls of the Holy Hut are painted with frescoes depicting the life of the Virgin Mary:

The walls also imitate cracks similar to those that formed in the Italian hut during the dangerous hour. There is a well-known story about how a thief entered the Holy House, and at the same moment a lightning strike occurred, attracting the attention of people who rushed to save the shrine. The cracks are located closer to the altar and are clearly visible in the corner of the fresco:

In the Holy House of Prague Loreta, you can sit on a bench opposite the altar and put your thoughts in order...

The chapel, which is on the same line as the Bell Tower of Loreta and the Holy House, was first expanded compared to the other chapels, and in 1734-37. architect Ya.Y. Eichbauer rebuilt it into a church. This is how the Baroque Church of the Nativity of Christ appeared in Loreta, the interior of which is decorated with extraordinary pomp:

The altar of the church is decorated with the painting “Adoration of the Child,” donated by Maria Margarita Waldstein. It was on her initiative and at her expense that the church was built:

The sculptor Matthias Schönherr and the author of those sculptural ensembles that are placed in the courtyard of Loreta, M.Ya., worked on the creation of the department and the interior of the temple. Brüderle.

Several artists painted the walls and ceiling of the church. Among the paintings there are frescoes by the famous Czech artist Vaclav Vavřinec Rainer.

The temple of Loreta is small, but it is so luxuriously decorated... Everything sparkles and shines... Opposite the altar in the choir there is an organ. Notice how many angels decorate the organ, and each of them has their own musical instrument in their hands. The design of the organ continues the main concept of the Church of the Nativity of Christ - the Heavenly Troupe performs a festive melody:

If you come on an excursion to Loreta at the “right” time, you can listen to a mini-concert performed by organists. As a rule, such concerts take place on Saturdays at 15.00.

After visitors have explored the chapels, the Holy House and the church, the tour continues on the second floor of Loreta, where the treasury is located. It is there that the diamond monstrance and many other precious ritual objects are located.

Friends, let me remind you that you can find out about Loreta’s working hours at. I’ll just add the information with the address - Loretánské náměstí 7. But still, the best guideline is a hint on how to get to the complex rather than being informed about the exact address. If you follow the routes that I recommend, you will definitely find Loreta and other attractions.

Your euro guide Tatyana

Recently, excursion tourism has become increasingly popular. Many people are already tired of a beach holiday and prefer to spend their holiday actively. And the leading place in the list of the most visited cities is not occupied by the capital of France or Italy, but by the city of Prague. And this is quite understandable. Affordable prices, a variety of attractions, many Gothic castles and Baroque palaces, narrow streets and […]

Recently, excursion tourism has become increasingly popular. Many people are already tired of a beach holiday and prefer to spend their holiday actively.

And the leading place in the list of the most visited cities is not occupied by the capital of France or Italy, but by the city of Prague.

And this is quite understandable. Reasonable prices, a variety of attractions, many Gothic castles and Baroque palaces, narrow streets and huge squares attract guests here. After all, there are so many interesting places here that every tourist will definitely find something of his own, close to him.

For example, Prague Loretta. This complex was built at the beginning of the 17th century on Hradcany. It includes several buildings. The main element is the hut. This is a small structure, built to remind us of the conditions in which the Virgin Mary lived in Nazareth. She is decorated with statues that represent scenes from the life of the Holy Virgin.

In addition, the complex includes the Church of the Virgin Mary (otherwise known as the Church of the Birth of God) and the Chapel of the Holy Elder. Both of these buildings were built in the Baroque style. Their authors and builders were the best Czech masters, which is why the buildings became real masterpieces. The façade of the Prague Loretta complex is also very interestingly designed. Every hour, the 30 bells that are installed in the Parga Loretta begin their chime.

The Loreto treasury contains many valuables, including the famous “Prague Sun” monster decorated with diamonds.

Near Loretta there is a Capuchin monastery. They contain the complex. Every tourist can visit it.

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Hello, friends! Loreta in Prague is an iconic place in Hradcany. Pilgrims come here because the center of the complex is the Holy House, similar to the Holy Hut in the Italian city of Loreto. Prague Loreta is visited with interest by tourists who want to see the Prague Sun - the diamond monstrance, which is kept in the treasury of the complex. Precious shrines and the richly decorated Church of the Nativity are hidden behind the baroque façade of the Loreto complex:

For the second year in a row, the façade is being restored. The photograph shows the condition of the building after major work was completed in 2015. This summer, the facade is still covered in scaffolding, but gold trim has been added to the center. And although restoration work is actively underway, excursions are held in Loreta, since everything that visitors are so eager to see is located inside the complex:

You can’t just pop into Loreta for an hour, because there are a lot of things here that you’ll want to take a closer look at. It will take an hour just to continuously listen to the audio guide, moving from one object to another. When talking about Loreta, you definitely need to take into account all its components:

  • General idea of ​​the complex and the ringing of the chimes
  • Interior including Holy House and Church
  • Loretta

There is a lot of information, so I will present it gradually, and in this article I want to address the following questions:

  1. Where is Loreta in Prague?
  2. General idea of ​​the Loreto complex
  3. The chimes and their legend

Where is Prague Loreta?

I already mentioned at the beginning that Loreta is located in the historical district of Prague, which is called. But even taking into account the small area of ​​the area, it doesn’t hurt to know how to get to the desired object.

It is convenient to get to Loreta from both Prague Castle and Strahov Monastery. From the central gate of Prague Castle, follow all the way to exit onto Loretan Street. By the way, when I described this square, I also showed the exit to this street. Look if necessary. Having followed the old street almost to the end, you will see Loreta on the right:

The facade of the complex faces Loretan Square and looks at the Cherninsky Palace. The palace will also be your landmark if you go to Loreta from. Everything is quite simple there - cross the street and Pohorzelec Square, and you will already be able to see the Loreta towers.

General description of the Loretan complex

The ensemble of Loreta was created around the Holy House starting from the 17th century. The inspiration for the construction on Czech soil of a copy of the hut that, according to legend, was carried by angels from Palestine to Italy, was Countess Katharina Benigna of Lobkowice. You will see her portrait at the entrance to Loreta’s treasury:

The Holy House in Prague was built in 1626-27. architect Giovanni Battisto Orsi. The structure of regular geometric shapes with rich sculptural decoration is located in the center of the courtyard of the complex:

You can only look at the Holy House, and even more so, visit it during an excursion. Standing in front of the facade, it is impossible to see the pilgrimage site. But it should be said that the facade of Loreta, made in the Baroque style, deserves attention.

The facade was designed by the famous Baroque architect Christoph Dientzenhofer, and his son Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer continued the work. The facade was created almost a hundred years later than the Holy House was built. If the cloister with chapels around the hut was erected immediately according to Orsi’s design by 1634, then the façade was just being outlined at that time. At the beginning of the 18th century, Christoph Dientzenhofer rebuilt the cloister and took on the façade, which was completed in 1724.

The façade of Loreta is lavishly decorated with Baroque sculptures. On the central balcony above the entrance to the complex there are statues of John the Baptist and Joseph:

Numerous sculptures, the authorship of various famous sculptors of the time, are placed on the pediments and in the niches of the side chapels. The chapels are dedicated to Anthony of Padua and Francis of Assisi. If you look at the facade of Loreta, then on the left is this chapel:

The chapels can be considered the latest components of the Loreto complex. If a small façade of a completely different type was erected in front of the Holy Hut during the construction of the cloister surrounding it, then the corner chapels were completed by K.I. Dientzenhofer. Baroque pediment of the chapel on the right:

There is a terrace in front of the façade. Since Loreta is located on a hillside, and the façade is perpendicular to this slope, the terrace is beautifully complemented by a balustrade:

There are about two dozen sculptures of angels on the terrace. All the sculptures of angels and saints located on the facade were replaced with copies, since the originals were made of sandstone and were badly damaged over several centuries. In front of the treasury on the second floor is a pair of original sculptures of angels, blackened by exposure to climatic conditions.

The central and main element of the facade is the Loreto Bell Tower, the construction of which was completed in 1693:

Every hour, starting at 9.00 and until 18.00, a melody is heard from the Loretan bell tower. This is played by an unusual musical instrument created from bronze bells of different sizes - a carillon. This tower contains 30 bells, which were cast in 1694 in Amsterdam by master Claudius Fremy.

The ringing of the carillon and its legend

The carillon on the Prague Loreta tower has been sounding for 320 years. I heard the ringing of bells several times both while visiting Loreta and just walking around Hradcany. But news has just appeared that from August 23, 2016. The carillon has temporarily fallen silent because the handle used to control the ringing of the bells has broken... Repair work is planned to be carried out within two weeks, and the bells will again play the tenderly solemn melody “We glorify you a thousand times.”

Listen to the melody performed by the Loretan carillon. 27 bells are used in the musical glorification of the Virgin Mary. Please note that the bells remain stationary, and the sound is created by tapping them with hammers:

During the tour of Loreta, if you take care of the audio guide, you will hear the sad legend about the creation of this melody. I'll tell you briefly.

At the time when Loreta was built, a poor widow lived nearby in the New World quarter, who had as many children as there were bells on the tower. And the woman’s wealth was only a handful of silver coins.

A terrible epidemic came to Prague and began to kill people. The widow's eldest son could not cope with the disease. Having buried her child, the mother came to Loreta and, paying with a coin, ordered a funeral bell. And the biggest bell sounded. But this was only the beginning of the grief that befell the poor woman and her children. One after another, her children left, and the mother could only see them off on their last journey with the ringing of bells.

She was the last one to fall ill and thought bitterly that there would be no one to even order the last bell ringing for her... And as soon as this thought came to her, suddenly a gentle and sad melody sounded in the bell tower. All the bells rang at the same time, producing such a beautiful melody that the woman closed her eyes with a smile on her lips, and people stopped to listen to this hymn to motherhood...

You can accept this legend, or you can pragmatically say that the melody has an author, it was created under different circumstances and is called the melody of the Loreto Litany. But that’s not what’s important... The melody sounds before the chimes of Loreta, which were created by watchmaker Peter Neumann:

Friends, when visiting Prague, go to Loreta. Moreover, the walk to the Loretan complex is no more than 10 minutes. Maybe you will visit this complex, or perhaps just examine the façade and listen to the musical chimes. In any case, you will remember this attraction.

Just in case, I’ll tell you Loreta’s opening hours: the complex is open daily from 9.00 to 17.00 from April to October and reduces opening hours by half an hour in winter. From 12 to 13 o'clock there is a break. Ticket price is 150 CZK, the audio guide costs the same.

In fact, I have just begun my story about Loretta. The main values ​​of the complex are located behind this entrance:

Your euro guide Tatyana

The Prague Loreta is a rare case of a copy surpassing the original. Conceived as an imitation of the Holy Hut, which is located in Italian Loreto and is one of the main Christian shrines, Loreta in Prague turned into a huge complex of beautiful buildings, which quickly became an object of pilgrimage.

What is the Holy Hut and how did it end up in Europe

Helen, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I, is known as the spreader of Christianity. She conducted excavations in Jerusalem and it is believed that Christians owe it to her for the discovery of the Holy Sepulcher and other important relics. According to legend, she discovered a house in Nazareth where the future Mother of God, then simply Mary, lived, and where she received the news that she was destined to give birth to the Messiah.

Elena ordered to build a church over this hut. The temple was destroyed by the Saracens in the 13th century, and the holy house was also under threat. It is assumed that the savior of the hut was Nikephoros I, who ruled in the lands where Greece and Albania are now located. It was probably he who organized the transportation of the house to the territory of present-day Croatia, and from there the structure, in a way unknown to science, ended up in the Italian city of Loreto. Most likely, a Roman couple did this. Be that as it may, archaeologists confirm that part of the wall of the hut is identical to Mary’s house.

In Italy, a basilica was built around the hut, and the place became a popular pilgrimage destination. And then Loreto churches also began to be built in other European cities.

Construction of Loreta in Prague

The pious and devout aristocrat Katerina Benigna from Lobkowice wanted to have a copy of the Holy Hut in Prague. Or rather, she didn’t even want a copy, but a copy of a copy, since the model for the Prague Loreta was not the Italian one, but the Loreta from Mikulov. Katerina forked out the cash, provided her own land for construction, hired the Viennese architect Giovanni Orsi, and transferred the management of the future church to the Capuchin Order in advance. Construction began in 1626, and it is believed that building materials from Italian Loreta were used in symbolic quantities.

The hut was decorated with frescoes and figures, and a church was built around it, which was consecrated in 1631. But the construction was not completed there - for example, a composition of three dozen bells was assembled only in 1694, and Prague residents heard the first music of these instruments a year later.

Like the original Loreta, the Holy Hut in the Czech capital has become a place of pilgrimage. This became the key to endless expansion and constant reconstruction - and as a result, the complex of buildings in Prague surpassed the original. In the thirties of the 18th century, Kilian Dientzenhofer decorated Loreta with a magnificent Baroque façade, and around the same time the Loreta Treasury, a collection of important artifacts and jewelry, was formed. Repairs and reconstructions continued until the last century.

Complex concept

Today Loreta is a closed perimeter building, built around a courtyard with the hut itself, which is the center of the complex and built over the tomb of the Lobkowitz family. Around the courtyard there is a gallery, whose arches are decorated with frescoes; there are also six chapels and two fountains.

On the same axis with the Holy Hut are the tower and the Church of the Nativity of Christ, which has been repeatedly reconstructed. Installed on the tower chimes, the device of which includes the same bells. Their range is three octaves, and every hour the mechanism performs hymn to the Virgin Mary.

Some buildings of the complex deserve a separate description.

Holy hut

The outside of the Holy House itself is decorated with reliefs of scenes from the life of the Madonna, sculptures and paintings. The marble reliefs are made using the stucco technique and are barely distinguishable from the painting, and one of them tells the legend that the house was allegedly transported from Palestine by angels. There is even an artificial crack in the hut, which is made in imitation of the Italian Loreta, which was damaged by lightning.

Inside are silver altar and an ancient wooden statue of the main character of all this splendor. Figure of the Virgin Mary made of linden, so it turned black over the centuries, becoming similar to the Italian example made of cedar.

Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows

This most remarkable of all the chapels in the complex is decorated with the oldest sculptural composition in all of Loreta. We are talking about a Gothic drink - this is the name given to images of the scene of Mary mourning the body of Christ lying on her lap. Pieta of Loreta dates back to the first half of the 15th century.

On the altar of this chapel is woman crucifix with mustache and beard. This is the holy Starosta, who, according to legend, asked God to help avoid an unwanted marriage with a pagan. The Lord gave her abundant facial hair so that the groom himself would refuse such a bride. It worked - the marriage ended. But the Starosta’s father, who ordered her to be crucified, was also upset - so she became a martyr for the faith.

Church of the Nativity of Christ

This temple is a classic example of Baroque, in the interior of which Rococo is clearly visible. The main altar is decorated with a Christmas-themed painting and statues. The side altars are smaller, but no less luxurious. They are also decorated with sculptures and angels; they contain the remains of two Christian martyrs of the 3rd century.

The picture is complemented by a vault with valuable paintings - this frescoes"The Birth of the Lord", "The Presentation of the Lord" and "The Adoration of the Three Kings". In front of the facade there is a terrace surrounded by a balustrade with statues of angels, and the dominant facade element is a tower with chimes and bells. They can be controlled either by a mechanical system that plays the hymn hourly, or manually by a live musician.


The basis of this collection of valuable things was the property donated by Catherine, the founder of the complex. There were so many of them that they had to build a separate treasury. Most of the items date back to the 17th-18th centuries, and the oldest of them is a goblet in the Gothic style, made in 1510. The collection consists of a variety of church utensils, works on religious themes and liturgical objects.

The main exhibit of the treasury is the so-called Prague sun. This is a diamond vessel for storing the Holy Gifts, 90 centimeters high. It is made of gold and silver, decorated with 6222 diamonds and weighs 12 kilograms.

Despite the fact that the Prague Loreta was conceived as another copy, it turned out to be a unique and inimitable architectural complex filled with works of high art.

Prague is the beautiful capital of the Czech Republic, which has prepared a lot of interesting, unusual and memorable things for its guests. The famous landmark of Prague is the Prague Loretta, which is the most visited place of pilgrimage. Loretta Prague is a complex of amazing buildings, the main one of which is the Santa Casa (Holy Hut, where the Virgin Mary lived in Nazareth).

Prague Loretta (Czech Republic) is a huge number of traditions and ancient legends. Loretta is rightfully considered one of the most remarkable monuments of Baroque architecture. This is the brainchild of the Dietzenhofers, a respected family of Baroque architects. The Prague Loreta is a closed perimeter building around a courtyard with a hut located in the center.

Prague Loretta appeared when the Counter-Reformation period flourished in Europe. At that time, the Catholic Church fought to strengthen Catholicism and expand it in the world. Then the Holy Hut became a center of pilgrimage. Santa Casa is a copy of the hut of the Virgin Mary, which, as legend says, angels moved from Nazareth to the town of Loretta (Italy) during the attack of the Turks. The first stone for the hut was laid by order of the wealthy pious countess Benigna Catherine of Lobkowice.

In the period from the 17th to the 18th centuries, the appearance of the monastery was gradually improved. The entire Prague Loretta complex was expanded and completed. And in the middle of the twentieth century, a new treasury was opened here for public inspection. The Loreto Treasury is very popular among tourists in our time. Expensive icons with gold frames and sapphires are kept in this place. The most ancient exhibits include a Gothic bowl from 1510. The amazing treasure of the Prague Loretta is the diamond monstrance “Prague Sun”, which is decorated with 6,222 diamonds.

Prague Loretta has a lot of attractions, because there is something to see here. These include reliefs from the life of the Virgin Mary and the Church of the Nativity of Christ. All interiors are distinguished by luxurious motifs, rich decor and magnificent decoration. On the territory of Loretta you can also see a crucifixion statue of the Spanish martyr St. Elder with a beard. It is worth noting that Loretta (Prague) has a beautiful facade with a tower and sculptures of St. Anne and the Evangelists, where there are mechanical chimes with 27 bells. The ringing of bells every hour brings joy to all of Prague, and ancient legends attribute healing properties to this wonderful sound.

Prague Loretta in the Czech Republic is a holy place, as anyone who wants to get to know this landmark of the Czech Republic will understand better.