Phrasebook Russian-English airport. English words and phrases to use at the airport. Designations on the boarding pass

Whether for business or pleasure, we fly abroad from time to time. And here the question arises: how to behave at English-speaking airports? What questions can they ask there? What situations will arise?

In this article we will look at the most common words that may be needed at a foreign airport. Let's start with registration and end with a successful arrival at your destination.

Well, let's go!

1. How to check in at the airport

At registration (check-in/[check`in]) you will first be asked to present passport(“passport” ["pɑːspɔːt]/[p`aspot]) and ticket(“ticket” [ˈtɪkɪt]/[t`ikit]).

May I have yours passport, please?
Can I have yours? passport, Please?

May I have yours tickets?
Can I have yours? tickets?

After this you have to check a bag- ("check in luggage/bag" /[check e bag]).

Are you checking any bags?
Will you register bags?

How many bags are you checking?
How much bags/suitcases do you register?

Here you will also need the word scale- ("scales" /[scale]).

Please put your bag on the scale.
Please put bag/suitcase on the scales.

We often take with us carry-on(“carry-on luggage” [ˈkæri-ɒn]/[k`eri on]).

Do you have a carry-on bag?
Do you have any carry-on baggage?

Your carry-on is too large.
Yours manual luggage too big.

Sometimes it turns out that your bag overweight("too heavy, overweight" [ˈəʊvəweɪt]/[`owewait]).

Your baggage is overweight.
By your luggage advantage.

By how many kilos is my baggage overweight?
How many kilograms do I have? advantage luggage?

However, instead overweight simpler words can be used:

Your baggage is too heavy.
Your luggage is too heavy.

Your baggage is too large.
Your luggage is too big.

You have excess baggage.
You too much a lot of luggage

If you really have an advantage and have to pay extra, then you can ask about the price like this:

How much should I pay for excess baggage per kilo?
How much do I have to pay per kilogram of excess luggage?

If you can take something out ( take out/[take `out]) and transfer it to hand luggage right on the spot, you can report this as follows:

Let me take a few things out.
Let me take a few things out.

If your suitcase contains fragile items, you can put a sticker on it with the inscription fragile(fragile [ˈfræʤaɪl]/[fr`agile]) to inform the airport staff about this.

Sometimes for various reasons flights (flight/[flight]) delayed (delayed"detained" /[dil'aid]). You may be informed about this during registration:

Your flight has been delayed.
Your flight was detained.

If something happens canceled (chancelled[ˈkænsəld]/[k`enseld]), you may hear the following:

Your flight has been canceled.
Your flight was canceled.

! Additional questions.

In the US, you may be asked additional questions during registration for security reasons. They might look like this:

Did you pack your bags yourself?
Did you pack your bags yourself?

Has your luggage been in your possession at all times?
Did you have your luggage with you at all times?

Did you leave your bag unattended at any time?
Have you ever left your bag unattended for any period of time?

Has anyone given you anything to carry on the flight?
Have you received any items from another person that you will have with you during the flight?

The purpose of these questions is to ensure that potential attackers could not put anything in your suitcase.

You may also be asked the following:

Are you traveling with any liquids?
Do you have any liquids with you?

Are you carrying any firearms or flammable materials?
Do you have any firearms or flammable items on you?

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2. Security at the airport

On guard you will go through metal detector(“metal detector” [ˈmɛtl dɪˈtɛktə]/[m`etl di`ekte]) and pass your luggage through x-ray machine(“X-ray scanner” [ˈɛksˈreɪ məˈʃiːn]/[exr`ey mash`in]).

IN x-ray machine built in conveyor belt("conveyor" /[konv'eye bet]), on which luggage is placed. You will most likely be asked:

Put your bags on the conveyor belt, please.
Place your bags/suitcases on conveyor, Please.

When you go through a metal detector, you may be asked to remove your shoes or asked further questions about the presence of metal objects. Additional requests might look like this:

Spread your arms out please.
Please spread your arms out to the sides.

Open your bag.
Open your bag.

Take your shoes off.
Take off your shoes.

Please, take off your jacket.
Please take off your jacket.

Take off/remove your belt.
Remove the belt.

Do you have any keys or change in your pockets?
Do you have keys or small coins in your pockets?

If you have a computer in a case with you, then you can also ask:

Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
Do I need to take my laptop out of my bag?

To which you will most likely be answered “yes”.

When the inspection procedure is over, you will be wished:

Have a nice flight!
Pleasant flight!

3. Boarding announcements

Each airport is divided into large parts - terminals (terminals[ˈtɜːmɪnlz]/[t`eminls]). Each terminal, in turn, has a certain amount exits (gate/[gate]), through which the landing (boarding[ˈbɔːdɪŋ]/[b`one]) on the plane. After we have passed through the security point, we should expect an announcement about the start of boarding the desired plane.

At this time we may hear the following things:

Flight ___is now boarding at gate ___.
Flight ___ lands at gate ___.

We would now like to invite all passengers to board.
We would like to invite all passengers to board.

There has been a gate change.
The boarding gate number has changed.

This is the final boarding call for ___.
This is the last call to board the plane ___.

4. Communication on board the plane

On board you can ask flightattendant("steward, stewardess" /[flight at'endant]) in addition to food and drinks, for example, pillow("pillow" [ˈpɪləʊ]/[p`ilou]), blanket(“blanket” [ˈblæŋkɪt]/[bl`enkit]), napkins(“napkins” [ˈnæpkɪnz]/[n`epkins]).

Use the following polite phrase:

Could I have a __________?

And don't forget to say "thank you".

5. How to get through customs and claim luggage

Hurray, here we are, finally! The first thing we have to go through here is customs(“customs” [ˈkʌstəmz]/[k`astemz]). Here you may be asked some general questions regarding your visit: paragraph appointments (destination[ˌdɛstɪˈneɪʃən]/[destin`ation]), target (purpose[ˈpɜːpəs]/[p`epes]) visit, availability of items needed declare (declare/[dikl`ea]). Eg:

What is your final destination?
What is your final paragraph appointments?

What is the purpose of your visit?
What is target your visit?

How long are you staying in ____?
How much time do you plan to spend in ___?

Do you have anything to declare?
Do you have something that you need declare? (We are talking about weapons, medicines, a lot of money - that is, about things that may be prohibited in the country where you are flying, and for which you will have to pay taxes).

In order to pick up your suitcases, you will have to find a department called: baggage claim(“customs” [ˈbægɪʤ kleɪm]/[b`egidj stamp]) or baggage reclaim(“customs” [ˈbægɪʤ rɪˈkleɪm]/[b`egidj rikl`ame]) - that is, the baggage claim point.

It also happens that in the chaos we lose things at the airport. In this case, you can try looking for them in the lost property office ( lost property/[lost pr`opeti] in Europe and the UK or lost and found/[lost and foundation] in the USA).

If suddenly something happened to your luggage: let's say it was lost (lost/[lost]), or damaged (damaged[ˈdæmɪʤd]/[d`emijd]) or some things are missing ( missing[ˈmɪsɪŋ]/[m`isin]), then you can tell the staff about this using the following phrases:

My baggage was lost.
My luggage was lost.

My baggage was damaged.
My luggage damaged.

A few things are missing from my baggage.
From luggage gone missing some things.

That's all, I hope the article was useful and interesting! Happy travels!

Flight, eh... Russian spelling dictionary

flight- flight/ … Morphemic-spelling dictionary

FLIGHT- (ar. head). In Turkey, head of the diplomatic corps. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. REIS (Arabic, head). Chief, Turkish leader; Ataman of the sea robbers. Dictionary of foreign words,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

flight- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? flight, why? flight, (I see) what? flight, what? flight, about what? about the flight; pl. What? flights, (no) what? flights, why? flights, (I see) what? flights, what? flights, about what? about flights A flight is a journey... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

FLIGHT Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

FLIGHT- 1. FLIGHT1, flight, male. (German: Reise). A journey between two points along a specific route made by a ship or other vehicle. The ship set off on an ocean voyage. The bus finished its work on the seventh flight. Coastal flight... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

flight- A; m. [from German. Reise trip, journey] The path between the starting and ending points of movement, made by a ship, plane, car, etc. along a certain route. Go to the opposite river. Complete the r. along a new route. Do five at a time... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Flight 93- Flight 93 is a US plane that crashed in 2001. Several films were created based on this event: Lost Flight (or Flight 93) 2006 film, USA. Flight 93 (film, 2006) film USA Canada ... Wikipedia

Flight- an aircraft flight (scheduled or unscheduled) performed in one direction from the initial to the final point of the route. Source: Guide to freight transportation on domestic routes of the USSR See also related... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

flight- Cm … Synonym dictionary


  • Flight 8, Gorchakov M.. The author of the book is a member of both writers' unions, has a geographical education, and has traveled throughout the former Soviet Union on business trips for various magazines. The story "Flight No. 8" tells... Buy for 212 rubles
  • Flight No. 8, Mark Gorchakov. The author of the book is a member of both writers' unions, has a geographical education, and has traveled throughout the former Soviet Union on business trips for various magazines. The story "Flight No. 8" tells...

Topic of the Russian-English phrasebook: Airport. Phrases that you may need to book a flight ticket will help you navigate the airport building and on the plane, as well as useful words and phrases on the topic.

Booking air tickets

in Russianin English
I would like to reserve a plane ticket.I'd like to make an airline reservation.
Book your seat on the next flight to London, please.Please reserve the next flight to London.
I would like to reserve a ticket on a Boston flight.I'd like to make a reservation on the Boston flight.
I would like to reserve a flight from New York to Moscow at 9:25 am.I’d like to make a reservation on the 9:25 morning flight from New York to Moscow.
I would like to book a ticket/seat to New York.I’d like to book a seat to New-York.
I'd like a window seat.I’d like a window seat, please.
I'm calling to confirm my order for tomorrow. This is American Airlines flight 620.I’m calling to confirm my reservation for tomorrow. It's on American Airlines flight 620.
I would like to cancel my order.I'd like to cancel my reservation
I would like to change my order.I'd like to change my reservation.
When would you like your ticket to be delivered?When would you like the ticket delivered?
When will my ticket be delivered?When the ticket will be delivered to me?

In the airport building and on the plane

in Russianin English
Is there a flight to London?Is there a flight to London?
When is the next flight to London?Where is the next flight to London?
How frequent are the flights?
How long does the flight last?How long does the flight take?
Is this a non-stop flight?Is it a non-stop flight?
Does this flight have stopovers?Does the flight land somewhere before the final destination?
What is the flight number?What is the flight number?
When do I need to register?What time do I have check in?
Is there a bus to the airport?Is there a bus to airport?
Where is the airport building?Where is the airport terminal?
Where do I check in?Where do I check in?
When is the landing?When is boarding time?
Which exit?What is the gate number?
How frequent are the flights?How frequent are the flights?
Will this flight leave on time?Will this flight leave on time?
I want to check my luggage.I’d like to check-in my luggage.
How much do you need to pay extra for each extra kilogram?What’s the charge for each excess kilo?
Your luggage weighs significantly more than it should.Your luggage is well overweight.
May I recline my seat?May I recline my seat?
Can I buy something duty-free on the plane?Do they sell duty-free goods on board?
What time will we arrive?What time do we arrive?


in Russianin English
My luggage hasn't arrived.My luggage hasn’t arrived.
Here is my claim tag.Here is my claim tag.
I did not receive the claim tag when I checked in.I didn't receive the claim tag when I checked in.
My luggage is damaged and some things are missing.My baggage is broken, and some things are missing.
And finally, my favorite:
The plane is hijacked by terrorists.
A Sudanese plane carrying 95 people is hijacked shortly after take-off in Darfur and flown to Libya, Sudanese officials say. (from the newspaper)

The plane's hijacked.

Useful words and phrases

  1. to travel by air- travel by plane

  2. adult's fare– adult ticket
  3. child's fare– children's ticket
  4. one-way ticket- One way ticket
  5. round trip ticket (a return ticket)- A round-trip ticket
  6. package tour– comprehensive tour
  7. direct trip (a non-stop flight)– non-stop flight
  8. destination– destination, place of destination
  9. domestic flights- domestic flights
  10. international flights– international flights
  11. first-rate seat– first class seat
  12. flight- flight; flight
    flight 727 – flight 727
    the Moscow (New York, Boston) flight – Moscow (New York, Boston) flight
  13. I.D. card (I.D. – identification)- identification
  14. nonsmoking section- non-smoking areas
    I’d like two seats in the nonsmoking section, please.
  15. smoking section- smoking areas
  16. to cancel a reservation- cancel ticket reservation
  17. to confirm a reservation on the phone– confirm your ticket order by phone
  18. to fill out a form– fill out the form
  19. to hold a reservation– leave the order to the client

  20. crew– 1. crew 2. crew
  21. air hostess– stewardess
  22. navigator– navigator
  23. pilot– pilot

  24. air terminal– air terminal
  25. boarding- boarding a plane
  26. boarding pass– boarding pass (pass)
  27. check in– register
  28. check-in- registration
  29. baggage check– baggage receipt (claim tag)
  30. be overweight– weigh too much (about luggage)
  31. be underweight- weigh too little
  32. excess weight- excess weight
  33. desk– desk
    to register a ticket at the desk - register a ticket at the ticket counter
  34. lounge– 1. waiting room 2. rest room; living room 3. sofa
  35. departure lounge- storage device
  36. transit lounge– hall for transit passengers
  37. gate- enter exit; wicket, gate
  38. waiting room- Waiting hall
  39. runway– runway

  40. altitude- height above sea level)
    to lose altitude– lose altitude
  41. crash- disaster
  42. speed- speed
  43. hijacking- plane hijacking
  44. disembark- 1. disembarkation 2. disembark, unload
  45. landing- plane landing
  46. take-off– takeoff
  47. to board the plane- board the plane

  48. cabin– 1. cabin, aircraft cabin 2. hut; booth
  49. cockpit– cockpit
  50. fuselage/body– fuselage
  51. undercarriage- chassis
  52. wing– wing
  53. tail- tail
  54. aisle– passage
  55. window- window
  56. Inscriptions and signs

  57. EMERGENCY EXIT- Emergency exit
  58. FASTEN SEAT BELTS– Fasten your seat belts
  59. FLUSH– Flush the water (in the toilet)
  60. STAFF ONLY– For staff only
  61. TOILET / LAVATORY OCCUPIED– The toilet is occupied
  62. TOILET / LAVATORY VACANT– The toilet is free
  63. ARRIVALS– Arrival
  64. DEPARTURES- Departure

As Anthony Price aptly put it, the devil redesigned hell using his experience in airport planning. Indeed, travelers sometimes have to wander around the airport for a long time, hoping to find the right boarding gate or exit in general. It is especially difficult for those who are abroad: without knowing English, it can be very, very difficult to navigate the area. But what to do if the flight is very soon, and you have forgotten English? For you, we have developed a complete and understandable phrasebook on the topic “English at the airport”, as well as detailed instructions on how to navigate an airport abroad. At the end of the article there is free material with all the phrases, as well as a dictionary with useful vocabulary on the topic “English at the airport”.

So, you have decided to travel abroad by plane. A trip to another country promises to be exciting, and you are already happily packing your bags. However, once again putting the cat out of the bag, you suddenly remember that on the way back you will have to book a ticket, communicate with airport and customs officials - and all this will have to be done in English. It’s good that we have foreseen this situation and prepared for you simple instructions with useful phrases in English for communicating at the airport. Learn and use!

Order tickets

You can order a ticket (to book a ticket) online, by phone or at a special point of sale. Let's imagine that you are buying a ticket at the box office. Don’t forget to check the details about the flight: are there stopovers, can you get a window seat, are there any discounts on your ticket. Use our selection of phrases to order tickets in English.

Starting a conversation
I'd like to make an airline reservation.I would like to book a plane ticket.
I’d like to book a seat to Moscow.I would like to book a ticket to Moscow.
One business class / economy class ticket to Moscow, please.One ticket to Moscow in business/economy class, please.
I’d like to make a reservation on the Moscow flight.I would like to book a ticket for a Moscow flight.
I’d like to make a reservation on the 7.45 evening flight from London to Boston.I would like to book an evening flight from London to Boston at 19:45.
Questions about ticket prices
How much is an air ticket to Moscow?How much does a plane ticket to Moscow cost?
How much is a child’s ticket?How much does a child ticket cost?
Is there any discount?Are there any discounts?
Flight questions
What flights are to Moscow Domodedovo?What flights are there to Domodedovo Airport in Moscow?
Is it a connecting flight?Is this a connecting flight?
Does the flight land somewhere before the final destination?Does this flight have stopovers?
Is that a direct flight?Is that a direct flight?
Where do we land before the final destination?Where will we have a stopover?
How long does the flight take?How long does the flight last?
Do they serve food?Will there be food during the flight?
What can I take to the cabin?What can I take with me to the salon?
Wishes for the place
I’d like a window seat, please.I'd prefer a window seat please.
I’d like an aisle seat, please.I would prefer a seat next to the aisle please.
Clarifying questions
Is there a bus to the airport?Is there a bus to the airport?
What time do I have to check in?What time should I check in for my flight?
Where do I check in?Where do I check in?
When is boarding time?When is the landing?
When does boarding begin?When does boarding begin for the flight?

The operator will explain all the details to you and ask clarifying questions in English.

Where will you be flying?Where are you flying to?
What is your final destination?What is your destination?
Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?Do you prefer a seat by the window or next to the aisle?
Flight number 777 will take off from LaGuardia Airport at 7.45 PM.Flight 777 will depart LaGuardia Airport at 7:45 p.m.
The plane starts boarding at 7 p.m.Boarding for the flight will begin at 19:00.
Boarding will start 45 minutes before the departure time.Boarding will begin 45 minutes before departure.

You can call back a few days after placing your ticket order and confirm the reservation, replace the ticket or inform about the cancellation of the reservation. Do this using the following phrases:

I’m calling to confirm my reservation for tomorrow. It's on British Airlines flight 777.I'm calling to confirm my reservation for tomorrow. This is British Airlines flight 777.
I'd like to change my reservation.I would like to change my booking.
I'd like to cancel my reservation.I would like to cancel my reservation.

Now imagine another situation: you were planning to stay abroad for a couple of weeks, but a few days after arriving, your boss calls you and says that you urgently need to return to work. In this case, you urgently stuff all your things into your suitcase and go to the airport to buy a ticket for the first flight. You can use the same phrases as when making a reservation at the box office. Here are a couple more suggestions that you might find useful:

When is the next flight to London?When is the next/nearest flight to London?
Will this flight leave on time?Will this flight depart on schedule/on time?
Can I get my refund for another ticket?Can I get a refund for another ticket?

If you are booking a ticket online, it is important for you to remember a few words and phrases. Let's look at the purchase form using the AZair service as an example.

returnA round-trip ticket
one-wayA one-way ticket
take me anywheretake me anywhere (search for suitable destinations based on your parameters)
search might take a little longersearch may take a little longer
cheapest flight between datesthe cheapest flight within the specified time period
when to flywhen is the flight
depart soonest ondeparture no earlier
return latest onreturn no later than
fly on fixed datesfly on certain dates
I want to stay... daysI want to stay for... days
advanced search parametersadvanced search settings
return to same depart airportreturn to the same airport from which you departed
return from same arrival airportreturn from the same airport you arrived at
stop-over timetransplant duration
outbound timeflight time to destination
inbound timereturn flight time
transfer only inside Schengen areatransfer only in the Schengen area
allow ground transfer between airportsallow ground transport between airports
travelersnumber of passengers
only direct flightsdirect flights only (no transfers)
I don’t mind waiting at the airport overnight.I don't mind spending the night at the airport.
next flight can be next daynext flight may be the next day
show prices prices in...

Arrival and registration

We think there is no need to remind you once again that you need to arrive at the airport 2-2.5 hours before departure, then you can calmly resolve all issues and be on time for your flight.

If you have an electronic ticket, we recommend printing it in advance. In addition, you can go through online check-in for your flight in advance and receive a boarding pass, which will indicate the terminal number where you need to arrive and the seat number on board airplane. We advise you to go to the airport website, look at the map and find out in advance where the terminal you need is located. There you can also find out whether there is a shuttle there and how to get to the terminal faster. These simple steps will allow you to speed up the check-in process and avoid hassle. If you checked in online, you will need to find a drop-off counter at the airport.

Once you arrive at the airport, look for the departures board. On it you can see information about the flight - the inscription on-time (on time), delayed (flight delayed) or cancelled (canceled). In addition, the information board will indicate the check-in counter/desk number for your flight.

At the check-in counter, airport staff will check your documents. If you only have a ticket, you will be given a boarding pass here. Also, upon check-in, you check in all luggage except carry-on luggage. You can find out more about what hand luggage is allowed at this airline on the company’s website.

Are you checking in a vase that you bought as a gift for your beloved grandmother? Then ask for your luggage to be marked “fragile”. Grandma will approve! When checking in your luggage, use the following phrases in English:

Airport staff will communicate with you using the following phrases:

May I see your passport, please?Your passport, please.
Do you have any luggage?Do you have luggage?
You have to check-in your luggage.You must check your luggage.
Open your case for examination, please.Please open your suitcase for inspection.
How many pieces of baggage do you have?How much luggage are you carrying? (number of bags)
Place your bag on the scale.Place your bag on the scale.
Do you have any carry-on luggage?Do you have any carry-on baggage?
Carry-on can’t weigh more than 10 kilos.The weight of hand luggage must not exceed 10 kg.
Your luggage is 6 kilos overweight.The excess weight of your luggage is 6 kg.
Your luggage is overweight.Your luggage weighs more than it should.
I’m afraid, you’ll have to pay for excess luggage.I'm afraid you will need to pay extra for the overweight.

customs control

You have safely checked in your luggage and are heading through customs control lightly. Here your documents will be checked again. To avoid delaying yourself and other passengers, remove all metal items and electronic devices from your pockets and go through the metal detector frame. At the same time, hand luggage is also scanned for prohibited items. Customs officers may use the following phrases when communicating with you:

Put your tablet out of your bag, please.Please take your tablet out of your bag.
Take out your cell-phone and place it on the tray, please.Please take out your mobile phone and place it on the tray.
Take off any metallic items and put them on this tray, please.Please remove all metal objects and place them on this tray.
You can't take this liquid on the plane.You cannot take this liquid on a plane.
Open the bag, please.Please open your bag.
Do you have anything to declare?Do you have anything to declare?
Do you have anything forbidden in your suitcase: drugs, guns, explosive materials?Do you have prohibited items in your suitcase: drugs, weapons, explosives?
Is there anything sharp or dangerous in your hand luggage?Do you have sharp or dangerous objects in your carry-on luggage?
I must confiscate these goods.I have to confiscate these things.
You may pass on.You can pass.

When communicating with airport staff, you may find the following phrases useful:

I have nothing to declare.I have nothing to declare.
I need a customs declaration form.I need a declaration form.
How much liquor can I take?How much alcohol can I carry?
How many cigarette blocks can I take?How many cartons of cigarettes can I carry?
I have only my personal belongings.I only have personal things.

Boarding the flight

Did you quickly complete all registration rounds? If you have a lot of time, go to the departure lounge. And if you have not only time, but also some money, do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting a duty-free store.

You can also walk around the airport grounds. You can find your way around on the map - let's look at the diagram of Heathrow Airport.

public areaspublic places
passenger areasseats for passengers
baby caremother and baby room
baggage reclaimbaggage claim area
car hirecar rental
meeting pointmeeting point
wireless hotspotInternet access point
immigration enquiriesimmigration control
self check-in pointself check-in area
post officePostal office
VAT returnVAT refund counter
hotel reservation centerhotel room reservation center
group arrivals meeting pointmeeting place for groups
game grid activitiesslot machine hall
customs red pointred customs corridor (for declaration of goods)
airline inquiriesairport information service
mezzanine levellowest floor
first floorfirst floor

After walking around the airport, buying perfume, cosmetics and grabbing a couple of bottles of good alcohol for gifts, you hear the boarding announcement for your flight. Clutching your dear purchases and your empty wallet to your chest, go to the desired exit (a departure gate). The gate number is indicated on your boarding pass and also on information screens at the airport. We recommend that you pay attention first of all to the information on electronic displays, since sometimes airports change gate numbers for flights shortly before boarding is announced. Before boarding, you will need to present your boarding pass. Don't lose it: it's usually marked with your luggage check-in number, so you'll need it upon arrival.

While in the lounge, you may hear various airport announcements in English. It will also be useful to understand them:

Tickets and luggage registration for flight number 777 to Moscow proceeds at stand 5.At counter number 5, check-in of tickets and baggage for flight number 777 to Moscow continues.
Flight number 777 of Lufthansa Airlines has been delayed until 7 p.m.Lufthansa Airlines flight number 777 is delayed until 19:00.
Tickets registration for flight number 777 to Moscow is completed.Ticket registration for flight number 777 to Moscow has been completed.
The gate closes 15 minutes before departure.The gate closes 15 minutes before departure.

In airplane

Finally you are on board the plane. Congratulate yourself - you have successfully completed the most difficult part of your flight. Now you can relax and get some sleep. Just before that you need to find your place. To do this, take advantage of the following suggestions:

Where is the seat 15A?Where is location 15A?
Could you please direct me to my seat?Could you show me where my place is?
Could I change seats with you?Can I change places with you?
I would like to change my seat.I'd like to change location.
Could you help me with my carry-on luggage?Could you help me with my hand luggage?
Could I have a blanket, please?Could you bring me a blanket please?
I would like something to drink.I'd like a drink.
Can I have another drink?Can I have another drink?
May I recline my seat?Can I recline my seat?
Sorry, can I get past?Excuse me, can I come in?
I don't feel very well.I feel bad.
I want an airsickness bag.I need a hygiene bag.

Before or during the flight, the flight attendant makes several important announcements. They usually mention the following phrases:

Welcome on board.Welcome aboard.
We will be cruising at 10,000 meters.Our flight will take place at an altitude of 10,000 meters.
Please stow your hand luggage in the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you.Please place your hand luggage in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.
Even if you are a regular traveler, please listen carefully to the following announcement for your own safety.Even if you travel frequently, please listen carefully to the following safety rules.
Please, fasten your seat-belts for maximum security and turn off all electronic devices. Our plane is ready to take off.Please fasten your seat belts for maximum safety and turn off all electronic devices. Our plane is ready to take off.
Make sure your seat belt is fastened.Make sure your seat belt is fastened.
Smoking is prohibited throughout the flight.Smoking is prohibited during the flight.
Your lifejacket is under your seat.Your life jacket is located under the seat.
The emergency exits are located here, here and here.Emergency exits are here, here and here.
Please, put your chairs into an upright position.Please move the seat backs to an upright position.
We are approaching an area of ​​turbulence.We are approaching a zone of turbulence.
Your oxygen mask will drop down from above.Your oxygen mask falls out from above.
Please, remain seated until the plane comes to a complete standstill.Please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.

At the arrival airport

Happy landing! We hope the landing was soft. To make our phrasebook as complete as possible, let’s imagine that you are flying to an English-speaking country. In this case, at the airport of arrival you will need to go through customs and passport control again, as well as fill out a declaration if you are importing goods for sale or goods whose total value exceeds the established norm. In addition, customs officers will ask about the purpose of arrival and place of accommodation. You may be asked the following questions in English at your arrival airport:

What is the purpose of your visit?What is the purpose of your visit?
How long are you planning to stay?How long do you plan to stay in the country?
How long do you intend to stay?How long do you expect to stay here?
Where will you be staying?Where will you stop?
Have you ever been to the USA before?Have you been to the USA before?
Have you filled out your customs declaration?Have you filled out the customs declaration form?
How much foreign money/currency have you got?How much foreign currency do you have with you?
Any foreign money?Do you have foreign currency?

To give a confident answer, use the following phrases:

It is a business trip.I'm on a business trip (about the purpose of my visit).
It is a pleasure trip.I came to rest.
I am traveling the world.I travel the world.
I'll be staying for one week.I'm going to stay in the country for one week.
I’ll be staying at a hotel / relatives place / friends place.I will stay at a hotel/with relatives/friends.
This is my first visit.This is my first visit (to the country).
May I have another customs form?Can I have another declaration form?

The final part of our flight epic is baggage claim. You need to go to the transport tapes and see which one has your flight number on it. Upon receipt, be sure to check the number on your boarding pass and the number on the tag on your bag - they must match.

Unseen circumstances

It’s good if the flight goes off without a hitch. What to do if something does happen to you? Contact airport staff for help using the following phrases:

I have lost my ticket / boarding pass / passport / carry-on luggage.I lost my ticket/boarding pass/passport/carry-on luggage.
I have lost my child.I lost my child.
I have lost my group.I fell behind the group (tourist).
I didn’t receive the claim tag when I checked in.I did not receive the claim tag when I checked in.
My baggage is broken, and some things are missing.My luggage is damaged and some things are missing.
My luggage hasn’t arrived.My luggage hasn't arrived.
My luggage has been lost.My bag is lost.

Prepare all the necessary documents in advance and put them in one folder, which will always be in your hands. You can also purchase a convenient aircraft document organizer. We recommend making photocopies of all documents and placing them in your luggage or hand luggage. This way, if you lose the originals, you will at least have copies and it will be easier for the police to help you.

2. Don’t take anything unnecessary on board

Do not take sharp items with you, such as a nail file - this will save you from unnecessary explanations at customs control. Study the airline's requirements for hand luggage in advance: food items are usually allowed to include baby food, fruit and even sandwiches. Pack liquids in small containers with a volume of no more than 100 milliliters each and no more than a liter in total and place them in a transparent cosmetic bag with a zipper. If you need to take a certain medicine for medical reasons, make sure you get a special certificate from your doctor in advance. It is also worth clarifying whether an umbrella, a suit bag and a laptop are included in the established weight of hand luggage or are considered separately.

3. Language will bring you to London

Even if an unfamiliar airport seems like a labyrinth of the Minotaur to you, remember that there is a way out from here too. Ariadne's thread, or rather, help, will be offered by any airport employee, do not hesitate to contact him. The main thing is don't panic. Once you realize that you are lost, find the airport information desk - their desks are located throughout the building.

4. Practice training dialogues

In addition to the above phrases, it will also be useful to listen to examples of dialogues that may take place at the airport. When you listen to such audio recordings, repeat the phrases, this will help you remember them better. You can find dialogues at the airport in English on the websites and In addition, it is worthwhile to reinforce the learned phrases with practical exercises, for example, on the website, which contains many tasks for those who are going on a trip.

And if you want to feel comfortable on your trip, we invite you to download it - its main character, Alexey Chaikin, will give you a tour of London and help you communicate with foreigners without any problems.

Complete list of words and phrases for download

At the end, we invite you to download a document that contains all the useful words and phrases from the article.

(*.pdf, 312 Kb)

Now you have all the vocabulary you need to speak English at the airport. Try to remember it and feel free to hit the road. We wish you a pleasant flight!